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; Filia Putri Setiawan; Filia Putri Setiawan; Filia Putri Setiawan; Filia Putri Setiawan; Filia Putri Setiawan
"HSBC adalah salah satu organisasi perbankan dan jasa keuangan terbesat di dunia. Selain nilai tujuan yang diterapkan dan jenis produk serta layanan yang ditawarkan HSBC, teknologi informasi juga digunakan untuk menciptakan makna strategis. Makalah ini akan membahas pentingnya sistem dan teknologi informasi bagi HSBC serta menganalisis HSBC dengan teori-teori bisnis seperti "Porter's five forces" dan "Porter'ss four competitive advantages".

HSBC is one of the world’s largest banking and financial services organizations. Apart from the objectives values applied and types of product as well as the services HSBC offers, information technology is also being used to create strategic significance. This paper will discuss the importance of information system and technology for HSBC  as well as analysing HSBC with Porter's 5 forces as well as Porter's four competitive advantage."
[Depok;Depok;Depok;Depok;Depok;Depok;Depok, Depok, Depok, Depok]: [Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia;Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia;Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia;Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia;Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia;Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia;Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia], 2020
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mikhail Rifqi Rinaldi
"Makalah Non-Seminar ini menggali dampak transformatif analitika bisnis dalam organisasi saat ini. Analitika bisnis melibatkan pemeriksaan menyeluruh terhadap data bisnis, mengintegrasikan wawasan dari analisis ke dalam pengambilan keputusan dan perencanaan strategis. Yang dulunya dianggap sebagai produk samping era informasi, data kini telah berkembang menjadi sumber daya berharga, mendorong inovasi dan keunggulan kompetitif. Tantangan dalam menggali wawasan bermakna dari data diakui. Studi ini menilai artikel-artikel penting seperti "The Analytics Mandate," "Big Data: The Management Revolution," "Business Analytics: Why Now and What Next?," "Building the AI-Powered Organization," dan "Analytics as a Source of Business Innovation." Secara kolektif, artikel-artikel ini menekankan pentingnya analitika pada abad ke-21, menyoroti perannya dalam memanfaatkan sumber daya data yang melimpah, mempromosikan pengambilan keputusan berbasis data, dan beradaptasi dengan lingkungan bisnis yang dinamis. Artikel-artikel yang ditinjau memiliki interpretasi umum tentang analitika sebagai penggunaan data untuk perencanaan berbasis fakta, pengambilan keputusan, dan pembelajaran. Mereka menekankan permintaan yang meningkat terhadap analitika sebagai sarana untuk menjaga keunggulan kompetitif. Perusahaan yang mengadopsi pengambilan keputusan berbasis data terbukti lebih unggul dari pesaingnya, menghasilkan peningkatan produktivitas dan profitabilitas. Contoh nyata dari Sears Holdings dan Nedbank disajikan untuk mengilustrasikan bagaimana analitika meningkatkan efisiensi dan ketepatan pemasaran. Diskusi juga mengeksplor temuan survei dalam artikel "Analytics as a Source of Business Innovation," yang mengungkap keuntungan kompetitif yang meningkat, peningkatan inovasi, peran tata kelola data, dan peluang yang diciptakan oleh mesin pintar. Bagian diskusi kritis mengevaluasi efektivitas artikel-artikel tersebut, memuji penggunaan metafora, kejelasan, dan aplikasi dunia nyata. Ini juga menyoroti istilah-istilah yang mungkin memerlukan penjelasan bagi pembaca. Pengenalan Tiga Tingkatan Kematangan Analitika—Inovator Analitik, Praktisi Analitik, dan Tantangan Analitik—mencategorikan perusahaan berdasarkan tingkat kecanggihan analitika. Implikasi untuk praktik menekankan tahap awal pengadopsian analitika, menyajikan banyak peluang untuk pertumbuhan pendapatan, pengurangan biaya, dan manajemen risiko. Tren dalam praktik organisasi yang berfokus pada data menekankan perlunya memperlakukan data sebagai aset berharga, mempromosikan berbagi data, mengatasi interpretasi yang beragam, dan berbeda melalui analitika. Sebagai kesimpulan, paper ini menegaskan bahwa adopsi luas analitika sedang membentuk praktik organisasi. Keberhasilan perusahaan dalam bidang ini tidak hanya bergantung pada pengenalan potensi analitika tetapi juga pada pembentukan budaya analitis, penerimaan pemikiran inovatif, dan transformasi praktik bisnis. Munculnya analitika bisnis diakui sebagai revolusi yang tidak dapat diabaikan yang sangat penting untuk menjaga daya saing dalam lanskap bisnis kontemporer.

