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Salman Rodijat
Jakarta: Fakulitas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia , 1998
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Prevalensi cacing-cacing yang ditularkan melalui tanah, khususnya pada anak sekolah di Jakarta masih tinggi. Demikian juga dengan hasil studi ini yaitu 73,72% dan 78,10% pada 2 kelompok murid sekolah Tsanawiyah, Pondok Pesantren Jakarta. Pada penelitian ini digunakan antihelmintikalbendazol dan mebendazol khusus untuk mempelajari efektivitasnya terhadap trikuriasis. Albendazol diberikan kepada 312 murid (kelompok I) sebagai dosis tunggal, 400 mg selama 3 hari berturut-turut, sedangkan mebendazol diberikan kepada 169 murid (kelompok II) dengan dosis 2 kali sehari, 100 mg, 3 hari berturut-turut. Terjadi penurunan prevalensi pada kelompok I yaitu 62,50% menjadi 15,32% dan 15,00%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengobatan trikuriasis dengan albendazol dan mebendazol memberikan hasil yang sangat memuaskan bilamana diberikan 3 hari berturut-turut dengan dosis seperti di atas. "
MPARIN 7 (1-2) 1994
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Infeksi cacing merupakan salah satu infeksi kronik yang banyak menyerang anak balita dan anak usia sekolah dasar. Pada penelitian ini ingin diketahui pengaruh infeksi cacing terhadap pertumbuhan anak balita yang kurang kalori protein. Sebanyak 90 balita yang kurang kalori protein tingkat I (KKPI) dari beberapa posyandu di kelurahan Kramat, Jakarta Pusat diperiksa tinjanya dengan cara Kato-Katz. Anak yang terinfeksi cacing diobati dengan pirantel pamoat 10 mg per kg berat badan. Setelah pengobatan, berat badan anak dipantau selama 3 bulan, untuk melihat perubahan status gizi. Agaknya pengobatan infeksi cacing saja belum dapat mengubah status gizi seluruh penderita askariasis. Mungkin jumlah kalori yang dikonsumsi anak asetiap harinya kurang mencukupi untuk kebutuhan tumbuh kembang anak."
MPARIN 9 (1-2) 1996
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Amanda Halimi
"Prevalensi infeksi soil-transmitted helminths (STH) di Indonesia cukup tinggi, terutama di daerah perkebunan, dan anak-anak usia sekolah memiliki resiko terinfeksi paling tinggi. Tujuan riset ini adalah mengetahui efektivitas penyuluhan terhadap pengetahuan perilaku membersihkan diri berkaitan dengan infeksi (STH) pada murid Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) X, Pacet, Cianjur, Jawa Barat. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain pre-post study. Pengumpulan data melalui kuesioner dilakukan di MTs X dengan mengikutsertakan semua murid, 133 orang. Data dianalisis dengan program SPSS 17.0. Hasilnya menunjukkan terdapat 54,1% murid laki-laki, 41,4% kelas 8, 56,4% tidak pernah terinfeksi cacing STH, dan 78,9% mengetahui orang di sekitar yang pernah cacingan. Tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna antara perilaku membersihkan diri terkait infeksi STH dengan gender (Mann-Whitney, p>0,05), kelas (Kruskal-Wallis, p>0,05), dan riwayat infeksi (Mann-Whitney, p>0,05), namun berbeda bermakna dengan riwayat infeksi sekitar (Mann-Whitney, p<0,05). Peningkatan pengetahuan perilaku setelah penyuluhan tidak berbeda bermakna dengan gender (Mann-Whitney, p>0,05), riwayat infeksi (Mann-Whitney, p>0,05), dan riwayat infeksi sekitar (Mann-Whitney, p>0,05), namun berbeda bermakna dengan kelas (Kruskal-Wallis, p<0,05). Setelah penyuluhan, pengetahuan mengenai perilaku kebersihan berbeda bermakna dengan sebelum penyuluhan (Wilcoxon, p<0,05); tampak pada nilai median yang meningkat dari 72 (20-92) menjadi 100 (52-100). Disimpulkan penyuluhan efektif dalam meningkatkan pengetahuan murid mengenai perilaku kebersihan terkait infeksi STH. Peningkatan pengetahuan berhubungan dengan kelas, namun tidak berhubungan dengan gender, riwayat infeksi, dan riwayat infeksi sekitar.

