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Evania Manda Hapsari
"Latar Belakang: Dokter gigi berisiko lebih besar mengalami Work – related Musculoskeletal Disorders (WMSDs) yang disebabkan oleh gerakan yang berulang, postur tubuh yang tidak tepat, dan jam kerja yang panjang. Jika prinsip ergonomis diterapkan di bidang kedokteran gigi, penerapan ini dapat membantu mencegah bahaya pekerjaan dan memberikan kenyamanan yang lebih bagi dokter gigi dan pasien. Tujuan: Untuk memperoleh informasi mengenai praktik dental ergonomics dokter gigi di DKI Jakarta serta faktor – faktor yang berhubungan. Metode: Studi cross – sectional dengan metode purposive sampling melalui situs google form kepada 231 dokter gigi di wilayah DKI Jakarta pada bulan November hingga Desember 2022. Kuesioner terdiri atas 34 pertanyaan yang berisi sosiodemografi responden, karakteristik pekerjaan responden, pengetahuan mengenai dental ergonomics, sikap terhadap dental ergonomics, dan praktik dental ergonomics. Uji statistik Continuity Correction dan Pearson Chi – Square dilakukan untuk melihat hubungan antar variabel. Hasil: 76,2% dokter gigi memiliki praktik dental ergonomics yang buruk. Terdapat hubungan yang bermakna (p – value < 0,05) antara praktik dental ergonomics dengan kelompok usia, lama pengalaman kerja, dan juga tingkat pengetahuan. Kesimpulan: Sebagian besar (76,2%) dokter gigi di DKI Jakarta memiliki praktik dental ergonomics yang buruk. Terlepas dari hal itu, lebih dari setengah (52,4%) dokter gigi di DKI Jakarta memiliki pengetahuan yang baik mengenai dental ergonomics dan mayoritas (86,6%) dokter gigi di DKI Jakarta memiliki sikap yang positif terhadap dental ergonomics.

Background: Dentists are at greater risk of Work – related Musculoskeletal Disorders (WMSDs) which can be caused by repetitive movements, improper posture, and long working hours. If ergonomic principles are applied in the field of dentistry, they help to prevent occupational ergonomic health hazards and provides more comfort to the dentist and patient. Objective: To obtain information regarding dental ergonomics practice of dentists in DKI Jakarta and its related factors. Methods: A cross – sectional study was conducted using a purposive sampling method via Google Form to 231 dentists in DKI Jakarta from November to December 2022. The questionnaire consisted of 34 items divided into five sections; sociodemographic, job characteristics, knowledge of dental ergonomics, attitude towards dental ergonomics, and the practice of dentists regarding dental ergonomics. The data was tested using Continuity Correction and Pearson Chi – Square. Result: 76,2% dentists have poor dental ergonomics practice. There is a significant relationship (p – value < 0,05) between the practice of dental ergonomics and age group, years of practical experience, and level of knowledge. Conclusion: Most (76.2%) dentists in DKI Jakarta have poor dental ergonomics practice. Apart from that, more than half (52.4%) of dentists in DKI Jakarta have good knowledge of dental ergonomics and the vast majority (86,6%) of dentists in DKI Jakarta have a positive attitude towards dental ergonomics."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mutia Farina
"Latar Belakang: Peningkatan volume residu lambung merupakan salah satu tanda intoleransi makan enteral. Intoleransi makan enteral adalah salah satu bentuk gangguan fungsi gastrointestinal. Ganguan fungsi gastrointestinal sering terjadi pada pasien dengan sakit kritis. Sistem skoring MSOFA adalah salah satu sistem skoring untuk menilai keparahan penyakit pada pasien kritis. Sistem skoring yang ada belum memasukkan gangguan fungsi gastrointestinal pada salah satu parameternya. Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui korelasi volume residu lambung dengan keparahan penyakit berdasarkan skor MSOFA, dan apakah volume residu lambung dapat menjadi parameter pelengkap sistem skoring MSOFA.
Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan desain kohort prospektif. Pengambilan data dilakukan pada bulan Februari - April 2014 di ICU RSCM. Total volume residu lambung diukur dari 24 jam pertama dan kedua. Skor MSOFA diukur pada hari I dan II. Data dikumpulkan menggunakan formulir penelitian. Data yang didapat dilakukan uji analisis statistik.
