Penerapan teknologi sensor berbasis IoT dalam pemantauan ketinggian air sungai harapannya akan meningkatkan efisiensi pengumpulan data ketinggian air. Penelitian ini akan membandingkan hasil pengukuran ketinggian air di Sungai Ciliwung lebih tepatnya pada PS. Depok. Perbandingan yang dilakukan akan menunjukkan seberapa besar kesepakatan dan kinerja dari metode sensor elektromagnetik berbasis IoT dan metode konvensional peilschaal. Data pengukuran air sungai metode konvensional didapatkan dari BBWS (Balai Besar Wilayah Sungai) Ciliwung Cisadane. Sementara, hasil pengukuran ketinggian air sungai metode sensor berbasis IoT didapatkan dari sistem PANTIR (Pemantau Tinggi Muka Air) dari Departemen Geosains FMIPA Universitas Indonesia.
It is hoped that the application of sensor technology in monitoring river water levels will increase the efficiency of collecting water level data. This study will compare the results of measuring the water level in the Ciliwung River, more precisely at the PS. Depok. The comparison carried out will show how much agreement and performance the IoT-based electromagnetic sensor method and the conventional peilschaal method have. Conventional river water measurement data was obtained from BBWS (River Area Center) Ciliwung Cisadane. Meanwhile, the results of measuring river water levels using IoT based sensor methods were obtained from the PANTIR (Water Level Monitoring) system from the Geosciences Department, FMIPA, University of Indonesia."