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Aris Tri Yunarko
"Tesis ini membahas tentang Manajemen Sekuriti Fisik di Emporium Pluit Mall Jakarta. Fokus penulisan tesis ini adalah bahwa pengamanan pusat perbelanjaan Emporium Pluit Mall menggunakan dua perusahaan alih daya (out sourcing) Kopkar APG dan PT. Metropolitan Jaya Sukses (Jakarta Security).. Sedangkan penelitian ini ditulis dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan pengamatan, wawancara tersturktur, dan studi pustaka. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Kegiatan pengamanan pusat di perbelanjaan Emporium Pluit Mall dilakukan oleh tenaga Satuan Pengamanan (Satpam) yang berasal dari tenaga Outsorcing Kopkar APG dan PT. Metropolitan Jaya Sukses (Jakarta Security). Kegiatan pengamanan yang dilakukan berlangsung selama 24 jam penuh, dan sistem pelaksanaannya berpedoman pada standar pengamanan baku yang telah ditetapkan oleh manajemen gedung.
Langkah-langkah kegiatan pengamanan antara lain : (1) penyusunan Rencana Kegiatan Pengamanan, yang disusun setiap tahun oleh chief security, (2) kegiatan koordinasi, (3) Kegiatan pengawasan,(4) Pelaporan dan Evaluasi, yaitu seluruh hasil kegiatan pengamanan yang telah dilakukan dalam bentuk: (a) laporan rutin; (b) Laporan berkala dan (c) Laporan penanganan kejadian kasus yang terjadi, (5) pengamanan Emporium Pluit Mall mendapatkan pengawasan dari Polsek Metro Penjaringan.
Implikasi yang dapat dilakukan (1) diperlukan suatu manajemen pengamanan fisik dan sistematik dan logis sesuai dengan kaidah organisasi pengamanan modern. (2) perlunya ketersediaan perlengkapan pengamanan yang sebaiknya dimanfaatkan secara optimal (3) penambahan jumlah peralatan keamanan yang tersedia saat ini (4) Peningkatan teknologi pengamanan fisik (5) peningkatan koordinasi dengan pihak kepolisian terutama Pos Polisi di sekitar Emporium Pluit Mall maupun Polsek Metro Penjaringan.

This thesis discusses the Physical Security Management at Emporium Pluit Mall Jakarta. The focus of this thesis is that the security of Emporium Pluit Mall shopping center using two outsourcing companies (out sourcing) Kopkar APG and PT. Success Metropolitan Jaya (Jakarta Security). This research is written using a qualitative approach. Data was collected through observation, structured interviews, and literature. The results showed that activity in the shoppi center security Emporium Pluit Mall performed by trained security guards (guard) which is derived from the power outsorcing Kopkar APG and PT. Success Metropolitan Jaya (Jakarta Security). Security activities that do take place for 24 hours, and the system implementation is based on the basic security standards established by the building management.
Protective activity measures include: (1) preparation of Safety Action Plan, which is compiled every year by the chief of security, (2) the coordination of activities, (3) control activities, (4) Reporting and Evaluation, the entire results of the safeguards that have been done in the form of: (a) regular reports; (b) Periodic reports and (c) report the incident handling the case. (5) Emporium Pluit Mall security gain control of Police Metro Penjaringan.
Implications to do (1) required a systematic management and physical security and logical security in accordance with the rules of the modern organization. (2) the need for the availability of safety equipment that should be used optimally (3) increasing the number of security tools that are available today (4) Improvement of physical security technology (5) an increase in coordination with the police, especially around the Police Station and Emporium Pluit Mall Metro Police Sector Penjaringan.
Depok: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kurniawan Tandi Rongre
"Tesis ini memuat hasil penelitian manajemen sekuriti fisik PT Semen Tonasa
Pangkep. Sebagai perusahaan obyek vital nasional, PT Semen Tonasa
menghadapi resiko tinggi terhadap potensi gangguan kemanan. Penciptaan rasa
aman di PT Semen Tonasa sangat tergantung pada penyelenggaraan manajemen
sekuriti fisik perusahaan dengan atau tapa menggunakan jasa pengamanan.
Penelitian ini mencoba mengungkap dan menganalisa efektivitas penyelenggaraan
manajemen sekuriti fisik PT Semen Tonasa dan kendala yang dihadapai.