Hasil: Sebanyak 72 subjek diikut sertakan dalam penelitian ini. Didapatkan perbedaan volume residu lambung yang bermakna pada 24 jam I dan II. Terdapat korelasi antara volume residu lambung 24 jam II dengan skor MSOFA hari II (p <0,001; r 0,544). Penambahan skor volume residu lambung pada skor MSOFA tidak menambah sensitivitas dan spesifisitas prediksi mortalitas pasien kritis.
Kesimpulan: Terdapat korelasi antara volume residu lambung dengan keparahan penyakit yang dihitung berdasarkan skor MSOFA pada pasien yang dirawat d ICU RSCM. Penambahan skor volume residu lambung pada skor MSOFA tidak menambah sensitivitas dan spesifisitas prediksi mortalitas pasien kritis.

Background: Increased gastric residual volume is a sign of food intolerance. Food intolerance is one form of gastrointestinal disorder. Gastrointestinal disorder often occurs in critically ill patients. MSOFA is one of the scoring system to assess disease severity in critically ill patients. Gastrointestinal system hasn't included in any scoring system. This study was to determine the correlation of gastric residual volume with disease severity based on MSOFA, and whether the gastric residual volume may be complementary parameters MSOFA scoring system.
Methods: This study used a prospective cohort design. Data collection was conducted in February-April 2014 in the ICU RSCM. Total gastric residual volume was measured in the first and second 24 hours of treatment. MSOFA score measured on day I and II.. Data were collected using a research form. Data obtained test statistical analysis.
Results: Total of 72 subjects enrolled in this study. Gastric residual volume difference was significant in the first and second 24 hours. There is a correlation between second 24-hour gastric residual volume with second day of MSOFA score (p <0.001; r 0,544). The addition of gastric residual volume score on the MSOFA scoring system did not add sensitivity and specificity of the prediction of critically ill patient mortality.
Conclusions: There is a correlation between gastric residual volume with disease severity scores that were calculated with MSOFA for patients admitted to the ICU RSCM. The addition of gastric residual volume score on the MSOFA scoring system did not add sensitivity and specificity of the prediction of critically ill patient mortality.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hollenberg, Steven
"A concise summary of the most important medical and scientific topics concerning cardiovascular medicine in the primary care environment, this new edition of Cardiology in family practice has been updated with cutting-edge information and useful tips. Written in an easy-to-read format (background, diagnosis and disease management) and emphasizing practical techniques for evaluation and treatment, the authors explain the basic mechanisms underlying cardiovascular disease states and the treatment strategies that arise from them. Topics include stable angina, acute coronary syndromes, arrythmias, hypertension, pericardial and valvular diseases, and hyperlipidemia. New figures have been added to each chapter in this edition. "
New York: Springer Science, 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Saunders, Stephanie
"Now in its fourth edition and with a new title - Injection Techniques in Musculoskeletal Medicine - this step-by-step guide is a resource used by practitioners who have to deal with the management of painful joints and soft tissues, particularly in relation to sports and overuse injuries. Area by area, guidance is given for each lesion on appropriate patient selection and delivery of the drug. Every technique has its own two-page spread containing a written description along with an anatomical illustration of the region and a photograph showing the anatomical landmarks for the injection."
Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone/Elsevier, 2012
615.6 SAU i
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Septiviany Kun Prasidhati
"Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk memperoleh informasi mengenai faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan pengetahuan, sikap, dan praktik teledentistry pada dokter gigi di DKI Jakarta pada masa pandemi COVID-19. Penelitian potong lintang berbasis kuesioner ini diisi secara mandiri melalui google form. Pertanyaan yang diberikan mencakup faktor sosiodemografi, karakteristik pekerjaan, penggunaan internet, dan pelatihan teledentistry serta pertanyaan mengenai pengetahuan, sikap, dan praktik teledentistry. Sebanyak 183 dokter gigi di DKI Jakarta yang menyelesaikan kuesioner. Secara umum, responden menunjukkan pengetahuan yang tinggi, sikap dan praktik yang positif terhadap teledentistry. Hubungan yang signifikan secara statistik ditemukan antara praktik teledentistry dengan usia, status pernikahan, pengalaman bekerja, dan pengalaman pelatihan teledentistry. Terdapat korelasi positif antara pengetahuan dan sikap (r = 0.436, p-value = 0.000). Agar teledentistry dapat diterapkan secara profesional, dokter gigi harus memiliki pengetahuan, sikap, dan praktik yang baik mengenai teledentistry dan perlunya regulasi yang sesuai untuk pelayanan teledentistry.

