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Rifdah Nanda Pridayani
"Salah satu strategi dalam mencapai pembangunan ekonomi adalah pembangunan infrastruktur. Dalam kurun waktu terakhir, banyak negara melakukan pembangunan infrastruktur untuk mendorong pertumbuhan ekonominya. Terdapat tiga pilihan utama dalam membangun infrastruktur antara lain penyediaan secara langsung oleh pemerintah, kontraktual, dan Kerjasama Pemerintah Badan Usaha (Public Private Partnership). Pemerintah di berbagai negara tertarik pada skema PPP karena beberapa alasan kuat terutama lebih rendahnya biaya konstruksi dan biaya pemeliharaan lanjutan oleh pemerintah serta untuk mengurangi terpaparnya risiko bisnis langsung kepada Pemerintah.
Keterbatasan ketersediaan anggaran pemerintah dalam memenuhi kebutuhan untuk mendukung pembangunan telah mendorong inisiasi pelibatan badan usaha dalam penyediaan infrastruktur. Salah satu badan usaha yang dapat ikut berkontribusi yaitu bank, baik bank konvensional maupun bank syariah.
Dalam Islam, pembangunan infrastruktur adalah murni sebagai bentuk pelayanan negara kepada masyarakat. Membangun infrastruktur yang baik, bagus dan merata ke pelosok negeri adalah wajib. Sebagai dasarnya adalah kaidah, “Maa laa yatim al-wajib illa bihi fahuwa waajib.” (Suatu kewajiban yang tidak bisa terlaksana dengan baik karena sesuatu, maka sesuatu hukumnya menjadi wajib).
Berdasarkan STATE OF THE GLOBAL ISLAMIC ECONOMY REPORT 2022, 8 negara teratas yang memiliki tingkat implementasi ekonomi islam yang baik terutama di bidang investasi yaitu Bangladesh, Indonesia, Iran, Jordan, Malaysia, Nigeria, Pakistan, dan Turkey. Dengan itu, penelitian ini akan membahas mengenai pengaruh variabel-variabel makroekonomi dan bank size di negara-negara dengan tingkat penerapan ekonomi islam yang baik.

One strategy in achieving economic development is infrastructure development. In the last period, many countries have carried out infrastructure development to boost their economic growth. There are three main options in building infrastructure including direct provision by the government, contractual, and Public Private Partnership. Governments in various countries are interested in PPP schemes for several strong reasons, especially lower construction costs and follow-up maintenance costs by the government and to reduce direct business risk exposure to the Government.
The limited availability of the government's budget to meet the needs to support development has prompted the initiation of the involvement of business entities in the provision of infrastructure. One business entity that can contribute is a bank, both conventional and Islamic banks.
In Islam, infrastructure development is purely a form of state service to the community. Building good, good and evenly distributed infrastructure throughout the country is mandatory. As a basis is the rule, "Maa laa orphan al-wajib illa bihi fahuwa waajib." (An obligation that cannot be carried out properly because of something, then something is legally obligatory).
Based on the STATE OF THE GLOBAL ISLAMIC ECONOMY REPORT 2022, the top 8 countries have a good level of implementation of the Islamic economy, especially in the investment sector, namely Bangladesh, Indonesia, Iran, Jordan, Malaysia, Nigeria, Pakistan, and Turkey. With that in mind, this study will discuss the influence of macroeconomic variables and bank size in countries with a good level of implementation of Islamic economics.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Retnani Nur Hapsari
"Studi ilmiah ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh jenis kepemilikan bank terhadap perilaku pengambilan risiko pada bank. Klasifikasi bank umum dikategorikan menjadi Bank Pemerintah, Bank Swasta Nasional, dan Bank Asing. Studi ini juga melakukan pengujian apakah karakteristik spesifik bank memiliki pengaruh signifikan terhadap perilaku pengambilan risiko suatu bank. Penelitian menggunakan data publikasi laporan keuangan atas bank umum Indonesia untuk periode 2007-2016 dengan menggunakan metode Multiple Regression Analysis. Bank dengan dengan tipe kepemilikan pemerintah dan bank asing ditemukan memiliki kecenderungan pengambilan tingkat risiko yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan tipe bank swasta nasional. Penelitian ini juga menunjukkan bahwa faktor likuiditas bank dan diversifikasi pendanaan secara signifikan berpengaruh negatif terhadap perilaku pengambilan risiko sedangkan bank karakteristik lainnya tidak menujukkan adanya pengaruh yang signifikan.