The prevalence of Soil-Transmitted Helminths (STH) infection in Indonesia is high, especially in plantation areas, and school-aged children are at the greatest risk for this infection. The aim of this study is to know the effectiveness of health education on the knowledge of hygienic behavior related to STH infection in students of Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) X, Pacet, Cianjur, West Java. Pre-post study design was used. Data was collected through questionnaires at MTs X filled by all 133 students. Analysis was done using SPSS 17.0 program. Result showed 54,1% were male, 41,4% eighth graders, 56,4% had never been infected with STH, and 78,9% had surrounding acquintances infected with STH. Hygienic behavior has no significant difference with gender (Mann-Whitney, p> 0,05), grade (Kruskal-Wallis, p>0,05), and infected history (Mann-Whitney, p>0,05), but there was a significant difference with surrounding infected history (Mann-Whitney, p<0,05). Knowledge increase after education has no significant difference with gender (Mann-Whitney, p>0,05), infected history (Mann-Whitney, p>0,05), and surrounding infected history (Mann-Whitney, p>0,05), but there was a significant difference with grade (Kruskal-Wallis, p<0,05). After health education, students’ knowledge had significant difference with before education (Wilcoxon test, p<0,05). The median increased from 72 (20-92) to 100 (52-100). In conclusion, health education is effective in improving students’ knowledge of hygienic behavior related to STH infection. Knowledge increase is associated with grade, but not with gender, infected history, and surrounding infected history."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yuli Warastuti
"Penelitian tentang prevafensi clan derajat intensitas infeksi cacing usus yang ditularkan melalui tanah pada anak-anak usia sekolah dasar di Desa Gandawesi, Kecamatan Ligung, Kabupaten Majalengka, Jawa Barat telah
dilakukan di Laboratorium Parasitologi U.S. NAMRU-2, Jakarta, pada bulan Agustus-September 1996.
Pemeriksaan sampel tinja dilakukan dengan meggunakan teknik Kato yang dimodifikasi (modifikasi baru) clan penyebaran kuesioner pada seluruh
responden yang diperiksa.
Dan penelitian mi diperoleh hasH 90 anak positif mengandung telur cacing usus dari 216 sampel tinja yang diperiksa. Prevalensi cacing gelang (Ascaris Iumbncoides) 4,63%; cacing cambuk (Trichuris trichiura) 33,8%; clan cacing
tambang (Necator americanus clan Ancylostoma duodenale) 11,1 %. Derajat intensitas infeksi cacing usus adalah cacing cambuk 22050 telur/gram, cacing gelang 11550 telur/gram, clan cacing tambang 5550 telur/gram.
Uji Khi-kuadrat ( ) pada taraf nyata a=0,05 menunjukkan bahwa jenis kelamin clan umur anak tidak mempengaruhi distribusi infeksi cacing usus.
