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Elvira Herdiani
"Pesatnya pertumbuhan industri fashion dinilai menjadi penyebab utama munculnya era fast-fashion yang membawa eksternalitas negatif berupa kerusakan lingkungan di dunia, tak terkecuali di Indonesia. Indonesia, sebagai negara yang nilai-nilai keagamaan melekat pada masyarakatnya, telah menarik perhatian penulis untuk meneliti tentang bagaimana pola konsumsi produk fashion yang dilakukan oleh masyarakatnya. Hal ini dikarenakan tidak ada agama yang mengajarkan umatnya untuk membuat kerusakan, termasuk dalam hal kegiatan pembelian produk fashion yang dalam proses pembuatannya banyak mengorbankan orang lain maupun lingkungan. Dengan latar belakang tersebut, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh religiositas, green thinking, dan green altruism terhadap intensi mengonsumsi produk sustainable fashion di Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan metode analisis Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) dan melibatkan 522 responden di Indonesia. Dengan mengadopsi model Theory of Planned Behavior, hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa religiositas berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap intensi pembelian produk sustainable fashion melalui variabel attitude towards behavior dan perceived behavioral control, sementara subjective norms terbukti tidak signifikan. Lebih lanjut, green thinking ditemukan berpengaruh positif signifkan terhadap intensi pembelian produk sustainable fashion, sedangkan green altruism terbukti tidak signifikan. Berdasarkan hasil koefisien determinasinya, penelitian selanjutnya diharapkan dapat lebih memfokuskan pada penggunaan variabel independen yang lebih bervariatif, serta dapat menghimpun responden dengan latar sosio-demografis yang lebih seimbang agar dapat membuka analisis lainnya dan menambah khazanah pengetahuan pembaca.

The rapid growth of the fashion industry is considered to be the main cause of the emergence of the fast-fashion era which brings negative externalities in the form of environmental damage in the world, including in Indonesia. Indonesia, as a country that has religious values attached to its people, has attracted the author to examine how the consumption pattern of fashion products is carried out by them. It is because there is no religion that teaches its adherents to cause damage, including in terms of buying fashion products, which in the manufacturing process sacrifice other people and the environment. Against this background, this study aims to analyze the effect of religiosity, green thinking, and green altruism on the intention to consume sustainable fashion products in Indonesia. This study used a quantitative approach with the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) analysis method and involved 522 respondents in Indonesia. By adopting the Theory of Planned Behavior model, the research results show that religiosity has a significant positive effect on purchase intentions of sustainable fashion products through the attitude towards behavior and perceived behavioral control, while the subjective norms proves to be insignificant. Furthermore, green thinking was found to have a significant positive effect on the purchase intention of sustainable fashion products, while green altruism proved to be insignificant. Based on the results of the coefficient of determination, further research is expected to focus more on the use of a more varied independent variable, and to gather respondents with a more balanced socio-demographic background in order to open up other analyzes and add insight to the reader's knowledge."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Citra Fida Asteria
"Industri kosmetik di Indonesia sedang mengalami pertumbuhan yang baik seiring dengan perubahan dan perkembangan gaya hidup. Di samping itu, terdapat beberapa faktor permasalahan, yaitu dari sisi kesehatan (potensi kandungan bahan kimia berbahaya yang dapat mengganggu kesehatan), lingkungan (pencemaran lingkungan akibat proses produksi maupun pembuangan produk), dan kesejahteraan hewan (adanya pengujian pada hewan). Faktor-faktor tersebut mendorong konsumen untuk berperilaku hijau dalam keputusan pembelian mereka. Akibatnya, pengusaha termotivasi untuk menciptakan produk hijau, yaitu green cosmetics. Konsumen yang dapat membeli produk green cosmetics masih sedikit dikarenakan produk yang cenderung mahal. Sulit menghubungkan green consumer dengan hal-hal lain karena setiap konsumen memiliki preferensi selera atribut produk hijau yang berbeda. Untuk itu, peneliti ingin menganalisis lebih lanjut faktor-faktor apa saja yang mempengaruhi repurchase intention konsumen pada produk green cosmetics dengan menggunakan variabel perceived value (functional value, emotional value, social value), health consciousness, environmental awareness, dan ethical concern sebagai variabel mediasi. Desain penelitian untuk pengambilan sample menggunakan cross sectional dengan metode nonprobability sampling. Kriteria responden yang ditentukan, yaitu berusia minimal 17 tahun dan pernah membeli produk green cosmetics. Kuesioner penelitian disebarkan secara online. Data responden sebanyak 206 responden diolah dan dianalisis pada tahap maintest. Smart PLS 3.0 merupakan softwareyang digunakan untuk menganalisis data pada penelitian ini. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa variabel functional value, emotional value, dan environmental awareness berpengaruh positif secara langsung terhadap repurchase intention. Ethical concern sebagai variabel mediasi, secara positif memediasi functional value dan repurchase intention, juga terhadap emotional value dan repurchase intention, serta health consciousness dan repurchase intention. Health consciousness secara langsung tidak berpengaruh positif terhadap repurchase intention. Social value secara langsung maupun tidak langsung (melalui variabel mediasi ethical concern) tidak berpengaruh positif terhadap repurchase intention.

