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"Dilatar belakangi bahwa Lembaga Pemasyarakatan bertujuan membentuk warga binaan pemasyarakatan agar menjadi manusia seutuhnya, menyadari kesalahan, memperbaiki diri dan tidak mengulangi tindak pidana sehingga dapat diterima kembali oleh lingkungan masyarakat, dapat aktif berperan dalam pembangunan dan dapat hidup secara wajar sebagai warga yang baik dan bertanggung jawab. Untuk dapat melaksanakan tugas pokok dan fungsinya secara optimal, perlu didukung oleh ketersediaan petugas yang memadai balk secara kuantitatif maupun secara kualitatif.
Kenyataan kualitas pembinaan yang diberikan petugas di Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Cipinang belum maksimal suatu contoh : narapidana sering kali membuat kerusuhan didalam bloklsel kamar, terjadi perkelahian antar sesama narapidana, Narapidana yang melarikan diri dari Lembaga Pemasyarakatan. Hal-hal tersebut antara lain bisa disebabkan oleh motivasi petugas LAPAS yang dinilai bisa mempengaruhi semangat kerja misalnya : petugas yang tidak disiplin kerja, pada waktu melakukan penjagaan petugas tertidur, banyak izin tidak masuk kerja karena mencari tambahan bisnis di luar, bekerja malas-malasan tidak ada gairah kerja sehingga menghambat pembinaan dan hasil kerjanya tidak optimal. Masalah semangat kerja ini sangat penting bagi instansi LAPAS karena tugas yang diembannya Masalah semangat kerja ini bisa ditimbulkan antara lain dengan pemberian motivasi. Teori yang mendasarinya antara lain adalah teori dari R,Von Haller Gilnur (1961 :121) mengenai motivasi yang berhubungan dengan semangat kerja. Adapun yang menjadi rumusan masalah yang diketengahkan dalam penelitian ini adalah "Apakah motivasi mempunyai hubungan dengan semangat kerja petugas Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Kelas I Cipinang Jakarta". Penelitian dibatasi dua variabel motivasi dan semangat kerja Teari motivasi yang digunakan teori dari Atkinson dalam William G Scott (1962 : 83) yang akan dijadikan indikator. Teori semangat kerja antara lain teori dari William W Kowles (1971:207) dari RC Davis dalam Edwin B Flippo (1971:364) dan Dab Yorke (1965:739) yang akan dijadikan indikator. Populasi penelitian seluruh petugas LAPAS sebanyak 4.41 orang dengan tingkat pendidikan yang berbeda, penentuan jumlah sampel mengacu kepada krejcie sedangkan dalam pengambilan sampel dipergunakan Purposive Sampling sehingga jumlah sampel yang diambil 205 orang sedangkan yang terjaring sebanyak 170 orang yang dijadikan responden. Sedangkan untuk mendapatkan data dari dua variabel tersebut menggunakan skala Likert.
Metode penelitian explanatif, teknik analisis yang dipergunakan secara deskriptif serta analisis statistik karelasi, menguji validitas dan reliabilitas variabel motivasi dan semangat kerja kemudian mengukur distribusi frekuensi variabel motivasi dan semangat kerja Selanjutnya korelasi sperman's rho antara motivasi dan semangat kerja semua ini dilakukan dengan bantuan SPSS 10.0 For Windows.
Berdasarkari basil perhitungan distribusi frekuensi variabel motivasi maka keadaan motivasi yang ada pada petugas LAPAS Cipinang niasih mempunyai motivasi cukup sedang cenderung rendah, besarnya 43.5 % dengan frekwensi 74 responden. Ini artinya motivasi yang ada masih bisa dikatakan cukup kondusif namun banyak hal yang perlu menjadi perhatian agar dapat meningkatkan motivasi petugas LAPAS. Salah satunya yaitu mengenai ketidak puasan yang menyangkut keadaan ekonomi petugas yang bekerja di Lembaga Pemasyarakatan dimana antara gaji yang diterima dengan beban kerja dan tanggung jawabnya sebagai petugas belum bisa dikatakan cukup untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hidup sehingga perlu mendapat perhatian mengenai gaji dan tunjangan pemasyarakatannya Selanjutnya mengenai keadaan semangat kerja yang ada pada petugas Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Kelas I Cipinang Jakarta cukup tinggi besarnya 60 % dengan frekwensi 105 responden ini artinya bahwa petugas LAPAS mempunyai semangat kerja yang cukup baik. Namur demikian agar petugas lebih meningkatkan semangat kerjanya secara optimal ada yang perlu diperhatikan yaitu mengenai tingkat kedisiplinan petugas antara lain misainya petugas yang tidak mentaati perintah atasan pada jam kerja. Ketaatan bawahan kepada atasan didalarn tugas perlu dilakukan mengingat beban kerjamaupun waktu kerja yang terkadang tidak tetap.