This paper dives into the transformative impact of business analytics in today's organizations. Business analytics entails a thorough examination of business data, integrating insights from the analysis into decision-making and strategic planning. Once considered a byproduct of the information era, data has now evolved into a valuable resource, fueling innovation and competitive advantage. The challenges of extracting meaningful insights from data are acknowledged. The study assesses pivotal articles such as "The Analytics Mandate," "Big Data: The Management Revolution," "Business Analytics: Why Now and What Next?," "Building the AI-Powered Organization," and "Analytics as a Source of Business Innovation." Collectively, these articles underscore the increasing importance of analytics in the 21st century, emphasizing its role in utilizing abundant data, promoting data-driven decision-making, and adapting to dynamic business environments. The reviewed articles share a common interpretation of analytics as the use of data for fact-based planning, decision-making, and learning. They highlight the growing demand for analytics as a means to maintain a competitive edge, showcasing that companies embracing data-driven decision-making outperform competitors, leading to improved productivity and profitability. Real-life examples from Sears Holdings and Nedbank are presented to illustrate how analytics enhances efficiency and marketing precision. The discussion also explores survey findings in the "Analytics as a Source of Business Innovation" article, revealing increased competitive advantages, a surge in innovation, the role of data governance, and opportunities created by smart machines. The critical discussion section evaluates the articles' effectiveness, praising their use of metaphors, clarity, and real-world applications. It also points out unfamiliar terms that may need clarification for readers. The introduction of the Three Levels of Analytics Maturity—Analytical Innovators, Analytical Practitioners, and Analytically Challenged—categorizes companies based on their sophistication in analytics. Implications for practice underscore the early stages of analytics adoption, presenting numerous opportunities for revenue growth, cost reduction, and risk management. Trends in data-centric organizational practices stress treating data as a valuable asset, promoting data sharing, addressing diverse interpretations, and achieving differentiation through analytics. In conclusion, the paper asserts that the widespread adoption of analytics is reshaping organizational practices. Success in this field is not solely dependent on recognizing analytics potential but also on fostering an analytical culture, embracing innovative thinking, and transforming business practices. The rise of business analytics is acknowledged as an undeniable revolution crucial for maintaining competitiveness in the contemporary business landscape."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
Napitupulu, Bella Ayu
"Tinjauan artikel akademis ini menggali ranah dinamis analisis bisnis di era digital dengan mengkaji secara kritis lima Jurnal/Artikel Ilmiah. Dalam menghadapi tantangan dan peluang yang belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya, perusahaan berupaya memanfaatkan data dan analitik untuk pengambilan keputusan yang tepat dan keunggulan kompetitif yang berkelanjutan. Tinjauan ini menilai kekuatan dan kelemahan setiap artikel, mencakup topik mulai dari integrasi analitik dalam manajemen hingga persinggungannya dengan pemasaran, kebijakan publik, dan dampak transformatif dari data besar. Wawasan utama menggarisbawahi pentingnya menyeimbangkan penilaian manusia dengan wawasan berbasis data, menerapkan analisis di seluruh domain organisasi, dan mengatasi tantangan terkait privasi dan regulasi data. Implikasinya terhadap praktik menekankan penerapan kemampuan analitik tingkat lanjut, penilaian ulang pendekatan manajemen data tradisional, dan memprioritaskan kepuasan pelanggan melalui analitik real-time. Tinjauan ini diakhiri dengan menyoroti pentingnya penanganan data yang bertanggung jawab dan kepatuhan terhadap peraturan privasi. Pekerjaan ini menjadi landasan bagi studi kasus yang akan datang, yang bertujuan untuk memberikan wawasan praktis tentang bagaimana perusahaan teknologi multinasional menavigasi tantangan-tantangan ini dan memanfaatkan analisis canggih untuk pertumbuhan berkelanjutan dalam lanskap bisnis yang berpusat pada data. Secara keseluruhan, tinjauan ini menawarkan wawasan berharga bagi para akademisi, profesional, dan pembuat kebijakan dalam menavigasi lanskap analisis bisnis di era digital.