The cosmetics industry in Indonesia is experiencing good growth in line with changes and developments in lifestyle. In addition, there are several problem factors, from a health perspective (potentially containing hazardous chemicals that can harm health), the environment (environmental contamination due to the production process and product disposal), and animal welfare (testing on animals). These factors encourage consumers to behave green in their purchasing decisions. As a result, entrepreneurs are motivated to create green products, namely green cosmetics. There are only a few consumers who can buy green cosmetic products because the products tend to be expensive. It is difficult to link green consumers with other things because each consumer has different taste preferences for green product attributes. For this reason, researchers want to further analyze what factors that influence consumer repurchase intentions for green cosmetic products by using the variables of perceived value (functional value, emotional value, social value), health awareness, environmental awareness, and ethical concern as mediating variables. The research design for sampling using cross sectional with nonprobability sampling method. The specified criteria for respondents are at least 17 years old and have purchased green cosmetic products. The research questionnaire was distributed online. The data of 206 respondents were processed and analyzed at the main test stage. Smart PLS 3.0 is the software used to analyze the data in this study. The results show that functional value, emotional value, and environmental awareness have a direct positive effect on repurchase intention. Ethical concern as a mediating variable positively mediates functional value and repurchase intention, as well as emotional value and repurchase intention, also health consciousness and repurchase intention. Health consciousness has no direct positive effect on repurchase intention. Social value directly or indirectly (through the mediating variable of ethical issues) does not have a positive effect on repurchase intention."
Jakarta: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bianca Jasmine Alfitrah Putri Rosadi
"Maraknya isu lingkungan telah membuat masyarakat lebih banyak mengonsumsi produk hijau, salah satunya kosmetik hijau (green cosmetics) yang tidak hanya ramah lingkungan namun sejalan dengan prinsip syariah. Namun demikian, penjualan kosmetik hijau di Indonesia masih sangat terbatas. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi intensi pembelian produk kosmetik hijau oleh konsumen Muslim di Indonesia. Penelitian ini mengadopsi kerangka Theory of Planned Behavior dengan tambahan beberapa variabel dan metode penelitian kuantitatif dengan Covariance-Based Structural Equation Modelling (CB-SEM). Data primer dikumpulkan dengan metode non-probability sampling dan melibatkan 500 responden Muslim Indonesia yang pernah membeli produk kosmetik hijau dalam 6 bulan terakhir. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa variabel sikap, norma subjektif, dan kontrol perilaku memiliki hubungan signifikan positif terhadap intensi pembelian produk kosmetik hijau, dimana sikap memiliki pengaruh yang paling signifikan positif terhadap intensi tersebut. Adapun variabel pengetahuan lingkungan, motif ekologi, dan religiositas memiliki pengaruh signifikan positif terhadap sikap untuk membeli produk kosmetik hijau. Sedangkan variabel kesadaran kesehatan dan kolektivitas tidak memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap sikap untuk membeli produk kosmetik hijau. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan masukkan terhadap pelaku industri kosmetik hijau dalam menyusun strategi pemasaran yang sesuai, antara lain dengan mempromosikan produk kosmetik hijau oleh ahli dibidang terkait, memasukkan nilai religiositas ke dalam iklan, dan pelabelan ramah lingkungan pada kosmetik hijau. Hasil ini juga diharapkan bermanfaat bagi pemerintah untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan masyarakat seputar lingkungan serta akademisi sebagai rujukan bagi penelitian sejenis dan memperkaya literatur terkait kosmetik hijau di Indonesia maupun global.

