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Prahesti Sekar Kumandhani
"Dalam negara kesatuan, peraturan daerah sebagai bagian dari hierarki peraturan perundang-undangan sekaligus wujud aktualisasi penyelenggaraan otonomi daerah perlu diawasi oleh pemerintah pusat. Pasca lahirnya Undang-Undang Nomor 23 Tahun 2014 tentang Pemerintahan Daerah, pengaturan mengenai pengawasan peraturan daerah semakin ketat dan bervariasi bahkan melibatkan 3 (tiga) cabang kekuasaan di tingkat pusat. Berbagai macam pengaturan yang tidak sinkron pada tingkat pusat menjadi persoalan utama pemerintah daerah dalam menjalankan otonomi daerah dan menghambat perwujudan suatu peraturan daerah yang berkualitas sesuai dengan kebutuhan masyarakat. Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk menjawab ketepatan sporadis pengaturan pengawasan peraturan daerah, menganalisis keterlibatan antar lembaga yang mengawasi peraturan daerah, serta menemukan desain pengawasan peraturan daerah yang komprehensif. Secara normatif, berbagai pengaturan dalam pengawasan peraturan daerah ditemukan problem inkonsistensi hukum yang saling tumpang tindih bahkan melampaui kewenangan. Secara kelembagaan, ego sektoral antar kementerian masih tinggi sehingga koordinasi sulit dijalankan, keterlibatan DPD selaku lembaga legsilatif tingkat pusat dalam mengawasi peraturan daerah tidak tepat, dan kewenangan antara Mahkamah Agung dan pemerintah pusat tidak seharusnya dipertentangkan karena memiliki ranah yang berbeda. Menjawab persoalan tersebut, diperlukan kesatuan pengaturan mengenai pengawasan peraturan daerah dalam bentuk Undang-Undang, pentingnya menegaskan fungsi pengaturan Presiden sebagai pemegang kekuasaan pemerintahan tertinggi dengan membentuk suatu pusat pembentukan peraturan perundang-undangan untuk menertibkan peraturan perundang-undangan dari pusat hingga daerah, serta perlu dipertegas tujuan penyelenggaraan negara untuk kepentingan nasional bukan untuk kepentingan daerah atau terbatas untuk kepentingan pusat. Dengan demikan, bandul desentralisasi dan sentralisasi dapat berayun setimbang saling mendukung dan melengkapi sehingga kedua hal tersebut tidak harus dipertentangkan satu sama lain.
.....In a unitary state, regional regulations as part of the hierarchy of laws and regulations as well as the actualization of the implementation of regional autonomy need to be supervised by the central government. After the enactment of Law Number 23 of 2014 concerning Regional Government, the regulation regarding the supervision of regional regulations has become more stringent and varied, even involving 3 (three) branches of power at the central level. Various kinds of arrangements that are not synchronized at the central level are the main problems for local governments in carrying out regional autonomy and hinder the realization of a quality regional regulation in accordance with the needs of the community. This research is intended to answer the sporadic accuracy of the regulation or supervision of regional regulations, analyze the involvement of institutions that oversee regional regulations, and find a comprehensive design of supervision of regional regulations. Normatively, various arrangements in the supervision of regional regulations are found to be inconsistent in the law that overlaps and even exceeds the authority. Institutionally, the sectoral ego between ministries is still high so that coordination is difficult to carry out, the involvement of the DPD as a legislative institution at the central level in supervising regional regulations is inappropriate, and the authority between the Supreme Court and the central government should not be contested because they have different domains. Responding to this problem, it is necessary to have a unified regulation regarding the supervision of regional regulations in the form of a law, the importance of affirming the regulatory function of the President as the holder of the highest government power by establishing a center for the formation of laws and regulations to regulate laws and regulations from the center to the regions and needs to be emphasized. the purpose of state administration is for the national interest, not for the regional interest or limited to the central interest. Thus, the pendulum of decentralization and centralization can swing in balance to support and complement each other so that the two things do not have to be contradicted with each other."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Barus, Sonia Ivana
