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Safira Nurahma
"Latar Belakang Penyakit kusta adalah penyakit infeksi kronik yang disebabkan oleh Mycobacterium leprae. Kusta menyebabkan gangguan fisik, psikologik, dan sosial, yang menurunkan kualitas hidup penderita. Deformitas yang terlihat pada pasien kusta adalah salah satu penyebab utama stigma yang mempengaruhi perilaku pencarian kesehatan dan inklusi sosial. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui profil bentuk dan derajat kecacatan pada pasien kusta di Poliklinik Dermatologi dan Venereologi. Metode Penelitian dilakukan secara retrospektif terhadap data pasien kusta di Rumah Sakit Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo selama periode Januari 2022 - September 2023 dengan variabel penelitian, yaitu usia, jenis kelamin, klasifikasi, bentuk dan derajat cacat, serta tindak lanjut pengobatan cacat kusta. Hasil Pada 83 subjek penelitian, didapatkan paling banyak pasien pada kelompok usia dewasa dengan jenis kelamin laki-laki dan tipe multi basiler. Ditemukan paling banyak pasien dengan cacat kusta dengan didominasi pasien cacat tingkat 1. Frekuensi paling banyak cacat pada ekstermitas atas dan/atau bawah. Tindak lanjut pengobatan pasien cacat kusta menunjukan paling banyak pasien yang tidak dirujuk balik. Kesimpulan Didapatkan profil pasien kusta terkait bentuk dan derajat kecacatan di Rumah Sakit Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo. Terdapat rekam medis yang tidak lengkap terhadap pemeriksaan cacat pada pasien kusta.

Introduction Leprosy is a chronic infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium leprae. Leprosy causes physical, psychological and social disorders, which reduce the quality of life. The deformities seen in leprosy patients are one of the main causes of stigma that influences health-seeking behavior and social inclusion. This research was conducted to determine the profile of the shape and degree of disability in leprosy patients at the Dermatology and Venereology Polyclinic. Method This research was conducted retrospectively on data from leprosy patients at Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo during the period January 2022 - September 2023 with research variables, namely age, gender, classification, shape and degree of disability, and the follow-up treatment. Results In the 83 research subjects, the majority of patients were in the adult age group with male gender and multi bacillary type. The highest number of patients with leprosy defects were found, with the majority being patients with grade 1 defects. The highest frequency of defects was in the upper and/or lower extremities. Follow-up treatment of disabled leprosy patients showed that most patients were not referred back. Conclusion Profiles of leprosy patients were obtained regarding the form and degree of disability at Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo. There are incomplete medical records regarding examinations of defects in leprosy patients."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sarah Mahri
"Latar belakang: Saat ini, peran vitamin D dalam berbagai penyakit kronis banyak diteliti. Vitamin D dianggap memiliki efek imunomodulator sehingga diduga berkaitan dengan beberapa penyakit alergi dan autoimun, termasuk urtikaria kronik. Terdapat laporan kadar vitamin D yang rendah pada pasien urtikaria kronik dan suplementasi vitamin D terbukti memperbaiki gejala urtikaria kronik yang dinilai dengan kuesioner yang sudah tervalidasi Urticaria activity score 7 (UAS7). Namun, penelitian mengenai korelasi kadar vitamin D serum dengan aktivitas penyakit urtikaria masih terbatas, terutama di Indonesia.
Tujuan: Menganalisis korelasi kadar vitamin D (25[OH]D) serum dengan aktivitas penyakit pada pasien urtikaria kronik.
Metode: Penelitian deskriptif-analitik dengan desain potong lintang. Tiga puluh pasien urtikaria kronik usia 18–59 tahun yang memenuhi kriteria penerimaan dan penolakan direkrut dalam penelitian ini. Penilaian aktivitas penyakit menggunakan UAS7 dan dilakukan pengukuran kadar 25(OH)D serum. Korelasi kadar 25(OH)D serum dan aktivitas penyakit dilakukan dengan menggunakan analisis Spearman. Penelitian ini juga menilai kecukupan pajanan matahari menggunakan kuesioner pajanan matahari mingguan.