This academic article review delves into the dynamic realm of business analytics in the digital age by critically examining five scholarly Journals/Articles. In the face of unprecedented challenges and opportunities, companies strive to leverage data and analytics for informed decision-making and sustained competitive advantage. The review assesses the strengths and weaknesses of each article, covering topics ranging from the integration of analytics in management to its intersections with marketing, public policy, and the transformative effects of big data. Key insights underscore the importance of balancing human judgment with data-driven insights, applying analytics across organizational domains, and addressing challenges related to data privacy and regulation. Implications for practice emphasize the adoption of advanced analytics capabilities, reassessment of traditional data management approaches, and prioritization of customer satisfaction through real-time analytics. The review concludes by highlighting the significance of responsible data handling and adherence to privacy regulations. This work sets the stage for a forthcoming case study, aiming to provide practical insights into how a multinational technology corporation navigates these challenges and utilizes advanced analytics for sustainable growth in the data-centric business landscape. Overall, the review offers valuable insights for scholars, professionals, and policymakers navigating the nuanced landscape of business analytics in the digital era."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi Dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dian Alanudin
"The rapid changes in the world today, especially with digitization and the technological revolution, are transforming the way humans live. The internet revolution has brought significant changes, with over 63% of the world's population, reaching 5 billion out of the current 7.8 billion, regularly using the internet. In Indonesia, 213 million people, or more than 75%, have embraced internet usage. These changes profoundly impact various aspects of our lives, from ordering food, entertainment services to accessing educational services. Although e-commerce opportunities continue to grow, shifts in customer behavior pose challenges for companies in creating products and services that meet customer expectations. E-commerce competition is intense, with only 1% of companies having a competitive advantage (Chevalier, 2021). Eighty-four percent of e-commerce companies reveal that competition in this industry is fierce and dominated by price competition. While e-commerce continues to grow, its growth rate is slowing down. Business analytics becomes the key to effectively leveraging data. In an era of disruption filled with uncertainty, top executives' intuition, experience, and education need to be supported by relevant data. Most companies understand the crucial role of data and analytics but have not yet incorporated them into their routine operations. This research comprehensively discusses strategies to maximize the use of data and analytics, known as business analytics adoption. Furthermore, the technology-organization-environment (TOE) factors, as antecedents to business analytics adoption, are not fully utilized to support adoption, leading to companies struggling to grow and compete. This research aims to elaborate on these critical factors using fundamental questions: "Are knowledge retention, dynamic capabilities, and TOE (technology, organization, and environment) important in adopting business analytics to enhance competitive advantage?" To fill the literature gap, this study proposes the TOE framework, knowledge retention, and dynamic capabilities as crucial factors in the adoption of business analytics to enhance competitive advantage for e-commerce companies. In the e-commerce era, the use of data and analytics is not just a necessity but a requirement for companies to adapt and remain relevant in the ever-changing market.

Perubahan pesat dunia saat ini, terutama dengan digitalisasi dan revolusi teknologi yang mengubah cara hidup manusia. Revolusi internet membawa perubahan signifikan, lebih dari 63% populasi dunia, yaitu mencapai 5 miliar dari 7,8 miliar populasi dunia saat ini telah menggunakan internet secara rutin. Di Indonesia sebanyak 213 juta orang, yaitu lebih dari 75% telah menggunakan internet. Perubahan ini sangat mempengaruhi berbagai aspek kehidupan kita, mulai dari cara memesan makanan, layanan hiburan hingga mengakses layanan pendidikan. Meskipun peluang e-commerce terus bertumbuh, perubahan perilaku pelanggan menimbulkan tantangan bagi perusahaan dalam menciptakan produk dan layanan yang sesuai dengan harapan pelanggan. Persaingan e-commerce sangatlah ketat, hanya 1% perusahaan yang memiliki competitive advantage (Chevalier, 2021). Sebanyak 84% perusahaan e-commerce mengungkapkan persaingan di industri ini sangatlah ketat dan didominasi oleh persaingan harga. E-commerce masih terus bertumbuh, namun tingkat pertumbuhannya mulai melambat. Business analytics menjadi kunci untuk memanfaatkan data secara efektif. Di era disrupsi yang penuh dengan ketidakpastian, intuisi, pengalaman, dan pendidikan para eksekutif puncak perlu didukung oleh data yang relevan. Sebagian besar perusahaan memahami peran penting data dan analytics, namun belum menggunakannya secara rutin. Penelitian ini membahas secara menyeluruh strategi untuk memaksimalkan penggunaan data dan analitik, yang dikenal sebagai adopsi business analytics. Selain itu, faktor teknologi-organisasi-lingkungan (kerangka TOE) sebagai antecedent dari adopsi analisis bisnis tidak dimanfaatkan sepenuhnya untuk mendukung adopsi dan sebagai konsekuensinya perusahaan kesulitan untuk tumbuh dan bersaing. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguraikan faktor-faktor penting ini dengan menggunakan pertanyaan mendasar: “Apakah faktor retensi pengetahuan, kemampuan dinamis, dan TOE (teknologi, organisasi, dan lingkungan) penting dalam mengadopsi analisis bisnis untuk meningkatkan keunggulan kompetitif? Untuk mengisi kesenjangan literature, penelitian ini mengusulkan kerangka TOE, retensi pengetahuan, dan kemampuan dinamis sebagai faktor penting dalam adopsi analisis bisnis untuk meningkatkan keunggulan kompetitif bagi perusahaan perdagangan elektronik. Dalam era perdagangan elektronik, penggunaan data dan analitik bukan hanya menjadi kebutuhan, tetapi suatu keharusan agar perusahaan dapat beradaptasi dan tetap relevan di pasar yang terus berubah."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Adiva Reyhan Puteri
"Fitur analitik merupakan suatu fitur yang menyediakan beberapa kemampuan business analytics yang disediakan oleh pihak online marketplace bagi para penjual di marketplace terkait. Meski telah dibuat aksesibel, hal tersebut tidak menjamin bahwa fitur analitik akan digunakan oleh para penjual di online marketplace. Fitur analitik yang dapat menyajikan informasi siap pakai bagi para penjual membuat kualitas dari informasi yang disediakan menarik untuk dikaji. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor kualitas informasi terhadap keinginan penjual untuk mengadopsi fitur analitik yang disediakan oleh pihak online marketplace menggunakan teori technology acceptance model yang dimoderasi dengan faktor analytical decision making culture (ADMC). Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan menyebarkan kuesioner penelitian secara daring dan berhasil memperoleh 337 respons yang valid. Respons yang diperoleh kemudian dianalisis menggunakan metode covariance based structural equation modeling. Hasil penelitian membuktikan bahwa dari 16 hipotesis yang diajukan, 9 di antaranya berhasil diterima. Penelitian ini memperlihatkan bahwa dari 6 faktor kualitas informasi yang digunakan, hanya 4 faktor yaitu, accessibility, interpretability, relevancy, dan novelty yang terbukti dapat memengaruhi keinginan penjual untuk menggunakan fitur analitik. Efek moderasi membuktikan bahwa hubungan interpretability dengan perceived ease of use dan novelty dengan perceived usefulness menjadi lebih kuat pada lingkungan dengan nilai ADMC yang rendah. Di lain sisi, hubungan accuracy dengan perceived usefulness menjadi lebih kuat pada lingkungan dengan nilai ADMC yang tinggi. Penelitian ini memiliki beberapa kontribusi dalam menambah dan memperkaya literatur terkait pengadopsian business analytics di lingkungan online marketplace dan bermanfaat bagi pelaku penyedia layanan online marketplace dalam mengembangkan fitur analitik.

Analytical feature is a feature that provides several business analysis capabilities provided by the online marketplace for sellers in said marketplace. Although it has been made accessible, this does not guarantee that the analytical features will be used by sellers in the online marketplace. Analytical feature that presents ready to use information to sellers makes the quality of the information provided by the analytical feature interesting to be analyzed. This study aims to analyze the effect of information quality towards the adoption of the analytical feature by sellers of online marketplace through the technology acceptance model and moderated by the role of analytical decision making culture (ADMC). This research was conducted using a quantitative approach by spreading the research online and succeeded in obtaining 337 valid responses. The responses obtained were then analyzed using the covariance-based structural equation modeling method. The results of the study proved that out of the 16 hypotheses proposed, 9 of them are successfully accepted. This study explains that out of the 6 factors of information quality used, only 4 factors, accessibility, interpretability, relevance, and novelty have been shown to influence sellers' intention to adopt the analytical feature. The moderating effect show that the relationship between interpretability towards perceived ease of use and novelty towards perceived usefulness are stronger in the environment with low value of ADMC. However, the relationship between accuracy towards perceived usefulness is stronger in an environment with high value of ADMC. This research has several contributions in adding and enriching previous literature related to the adoption of business analytics in the online marketplace environment and is useful for online marketplace providers in developing the analytical feature.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Farah Sahita Laksmi
"Semakin meningkatnya kebutuhan listrik di Indonesia membuat Pemerintah berupaya untuk meningkatkan minat pengembang listrik swasta untuk berinvestasi di Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Minihidro dengan cara membuat Peraturan Menteri ESDM no 19 tahun 2015 untuk PLTM. Pemerintah membuat tarif fix untuk PLTM dimana pengembang listrik tidak dapat melakukan negosiasi harga terkait tarif PLTM seperti pada pembangkit lainnya.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah tarif yang diberikan Peraturan Menteri tersebut sudah dapat menarik pengembang listrik swasta dari tingkat keuntungan yang didapat, dengan cara melakukan analisis sensitivitas pada pengembang listrik swasta yang telah memiliki kontrak dengan Perusahaan Listrik Negara dengan menggunakan tarif tersebut. Analisis dilakukan pada dua pengembang listrik swasta di lokasi yang mendapat tarif terendah dan tertinggi dengan membuat skenario perubahan pada perhitungan awal pengembang listrik swasta.