Berdasarkan analisa tersebut dicoba menawarkan manajemen sekuriti fisik yang
ideal untuk diterapkan di PT Semen Tonasa. Penelitian dilakukan dengan
menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif berfokus pada etnografi, pendekatan yuridis
manajerial dan dianalisis secara deskriptif dengan menggunakan teori-teori terkait
bidang : Manajemen, CPTED, Sekuriti Fisik, CCTV, Community Development
dan Analisis SWOT. Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa masih terjadi
peningkatan gangguan keamanan terhadap perusahaan, terutama pencurian dan
unjuk rasa. Hal ini terjadi karena sistem manajemen sekuriti fisik di PT Semen
Tonasa belum secara efektif mengintegrasikan fungsi-fungsi unit-unit sekuriti
internal Perusahaan dan Kepolisian. Dengan demikian disarankan supaya PT
Semen Tonasa mengintensifkan dan memberdayakan unit sekuriti internal dan
eksternal melalui program-program pelatihan. Sementra kepolisian disarankan
lakukan operasi khusus mengatasi kasus kejahatan melalui penerapan Polmas dan
membentuk FKPM dalam rangka menciptakan kemitraan dengan masyarakat

Sement Tonasa Company. As a nasional vital company, PT Semen Tonasa faces a
high risk of potential security breach. The creation of peace and secure conditions
of PT Semen Tonasa depends very much on the effectiveness of the
implementation of physical security management with or without the support of
external security services (Satpam). The research tries to reviel the effectiveness
of the current physical security management of PT Semen Tonasa and its
constraints. Based on this analyses, the researcher tries to offer a suggestion for an
ideal physical security management to be implemented at PT Semen Tonasa. The
research was cunducted by using qualitative approach focuses on ethnography
through managerial juridical and was descriptively analysed by using related
theories and principles, among other in the fields of Management, CPTED,
physical scurity, CCTV, Community Development and SWOT analysis. The
results of the research show that there has been an increasing number of cases of
security threats such as thefts and demonstrations. Thase have been due to the
ineffective functions integration of internal and eksternal security units and of
police. Therefore it is recommended to intensify and empower those security units
through training program. At the some time police is adviced to conduct a special
operation programs against crimes by implemanting community policing and
FKPM, as the way to develop partnership among the management and
surrounding communities, and Sulselbar Regional Police
Depok: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2103
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Herdiawan Sutikno
Tesis ini membahas penyelenggaraan manajemen sekuriti fisik pada PT Gaya
Motor yang terletak di Sunter, Jakarta Utara. Sebagai upaya melindungi assetasset
perusahaan khususnya dalam kegiatan perakitan kendaraan bermotor yang
dimana bila terjadi kehilangan satu suku cadang saja dapat menyebabkan kerugian
yang fatal di masa depan. Menyikapi permasalahan tersebut, penulis ingin
mengetahui begaimana pelaksanaan sistem manajemen keamanan fisik yang
berlangsung di PT Gaya Motor serta kelebihan dan kekurangan dari sistem
Penelitian ini menguraikan analisis sistem pengamanan perakitan kendaraan di
PT. Gaya Motor yang terjadi berdasarkan teori dan konsep yang ada dengan
menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif ditambah dengan temuan hasil
penelitian yang didapat oleh peneliti saat melakukan wawancara, observasi dan
dokumentasi langsung produksi perakitan kendaraan PT. Gaya Motor di Jl. Gaya
Motor Raya, Sunter II Jakarta.
Konsep sekuriti dengan penyelenggaraan manajemen sekuriti fisik di PT. Gaya
Motor bertujuan mengamankan aset untuk menghilangkan ancaman dan kerugian.
Dari insiden yang ada maka perlu untuk mengidentifikasi kendala-kendala yang
terjadi. Hal ini dengan melakukan Melakukan pemetaan (mapping) terhadap
kasus-kasus yang terjadi di lingkungan PT.Gaya Motor, melakukan interogasi
atau wawancara dengan beberapa karyawan terkait yang berhubungan dengan
pekerjaan dan melakukan evaluasi terhadap pola/ system keamanan yang sedang
berlangsung apakah masih relevan atau sesuai dengan beberapa kasus yang

This thesis discusses the implementation of physical security management at PT
Gaya Motor, located in Sunter, North Jakarta. In an effort to protect the assets of
the company, especially in the motor vehicle assembly activities which in case of
loss of the parts alone can cause fatal losses in the future. In response to these
problems, the authors wanted to know how to both physical security management
system implementation that took place at PT Gaya Motor as well as the
advantages and disadvantages of such a system.