Hasil: Rerata skor UAS7 adalah 14,63±7,8, median durasi penyakit adalah 12 (2–120) bulan, median skor pajanan matahari mingguan adalah 8 (2–34), dan median kadar 25(OH)D serum adalah 12,10 ng/mL (6,85–29.87). Mayoritas subjek mengalami defisiensi vitamin D (80%). Tidak terdapat korelasi antara kadar 25(OH)D serum dengan aktivitas penyakit (r=0,151; p=0,425), tetapi didapatkan korelasi negatif kuat yang bermakna pada kelompok defisiensi vitamin D berat (r=-0,916; p=0,001). Terdapat korelasi positif sedang bermakna antara aktivitas penyakit dan durasi penyakit (r=0,391; p=0,033). Pada kuesioner pajanan sinar matahari mingguan, didapatkan perbedaan bermakna skor bagian tubuh yang terpajan matahari antar kelompok insufisiensi dan defisiensi vitamin D (p=0,031).
Kesimpulan: Tidak terdapat korelasi kadar 25(OH)D serum dengan aktivitas penyakit pasien urtikaria kronik, namun terdapat kecenderungan peningkatan aktivitas penyakit pada kelompok defisiensi berat vitamin D.

Background: Nowadays, the role of vitamin D in various chronic diseases is a matter of great interest. Vitamin D is thought to have an immunomodulatory effect so it is thought to be associated with several allergic and autoimmune diseases, including chronic urticaria. There have been reports of low vitamin D levels in patients with chronic urticaria and vitamin D supplementations has been shown to improve symptoms of chronic urticaria which was assessed by a validated questionnaire Urticaria activity score 7 (UAS7). However, data on the correlation between serum vitamin D levels and disease activity in chronic urticaria are still limited, especially in Indonesia.
Objective: To analyze the correlation between vitamin D (25[OH]D) serum and disease activity in chronic urticaria patients.
This is an analytic-descriptive cross-sectional study. Thirty chronic urticaria patients age 18 – 59 years old who meet all inclusion and exclusion criterias were recruited in this study. Assessment of disease activity using UAS7 and measurement of 25(OH)D serum levels were performed. Correlation of 25(OH)D serum levels and disease activity was done using Spearman analysis. In this study, an assessment of sun exposure adequacy was carried out using a weekly sunlight exposure questionnaire.
Results: The mean of UAS7 was 14.63±7.8, median duration of illness was 12 (2 – 120) month, median weekly sunlight exposure score was 8 (2 – 34), and the median serum 25(OH)D was 12.10 ng/mL (6.85 – 29.87). The majority of subjects had vitamin D deficiency (80%). There was no correlations between serum 25(OH)D levels and disease activity (r=0.151; p=0.425). However, a significant negative correlation was found in severe deficiency vitamin D group (r=-0.916; p=0.001). There was also significant moderate correlation between disease activity and duration of illness (r=0.391; p=0.033). In weekly sunlight exposure questionnaire, we found that body surface area score was significantly different between insufficiency and deficiency vitamin D groups (p=0,031).
Conclusion: There was no correlation between serum 25(OH)D levels and disease activity in chronic urticaria patients, however there was a tendency of increasing disease activity in severe deficiency vitamin D group
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Erika Nurhandayani Zoulba
Latar belakang: Malassezia sp. berperan penting dalam patogenesis dermatitis seboroik DS . Pada penelitian di negara lain didapatkan M.globosa dan M.restricta sebagai spesies predominan pada lesi kulit kepala DS. Belum diketahui pola sebaran Malassezia pada kulit kepala pasien DS di Indonesia dan hubungannya dengan derajat keparahan DS. Tujuan: Mengetahui distribusi spesies Malassezia pada kulit kepala pasien DS serta hubungan antara derajat keparahan DS dengan spesies Malassezia yang ditemukan. Metode: Studi potong lintang dilakukan di Jakarta dengan cara consecutive sampling. Pada subjek dilakukan anamnesis, pemeriksaan fisis, dan pengambilan sisik dari kulit kepala, kemudian ditumbuhkan pada CHROMagar Malassezia, sub kultur pada agar SDA, Tween-60-esculin, dan reaksi katalase. Hasil : Dari 59 spesimen dengan kultur positif, terdapat 72,1 SP dengan DS ringan dan 27,7 dengan DS sedang-berat. Distribusi M.globosa sebesar 52,1 , M.dermatis 23,2 , M.japonica 7,2 , M.pachydermatis 7,2 , M.sympodialis 2,8 , serta M.obtusa dan M.furfur masing-masing 1,4 dari total 69 isolat. Terdapat 4,3 isolat yang tidak teridentifikasi. Tidak didapatkan hubungan antara derajat keparahan DS dengan spesies Malassezia. Simpulan: M.globosa merupakan spesies Malassezia terbanyak yang diidentifikasi pada pasien DS di Indonesia. Perbedaan hasil dengan negara lain diduga terjadi akibat perbedaan cara identifikasi dan lokasi geografis. Spesies Malassezia tidak mempengaruhi tingkat keparahan DS.