Hasil analisisnya dapat dilihat pada tingkat Net Present Value, Internal Rate of Return, Payback Period dan Benefit Cost Rationya yang didapat pada perubahan skenarionya. Hasilnya tarif terbaru yang diberikan oleh Pemerintah untuk PLTM sudah layak untuk memancing minat pengembang listrik swasta dari tingkat keuntungan yang didapat. Meski begitu, hal penting yang harus diperhatikan oleh pengembang listrik swasta adalah energi yang dihasilkan setiap tahunnya, karena perubahan tingkat energi yang dihasilkan pertahunnya paling signifikan dalam berubahnya keuntungan untuk menentukan layaknya sebuah investasi.

The increasing demand for electricity in Indonesia made the Government seeks to increase the interest of Independent Power Producers to invest in minihydro power plants by making the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation No. 19/2015 for minihydro power plants. The government made fixed tariff for minihydro power plants where Independent Power Producers (IPP) are not able to negotiate tariff for minihydro power plants as in other power plants.
This study aims to determine whether a given tariff regulation has been able to attract Independent Power Producers on the level of profits, by performing a sensitivity analysis on the Independent Power Producers who have contracted with Perusahaan Listrik Negara using the tariff. Analysis was performed on two Independent Power Producers in location that received the lowest and highest tariff by making changes to the initial calculation scenarios of Independent Power Producers.
Analysis results can be seen at the level of the Net Present Value, Internal Rate of Return, Payback Period and Benefit Cost ratio that obtained in the scenario changes. The results is tariff that given by the Government for minihydro power plants is feasible to interest Independent Power Producers of level profits. Even so, the important things that must be considered by the Independent Power Producers is amount of energy produced annually, due to changes in the level of energy produced per year is the most significant changes in profits to determine an investment feasibility."
Depok: Fakultas Eknonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Chaterine Febriyani
"Ringkasan artikel ini didasarkan pada wawasan dari empat artikel terkait untuk melakukan penyelidikan mendalam terhadap jalur revolusioner analitika dalam dunia berbasis data modern. Artikel 1 memperkenalkan kerangka struktural untuk memanfaatkan data dan menekankan sifat revolusioner serta pentingnya analitika bisnis. Artikel 2 mengkaji nuansa analitika bisnis, termasuk definisi bidang ini, signifikansi yang meningkat, evolusi historis, dan hambatan pengadopsian. Kekuatan revolusioner analitika bisnis dalam pengambilan keputusan dan pergerakan akademis menuju program analitika ditekankan dalam Artikel 3, yang juga menyoroti signifikansi yang semakin meningkat dari analitika bisnis baik dalam sektor bisnis maupun akademis. Terakhir, Artikel 4 menjelajahi manfaat dan kerugian yang mungkin terjadi dalam analitika Big Data di industri minyak dan gas. Artikel-artikel ini memberikan pandangan 360 derajat tentang analitika, berfokus pada interdisiplineritas bidang ini dan peran sentralnya dalam menentukan lanskap komersial dan akademis kontemporer. Artikel ini merangkum temuan-temuan tersebut, menyoroti potensi permainan yang dapat mengubah analitika sambil juga mengakui banyaknya hambatan dan imbalan yang menanti bagi mereka yang memilih untuk menggunakan data dan analitika. Manfaat potensial dari penggunaan analitika bisnis dan Big Data termasuk peningkatan pengambilan keputusan, operasi yang lebih efisien, dan fokus yang lebih besar pada pelanggan. Mereka juga berfungsi sebagai dorongan kreativitas, memungkinkan perusahaan untuk mengantisipasi dan mempersiapkan diri terhadap bahaya dan peluang di masa depan. Dunia akademis juga berkembang, dengan kursus dan program baru yang diperkenalkan di universitas untuk membantu mahasiswa mengembangkan kemampuan analitis yang dicari oleh para pengusaha. Meskipun perkembangan dan penggunaan teknologi baru yang mengesankan, masalah seperti integritas dan privasi data tetap menjadi masalah di sektor ini. Meskipun demikian, analitika bisnis sangat penting di dunia akademis dan korporat karena sifatnya yang multiaspek, rentang aplikasinya yang luas, dan kemampuannya untuk merevolusi seluruh industri.