This study aims to examine the effect of bank s type of ownership on the level of bank risk taking behavior. We classifies banks based on their ownership structures into state owned bank Bank Pemerintah, Private National Bank Bank Swasta Nasional, and Foreign Bank Bank Asing. Using bank data in Indonesia, the study want to know which bank type has greater risk taking. The study also tested whether specific bank characteristics had an influence on risk taking. We used the data of Indonesian banks in the period of 2007-2016 by using Multiple Regression Analysis method. Research shows that banks with government owned structure Bank Pemerintah and Foreign Banks Bank Asing have a tendency to take a higher level of risk than Private National Bank Bank Swasta Nasional. The test results also showed that bank liquidity factor and funding diversification significantly affect the risk taking level while the other characteristic bank did not show any significant effect."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Daffaa Dewa Al-ghiffari
"Studi ini meneliti hubungan antara regulasi permodalan, diversifikasi usaha, pengawasan pasar pada bank, serta remunerasi Dewan terhadap efisiensi bank di Indonesia selama periode 2013 – 2022. Sampel penelitian yang digunakan adalah 77 bank umum yang terdaftar di OJK per Februari 2023. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode SFA untuk mengestimasi skor efisiensi perbankan serta regresi data panel untuk analisis pengaruh di dalam variabel penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukan regulasi permodalan yang diukur dengan CAR berpengaruh negatif signifikan terhadap efisiensi bank. Kemudian, diversifikasi usaha bank serta pengawasan pasar pada bank yang diukur dengan penggunaan auditor big 4 berdampak negatif yang tidak signifikan terhadap efisiensi bank. Terakhir, mekanisme remunerasi Dewan terbukti berpengaruh positif yang tidak signifikan terhadap efisiensi bank di Indonesia.

This study examines the relationship between bank capital regulation, income diversification, market discipline to banks, and board remuneration on bank efficiency in Indonesia during the 2013 – 2022 period. The sample used was 77 Indonesian banks registered in OJK as of February 2023[d1] . SFA method was employed to estimate bank efficiency scores and panel data regression for analysis of relationships in research variables. The results showed that bank capital regulation, as measured by CAR, has a significant negative effect on bank efficiency. Bank income diversification and market discipline, as measured by the use of big 4 auditor, have an insignificant negative impact on bank efficiency. Last, the Board's remuneration mechanism was proven to have an insignificant positive effect on bank efficiency in Indonesia.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abdul Barri Karim
"Fenomena corporatocracy memunculkan potensi ancaman bagi kedaulatan ekonomi Indonesia. Sektor perbankan mempunyai peran penting dalam perekonomian Indonesia. Strategi pembentukan holding bank BUMN di Indonesia mulai dikaji salah satunya sebagai tindakan antisipatif dalam menghadapi ancaman corporatocracy.
Tesis ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi potensi ancaman corporatocracy serta menganalisis strategi pembentukan holding bank BUMN sebagai tindakan antisipatif. Metode yang digunakan dalam tesis ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif dengan metode analisis SWOT dan EHN framework.
Hasil analisis SWOT menunjukkan bahwa faktor kekuatan pembentukan holding bank BUMN adalah permodalan, size, efisiensi dan corporate strategy, kelemahannya adalah mengaburkan fokus, rendahnya kualitas sumber daya manusia dan teknologi, peluangnya adalah reciprocal expansion, peluang pasar retail ASEAN, proyek pembangunan infrastruktur Indonesia, ancamannya adalah kualitas sumber daya manusia dan teknologi perusahaan asing yang lebih tinggi.
Hasil EHN framework merinci komponen dan interaksinya dalam suatu sistem ketahanan negara. Pembahasan EHN framework melibatkan poin elements, outside forces, complex system, outcomes, reimagination dan recommendation atau transformation.Kata kunci: corporatocracy, holding bank bumn, ketahanan ekonomi.