Dari hasil analisis statistik korelasi diketahui nilai koefisien korelasinya 0.583 artinya bahwa ada hub ungan antara motivasi dengan semangat kerja petugas Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Klas I Cipinang Jakarta, secara kualitatif mempunyai hubungan yang positif tergolong sedang. menunjukan adanya hubungan yang positif dengan kekuatan sedang antara motivasi dengan semangat kerja.
Saran kebijakan yang perlu diperhatikan antara lain : melakukan assesment bagi petugas LAPAS, mutasi pegawai secara periodik dan mutasi jabatan struktural dilakukan seleksi, menaikan tunjangan pemasyarakatan yang dinilai sangat minim. Sebagai tindak lanjut penelitian dilakukan penelitian lanjutan serupa dan menambah jumlah variabel penalitian sehingga akan didapat hasil analisis yang bervariasi dan lebih kuat korelasinya, sehingga dapat dijadikan sebagai acuan ilmiah maupun sebagai acuan praktis.

This research is based on the objectives of a Correctional Institution or prison i.e. to form prisoners to become complete human beings who are realizing their mistakes, willing to improve them selves and are committed not to do anymore crimes so that they can be accepted by the society, live a normal life and become a good and responsible citizen. In order to properly implement its functions and duties, a prison has to be equipped with the availability of officers in terms of quality as well as quantity.
It is a fact that quality of quality building (supervision) provided by officers of Cipinang Prison is not yet maximum. For examples; prisoners often create riots in their cells/blocks or behind their bars, fight between themselves, and escape from their cells. These take place due to, among other things, the motivation of officers that are deemed to be influential to their working spirit. For examples, officers that to do have good disciplines, falling asleep when doing surveillance, working in low spirit, or spending more time outside the office in order to earn extra income. These kinds of things will hamper their efforts in quality-building and supervision of the prisoners. Issues of working spirit are therefore very important for a correctional institution or prison because of its crucial functions and duties. Working spirit can emerge, among others, with the provision of motivation. This is based on a theory developed by R. Von Haller Gilnur (1961: 121) regarding motivation that is related to working spirit. The problem formulation of this research is " whether there is a relationship between motivation and working spirit of officers at the Cipinang Prison in Jakarta". The research focuses only on two variables i.e. motivation and working spirit. The theories on motivation by Atkinson (in William G. Scott 1962 : 83) and on working spirit by William W Knowles (1971 : 207) from RC Davis in Edwin B Flippo ( 1971 : 364) and Dab Yorke (1965 : 739) will be used as indicators. The population of the research includes all officers of Cipinang prison i.e. 441 having differents level of education. The determination of number of samples is based ` Krecjle'. Purposive sampling is used with 205 samples, 170 of them are used as respondents. Further, Likert Scale is used to obtain data from these two variables. The research method is explanatory, using desciptive analytical technique and correction statistical analysis, examining validity and reliability of motivation and working spirit variables and then measuring distribution frequency of motivation and working spirit variables. Next, there is sperman's rho correlation between motivation and working spirit. All of them were conducted by using SPSS 10.0 for Windows.
Based on the estimated result of distribution frequency of motivation variable, each officer of Cipinang Correctional Institution still has enough motivation although it tends to decrease, 43.5 % with frequency of 74 respondents. That means the existing motivation is quite conducive but there are many things that have to be concerned in order to improve their motivation. One of them is the dissatisfaction regarding their economic condition where there is imbalance between their salary and their tasks and responsibilities. Their salary hardly can meet their ends meet. Furthermore, the working spirit of the employees of First Class Cipinang Correctional Institution Jakarta is quite high of 60 % with frequency of 105 respondents, that is, the officer of First Class Correctional Institution of Cipinang of Jakarta have good working spirit. However, in order to develop their working spirit optimally, there is one thing that needs to be noticed, the employees, disciplinary level, for example the officer to officers is necessary considering the burden of their works and the unfixed working hours.
From this correction statistical analysis, it is known that correlation coefficient score 0.583, that is, there is the relationship between motivation and working spirit amongst officers of First Class Correctional Institution of Cipinang of Jakarta, qualitatively have moderate and positive link, show there is positive link with moderate strength between motivation and working spirit. The researcher suggest the following policies: conducting assessment to the officers, periodical officers? mutation and mutation for structural position which is selected, increasing their poor allowance. As follow up research, the advanced same research should be done and adding the number of research variables so that there will be various analysis result and stronger correlation, so it can be served as scientific and practical reference.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dede Mulyadi
"The First Class Prison of Cipinang is an institution which served a guidance program for convicts, based on imprisonment system where it focused on the effort of nurturing and guiding convicts in order to rehabilitate the wholeness of relationship between individual convict, officer and society.