"Nama : SONIA IVANA BARUSNPM : 160 693 4613Program Studi : Ilmu Hukum-Hukum KenegaraanJudul : ldquo;Kewenangan Pembatalan Peratuan Daerah oleh Menteri Dalam Negeri sebagai Executive Control terhadap Pemerintah Daerah rdquo; UU Nomor 23 Tahun 2014 tentang Pemerintahan Daerah jelas menyebutkan bahwa Menteri Dalam Negeri dengan instrumen berupa Peraturan Menteri, diberikan kewenangan untuk membatalakan peraturan daerah yang dianggap bertentangan dengan ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan yang lebih tinggi, kepentingan umum dan/atau kesusilaan, adanya dualisme pandangan mengenai keabsahan penggunaan Peraturan Menteri untuk membatalkan perda juga memunculkan persoalan tersendiri. Belumselesai perdebatan mengenai keabsahan penggunaan Peraturan Menteri untuk membatalkan peraturan daerah, Putusan Mahkamah MK No. 137/PUU-XIII/2015 dan Putusan MK No. 56/PUU-XIII/2016 yang telah mencabut kewenangan Menteri Dalam Negeri untuk membatalkan Peraturan Daerah perda menibulkan permasalahan baru seputar eksistensi lembaga eksekutif pusat dalam hal membatalkan suatu peraturan daerah. Penulisan ini berbentuk yuridis-normatif yang menggunakan data-data skunder sebagai sumber datanya dan bersifat presfiktif yakni untuk memberikan saran penyelesaian terhadap topik yang diangkat. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa, pada dasarnya, penggunaan peraturan menteri untuk membatalakan peraturan daerah kurang tepat, hal itu dikarenakan Menteri dengan Pemerintah Daerah tidak memiliki hubungan secara struktural, meskipun secara hiearki pearaturan menteri bisa saja berada diatas pearturan daerah, sehingga penggunaan instrumen hukum berupa Peraturan Presiden dianggap sebagai solusi paling ideal seperti yang digunakan dalam UU No. 32 Tahun 2004. Selain itu, Putusan MK yang kini menghilangkan kewenangan Menteri Dalam Negeri untuk membatalkan peraturan daerah, dianggap perlu dikaji lebih lanjut. Pasalnya, secara tidak langsung MK sudah menghilangkan kewenangan pusat eksekutif untuk melakukan kontrol terhadap daerahnya, padahal Indonesia adalah negara kesatuan dimana campur tangan pemerintah pusat kepada daerahnya adalah hal yang wajar dan bukanlah sesuatu yang melanggar konstitusi. Kata Kunci : Kewenangan, Peraturan Daerah, executive control

Name SONIA IVANA BARUSNPM 160 693 4613Study Program Ilmu Hukum Hukum KenegaraanTitle ldquo Regional Regulation Annulment by Minister Of Internal Affairs as Executive Control for Regional Government rdquo Law of Republic Indonesia Number 23 of 2014 about Regional government state that Minister of Internal Affairs with Ministerial Regulation, have an authority for annuling Regional regulation which is contradict higer rule of law provisions, public interest and or decency. Meanwhile, the duality of views about validity of Ministerial Regulation for annul Regional regulation creates contentions. Beside the contention about validity of Ministerial Regulation for annul Regional regulation, verdict of Constitutional Court number 137 PUU XIII 2015 and number 56 PUU XIII 2016 which has been revoked Minister of Internal Affairs authority for annul Regional regulation caused problem about the existance of executive in terms of annuling Regional regulation.This researchis in the form of juridical normative which is used secondary data as the resources and prespective point of view with the intention of providing solution towards the topic.The result of this research shows, basicly, the utilization of Ministerial Regulation for annul Regional regulation is not proper, because the Minister and Regional government are not related in a structural scheme, in despite of, Ministerial Regulation maybe higher than Regional regulation, with the result of that the most ideal solution is to use Presidential Regulation as in Law No. 32 of 2004.Moreover, verdict of Constitutional Court which is revoked the authority of Minister of Internal Affairs for annul Regional regulation, need to be reviewed. Because of that verdict, Contitutional Court undirectly revoked the authority of executive for controlling its region, considering Indonesia is an unitary state the central government intervention to the region is reasonable and not violating the constitution. Key Words Authority, Regional regulation, Executive Control"
Jakarta: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muh. Azis Muslim
"The birth of constitution No 22 & 25 year 1999 is the first step to repair the running of the governance that tends to be centralistic to a more decentralistic environment by giving expanded autonomy at local level. Both constitutions are expected to generate democratization by giving more space for public participation in the politics field, the handling at local level monetary, and the utilization of other local resources.