The phenomena of corporatocracy creates a potential threat for Indonesia rsquo s economic resilience. Banking sector has an important role in Indonesia rsquo s economy. Holding company of BUMN banks strategy begin to be considered, one of the reason is an anticipation act towards corporatocracy as potential threat.
This thesis aims to identify potential threat of corporatocracy and analyze the holding company BUMN banks strategy as an anticipation act.
The result of SWOT analysis showed that the strengths of this holding company are capitalization, size, efficiency, and corporate strategy, the weaknesses are technology and human resource quality, the opportunities are reciprocal expansion, ASEAN retail market and the building of infrastructure projects, while the threat is the higher quality of technology and human resource of the foreign companies.
EHN framework result detailized the components and their interraction on a country rsquo s resilience system. EHN framework discussion involves these points elements, outside forces, complex system, outcomes, reimagination and recommendation or transformation.Keywords corporatocracy, SOE holding, economic resillience
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ratna Mutiarani
"Penelitian ini menyajikan studi kasus dari industry perbankan yang terjadi di salah satu perusahaan multinasional di Indonesia yang mengalami penurunan pendapatan dalam 5 (lima) tahun terakhir dalam bisnis konsumen. Walaupun di tahun-tahun sebelumnya, perusahaan tersebut telah memperoleh 20% (dua puluh persen) pangsa pasar produk pinjaman tanpa agunan, ABC Bank adalah pemain kunci dari penerbit produk kredit tanpa agunan di pasar Indonesia. Namun, selama 2013-2017, terdapat produk pengganti pinjaman tanpa agunan yang tidak hanya berasal dari bank tradisional tetapi juga perusahaan Financial Technology. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini menggunakan metode studi kasus untuk menguraikan pentingnya analisis kompetitif untuk meminimalkan competitive blindspot dengan menyoroti kelemahan dalam analisis kompetitif untuk digunakan lebih lanjut sebagai studi kasus pengajaran untuk bagaimana bertindak dalam pasar yang kompetitif dengan pemahaman praktis dan akademis.

This research presents a case study of a multinational traditional banking in Indonesia which experiencing a decline in revenue in the past 5 (five) years in consumer business. Being formerly acquiring 20% (twenty percent) of unsecured lending products market share in previous years, ABC Bank was a key player of unsecured lending loan product issuer in Indonesia market. However, during 2013-2017, there were substitute products of unsecured lending product that was not only coming from traditional banks but also financial technology companies. Hence, this paper uses case study method to elaborate on the importance of competitive analysis to minimize competitive blind spot with the highlights of flaws in competitive analysis to be further used as teaching case study to act in competitive market with the insights from practical and academic perspective."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ronny Pramulia
"Kondisi perekonomian selalu mengalami perubahan, dimana pada periode tertentu mengalami pertumbuhan yang pesat dan mengalami perlarnbatan pertumbuhan pada periode lainnya. Ketika kondisi perekonomian Indonesia lebih baik dibandingkan kondisi saat krisis di 2008 dan lebih baik dibandingkan negara- negara lain di dunia, justru nilai deposito perbankan syariah menurun tajam. Di saat yang bersamaan pasar modal juga mengalami market recovery yang sangal cepat. Bagi masyarakat yang Sensitif akan tingkat keuntungan, pasar modal dan deposito layaknya dua buah bejana yang berhubungan yang dapat terpengaruh oleh kondisi makro ekonomi seperti suku, bunga, inflasi dan nilai tukar. Maka dari itu, tesis ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh variabel makro ekonomi suku bunga, nilai tukar. inflasi dan IHSG terhadap deposito perbankan syariah, baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung.
Faktor-faktor tersebut diperoleh melalui studi literatur, penelaahan terhadap teori, dan beberapa hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan sebelurnnya. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data time series periods: Januari 2005 sampai dengan April 2009. Data yang diglmakan bersumber dari data Bank Indonesia dan Bloomberg. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah analisa jalur karena metode ini dapal digunakan untuk melihat pengaruh secara langsung dan tidak langsung dari variabel-variabel yang diteliti. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dilihat dari besaran penganrh totalnya, IHSG merupakan variable yang memiliki pengaruh relatif paling kuat terhadap deposito perbankan syariah, yang diikuti dengan kurs, suku bunga dan intlasi.