Background Malassezia sp. plays an important role in the pathogenesis of seborrheic dermatitis SD . In some countries, M. restricta and M. globosa are considered the predominant organisms on SD scalp. There is no data about Malassezia sp. in Indonesian SD scalp and its relationship with severity of illness. Objective To identify the distribution of Malassezia sp. of SD scalp and correlation between severity of SD with the Malassezia sp. Methods This cross sectional study conducted in Jakarta, using consecutive sampling. Anamnesis, clinical examination, and scrapping from the scalp were done to subject. Scales inoculated on CHROMagar Malassezia, Saboraud Dextrose Agar SDA , Tween 60 esculin agar, and catalase reaction.Results There were 72,1 mild SD and 27,7 moderate to severe SD. M.globosa was identified in 52,1 , M.dermatis in 23,2 , M.japonica in 8,7 M.pachydermatis in 7,2 , M.sympodialis 2,8 , while M.obtusa and M.furfur contributes 1,4 out of 69 isolates from 59 specimens with positive cultures. There is 4,3 unidentified isolates. Malassezia species was not related to severity of SD. Conclusion M.globosa is the predominant Malassezia species in Indonesian SD patients. This difference may be attributable to the identification techniques and geographical differences. Malassezia species not related to severity of SD."
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Alida Widiawaty
Latar belakang dan tujuan: Akne vulgaris (AV) adalah penyakit peradangan menahun unit pilosebasea yang bersifat swasirna, ditandai dengan lesi pleomorfik berupa papul, komedo, pustul, dan nodul. Pengobatan AV memerlukan waktu yang cukup lama. Penyakit menahun dengan waktu pengobatan yang lama, berdampak terhadap kepatuhan pasien. Kepatuhan pengobatan topikal lebih rendah daripada sistemik. Hanya akne vulgaris ringan (AVR) yang diterapi menggunakan obat-obatan topikal saja. Layanan pesan singkat merupakan salah satu cara yang praktis dan efisien dalam upaya meningkatkan kepatuhan pengobatan AV, dengan pertimbangan prevalensi AV lebih banyak pada usia remaja dan dewasa muda yang merupakan pengguna terbanyak layanan tersebut. Dengan layanan ini, diharapkan pasien tidak lupa menggunakan obat topikal pada AVR. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui efektivitas penggunaan pesan singkat elektronik terhadap kepatuhan pengobatan AVR.
Metode: Studi eksperimen dengan desain randomized controlled trial (RCT) terhadap pasien AVR usia 15-25 tahun yang berobat ke Poliklinik Ilmu Kesehatan Kulit dan Kelamin (IKKK) Rumah Sakit dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo (RSCM). Penelitian ini melibatkan 2 kelompok, yaitu: kelompok intervensi yang mendapat pesan singkat elektronik dan kelompok kontrol. Kedua kelompok diberi pengobatan tretinoin krim 0,05% dan/atau klindamisin gel 1,2% selama 6 minggu.
Hasil: Tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna antara kepatuhan pengobatan AVR kelompok kontrol dengan kelompok intervensi pada minggu kedua (p=0,376) dan keempat (p=0,432). Namun pada minggu keenam, kelompok intervensi secara bermakna lebih patuh daripada kelompok kontrol (p=0,032).
Kesimpulan: Pesan singkat elektronik meningkatkan kepatuhan pengobatan AVR terutama pada minggu keenam di Poliklinik IKKK RSCM.

