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Kurniawan Suriya
"Ruang lingkup: Benzena, bahan kimia yang berdampak negatif terhadap kesehatan dalam jangka panjang, pada saat ini masih banyak digunakan di industri percetakan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara umur, pendidikan, status kawin, masa kerja, kebiasaan merokok dan lokasi kerja di lingkungan terpajan benzena dengan tingginya fenol urin.
Metodologi: Penelitian ini menggunakan disain krosseksional dan melakukan perhitungan Odd Ratio ( OR ), untuk itu digunakan metode kasus-kontrol. Sebanyak 65 subjek penelitian didapat yang terdiri atas 32 dari lingkungan kerja terpajan tinggi dan 33 dari lingkungan kerja terpajan rendah. Data diperoleh dengan Cara wawancara terstruktur, pemeriksaan fisik dan pemeriksaan sampel urin yang dikumpulkan setelah 8 jam kerja.
Hasil penelitian: Kadar uap benzena di lingkungan kerja terpajan tinggi lima kali lebih tinggi dari NAB yang ditetapkan, sedangkan di lingkungan kerja terpajan rendah < 1/10 NAB. Penelitian ini tidak menemukan adanya hubungan bermakna ( p = 0,485 ) antara pajanan uap benzena dengan peningkatan kadar fenol urin. Hanya dua responden dari kelompok terpajan rendah mempunyai kadar normal fenol urin.
Kesimpulan: Tidak terbukti adanya hubungan yang bermakna antara peningkatan kadar fenol urin pekerja di lokasi kerja dengan faktor-faktor umur, pendidikan, status kawin, masa kerja, dan kebiasaan merokok. Pajanan terjadi tidak hanya di lokasi kerja terpajan tinggi tapi juga di lokasi kerja terpajan rendah, Walaupun kadar uap benzena di lingkungan kerja terpajan rendah < 1 ppm , kadar fenol urin pekerja di lokasi tersebut rata-rata di atas normal.
Karena tingginya kadar uap benzena di lingkungan kerja, manajemen perusahaan perlu menerapkan Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja (K3). Hal ini perlu diperhatikan oleh Hiperkes, Dinas Kesehatan, Departemen Tenaga Kerja, Departemen Kesehatan, Departemen Perindustrian dan Perdagangan dan K3 untuk mencegah dan mengurangi dampak negatif jangka panjang pada pekerja di percetakan tersebut.

Analysis of The Relationship of Urinary Phenol With The Exposure of Benzene Volatile on The Workers at a Printing Company in JakartaScope: Benzene, a chemical substance which has long-term negative impacts on health is still widely used in printing industry. The goal of this study is to find the relationship between age, education, marital status, working period, smoking habit and workplace at the environment exposed to benzene with the increase of urinary phenol.
Methodology: This study used cross sectional design. Since Odd Ratio (OR) was also calculated, case-control method had been used. A total number of 65 respondents consisting of 32 workers worked at high-exposed workplace and of 33 workers worked at low-exposed workplace. The data were obtained from structured interview, physical examination and test of urine collected after 8 working-hours.
Results: Benzene volatile at the high-exposed workplace is fivefold higher than TLV (threshold limit value), meanwhile at the low-exposed one is less than 1110 of TLV. This study did not find a significant relationship ( p = 0,485 ) between exposure of benzene volatile with the increase of urinary phenol. Only two respondens of low-exposed workplace have normal urinary phenol
Conclusion: No relationship was found between the increase of urinary phenol with workplace and all those factors mentioned above. The exposure happened not only at high-exposed but also low-exposed workplace. Although the benzene-volatile at low-exposed workplace is less than 1 ppm, the average of workers' urinary phenol is above normal ( 28,39 mg/1)
Due to high exposure of benzene volatile at workplace, the management of this printing industry should apply the Occupational Health and Safety. This should also be noticed by the Industry Hygiene and Occupational Health, Health Service, Departement of Workers, Departement of Health, Departement of Industry and Trade and Occupational Health and Safety to prevent and decrease long-term negative impacts on workers at this company.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2003
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Chairul Rijal
Tujuan: untuk mengetahui prevalensi inkontinensia urin, sebaran tipe inkontinensia urin dan faktor-faktor risiko yang berhubungan pada wanita yang berusia diatas 50 tahun.