The purpose of research is to get information about factors that related to knowledge, attitude, and practice of teledentistry among dentists in DKI Jakarta during the COVID-19 pandemic. This cross-sectional study was using self-administered online questionnaire through google form. The questions consisted of sociodemographic factors, work-related characteristics, daily internet access, and training of teledentistry also questions regarding knowledge, attitudes, and practice. A total of 183 dentists in DKI Jakarta completed the questionnaire. Generally, the participants revealed high knowledge, positive attitude, and practicing teledentistry. A statistically significant relationship was found between practice teledentistry with age, marital status, working experience, and training of teledentistry. Spearman’s correlation test obtained a positive correlation (r = 0.436, p-value = 0.000) between knowledge and attitude. In order for teledentistry to be applied professionally, dentists must have knowledge, attitudes, and good practices regarding teledentistry and the need for appropriate regulations for teledentistry services."
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ratih Komala
"Bidan berpotensi tinggi mengalami risiko gangguan otot rangka atau Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) karena memiliki faktor-faktor risiko untuk terjadi MSDs Penelitian ini berdesain cross sectional dengan pendekatan kuantitatif dan kualitatif bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran faktor-faktor yang berhubungan terhadap keluhan MSDs pada bidan dan melakukan analisis risiko ergonomi menggunakan metode REBA. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, 91,7% bidan memiliki keluhan MSDs terutama di daerah leher, bahu, tangan, pergelangan tangan, punggung atas dan pergelangan kaki. Disamping itu terdapat hubungan signifikan antara faktor psikologis individu (p=0,01) terhadap timbulnya keluhan MSDs pada bidan. Dari analisis risiko ergonomi menggunakan metode REBA terhadap tahapan Asuhan Persalinan Normal didapatkan hasil 2 tahapan berisiko sangat tinggi, 2 tahapan berisiko tinggi dan 2 tahapan berisiko sedang. Diharapkan adanya fasilitas relaksasi otot di tempat kerja dan pendidikan kesehatan mengenai ergonomi kepada bidan untuk mencegah MSDs, serta adanya penelitian lain yang lebih lengkap dan akurat terhadap masalah ini.

Midwives have high potential risk of musculoskeletal disorders or musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) as having risk factors for MSDs occur This cross-sectional study design with quantitative and qualitative approaches aims to describe the factors related to MSDs complaints on midwives and ergonomic risk analysis using methods REBA. Based on the results of the study, 91.7% midwife had a MSDs complaints especially in the neck, shoulder, hand, wrist, upper back and ankle. Besides, there is a significant relationship between individual psychological factors (p = 0.01) on the incidence of MSDs complaints on midwives. From ergonomics risk analysis towards Normal Delivery Care using REBA methods, two stage were very high risk, two stage were high risk and two stage were medium. Expected that there will be held facilities for relaxation of body muscles at work and health education about ergonomics for midwives to prevent MSDs, as well as the other studies about this issue in a more accurate and complete."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Indri Astuti
"Forklift worker is one of the types of jobs that have a risk of musculoskeletal disorders due to individual factors, the environment, and jobs factors. This study was conducted to see a picture of the forklift worker`s jobs, determine the individual and environmental factors associated with musculoskeletal disorders in forklift workers in PT X in 2013 and see a picture of an occupational hazard. This research is quantitative research using cross-sectional study design with questionnaires and REBA. The study states that the duration of work affects the subjective complaints of musculoskeletal disorders and ergonomic risk level forklift workers including mild to moderate. It necessary to supervise forklift workers working posture control, setting the duration of the work, socialization musculoskeletal disorders, the symptoms, the risk factors, the method of prevention, and a simple way of treatment.

Pekerja forklift merupakan salah satu jenis pekerjaan yang memiliki risiko terkena musculoskeletal disorders karena faktor individu, lingkungan, dan pekerjaan. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui gambaran pekerjaan forklift, faktor individu dan lingkungan yang berhubungan dengan musculoskeletal disorders pada pekerja forklift di PT X tahun 2013 dan melihat gambaran risiko pekerjaan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif menggunakan desain studi potong lintang dengan kuesioner dan tools REBA. Hasil penelitian menyatakan bahwa lama kerja mempengaruhi keluhan subyektif musculoskeletal disorders dan tingkat risiko ergonomi pekerja forklift termasuk ringan hingga sedang. Sarannya, perlu dilakukan pengawasan dan pengendalian postur kerja pekerja forklift, pengaturan durasi kerja, sosialisasi terkait musculoskeletal disorders, gejala, faktor risiko, tindakan pencegahan, dan penanganan."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Debora Octoliana C.A.
