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Lathana Larissa Adrine
"Latar Belakang: Penentuan usia dental dan skeletal sangat penting dalam perawatan ortodonti. Salah satu metode yang dapat digunakan adalah metode Demirjian dan Baccetti. Penelitian sebelumnya menunjukkan bahwa kalsifikasi gigi dapat menjadi salah satu evaluasi usia skeletal. Tujuan: Mengetahui korelasi antara usia dental berdasarkan maturasi gigi dengan usia skeletal berdasarkan maturasi tulang servikal. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan metode potong lintang dengan 96 sampel berupa radiograf panoramik dan sefalometri lateral dari satu pasien yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi. Metode Demirjian dan metode Baccetti digunakan untuk mengevaluasi usia dental dan skeletal. Uji korelasi Spearman dilakukan untuk mengetahui korelasi antara usia dental dan skeletal. Hasil: Terdapat korelasi sangat kuat antara skor maturasi gigi dengan maturasi tulang servikal pada laki-laki (r = 0,858, p = 0,000) dan perempuan (r = 0,807, p = 0,000). Korelasi paling kuat pada laki-laki terlihat pada kalsifikasi gigi molar 2 (r = 0,850, p = 0,000), sementara pada perempuan terlihat pada kalsifikasi gigi kaninus (r = 0,805, p = 0,000). Kesimpulan: Korelasi sangat kuat antara usia dental berdasarkan maturasi gigi dan usia skeletal berdasarkan maturasi tulang servikal menunjukkan potensi penggunaan usia dental untuk memperkirakan usia skeletal. Namun, terdapat variasi kekuatan korelasi antar kalsifikasi gigi dengan usia skeletal.

Background: Determining dental and skeletal age is critical in orthodontic treatment. The Demirjian and Baccetti method is one of various approaches to evaluate dental and skeletal age. Related research indicates that tooth calcification can serve as a primary diagnostic tool to determine skeletal age. Objective: To assess the correlation between dental age based on tooth maturation and skeletal age based on cervical vertebrae maturation. Methods: This study involved 96 panoramic and lateral cephalometric radiographs from patients who met inclusion criteria. The Demirjian method was used to assess dental age, while the Baccetti method was used for skeletal age, spearman correlation tests were conducted to evaluate the correlation. Results: A strong correlation was found between tooth maturation scores and cervical vertebrae maturation in males (r = 0,858, p = 0,000) and females (r = 0,807, p = 0,000). In males, the strongest correlation occurred in the second molar (r = 0,850, p = 0,000), while in females it occurred in the canine (r = 0,805, p = 0,000). Conclusion: Dental age based on tooth maturation strongly correlates with skeletal age based on cervical vertebral maturation, suggesting its potential use to estimate skeletal age, but variability exists among tooth types."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Citra Novikafuri Adiputri
"Latar Belakang: Di Indonesia penelitian mengenai Korelasi Maturasi Antara Vertebra
Servikalis Baccetti dan Molar Dua Permanen Bawah Demirjian pada Anak Usia 8-16
Tahun belum banyak dipublikasikan.
Tujuan: mengevaluasi Korelasi Maturasi Antara Vertebra Servikalis Baccetti dengan
Molar Dua Permanen Bawah Demirjian pada anak usia 8-16 tahun.
Metode: Penelitian deskriptif analisis ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan studi crosssectional.
Sampel diperoleh dari 90 radiograf panoramik dan sefalometri lateral dari anak
yang berusia 8-16 tahun dengan kriteria tertentu. Maturasi dental diperiksa melalui tahap
mineralisasi Molar Dua Permanen Bawah berdasarkan metode Demirjian (tahap A-H);
Maturasi Skeletal dievaluasi dengan menggunakan metode Maturasi Vertebra Servikalis
berdasarkan metode Baccetti (CS1-CS6). Uji reliabilitas penelitian menggunakan uji
statistik Kappa. Uji Kendall Tau-b digunakan untuk menentukan korelasi antara Maturasi
Vertebra Servikalis dan Molar Dua Permanen Bawah.
