ABSTRAKPenelitian mengenai Komposisi dan struktur serta regenerasi pohon dilakukan di Zona inti bagian tengah Taman Nasional Bukit Duabelas, Jambi. Penelitian menggunakan metode petak dengan pencuplikan pada plot seluas 1 hektare yang dibagi dalam 100 subpetak berukuran 10 m x 10 m untuk pencacahan pohon. Petak 5 m x 5 m dan 1 m x 1 m disarangkan dalam petak tersebut untuk pencacahan belta dan semai. Tercatat 540 individu pohon yang terdiri atas 89 spesies dari 36 famili dengan total luas area dasar 30,837 m2 dan nilai Indeks Keragaman (H’) sebesar 3,97. Dacroydes rostrata tercatat sebagai spesies dengan NK tertinggi (15,80%) diikuti oleh Shorea leprosula (15,58% ) dan Hydnocarpus sp. (14,91%). Shorea leprosula merupakan spesies yang memiliki luas area dasar tertinggi dengan nilai 2,829 m2 atau 9,17% dari total keseluruhan. Famili yang memiliki nilai NK tertinggi adalah Burseraceae (31,60) dan Dipterocarpaceae (28,89), sedangkan famili dengan jumlah spesies terbanyak tercatat pada Lauraceae (6 spesies). Terdapat 9 spesies yang masuk dalam kategori Red List IUCN, 2 di antaranya masuk dalam kategori Critically endangered (Parashorea lucida) dan Endangered (Shorea leprosula) serta 7 lainnya masuk dalam kategori Low risk. Pada tingkat semai tercatat 251 individu yang diwakili oleh 73 spesies dari 31 famili. Pada tingkat belta tercatat 305 individu yang terdiri dari 73 spesies dari 30 famili. Di antara 10 spesies pohon yang memiliki kerapatan tertinggi, terdapat 6 spesies yang memiliki sebaran anakan lengkap di tingkat belta dan semai yaitu Hydnocarpus sp., Antidesma neurocarpum, Shorea leprosula, Mussaenda frondosa, Prunus grisea dan Microcos crassifolia, tiga spesies hanya memiliki sebaran anakan di tingkat belta yaitu Dacryodes rostrata, Dacryodes rugosa dan Symplocos sp., dan satu spesies (Artocarpus elasticus) tidak ditemukan anakan di tingkat belta maupun semai. Secara keseluruhan, dari 89 spesies pohon yang tercatat di zona inti bagian tengah TNBD hanya 70 persen (62 spesies) yang beregenerasi.
ABSTRACTResearch on the structure and composition as well as the regeneration of the trees was conducted in the middle section of the core zone of the Bukit Duabelas National Park, Jambi. Research using the plots method, with sampling an area of one hectare plot is divided into 100 subplots measuring 10 m x 10 m for the enumeration trees. Plots 5 m x 5 m and 1 mx 1 m nested within for enumeration saplings and seedlings. As many as 540 trees were recorded in the plot, representing 89 species and 36 families with basal area of 30.837 m2 and Diversity Index value (H ') of 3.97. Dacryodes rostrata recorded as species with the highest importance value (15.80%) followed by Shorea leprosula (15.58%) and Hydnocarpus sp. (14.91%). Shorea leprosula is a species with the highest basal area of 2.829 m2 or 9.17% of the total. Families having the highest importance values were Burseraceae (31.60%) and Dipterocarp (28.89%), while the families with the highest number of species recorded was Lauraceae (6 species). There are 9 species listed in the IUCN Red List category, 2 of which are in the category of Critically endangered (Parashorea lucida) and Endangered (Shorea leprosula) and 7 others in the category Low risk. As many as 251 tree seedlings were recorded in the plot, representing 73 species and 31 families. 305 sapling were recorded in the plot, representing 73 species and 30 families. Out of 10 species of tree which has the highest density, 6 species which had a good number of saplings and seedlings, i.e., Hydnocarpus sp., Antidesma neurocarpum, Shorea leprosula, Mussaenda frondosa, Prunus grisea and Microcos crassifolia,; only three species had individuals at at sapling stage only, i.e., Dacryodes rostrata, Dacryodes rugosa and Symplocos sp., and one species (Artocarpus elasticus) was not found at both saplings and seedling stages. Overall, of the 89 tree species recorded in the middle section of the core zone of the Bukit Duabelas National Park, Jambi, only 70 percent (62 species) were regenerating."