Seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi, perusahaan memiliki lebih banyak pilihan dalam pemilihan media untuk berkomunikasi dengan pelanggan mereka. Salah satu media yang mudah dicapai adalah media sosial. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menilai interaksi konten yang dihasilkan perusahaan (firm generated content) di platform Facebook terhadap hubungan antara social presence dan loyalitas perusahaan. Penelitian ini dilakukan menggunakan kuesioner yang didistribusikan secara online melalui komunitas Facebook perusahaan, khususnya Ninmedia. Pada periode penelitian, penulis berhasil mengumpulkan data sebanyak 322 responden. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa social presence memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap brand loyalty. Pengaruh positif ini di mediasi oleh variabel social brand engagement dan brand trust. Lalu adanya firm generated content sebagai variabel moderasi, memperkuat hubungan antara social presence dan social brand engagement.
Along with the development of technology, companies have more choices in the choice of media to communicate with their customers. One medium that is easily reached is social media. This research was conducted to assess the interaction of firm generated content on the Facebook platform towards the relationship between social presence and company loyalty. This research was conducted using questionnaires distributed online through the company's Facebook community, especially Ninmedia. In the study period, the author managed to collect data as many as 322 respondents. The results of this study indicate that social presence has a positive influence on brand loyalty. This positive influence is mediated by the variables of social brand engagement and brand trust. In addition, the firm generated content as a moderating variable has a significant effect in strengthening the relationship between social presence and social brand engagement.
Nama : Savira AninditaProgram Studi : Magister Keselamatan dan Kesehatan KerjaJudul Tesis : Kajian Faktor Risiko yang MempengaruhiKelelahan Pada Pekerja Kantoran di Institusi XTahun 2018Penelitian ini menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi terjadinya kelelahanpada pekerja kantoran di institusi X. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Institusi X dengan objekpenelitian yaitu seluruh pegawai institusi X yang bekerja pada bidang Penyelenggara,bidang Program dan Evaluasi, bagian Tata Usaha, dan bagian Widyaiswara. Penelitianini dilakukan melalui pengamatan, wawancara, dan pengisian kuesioner oleh respondensesuai dengan apa yang dialami dan dirasakan oleh responden terkait kelelahan danfaktor-faktor yang menyebabkan terjadinya kelelahan, serta dilakukan pengukuranlangsung lingkungan kerja, meliputi pencahayaan dan temperatur ruangan. 44,6% pekerjamengalami kelelahan dan 55,4% pekerja tidak mengalami kelelahan. Terdapat 3 buahfaktor terkait pekerjaan yang memiliki hubungan yang signifikan terhadap terjadinyakelelahan yaitu faktor jam kerja per hari, tuntutan pekerjaan, dan job control. Sedangkanpada faktor tidak terkait pekerjaan terdapat 1 buah faktor yang memiliki hubungan yangsignifikan terhadap terjadinya kelelahan yaitu faktor kualitas tidur. Namun setelahmelalui analisis multivariat didapatkan faktor yang paling berpengaruh terhadapkelelahan yaitu kualitas tidur. Variabel kualitas tidur memiliki nilai Odds Ratio sebesar14,409, yang artinya pekerja dengan kualitas tidur yang buruk akan berisiko 14,409 kalimengalami kelelahan dibandingkan dengan pekerja dengan kualitas tidur yang baiksetelah dikontrol oleh variabel jam kerja / hari, tuntutan pekerjaan, job control, dukungansosial, dan status kesehatan.Keyword : Kelelahan Kerja, jam kerja per hari, tuntutan pekerjaan, job control, kualitastidurABSTRACT
Name : Savira AninditaStudy Program : Master of Occupational Safety and HealthJudul Tesis : Study of Risk Factors Affecting Fatigue onOffice Workers at Institution X in 2018This study analyzes the factors that influence the occurrence of fatigue on officeworkers in institution X. This research was conducted at Institution X with the object ofresearch were all employee of institution X who worked at Organizers Division, Programand Evaluation Division, Administration Division and Lecturers. The research wasconducted through observation, interviews, and filling out questionnaires by respondentsaccording to what was experienced and felt by respondents related to fatigue and thefactors which caused fatigue, as well as direct measurement of the work environment,including lighting and room temperature. 44,6% of workers experienced fatigue and55,4% didn’t experience fatigue. There are 3 work-related factors that have a significantrelationship to the occurrence of fatigue, such as working hours per day, job demands,and job control. While for non-works related factors, there is a factor that has a significantrelationship to the occurrence of fatigue, such as sleep quality factor. But aftermultivariate analysis found that the most influential factor on fatigue is sleep quality.Sleep quality variables have an Odds Ratio of 14,409, which means workers with poorsleep quality will risk 14,409 times fatigue compared to workers with good sleep qualityafter being controlled by variable working hours per day, job demands, job control, socialsupport, and health status.Keyword : Work fatigue, working hours per day, job demands, job control, sleep quality"Dengue fever is a contagious disease transmitted by Aedes aegypti mosquitoes. WHO reported that south east Asia and the western Pacific region bear nearly 75% of global dengue diseases. The dengue virus poses a global threat affecting 3.9 billion people in 128 countries with an estimated 2.1 million cases of DHF / DSS and 21,000 deaths per year worldwide. In 2015 there were 126,675 dengue cases recorded in 34 provinces in Indonesia, with 1,229 of them dying. The alpha-glucosidase enzyme is a valid antiviral target for enveloped viruses. Inhibition of ER alpha-glucosidase enzyme will interfere the maturation process and function of viral envelope glycoproteins. This inhibits the process of assembling virus particles and their secretions. Inhibition of ER alpha-glucosidase II enzyme is sufficient in antiviral activity of host cells against dengue fever in vitro and in vivo. Fragment-based drug discovery (FBDD) has become a tool for discovering drug leads. The approach first identifies fragments, tiny molecules, which are about half size of common drugs. The fragments are then linked together to generate drug leads. This research used ER alpha-glucosidase II enzyme with PDB ID 5IED. As much as 281 new compounds were developed computationally based on 3D structure of 5IED protein. After molecular docking simulations, toxicity tests, druglikeness tests, pharmacokinetic tests and protein-ligand interactions analyses, three best ligands were chosen namely LB.5 G2D, LO.1 G2D and LX.23 G2D. An LX.23 G2D molecular dynamics simulation showed that three amino acid residues played a very important role in ligand binding to 5IED protein. The amino acid residues were Asp451, Met565 and Asp640.