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"This book is an outcome of the second national conference on Communication, Cloud and Big Data (CCB) held during November 10-11, 2016 at Sikkim Manipal Institute of Technology. The nineteen chapters of the book are some of the accepted papers of CCB 2016. These chapters have undergone review process and then subsequent series of improvements. The book contains chapters on various aspects of communication, computation, cloud and big data. Routing in wireless sensor networks, modulation techniques, spectrum hole sensing in cognitive radio networks, antenna design, network security, Quality of Service issues in routing, medium access control protocol for Internet of Things, and TCP performance over different routing protocols used in mobile ad-hoc networks are some of the topics discussed in different chapters of this book which fall under the domain of communication.
Moreover, there are chapters in this book discussing topics like applications of geographic information systems, use of radar for road safety, image segmentation and digital media processing, web content management system, human computer interaction, and natural language processing in the context of Bodo language. These chapters may fall under broader domain of computation.
Issues like robot navigation exploring cloud technology, and application of big data analytics in higher education are also discussed in two different chapters. These chapters fall under the domains of cloud and big data, respectively."
Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2019
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"This book features research work presented at the 2nd International Conference on Data Engineering and Communication Technology (ICDECT) held on December 15–16, 2017 at Symbiosis International University, Pune, Maharashtra, India. It discusses advanced, multi-disciplinary research into smart computing, information systems and electronic systems, focusing on innovation paradigms in system knowledge, intelligence and sustainability that can be applied to provide feasible solutions to varied problems in society, the environment and industry. It also addresses the deployment of emerging computational and knowledge transfer approaches, optimizing solutions in a variety of disciplines of computer science and electronics engineering."
Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2019
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"The book provides insights from the 2nd International Conference on Communication, Computing and Networking organized by the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research, Chandigarh, India on March 29–30, 2018. The book includes contributions in which researchers, engineers, and academicians as well as industrial professionals from around the globe presented their research findings and development activities in the field of Computing Technologies, Wireless Networks, Information Security, Image Processing and Data Science. The book provides opportunities for the readers to explore the literature, identify gaps in the existing works and propose new ideas for research."
Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2019
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"This book mainly addresses the applications of lasers in the manufacture of various industrial components. The technologies presented here have scopes of application ranging from the macro to meso and micro level of components and features. This book includes chapters on the basic and advanced applications of lasers in the manufacturing domain. They present theoretical and practical aspects of laser technology for various applications such as laser-based machining, micro-scribing, texturing, machining of micro-sized channels; laser welding; laser-based correction of sheet metal, i.e. straightening; laser forming; and laser technology for 3-D printing. Lasers have various applications such as the production of powerful lights for illumination or decoration; measurement of velocity (transportation) and length; interferometry; printing; recording; communication; bio-medical instrumentation and pollution detection. A significant body of literature is available on the physics of lasers and types of lasers. However it has been noted there are a few books published on the “applications of lasers in manufacturing domain,” a gap that this book remedies. Gathering contributions by leading engineers and academicians in this area, it offers a valuable source of information for young scientists and research students."
Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2019
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"This book presents the latest research findings, as well as innovative theoretical and practical research results, methods and development techniques related to P2P, grid, cloud and Internet computing. It also reveals the synergies among such large scale computing paradigms.
P2P, Grid, Cloud and Internet computing technologies have rapidly become established as breakthrough paradigms for solving complex problems by enabling aggregation and sharing of an increasing variety of distributed computational resources on a large scale.
Grid computing originated as a paradigm for high-performance computing, offering an alternative to expensive supercomputers through different forms of large-scale distributed computing. P2P computing emerged as a new paradigm following on from client-server and web-based computing and has proved useful in the development of social networking, B2B (Business to Business), B2C (Business to Consumer), B2G (Business to Government), and B2E (Business to Employee). Cloud computing has been described as a “computing paradigm where the boundaries of computing are determined by economic rationale rather than technical limits”. Cloud computing has fast become the computing paradigm with applicability and adoption in all domains and providing utility computing at large scale. Lastly, Internet computing is the basis of any large-scale distributed computing paradigm; it has very quickly developed into a vast and flourishing field with enormous impact on today’s information societies and serving as a universal platform comprising a large variety of computing forms such as grid, P2P, cloud and mobile computing."