Economic conditions are always changing, which in a certain period of rapid growth experienced and the slowing growth in the other period. When Indonesia economy facing a good condition than when the crisis happened in 2008 and better than other countries in the world, thus the value of sharia banking deposits declined sharply. At the same time the capital market market also experienced a very rapid recovery. For the people who sensititive with return, capital markets and banking deposit seems like two related vessel that could bc affected by interest rates, exchange rates and inflation. Therefore, this thesis aims to find the effect of macro-economic variable like interest rates, exchange rates, inflation and also capital market variabel like IHSG against sharia banking deposits, either directly or indirectly.
These factors obtained through literature studies, study of the theory, and some research's results that has been done before. Data used in this research is time series data in the period of January 2005 until April 2009, provided by Bloomberg and Bank Indonesia. Research method used was path analysis because this method can be used to see the direct and indirect effect of the variables examined. Results of this research show that from the total influence, IHSG is a variable that has a relatively strong against the sharia banking deposits, which is followed by the exchange rate, interest rates and inflation.
Jakarta: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ruliyanti Dian Lestari
"Diskriminasi suku bunga kredit berdasarkan jumlah pinjamannya merupakan praktik umum yang dilakukan oleh bank untuk memaksimalkan laba. Konsenterasi pasar yang tinggi memungkinkan bank yang memiliki kekuatan monopoli untuk meningkatkan suku bunga kredit.
Tes ekonometri dilakukan bertujuan untuk mengestimasi kondisi konsenterasi pasar perbankan umum konvensional di Indonesia dan hubungannya dengan praktik diskriminasi suku bunga kredit tersebut dan menganalisis hubungan karakteristik bank serta perubahan kondisi makroekonomi (BI rate, PDB, dan inflasi) terhadap diskriminasi suku bunga kredit selama periode 2013-2016.
Adapun metode untuk mengukur konsenterasi pasar yaitu menggunakan metode pendekatan struktural (Herfindahl Hirschman Index) dan pendekatan non struktural (Panzar Rosse Statistik).
Hasil test dengan menggunakan model random effect memberikan informasi bahwa konsenterasi pasar perbankan merupakan pasar monopolistik yang tidak seimbang sehingga berpotensi adanya kelompok bank sebagai price leader dalam menentukan harga dan non harga di pasar.

Lending rate discrimination based on the amount of the loan is a common practice undertaken by banks to maximize profits. High consentration market allow banks with monopoly power to increase lending rates.
An econometric test is proposed to estimate the condition of conventional banking market in Indonesia and its relationship with the discriminatory practice of the lending interest rate and to analyze the relationship of shock macroeconomic condition change (BI rate, GDP and inflation) to the lending rate discrimination during 2013-2016 period.
The method for measuring market consentation is using structural approach method (Herfindahl Hirschman Index) and non structural approach (Panzar Rosse Statistic).
The result of the test using random effect model gives information that banking market consenteration is an unbalanced monopolistic market so that potentially there is bank group as price leader in determining price and non price in marke.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Inge Utomo Aliwarga
"Penelitian ini juga bertujuan untuk menganalisis apakah krisis di Amerika Serikat (AS) tahun 2008 berdampak pada industri properti di Indonesia. Hal ini dilakukan dengan cara menganalisis faktor financial constraints pada perusahaan sektor property, real estate and building construction yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia sebelum tahun 2003 terhadap investasi yang dilakukan. Faktor financial constraints yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berupa arus kas investasi dan modal saham, penyaluran utang bank, pertumbuhan penjualan dan beta perusahaan. Selain itu, digunakan pula asset tangibility sebagai proksi untuk menentukan financial constraints yang dihadapi perusahaan dengan menggunakan regresi berganda.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa arus kas investasi memiliki pengaruh yang positif dan signifikan marjinal terhadap investasi yang dilakukan sebelum dan sesudah krisis di AS. Selain itu, beta perusahaan juga mempunyai pengaruh yang positif dan signifikan marjinal terhadap investasi yang dilakukan sesudah krisis. Asset tangibility tidak mempunyai pengaruh terhadap investasi baik yang dilakukan sebelum maupun sesudah krisis.