Metode: penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan desain potong lintang. Sebanyak 278 wanita berusia diatas 50 tahun yang tinggal di panti werdha, telah dilakukan wawancara secara terpimpin menggunakan kuesioner Questionnaire for Urinary Incontinence Diagnosis (QUID) yang telah diterjemahkan dan divalidasi. Hasil prevalensi inkontinensia urin disajikan dalam bentuk proporsi/persentase, sedangkan hubungan antara faktor risiko dengan kejadian inkontinensia urin dianalisa dengan uji chi square atau uji Fisher bila syarat uji chi square tidak terpenuhi, dan juga dilakukan uji multivariat.
Hasil: dari 278 subyek penelitian, didapatkan sebanyak 95 orang (34,2%) menderita inkontinensia urin. Dengan sebaran tipenya adalah sebagai berikut: inkontinensia urin tipe campuran 67 orang (70,5%), inkontinensia urin tipe tekanan 17 orang (17,9%) dan inkontinensia urin tipe desakan 11 orang (11,6%). Indeks massa tubuh (IMT) berlebih dan obesitas tidak memiliki hubungan dengan kejadian inkontinensia urin (p> 0,05), mungkin pada penelitian ini jumlah subyek dengan IMT berlebih dan obesitas jumlahnya terlalu kecil. Sedangkan faktor-faktor risiko yang berhubungan dengan inkontinensia urin adalah: usia diatas 60 tahun (OR 7,79, p= 0,021), menopause >10 tahun (OR 5,08, p=0,004), dan multipara (OR 1,82, p=0,019). Pada saat dilakukan uji multivariat, faktor risiko usia diatas 60 tahun didapatkan menjadi tidak berhubungan dengan kejadian inkontinensia urin (p> 0,05). Hal ini disimpulkan bahwa faktor usia diatas 60 tahun bukan merupakan faktor tunggal akan terjadinya inkontinensia urin melainkan multifaktor.
Kesimpulan: penelitian ini mendapatkan angka prevalensi inkontinensia urin pada wanita yang tinggal di panti werdha adalah sebesar 34,2%. Sedangkan sebaran tipe inkontinensia urin adalah: inkontinensia urin tipe campuran 67 orang (70,5%), inkontinensia urin tipe tekanan 17 orang (17,9%) dan inkontinensia urin tipe desakan 11 orang (11,6%). Faktor-faktor risiko inkontinensia urin adalah: menopause >10 tahun dan multipara.

Aim: to identify the prevalence of urinary incontinence, the distribution of the type of urinary incontinence and and related risk factors in women older than 50 years.
Method: this is a descriptive study with cross sectional design. Two hundred and seventy eight women older than 50 years old living in nursing house were interviewed using the Questionnaire for Urinary Incontinence Diagnosis (QUID) that has been translated and validated previously. The prevalence result will be presented in the form of percentage; while the relationship between risk factors and the incidence or urinary incontinence will be analyzed using chi square test or Fisher’s exact test if the requirement for chi square test is not met, and multivariate analysis.
Result: Of 278 research subjects, we obtain 95 subjects (34,2%) suffering from urinary incontinence. And the distribution of the type is as follow: 67 subjects (70,5%) with mixed urinary incontinence, 17 (17,9%) with stress urinary incontinence and 11 subjects (11,6%) with urge incontinence. Overweight and obesity body mass index (BMI) are not related with the prevalence of urinary incontinence (p> 0,05), probably in this research the number of subjects with overweight and obesity is too small. While factors related to urinary incontinence are age older than 60 years (OR 7,79, p = 0,021), menopause ≥10 years (OR 5,08, p=0,004) and multiparity (OR 1,82, p = 0,019). When multivariate analysis was done, the risk factor age older than 60 years becomes not related to urinary incontinence (p>0,05). Thus it can be inferred that age older than 60 years is not a singular factor of urinary incontinence but rather a multifactor.