In this research, the main problem posed is to explain the correlation and test the relation between independent variable, which is the ability and work motivation of officer. and the dependent variable, convicts guidance ln First Class Prison of Cipinang. The population on this research is all 423 officers work in First Class Prison of Cipinang. Sample was gathered using stratified random method, which is stratified selection of samples from each level of population, in total of 109 people.
The research method used here is a survey method using questioners with closed questions proposed to respondents, where all the answers set in likert scale. Literature study and observation are also used to analyze data of officers' ability, their work motivation and the guidance of convicts in First Class Prison of Cipinang. ln order to analyze the relation between variables, this research used SPSS (Statistic Product and Service Solutions) to produce cross tabs and correlation test. Validity test of each question in the research used item analysis by counting the score correlation between each question and total variable (total score of each related variable). Reliability test was done to determine the consistency of question items to split half Spearman Brown.
From the correlation result of Spearman counting method, the relation between ability and motivation of 0.355 was detemtined with significance level of 0.00. Hence, the conclusion reached was that there is a low level of relation between ability and motivation of officer. There is a relation between officers' ability and convicts' guidance of 0.305 with a significance level of 0.00t. lt can also be concluded that the relation between officers' ability and convicts' guidance is exist although low. Meanwhile, th relation between officers? motivation and convicts' guidance is at 0.307 with significance level of 0001. The conclusion to be reached was that there is a relation between officers' motivation and convicts' guidance but the relation is weak. The conclusion to be reached from this research is that there is a positive and significant relation between officers' ability and work motivation and convicts' guidance in First Class Prison of Cipinang.
Based on the research findings, the writer recommended several suggestions to policy makers concerning the improvement of the First Class Prison of Cipinang, as follow:
1. Improvement of ability level of officers through education and training based on port folios in First Class Prison of Cipinang.
2. Improvement of work motivation of ofricers to be able to execute their tasks as expected from their portfolios.
3. Improvement of convicts' guidance trough systematic in order to fulfill the aim of guidance, which are to prevent repetitious of legal offence and established active, productive and contented person."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Kamal
"In this research, the formulation of such problems are to identify the correlation strength and to test the variable independent, namely the Leadership and Motivation on variable dependent, which is Employee's Productivity of the Cipinang Correctional Institution, Jakarta. In reviewing some of the factors mentioned above, we could see that the leadership plays an important role in pushing the organization productivity, the leader are challenged to powered the organizational strength in such correct and precise manner to face the future challenge, that would influence the organizational life.
The universe from which the sample was selected included all the employees of the Cipinang Correctional Institution, of 480 officers, while intake sample were selected by using "Purposive Stratified Sampling" technique, in which the technique based on the current number of employees, the rank or faction of the officer from the total sample. 120 (one hundred and twenty) names were selected randomly.
Method of analysis that was used in this research is the analysis method and its correlation. The descriptive analysis was used to depict the frequency of such data, and to obtain a picture of the research's result. While correlation analysis were used to analyze the relation of variables, such as, variable of leadership and variable of productivity and also variable of motivation and variable of productivity.
The research was conducted by handing-over the closed enlist statements / questions for the respondents of officers. Reliabilities test was conducted to cover such topics, as how far the statement items have consistency with split half, that is, the instrument was grouped in the even and anomalous instruments. Then, score of each group were summed, and compared to its correlation coefficient by using SPSS 11,0 for windows, then by using the Spearman Brown's formula.
The validity test, which conducted on each question of this research, was using the item analysis, by reviewing the correlation of each question. The total score on each variable is representing the number of each score in pertinent variable. The question considered to be valid, if having the minimum correlation value of 0,3.
The result of the research, are:
1. Only a few of head sections in the Cipinang Correctional Institution would clarify the department's job description to his staff or subordinates; he assumed that his staff and subordinate have already comprehend their work and duty. In contrary; most of the staff and subordinate do not know the duty of their work.
Despitefully, the leader do not also explain whereof, what should be done and how to do it, most of the problems that occurred could not be solved properly, and the result are less optimal, because of the staff and subordinate do not know how. So, the purposes and objectives of the leader are not comprehensible by the staff and subordinate, and also there is no formal communications between the leader and the staff and subordinate. On the other hand, most of the Cipinang's leaders do not have knowledge and ability in the managerial field, so they can not lead the organization toward its target. In result, the officer's productivity is not optimal.