Switzerland: Springer Cham, 2019
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"The book describes the emergence of big data technologies and the role of Spark in the entire big data stack. It compares Spark and Hadoop and identifies the shortcomings of Hadoop that have been overcome by Spark. The book mainly focuses on the in-depth architecture of Spark and our understanding of Spark RDDs and how RDD complements big data’s immutable nature, and solves it with lazy evaluation, cacheable and type inference. It also addresses advanced topics in Spark, starting with the basics of Scala and the core Spark framework, and exploring Spark data frames, machine learning using Mllib, graph analytics using Graph X and real-time processing with Apache Kafka, AWS Kenisis, and Azure Event Hub. It then goes on to investigate Spark using PySpark and R. Focusing on the current big data stack, the book examines the interaction with current big data tools, with Spark being the core processing layer for all types of data.
The book is intended for data engineers and scientists working on massive datasets and big data technologies in the cloud. In addition to industry professionals, it is helpful for aspiring data processing professionals and students working in big data processing and cloud computing environments."
Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2019
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Antonius Danny Nugroho
"Proses additive manufacturing mendapatkan banyak perhatian dan berdampak besar pada teknologi manufaktur. Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) merupakan salah satu teknologi additive manufacturing yang paling umum digunakan untuk memfabrikasi produk 3D print. Teknologi FDM dapat dengan cepat mencetak produk berbahan plastik maupun plastik komposit serta hanya membutuhkan sedikit energi dan biaya jika dibandingkan dengan teknologi additive manufacturing lainnya. Kekuatan mekanis dari produk hasil cetak FDM sangat berpengaruh dari paramaeter proses FDM itu sendiri. Untuk itu dilakukan studi optimasi parameter proses FDM. Sehingga dari parameter yang sesuai dapat meminimalisir cacat serta meningkatkan sifat mekanis dari produk. Pada penelitian ini material filamen yang digunakan adalah palstik komposit Polylactic Acid (50%Wt) + Steel (50%Wt) dan PolyAmide (75%Wt) + Carbon Fiber (25%Wt). Dengan variasi level parameter proses FDM pada temperatur nozel, kecepatan print dan arah orientasi print untuk menghasilkan spesimen uji tarik ASTM D638 TipeV. Spesimen tersebut selanjutnya dilakukan pengujian tarik dan porositas, untuk mengetahui sifat mekanis dari masing-masing material. Data hasil pengujian lalu dilakukan optimasi dengan metode VIKOR untuk mendapatkan parameter proses FDM terbaik. Hasil optimasi yang didapatkan dari penelitian ini adalah parameter proses terbaik untuk material PLA+Steel yaitu 0.1mm ketebalan lapisan, 220˚C temperatur nozel, 40mm/s kecepatan print, 90˚ orientasi print, 70˚C temperatur platform dan untuk material PA+CF yaitu 0.1mm ketebalan lapisan, 260˚C temperatur nozel, 40mm/s kecepatan print, 0˚ orientasi print, 85˚ temperatur platform.

Additive manufacturing process has gained much attention and huge impact on manufacturing technologies. Fused Deposition Modeling is one of the additive manufacturing technology which commonly use for manufacturing 3D printed product. FDM technology can produce plastic and plastic composite products rapidly and only require less energy and lower cost compared to other additive manufacturing technologies. Kekuatan mekanis dari produk hasil cetak FDM sangat berpengaruh dari paramaeter proses FDM itu sendiri. Therefore should be performed optimization study of FDM process paramters. So, with the best process parameter can minimize the defect found in the product and also increases the mechanical strength. Plastic composites filament Polylactic Acid (50%Wt) + Steel (50%Wt) and PolyAmide (75%Wt) + Carbon Fiber (25%Wt) are used in this reserach.With different level process parameters FDM for nozzle temperature, print speed, printing orientation to produce tensile strength specimen ASTM D638 Type V. furthermore, this spesimens are subjected to tensile and porosity test, to know the mechanical properties for each material. The result test data is processed to optimization with VIKOR method to get the best FDM process parameters. The result of optimization for this research is the best process parameter for PLA+ Steel material is 0.1mm layer thickness, 220˚C nozzle temperature, 40mm/s printing speed, 90˚ printing orientation, 70˚C platform temperature and for PA+CF material is 0.1mm layer thickness, 260˚C nozzle temperature, 40mm/s printing speed, 0˚ printing orientation, 85˚ platform temperature."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nabila Indah Hermanto