Prevalensi infeksi cacing usus menurut jenis kelamin anak clan umur anak adalah relatif rendah (ringan) sementara derajat intensitas infeksi cacing usus
pada masing-masing jenis kelamin anak clan tingkatan umur anak secara umum termasuk dalam kategori berat (tinggi)."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 1997
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi pemberantasan infeksi cacing yang ditularkan melalui tanah pada murid sekolah dasar (SD) peserta program pemberian makanan tambahan anak sekolah (PMTAS) setelah program tersebut berjalan selama 2 tahun. Pemeriksaan tinja dilakukan di SD Selagalas dan SD Cakranegara, Mataram, Lombok, Nusa Tenggara Barat. SD Selagalas adalah peserta program PMTAS, sedangkan SD Cakranegara belum pernah mendapat baik program PMTAS maupun program pemberantasan penyakit cacing. Data bobot dan tinggi badan diambil dari data usaha kesehatan sekolah (UKS) dan data tentang ada tidaknya jamban serta kebiasaan mereka buang air besar diambil melalui kuesioner. Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa prevalensi Ascaris lumbricoides dan Trichuris trichiura untuk SD Selagalas berturut-turut 78,53% dan 63,90% , sedangkan untuk SD Cakranegara berturut-turut 72,63% dan 60,00%. Reinfeksi untuk A.lumbrucoides dan T.trichiura di SD Selagalas berturut-turut 28,,30% dan 51,90%, sedangkan di SD Cakranegara berturut-turut 19,44% dan 50,00%. Reinfeksi di SD Selagalas adalah sesuai dengan kebiasaan anak-anak sekolah yang buang air besar, yaitu 76,00% buang air besar di selokan atau sungai. Bobot dan tinggi badan murid SD Selagalas meningkat setelah 3 bulan pengobatan, sedangkan di Cakranegara terjadi penurunan bobot badan sesudah pengobatan, namun masih dalam batas status gizi baik."
MPARIN 12 (1-2) 1999
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jajai Nugraha
Dampak kccacingan akan mempengaruhi kesehalan manusia, khususnya pada
anak-anak, yaitu dapat menghambat pertumbuhan dan hilangnya kemampuan mencegah
tenjadinya infcksi dan pada anak usia sekolah keadaan ini akan berakibat buruk pada
kemampuannya dalam mcngikuti pclajaran di sekolah. Scbagai gcncrasi pcncrus
pcmbangunan terutama anak usia sekolah dasar harus terus dijaga dan dibina kualitas
SDM nya dari awai, sehingga dengan kualitas SDM yang baik maka roda pembangunan
di Indonesia akan beljalan dengan baik sehingga negara menjadi kuat.
Tujuan dari penelitian ini -untuk mcmperolch infommasi hubungan antam
kontaminasi cacing dalam tanah di tempat tinggal murid dengan infestasi cacing pada
murid besena faktor-faktor Iainnya sepcrti pengetahuan dan perilaku murid, pendidikan
dan pengetahuan orang ma murid, keadaan sanitasi sekolah dan tempat tinggal murid.
kontaminasi cacing dalam tanah di sekolah dan riwayat pcmberian obat cacing pada
Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan cross sectional. Data yang digunakan
adalah data primer yaitu dcngan melakukan pengukuran dan pengambilan sampel
Iangsung dilapangan dan dipcriksa di laboralorium. Jumlah sampcl pcnelitian ini adalan
406 murid di 30 SD di Kabupatcn Karawang tahun 2007, dipilih dengan menggunakan
teknik kluster random sampling. Pemeriksaan telur cacing di dalam tinja dengan metoda
hapusan tinja iodine, pemeriksaan telur cacing dalam tanah mcnggunakan metoda eosin,
scdangkan untuk variabcl-variabel yang lain pcngukuran dilakukan dcngan
mcnggunakan kuesioncr dan pengamatan langsung pada obyek penelitian. -Iasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa prevalensi kecacingan pada murid di 30
SD di Kabupaten Karawzmg tahun 2007 adalah 14.3 perscn. dcngan infeksi pada
masing-masingjenis cacing adalah cacing gelang 87,9 pcrscn, cacing cambuk 6,9 perscn
dan cacing tambang 3,45 persen. Kontaminasi cacing dalam tanah di tempat tinggal
murid adalah 6,65 persen scdangkan di sekolah 13,3 persen. I-iasil analisis multivariat
menunjukkan bahwa ada dua var-label yang secara bersama-sama berhubungan dengan
infeslasi casing pada murid, yaitu keadaan sanitasi tempat tinggal murid dan
kontaminasi cacing dalam tanah di tcmpat tinggal murid. Murid yang tempat tinggainya
terkomaminasi oleh cacing berpeluang 2,859 kali lebih besar terinfestasi cacing
dibandingkan dengan yang tcmpat tinggalnya tidak terkontaminasi cacing. Murid yang
tinggal dengan keadaan sanitasinya yang tidak baik berpeluang 2,125 kali lebih besar
tednfcstasi cacing dibandingkan dcngan yang tinggal dengan keadaan sanitasinya baik.