The purpose of this research is to find out the effects of the United States (U.S) crisis in 2008 to the property industry in Indonesia. The research to analyze the financial constraints investment of the companies in the property, real estate and building construction sector. The financial constraints that have been used in this research are cash flow from investing, capital stock, ratio bank debt, sales growth, beta for property industry, including asset tangibility. This research uses multiple regressions of all companies in property, real estate and building construction industry that listed in BEI before 2003.
The result shows the effect of cash flow from investing activity was marginally positive significant to investment activity that made before and after U.S crisis. On the other hand, beta from company only showed the effect after the crisis. Asset tangibility shows there is no effect to investment activity that made before and after crisis.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tamba, Deta Basa Nia Octavia
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh diversifikasi pendapatan terhadap profitabilitas dan risiko Bank Umum Konvensional di Indonesia periode 2006-2012 dengan menggunakan data panel. Profitabilitas bank diukur dengan menggunakan return on asset dan risk-adjusted return on asset. Penelitian ini menggunakan FOCUSk, Non Interest Income (NII), Fee, Trade, dan Other sebagai indikator diversifikasi. Dengan sampel 94 bank umum konvensional di Indonesia, penelitian ini menunjukkan diversifikasi pendapatan memiliki pengaruh signifikan pada return on average assets, risk-adjusted returns, dan risiko insolvensi bank.

This study aims to determine the effect of income diversification on profitability and risk of Commercial Bank in Indonesia during 2006-2012 by using panel data. Profitability of banks is measured by using return on assets and risk-adjusted return on assets. This study uses FOCUSk, Non Interest Income (NII), Fee, Trade, and Other as indicators of diversification. With a sample of 94 conventional commercial banks in Indonesia, this study shows income diversification has a significant effect on return on average assets, risk-adjusted returns, and insolvency risk."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Adinda Kartika Putri
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh dari struktur pasar
perbankan terhadap profitabilitas dan stabilitas bank terkait rencana integrasi
sektor perbankan ASEAN yang merupakan salah satu cetak biru dari Masyarakat
Ekonomi ASEAN (MEA). Dalam mengukur struktur pasar perbankan digunakan
pangsa pasar bank {Relative Market Power (RMP) Hypotesis} dan konsentrasi
pasar perbankan {Structure Conduct Performance (SCP) Hypothesis}. Penelitian
ini menggunakan data bank komersial yang terdaftar di pasar bursa saham negara
ASEAN 4, yaitu Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, dan Filipina pada periode 2009-
2014. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan RMP Hypothesis berlaku di perbankan
ASEAN dalam mempengaruhi profitabilitas bank, namun tidak berlaku di
Thailand dan Filipina. Di Indonesia SCP Hypothesis berlaku dominan dalam
menentukan profitabilitas bank. Lain halnya dengan Malaysia, Efficiency
Hypothesis mengonfirmasi hubungan pangsa pasar, konsentrasi pasar, dan
profitabilitas bank. Penelitian ini juga menemukan bahwa konsentrasi pasar
perbankan berpengaruh negatif terhadap stabilitas bank pada perbankan ASEAN,
Thailand dan Filipina. Hal tersebut mendukung konsep Concentration Fragility.
Lain halnya dengan Indonesia dan Malaysia, konsetrasi pasar perbankan membuat
bank lebih tidak stabil. Sehingga hal tersebut mendukung Concentration Stability.
Penemuan penting dalam penelitian ini adalah bank dengan pangsa pasar
besar/ukuran besar dan permodalan kuat membuat bank dapat bersaing terkait
rencana integrasi sektor perbankan ASEAN. Hal tersebut dapat dilakukan dengan
marger dan akuisisi, khususnya untuk Indonesia.;This study is aimed for analyzing the influence of banking market structure on
bank profitability and stability related to ASEAN banking sector integration
plan which is in line with blue print of ASEAN Economic Community (AEC).