Hasil: Tahap CS1 memiliki distribusi paling banyak tahap D; CS2 memiliki distribusi
paling banyak tahap E; pada CS3 memiliki distribusi yang merata pada tahap F dan G,
CS4 memiliki distribusi paling banyak tahap G, CS5 memiliki distribusi yang hampir
merata pada tahap G dan H; dan tahap CS6 memiliki distribusi paling banyak pada tahap
H. Korelasi antara Maturasi Vertebra Servikalis dan Molar Dua Permanen Bawah sangat
kuat dan signifikan (r = 0,829; p <0,05).
Kesimpulan: Molar Dua Permanen Bawah dapat dipertimbangkan sebagai indikator
maturasi skeletal pada anak usia 8-16 tahun.

Background: In Indonesia, the research on Correlation Between the Maturation of
Cervical Vertebral and Lower Permanent Second Molar in Children Aged 8-16 Years has
not been widely publicized.
Objective: to evaluate the correlation between the Maturation of Cervical Vertebral of
the Baccetti method and lower permanent second Molar of the Demirjian method in
children aged 8-16 years.
Method: This research was conducted using a cross-sectional study. Samples were
obtained from 90 panoramic radiographs and lateral cephalometry obtained from children
ages 8-16 years with certain criteria. Maturation of teeth was examined through the
mineralization stage of the Lower Permanent Second Molar based on the Demirjian
method (stage A-H). Skeletal Maturation was evaluated by the use of the Cervical
Vertebral Maturation method based on Baccetti (Stage CS1-CS6). The reliability test uses
the Kappa statistical test. Kendall Tau-b Test was used to determine the correlation
between the maturation od Cervical Vertebral and Lower Permanent Second Molar.
Results: Stage CS1 has the most distribution of stage D; CS2 has the most distribution of
stage E; in CS3 has equal distribution of stage F and G; in CS4 has the most distribution
of stage G; in CS5 has equal distribution of stage G and H; and stage CS6 is has the most
distribution of stage H. The correlation between Cervical Vertebral Maturation and Lower
Permanent Second Molar Maturation was very strong and significant (r = 0.829; p <0.05).
Conclusion: The Lower Permanent Second Molar can be considered as indicator of
skeletal maturation in children aged 8-16 years.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sitorus, Pardamean Robby Andreas
"Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian potong lintang yang bertujuan untuk menganalisis
korelasi antara cervical vertebral maturation dengan dimensi mandibula. Data berasal
dari 90 radiograf sefalometri lateral (49 perempuan, 41 laki-laki), anak usia 8-16 tahun di
Jakarta. Metode: menggunakan penilaian dan pengukuran visual radiograf sefalometri
lateral, dimensi mandibula diukur berdasarkan panjang total mandibula (jarak dari titik
condylon - gnathion), tinggi ramus mandibula (jarak dari titik condylon - gonion
intersection), dan panjang corpus mandibula (jarak dari titik gnathion - gonion
intersection), selama tahap maturasi skeletal vertebra servikalis (cervical stage 1 sampai
cervical stage 6) yang dinilai dari badan kedua sampai badan keempat tulang vertebra
servikalis. Korelasi antara cervical vertebral maturation dengan dimensi mandibula
dianalisis menggunakan uji Spearman. Hasil: terdapat korelasi yang kuat dan signifikan
(p < 0,05) antara cervical vertebral maturation tahap pubertas dengan panjang total
mandibula (r = 0,663), antara cervical vertebral maturation tahap pubertas dengan tinggi
ramus mandibula (r = 0,555), dan antara cervical vertebral maturation tahap pubertas
dengan panjang corpus mandibula (r = 0,510). Terdapat korelasi yang sedang dan
signifikan (p < 0,05) antara cervical vertebral maturation tahap prepubertas dengan
panjang total mandibula (r = 0,453), antara cervical vertebral maturation tahap
prepubertas dengan tinggi ramus mandibula (r = 0,395), dan antara cervical vertebral
maturation tahap pascapubertas dengan panjang corpus mandibula (r = 0,374).
Kesimpulan: terdapat korelasi antara cervical vertebral maturation dengan dimensi
mandibula terutama pada tahap pubertas. Maturasi skeletal dapat digunakan untuk
menilai pertumbuhan dan perkembangan mandibula, sebagai pertimbangan dalam
mengoptimalisasi waktu perawatan ortopedik maksilofasial.