Dibandingkan dengan hasii penelitian-penelitian lain, pada penelitian ini angka
prevalensi kecacingan (Soil Transmitted Helmimh) lebih rcndah- Upaya~upaya yang
disarankan untuk mengatasi masalah tcrsebul antara lain pemberian obat cacing yang
adekuat, pendidikan kcschatan bagi orang tua, guru maupun murid SD, serta program
perbaikan perumahan, kondisi sanitasiaingkungan lempat tinggal dan sekolah.

The Impact of suffer from soil transmitted helminth will influence human`s
health, especially children. lt could hamper the children?s growth and lose the ability to
prevent infection. This condition will give a bad result to the children ability to study at
school. As the generation who is responsible for continuing the national development.
especially the children who are still in the elementary school. we should make their
human nesource?s quality, the co\mtry?s development will runs well.
The purposes of this research' are to gain informations about the association
between the soil transmitted helminth in the studenfs residence and helminth infestation
on students along with another factor, such as : student knowledge and attitude_ the
education and knowledge of parent?s student?s, the sanitations of school and students
residence, the soil transmitted helminth contamination at school, and the history of
helminth medicine?s distribution to the students.
This research uses the cross sectional study. The data used is primary data, by
doing measuring and taking sample in field, and are examinated in the laboratory. The
number of the sample are 406 elementary school?s students in Karawang in 2007,
chosen by using cluster random sampling technique. The research of helminth egg in the
feces with iodine feces wiping method. the research of helminth egg in the soil with
eosin method, whereas for the other variable, thc measuring done by using
questionnaire and observation directly on the research?s object. The research?s result show that the suffer 'from soil transmitted helminth
prevalence in the students of 30 elementary schools in Karawang in 2007 is -14,3
percent, with infection on each kind of helrninths are : tape worm 87,9 percent, whip
wom1 6,9 percent and hockworm 3,45 percent.
The soil transmitted helminth contamination in the students residence is 6,65
percent. where as at school is 13,3 percent. The multivariate analysis results indicated
that there are two variables which are together related to helminth infestation on the
students. They are the sanitation of students residence and the soil transmitted helminth
contamination in the student's residence. The students that their house are contaminated
by the helminth has a chance to be infestated by norms 2.859 times greater than those
which aren?t. The student who live in bad sanitation has a chance to be infestated by
helminth 2. |25 times greater than student who live in good sanitation.