2. The security guarantee should represents a fundamental requirement for the Cipinang officers, but practically, the security guarantee provided by the leader only represents a supplementary factor for the officers. Because, the leader does not always there to assist them. There is a time when the leader would delegate the authority of the Cipinang's security to his staffs and subordinates; this is because the leader has other duty outside the Cipinang, which also important to him.
The job's duty and responsibility of the Cipinang security guards themselves are very risky, due to the occupancy of the offenders in the Cipinang, which much bigger than the officers on duty. In order to executing the duty and responsibility as the officer of the Cipinang, which are; to secure, to treat and to rehabilitate the inmate in pursuant to the treatment regulation, on the other hand, the Cipinang do not have high motivating human resources that qualified as a treatment officer, to meet the high work productivity.
To meet the organization target, the good or obsolesce of such organization is determined by the authority and the efficiency of its leader, in executing his leadership and leading his subordinate. The authority and efficiency of the leader will motivate the enthusiasm, creativity, participation and loyalties of the staff and subordinate in performing their duty. So, in the end, the target of organization can soon be reached.
Motivation leads the enthusiasm of all officers, so the officer will strive by performing their skill and ability to meet the organization target. Basically, the organizational is not only expecting the staff to be capable or to be reliable, but the most important is, how the officer would strive and willing to reach the optimal result.
Ability, efficiency and skill of the officers don't mean anything if not followed by the officer's striving and by using their ability, efficiency and skill they required. Motivation has become more important due to the officer strive, enthusiastic and creative to reach the maximum work productivity."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fanny Anwar Fauziani
Fenomena overcapacity yang terjadi di Lapas / Rutan merupakan salah satu beban kerja yang berkontribusi pada tingginya tingkat stres kerja petugas Lapas. Stres dapat diredakan dengan mekanisme ketahanan yang dapat ditingkatkan dengan menggunakan koping yang efektif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara strategi koping dan resiliensi pada petugas lapas. Penelitian analitik korelatif ini dilakukan di LP Klas I Cipinang, dengan teknik total sampling yang berhasil mengumpulkan 171 responden. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan adalah COPE Carver Brief dan Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC). Hasil analisis korelatif menunjukkan adanya hubungan antara dua pilihan strategi coping dengan resiliensi, baik itu strategi coping yang berfokus pada masalah (p = 0,000) maupun strategi coping yang berfokus pada emosi (p = 0,000). Kekuatan hubungan antara strategi koping yang berfokus pada masalah dan ketahanan lebih besar (R = 0,502), dibandingkan dengan hubungan antara strategi koping yang berfokus pada emosi dan ketahanan (R = 0,436), namun selisih nilainya tidak terlalu besar. . Oleh karena itu, kedua jenis strategi koping tersebut efektif dan petugas lapas dapat menggunakan kedua strategi koping tersebut untuk meningkatkan ketahanan dalam menghadapi stres kerja.
The overcapacity phenomenon that occurs in correctional institutions / detention is a workload that contributes to the high level of work stress for prison officers. Stress can be relieved by resistance mechanisms that can be increased by using effective coping. This study aims to determine the relationship between coping strategies and resilience in prison officers. This correlative analytic research was conducted in Cipinang First Class Correctional Institution, with a total sampling technique that managed to collect 171 respondents. The research instruments used were the COPE Carver Brief and the Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC). The results of the correlative analysis showed a relationship between two coping strategy choices and resilience, both coping strategies that focused on problems (p = 0.000) and coping strategies that focused on emotions (p = 0.000). The strength of the relationship between coping strategies that focus on problems and resilience is greater (R = 0.502), compared to the relationship between coping strategies that focus on emotion and resilience (R = 0.436), but the difference in value is not too large. . Therefore, both types of coping strategies are effective and prison officers can use both coping strategies to increase resilience in dealing with work stress."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Irwan Rahmat Gumilar
"Salah satu upaya pemerintah dalam menindak lanjuti aspirasi ini adalah dengan mewujudkan reformasi birokrasi untuk mewujudkan pemerintahan yang bersih dan bebas KKN (clean gaverment) serta kepemerintahan yang baik (good governance) dengan melakukan transparansi atau keterbukaan kepada masyamkat, untuk mengontrol hal tersebut perlu adanya kehumasan, maka Kementerian Hukum dan dalam hal ini Direktorat Jenderal pemasyarakatan pada tanggal 17 Desember tahun 2009 Ielah membuat kesepakatan bersarna dengan Persatuan Wartawan Indonesia yang salah satu Hngkupnya adalah pemberian akses bagi wartawan untuk meliput dan mendapatkan informasi di lingkungan pemasyarakatan (Lembaga Pemasyarakatan). Sejauh mana kesepakatan bersama antara Direktorat Jenderal Pemasayarakatan dan Persatuan wartawan Indonesia dalam pemberian akses bagi wartawan untuk meiiput dan mendapatkan informasi di Lapas dan akan dapat diimplementasikan dengan tetap mengindahkan hak hak dan tranparansi pelayanan Lapas disisi lain, serta terciptanya pemberitaan yang seimbang dan objektif. Oleh karenanya; pene1itian ini bertujuan dalam penelitian: ini adaJah untuk menganalisis Kesepakatan Bersama antara Direktorat Jenderal Pemasyarakatan dan Persatuan Wartawan Indonesia dimana salah satu lingkupnya adalah mengacu pada transparansi kepada publik, dan disisi lain kesepakatan tersebut tidak mengganggu atau tetap rnemperhatikan hak-hak narapidana secara pribad. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Data yang dikumpulkan melalui wawancara, observasi dan daftar dokumen.