This study is a cross-sectional and aims to analyze correlation between cervical vertebral
maturation and mandibular dimensions from 90 lateral cephalometric radiograph (49
girls, 41 boys), aged 8-16 years in Jakarta. Methods: The method uses visual
measurements of lateral cephalometric radiograph, mandibular dimensions were assessed
from total mandibular length (range of condylon - gnathion line), ramus mandibular
height (range of condylon - gonion intersection line), and corpus mandibular length
(range of gonion intersection – gnathion line), during maturity stages of the cervical
vertebral bone (cervical stage 1 to cervical stage 6) which assessed from second to fourth
branches. Correlation between cervical vertebral maturation and mandibular dimensions
were analyzed using Spearman method. Results: The results showed a significant (p <
0.05) and strong correlation between cervical vertebral maturation pubertal stage and total
mandibular length (r = 0.663), between cervical vertebral maturation pubertal stage and
ramus mandibular height (r = 0.555), and between cervical vertebral maturation pubertal
stage and corpus mandibular length (r = 0.510). The results showed a significant (p <
0.05) and medium correlation between cervical vertebral maturation prepubertal stage
and total mandibular length (r = 0.453), between cervical vertebral maturation prepubertal
stage and ramus mandibular height (r = 0.395), and between cervical vertebral maturation
post pubertal stage and corpus mandibular length (r = 0.374). Conclusion: The
Correlation between cervical vertebral maturation and mandibular dimension is seen
mainly in puberty stage. Skeletal maturity used to assess mandibular growth for
optimization maxillofacial orthopaedic treatment timing.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mohammad Rum
"LatarBelakang: Struktur dentokraniofasial pada anak dengan celah bibir dan langit-langit yang ditangani dengan prosedur bedah, akan mempengaruhi pertumbuhan maksila, namun tidak mempengaruhi struktur dan posisi mandibula. Disproporsional atau kelainan dentofasial dapat terjadi apabila pertumbuhan maksila tidak sejalan dengan pertumbuhan mandibula sehingga untuk mencapai keberhasilan perawatan perlu memperhatikan keadaan pertumbuhan dan perkembangan anak terutama pada kasus yang diindikasikan perawatan orthodonti disertai bedah orthognatik, dimana waktu dilakukan bedah pada saat pertumbuhan telah selesai. Dalam mengidentifikasi tahap pertumbuhan dapat digunakan beberapa indikator seperti usia kronologis, tinggi dan berat badan, perkembangan gigi geligi dan karakteristik maturasi seksual yaitu menstruasi pada wanita dan perubahan suara pada pria. Indikator lainnya adalah perkembangan skeletal yang umumnya dilakukan melalui pemeriksaan foto radiografik. Penentuan maturasi skeletal dengan mengevaluasi marurasi tulang karpal, sangat membantu untuk menetapkan diagnosis dan merencanakan perawatan yang tepat.
Tujuan: Untuk menilai tahap maturasi tulang karpal penderita celah bibir dan/atau langitlangit usia 15 - 20 tahun.
Bahan dan Cara : Dilakukan pengambilan rontgen foto karpal tangan kiri pada 25 sampel, hasil radiografi dilakukan analisa dengan maturasi skeletal indeks. Dari data yang didapat dilakukan uji statistik chi-squere.
Hasil: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tahap maturasi tulang karpal pada penderita celah bibir dan langit-langit pada kelompok umur 15-17 tahun, sangat bervariasi. Pada kelompok umur 18-20 tahun, baik lakilaki dan perempuan tahap maturasi skeletal telah selesai. Hasil uji statistik memperlihatkan perbedaan maturasi skeletal yang bermakna antara laki-laki dan perempuan.
Kesimpulan :.Dari penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan yang bermakna antara maturasi skeletal kelompok laki-laki dibandingkan kelompok perempuan pada penderita celah bibir dan/atau langit-langit.