Is compare with the result of another research, in this research the prevalence of
grade soil transmitted helminth more lower. 'I`he preferred ettbrts to handle these
problems are the adequate distribution of helminth medicine, health education for
parents, teacher and elementary school student, also the housing improvement program,
condition of environmental sanitation residence and school.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wahyu Eko Jatmiko
Sayuran kemangi yang sering dikonsumsi secara mentah misalnya sebagai lalapan, dapat menjadi media transmisi infeksi parasit usus yaitu Soil Transmitted Helminths (STH) dan kista protozoa. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian analitik observasional dengan metode potong lintang, menggunakan 40 sampel sayuran kemangi yang dibeli secara acak dari pasar tradisional dan swalayan di Jakarta. Dua puluh sampel dari pasar tradisional dan 20 sampel dari pasar swalayan kemudian direndam selama 24 jam dalam larutan garam cuka dan air sebagai kontrol. Perendaman ini dilakukan untuk memperoleh jumlah kontaminasi parasit usus. Data berupa jumlah telur STH atau kista protozoa kemudian diproses dengan SPSS versi 20 dan dianalisis dengan uji t tidak berpasangan atau uji Mann Whitney. Hasil penelitian menunjukan 14 sampel terkontaminasi STH, 7 sampel dari pasar tradisional dan 7 sampel dari pasar swalayan, dan seluruh sampel (100%) terkontaminasi kista protozoa. Jumlah parasit usus yang ditemukan sebesar 1780 pada pasar tradisional dan 1550 pada pasar pasar swalayan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna (p > 0,05) antarajumlah kontaminasi parasit usus yang ditemukan pada pasar tradisional dan swalayan Jakarta, dan diperoleh perbedaan bermakna (p<0,05) antara jumlah parasit usus yang ditemukan pada media perendaman larutan garam cuka dan air. Jenis pasar tidak mempengaruhi kontaminasi parasit usus pada sayuran kemangi dan penggunaan larutan garam cuka sebagai media perendaman berpengaruh terhadap jumlah parasit usus yang ditemukan.

Basil is often consumed uncooked, instance as lalapan, but it can be a medium of transmission of the intestinal parasites infection, Soil Transmitted Helminthes (STH) and protozoan cysts. This research used an observational analytic crosssectional method, which used 40 samples of basil purchased randomly from the traditional and selfservice markets in Jakarta. Twenty samples from traditional markets and 20 samples from selservice markets were soaked in acetous salt solution and water as a control study to obtain the number of STH eggs or protozoan cysts. Data were processed by SPSS 20 version then analyzed by t test or Mann Whitney. Result of research showed 14 samples were contaminated by STH, 7 from traditional markets and 7 from selfservice markets, and all samples (100%) were contaminated by protozoan cysts. The number of parasites is 1780 from traditional markets and 1550 from selfservice markets. Results of this research showed, there was no significant difference (p>0.05) between the prevalence of intestinal parasites in traditional and selfservice markets in Jakarta, and there was significant difference (p<0.05) between the prevalence of intestinal parasites by sedimentation method in acetous salt solution and water. Type of market does not affect the prevalence of intestinal parasites in basil, and acetous salt solution as soaking media in sedimentation method, affects the prevalence of parasites.;Basil is often consumed uncooked, instance as lalapan, but it can be a medium of transmission of the intestinal parasites infection, Soil Transmitted Helminthes (STH) and protozoan cysts. This research used an observational analytic crosssectional method, which used 40 samples of basil purchased randomly from the traditional and selfservice markets in Jakarta. Twenty samples from traditional markets and 20 samples from selservice markets were soaked in acetous salt solution and water as a control study to obtain the number of STH eggs or protozoan cysts. Data were processed by SPSS 20 version then analyzed by t test or Mann Whitney. Result of research showed 14 samples were contaminated by STH, 7 from traditional markets and 7 from selfservice markets, and all samples (100%) were contaminated by protozoan cysts. The number of parasites is 1780 from traditional markets and 1550 from selfservice markets. Results of this research showed, there was no significant difference (p>0.05) between the prevalence of intestinal parasites in traditional and selfservice markets in Jakarta, and there was significant difference (p<0.05) between the prevalence of intestinal parasites by sedimentation method in acetous salt solution and water. Type of market does not affect the prevalence of intestinal parasites in basil, and acetous salt solution as soaking media in sedimentation method, affects the prevalence of parasites.;Basil is often consumed uncooked, instance as lalapan, but it can be a medium of transmission of the intestinal parasites infection, Soil Transmitted Helminthes (STH) and protozoan cysts. This research used an observational analytic crosssectional method, which used 40 samples of basil purchased randomly from the traditional and selfservice markets in Jakarta. Twenty samples from traditional
markets and 20 samples from selservice markets were soaked in acetous salt solution and water as a control study to obtain the number of STH eggs or protozoan cysts. Data were processed by SPSS 20 version then analyzed by t test or Mann Whitney. Result of research showed 14 samples were contaminated by STH, 7 from traditional markets and 7 from selfservice markets, and all samples (100%) were contaminated by protozoan cysts. The number of parasites is 1780
from traditional markets and 1550 from selfservice markets. Results of this research showed, there was no significant difference (p>0.05) between the prevalence of intestinal parasites in traditional and selfservice markets in Jakarta, and there was significant difference (p<0.05) between the prevalence of intestinal parasites by sedimentation method in acetous salt solution and water. Type of
market does not affect the prevalence of intestinal parasites in basil, and acetous salt solution as soaking media in sedimentation method, affects the prevalence of parasites.;Basil is often consumed uncooked, instance as lalapan, but it can be a medium of transmission of the intestinal parasites infection, Soil Transmitted Helminthes (STH) and protozoan cysts. This research used an observational analytic crosssectional method, which used 40 samples of basil purchased randomly from the traditional and selfservice markets in Jakarta. Twenty samples from traditional
markets and 20 samples from selservice markets were soaked in acetous salt solution and water as a control study to obtain the number of STH eggs or protozoan cysts. Data were processed by SPSS 20 version then analyzed by t test or Mann Whitney. Result of research showed 14 samples were contaminated by STH, 7 from traditional markets and 7 from selfservice markets, and all samples (100%) were contaminated by protozoan cysts. The number of parasites is 1780
from traditional markets and 1550 from selfservice markets. Results of this research showed, there was no significant difference (p>0.05) between the prevalence of intestinal parasites in traditional and selfservice markets in Jakarta, and there was significant difference (p<0.05) between the prevalence of intestinal parasites by sedimentation method in acetous salt solution and water. Type of
market does not affect the prevalence of intestinal parasites in basil, and acetous salt solution as soaking media in sedimentation method, affects the prevalence of parasites., Basil is often consumed uncooked, instance as lalapan, but it can be a medium of transmission of the intestinal parasites infection, Soil Transmitted Helminthes (STH) and protozoan cysts. This research used an observational analytic crosssectional method, which used 40 samples of basil purchased randomly from the traditional and selfservice markets in Jakarta. Twenty samples from traditional
markets and 20 samples from selservice markets were soaked in acetous salt solution and water as a control study to obtain the number of STH eggs or protozoan cysts. Data were processed by SPSS 20 version then analyzed by t test or Mann Whitney. Result of research showed 14 samples were contaminated by STH, 7 from traditional markets and 7 from selfservice markets, and all samples (100%) were contaminated by protozoan cysts. The number of parasites is 1780
from traditional markets and 1550 from selfservice markets. Results of this research showed, there was no significant difference (p>0.05) between the prevalence of intestinal parasites in traditional and selfservice markets in Jakarta, and there was significant difference (p<0.05) between the prevalence of intestinal parasites by sedimentation method in acetous salt solution and water. Type of
market does not affect the prevalence of intestinal parasites in basil, and acetous salt solution as soaking media in sedimentation method, affects the prevalence of parasites.]"