Conclusion: This study shows that the prevalence of urinary incontinence in women living in nursing home is 34,2%; while the distribution of the urinary incontinence is: 67 subjects (70,5%) with mixed urinary incontinence, 17 subjects with stress urinary incontinence (17,9%) and 11 subjects (11,6%) with urge urinary incontinence. Risk factors for urinary incontinence are: menopause ≥10 years and multiparity."
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ihya Ridlo Nizomy
"Latar Belakang: Inkontinensia urin (IU) menurut ICS didefinisikan sebagai keluarnya urin yang tidak dapat dikendalikan atau dikontrol, yang secara obyektif dapat diperlihatkan dan merupakan suatu masalah sosial dan higienis. Pada perempuan, gangguan fungsi berkemih ini sering kali didapatkan pasca-operasi koreksi kelainan Prolaps Organ Panggul (POP). Inkontinensia Urin Tekanan de novo (IUT de novo) adalah IU yang terjadi pada pasien POP pasca-operasi pervaginam yang tidak didapatkan sebelum operasi.
Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui kejadian IUT de novo dan faktor risiko yang berhubungan pada pasien POP pasca-operasi pervaginam di Divisi Uroginekologi dan Rekonstruksi Departemen Obstetri dan Ginekologi RSCM Jakarta.
Metode: Studi klinis potong lintang yang dilakukan pada 75 orang pasien POP pasca-operasi pervaginam di Divisi Uroginekologi dan Rekonstruksi Departemen Obstetri dan Ginekologi RSCM Jakarta pada bulan Januari 2016 sampai Juli 2017. Penilaian kejadian IUT de novo dan faktor risiko yang berperan dilakukan berdasarkan data Rekam Medik, lembar penilaian Kuesioner QUID (Questionnaire for Urinary Incontinence Diagnosis) versi Indonesia dan dikonfirmasi dengan pemeriksaan Cough Stress Test secara kualitatif dan tes pembalut pad test secara kuantitatif.
Hasil: Dari 75 subyek penelitian didapatkan angka kejadian IUT de novo sebesar 8% (6/75). Uji analisis statistik menunjukkan hanya 2 faktor risiko yang berperan secara bermakna (p < 0,05) terhadap kejadian IUT de novo pada pasien POP pasca-operasi pervaginam di RSCM Jakarta, yaitu derajat POP yang berat dan penyakit Diabetes Mellitus dengan nilai OR 0,13 (95% CI 0,02-1,63) dan 23,75 (95%CI 2,29-590,2).
Kesimpulan: Pada penelitian ini, angka kejadian IUT de novo pada pasien POP pasca-operasi pervagnam adalah 8% dengan faktor risiko yang berperan adalah derajat POP preoperatif yang berat dan penyakit Diabetes Mellitus.

Background: Stress Urinary Incontinence remains a main women's health problem due to its devastating impacts to the quality of life. Some patients with pelvic organ prolapse (POP) may suffer from stress urinary incontinence (SUI) named de novo SUI after pelvic floor reconstruction2. The epidemiology study of de novo SUI in Indonesia is not known yet. In the world, a few studies have reported a wide range (2-43%) in incidence of de novo SUI following surgical repair of POP in previously continent patients. This study aimed to investigate the occurrence of de novo SUI and determined related risk factors after vaginal surgery on POP patients in Ciptomangunkusumo Hospital Jakarta. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study of 108 patients who underwent pelvic floor vaginal surgery due to pelvic organ prolapse (POP) at the Department of Obstetry and Gynecology, Urogynecology and Recontruction Division in Indonesian University-Ciptomangunkusumo Hospital from January 2016 to December 2017. According to the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 75 patients were enrolled in the study with consecutive sampling technique. The occurrence of de novo SUI was determined 6-12 months postoperatively by using Indonesian version of Questionnaire for Urinary Incontinence Diagnosis (QUID), and objectively by positive Cough Stress Test (CST) during gynecological examination after negative Preoperative Prolapse Reduction Stress Test (PPRST). The clinical characteristic of positively de novo SUI patients identified were age, parity, Body Mass Index, menopause periode before surgery, degree of Pelvic Organ Prolapse based on POP-Q system, type of vaginal surgery and clinical result of Diabetes Mellitus. Thes significant risk factors that contribute for the occurrence of de novo SUI determined by multivariate statistical analysis (95% CI and 𝛼 0.05).