Background : Dentocraniofacial structure in children with cleft lip and palate treated with surgical procedures, will affect the growth of the maxilla, but does not affect the structure and position of the mandible. Disproportionate or dentofacial abnormalities can occur when the growth of the maxilla is not in line with the growth of the mandible so as to achieve treatment success should pay attention to the state of growth and development of children, especially in the case of the indicated treatment with surgical orthodontic orthognatic, where surgery is the time when growth has been completed. In the growth stage can be used to identify some indicators such as chronological age, height and weight, the development of teeth and characteristics of sexual maturation that menstruation in women and in men the sound changes. Another indicator is the skeletal development which is generally done through radiographic examination. Determination of skeletal maturation by evaluating marurasi carpal bones, is helpful to establish the diagnosis and appropriate treatment plan.
Objectives : To assess patients with carpal bone maturation stage cleft lip and/or palate aged 15-20 years.
Material and Method : Hand wrist x-ray image of the left hand on 25 sample, result of radiograph performed analysis with Skeletal Maturation Index (SMI). The data was performed statistical analysis chi-squere test.
Results : The results showed carpal bone maturation stage in patients with cleft lip and palate in the age group 15-17 years, are very varied. In the age group 18-20 years, both male and female skeletal maturation stage has been completed. The test result showed statistically differences in skeletal maturation between male and female with cleft lip and palate on Skeletal Maturation Index (SMI).
Conclusion: From this study it can be conclude that there significant differences male skeletal maturation compared to female of children with cleft lip and palate.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
"In orthodontics, it is important to assess the skeletal maturity in order to make accurate diagnosis and to plan for appropriate treatment. Evaluation of the skeletal maturity through developmental stages of middle phalanx of the third finger (MP3) and cervical vertebrae (CV) could help in predicting growth acceleration. The methods to evaluate maturity are being developed in order to obtain simple, low radiation and low cost tools for this purpose. The objectives of this study were to identify (1) MP3 maturation stages, (2) CV maturation stages, and (3) agreement between MP3 and CV of 10-16 year-old orthodontic patients. Skeletal maturity of 72 subjects from the Orthodontic Clinic at the Dental Faculty of University of Indonesia was assessed by classifying developmental stages of MP3 as seen in a periapical film and CV as seen on a lateral cephalometric film. MP3 was classified into six stages according to Rajagopal and Kansal method. CV was also classified into six stages as described by Cervical Vertebrae Maturation Index (CVMI). The results showed that (1) at the same chronological age, MP3 and CV maturation stages could vary and the stages follow a gradual chronologic progression; (2) large variation of MP3 maturation
stages was found in 12 year-old females (MP3-FG to MP3-I) and in
13-14 year-old males (MP3-FG to MP3-HI), (3) large variation of
CV maturation stages was found in 12 year-old females (CVMI 2 to
5) and in 12-13 year-old males (CVMI 1, 2, 3 and 5), and (4) an
agreement of 70.8% between MP3 and CV maturation stages was
found in 10-16 year-old orthodontic patients. This study concluded
that besides CVMI, the maturation stages of MP3 could be used as an
alternative method to assess the skeletal maturity in orthodontics."
[Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, Journal of Dentistry Indonesia], 2008
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kurnia Natalia Kusumo
Latar Belakang :Maturasi skeletal sangat penting diperhatikan dalam Ilmu Bedah Mulut dan Maksilofasial karena pada beberapa kasus diperlukan maturitas skeletal yang telah selesai untuk penatalaksanaan tindakan bedah. Kasus tersebut antara lain dalam menangani Fibrous dysplasia, tindakan bedah orthognatik dan pemilihan pemakaian jenis plate pada masa pertumbuhan. Maturasi skeletal sangat penting diperhatikan karena apabila tindakan bedah dilakukan sebelum terjadinya maturasi skeletal akan sangat mempengaruhi pertumbuhan dan perkembangan tulang wajah. Maturasi skeletal ini merupakan usia biologis dari manusia dimana antara usia biologis dan usia kronologis belum tentu sama perkembangannya. Penentuan usia skeletal seringkali dilakukan dengan bantuan radiograf tangan dan sefalometri lateral yang menunjukkan adanya korelasi antara pertumbuhan tubuh dengan tulang-tulang wajah. Kedua analisis radiograf ini dapat membantu memberikan petunjuk mengenai usia skeletal seseorang yaitu melalui maturasi skeletal indeks (SMI) dan maturasi vertebra servikalis indeks. Tujuan :Menganalisis apakah ada perbedaan maturasi skeletal antara kelompok ras Proto-Melayu dan Deutro-Melayu melalui analisa maturasi skeletal indeks dan maturasi vertebra servikalis indeks. Bahan dan Cara : Dilakukan pengambilan rontgen foto karpal tangan kiri dan sefalometri lateral pada setiap sampel , hasil radiograf dilakukan tracing tanpa diketahui asal suku dan usia yang kemudian dilakukan analisa dengan maturasi skeletal indeks pada rontgen foto karpal tangan kiri dan maturasi vertebra servikalis indeks pada sefalometri lateral. Dari data yang didapat dilakukan uji statistik chi-square. Hasil : Hasil uji statistik memperlihatkan perbedaan maturasi skeletal yang bermakna antara kelompok ras Proto-Melayu dan Deutro-Melayu baik pada analisa maturasi skeletal indeks dan maturasi vertebra servikalis indeks. Kedua indeks tersebut dilakukan uji statistik Kappa untuk melihat kesesuaian diantara keduanya dan nilai ρ nya memnunjukka kesesuaian yang baik diantara kedua indeks tersebut. Kesimpulan : Dari penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan yang bermakna antara maturasi skeletal kelompok ras Proto-Melayu dibandingkan dengan Deutro-Melayu .