One of the government's purpose in following up this aspiration is to achieve reform of government bureaucracy to create a clean and free of corruption (Clean Government) as well as good governance by taking the transparency or openness to the public, the role public relations is needed to control public open, so the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights in this regard Directorate General of the Corrections on December 17year 2009 has made a coHective agreement with the Indonesian Journalists Association which one of scope is the provision of access for journalists to cover and get lnformation on the correctional environment (Correctional Institution}. The extent of the agreement between the Directorate General of Corrections and Indonesian Journalists Association in the provision of access for journalists is to cover and get the information in prisons and will be implemented with due attention to the privacy rights of inmates in one side and the transparency of prison sen·ices on the other side, and the creation of a balanced and objective news. Therefore, this research has aim to analyze the Mutual Agreement between the Directorate General of Corrections and the Indonesian Journalists Association where one scope is based on transparency to the public, and on the other hand the agreement does not interfere with or due regard to the rights of prisoners in private. The method used in this research is descriptive research method with qualitative approaches. Data collected through interviews, observation and document lists."
Jakarta: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Oki Lestari
"Lembaga Pemasyarakatan merupakan tempat pelaksanaan pembinaan bagi narapidana. Pembinaan yang dilakukan terhadap narapidana lanjut usia harus berbeda perlakuannya dari narapidana lainnya, karena kebutuhan dan kemampuan seorang lanjut usia berbeda dengan yang belum lanjut usia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui strategi pembinaan yang tepat bagi narapidana lanjut usia pada lembaga pemasyarakatan.Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, dan menggunakan pedoman wawancara sebagai pedomannya. Hasil penelitian dipaparkan secara deskriptif analisis dengan objek penelitian pada Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Klas I Cipinang dan Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Klas IIA  Salemba.Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Klas I Cipinang dan Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Klas IIA Salemba belum memiliki program pembinaan yang terencana yang diperuntukkan bagi narapidana lanjut usia, kurangnya sarana dan prasarana yang menunjang, serta alokasi anggaran yang belum memadai untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan narapidana lanjut usia. Untuk mengatasi hal tersebut kemudian diajukan beberapa strategi yaitu: 1) Membuat pola pembinaan khusus narapidana lanjut usia, 2) Membuat alokasi anggaran kesehatan khusus narapidana lanjut usia, 3) Menyediakan sarana prasarana yang mendukung dan membangun kemitraan dengan pihak luar,4) Meningkatkan kualitas SDM tenaga kesehatan di lapas.

Correctional Institution is a place for implementing guidance for inmates. Guidance made for elderly inmates must be different from the other inmates. This is because the needs and capabilities of an elderly inmates are different from a much youngerinmate. The purpose of this study is to determine the appropriate guidance strategies for elderly inmates in correctional institutions. This study used a qualitative approach, and also used interview guide as its guideline. The results of this study are described in descriptive analysis with case studysubjectsfrom Class I Cipinang Correctional Institution and Class IIA Salemba Correctional Institution. The results of the analysis showed that the Class I Cipinang Correctional Institution and Class IIA Salemba Correctional Institution do not have a planned guidance program for elderly inmates, lack of facilities and infrastructure support, as well as do not have an adequate budget allocation for improving the welfare of their elderly inmates. To overcome these problems, the present study proposed several strategies, as follows: 1) Create a guidance model specific for elderly inmates, 2) Create a health budget allocation specific for elderly inmates, 3) Provide and improved infrastructure and facilities as well as build partnership with external parties, 4) Improve the quality of human resources of the health workers in prisons."