Results: The occurrence of de novo SUI was 8% or 6 from 75 patiens 6-7 month postoperative for pelvic floor reconstruction due to POP. Average of age, parity, BMI, menopause periode before surgery, respectively were 56.17 ± 4.67, 3.17 ± 1.07, 28.58 ± 5.18, and 12,8 ± 7,0. There were 50,0% (3/6) patients with severe degree of POP and 50% (3/6) with mild degree of POP with most of them 66,7% (4/6) had underwent non colpocleisis procedure for POP reconstruction. All of the patient but one were positively Diabetes Mellitus according to clinical hystory and laboratory finding, and most of them about 83,3% (5/6) were in menopause state. There were two significant risk facors that contribute to the occurrence of de novo SUI which are severe degree of preoperative POP (p 0.038; OR 0.13 95% CI 0,02-0,63) and Diabetes Mellitus (p 0.02; OR 23.75 95% CI 2.29-590.2).
Conclusion: The occurrence of de novo SUI after vaginal surgery of Pelvic Organ Prolapse patients in Ciptomangunkusumo Hospital Jakarta was 8%. Most of them were average of age < 60 years old, parity < 4, non- obese women, in menopausal periode, and diabetic patient. The determinant significant risk factors contribute to the occurrenceof de novo SUI were evere degree of preoperative POP and Diabetes Mellitus."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Imam Ahmadi Farid
Nama : Imam Ahmadi FaridNPM : 1406667463Program Studi/Divisi : Obstetri ndash; Ginekologi / Uroginekologi Rekonstruksi Judul: Prevalensi, karakteristik dan Faktor Risiko Terkait Pada Pasien Inkontinensia Urin Dalam Poliklinik Ginekologi Menggunakan Kuesioner Untuk Diagnosis Inkontinensia Urin QUID Versi Bahasa Indonesia Latar belakang: Inkontinensia urin tetap menjadi masalah kesehatan utama wanita karena dampaknya yang menghancurkan terhadap kualitas hidup. Namun, studi epidemiologi tentang inkontinensia urin UI di Indonesia sangat terbatas. Bisa jadi karena keluhan pasien yang kurang dilaporkan. Kami bertujuan untuk menentukan prevalensi, karakteristik dan faktor risiko UI di antara pasien ginekologi. Metode: Pasien mengunjungi klinik rawat jalan ginekologi di Cipto Mangunkusumo, Rumah Sakit Umum, Jakarta, Indonesia yang ditawarkan untuk berpartisipasi dalam penelitian ini. Subyek yang memenuhi syarat melakukan wawancara untuk mengisi kuesioner QUID versi Bahasa Indonesia. Faktor terkait untuk stres inkontinensia urin SUI , mendesak inkontinensia urin UUI , dan kontinum urin campuran MUI diidentifikasi setelah analisis bivariat dan multivariat. Hasil: Prevalensi SUI, UUI, dan MUI masing-masing 4,3 , 3,0 , dan 2,7 di antara 400 subjek yang memenuhi syarat. Usia di atas 61 tahun, usia antara 51 hingga 60 tahun, tingkat pendidikan rendah, kelebihan berat badan, multiparitas, persalinan pervaginam dan keadaan menopause meningkatkan risiko untuk semua jenis UI. Pada analisis multivariat, usia yang lebih tua adalah faktor risiko paling signifikan untuk memiliki UI p = 0,000, OR 5,4 95 CI: 2,13-13,87 . Kesimpulan: Usia di atas 61 tahun, usia antara 51 hingga 60 tahun, tingkat pendidikan rendah, kelebihan berat badan, multiparitas, persalinan pervaginam dan menopause adalah faktor risiko untuk SUI, UUI, dan MUI. Umur adalah faktor terkait yang paling signifikan. Kata kunci: QUID Questionnaire, faktor risiko, inkontinensia urin.