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Najmah Muhammad Kuddah
Di Indonesia, kubis sering dikonsumsi mentah sebagai lalapan, hal ini dapat meningkatkan kejadian infeksi parasit usus. Adanya asumsi masayarakat mengenai perbedaan kebersihan antara sayuran dari pasar tradisional dan swalayan. Untuk itu, dilakukan penelitian mengenai prevalensi kontaminasi parasit usus pada sayuran kubis di pasar tradisional dan swalayan Jakarta. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah studi potong lintang analitik observasional. Sampel sayuran kubis yang berasal dari 20 pasar tradisional dan 20 pasar swalayan Jakarta. 100 gram kubis dari setiap sampel direndam selama 24 jam dengan larutan garam jenuh. Air rendaman disaring kemudian disentrifugasi (teknik sedimentasi). Hasil endapan dilihat dibawah mikroskop untuk identifikasi kontaminasi parasit usus jenis STH dan protozoa. Didapatkan 100% kubis di pasar tradisional dan 90% di pasar swalayan positif terkontaminasi parasit usus. Total jumlah parasit usus yang ditemukan 3530/mL(55,5% pasar tradisional, 44,5% pasar swalayan). Hasil penelitian menunjukan perbedaan yang bermakna antara kontaminasi parasit usus di pasar tradisional dan swalayan(p< 0,05). Telur A.lumbricoides terbanyak ditemukan di kedua jenis pasar. Penggunaan larutan garam jenuh sebagai media perendaman bermakna dibandingkan dengan air sebagai kontrol (p<0,05). Dengan demikian, jenis pasar tempat menjual sayuran kubis bermakna terhadap kontaminasi parasit usus.

In Indonesia, cabbage are often eaten raw as salad, it can increase the incidence of intestinal parasitic infections. An assumption of the community regarding the cleanliness difference between vegetables from traditional markets and supermarkets.Therefore, a research on the prevalence of intestinal parasitic contamination on cabbages in traditional markets and supermarkets Jakarta need to be done. This type of research is observational analytic cross-sectional study. Cabbage samples was taken from 20 traditional markets and 20 supermarkets in Jakarta. 100 gram cabbages from each samples were immersed in saturated salt solution for 24 hours. Soaking water is filtered and then centrifuged (sedimentation technique). Immersion in water was done as a control. Precipitated seen under a microscope to identify the type of intestinal parasites contamination, STH and protozoa. As the results, 100% of cabbage in the traditional markets and 90% in supermarkets were contaminated by intestinal parasites. The total number of intestinal parasites found 3530/mL (55.5% traditional markets, supermarkets 44.5%). The results showed a significant difference between intestinal parasite contamination in traditional markets and supermarkets(p <0.05). The most number eggs contamination are A.lumbricoidesfound in both types of markets. The use of saturated salt solution as an immersion medium significantly compared with water as the control(p <0.05). Thus, the type of marketselling cabbage significantly to contamination of intestinal parasites.;In Indonesia, cabbage are often eaten raw as salad, it can increase the incidence of intestinal parasitic infections. An assumption of the community regarding the cleanliness difference between vegetables from traditional markets and supermarkets.Therefore, a research on the prevalence of intestinal parasitic contamination on cabbages in traditional markets and supermarkets Jakarta need to be done. This type of research is observational analytic cross-sectional study.
Cabbage samples was taken from 20 traditional markets and 20 supermarkets in Jakarta. 100 gram cabbages from each samples were immersed in saturated salt solution for 24 hours. Soaking water is filtered and then centrifuged (sedimentation technique). Immersion in water was done as a control. Precipitated seen under a microscope to identify the type of intestinal parasites contamination, STH and protozoa. As the results, 100% of cabbage in the traditional markets and 90% in supermarkets were contaminated by intestinal parasites. The total number of intestinal parasites found 3530/mL (55.5% traditional markets, supermarkets 44.5%). The results showed a significant difference between intestinal parasite contamination in traditional markets and supermarkets(p <0.05). The most number eggs contamination are A.lumbricoidesfound in both types of markets.
The use of saturated salt solution as an immersion medium significantly compared with water as the control(p <0.05). Thus, the type of marketselling cabbage significantly to contamination of intestinal parasites., In Indonesia, cabbage are often eaten raw as salad, it can increase the incidence of intestinal parasitic infections. An assumption of the community regarding the cleanliness difference between vegetables from traditional markets and supermarkets.Therefore, a research on the prevalence of intestinal parasitic contamination on cabbages in traditional markets and supermarkets Jakarta need to be done. This type of research is observational analytic cross-sectional study.