The rise of environmental issues has made people consume more green products, one of which is green cosmetics that are not only environmentally friendly but in line with sharia principles. However, sales of green cosmetics in Indonesia are still very limited. Therefore, this study aims to determine the factors that influence the purchase intention of green cosmetics products by Muslim consumers in Indonesia. This study adopts the Theory of Planned Behavior framework with the addition of several variables and quantitative research methods with Covariance-Based Structural Equation Modeling (CB-SEM). Primary data was collected using non-probability sampling method and involved 500 Indonesian Muslim respondents who had purchased green cosmetics products in the last 6 months. The results showed that the variables of attitude, subjective norms, and behavioral control have a significant positive relationship with the intention to purchase green cosmetics products, where attitude has the most significant positive influence on the intention. The variables of environmental knowledge, ecological motives, and religiosity have a significant positive influence on the attitude to buy green cosmetics products. While the variables of health awareness and collectivity do not have a significant influence on the attitude to buy green cosmetics products. The results of this study are expected to provide input to green cosmetics industry players in developing appropriate marketing strategies, including promoting green cosmetics products by experts in related fields, incorporating religiosity values into advertisements, and environmentally friendly labeling on green cosmetics. These results are also expected to be useful for the government to increase public knowledge about the environment and academics as a reference for similar research and enrich the literature related to green cosmetics in Indonesia and globally."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muh. Saleh
"Meningkatnya permasalahan lingkungan seperti pemanasan global, limbah, dan polusi memaksa individu untuk memperhatikan lingkungan. Adanya efek negatif dari kerusakan lingkungan ini mengharuskan konsumen untuk menggunakan green product. Untuk dapat memahami lebih baik mengenai perilaku pembelian konsumen pada green product, penelitian ini menggunakan theory of planned behavior (TPB) dan meneliti lebih lanjut mengenai faktor-faktor lain yang dapat mempengaruhi perilaku pembelian konsumen. Oleh karena itu, peneliti mencoba untuk meneliti pengaruh dari social media marketing, crisis awareness, product knowledge, attribution of responsibility, subjective norm, perceived behavioral control, dan attitude terhadap perilaku pembelian green product. Pengumpulan data dilakukan menggunakan kuesioner online dengan jumlah sebesar 393 responden di Indonesia dan data dianalisis menggunakan metode structural equation modeling (SEM) dengan software SmartPLS 4. Hasil penelitian menyatakan bahwa sikap positif terhadap green product, norma subjektif, dan kontrol perilaku yang dirasakan memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap niat pembelian green product. Di sisi lain, crisis awareness memiliki pengaruh negatif pada sikap dan niat pembelian green product. Pengetahuan konsumen tentang green product secara positif mempengaruhi sikap dan niat pembelian mereka. Social Media Marketing memiliki pengaruh positif pada Product Knowledge, crisis awareness, dan norma subjektif. Selain itu, niat pembelian green product berdampak positif pada perilaku pembelian konsumen. Selanjutnya, Attribution of Responsibility dapat memperkuat hubungan antara niat pembelian dan perilaku pembelian green product konsumen. Temuan-temuan ini memiliki implikasi penting bagi strategi keberlanjutan perusahaan dalam mempromosikan perilaku pembelian hijau konsumen. Penelitian ini memberikan manfaat bagi marketer di sektor industri green product untuk membuat strategi pemasaran yang lebih efektif agar memiliki keunggulan kompetitif dan dapat bersaing dengan kompetitor.