"Kebanyakan dokter gigi tidak menyadari pentingnya manfaat sistem ergonomi dengan posisi yang baik saat merawat pasien. Gangguan muskuloskeletal adalah salah satu yang jelas sebagai hazard. Saat melakukan pencabutan gigi, kadang-kadang dokter gigi membungkuk ke arah pasien, bergerak secara mendadak, memutar tubuh dari satu sisi ke sisi yang lain. Seluruh gerakan tersebut dilakukan berkali-kali dalam jangka waktu yang panjang sehingga sering mengalami rasa tidak nyaman dan sakit di daerah leher, bahu, tulang punggung serta pergelangan tangan. Penelitian ini meninjau faktor-faktor risiko ergonomi dokter gigi terhadap keluhan Musculoskeletal Disorders pada aktivitas pencabutan dengan jenis potong lintang melalui pendekatan observasional.
Hasil penelitian 74,3% tindakan pencabutan gigi menimbulkan gangguan secara fisik, 61,4% melakukan gerakan berulang punggung membengkok ke depan, belakang atau ke samping , 35,7% melakukan gerakan berulang punggung membengkok dan memutar secara simultan dalam melakukan tindakan dan melalui Nordic Map Quesioner didapat frekuensi timbulnya keluhan pada daerah sekitar leher 38,6%. Intensitas keluhan rasa nyeri, sakit dan ketidaknyamanan akibat kerja yang cukup mengganggu aktifitas kerja dikemukakan pada bagian kaki kanan 61,4 %, bahu kanan atas sebanyak 48,6 %, pada bagian pergelangan tangan kanan 40% serta pada leher sebanyak 47,1%.
Hasil akhir yang didapat melalui observasi dengan pengukuran metode OWAS (Ovako Working Posture Analysis System) di dapatkan kategori 2 dimana postur kerja memiliki beberapa efek yang berbahaya bagi system musculoskeletal serta diperlukan tindakan untuk perubahan posisi kerja pada perencanaan yang akan datang.

Most dentists do not realize the importance of the benefits ergonomics system with a good position when treating patients. Musculoskeletal disorders is an obvious one as a hazard. When performing tooth extraction, dentists sometimes leaned toward the patient, a sudden move, rotate the body from one side to the other. The whole movement is done many times in the long term so often experience discomfort and pain in the neck, shoulder, spine and wrist. This study reviewed the dentist ergonomic risk factors from Musculoskeletal Disorders in the type of extraction activity through cross-sectional observational approach.
74.3% of research results to extract a tooth cause physical disorders, 61.4% perform repetitive motions backs bent forward, backward or sideways, 35.7% perform repetitive movements back bend and rotate simultaneously in action and through Nordic Map questioner obtained the frequency of complaints in the area around the neck of 38.6%. complaints of pain intensity, pain and discomfort caused by work is quite disturbing work activities presented in section 61.4% right foot, right shoulder up 48.6%, 40% on the right wrist and the neck 47.1%.
The final result is obtained through observations with measurements of methods OWAS (Ovako Working Posture Analysis System) in which the working posture level 2 has some effects that are harmful to the musculoskeletal system and the necessary action to change the position of the work on the future planing.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ayu Merina
"Pekerjaan dengan banyak aktivitas biasanya menggunakan seluruh anggota tubuh dan membutuhkan kinerja otot yang maksimal. Aktivitas pekerjaan fisioterapis dalam menangani pasien banyak dilakukan secara manual sehingga berisiko menimbulkan gangguan muskuloskeletal (Musculoskeletal Disorders/MSDs). Penelitian ini dilakukan pada fisioterapis di Klinik Fisioterapi Salma Putra Pinang Ranti Jakarta Timur Tahun 2012 untuk menilai tingkat risiko ergonomi berdasarkan metode REBA dan keluhan MSDs. Responden sebanyak seluruh fisioterapis (10 orang).
Dari hasil penelitian di dapatkan tingkat risiko pekerjaan yaitu risiko rendah (low) 1 aktivitas kerja, risiko sedang (medium) 13 aktivitas kerja dan tingkat risiko tinggi (high) 2 aktivitas kerja dari 16 aktivitas pekerjaan yang ada. Dari hasil kuesioner dan nordic body map diketahui bahwa keluhan MSDs yang dirasakan fisioterapis pada pinggang bagian bawah dan tangan kanan (90%), kemudian leher atas, bahu kanan, lengan atas kanan dan pergelangan tangan kanan masing-masing (80%) serta leher bawah, bahu kiri dan punggung masing masing (70%).
