ABSTRAKSeiring dengan berjalannya waktu dan teknologin yang makin
berkembang, perkembangan bisnis telekomunikasi berkembang sangat pesat.
Hal ini menuntut pada operator untuk lebih kompetitif dalam pencarian pangsa
pasar serta dalam memberikan layanan yang terbaik kepada pelanggan. Jumlah
operator seluler yang banyak semakin meningkatkan persaingan para operator
dalam memperebutkan pangsa pasar, baik untuk memperoleh pangsa pasar baru
atau untuk mempertahankan pangsa pasar yang telah didapatkan. Operator
telekomunikasi harus selalu menjaga kualitas serta performansi jaringan
Untuk meningkatkan kapasitas dan menjaga kualitas layanan,
serta meningkatkan kemampuan dan kehandalan perangkat telekomunikasi,
khususnya pada sisi RF (Radio Frequency), maka operator melakukan upgrade
teknologi. Dalam hal ini dilakukan upgrade teknologi pada jaringan akses RF
dari yang sebelumnya masih tradisional V3 BTS ke SDR BTS dengan berbagai
kelebihan yang dimiliki, sehingga implementasi upgrade BTS tersebut
diharapkan dapat meningkatkan fleksibilitas, reliabilitas, kapasitas dan kualitas
Implementasi teknologi pada jaringan akses Telkomsel tersebut
diperlukan karena semakin meningkatnya jumlah pelanggan Telkomsel dan
diharapkan bisa menggalakkan revenue dengan tambahan cakupan coverage dan
capacity yang dimiliki. Selain itu juga berkaitan dengan persiapan jaringan
akses dalam implementasi teknologi 4G LTE ke depan pada jaringan Telkomsel.
SDR BTS diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kinerja dan performansi jaringan
sehingga dapat mendukung implementasi teknologi broadband.
Parameter OSS KPI yang meningkat performansinya diantaranya
Handover Success rate (HOSR), TCH Call Drop Rate (TDR), SDCCH Success
Rate (SDSR), TBF Completion Rate (TBF CR), TBF UL/DL Establishment
Success Rate (TBF UL/DL Est SR), TCH Traffic, TCH Blocking Rate (excluding
handover), EDGE&GPRS Payload dan EDGE&GPRS Troughput.Parameter
Drive Test KPI secara event yang meningkat performansinya diantaranya Call
Setup Success Rate (CSSR),Dropped Calls (CDR), Handover Success rate
(HOSR), Rx Quality, Speech Quality Index (SQI), Rx Level , Routing Area
Update Intra System Success Rate dan Distribusi Trafik Data. Apabila dilihat
dari sisi investasi dengan melihat Net Present Value, Internal Rate of Return,
dan Payback Period maka implementasi modernisasi RF ini sangat
menguntungkan dan memiliki tingkat profitabilitas yang cukup tinggi.
Berdasarkan hasil analisis resiko sensitivitas terhadap investasi disimpulkan
bahwa nilai NPV berbanding lurus dengan perubahan trafik dan tarif, namun
nilai NPV berbanding terbalik dengan discount rate, OPEX dan nilai tukar dolar.
ABSTRACTAs time goes by and with acquired technology, the development of the
telecommunications business is growing very rapidly. This requires the operator
to be more competitive in the search market share as well as in providing the
best service to customers. Many number of mobile operators was increased
competition in gaining market share, both to gain new market share or to
maintain market share has been obtained. Telecom operators must always
maintain the quality and performance of telecommunication networks. To
increase capacity and maintain quality of the service, and to improve the
capacity and reliability of telecommunications equipment, particularly in the RF
(Radio Frequency), then the operator to upgrade technology.
In this case the
telecommunication operator do upgrading the technology in the access network
from the previous RF V3, that still traditional BTS to SDR BTS. With the
implementation of the upgrade V3-SDR BTS is expected to increase the
flexibility, reliability, capacity and performance quality.
Technology implementation in the Telkomsel access network become necessary
because of the growing of Telkomsel subscribers and can be expected to
generate revenue to promote coverage and capacity owned. It also relates to the
preparation of access networks in 4G LTE technology of Telkomsel network
implementation forward. SDR base stations are expected to improve the network
performance so that it can support the implementation of broadband
OSS KPI parameters increasingafter implementation for Handover Success rate
(HOSR), TCH Call Drop Rate (TDR), SDCCH Success Rate (SDSR), TBF
Completion Rate (CR TBF), TBF UL / DL Establishment Success Rate (TBF UL
/ DL Est SR), TCH Traffic, TCH Blocking rate (excluding handover), EDGE &
GPRS Payload and EDGE & GPRS Troughput.Parameter Test Drive KPI event
that increases its performance such as
Call Setup Success Rate (CSSR),
Dropped Calls (CDR), handover Success rate (HOSR) , Rx Quality, Speech
Quality Index (SQI), Rx Level, Intra Routing Area Update Distribution System
Success Rate and Traffic Data. When viewed from the side of the investment by
looking at the Net Present Value, Internal Rate of Return, Payback Period thus
the implementation of the modernization is profitable and has a fairly high
level of profitability. Based on the results of risk analysis concluded that the
sensitivity of the NPV of investment is proportional to the change in traffic and
the tariff, but its NPV is inversely related to the discount rate, OPEX and dollar
exchange rate."