This study describe the analysis of the security system in the vehicle assembly PT.
Gaya Motor is happening based on existing theories and concepts using
qualitative research methods coupled with the findings of the research results
obtained by researchers when conducting interviews, direct observation and
documentation of vehicle assembly production PT. Gaya Motor in Jl. Gaya Motor
Raya, Sunter II, Jakarta.
The concept of security with physical security management implementation in PT.
Gaya Motor aims to secure assets to eliminate the threat and loss. Of incidents
there it is necessary to identify the obstacles that occur. It is by doing Mapping of
the cases that occur in the environment PT.Gaya Motor, conduct interrogations or
interviews with some of the related employees associated with the job and
evaluate the pattern / security system of ongoing if still relevant or appropriate in
some cases., This thesis discusses the implementation of physical security management at PT
Gaya Motor, located in Sunter, North Jakarta. In an effort to protect the assets of
the company, especially in the motor vehicle assembly activities which in case of
loss of the parts alone can cause fatal losses in the future. In response to these
problems, the authors wanted to know how to both physical security management
system implementation that took place at PT Gaya Motor as well as the
advantages and disadvantages of such a system.
This study describe the analysis of the security system in the vehicle assembly PT.
Gaya Motor is happening based on existing theories and concepts using
qualitative research methods coupled with the findings of the research results
obtained by researchers when conducting interviews, direct observation and
documentation of vehicle assembly production PT. Gaya Motor in Jl. Gaya Motor
Raya, Sunter II, Jakarta.
The concept of security with physical security management implementation in PT.
Gaya Motor aims to secure assets to eliminate the threat and loss. Of incidents
there it is necessary to identify the obstacles that occur. It is by doing Mapping of
the cases that occur in the environment PT.Gaya Motor, conduct interrogations or
interviews with some of the related employees associated with the job and
evaluate the pattern / security system of ongoing if still relevant or appropriate in
some cases.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Eka Yekti
"Tesis ini membahas tentang penyelenggaraan manajemen sekuriti fisik Sisi Darat Bandara Internasional Husein Sastranegara Bandung Oleh PT. Angkasa Pura II (Persero). Saat ini Bandara Internasional Husein Sastranegara Bandung tengah menghadapi permasalan over capacity, khususnya terminal dan ruang tunggu keberangkatan sudah tidak seimbang dengan jumlah penumpang pesawat udara. Hal ini mengakibatkan kerawanan letak Bandara Internasional Husein Sastranegara yang berada di pusat kota Bandung dan sangat dekat dengan pemukiman penduduk. Menyikapi permasalahan tersebut peneliti ingin mengetahui bagaimana PT. Angkasa Pura II (Persero) selaku pengelola Bandara Internasional Husein Sastranegara Bandung menjalankan sistim manajemen keamanan sekaligus untuk mengetahui kelemahan pengelolaan manajemen sekuriti Bandara Internasional Husein Sastranegara Bandung tersebut. Penelitian tesis ini menggunakan metoda kualitatif dengan pendekatan yuridis manajerial, serta penulisan deskriptis analitis melalui penggambaran dan penganalisaan. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui observasi, wawancara dan penelaahan beberapa dokumen. Sumber data berasal dari informan berupa data primer maupun sekunder. Tinjauan pustaka yang digunakan merupakan beberapa konsep dan dokumen yang menunjang penelitian. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian maka penulis dapat menarik kesimpulan bahwa dari segi keamanan fisik Bandara Internasional Husein Sastranegara belumlah cukup memadai untuk menyandang predikat bandara internasional mengingat masih banyaknya fasilitas dan peralatan keamanan yang harus dibenahi, selain itu juga kualitas dan kuantitas personel keamanan bandara harus lebih ditingkatkan. Saran yang diajukan merupakan upaya penanganan terhadap penyelenggaraan manajemen sekuriti fisik Bandara Internasional Husein Sastranegara Bandung saat ini dalam mencegah terjadinya ancaman yang mengakibatkan kerugian serta sebagai masukan penyelenggaraan manajemen sekuriti fisik bandar udara lainnya di wilayah Indonesia.