Abstract Nama Imam Ahmadi FaridNPM 1406667463Program Studi Divisi Obstetri ndash Ginekologi Uroginekologi Rekonstruksi Title Prevalence, characteristics and Related Risk Factors In Urinary Incontinence Patients In Gynecology Polyclinics Using Questionnaire For Urinary Incontinence Diagnosis QUID Indonesian Version Background Urinary Incontinence remains a main women rsquo s health problem due to its devastating impacts to the quality of life. However, the epidemiology study of urinary incontinence UI in Indonesia is very limited. It could be due to the under reported complaints of the patients. We aim to determine the prevalence, characteristics and risk factors of UI among gynecological patients. Methods Patients visited gynecological outpatient clinic at Cipto Mangunkusumo, General Hospital, Jakarta, Indonesia were offered to be participated in this study. Eligible subjects underwent interview to fulfill Indonesian version of QUID questionnaires. The associated factors for stress urinary incontinence SUI , urge urinary incontinence UUI , and mixed urinary continence MUI were identified after bivariate and multivariate analysis. Results The prevalence of SUI, UUI, and MUI were respectively 4.3 , 3.0 , and 2.7 among 400 eligible subjects. Age over 61 years old, age between 51 to 60 years old, low education level, overweight, multiparity, vaginal delivery and menopausal state were increased the risk for any types of UI. On multivariate analysis, older age was the most significant risk factor for having UI p 0.000, OR 5.4 95 CI 2,13 13,87 . Conclusion Age over 61 years old, age between 51 to 60 years old, low education level, overweight, multiparity, vaginal delivery and menopausal state were the risk factor for SUI, UUI, and MUI. Age was the most significant associated factor. Keywords QUID Questionnaire, risk factors, urinary incontinence "
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rosiana Waicang
"Inkontinensia urin setelah operasi BPH adalah hilangnya kontrol terhadap buang air kecil karena salah satu katup yang mengontrol urin diangkat bersamaan dengan prostat, apabila katub ini diangkat kemungkinan terjadi kerusakan sraf dan otot sehingga menyebabkan inkontinensia setelah operasi prostat. Inkontinensia urin dapat menyebabkan masalah fisik, psikologis, sosial dan ekonomi sehingga mempengaruhi kualitas hidup. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan kejadian inkontinensia urin setelah operasi prostat. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain cross sectional, dengan pendekatan deskriptif korelatif, dan teknik consecutive sampling pada 90 responden. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tidak terdapat hubungan signifikan antara Usia dengan kejadian inkontinensia urin (p-value 0,063, ! = 0,05), terdapat hubungan signifikan antara obesitas dengan kejadian inkontinensia urin (p-value 0,020, ! = 0,05), terdapat hubungan signifikan anatara jenis operasi dengan kejadian inkontinensia urin (p-value 0,038, ! = 0,05), terdapat hubungan signifikan antara volume prostat dengan kejadian inkontinensia urin (p-value 0,038, ! = 0,05), terdapat hubungan signifikan antara lama operasi dengan kejadian inkontinensia urin (p-value 0,036, ! = 0,05) dan tidak terdapat hubungan signifikan antara waktu operasi dengan kejadian inkontinensia urin (p-value 0,925, ! = 0,05). Pada hasil analisis multivariat menunjukkan bahwa jenis operasi berhubungan paling dominan dengan kejadian inkontinensia urin nilai OR yang terbesar yaitu (2,39) (95% CI: 0,955-5,988). Diharapkan tenaga keperawatan dapat meningkatkan pemahaman melalui pemberian informasi atau pendidikan kesehatan terkait dengan pencegahan inkontinensia urin umumnya generasi muda khususnya pada generasi tua di Kota Jayapura.