Background: Skeletal maturation is important to in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery because in some cases required skeletal maturity has been completed for surgical management. The case is among others in dealing with fibrous dysplasia, and the selection of surgical orthognatik use types during the growth plate. Skeletal maturation is important because if the surgery is performed prior to skeletal maturation would greatly affect the growth and development of facial bones.Skeletal maturation is a biological age of humans in which the biological age and chronological age is not necessarily the same development. Determination of skeletal age is often assessed with hand wrist and sefalometri lateral radiographs showing a correlation between the growth of the body with the bones of the face. Both the analysis of radiographs may help provide a skeletal age is through skeletal maturation index (SMI) and the cervical vertebrae maturation index. Objective: To analyze whether there are any differences in skeletal maturation between Proto-Malay and Deutro-Malay assessed with skeletal maturation index (SMI) and Cervical Vertebrae Maturation Index. Material and Method: Carpal x-ray image of the left hand and sefalometri lateral on each sample, the results of tracing both radiograph performed analysis with Skeletal Maturation Index (SMI) on the left hand carpal x-ray images and the Cervical Vertebrae Maturation Index (CVM) on the lateral sefalometri. The data was performed statistical analysis chi-square test. Results: The test results showed statistically significant differences in skeletal maturation between Proto-Malay and Deutro-Malay on both index , the analysis of skeletal maturation index and the cervical vertebrae maturation index. The Kappa statistical test was perform to see compatibility between SMI and CVM, and the ρ value show the good compatibility between the two indexes. Conclusion: From this study it can be concluded that there were significant differences Protomalay Skeletal Maturation compared with Deutromelayu."
Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gilsanz, Vicente
"In the past, determination of bone maturity relied on visual evaluation of skeletal development in the hand and wrist, most commonly using the Greulich and Pyle atlas. The Gilsanz and Ratib digital atlas takes advantage of digital imaging and provides a more effective and objective approach to assessment of skeletal maturity. The atlas integrates the key morphological features of ossification in the bones of the hand and wrist and provides idealized, sex- and age-specific images of skeletal development New to this revised second edition is a description and user manual for Bone Age for iPad®, iPhone® and iPod touch®, which can be purchased and used separately from this book. The App can be easily employed to calculate the deviation of the patient’s age from the normal range and to predict a possible growth delay. This easy-to-use atlas and the related App will be invaluable for radiologists, endocrinologists, and pediatricians and also relevant to forensic physicians."