This thesis discusses about implementation of physical security management of Husein Sastranegara International Airport located in Bandung by PT. Angkasa Pura II (Persero) as an effective and efficient efforts in protecting state assets in order to avoid the threat of adverse effects. Nowadays Husein Sastranegara International Airport located in Bandung, capital city of West Java Province has a specific status as a civil enclave airport which means a military facility that mostly used for civil travelling purposes is opposing an over capacity issue. Where those departing terminals and waiting rooms have been not equal to the airport passengers particularly. This matter could ignite security threats and other threats to the facilities, passengers, every assets in there and also endanger the airport's surroundings like military and civilian residences around the airport. In this academic research, PT. Angkasa Pura II as the authorized manager of the airport, researcher intend to observe and analyze the airport security management, human resources and assets theoretically, technically and academically, more specifically its physical security. This thesis research uses qualitative methods with a juridical approach managerial, and analytical writing deskriptis through the depiction and analysis. The technique of collecting data through observation, interviews and a review of several documents. The source data came from informants in the form of primary and secondary data. Literature review that used a number of concepts and documents that support research. The research indicate that PT. Angkasa Pura II should improve their airport physical security by redesigning and implementing their measured decisions and policies. Suggestions put forward is the implementation of physical security management of Husein Sastranegara International Airport located in Bandung by PT. Angkasa Pura II (Persero) in preventing the threat that resulted in losses as well as the input for implementation of physical security management of the airport in the territory of Indonesia.
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ni Luh Putu Anne Parwisti
"Tesis ini membahas tentang penyelenggaraan manajemen sekuriti fisik dari gedung Samsat Pustara dan bertujuan melindungi aset negara dari berbagai tindak kriminal. Tindak kriminal tersebut berupa pencurian dokumen negara ( STNK, BPKB, SKPD, dan TNKB), uang dan peralatan dari gedung Samsat Pustara.
Tesis ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan observasi, wawancara, studi dokumen dan literatur. Dalam penyelenggaraan manjemen sekuriti berhubungan dengan kebijakan dan strategi penyelenggaraan manajemen sekuriti yang berasal dari Top Management. Oleh karenanya peran dari Polisi Sektor Pademangan itu sangatlah penting dalam menangani manajemen sekuriti dan berhubungan dengan Top Management.
Hasil tesis ini menunjukkan bahwa penyelenggaraan manajemen sekuriti fisik di gedung samsat Pustara berada dalam Low Level Security. Ini berarti bahwa gedung Samsat Pustara digunakan untuk pelayanan masyarakat dan terbuka untuk umum.
Rekomendasi dalam tesis ini adalah penambahan, peremajaan,dan pelatihan sumber daya manusia, dan peralatan manajemen sekuriti fisik dan juga penyelamatan data arsip, penanganan kebakaran, gempa bumi dan banjir.

This thesis discusses the implementation management physical security of the building SAMSAT PUSTARA and aims to protect the state assets from various crimes.The criminal acts such as stealing state documents ( STNK, BPKB, SKPD and TNKB), money and equipment from the building SAMSAT PUSTARA.
This thesis uses a qualitative method of observation, depth interviews, documents and literature studies. In the implementation of the management security policies and strategies relating to the implementation of the management of security that comesn from top management. Therefore, the role of the Police Sector Pademangan is very important in dealing with the management of security and relate to Top Management.
The results of this thesis show that the implementation of physical security management in the building SAMSAT PUSTARA be in Low Level Security. This means that the building SAMSAT PUSTARA used for community services and open to the public.
Recommendation in this thesis is the addition, rejuvenation, and training of human resources, and management of physical security equipment, and also archive data rescue, handling fires, earthquakes, and floods.
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Harry Sulistiadi
"Tesis ini membahas mengenai hasil penelitian tentang Pelaksanaan Manajemen Sekuriti Fisik di Pusat Perbelanjaan Plaza Senayan. Kenyataan menunjukan bahwa pusat perbelanjaan Plaza Senayan sebagai pusat perbelanjaan yang banyak menjual barang-barang bermerk internasional pernah mengalami beberapa kali gangguan keamanan diantaranya adalah pencurian dan pengutilan. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode pengamatan lapangan didukung dengan metode wawancara dan menghimpun dokumen terkait. Wawancara dilakukan kepada manajemen operasional pusat perbelanjaan Plaza Senayan dan para petugas Satpam terkait dengan kegiatan pengamanan yang dilakukan. Hasil penelitian diamati secara kualitatif deskriptif.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pelaksanaan kegiatan manajemen sekuriti fisik yang dilakukan di pusat perbelanjaan Plaza Senayan dilakukan dengan tenaga Satpam sistem in-house yang berpedoman kepada SOP yang dibuat oleh manajemen. Berdasarkan hasil pengamatan, kegiatan manajemen sekuriti fisik yang telah dilakukan sudah berjalan sudah cukup baik. Namun demikian, sebagai pusat perbelanjaan yang sering dikunjungi oleh kaum ekspatriat, maka disarankan agar pihak manajemen lebih meningkatkan sistem keamanannya, memperbanyak dan melengkapi pemasangan sarana dan prasarana fisik yang mendukung pelaksanaan tugas manajemen sekuriti fisik, menambah jumlah tenaga Satpam yang ada, melakukan upaya dan terobosan baru dengan menggunakan peralatan sekuriti menggunakan teknologi yang canggih.