History has says that during the implementation of constitution No. 5 year 1974, the nuances policy is dominantly have the nature of top down, rather than bottom up. This kind of policy have the tendency to minimize local government roles. Therefore, the concept of local development that focused on the involvement of the local interest's (participation approach) needs to be nurtured. The public participation can be representated through a good election process, so the people role's can be seen from local council strength in controlling policy execution by the executive.
Public participation at the local level is interesting to study because basically the public participation on the execution of local autonomy is the form of representativeness from a policy. This is needed as a way to create good governance by developing, strengthening and public empowering with the condition that there civil society and people have capability therefore to begin initiatives, discussing, formulating recommendation, debating it, make an agreement, deciding, monitoring and evaluating the making process and executing public policy that within the authority of the government.
Participation has a very important meaning for democratic government system, even means for the embodiment of power that lies in the people's hand. Participation means to ensure that every policy taken reflect .the people's aspiration. Studies on various literature shows that participation is a mayor part of good governance. The aim of this research is to analyze how is the process of formulating local regulation, where in the process of formulating it there are two factors that will be effecting the result of a local regulation draft being discussed, which is the articulation of various interest by the local council and the public participation in the process of formulating it. This research basically is trying to bring up and describing many things thats connected to public participation in the process of formulating local regulation. The method of this research used qualitative approach. This research also comes as a case study, its means so that the research are conducted more throughly and to understand the symptoms in a holistic approach. The data is gamed from studying various document that related with the formulation process of local regulation and by conducting in depth interview to the members and staff of local council that involved in formulating each local regulation, special committee for public order in Depok, the community leaders, and non government organization involved in the process of formulating local regulation.
From the analization it is known that in connection with the law ground on the public participation in the process of formulating local regulation, there is no clear regulations for the citizen right to participate. This research is conducted at Depok city shows that the rules of Local Council in Depok City is not sufficiently accommodate the existence of public participation in the process of formulating local regulation.
The research shows that are space to public participation formally and informally in the process of formulating local regulation, but the utilization of the space available is not maximal due to the process of formulating local regulation regarding public order in Depok City, public participation only existed at RDPU (Public Hearing). The participation happened only in the formal context, which is the involvement in the RDPU at the consultation level. In Am stein perspective this consultation level is in the "degree of Tokenism' which marked the existence of two-way dialogue between public and local council even the nature of the dialogue is cooptative."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ita Prihantika
"Kota Solo di bawah kepemimpinan Walikota Joko Widodo (2005 -2010 dan 2010 - 2015) merupakan salah satu daerah yang dirujuk sebagai best practice dalam penyelenggaraan pemerintahan daerah. Tesis ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan causal maps kepemimpinan Joko Widodo dalam merumuskan kebijakan daya saing daerah di Kota Solo. Analisis data menggunakan teknik cognitive maps dengan panduan dari Ackermann, dkk., kemudian dikonversi melalui metode NUMBER (Normalized Unit Modeling By Elementary Relationship) yang diperkenalkan Kim Dong-Hwan, sehingga menjadi system dynamics dengan bantuan software Vensim.
Untuk menunjang penelitian, teori yang digunakan untuk menganalisis yaitu teori daya saing daerah, teori kepemimpinan dan teori dynamic capabilities. Hasil dari penelitian ini berupa peta pemikiran Joko Widodo dalam kapasitasnya sebagai pemimpin dalam merumuskan kebijakan daya saing daerah di Kota Solo.