This article review draws on the insights of four related articles to undertake an in-depth investigation of the revolutionary path of analytics in the modern data-driven world. Article 1 introduces a structural framework for making use of data and stresses the revolutionary nature and critical importance of business analytics. Article 2 examines business analytics' nuances, including the field's definition, rising significance, historical evolution, and obstacles to adoption. The revolutionary power of business analytics in decision-making and the academic movement towards analytics programmes are emphasised in Article 3, which also highlights the increasing significance of business analytics in both the business sector and academia. Finally, Article 4 delves into Big Data analytics’ possible benefits and drawbacks in the oil and gas business. These articles provide a 360-degree view of analytics, focusing on the field's interdisciplinarity and its central role in defining contemporary commercial and academic landscapes. This article summarises these findings, highlighting the game-changing potential of analytics while also recognising the many obstacles and rewards that lie ahead for those who choose to use data and analytics. The potential benefits of using business analytics and Big Data include improved decision-making, more efficient operations, and a greater focus on customers. They also operate as impetuses for creativity, letting firms anticipate and prepare for future dangers and opportunities. The academic world is also evolving, with new courses and programmes introduced at universities to help students develop the analytical abilities employers seek. Despite the impressive development and use of new technologies, issues like data integrity and privacy remain a problem in the sector. Despite this, business analytics is of the utmost importance in academia and the corporate world because of its multifaceted character, wide range of applications, and ability to revolutionise entire industries."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sagala, Neni Julyatri
"Skripsi ini membahas tentang analisis perilaku tidak selamat mahasiswa dalam melakukan aktivitas di Laboratorium Kimia Kuantitatif Fakultas Farmasi UI. Penelitian dilakukan dengan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif. Penelitian dilakukan melalui wawancara mendalam dan juga Focus Group Discussion kepada 8 orang informan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar mahasiswa Fakultas Farmasi masih berperilaku tidak selamat dalam melakukan aktivitas di Laboratorium Kimia Kuantitatif. Faktor yang mempengaruhi perilaku tidak selamat mahasiswa saat melakukan aktivitas di Laboratorium Kimia Kuantitatif adalah iklim kerja (pengawasan), faktor pekerjaan, peer group, dan pelatihan. Sedangkan faktor iklim kerja berupa suasana kerja dan komunikasi serta faktor motivasi kerja tidak mempengaruhi perilaku mahasiswa.

The focus of this study is analyze of unsafe behavior of University of Indonesia?s under-graduate students in conducting activities at Quantitative Chemical Laboratory of Pharmacy Faculty. This study use descriptive qualitative design through in depth interview and focus group discussion as well. The result show that majority of under-graduate students of Pharmacy Faculty still behave unsafely in conducting activities at Quantitative Chemical Laboratory. The contribute factors of that behavior are job climate (supervision), job factors, peer group, and training. Whereas job climate factors such as work situation, communication and job motivation factors are not influencing under-graduate student?s behavior."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Maich, Kimberly
"This textbook offers real-world case studies for using Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) to create, implement, and appraise behavior intervention programs across a variety of client situations. Its chapters are formatted for ease of use and retention and organized to focus on the core components of ABA: assessment, planning, implementation, evaluation, and research/ethics. Illustrative cases represent a diversity of problem behaviors, settings, social contexts, and life stages, and includes questions about data collection, goal setting, communication with families, and other processes of effective ABA practice. Together they emphasize not only the content knowledge involved in designing interventions, but also the interpersonal skills necessary for helping change complex challenging behaviors.
These fifty case studies:
- Are suited to individual or team training.
- Present guiding questions regarding ABA process and professional practice
- Feature charts, forms, templates, and other practical tools.
- Include links to Behavior Analyst Certification Board resources.
- Demonstrate the flexibility of ABA for use with children, adolescents, adults, or seniors."
Switzerland: Springer Nature, 2016
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Prasetyo Bayu Murty
Dalam menghadapi perekonomian yang semakin global, Pemerintah
menginginkan BUMN-BUMN memiliki daya saing. Untuk mewujudkan hal tersebut, upaya yang dilakukan Pemerintah adalah dengan mengeluarkan kebijakan yang mendorong terjadinya sinergi di antara BUMN, Anak Perusahaan BUMN, dan Perusahaan Terafiliasi BUMN. Kebijakan untuk mendorong terjadinya Sinergi BUMN tersebut, saat ini diterapkan oleh pemerintah melalui Peraturan Menteri BUMN Nomor: Per-15/MBU/2012. Sinergi yang dimaksud dalam peraturan tersebut pada dasarnya adalah dorongan untuk saling melakukan penunjukan langsung di antara BUMN, anak perusahaan dan perusahaan terafiliasinya. Terhadap hal tersebut, KPPU menilai Kebijakan Sinergi BUMN bertentangan dengan prinsip persaingan usaha yang utamanya tercermin dalam putusan dan saran atas perkara nomor 07/KPPU-I/2013.
Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui bagaimana perspektif kebijakan dan ekonomi persaingan usaha terhadap Kebijakan Sinergi BUMN. Guna menjawab hal tersebut, penelitian ini akan melakukan analisis dengan menggunakan data kualitatif dan data kuantitatif dengan pembatasan studi pada industri jasa teknologi informasi. Data kualitatif dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode penelitian non-doctrinal legal research, sedangkan data kuantitatif dianalisis dengan cara melakukan perhitungan konsentrasi industri. Dari analisis kualitatif yang dilakukan, dapatlah disimpulkan bahwa secara material Kebijakan Sinergi BUMN memiliki beberapa kekurangan yang dapat berdampak terhadap kompetisi ataupun efisiensi. Kendati demikian, oleh karena secara legal formal Kebijakan Sinergi BUMN tetap dapat dilakukan maka diperlukan beberapa perbaikan dalam aturan pelaksanaannya sehingga Kebijakan Sinergi BUMN menjadi tidak
berpotensi merugikan persaingan secara luas. Adapun dari pengolahan data kuantitatif yang dilakukan, dapat diketahui bahwa pada industri jasa teknologi informasi khususnya pasar data center services, Kebijakan Sinergi BUMN dapat berpotensi membatasi persaingan. Hal tersebut terlihat dari angka pertumbuhan kinerja pelaku usaha pesaing, meningkatnya penguasaan pasar dan rendahnya efisiensi Perusahaan Terafiliasi BUMN.

In the face of an increasing global economy, Government wants State-Owned Enterprises (SOE) to be more competitive. In order to realize that goal, Government made an effort by issuing policies that foster synergy among SOEs, its Subsidiaries, and Affiliated Companies of the SOE. Currently, policy to encourage business synergy between SOEs is implemented by the Government through SOE?s Minister Regulations No. Per-15 / MBU / 2012. Synergy that stipulated in the minister regulations is basically to permit and encourage procurement with direct appointment method among SOEs, its subsidiaries, and
Affiliated Companies of the SOE. On the contrary, the Antitrust Commission considers such kind of policy is against to the principles of competition. Such consideration was mainly reflected in the Commision verdicts and suggestion on case number 07 / KPPU-I / 2013.
This research was conducted to determine how the perspective of antitrust economic and policy towards synergy of the SOEs. To answer this, this research performed analysis using quantitative and qualitative data. Such data is limited to the information technology services industry. Qualitative data was analyzed by using non-doctrinal legal research method, while quantitative data was analyzed
by calculating industry concentration. From the qualitative analysis carried out, it can be concluded that the SOE? Synergy Policy contains some risks that can influence competition and efficiency. However, because SOE? Synergy Policy
still can be legally implemented, some policy-improvements are needed to ensure
that implementation of the policy will not harm competition. From the
quantitative data processed, it can be known that competition in information
technology services industry in particular market of data center services is
potentially damaged by the SOE? Synergy Policy. This is evident from the
performance of the competitors as well as market share and efficiency of
Affiliated Companies of the SOE.;In the face of an increasing global economy, Government wants State-Owned
Enterprises (SOE) to be more competitive. In order to realize that goal,
Government made an effort by issuing policies that foster synergy among SOEs,
its Subsidiaries, and Affiliated Companies of the SOE. Currently, policy to
encourage business synergy between SOEs is implemented by the Government
through SOE?s Minister Regulations No. Per-15 / MBU / 2012. Synergy that
stipulated in the minister regulations is basically to permit and encourage
procurement with direct appointment method among SOEs, its subsidiaries, and
Affiliated Companies of the SOE. On the contrary, the Antitrust-Commission
considers such kind of policy is against to the principles of competition. Such
consideration was mainly reflected in the Commision?s verdicts and suggestion on
case number 07 / KPPU-I / 2013.
This research was conducted to determine how the perspective of antitrust
economic and policy towards synergy of the SOEs. To answer this, this research
performed analysis using quantitative and qualitative data. Such data is limited to
the information technology services industry. Qualitative data was analyzed by
using non-doctrinal legal research method, while quantitative data was analyzed
by calculating industry concentration. From the qualitative analysis carried out, it
can be concluded that the SOE? Synergy Policy contains some risks that can
influence competition and efficiency. However, because SOE? Synergy Policy
still can be legally implemented, some policy-improvements are needed to ensure
that implementation of the policy will not harm competition. From the
quantitative data processed, it can be known that competition in information
technology services industry in particular market of data center services is
potentially damaged by the SOE? Synergy Policy. This is evident from the
performance of the competitors as well as market share and efficiency of
Affiliated Companies of the SOE.;In the face of an increasing global economy, Government wants State-Owned
Enterprises (SOE) to be more competitive. In order to realize that goal,
Government made an effort by issuing policies that foster synergy among SOEs,
its Subsidiaries, and Affiliated Companies of the SOE. Currently, policy to
encourage business synergy between SOEs is implemented by the Government
through SOE?s Minister Regulations No. Per-15 / MBU / 2012. Synergy that
stipulated in the minister regulations is basically to permit and encourage
procurement with direct appointment method among SOEs, its subsidiaries, and
Affiliated Companies of the SOE. On the contrary, the Antitrust-Commission
considers such kind of policy is against to the principles of competition. Such
consideration was mainly reflected in the Commision?s verdicts and suggestion on
case number 07 / KPPU-I / 2013.