This thesis discussed about the Implementation of Physical Security Management at the shopping center Plaza Senayan. The fact suggests that the Plaza Senayan as shopping center that sell goods most of international brand had experienced several times security threats such as theft and shoplifting. This research is written with a method of field observation supported with the method of interview and collecting related documents. Interviews were conducted to operational management shopping center Plaza Senayan and officials security guard associated with the activities of the security which done. The research results observed qualitatively descriptive.
The result showed that the implementation of the physical security management conducted at the shopping center of Senayan Plaza done with using security guard in-house system who guided with SOP made by management. Based on observation, management activities physical security that has been done and has been running properly. However, as a shopping center frequented by expatriate groups, then suggested to further improve the management of its security system, multiply and furnish the installation of physical infrastructure that supports implementation of the tasks security management physical, added of number guard power there, made an effort and new breakthrough by using security equipment using technology that sophisticated.
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ari Ahmad Syarif
Rencana Strategis Teknologi Informasi PT XYZ berkomitmen menerapkan sistem pengamanan dan monitoring berupa pengembangan kehandalan keamanan infrastruktur TI. Namun kenyataannya masih ditemukan kejadian insiden keamanan yang mengakibatkan kerugian finansial maupun non-finansial, selain itu hasil pengukuran oleh Hewlet Packard Enterprise (HPE) pada tahun 2016 menyatakan tingkat kematangan security operations PT XYZ berada di level Incomplete, sehingga PT XYZ memiliki permasalahan pengelolaan security operations yang belum layak.
Penelitian ini mengevaluasi pengelolaan security operations saat ini berdasarkan hasil pengukuran HPE sebelumnya dan melakukan pengukuran tingkat kematangan secara mandiri menggunakan tools SOC-CMM. Perancangan Security Operations Center (SOC) menggunakan pendekatan Design Science Research (DSR). Metode DSR digunakan peneliti untuk menemukan solusi atas permasalahan-permasalahan aktual. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan studi dokumen, wawancara dan observasi. Fokus area yang diukur antara lain Business, People, Process dan Technology.
enelitian ini menghasilkan penilaian beberapa area yang perlu ditingkatkan untuk mengamankan sistem keamanan informasi. Penilaian kembali diperoleh beberapa area telah dilaksanakan sesuai rekomendasi HPE, namun masih terdapat 38 aktivitas yang belum dilaksanakan. Hasil penilaian secara mandiri menggunakan tools SOC-CMM diperoleh pencapaian tingkat kematangan di angka 1.3 (Initial) meningkat dibandingkan dengan hasil pengukuran HPE sebesar 0.78 (Incomplete). Penilaian berdasarkan framework NIST Cybersecurity diperoleh 16 area yang belum tercapai. Dibutuhkan pengembangan SIEM lebih lanjut untuk mengantisipasi secara dini ancaman. Pembangunan fasilitas SOC saat ini diperlukan, namun sebelumnya perlu dilakukan terlebih dahulu peningkatan beberapa area untuk mematangkan sistem keamanan PT XYZ.

nformation Technology Strategic Plan PT XYZ is committed to implementing a system of security and monitoring in the form of developing IT infrastructure security reliability. But in reality there were still security incidents that resulted in financial and non-financial losses, in addition the results of measurements by Hewlet Packard Enterprise (HPE) in 2016 stated that the maturity level of PT XYZs security operations was on incomplete level, so PT XYZ had problems managing security operations not yet feasible.
This study evaluates the current management of security operations based on previous HPE measurement results and independently measures maturity level using SOC-CMM tools. The design of the Security Operations Center (SOC) uses the Design Science Research (DSR) approach. The DSR method is used by researchers to find solutions to actual problems. Data collection is done by document study, interview and observation. The focus of the area measured includes Business, People, Process and Technology.