Hasilnya berdasarkan causal maps Joko Widodo dalam merumuskan kebijakan daya saing daerah, penyebab (causes) daya saing daerah Kota Solo adalah program pro rakyat, yang pada akhirnya meningkatkan dua faktor pembentuk daya saing daerah, yaitu lingkungan usaha yang produktif dan meningkatkan kualitas infrastruktur dan lingkungan. Dalam perumusan kebijakan yang dilakukannya, Joko Widodo bersifat balancing atau keseimbangan antara satu kebijakan dengan kebijakan yang lainnnya. Hasil kebijakan daya saing daerah Kota Solo akan terlihat setelah 65 bulan berjalan.
Sisi kepemimpinan Joko Widodo dalam merumuskan daya saing daerah dikategorikan ke dalam tipe transformational leadership. Joko Widodo mendorong praktek dynamic governance dalam kepemimpinnya. Agile process dan able people dimulai dengan melakukan reformasi di bidang pelayanan publik. Untuk kemampuan thinking ahead, thinking again dan thinking across Pemerintahan Kota Solo sebagian besar berasal dari Joko Widodo, sehingga diperlukan kebijakan khusus agar inovasi dan kebijakan yang telah berjalan dapat berkelanjutan di masa yang akan datang.

The city of Solo under the leadership of Mayor Joko Widodo (2005 -2010 and 2010 - 2015) is one of local areas referred to be as the best local government practice. This thesis aim is to describe the causal maps of Joko Widodo leadership in formulating a regional competitiveness policy in the city of Solo. Analysis of data using the techniques of cognitive maps using the guide of Ackermann, et al. Then converted through a NUMBER method (Normalized Units By Elementary Relationship Modeling), which was introduced by Kim Dong-Hwan, to become the system dynamics. The simulation process is help by Vensim software.
To support the research, theories used to analyze are the theory of regional competitiveness, leadership theory and the theory of dynamic capabilities. The results of this study was forming the causal maps of Joko Widodo in his capacity as a leader in formulating regional competitiveness policy in the city of Solo.
By the results on causal maps of Joko Widodo in formulating regional competitiveness policy, the causes of regional competitiveness in Solo is a propeople programs, which in turn increases the competitiveness of the two factors that forming regional competitiveness, which is a business productive environment and improvement on the quality of infrastructure and the environment. In the formulation of his policy, Joko Widodo reinforcing or strengthening of one policy with another policy. The results of competitiveness policy in the city of Solo will be seen after 65 months of practice.
Joko Widodo side of leadership in formulating regional competitiveness policy categorized into the type of transformational leadership. Joko Widodo encourage dynamic governance practices in leadership. Agile process and able people begin with reforms of public services. The ability of thinking ahead, thinking again and thinking across of the City of Solo mostly come from Joko Widodo, so it requires a special policy for innovation and policies that have run can be sustained in the future.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Harry Setya Putra
"Penelitian ini merupakan penilitian yuridis normatif yang menggunakan data sekunder dan data primer yang berasal dari buku-buku atau literatur-literatur hukum, peraturan perundang-undangan. Sejak terbitnya Undang-Undang Nomor 22 Tahun 1999 tentang Pemerintahan Daerah, banyak daerah di Indonesia yang mengajukan pemekaran daerah. hal ini di sebabkan oleh model pemerintahan yang sentralistik di zaman orde baru, pemerintahan yang sentralistik membuat daerah menjadi tidak berkembang karena tidak dapat memaksimalkan potensi daerah yang dimilikinya. Semangat pemekaran ini dilandasi oleh Otonomi Daerah, Otonomi Daerah memberikan hak untuk mengatur, mengurus sendiri urusan pemerintah yang sejalan dengan Negara Kesatuan Indonesia. Seiring dengan pesatnya laju pemekaran daerah disisi lain muncul permasalahan baru yang selama ini tidak menjadi sorotan penting bagi daerah. Pemekaran daerah mengasilkan Daerah Otonom Baru, dimana daearah otonomi baru menetapkan batas wilayah berdasarkan undang-undang pembentukan daerah otonom baru, penetapan batas wilayah baru yang tidak jelas, menyebabkan konflik tapal batas dengan daerah lama. Terdapat beberapa faktor yang menyebabkan terjadinya sengktea tapal batas antara daerah, mulai dari penetapan batas yang tidak jelas dari undang-undang pembetukan daerah otonom baru, perebutan sumber daya alam, Politik, hingga pelayanan pemerintahan. Sehingga bagaimana prosedur penyelesaian sengketa tapal batas antar daerah yang diatur Undang-Undang Nomor 23 Tahun 2014 tentang Pemerintahan Daerah.