"Instalasi Radiodiagnostik RS Kanker Dharmais pada tahun 2019 memiliki persediaan perbekalan farmasi yang berlebih lalu menjadi kedaluwarsa. Hal ini menyebabkan peningkatan pada biaya penyimpanan persediaan, biaya pengelolaan limbah rumah sakit, serta limbah berpotensi mencemari lingkungan sekitar. Oleh karena itu, studi perencanaan pengendalian persediaan melalui sistem EOQ (Economic Order Quantity) dan ROP (Reorder Point) di Instalasi Radiodiagnostik RS Kanker Dharmais dilakukan untuk menentukan jumlah pemesanan yang ekonomis, jumlah persediaan minimum, dan jumlah persediaan cadangan. Penelitian dilakukan secara deskriptif observasional dengan pendekatan retrospektif, di mana data yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah dokumen produksi di fasilitas pembuatan PET radiofarmaka, berupa harga beli perbekalan farmasi yang termasuk biaya pemesanan dan biaya penyimpanan, jumlah pemakaian persediaan dalam setahun, serta waktu yang diperlukan dari saat memesan barang hingga sampai. Perhitungan EOQ pada penelitian menghasilkan jumlah pemesanan perbekalan farmasi yang ekonomis dengan variasi mulai dari 1-17 box, 1-5 botol, dan 1 tabung gas. Pemesanan dilakukan kembali ketika persediaan telah mencapai jumlah minimumnya (reorder point), dengan variasi mulai dari 1-91 piece(s), 1/10 - 1 4/5 botol, dan 2-14 bar. Kemudian, untuk mengantisipasi stockout maka dibutuhkan safety stock dengan jumlah bervariasi mulai dari 1-10 box, 1 botol, dan 1 tabung gas. Berdasarkan perencanaan yang dilakukan, pengendalian persediaan perbekalan farmasi melalui sistem EOQ dan ROP di Instalasi Radiodiagnostik RS Kanker Dharmais menghasilkan jumlah pemesanan yang ekonomis, pada waktu yang tepat, serta mencegah terjadinya overstock (kelebihan persediaan) maupun stockout (kekosongan persediaan).

Radiodiagnostic Department of Dharmais Cancer Hospital in 2019, had an excess supply which eventually became expired. This case increased inventory storage costs, the hospital waste management cost, as well as the waste potentially pollute the surrounding environment. Therefore, the study of planning inventory control was carried out through the EOQ (Economic Order Quantity) and ROP (Reorder Point) systems at the Radiodiagnostic Department of Dharmais Cancer Hospital to determine the number of economic orders, minimum inventory quantities, and the number of safety stocks. The study was conducted descriptively observational with a retrospective approach, where the data used in the study were production documents at the radiopharmaceutical PET manufacturing facility, consisting the purchase price of the supplies which included ordering cost and holding cost, annual usage for the inventory item, also lead time for a new order. The EOQ calculation in this study resulted in an economical amount of pharmaceutical supplies with variations ranging from 1-17 boxes, 1-5 bottles, and 1 gas cylinder. Orders were remade when the amount of inventory had reached the reorder point (ROP), with variations ranging from 1-91 piece(s), 1/10 - 1 4/5 bottles, and 2-14 bars. Then, to anticipate stockout, safety stocks were needed with varying amounts ranging from 1-10 boxes, 1 bottle, and 1 gas cylinder. Based on the planning, inventory control for pharmaceutical supplies through EOQ and ROP systems in the Radiodiagnostic Department of Dharmais Cancer Hospital generated an economical number of orders, at the right time, also prevented overstock and stockout."
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia , 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hwang, Kai
"The definitive guide to successfully integrating social, mobile, Big-Data analytics, cloud and IoT principles and technologies The main goal of this book is to spur the development of effective big-data computing operations on smart clouds that are fully supported by IoT sensing, machine learning and analytics systems"
Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons, 2017
004.678 2 HWA b
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"This book presents on the latest research findings, and innovative research methods and development techniques related to the emerging areas of broadband and wireless computing from both theoretical and practical perspectives.
Information networking is evolving rapidly with various kinds of networks with different characteristics emerging and being integrated into heterogeneous networks. As a result, a number of interconnection problems can occur at different levels of the communicating entities and communication networks’ hardware and software design. These networks need to manage an increasing usage demand, provide support for a significant number of services, guarantee their QoS, and optimize the network resources.
The success of all-IP networking and wireless technology has changed the way of life for people around the world, and the advances in electronic integration and wireless communications will pave the way for access to the wireless networks on the fly. This in turn means that all electronic devices will be able to exchange the information with each other in a ubiquitous way whenever necessary."
Switzerland: Springer Cham, 2019
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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