Berlin : Springer, 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Latar Belakang: Prakiraan usia memiliki peran yang sangat penting dalam dunia hukum dan forensik terkait permasalahan kasus eksploitasi anak di bawah umur di Indonesia. Prakiraan usia menggunakan gambaran radiologis tulang vertebra servikalis pada sefalometri dengan menilai prakiraan usia skeletal telah dilakukan oleh beberapa penelitian terdahulu, namun belum pernah dilakukan pada populasi di Indonesia. Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui kesesuaian prakiraan usia skeletal vertebra servikalis dan usia gigi terhadap usia kronologis subjek penelitian. Metode: Pengukuran parameter dilakukan pada sampel data sekunder gambaran radiografis sefalometri dan panoramik pada dua kelompok sampel, yaitu sebanyak 100 orang dengan rentang usia 9-18 tahun dan kelompok kedua sebanyak 10 orang dengan rentang usia 9-11 tahun, dimulai dengan rumus prakiraan usia skeletal vertebra servikalis yang dihasilkan melalui regresi linier berganda pada kelompok pertama (n=100 orang). Selanjutnya dilakukan uji perbedaan one-way ANOVA dan uji kesesuaian Bland Altman terhadap prakiraan usia skeletal vertebra servikalis dan usia gigi terhadap usia kronologis serta pengujian selisih prakiraan usia pada kelompok kedua(n=10 orang) Hasil: Uji One-way ANOVA menunjukkan perbedaan yang tidak bermakna secara statistik antar semua pengukuran usia (p<0.05), sedangkan hasil uji Bland Altman menunjukkan selisih rerata antara prakiraan usia skeletal vertebra servikalis dan usia kronologis sebesar 0,0000 ± 1,34 tahun, lebih kecil jika dibandingkan dengan selisih rerata antara prakiraan usia gigi dan usia kronologis sebesar 0,0937 ± 1,37 tahun pada kelompok pertama. Hasil uji t tidak berpasangan pada nilai selisih rata-rata vertebra servikalis sebesar 1,04 tahun dan usia gigi pada 2,52 tahun. Kesimpulan: Prakiraan usia skeletal vertebra servikalis menunjukkan kesesuaian yang lebih baik terhadap usia kronologis dibandingkan usia gigi terhadap usia kronologis.

Background: Age estimation plays important role in law enforcement and forensics related to the under age / children exploitation issue in Indonesia. Age estimation using radiographs of cervical vertebrae in cephalometry by estimating its skeletal age had been carried out in several previous studies, but has never been done in populations in Indonesia. Objective: To study the agreement of cervical vertebrae skeletal age estimation and dental age with the chronological age of the research subject. Methods: Measurement of parameters was performed on secondary data samples of cephalometric and panoramic radiographs consist of two groups. The first group were 100 people with 9-18 year old range and the second group were 10 people with 9-11 year old range. Starting from the skeletal age estimation of cervical vertebrae was generated using multiple linear regression analysis (n=100 people). Furthermore, a one-way ANOVA and Bland Altman's agreement test were conducted to the cervical vertebrae skeletal age estimation, dental age, and chronological age. Independent t test was conducted to test the delta of the second group (n= 10 people) Results: One-way ANOVA test showed no significant differences statistically among all age estimations (p <0.05), while the Bland Altman test showed mean difference of 0.0000 ± 1.34 years between the skeletal age estimation of cervical vertebrae and chronological age, which is lower compared to the mean difference between the dental age estimation and chronological age 0.0937 ± 1.37 years from the first group. Followed with independent t test from the delta of skeletal-chronological was 1,04 years and dental-chronological was 2,52 years. Conclusion: The skeletal age estimation of cervical vertebrae shows better agreement with chronological age compared to dental age with chronological age."