Background and objectives: Acne vulgaris (AV) is a self limited, chronic inflammatory disease of pilosebaceous unit, characterized by pleomorphic lesions consist of papules, comedones, pustules, and nodules. Acne vulgaris requires a long duration of treatment. Chronic disease with a long duration of therapy usually has an impact on adherence. Topical therapy adherence is lower than systemic. Only mild AV is treated with topical medications. Electronic text messaging is a practical and efficient method in order to improve adherence to AV therapy, with a consideration of the AV prevalence are more on teens and young adults who are the majority users of electronic text messaging service. With this method, patients are expected not to forget the use of medication. This study was conducted to determine the effectiveness of electronic text messaging to improve adherence of mild AV therapy.
Methods: Experimental study, randomized controlled trial (RCT) to mild AV patients, age 15-25 years old who came to Dermatology and Venereology Clinic dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital. This study involved two groups: intervention group who received electronic text messaging, and the contrary is the control group. Both groups were prescribed tretinoin 0,05% cream and/or clindamycin 1,2% gel for six weeks.
Results: There were no significant differences in adherence of mild AV therapy between both groups in the second (p = 0.376) and fourth week (p = 0.432). The intervention group was significantly higher in terms of adherence than the control group in the sixth week (p = 0.032).
Conclusions: Electronic text messaging improve adherence of mild AV therapy especially in the sixth week at Dermatology and Venereology Clinic dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital.;Background and objectives: Acne vulgaris (AV) is a self limited, chronic
inflammatory disease of pilosebaceous unit, characterized by pleomorphic lesions
consist of papules, comedones, pustules, and nodules. Acne vulgaris requires a
long duration of treatment. Chronic disease with a long duration of therapy
usually has an impact on adherence. Topical therapy adherence is lower than
systemic. Only mild AV is treated with topical medications. Electronic text
messaging is a practical and efficient method in order to improve adherence to
AV therapy, with a consideration of the AV prevalence are more on teens and
young adults who are the majority users of electronic text messaging service.
With this method, patients are expected not to forget the use of medication. This
study was conducted to determine the effectiveness of electronic text messaging
to improve adherence of mild AV therapy.
Methods: Experimental study, randomized controlled trial (RCT) to mild AV
patients, age 15-25 years old who came to Dermatology and Venereology Clinic
dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital. This study involved two groups: intervention
group who received electronic text messaging, and the contrary is the control
group. Both groups were prescribed tretinoin 0,05% cream and/or clindamycin
1,2% gel for six weeks.
Results: There were no significant differences in adherence of mild AV therapy
between both groups in the second (p = 0.376) and fourth week (p = 0.432). The
intervention group was significantly higher in terms of adherence than the control
group in the sixth week (p = 0.032).
Conclusions: Electronic text messaging improve adherence of mild AV therapy especially in the sixth week at Dermatology and Venereology Clinic dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital.;Background and objectives: Acne vulgaris (AV) is a self limited, chronic
inflammatory disease of pilosebaceous unit, characterized by pleomorphic lesions
consist of papules, comedones, pustules, and nodules. Acne vulgaris requires a
long duration of treatment. Chronic disease with a long duration of therapy
usually has an impact on adherence. Topical therapy adherence is lower than
systemic. Only mild AV is treated with topical medications. Electronic text
messaging is a practical and efficient method in order to improve adherence to
AV therapy, with a consideration of the AV prevalence are more on teens and
young adults who are the majority users of electronic text messaging service.
With this method, patients are expected not to forget the use of medication. This
study was conducted to determine the effectiveness of electronic text messaging
to improve adherence of mild AV therapy.
Methods: Experimental study, randomized controlled trial (RCT) to mild AV
patients, age 15-25 years old who came to Dermatology and Venereology Clinic
dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital. This study involved two groups: intervention
group who received electronic text messaging, and the contrary is the control
group. Both groups were prescribed tretinoin 0,05% cream and/or clindamycin
1,2% gel for six weeks.
Results: There were no significant differences in adherence of mild AV therapy
between both groups in the second (p = 0.376) and fourth week (p = 0.432). The
intervention group was significantly higher in terms of adherence than the control
group in the sixth week (p = 0.032).
