Supriyono B. Sumbogo
"Indonesia is dangerous country to journalist. Vertical and horizontal conflict which still happened in this state bring to comer journalist. Defeated Daily journalist of Bernas daily from Yogyakarta, Udin, before reform era in year 1996, civil war ini Timor East October 1999 or defeated RCTI Ersa Siregar journalist in Aceh, becoming black sheet in Indonesia journalistic world.
Attendance of Undang-Undang Nomor.40/1999 Tentang Pers, which for example meant to arrange mechanism of solving of dispute between mass media with source of news, do not have spur. Source of more opting news go through band punish as according to Criminal Code (KUHP) or Civil Code (KUHPerdata) with accusation denigrated, affronting, or harming materially. Source of news may even exist which play judge alone, than using rights answer or have recourse Council Mass media to finish case Though, rights answer and mediasi by Council Mass media more suggested by Law Mass media. But the source of news which feel getting disadvantage by news usually assume usage of insufficient answer rights to indemnify or cure good name.
Biggest threat is society which not yet ready to or not yet comprehended liberty of the press. Because, to come the envisioned democratic atmosphere is not easy. Various aspiration and importance each other impinging bearing hardness network in the middle of society, both for conducted by police, military, functioner, or mass premanisme actions, what it is true have been started since before reform spandrel opened. At reform era, threat of a kind come from individual, including state officer, and society group in is multifarious of pressure form or hardness to media and journalist.
Alliance Journalist Indonesia (AJI) indicate that at period 1 January till 15 May 2000 happened 43 hardness case to journalist, both for conducted by society, police, military, or governmental functionaly. Koalisi Antikekerasan note even also do not far differ from AJI note. At least in range of time 365 day commencing from 3 May 2000 up to 3 May 2001 have happened 118 wounded case of liberty of the press.
Asian Note South East of Press Alliance ( SEAPA) mention that in the year 2000 hardness case to tired journalist of number 147 case, year 2001 going down to become 97 case, and go down again become 72 case in the year 2002, and in the early July 2003 only 54 case along the happening of military conflict in Nanggroe Acheh Darussalam ( NAD). Whereas, AJI note happened 27 violences to journalist in the year 2004. For the year of 2005 there is no data which can be made guidance. But, hardness to mass media remain to happen in a number of place.
On the contrary, Indonesia mass media even also like to fish guest speaker dander. Moment resource person answer " comment no", for example, this words interpreted as confession and approval. Method journalistic demand to be mass media report on by fair, cover both sides, well-balancedly, and fair and continue to side wide of importance, is frequently disregarded. Scorpion happened various riot action, violence, and badness, mass media is even also alleged as hardness agent. Thereby, mass media not merely as hardness victim, good hardness physical and also non physical, but also act as hardness perpetrator."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2005