Depok: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Fokus penelitian ini adalah bagaimana implementasi kebijakan pembebasan bersyarat bagi narapidana sebagai upaya mengurangi dampak negatif kepadatan atau kelebihan penghuni di Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Kelas I Cipinang. Kebijakan ini merupakan kebijakan pembinaan narapidana dalam konsep re-integrasi sosial yang paling baik dalam membebaskan narapidana. Namun pada kenyataannya beberapa orang berpendapat bahwa pembebasan bersyarat dipandang sebagai pemberian maaf atau rasa simpati pemerintah, bertujuan memperpendek hukuman dengan mempercepat waktu pembebasan, bahkan pembebasan bersyarat dianggap sebagai upaya untuk menyenangkan atau memberi kenyamanan pelaku kejahatan.
Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian kualitatif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara mendalam (in-dept interview). Analisis terhadap proses dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi implementasi kebijakan dilakukan dengan cara mengadopsi teori implementasi kebijakan dari George Edward III, Marilee S. Grindle dan Van Meter serta Carl Van Horn (teori yang digunakan disesuaikan dengan kondisi lapangan).
Lapas Kelas I Cipinang berusaha merubah pendapat keliru beberapa orang mengenai kebijakan pemberian pembebasan bersyarat bagi narapidana dengan cara seoptimal mungkin mengimplementasikan kebijakan tersebut, bahwa tujuan pembebasan bersyarat pada narapidana bukan untuk memperkecil hukuman, mempermudah atau memberi kenyamanan pelaku kejahatan, juga bukan merupakan toleransi atau pemaaf. Sebaliknya kebijakan pemberian pembebasan bersyarat pada narapidana sebagai program pembinaan bertujuan untuk mengembalikan narapidana agar dapat hidup kembali di masyarakat dan tidak melakukan kejahatan lagi, dan hal ini harus direkomendasikan sebagai alternatif yang paling banyak mendatangkan manfaat terutama dalam menanggulangi dampak kepadatan atau kelebihan penghuni di dalam Lapas.
Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa proses implementasi kebijakan Pembebasan Bersyarat bagi narapidana dalam upaya menanggulangi dampak negatif kepadatan atau kelebihan penghuni di Lapas Kelas I Cipinang secara umum dapat dikatakan berjalan cukup baik namun kurang begitu optimal. Proses implementasi kebijakan berjalan cukup baik terbukti dari telah dipahaminya perubahan strategis yang diinginkan dan implikasinya; adanya peraturan pelaksanaan atau peraturan penjelas; dan telah dilaksanakan sosialisasi kebijakan pemberian pembebasan bersyarat tersebut. Namun yang menyebabkan kurang optimalnya implementasi kebijakan tersebut atau dapat dikatakan terjadi implementation gap (kesenjangan/perbedaan antara apa yang dirumuskan dengan apa yang dilaksanakan) yaitu adanya faktor-faktor menjadi hambatan dalam pelaksanaanya. Beberapa faktor yang menjadi hambatan tersebut adalah komunikasi dan koordinasi, sumber daya, dan struktur birokrasi.

The focus of this research is how the Implementation of parole policy for inmates in effort to overcome negative impact of overcapacity at Correctional Institution of Class I Cipinang. This policy is a policy to treatment the inmates in the concept of social re-integration, and it is the best concept to release them. But in fact some people argue that parole is viewed as forgiveness or sympathy from government, aimed to shortening the sentence with speed up their release, parole even considered as an attempt to please or give comfort to criminals.
The research used qualitative research method. Data was collected through in-depth interviews. Analysis of the processes and factors that influence the policy implementation is done by adopting the theory of policy implementation from George Edward III, Marilee S. Grindle, Van Meter and Carl Van Horn (the use of theory adapted with field conditions).
Correctional Institution of Class I Cipinang try to change the wrong opinion of some people about this parole policy by optimize the implementation, that the purpose of parole for inmates is not to minimize the penalties, facilitate or give comfort to criminals, also not as a tolerant or forgiving. Instead the policy of parole for inmates as a treatment program aims to restore inmates so can live back in the community and did not commit a crime again, and it should be recommended as an alternative can bring the most benefits, especially in reducing the impact of overcapacity in the correctional institution.
The research concludes that the process of Implementation of parole policy for inmates in effort to overcome negative impact of overcapacity at Correctional Institution of Class I Cipinang, generally speaking, quite well, but less so optimal. Policy implementation process can be said quite well proven that the strategic change desired and its implications have been understood; available regulatory implementation or regulation explanatory; and socialization of this parole policies have been implemented. But the causes of less than optimal implementation of the policy or it can be said to occur the implementation gap (the difference between what are formulated with what has been done), this is due to several factor which become obstacles in its implementation. Some of these factors are communication and coordination, resources, and bureaucratic structures.