Conclusions: Electronic text messaging improve adherence of mild AV therapy especially in the sixth week at Dermatology and Venereology Clinic dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital., Background and objectives: Acne vulgaris (AV) is a self limited, chronic
inflammatory disease of pilosebaceous unit, characterized by pleomorphic lesions
consist of papules, comedones, pustules, and nodules. Acne vulgaris requires a
long duration of treatment. Chronic disease with a long duration of therapy
usually has an impact on adherence. Topical therapy adherence is lower than
systemic. Only mild AV is treated with topical medications. Electronic text
messaging is a practical and efficient method in order to improve adherence to
AV therapy, with a consideration of the AV prevalence are more on teens and
young adults who are the majority users of electronic text messaging service.
With this method, patients are expected not to forget the use of medication. This
study was conducted to determine the effectiveness of electronic text messaging
to improve adherence of mild AV therapy.
Methods: Experimental study, randomized controlled trial (RCT) to mild AV
patients, age 15-25 years old who came to Dermatology and Venereology Clinic
dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital. This study involved two groups: intervention
group who received electronic text messaging, and the contrary is the control
group. Both groups were prescribed tretinoin 0,05% cream and/or clindamycin
1,2% gel for six weeks.
Results: There were no significant differences in adherence of mild AV therapy
between both groups in the second (p = 0.376) and fourth week (p = 0.432). The
intervention group was significantly higher in terms of adherence than the control
group in the sixth week (p = 0.032).
Conclusions: Electronic text messaging improve adherence of mild AV therapy especially in the sixth week at Dermatology and Venereology Clinic dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital.]"
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Renisa Aru Ariadno
"Dermatitis seboroik merupakan masalah kulit kronis yang ditandai gejala berupa eritema, skuama, dan papul pada kulit yang memiliki banyak kelenjar sebasea. Dermatitis seboroik ringan sering disebut ketombe. Sampai saat ini, belum ada penelitian yang menjelaskan faktor pencetus keparahan dermatitis seboroik, salah satunya depresi. Depresi adalah gangguan mood kronis yang ditandai dengan menurunnya pola hidup dan ritme biologis seseorang yang muncul akibat stress psikologis kronis. Keduanya diperkirakan memiliki korelasi meski sampai saat ini belum ada penelitian yang menunjukkan hasil bermakna. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mencari korelasi antara depresi dengan keparahan dermatitis seboroik. Penelitian ini dilakukan secara cross sectional di Departemen Ilmu Kulit dan Kelamin Rumah Sakit dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo, Jakarta pada 2017. Keparahan dermatitis seboroik diukur dengan Seborrheic Dermatitis Area and Severity Index SDASI , sementara depresi diukur dengan kuesioner Beck Depression Inventory II BDI-II. Subjek penelitian sebanyak 82 pasien dermatitis seboroik. Uji normalitas data ditemukan tidak normal. Nilai median depresi sebesar 5 0-38 dan nilai median keparahan dermatitis seboroik sebesar 2,25 0,25-21. Hasil uji korelasi dengan Spearman menunjukkan hasil tidak signifikan dan tidak ada korelasi antara depresi dengan keparahan dermatitis seboroik P=0,249 dan r=-0,129. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah tidak ditemukan adanya korelasi antara depresi dengan keparahan dermatitis seboroik.