This research was conducted to determine how the perspective of antitrust
economic and policy towards synergy of the SOEs. To answer this, this research
performed analysis using quantitative and qualitative data. Such data is limited to
the information technology services industry. Qualitative data was analyzed by
using non-doctrinal legal research method, while quantitative data was analyzed
by calculating industry concentration. From the qualitative analysis carried out, it
can be concluded that the SOE? Synergy Policy contains some risks that can
influence competition and efficiency. However, because SOE? Synergy Policy
still can be legally implemented, some policy-improvements are needed to ensure
that implementation of the policy will not harm competition. From the
quantitative data processed, it can be known that competition in information
technology services industry in particular market of data center services is
potentially damaged by the SOE? Synergy Policy. This is evident from the
performance of the competitors as well as market share and efficiency of
Affiliated Companies of the SOE.;In the face of an increasing global economy, Government wants State-Owned
Enterprises (SOE) to be more competitive. In order to realize that goal,
Government made an effort by issuing policies that foster synergy among SOEs,
its Subsidiaries, and Affiliated Companies of the SOE. Currently, policy to
encourage business synergy between SOEs is implemented by the Government
through SOE?s Minister Regulations No. Per-15 / MBU / 2012. Synergy that
stipulated in the minister regulations is basically to permit and encourage
procurement with direct appointment method among SOEs, its subsidiaries, and
Affiliated Companies of the SOE. On the contrary, the Antitrust-Commission
considers such kind of policy is against to the principles of competition. Such
consideration was mainly reflected in the Commision?s verdicts and suggestion on
case number 07 / KPPU-I / 2013.
This research was conducted to determine how the perspective of antitrust
economic and policy towards synergy of the SOEs. To answer this, this research
performed analysis using quantitative and qualitative data. Such data is limited to
the information technology services industry. Qualitative data was analyzed by
using non-doctrinal legal research method, while quantitative data was analyzed
by calculating industry concentration. From the qualitative analysis carried out, it
can be concluded that the SOE? Synergy Policy contains some risks that can
influence competition and efficiency. However, because SOE? Synergy Policy
still can be legally implemented, some policy-improvements are needed to ensure
that implementation of the policy will not harm competition. From the
quantitative data processed, it can be known that competition in information
technology services industry in particular market of data center services is
potentially damaged by the SOE? Synergy Policy. This is evident from the
performance of the competitors as well as market share and efficiency of
Affiliated Companies of the SOE., In the face of an increasing global economy, Government wants State-Owned
Enterprises (SOE) to be more competitive. In order to realize that goal,
Government made an effort by issuing policies that foster synergy among SOEs,
its Subsidiaries, and Affiliated Companies of the SOE. Currently, policy to
encourage business synergy between SOEs is implemented by the Government
through SOE’s Minister Regulations No. Per-15 / MBU / 2012. Synergy that
stipulated in the minister regulations is basically to permit and encourage
procurement with direct appointment method among SOEs, its subsidiaries, and
Affiliated Companies of the SOE. On the contrary, the Antitrust-Commission
considers such kind of policy is against to the principles of competition. Such
consideration was mainly reflected in the Commision’s verdicts and suggestion on
case number 07 / KPPU-I / 2013.
This research was conducted to determine how the perspective of antitrust
economic and policy towards synergy of the SOEs. To answer this, this research
performed analysis using quantitative and qualitative data. Such data is limited to
the information technology services industry. Qualitative data was analyzed by
using non-doctrinal legal research method, while quantitative data was analyzed
by calculating industry concentration. From the qualitative analysis carried out, it
can be concluded that the SOE’ Synergy Policy contains some risks that can
influence competition and efficiency. However, because SOE’ Synergy Policy
still can be legally implemented, some policy-improvements are needed to ensure
that implementation of the policy will not harm competition. From the
quantitative data processed, it can be known that competition in information
technology services industry in particular market of data center services is
potentially damaged by the SOE’ Synergy Policy. This is evident from the
performance of the competitors as well as market share and efficiency of
Affiliated Companies of the SOE.]"
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