The findings in this study are that land conflicts that occur affect the sustainable development of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia Regional 2 Bengkulu as a result of the legitimacy crisis faced by the company, where the typology faced is in the form of repairing legitimacy, so that PT Pelabuhan Indonesia Regional 2 Bengkulu carries out several strategies to improve legitimacy which is in the form of a general strategy of legitimacy (normalize, restructure, and avoid overreaction/don't panic) and is conditioned by pragmatic legitimacy strategies, namely the normalize strategy in the form of "deny", the strategy of restructuring in the form of "create monitors", and the strategy of "avoid overreaction/don't panic” Other strategies such as moral legitimacy and cognitive legitimacy have not been found in the strategy undertaken by PT Pelabuhan Indonesia Regional 2 Bengkulu during the land conflict, and it is likely that this will be carried out by the company in the future depending on organizational needs."
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji dan menganalisis serta memberikan bukti empiris mengenai pengaruh regulasi dan kinerja perusahaan, yang diukur dengan likuiditas, profitabilitas, leverage dan nilai perusahaan terhadap tingkat pengungkapan CSR oleh perusahaan publik di Indonesia. Dampak dari pengungkapan tersebut kemudian dianalisis pengaruhnya terhadap reputasi perusahaan, yang diukur dari persepsi stakeholder dengan penghargaan yang diterima perusahaan dan nilai indeks harga saham individual, sebagai analisis anteseden. Struktur kepemilikan dengan proksi kepemilikan keluarga dan kepemilikan asing dianalisis sebagai variabel moderasi pada hubungan kinerja keuangan terhadap pengungkapan CSR. Hasil penelitian membuktikan bahwa terdapat perbedaan pengungkapan CSR pada semua kategori perusahaan sebelum dan sesudah penetapan regulasi (2012). Kinerja keuangan yang diproksi dengan Arus Kas Operasional (CFO) dan Debt to Equty Ratio (DER) berpengaruh signifikan tetapi Return On Asset (ROA) serta nilai perusahaan tidak berpengaruh terhadap pengungkapan CSR. Variabel kepemilikan keluarga sebagai moderasi berpengaruh negatif dan memperlemah hubungan CFO dan pengungkapan CSR, sedangkan variabel kepemilikan asing memoderasi negatif hubungan ROA dengan pengungkapan CSR. Analisis anteseden membuktikan pengungkapan CSR berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap reputasi perusahaan. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa pengungkapan kegiatan CSR adalah komunikasi yang efektif bagi perusahaan untuk meningkatkan persepsi stakeholder, terutama untuk mendapatkan legitimasi pemerintah dan kepercayaan publik.
This article was examined the effect of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) regulation and corporate financial performance, measured by corporate liquidity, profitability, leverage and firm value, on the disclosure level of CSR of public companies in Indonesia. Ownership structure consisting of family ownership and foreign ownership were taken as the moderating variables. The study reveals that there is a significant difference in the CSR disclosure on all corporate categories after the regulation of CSR has been enacted as a mandatory in 2012. Financial performance measured through Cash Flow Operational (CFO) and Debt to Equity Ratio (DER) has a positive significant influence on CSR disclosure. Return on Assets (ROA) and firms value have no influence on CSR disclosure. Family ownership has a negative influence and weakens the correlation between CFO and CSR disclosure, whereas, foreign ownership also has a negative influence and weakens the correlation between ROA and CSR disclosure. CSR disclosure has a positive influence on corporate reputation from the stakeholders perception on awards received by the company and the individual stock price index as an alternative measurement for reputation. The empirical evidence describes CSR disclosure changes the stakeholders perception, government legitimacy compliant with the regulation and increases the public trust