Seborrheic dermatitis is a chronic skin disease with specific manifestation such as erythematous, squamous, and papules on sebaceous glands rich skin. Mild seborrheic dermatitis usually recognized as dandruff. There were no previous studies that explained causal factors that affect seborrheic dermatitis severity, including depression. Depression is one of psychiatry disorders that affects mood chronically, changed lifestyle, and disturbed biological rythme which caused by chronic psychology stress. There were no studies that explained their correlation, despise the fact that there is relationship between emotional stress and dermatology disorders especially in neuroendocrine system that affects skin tissue homeostatic. This was a cross sectional research that applied in dermatology and venereology clinic dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital Jakarta in 2017 to find correlation between depression and seborrheic dermatitis severity. Seborrheic dermatitis severity measured by Seborrheic Dermatitis Area and Severity Index SDASI , and depression measured by Beck Depression Inventory II BDI II. The subjects were 82 seborrheic dermatitis patients. Median number for depression was 5 0 38 and median number for seborrheic dermatitis was 2.25 0.25 21. Correlation trials with spearman showed no statistically significant between depression and seborrheic dermatitis severity P 0.249 and r 0.129. Conclusion, this research showed there was no correlation between depression and seborrheic dermatitis severity."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Albar Abshar Muhamad
"Tumor odontogenik merupakan jenis tumor yang sering terjadi di regio kepala leher terutama di rongga mulut. Badan Kesehatan Dunia WHO telah membuat klasifikasi yang baru terhadap jenis tumor odontogenik. Kejadian tumor odontogenik di Indonesia dipengaruhi oleh banyak hal di antaranya kondisi demografi, sosioekonomi dan keadaan klinis masing-masing individu. Penelitian mengenai tumor odontogenik masih sangat sedikit dilakukan di Indonesia sehingga penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui frekuensi dan distribusi tumor odontogenik di Indonesia periode 2012-2015. Analisis dilakukan pada 118 rekam medik pasin tumor odontogenik. Frekuensi dan distribusi dilihat berdasarkan umur, jenis kelamin, lokasi, pekerjaan, pendidikan, diagnosis tumor, jenis perawatan, spesialisi, gambaran histopatologis, lama rawat inap dan tingkat rekurensi. Mayoritas pasien berusia 31-40 tahun 26,27. Tumor odontogenik ditemukan lebih banyak pada laki-laki dengan rasio 1.03:1. Tingkat pendidikan paling banyak adalah tamat SMA, 35 pasien 29,67. Mayoritas pasien tidak bekerja sebanyak 26 pasien 22,03. Ameloblastoma merupakan jenis tumor paling banyak yaitu 101 kasus 85,60. Tumor odontogenik paling banyak ditemukan di rahang bawah sebanyak 102 kasus 86,44. Penanganan tumor paling banyak dilakukan oleh spesialis bedah mulut sebanyak 91 kasus 77,12. Rata-rata lama rawat inap pasien adalah 9,87 7,60 hari. Terjadi 15 kasus rekurensi pada jenis tumor ameloblastoma.

Odontogenic tumor is a common tumor in the head and neck regio especially oral cavity. World Health Organization WHO in 2005 currently reclassify the classification of tumor odontogenic. The incidence of the odontogenic tumor in Indonesia were depends on demographic conditions, socio economic and clinical condition of the patients. The research about odontogenic in Indonesia are currently limited so this research are conducted to see the frequency and distribution of odontogenic tumor in Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo General Hospital from 2012 2015. 118 medical records was analyzed. Frequency and distribution analyzed concerning age, gender, location of tumor, educational level, occupation, diagnosis, treatment, specialization, histopatologic type, length of stay, and reccurent rate. Most of the patients were 31 40 years old in age 26,27. Odontogenic tumor mostly happen in man with ratio 1.03 1. The educational level of the patients mostly are graduated high school student 29,67 and mostly are not work 22,03. Ameloblastoma is the most common odontogenic tumor 85,60. Mandible is the common site of the odontogenic tumor 86,44. The treatment of the odontogenic tumor mostly done by the oral and maxillofacial surgeon 77,12. Mean of patient length of stay were 9,87 7,60 days. "
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui profil kesehatan gigi mulut serta distribusi frekuensi sosioekonomi dan perilaku dari pasien diabetes melitus tipe 2 di RSCM. Studi potong lintang ini dilakukan dengan memberikan kuesioner pada 70 orang pasien dan dianalisis menggunakan uji Pearson. Hasil uji tersebut tidak menunjukkan hubungan bermakna antara pengetahuan, sikap, durasi, dan sosioekonomi pasien terhadap status kesehatan gigi dan mulut (p>0,05). Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan kurangnya pengetahuan pasien diabetes melitus terhadap dampak diabetes melitus terhadap kesehatan gigi dan mulut sedangkan pengetahuan tentang komplikasi diabetes baik. Dari hasil pemeriksaan klinis dapat disimpulkan bahwa kesehatan gigi dan mulut pasien diabetes kurang memuaskan.