Cabbage samples was taken from 20 traditional markets and 20 supermarkets in Jakarta. 100 gram cabbages from each samples were immersed in saturated salt solution for 24 hours. Soaking water is filtered and then centrifuged (sedimentation technique). Immersion in water was done as a control. Precipitated seen under a microscope to identify the type of intestinal parasites contamination, STH and protozoa. As the results, 100% of cabbage in the traditional markets and 90% in supermarkets were contaminated by intestinal parasites. The total number of intestinal parasites found 3530/mL (55.5% traditional markets, supermarkets 44.5%). The results showed a significant difference between intestinal parasite contamination in traditional markets and supermarkets(p <0.05). The most number eggs contamination are A.lumbricoidesfound in both types of markets.
The use of saturated salt solution as an immersion medium significantly compared with water as the control(p <0.05). Thus, the type of marketselling cabbage significantly to contamination of intestinal parasites.]"
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Moh. lchsan Sudjarno
"Salah satu upaya untuk mencegah penyakit adalah menjaga kualitas lingkungan agar tetap pada kondisi yang sehat. Kualitas lingkungan yang sehat adalah keadaan lingkungan yang bebas dari risiko kesehatan dan keselamatan hidup manusia. Beberapa penyakit berbasis lingkungan antara lain adalah diare, TB paru, demam berdarah dan kecacingan. Prevalensi penyakit kecacingan di Indonesia masih tinggi. Selain itu penyakit kecacingan paling banyak ditemukan di daerah yang keadaan sanitasinya buruk. Prevalensi kecacingan dipengaruhi oleh tingginya pencemaran telur cacing pada tanah permukaan di lingkungan perumahan penduduk.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui besarnya pencemaran tanah oleh telur cacing dan faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan pencemaran tanah oleh telur cacing pada lingkungan perumahan penduduk. Disain penelitian adalah Cross sectional, dengan unit analisa rumah tangga, besar sampel sama dengan total populasi (404 rumah) dari seluruh rumah yang memiliki jamban yang pembangunannya dibantu oleh pemerintah daerah.
Hasil analisa multivariat diperoleh gambaran tentang besarnya risiko untuk terjadinya pencemaran tanah di lingkungan perumahan yaitu : (1) OR pemanfaatan jamban 4,89 (95%CI; 3,07 - 7,78), (2) OR genangan air hujan 2,10 (95%CI; 1,22- 3,62), (3) OR kebersihan jamban 2,77 (95%CI; 1,63-4,69).

Factors Related to Contamination of Soil Transmitted Helminth in Housing Area in Walantaka Sub District, Serang Regency, The Year 1999.One of the effort to prevent any diseases is to permanently maintain the quality of environmental in a good manner. The quality of the environmental health is the condition that guarantees the absence from the risk of health and safety hazards for human life. Several infections diseases are closely related to environmental condition for example: diarrhea, pneumonia, tuberculosis, and dengue hemorrhagic fever and soil transmitted helminth. The prevalence disease of causal by soil transmitted helminth remain high in Indonesia, and mostly prevalent in the areas with poor sanitary condition. The high level of soil contamination by eggs of the intestinal namatode in the housing influences the prevalence level of diseases by soil transmitted helminth.
The objective of this study is to identify the magnitude of soil contamination with eggs of intestinal nematode and factors related to the environment of community housing. The research design is cross sectional carried out among 404 households.
The result of the multivariate analysis showed that the risk factors of soil contamination by eggs of intestinal nematode in housing area are as follows : (1) not using latrine has the highest level of risk OR = 4,89 (95 % CI : 3,07 - 7,78), (2) The cleanliness of Iatrine risk is OR = 2,77 (95 % CI : 1,63 - 4,69), (3) The stagnant of rain water risk is OR = 2,10 (95 % CI : 1,22 - 3,62)."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2000
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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