The increasing environmental issues such as global warming, waste, and pollution have compelled individuals to pay attention to the environment. The negative effects of environmental degradation have necessitated consumers to embrace green products. In order to gain a better understanding of consumer purchasing behavior towards green products, this research employs the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) and investigates additional factors that can influence consumer behavior. Thus, the study examines the impact of social media marketing, crisis awareness, product knowledge, attribution of responsibility, subjective norm, perceived behavioral control, and attitude towards green purchasing behavior. Data collection was conducted through an online questionnaire with 393 respondents in Indonesia, and the data were analyzed using structural equation modeling (SEM) with SmartPLS 4 software. The findings of the study indicate that a positive attitude towards green products, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control have a positive influence on the intention to purchase green products. On the other hand, crisis awareness has a negative impact on attitudes and intentions to purchase green products. Consumer knowledge about green products positively affects their attitudes and purchase intentions. Social media marketing has a positive influence on product knowledge, crisis awareness, and subjective norms. Furthermore, purchase intention for green products positively influences consumer purchasing behavior. Additionally, the attribution of responsibility strengthens the relationship between purchase intentions and green purchasing behavior. These findings have significant implications for sustainability strategies of companies in promoting green consumer behavior. This research provides valuable insights for marketers in the green product industry to develop more effective marketing strategies that create a competitive advantage and enable them to compete with competitors."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Iin Wirdania
Indonesia dicanangkan oleh pemerintah menjadi pusat fashion muslim dunia 2020. Untuk
mendukung inisiatif ini, penelitian ini diharapkan dapat berkontribusi menambah
informasi mengenai hal-hal yang mempengaruhi intention to buy produk baju muslim
wanita. Salah satunya yang berkaitan adalah faktor sub-kultur relijiusitas. Penelitian ini
tentang pengaruh relijiusitas terhadap consumer attitudes dan purchase intention produk
baju muslim wanita. Metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kuantitatif melalui analisa
data dengan structural equation model. Hasil yang diharapkan adalah bahwa relijiusitas
akan berpengaruh signifikan terhadap consumer attitudes dan consumer attitudes akan
berpengaruh secara positif dan signifikan terhadap intention to buy

Indonesia is designated by government to be the world?s Moslem fashion center
2020. To support the initiative, the researcher would like to contribute in adding
insight on factors that influence intention to buy of moslem women clothing in
Indonesia. One of the related factor is sub-cultur factor religiosity. Therefore, I
conduct a research on the influence of religiosity of moslem women on consumer
attitudes towards fashion and intention to buy of Moslem women clothing. The
methodology used is quantitative descriptive through data analysis method by
structural equation model tool. The expected result of the research is religiosity
will have significant impact on consumer attitudes towards fashion and consumer
attitudes towards fashion will have positive and significant impact on intention to
buy for moslem women clothing"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dwi Indah Fitriningsih
"Industri fashion telah berevolusi secara signifikan, beralih dari traditional craftsmanship ke fast fashion, yang telah meningkatkan corncern terhadap masalah lingkungan dan mendorong kesadaran tentang circular fashion juga collaborative consumption. Studi ini meneliti pengaruh shopping motivation dan perceived risk terhadap intention untuk terlibat dalam fashion renting di kalangan konsumen Indonesia berusia 15-45 tahun yang sebelumnya tidak pernah menggunakan platform penyewaan pakaian. Dengan menggunakan Structural Equation Modeling-Partial Least Squares (SEM-PLS) dengan evolusi dari teori Technology Acceptance Model, temuan pada penelitian ini mengungkapkan bahwa social shoping motivation dan social risk secara signifikan memengaruhi attitude terhadap fashion renting. Konsumen yang didorong oleh social shopping motivation, seperti mengikuti tren dan pengaruh teman sebaya, lebih cenderung memiliki sikap positif terhadap penyewaan pakaian. Sebaliknya, social risk yang dirasakan, termasuk potensi stigma atau penilaian dari teman sebaya karena mengenakan pakaian sewaan, memengaruhi attitude ini secara negatif. Achievement shopping motivation dan performance risk tidak secara signifikan memengaruhi attitude terhadap fashion renting. Selain itu, positif attitude terhadap fashion renting secara signifikan memengaruhi intention untuk menggunakan platform penyewaan pakaian. Menangani social risk dan memanfaatkan social shopping motivation dapat menumbuhkan attitude dan intention yang positif terhadap fashion renting, memberikan wawasan berharga bagi platform dan pemasar fashion renting yang bertujuan untuk mempromosikan konsumsi sustainable fashion di Indonesia.