Keluhan yang dirasakan berupa rasa pegal-pegal, nyeri, kaku dan kesemutan. Selain risiko ergonomi, di dapatkan juga faktor lain yang memperberat keluhan MSDs yaitu faktor risiko pekerjaan yang terdiri dari posisi kerja, tata letak tempat kerja, organisasi kerja dan lingkungan kerja, serta karaktersitik individu yang terdiri dari umur, jenis kelamin, masa kerja, jam kerja per hari dan indeks masa tubuh.

Work with many activities normally will use the whole body and require maximum muscle performance. work activities physiotherapist in handling patients with many manual theraphy to induce risk of musculoskeletal disorders (Musculoskeletal Disorders / MSDs). The research was to do physiotherapist at Physiotherapy Salma Putra Clinic ,Pinang Ranti, East Jakarta in 2012 to describe the level of ergonomic risk based methods REBA of musculoskeletal disorders and complaints. Responden of all physiotherapist (10 persons).
From the results of research on the occupational risk levels obtained the degree of low risk (low) 1 work activities, medium risk 13 work activities and the level of high risk 2 work activities of 16 processes the work activities that exist. The results of the questionnaire and nordic body map is known complaint musculoskeletal disorders that be perceived physiotherapist to low back, right hand (90%); and then the upper neck, right shoulder, upper arm, right wrist (80%); and the lower neck, left shoulder, back (70%).
The complaints is stifness, painful and tingling. In addition to ergonomic risk, other factors also found that complaints aggravate MSDs risk factors work consists of working positions, workplace design, work organization and work environment, as well as an individual characteristic consisting of age, gender, length of service, hours worked per day and body mass index.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mulat Wening Astuti
"masalah kesehatan paling umum terkait pekerjaan dan menempati peringkat 2 sebagai gangguan kerja dan paling banyak biayanya. Prevalensi gotrak lebih tinggi pada petugas kesehatan, dibandingkan dengan populasi umum, industri dan profesi konstruksi. Profesional sektor kesehatan khususnya mereka yang bekerja di lingkungan rumah sakit, lebih sering mengalami gotrak. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis faktor – faktor yang berhubungan dengan gangguan otot dan tulang rangka akibat kerja pada pegawai di RSUD X tahun 2022.
Metode: Jenis penelitian ini adalah potong lintang dengan responden sebanyak 194 pegawai yang bekerja di RSUD X. Teknik pengumpulan data untuk data primer dilakukan dengan pengisian kuesioner, observasi, pengukuran dan wawancara. Sedangkan untuk data sekunder berupa profil RSUD, data pegawai dan data MCU pegawai.
Hasil: Hasil kuesioner Nordic Body Map didapatkan bahwa prevalensi gotrak pada pegawai di RSUD X sebesar 83,5%. Pegawai yang mengalami keluhan gotrak mayoritas adalah tenaga medis yaitu sebesar 51,2%. Analisis penelitian ini didapatkan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara faktor psikososial yaitu tuntutan psikologis dengan OR 6,25 dan ketidakpuasan kerja dengan OR 10,26.
Kesimpulan: Prevalensi gotrak pada pegawai di RSUD X tinggi sehingga perlu dilakukan tindakan perbaikan untuk mengurangi keluhan gotrak pada pegawai di RSUD X.

Background: Work Related Musculosceletal Disorders (WMSDs) is the most common health problem related to work and is ranked 2nd as a work disorder and has the most costs. The prevalence of WMSDs is higher among health workers, compared to the general population, industry and the construction profession. Health sector professionals, especially those who work in a hospital environment, are more likely to experience gorak. The purpose of this study was to analyze the factors associated with muscle and skeletal disorders due to work on employees at RSUD X in 2022.
Methods: This type of research is cross-sectional with 194 employees working at RSUD X. Data collection techniques for primary data were done by filling out questionnaires, observations, measurements and interviews. As for secondary data in the form of hospital profiles, employee data and employee MCU data.
Results: The results of the Nordic Body Map questionnaire showed that the prevalence of WMSDs in employees at RSUD X was 83.5%. The majority of employees who experience WMSDs complaints are medical personnel, which is 51.2%. The analysis of this study found that there was a significant relationship between psychosocial factors, namely psychological work demands with an OR of 6.25 and job dissatisfaction with an OR of 10.26.
Conclusion: The prevalence of WMSDs on employees at RSUD X is high so it is necessary to take corrective action to reduce complaints of WMSDs on employees at RSUD X.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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