In measuring banking market structure, the research utilized reference of bank
market share {Relative Market Power (RMP) Hypotesis}and banking market
concentration {Structure Conduct Performance (SCP) Hypotesis}. This research
also utilized other references of commercial banks in which listed in stock
exchange of ASEAN 4 countries: Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, and Filiphine
for 2009 ? 2014 period. One of the research findings has shown that RMP
Hypotesis takes part in influencing bank profitability in ASEAN banks, but it
does not work in Thailand and Filiphine. In case of Indonesia, SCP Hypothesis
dominantly takes part in creating bank profitability. In case of Malaysia, on the
other hand, Efficiency Hypothesis confirms market share, market concentration,
and bank profitability. The research has also found out that banking market
concentration contributes negative impact on bank stability in ASEAN banks,
Thailand and Filiphine. This matter supports Concentration Fragility. On the
contrary, in case of Indonesia and Malaysia: banking market concentration
leads to more instability within the banks. The condition, therefore, supports
Concentration Stability. The important finding of this research is that high
market share/bigger bank and strong capital leads to banks in order to win the
competition in regard with ASEAN banking integration sector plan. This
achievement can be reached by policy of merge and acquisition, especially for
Indonesia banks.;This study is aimed for analyzing the influence of banking market structure on
bank profitability and stability related to ASEAN banking sector integration
plan which is in line with blue print of ASEAN Economic Community (AEC).
In measuring banking market structure, the research utilized reference of bank
market share {Relative Market Power (RMP) Hypotesis}and banking market
concentration {Structure Conduct Performance (SCP) Hypotesis}. This research
also utilized other references of commercial banks in which listed in stock
exchange of ASEAN 4 countries: Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, and Filiphine
for 2009 ? 2014 period. One of the research findings has shown that RMP
Hypotesis takes part in influencing bank profitability in ASEAN banks, but it
does not work in Thailand and Filiphine. In case of Indonesia, SCP Hypothesis
dominantly takes part in creating bank profitability. In case of Malaysia, on the
other hand, Efficiency Hypothesis confirms market share, market concentration,
and bank profitability. The research has also found out that banking market
concentration contributes negative impact on bank stability in ASEAN banks,
Thailand and Filiphine. This matter supports Concentration Fragility. On the
contrary, in case of Indonesia and Malaysia: banking market concentration
leads to more instability within the banks. The condition, therefore, supports
Concentration Stability. The important finding of this research is that high
market share/bigger bank and strong capital leads to banks in order to win the
competition in regard with ASEAN banking integration sector plan. This
achievement can be reached by policy of merge and acquisition, especially for
Indonesia banks., This study is aimed for analyzing the influence of banking market structure on
bank profitability and stability related to ASEAN banking sector integration
plan which is in line with blue print of ASEAN Economic Community (AEC).
In measuring banking market structure, the research utilized reference of bank
market share {Relative Market Power (RMP) Hypotesis}and banking market
concentration {Structure Conduct Performance (SCP) Hypotesis}. This research
also utilized other references of commercial banks in which listed in stock
exchange of ASEAN 4 countries: Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, and Filiphine
for 2009 – 2014 period. One of the research findings has shown that RMP
Hypotesis takes part in influencing bank profitability in ASEAN banks, but it
does not work in Thailand and Filiphine. In case of Indonesia, SCP Hypothesis
dominantly takes part in creating bank profitability. In case of Malaysia, on the
other hand, Efficiency Hypothesis confirms market share, market concentration,
and bank profitability. The research has also found out that banking market
concentration contributes negative impact on bank stability in ASEAN banks,
Thailand and Filiphine. This matter supports Concentration Fragility. On the
contrary, in case of Indonesia and Malaysia: banking market concentration
leads to more instability within the banks. The condition, therefore, supports
Concentration Stability. The important finding of this research is that high
market share/bigger bank and strong capital leads to banks in order to win the
competition in regard with ASEAN banking integration sector plan. This
achievement can be reached by policy of merge and acquisition, especially for
Indonesia banks.]"
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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