This research resulted in the assessment of several areas that need to be improved to secure information security systems. Re-assessment obtained by several areas has been carried out according to HPE recommendations, but there are still 38 activities that have not been implemented. The results of the self-assessment using SOC-CMM tools obtained the achievement of the maturity level at 1.3 (Initial) increased compared to the HPE measurement result of 0.78 (Incomplete). Assessments based on the NIST Cybersecurity framework obtained 16 areas that have not been reached. Further development of SIEM is needed to anticipate threats early. The construction of the SOC facility is currently needed, but beforehand it was necessary to do an increase in several areas to finalize the security system of PT XYZ."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tashia Indah Nastiti
"Tingkat kematangan keamanan sistem e-Government Indonesia perlu dievaluasi untuk menentukan status implementasi keamanan saat ini dan untuk merencanakan peningkatan keamanan sistem secara keseluruhan. Secara umum model kematangan menggambarkan bagaimana kemampuan sistem yang terdiri dari manusia dan perangkat dalam menjalankan tugasnya. Kemampuan ini mencakup hal-hal seperti kepemimpinan dan pemerintahan yang efektif, tingkat kesadaran pelaksana, dan kemampuan perangkat yang ada. Indeks KAMI adalah aplikasi untuk mengevaluasi tingkat kematangan, tingkat kelengkapan penerapan SNI ISO / IEC 27001: 2009 dan peta wilayah tata kelola keamanan sistem informasi di suatu instansi pemerintah. Indeks KAMI dibuat oleh Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika serta Badan Siber dan Sandi Negara Republik Indonesia. Namun, terdapat argumen bahwa hasil evaluasi tidak dapat dibandingkan antara satu dengan yang lain. Hal ini dikarenakan faktor manusia dan belum adanya standar atau kerangka kerja untuk melakukan evaluasi menggunakan Indeks KAMI. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan kerangka kerja penerapan security maturity pada Indeks KAMI. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Metode kualitatif bertujuan untuk mendapatkan Critical Success Factors dari Implementasi Security Maturity Model, dan metode Kuantitatif digunakan untuk menganalisis hasil pengumpulan data menggunakan SPSS. Kerangka untuk model kematangan Keamanan dikembangkan berdasarkan Kerangka PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act).

The security maturity level of Indonesia's e-Government systems needs to be evaluated to determine the current status of security implementation and to plan for overall system security enhancement. In general, the maturity model describes how the ability of a system consisting of humans and devices to carry out their duties. This capability includes things such as effective leadership and governance, the level of awareness of the implementers, and the capabilities of existing tools. OUR index is an application to evaluate the level of maturity, the level of completeness of the application of SNI ISO / IEC 27001: 2009 and a map of the area of ​​information system security governance in a government agency. The WE index is created by the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology and the National Cyber ​​and Crypto Agency of the Republic of Indonesia. However, there is an argument that the evaluation results cannot be compared with one another. This is due to human factors and the absence of a standard or framework for evaluating using the WE Index. Therefore, this study aims to develop a framework for implementing security maturity in the WE Index. This research uses qualitative and quantitative methods. The qualitative method aims to obtain Critical Success Factors from the implementation of the Security Maturity Model, and the quantitative method is used to analyze the results of data collection using SPSS. The framework for the Security maturity model is developed based on the PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) Framework"
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ardi Rahananto
Tesis ini membahas hasil penelitian tentang peran pelaksanaan manajemen
sekuriti fisik di PT Pertamina EP Asset 3 Tambun Field ? Bekasi. Penelitian ini
dilakukan dengan pendekatan kualitatif yang bersumber dari data primer dan
sekunder dengan metode pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara observasi,
wawancara dan studi dokumentasi.
Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pelaksanaan manajemen sekuriti fisik
yang dilakukan oleh PT Pertamina EP Asset 3 Tambun Field adalah dengan
menggunakan tenaga pengamanan yang berasal dari perusahaan jasa outsourcing PT
Satria Mocoginta. Para tenaga pengamanan tersebut pada umumnya merupakan
warga masyarakat sekitar. Namun demikian dalam prakteknya, pelaksanaan
manajemen sekuriti fisik yang dilakukan oleh para tenaga pengamanan tersebut
ternyata menjadikan sebagai suatu gangguan keamanan, karena mereka melakukan
kerja sambilan dengan cara memanfaatkan wewenang yang dimilikinya yakni
dengan cara meminta sejumlah uang kepada para kontraktor yang melakukan
pemeliharaan dan perawatan terhadap genset dan pompa di setiap cluster milik PT
Pertamina EP Asset 3 Tambun Field. Bahkan seringkali mereka membawa pipa-pipa
bekas maupun baru milik para kontraktor ketika dilakukan pemeliharaan dan
pergantian pipa.