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Misi utama pelaksanaan pembinaan terhadap warga binaan pemasyarakatan yang dilakukan Petugas Lembaga Pemasyarakatan (LAPAS) Kelas I Tangerang adalah mengantarkan kembalinya warga binaan tersebut setelah menjalani masa pidananya ke lingkungan masyarakat secara wajar, menjadi warga masyarakat yang baik, tidak mengulangi pelanggaran hukum lagi, dan dapat berperan serta dalam pembangunan serta berguna bagi diri, keluarga dan masyarakat lingkungannya.
Misi diatas, merupakan hal yang sangat mulia namun bukan pekerjaan yang mudah untuk merealisasikannya, apalagi akhir-akhir ini kejahatan baik secara kuantitas maupun kualitas meningkat dengan tajam, tingkat hunian secara umum melebihi daya tampung, disisi lain penambahan petugas hampir tidak ada; Oleh sebab itu untuk mengatasi sekaligus merealisasikan misi diatas dibutuhkan petugas LAPAS Kelas I Tangerang yang handal, professional dan berdedikasi tinggi.
Salah satu upaya untuk mewujudkan petugas LAPAS Kelas I Tangerang yang handal, professional dan berdedikasi tinggi adalah dengan pemenuhan kepuasan kerja. Adapun yang menjadi masalah pokok dalam penelitian ini adalah apakah ada hubungan antara Iklim Organisasi, Motivasi dan Kompensasi dengan Kepuasan Kerja petugas LAPAS Kelas I Tangerang.
Tinjauan pustaka mengindikasikan bahwa kepuasan kerja dapat dipenuhi dengan penciptaan iklim organisasi yang kondusif, pemberian motivasi yang tinggi dan pemenuhan kompensasi yang memadai, mengacu pendapat Litwin dan Stringer dalam Gibson (1984: 322 ) ... 10 dimensi iklim organisasi untuk mewujudkan kepuasan kerja meliputi struktur tugas, tantangan dan tanggung jawab, dukungan dan interaksi, hubungan imbalan dan sanksi, konflik, resiko, status dan semangat serta kompetensi dan keluwesan; berkaitan dengan motivasi yang mewujudkan kepuasan kerja meliputi pola motivasi prestasi, motivasi afiliasi, dan motivasi kekuasaan, sedangkan berkaitan antara kompensasi yang berhubungan dengan kepuasan kerja menurut Ivancevich (1995 = 304 ) meliputi kompensasi finansial langsung, kompensasi finansial tidak langsur dan kompensasi non finansial.
Populasi penelitian ini adalah petugas LAPAS Kelas I Tangerang yang berjumlah 190 orang, berdasarkan tabel KREJCLE yang dijadikan sampel sebanyak 127 orang dengan data baik primer maupun sekunder. Data diperoleh dengan menggmakan tehnik purposive sampling artinya penentuan sampel dilakukan secara sengaja untuk tujuan yang telah ditetapkan, adapun instrumen penelitiannya berbentuk kuesioner yang dibangun atas penjabaran dari indikator-indikator tiap variabel dengan alat ukur skala Likert; Sebelum dilakukan analisis, instrumen diuji validitas dan reliabilitasnya, kemudian data dianalisis berdasarkan frekwensi, median, modus dan kategori selanjutnya dilakukan analisis hubungan antar variabel penelitian dengan metode korelasi non parametric Spearman 'S rho.
Hasil penelitian ini ternyata dengan tingkat kepercayaan 99% terdapat hubungan yang sedang antara variabel iklim organisasi dengan kepuasan kerja sebesar 0.491, dan hubungan antara variabel motivasi dengan kepuasan kerja mempunyai hubungan yang kuat yaitu sebesar 0.655, sedangkan hubungan antara variabel kompensasi dengan kepuasan kerja mempunyai hubungan yang sedang yaitu sebesar 4.468.
Implikasi dari temuan penelitian ini, yaitu perlu pengakuan yang wajar sehubungan amanat Pasal 8 ayat (I) Undang-undang Nomor 12 Tahun 1995 tentang Pemasyarakatan : "bahwa petugas pemasyarakatan adalah pejabat fungsional penegak hukum yang tentunya diharapkan perlakuannya juga setara dengan penegak hukum lainnya. Bila hal ini direalisasikan berarti dapat menciptakan iklim organisasi yang kondusif, memberikan motivasi yang tinggi dan pemenuhan kompensasi yang adil serta memadai, maka kepuasan kerja akan terpenuhi, dimana pada akhirnya diharapkan mewujudkan petugas LAPAS Kelas I Tangerang yang handal, professional dan mempunyai dedikasi yang tinggi.