This research is a normative juridical research that uses secondary data and primary data from books or legal literature, laws and regulations. Since the issuance of Law Number 22 Year 1999 concerning Regional Government, many regions in Indonesia have proposed regional expansion. this is caused by a centralized model of governance in the New Order era, a centralized government makes the regions become undeveloped because they cannot maximize the potential of their regions. The spirit of pemekaran is based on Regional Autonomy, Regional Autonomy gives the right to regulate, manage their own government affairs in line with the Unitary State of Indonesia. Along with the rapid rate of regional expansion on the other hand new problems have arisen which have not been an important spotlight for the region. Regional expansion resulted in a New Autonomous Region, where the new autonomous regions set boundaries based on the law on the formation of new autonomous regions, the setting of new territorial boundaries that were unclear, causing boundary conflicts with the old regions. There are several factors that cause the boundary dispute between regions to be established, starting from the unclear boundary stipulation of the law on the establishment of new autonomous regions, the seizure of natural resources, politics, to government services. So what is the procedure for resolving boundary disputes between regions regulated by Law Number 23 of 2014 concerning Regional Government."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2005
338.9 Riy p
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mudrajad Kuncoro
Jakarta: Penerbit Pt Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2018
338. 9 MUD p
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Quraisi Sifhan
"Penelitian tesis ini difokuskan pada konsep dan pola hubungan keuangan antara pusat dan daerah yang mendukung pencapaian tujuan bernegara menurut Undang-Undang nomor 1 tahun 2022 tentang hubungan keuangan antara pusat dan daerah. Bentuk peneliitian yang digunakan adalah yuridis-normatif dan tipologi penelitian eksplanatoris. Hasil penelitian yakni terdapat perubahan secara konseptual baik dilihat dari perspektif norma maupun nomenklatur hukum dalam pengaturanya sejalan dengan tuntutan reformasi dan demokratisasi daerah namun dalam hubungan keuangan ini terlihat menonjolnya keterlibatan pusat dalam segala unsur penggunaan dana yang mereduksi kebebasan daerah otonom untuk menggunakan anggaran yang telah diberikan, terlebih keterlibatan pusat ini akan menimbulkan posisi yang paradoksial mengingat dalam urusan kebijakan penggunaan anggaran ditentukan secara rinci oleh pusat sedang didapati masalah di kemudian hari, yang bertanggung jawab adalah pemerintah daerah. Pola hubungan keuangan saat ini menggambarkan kedudukan sentralis dari pusat sebagai sumber perumus kebijakan yang merinci dengan kompleks pengaturanya sehingga daerah hanya diberikan ruang pada kewenangan pelaksanaan, demikian terlihat bahwa penekanan terhadap sinergi kebijakan fiskal nasional sangat kuat. Hal ini menandakan telah ada perubahan dari paradigma serta sistem hubungan keuangan yang dimaksudkan dapat mencapai tujuan kesejahteraan bagi seluruh rakyat Indonesia untuk dicapai namun mengorbankan prinsip otonomi itu sendiri dan menjadi persoalan baru dalam implementasi kebijakan anggaran dengan terlihatnya desentralisasi yang melemah dan sentralisasi yang menguat, kebijakan hukum dalam Undang-Undang hubungan keuangan ini sudah final tetapi kedepanya harus ditata kembali hal-hal yang lebih prinsipil yakni eksistensi kedudukan daerah (desentralisasi) yang tidak sepatutnya direduksi oleh kebijakan dari pemerintah pusat.