Untuk mencegah agar tidak terjadi lagi gangguan keamanan di kawasan PT
Pertamina EP Asset 3 Tambun Field terutama gangguan keamanan dalam suatu
cluster, maka beberapa upaya yang dilakukan oleh pihak PT Pertamina EP Asset 3
Tambun Field adalah: (1) Membuat klasusul perjanjian yang baru dengan para
kontraktor dan selalu berkoordinasi dengan Polsek Babelan untuk menempatkan
beberapa anggota Bhabinkamtibmas di sekitar kawasan tersebut; (2) Mengevaluasi
model penyeleng-garaan manajemen sekuriti fisik yang saat ini dilakukan; (3)
Berkoordinasi dengan pihak Polsek Babelan agar kegiatan pendidikan dan pelatihan
terhadap Satpam Garda Pratama yang telah berhasil dilaksanakan oleh Polsek
Babelan, rutin setiap tahun dilakukan; dan (4) Meningkatkan program CSR yang
saat ini telah diberikan terhadap lingkungan sekitarnya.

This thesis discusses the results of research on the role of physical security
management implementation at PT Pertamina EP Asset 3 Tambun Field - Bekasi.
This research was conducted with a qualitative approach derived from primary and
secondary data by the method of data collection done by observation, interview and
documentation study.
The results showed that the implementation of physical security management
conducted by PT Pertamina SP Tambun is to use the power of security that comes
from outsourcing services company PT Satria Mocoginta. The security personnel are
generally the residents of surrounding communities. However, in practice, the
implementation of physical security management performed by the security
personnel turned out to make as a security breach, because they do odd jobs in a
manner that utilizes its authority by asking some money to the contractors who carry
out the maintenance and care of the genset and pump in each cluster belonging to PT
Pertamina EP Tambun. Often they bring pipes belonging to the former and new
contractors when performed maintenance and replacement pipes. The
implementation of physical security management is done in PT Pertamina EP Asset
3 Tambun Field has deviated from the concept of physical security management
activities in general, the Polsek Babelan perform Basic Education and Training
Security guard Garda Pratama held at the end of 2014. This form of education and
training of the guard base aimed at residents who were around Pertamina EP Asset 3
Tambun Field, and without cost you a dime, even the participants get uniforms
complete with boots and other equipment.
To prevent this from happening again in the area of security disturbances PT
Pertamina EP 3 Asset 3 Tambun Field especially security problems in a cluster, then
some of the efforts made by the PT Pertamina EP Asset 3 Tambun Field are: (1)
Make klasusul new agreements with contractors and always coordinate with the
police Babelan to put some members Bhabinkamtibmas around the region; (2)
Evaluate the model of management of physical security that is currently carried out;
(3) Coordinate with the Polsek Babelan education and training in order to guard
Garda Pratama that have been successfully implemented by the Polsek Babelan,
annually conducted; and (4) Enhance CSR program, which has been given to the
surrounding environment., This thesis discusses the results of research on the role of physical security
management implementation at PT Pertamina EP Asset 3 Tambun Field - Bekasi.
This research was conducted with a qualitative approach derived from primary and
secondary data by the method of data collection done by observation, interview and
documentation study.
The results showed that the implementation of physical security management
conducted by PT Pertamina SP Tambun is to use the power of security that comes
from outsourcing services company PT Satria Mocoginta. The security personnel are
generally the residents of surrounding communities. However, in practice, the
implementation of physical security management performed by the security
personnel turned out to make as a security breach, because they do odd jobs in a
manner that utilizes its authority by asking some money to the contractors who carry
out the maintenance and care of the genset and pump in each cluster belonging to PT
Pertamina EP Tambun. Often they bring pipes belonging to the former and new
contractors when performed maintenance and replacement pipes. The
implementation of physical security management is done in PT Pertamina EP Asset
3 Tambun Field has deviated from the concept of physical security management
activities in general, the Polsek Babelan perform Basic Education and Training
Security guard Garda Pratama held at the end of 2014. This form of education and
training of the guard base aimed at residents who were around Pertamina EP Asset 3
Tambun Field, and without cost you a dime, even the participants get uniforms
complete with boots and other equipment.