The Relation of Organization Climate/ Atmosphere, Motivation, Compensation and Work Satisfaction of Correctional Officers Class I TangerangCorrectional has the main mission to establish prisoners to be good human beings. The duty is done by Correctional officers Class I Tangerang, which has the function to assist and establish the prisoners capability to live in the society after their punishment is over. They were built to be involved and participated in the progress of the society.
However, it was difficult to be implemented since the quality and quantity of crime is still increased. This condition can be seen through the over capacity of detainees in Correctional , while officers to keep the programs in Correctional is lack in numbers. Therefore, in realizing this mission Correctional Class I Tangerang needs professionals competence, and high dedication officers.
To create good officers in Correctional Class I Tangerang is by fulfilled work satisfaction for the officers. The major problem in this study is to find out the relationship of organization climate, motivation and compensation with work satisfaction of officers in Correctional officers Class I Tangerang.
Library research indicated that work satisfaction can be fulfilled by creating conducive atmosphere/ climate, high motivated officers, sufficient compensation, refer to Litwin and Stringer in Gibson (1984;322) 10 dimension organization climate to create work satisfaction includes work structure, challenge and responsibility, support , competence and flexibility; related with motivation which constructs work satisfaction includes the motivation pattern award, affiliate motivation, while the relation between work satisfaction according to Ivancevich (1995:304) includes direct financial compensation, indirect financial compensation and non-financial compensation.
The population of this study is 190 officers in Correctional Class I Tangerang, based on KREJCLE table. The sample is taken for 127 persons. Data is secondary and primer. Data is taken by purposive sampling. The sample is taken for a purpose and the research instruments use questioners which form with explanation from indicators of variables which measured by Likert Scale; Before analizing, validity and reliability of instruments are examined, then data is analyzed based on frequency, median, modus and category. Later analyze the relation between research variable and correlation method Non Parametric Spreaman's rho.
The study result 99 % means median correlation between variable organization climate with work satisfaction 0.491, and relation between motivation variable with work satisfaction has high relation 0.655, while relation of compensation variable with work satisfaction has median high 0.468.
The implication of this research is the important existence of recommendation of Chapter 8 subsection 1 UU Number 12 years/1995 about Correctional : "that correctional officer is law functional officer." If this intention can be realized, it can create conducive organization climate which gives high motivation, fair and sufficient compensation fulfillment. Therefore, work satisfaction can be fulfilled and finally the professionals, competence and high motivated officers in Correctional Class I Tangerang would be performed properly."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Silalahi, Esther Patricia
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 1996
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bambang Sumardiono
"Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan Gaya Kepemimpinan (X1) dan Budaya Organisasi (X2) terhadap Kinerja Petugas (Y) di lembaga pemasyarakatan kelas I Cipinang, Jakarta Timur.
Penelitian ini menguji tiga hipotesis. Pertama, tidak terdapat hubungan yang positif antara Gaya Kepemimpinan terhadap Kinerja Petugas. Kedua, tidak terdapat hubungan yang positif antara Budaya Organisasi terhadap Kinerja Petugas. Ketiga, tidak terdapat pengaruh yang positif antara Gaya kepemimpinan dan Budaya Organisasi terhadap Kinerja Petugas.
Populasi adalah seluruh petugas lembaga pemasyarakatan Cipinang yang berjumlah 450 orang, dan sample yang ditarik adalah sebanyak 113 orang dengan teknik Stratified Random Sampling. Instrumen penelitian disusun dalarn bentuk angket dengan menggunakan skala Likerts.
Hasil penelitian ini mengimplikasikan bahwa Gaya kepemimpinan dan budaya organisasi Lapas Cipinang tidak memiliki hubungan dengan kinerja Petugas. Hal ini disebabkan oleh kondisi penghuni lapas yang sudah over kapasitas sehingga mengakibatkan tidak dapat menghasilkan kinerja petugas yang optimal di Lapas Cipinang.

The objectives of this research were to examine the contribution of leadership Style (X1) Organizational Culture (X2) and the Officer's performance of the Cipinang Correctional Institution, East of Jakarta.
This research has examined three hypotheses proposed. First, there wasn't a positive correlation between Leadership Style and Officer's Performance. Second, there wasn't a positive correlation between Organizational Culture and Officer's Performance. Third, there weren't any significant correlation between both Leadership Style and Organizational Culture as well to the Officer's Performance.
The total population of such research was 450, while its sample was taken 113 by using stratified random sampling technique. The instrument of the research was arranged in the form of Likert scale.
This research implied that there weren't any significant correlation between both the Leadership Style and Organizational Culture to the Officer's Performance due to the current problem of the over-capacities of the inmates, in which influencing the improvement of the Officer's Performance.
Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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