This thesis research is focused on the concept and pattern of financial relations between the center and the regions that support the achievement of state goals according to Law number 1 of 2022 concerning financial relations between the center and the regions. The research forms used are juridical-normative and explanatory research typology. The results of the study are that there is a conceptual change, both from the perspective of norms and legal nomenclature in its regulation in line with the demands for regional reform and democratization, but in this financial relationship, the central involvement in all elements of the use of funds reduces the freedom of autonomous regions to use the budget that has been given. Moreover, the involvement of the center will lead to a paradoxical position considering that in matters of policy the use of the budget is determined in detail by the center, while problems are found in the future, which is responsible for the regional government. The current pattern of financial relations illustrates the centralist position of the center as a source of policy formulation detailing the complex arrangements so that regions are only given space for implementing authority, it can be seen that the emphasis on national fiscal policy synergies is very strong. This indicates that there has been a change from the paradigm and system of financial relations which is intended to achieve the goal of welfare for all Indonesian people but sacrifices the principle of autonomy itself and becomes a new problem in the implementation of budget policies with the visible weakening of decentralization and strengthening of centralization, legal policies In this Law, financial relations are final, but in the future, more principal matters must be reorganized, namely the existence of regional positions (decentralization) which should not be reduced by policies from the central government.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Revia Adini
"Implikasi lahirnya Undang Undang Nomor 23 Tahun 2014 tentang Pemerintahan Daerah menyebabkan perubahan kewenangan pemerintah dalam menyelenggarakan urusan pemerintahan di bidang pertambangan. Adanya perubahan kewenangan tersebut menimbulkan suatu kemungkinan terjadinya kesalahan dari pejabat pemerintah dalam melakukan kegiatan pengaturan dan pengurusan di sector pertambangan. Oleh karenanya, penulisan ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis bagaimana kewenangan gubernur dalam hal pencabutan izin usaha pertambangan (IUP) setelah berlakunya Undang Undang Nomor 23 Tahun 2014 tentang Pemerintahan Daerah dan menganalisis keabsahan dari pencabutan IUP PT Sebuku Batubai Coal (PT Sebuku) oleh Gubernur Kalimantan Selatan. Hasil dari penelitian penulis menunjukkan bahwa kewenangan gubernur dalam hal pencabutan IUP setelah berlakunya Undang Undang Nomor 23 Tahun 2014 tentang Pemerintahan Daerah telah mengalami perluasan. Gubernur memiliki wewenang untuk mencabut IUP yang wilayah pertambangannya berada di 1 (satu) daerah provinsi termasuk juga terhadap IUP yang telah diterbitkan oleh bupati/walikota Selain itu, pencabutan IUP PT Sebuku telah tidak sah karena mengandung cacat prosedur dan cacat substansi. Untuk mencegah timbulnya kesewenang wenangan pemerintah dalam mencabut IUP dikemudian hari, diperlukan adanya peningkatan pengawasan dari pemerintah pusat terhadap penyelenggaraan pengelolaan usaha pertambangan yang dilaksankan oleh pemerintah provinsi. Disamping itu, diperlukan juga adanya sanksi bagi bupati/walikota apabila melalaikan kewajibannya untuk menyerahkan dokumen IUP dalam rangka melakukan evaluasi dalam Peraturan Menteri ESDM Nomor 43 Tahun 2015. Metode penelitian dalam penulisan skripsi ini adalah penelitian yuridis normatif, dan menggunakan bahan bahan kepustakaan seperti bahan hukum primer, sekunder, dan tersier.