The purpose of this study is to obtain information about the oral health profile, socioeconomic status and dental behavior of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus patients in RSCM. A cross sectional study was conducted by giving out questionnaire to 70 diabetic patients and were analyzed by Pearson test. There are no significant correlation between diabetic patients’ knowledge, dental behavior, diabetes duration, and socioeconomic status to oral health status. This study showed that patients had lack of awareness of diabetes effects on oral health but good in diabetes complications. From the clinical examination, diabetic patients’ oral health status were not good."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Cissie Nugraha
"Rumah sakit harus selalu berusaha untu.k meningkatkan mutu pelayanannya kepada pasien untuk menjadi yang terbaik di era globalisasi saat ini, Salah satu upaya untuk mengukut mutu pelayanan kesebatan adalah dengan mengukur kepuasan pasien. Saat ini beJum ada instrumen yang sahih dan handal untuk mengukur kepuasan pasien di lnsta1asi Rawat Jalan Poliklinik Kulit dan Kelamin RSCM.
Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mendapatkan instrumen yang sahih dan handa1, untuk mendapatkan gambaran karakteristik pasien dan tingkat kepuasan pasien. Jenis penelitian berupa kualitatif dan kuantitatif dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Sampel dipilih secara acak dengan menggunakan metode systemaric random sampling, Metode pengukuran kepuasan dengan menggunakan konsep ServQual.
Penelitian ini menghasilkan instrumen yang sahih dan handal untuk mengukur kepuasan pasien, dengan nilai corrected item total correlation dan Crombach S alpha > 0,361, dan mempunyai bubungan yang kuat dan sempurna (r > 0.5). Sebagian besar responden memiliki persepsi baik terhadsp cilta RS (68,4%). persepsi mabal terhadap tarif(89,55%), ingin kembali berobat ke Poliklinik Kulit dan Kelamin RSCM (86,5%) dan ingin merekomendasikan kepada teman atau keluarga (84,2%). Responden yang puas adalab 18,8% dan yang Hdak puas adalah 81.2%. Nilai kapuasan tertinggi didapat pada aspek empati (0,84) dan teretulah pada aspek ketanggapan (0,80).
Diperlihatkan juga adanya bubungan antara persepsi responden terhadap citra RS dengan tingkat kapuason (p=0.036), kepuasan dengan keinginan berobat kembali (p=0.024), kepuasan dengan keinginan merekomendasikan (p=O,Ol3), persepsi terhadap citra RS dengan keinginan berobat kembali (p=O,OOO), persepsi terhadap klinik RS dengan keinginan merekomendasikan klinik."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2007
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mursid Fadli
Acute limb ischemia (ALI) adalah kondisi serius yang ditandai dengan penurunan
yang cepat dan mendadak dari perfusi tungkai. 1 Di Amerika Serikat insiden Acute leg
ischemia diperkirakan terjadi 14 per 100.000 penduduk per tahun, sedangkan Acute
arm ischemia seperlimanya. Penyebab utama dari Acute limb ischemia ini lebih dari
90 % adalah thromboemboli. 2 Acute limb ischemia merupakan salah satu tantangan
terberat, penilaian awal dan assestment penting, karena kesalahan diagnosis dapat
mengakibatkan amputasi pada pasien atau bahkan kematian.
Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif retrospektif. Dilakukan di Rumah Sakit Cipto
Mangunkusumo (RSCM), dengan mengumpulkan data rekam medis pada pasienpasien
dengan ALI di divisi Vaskuler dan Endovaskuler periode 1 Januari 2009 – 31
Desember 2011. Kriteria inklusi meliputi semua pasien ALI yang sudah didiagnosis
secara pasti dan dilakukan tindakan operasi. Kriteria eksklusi meliputi pasien ALI
yang tidak memiliki data rekam medis lengkap.
Dari 32 kasus ALI yang dirawat di Divisi Vaskuler dan Endovaskuler, didapatkan 22
kasus (69 %) laki-laki dan 10 kasus (31 %) perempuan. Usia terbanyak pada
kelompok umur 40 – 60 tahun sebanyak 17 kasus (53 %). Untuk penyebab ALI yang
paling sering yaitu thrombus sebanyak 19 pasien (59 %). Faktor resiko yang paling
sering adalah pasien dengan atherosklerosis sebanyak 18 pasien. Sebanyak 16 pasien
(50 %) datang ke RS sudah masuk dalam klasifikasi III ALI. Sebanyak 26 pasien (81
%) terkena pada ekstremitas bawah dan sebanyak 6 pasien (19 %) terkena pada
ekstremitas atas. Dari data didapatkan 3 pasien yang meninggal.