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rizdiani Tri Prastiti
"PT Festival Citra Lestari merupakan salah satu perusahaan yang menyediakan layanan Over-The-Top (OTT) bernama Genflix. Untuk dapat meningkatkan produk yang baik dari segi kualitas dan kepuasan pengguna, divisi Information Technology (IT) di PT Festival Citra Lestari mempunyai target pencapaian kinerja yang diukur dalam ketepatan waktu rilis dan banyaknya masalah kritis yang terjadi di lingkungan produksi Genflix. Namun pada realitanya, terjadi keterlambatan yang disebabkan adanya critical defect yang lolos ke lingkungan produksi. Setelah dianalisis dengan menggunakan diagram ishikawa, akar permasalahan difokuskan pada proses pengujian perangkat lunak yang kurang efektif. Penelitian ingin mengetahui tingkat kematangan dalam melakukan pengujian perangkat lunak dan rekomendasi yang dapat diberikan untuk meningkatkan kematangan proses pengujian perangkat lunak. Evaluasi tingkat kematangan dilakukan dengan kerangka kerja Test Maturity Model integration (TMMi) dengan metode pedoman penilaian TMMi Assesment Method Application Requirement (TAMAR). Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode kualitatif berupa studi kasus dengan applied research, dan pengumpulan data menggunakan metode Delphi dengan empat pemangku kepentingan dalam proses pengujian yaitu Head of Engineering, Engineering Manager, dan dua Quality Assurance sebagai narasumber. Penilaian dilakukan pada area proses di tingkat kematangan tingkat 2 yang menghasilkan rating P (Partially Achieved), sehingga tingkat kematangan proses pengujian perangkat lunak adalah tingkat 1 (Initial). Rekomendasi perbaikan proses disusun dengan metode Siklus Deming atau PDCA (Plan, Do, Act, Check). Rekomendasi disusun berdasarkan specific practices pada area proses Test Planning dan Test Environment agar mencapai tingkat kematangan 2 (Managed). Rekomendasi peningkatan proses pengujian yang diusulkan divalidasi oleh Head of Engineering agar bisa diterapkan pada proses pengujian yang dilakukan perusahaan sehingga pengujian lebih efektif.

PT Festival Citra Lestari is a company that provides an Over-The-Top (OTT) service called Genflix. To be able to improve products that are good in terms of quality and user satisfaction, the Information Technology (IT) division at PT Festival Citra Lestari has a performance achievement target that is measured in timeliness of release and the number of critical issues that occur in the Genflix production environment. But in reality, there is a delay caused by a critical defect that passes into the production environment. After being analyzed using an Ishikawa diagram, the root causes are focused on the ineffective software testing process. This research wants to know the level of maturity in conducting software testing and recommendations that can be given to increase the maturity of the software testing process. Maturity level evaluation is carried out using the Test Maturity Model integration (TMMi) framework using the TMMi Assessment Method Application Requirement (TAMAR) assessment guideline method. The research was conducted using a qualitative method in the form of case studies with applied research, and data collection using the Delphi method with four stakeholders in the testing process, namely the Head of Engineering, Engineering Manager, and two Quality Assurances as resource persons. Assessment is carried out in the process area at the maturity level of level 2 which results in a P (Partially Achieved) rating, so that the maturity level of the software testing process is level 1 (Initial). Process improvement recommendations are prepared using the Deming Cycle or PDCA (Plan, Do, Act, Check) method. Recommendations are prepared based on specific practices in the Test Planning and Test Environment process areas in order to achieve maturity level 2 (Managed). The recommendations for improving the proposed testing process are validated by the Head of Engineering so that they can be applied to the testing process carried out by the company so that the testing is more effective."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ratna Aryani
"External fixator adalah metode untuk mengatasi fraktur dengan cara memasukkan pin ke dalam jaringan kulit, jaringan lunak dan tulang yang dihubungkan dengan rigid external frame. Penelitian kualitatif fenomenologi deskriptif ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan pengalaman klien yang mengalami fraktur ekstremitas bawah dengan pemasangan external fixator.
Hasil penelitian mengidentifikasi 7 tema, yaitu respon psikologis, ketidaknyamanan fisik, perubahan pemenuhan kebutuhan dasar, mengalami kerugian finansial, dukungan sosial yang diterima, pelayanan keperawatan yang telah diterima, dan harapan klien terkait pemberian pelayanan keperawatan.
Hasil penelitian ini menjadi acuan bahwa perawat harus memiliki kemampuan memberikan asuhan keperawatan yang komprehensif sehingga pemberian asuhan keperawatan akan lebih optimal dengan outcome yang lebih memuaskan.

External fixator is a method to overcome the fracture by inserting pins into the skin tissue, soft tissue and bone that will be linked with external rigid frame. Descriptive phenomenology qualitative research aims to describe the experience of clients who experienced lower limb fracture with mounting external fixator.
The study identified seven themes, namely the psychological response, physical discomfort, changed in the fulfillment of basic needs, suffered financial losses, received social support, nursing services that have been received, and related client service delivery expectations of nursing.
The results of this research into a reference that nurses should have the ability to provide comprehensive nursing care so that the provision of nursing care will be optimized with a more satisfactory outcome.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
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