The fashion industry has evolved significantly, transitioning from traditional craftsmanship to fast fashion, which has raised environmental concerns and promoted the circular fashion also collaborative consumption. This study examines the impact of shopping motivation and perceived risk on the intention to engage in fashion renting among Indonesian consumers aged 15-45 who have not previously used fashion renting platforms. Using Structural Equation Modeling-Partial Least Squares (SEM-PLS) with the evolution of Technology Acceptance Model theory, the findings reveal that social shopping motivation and social risk significantly influence attitudes towards fashion renting. Consumers driven by social shopping motivations, such as staying trendy and peer influence, are more likely to have a positive attitude towards fashion renting. Conversely, perceived social risks, including the potential stigma or judgment from peers for wearing rented clothes, negatively affect these attitudes. Achievement shopping motivation and performance risk do not significantly impact attitudes towards fashion renting. Additionally, positive attitudes towards fashion renting significantly impact the intention to use these platforms. Addressing perceived social risks and leveraging social shopping motivations can foster positive attitudes and intentions towards fashion renting, providing valuable insights for fashion rental platforms and marketers aiming to promote sustainable fashion consumption in Indonesia."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indinesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lucky Adhitiya
"Saat ini pasar dunia terus berubah, pilar keberlanjutan seperti lingkungan, ekonomi dan keadilan sosial telah menjadi bagian dari pengambilan keputusan pemasaran. Mengembangkan strategi pemasaran di tengah-tengah masalah lingkungan dan ekonomi saat ini telah menyebabkan fokus pada pentingnya pemasaran hijau. Menggunakan theory of consumption values dan value-attitude-behavior model, penelitian ini mengusulkan untuk mengeksplorasi green consumer behavior untuk green product di Indonesia. Attitude toward green product dan consumer values seperti functional value (price and quality), social value, conditional value, epistemic value, emotional value, and environmental value digunakan untuk mempelajari green consumer behavior untuk green products. Penelitian ini mengembangkan model penelitian dan diuji secara empiris dengan mengumpulkan data dari kuesioner yang didistribusikan di Indonesia. Berdasarkan sampel 200 responden, hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa hanya social value yang berdampak positif pada green consumer behavior, functional value (price), functional value (quality), environmental value, conditional value, epistemic value, dan emotional value tidak mempengaruhi green consumer behavior. Sebagai mediator, attitude toward green product memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap epistemic value, environmental value, dan emotional value. Ini menegaskan dan secara signifikan menambah literatur green consumer behavior di pasar yang berkembang.

At the moment the world market continues to change, sustainability pillars such as environment, economy and social justice have become part of marketing decision-making. Developing a marketing strategy in the midst of current environmental and economic issues has led to a focus on the importance of green marketing. Using the theory of consumption values and value-attitude-behavior model, this research proposes to explore the green consumer behavior for green products in Indonesia. Attitude toward green product and consumer values such as functional value (price and quality), social value, conditional value, epistemic value, emotional value, and environmental value were used to study the green consumer behavior for green products. This study developed a research model and empirically tested by collecting data from questionnaires that were distributed in Indonesia. Based on a sample of 200 respondents, the results indicate that only social value has a positive impact on green consumer behavior, functional value (price), functional value (quality), environmental value, conditional value, epistemic value, and emotional value do not influence green consumer behavior. As a mediator, attitude toward green product has a significant effect on epistemic value, environmental value, and emotional value. This confirms and significantly adds to the literature of green consumer behavior in a developing market.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Farah Diba Ariyanti
"Perkembangan modest fashion di Indonesia meningkat pesat dalam beberapa tahun terakhir. Sejak pandemi, pada tahun 2020, beberapa modest fashion brand ternama di Indonesia mulai mengalihkan strategi penjualan mereka ke ranah online, salah satunya melalui media sosial Instagram. Oleh karena itu, pemasaran produk modest fashion brand dengan menggunakan jasa social media influencer (SMI) sedang berkembang dengan pesat. Penelitian ini ingin mengetahui peran mediasi dari perceived credibility dan perceived religiosity SMI terhadap brand attitude dan purchase intention pada modest fashion brand di Indonesia, serta peran moderasi dari hedonic value pada produk tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif single cross-sectional dengan jumlah responden sebanyak 246 orang wanita pengguna aktif Instagram. Data dalam penelitian ini diolah menggunakan AMOS 24 dengan metode SEM. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa perceived expertise, goowill, dan trustworthiness, serta perceived religiosity yang dimiliki oleh SMI mampu memediasi hubungan antara SMI power dan brand attitude. Kemudian, hedonic value dari produk modest fashion brand juga mampu mempengaruhi purhcase intention. 