Manajemen terhadap ALI tetap menjadi tantangan, karena melibatkan salah satu
jalur keputusan yang paling kompleks dalam operasi vaskuler. Pasien dengan kondisi
Acute limb ischemia, sebaiknya dirujuk ke pusat vaskular tanpa di tunda-tunda.

Acute limb ischemia (ALI) is a serious condition characterized by rapid and sudden
limb perfusion. In the United States the incidence of acute leg ischemia is thought to
be 14 per 100,000 population per year, while one-fifth of acute arm ischemia. The
main cause of acute limb ischemia is more than 90% are thromboemboli. Acute limb
ischemia is one of the toughest challenges, initial assessment important, because
misdiagnosis can lead to amputation or even death in patients.
The study was a retrospective descriptive. The study was conducted in Cipto
Mangunkusumo Hospital (RSCM), by collecting data from medical records of
patients with ALI in Vascular and Endovascular Surgery division from 1st January
2009 through 31st December 2011. Inclusion criteria include all ALI patients already
diagnosed with certainty and performed surgery. Exclusion criteria include patients
with ALI who did not have complete medical records.
Of the 32 cases of ALI, 22 cases were found in men and 10 cases were found in
women. Age of majority in the age group 40-60 years 17 cases. For the most frequent
cause of ALI is thrombus were 19 patients. The most frequent risk factors were as
many as 18 patients with atherosclerotic patients. A total of 16 patients came to the
hospital already in the classification III of ALI. A total of 26 patients affected the
lower extremities and 6 patients affected the upper extremities. Three patients died.
Management of the ALI remains a challenge, as it involves one of the most complex
decisions pathways in vascular surgery. Patients with acute limb ischemia conditions,
should be referred to a vascular center without delay delay."
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sammy Yahya
"Latar belakang dan tujuan: Akne vulgaris AV merupakan inflamasi kronik pada unit pilosebasea. Beberapa penelitian telah meneliti kadar 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25 OH D] serum pada pasien AV dengan hasil bervariasi, namun umumnya rendah. Kadar vitamin D diduga terpengaruh oleh pajanan sinar matahari, letak geografis, ras/tipe kulit, dan asupan makanan, sehingga mungkin temuan di Indonesia akan berbeda daripada penelitian terdahulu di luar negeri. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kadar 25 OH D serum dan hubungan dengan derajat keparahan, lesi inflamasi, noninflamasi, dan total lesi AV.
Metode: Penelitian potong lintang ini melibatkan 30 subjek penelitian SP, direkrut secara consecutive sampling, terbagi rata ke dalam kelompok AV ringan AVR, AV sedang AVS, dan AV berat AVB berdasarkan klasifikasi Lehmann. Faktor risiko AV yang berkaitan dengan vitamin D pajanan sinar matahari, penggunaan tabir surya, suplementasi, jumlah lesi, dan kadar 25 OH D serum dinilai pada seluruh SP.
Hasil : Median kadar 25 OH D serum pada kelompok AVR, AVS, dan AVB yaitu 16,3 9,1- 17,8 ng/mL, 12,7 9,6-15,6 ng/mL, dan 9,35 4,9-10,9 ng/mL Median pada kelompok AVR dan AVS lebih tinggi dibandingkan AVB.

Background and objective: Acne vulgaris AV is chronic inflammation of pilosebaceous units. Several studies have investigated the levels of serum 25 hydroxyvitamin D 25 OH D in AV patients with varying outcomes, but mostly decreased. Vitamin D levels are thought to be affected by sun exposure, geographical location, race skin type, and food intake, that research in Indonesia may yield different results. This study aimed to determine the level of serum 25 OH D and its association with the severity and the number of inflammatory, noninflammatory, and total AV lesions.
Methods: This cross sectional study included 30 patients. Subjects were recruited by consecutive sampling, grouped equally into mild, moderate, and severe AV based on Lehmann's classification. The risk factors for inadequate vitamin D such as sun exposures, sunscreen, and suplements, the number of lesions, and serum 25 OH D levels were assessed on all subjects.
Results: The median concentrations of serum 25 OH D in the three groups were respectively 16.3 9.1 17.8 ng mL, 12.7 9.6 15.6 ng mL, and 9.35 4.9 10.9 ng mL p.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
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