To prevent this from happening again in the area of security disturbances PT
Pertamina EP 3 Asset 3 Tambun Field especially security problems in a cluster, then
some of the efforts made by the PT Pertamina EP Asset 3 Tambun Field are: (1)
Make klasusul new agreements with contractors and always coordinate with the
police Babelan to put some members Bhabinkamtibmas around the region; (2)
Evaluate the model of management of physical security that is currently carried out;
(3) Coordinate with the Polsek Babelan education and training in order to guard
Garda Pratama that have been successfully implemented by the Polsek Babelan,
annually conducted; and (4) Enhance CSR program, which has been given to the
surrounding environment.]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Arif Budiyanto
"Kebutuhan anggota masyarakat akan keamanan dan ketertiban pada saat ini sangat meningkat dimana tingkat kejahatan juga meningkat seiring dengan pertambahan jumlah penduduk di suatu wilayah. Desa Cicau, salah satu desa yang terletak di Cikarang Pusat mengatasi masalah kebutuhan akan keamanan dan ketertiban warganya dengan cara membentuk "Polisi Desa". Program "Polisi Desa" merupakan salah satu program yang saling menguntungkan bagi anggota masyarakat dan pihak kepolisian, yang juga merupakan bagian dari program pemolisian masyarakat (Polmas). Polmas dimaksud adalah Polisi Desa, Dimana Polisi Desa Cicau Raya didirikan atas inisiasi Tiga Pilar yakni Bhabinkhamtibmas, Babinsa, dan Kepala Desa Cicau. Dimana keberadaan dari Polisi Desa ini sangat membantu Polisi dalam mejaga agar wilayahnya kondusif.
Tesis ini antara lain menganalisis sejauh mana peranan desa serta keterlibatan polisi dalam menjaga keamanan di kawasan industri cikarang khususnya desa Cicau, kecamatan Cikarang Pusat, Kabupaten Bekasi, dan juga menganalisis proses rekrutmen "Polisi Desa" yang sudah berjalan apakah memberikan dampak positif ataukah negatif terhadap situasi keamanan dan ketertiban di desa Cicau kabupaten Bekasi. Kebijakan merekrut anggota Polisi Desa merupakan bentuk dari implementasi pemolisian masyarakat yang bertujuan untuk menjaga Kamtibmas. Rekrutmen Polisi Desa Cicau dalam Tesis ini adalah rekrutmen dari sumber Internal yakni masyarakat desa Cicau itu sendiri yang belum mempunyai pekerjaan. Mereka diberikan pelatihan dan diajarkan mengenai menjaga ketertiban masyarakat membantu tugas dari kepolisian. Jika dikaitkan dengan dampak rekrutmen yang dilakukan maka rekrutmen Polisi Desa ini selain untuk membantu tugas-tugas dari tiga pilar, juga akan berdampak pada memberikan lapangan pekerjaan kepada anggota Polisi Desa itu sendiri.

The needs of society members of security and regularity are rapidly increasing at this time as the crime rates are going faster which is in line with the accumulation of populations in a particular area. Cicau village, one of the villages located right in the heart of Central Cikarang, solves the problem of the security and regularity needs by initiating a mutual program of "Village Police" of both the society members and police of the Republic of Indonesia, being part of the program of Community Policing (Polmas). The intended community policing is "Village Police". This "Village Police" was initiated by the three pillars of official security and regularity apparatuses of Bhabinkamtibmas from the Police of the Republic of Indonesia, Babinsa from the Indonesian Army (TNI), and the village head of Cicau. The existence of the "Village Police" is very fruitful in that its members help to keep an eye on the area to become conducive.
This thesis, among other things, analyzes how extensively the role of the village and the involvement of Police to keep the security in the industrial area of Cikarang, particularly Cicau village, Central Cikarang Sub-region, Bekasi, and also analyzes the administered recruitment process of "Village Police" vis-a-vis it yields positive or negative impacts for the security and regularity atmosphere inside the Cicau village, Bekasi Sub-region. The policy to recruit "Village Police" members is a kind of the implementation of community policing that is addressed to guard the security within the society. The recruitment of Police in this thesis is a recruitment from the internal source of Cicau village society members who are unemployed. They are trained and taught how to guard the security of the society while helping to complete the job of the police. In terms of the impact of the recruitment, the recruitment of the "Village Police", besides helping the three pillars of Bhabinkamtibmas, Babinsa, and village Head, the "Village Police", is also assisting to employ the "Village Police" members. The trained "Village Police" will be distributed to be the security guards of companies or factories within the areas of Cicau village."
Depok: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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