The implications of Law 23 of 2014 concerning Regional Government led to changes in government authority in carrying out government affairs in the mining sector. The change in authority has created a possibility of errors from government officials in conducting regulatory and management activities in the mining sector. Therefore, this thesis aims to analyze how the governors authority in terms of revoking a mining permits (MP) after the enactment of Law 23/2014 and analyzing the validity of the revocation of PT Sebuku Batubai Coal (PT Sebuku) MP by South Kalimantan Governor. The results of the authors research indicate that the governors authority in terms of revocation of MP after the enactment of Law Number 23 of 2014 concerning Regional Government has undergone expansion. The Governor has the authority to revoke the MP whose mining area is in 1 (one) provincial area including the MP that has been issued by the regent or mayor. In addition, revocation of PT Sebukus MP has been invalid because it contains procedural and substance defects. To prevent the arising of arbitrariness of the government in revoking MPs in the future, it is necessary to increase supervision from the central government on the implementation of mining business management carried out by the provincial government. Besides that, there is also a need for sanctions for regents or mayors if they neglect their obligation to submit MP documents in order to evaluate the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation Number 43 of 2015. The research method in writing this thesis is juridicalnormative research, and uses library materials such as primary, secondary and tertiary legal materials."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aditya Guwanda
"Penyediaan Rumah Bagi Masyarakat Berpenghasilan Rendah merupakan tanggung jawab Pemerintah Pusat dan Pemerintah Daerah agar masyarakat mampu bertempat tinggal serta menghuni rumah yang layak dan terjangkau. Disahkannya Undang-Undang Nomor 23 Tahun 2014 tentang Pemerintah Daerah mengubah tugas dan wewenang Pemerintah Daerah yang berakibat terhadap pelaksanaan tanggung jawab Pemerintah tersebut. Penelitian ini membahas kewenangan Pemerintah Daerah sebelum dan sesudah berlakunya Undang-Undang Nomor 23 Tahun 2014 serta bentuk pelaksanaan oleh Pemerintah Daerah untuk melaksanakan tanggung jawabnya. Metode Penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian hukum normatif yang disempurnakan dengan perbandingan contoh Badan/Lembaga yang ada di negara lain.
Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perubahan kewenangan Pemerintah Daerah akibat pembagian urusan kewenangan konkuren yang dapat menghambat penyediaan rumah bagi Masyarakat Berpenghasilan Rendah. Maka dari itu, perlu ada bentuk pelaksanaan untuk melengkapi peran Pemerintah Daerah dalam penyediaan rumah bagi Masyarakat Berpenghasilan Rendah. Bentuk pelaksanaan tersebut adalah dengan pembentukan dan/atau penunjukan Badan Pelaksana di tingkat Pusat dan Daerah. Tingkat Pusat dilakukan dengan melakukan penunjukan Perum Perumnas oleh Pemerintah Pusat dan di daerah dilakukan pembentukan atau penugasan Badan Pelaksana oleh pemerintah daerah dalam bentuk Badan Usaha Milik Daerah.

Provision of Houses for Low-Income Communities is the responsibility of the Central Government and Regional Governments so that people are able to live and inhabit decent and affordable homes. The enactment of Law Number 23 Year 2014 concerning Regional Government changed the duties and authority of the Regional Government which resulted in the implementation of the Government's responsibilities. This study discusses the authority of the Regional Government before and after the enactment of Law Number 23 Year 2014 and the form of implementation by the Regional Government to carry out its responsibilities. The research method used is a normative legal research method that is refined by comparing examples of agencies/institutions in other countries.
The results of this study indicate that there is a change in the authority of the Regional Government due to the distribution of concurrent authority functions that can hinder the provision of housing for Low-Income Communities. Therefore, there needs to be a form of implementation to complement the role of the Regional Government in providing housing for Low-Income Communities. The form of implementation is the establishment and/or appointment of Implementing Agency at the Central and Regional levels. The Central Level is carried out by the appointment of Perum Perumnas by the Central Government and in the regions the establishment or assignment of the Implementing Agency by the regional government in the form of Regional Owned Enterprises."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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