In recent years, modest fashion has grown significantly in Indonesia. Since the pandemic in 2020, some well-known modest fashion companies in Indonesia have started to change their focus from offline to online sales, using Instagram as one of the strategies. As a result, social media influencers (SMI) in marketing strategies are expanding. This study wants to analyze the mediating role of perceived credibility and religiosity of SMI on brand attitude and purchase intention of modest fashion brands in Indonesia, as well as the effects of hedonic value on the product. This study included 246 respondents who are active female Instagram users and used a single cross-sectional quantitative methodology. The data was processed using AMOS 24 with the SEM method. This research offers empirical evidence on the mediating effect of expertise, goodwill, trustworthiness, and religiosity between SMI power and brand attitude. Furthermore, the result of this study also shows that moderating effect of the hedonic value on the product from modest fashion brands impacts the purchase intention."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Amalia Nur Rahma
"Penelitian ini membahas mengenai intensi penggunaan ritel omnichannel konsumen milenial Indonesia dalam belanja produk fesyen yang menggunakan konsep pengembangan Technology Acceptance Model atau TAM. Penelitian ini melaksanakan survei kepada 426 responden dari generasi milenial yang lahir pada tahun 1982 hingga 2002 dan berdomisili di Indonesia. Adapun metode penyebaran kuesioner dilakukan secara online menggunakan Google Form dan dianalisis menggunakan Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) dengan software pengolahan data LISREL 8.51. Hasil dalam penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dalam continuance intention usage, variabel yang terbukti mempengaruhi terdiri dari perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, customer engagement, dan consumer value. Namun, tidak terdapat hubungan yang signifikan dalam variabel perceived ease of use terhadap continuance intention usage saat melalui perceived usefulness. Kemudian, continuance intention usage terbukti memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap actual use ritel omnichannel.

This study discusses the intention to use omnichannel retail by Indonesian millennial consumers in shopping for fashion products using the concept of developing the Technology Acceptance Model or TAM. This study conducted a survey of 426 respondents from the millennial generation who were born in 1982 to 2002 and domiciled in Indonesia. The data was collected through an online questionnaire, using the Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) method with LISREL 8.51 software. The result showed that the variables which significantly influenced continuance intention usage are perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, customer engagement, and consumer value. However, perceived ease of use doesn’t have a significant effect on perceived usefulness. Finally, continuance intention usage of omnichannel does significantly affect actual use in retail omnichannel."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tasya Aryani Pramesya
"Adanya pengaruh penyebaran informasi terkait produk dimedia sosial terhadap minat beli suatu produk ini dinilai dapat menjadi solusi untuk mendorong minat beli terkait produk ramah lingkungan melalui penyebaran informasi produk ramah lingkungan di Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan teknik purposive sampling pada 150 responden yang diperoleh melalui penyebaran kuesioner secara online dengan memanfaatkan Google Form. Objek dalam penelitian ini adalah Generasi Z dengan rentang usia 17-27 tahun dengan DKI Jakarta sebagai lokus dalam penelitian ini. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa social media information sharing memiliki pengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap green purchase intention. Selain itu, hasil penelitian ini juga menunjukkan bahwa perceived green value dan subjective norms berpengaruh positif dalam memediasi social media information sharing dan green purchase intention.

The influence of information dissemination related to products on social media on buying interest in a product is considere to be a solution to encourage purchase intention to environmentally friendly products through information dissemination on environmentally friendly products in Indonesia. This study used a quantitative approach with a purposive sampling technique on 150 respondents who were obtained through online questionnaires using the Google Form. The objects in this study were Generation Z with an age range of 17-27 years in DKI Jakarta as the locus in this study. The results of this study indicate that social media information sharing has a positive and significant impact on green purchase intention. In addition, the results of this study also show that perceived green values ​​and subjective norms have a positive effect in mediating social media information sharing and green purchase intention."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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