The increase in the life expectancy of the Indonesian population reaching the age of 66.2 years has contributed to an increase in the number of elderly people ( Aging Structured Population ). The aging process causes health problems in the elderly, one of which is urinary incontinence. Urinary incontinence is a bladder sphincter defect or neurological dysfunction that causes loss of control over urination. Urinary incontinence can cause physical, psychological, social and economic problems that affect the quality of life of the elderly. This study aims to identify factors associated with urinary incontinence in patients after prostate surgery at the Urology Polyclinic, Jayapura Hospital in 2023. This study used a cross-sectional design, correlative descriptive approach, and consecutive sampling technique in 90 post-prostate post-operative patients at the polyclinic. Jayapura Hospital Urology. The results showed that there was no significant relationship between age and the incidence of urinary incontinence ( p-value 0.063,! = 0,05) , there is a significant relationship between obesity and urinary incontinence ( p-value 0.020,! = 0,05) , there is a significant relationship between the type of operation and the incidence of urinary incontinence ( p-value 0.038,! = 0,05), there is a significant relationship between Prostate Volume and the incidence of Urinary Incontinence ( p-value 0.038,! = 0,05) , there is a significant relationship between the length of operation and the incidence of urinary incontinence ( p-value 0.036,! =0,05) and there was no significant relationship between operating time and urinary incontinence ( p-value 0.925,! = 0,05). The results of the multivariate analysis showed that the type of surgery was most dominantly related to the incidence of Urinary Incontinence with the largest OR value (2.39) (95% CI: 0.955-5.988). It is hoped that nursing staff can improve understanding through providing information or health education related to the prevention of Urinary Incontinence in general for the younger generation, especially the older generation in Jayapura City. "
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Maisa Weli
"Pendahuluan: Benzo(a)pyrene merupakan salah satu golongan PAH yangdiklasifikasikan sebagai senyawa yang bersifat karsinogen (probably carcinogenic)pada manusia dan hewan. Setelah terpajanan, benzo(a)pyrene yang masuk kedalamtubuh manusia melalui jalur inhalasi, langsung terabsorpsi didalam tubuh danterdistribusi dalam paru, kulit dan hati, lalu berikatan dengan DNA, RNA dan protein. Setelah memasuki tubuh manusia dan biotransformasi, Benzo(a)pyrene diekskresikan dalam bentuk metabolit terhidroksilasi dalam urin atau feses. 1-hydroxypyrene (1-OHP) dalam urin merupakan metabolit yang paling umum digunakan sebagai biomarker pajanan dari senyawa benzo(a)pyrene. Pengukuran konsentrasi benzo(a)pyrene dilakukan pada tiga titik di setiap sekolah menggunakan sorben tube dengan filter charcoal, dan dianalisis menggunakan metode fluoresensi. Analisis 1-hydroxypyrene dalam urin dilakukan menggunakan HPLC dengan detektor fluoresensi.
Tujuan: untuk melihat hubungan paparan benzo(a)pyrene terhadap konsentrasi 1-hydroxypyrene pada urin.
Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan desain cross sectional, sampel dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 76 orang, pembagian sampel di buat secara probability proportional to size (PPS), pengambilan sampel menggunakan purposive sampling.
Hasil: Rata-rata konsentrasi BaP di udara indoor sekolah dasar negeri di sekitar ruas jalan utama Jakarta Barat sebesar 0,0059 mg/m3, dan rata-rata konsentrasi BaP di udara outdoor yaitu 0,0031 mg/m3. Rata-rata konsentrasi BaP di udara indoor pada sekolah terpajan tinggi yaitu 5,6 kali lebih tinggi (0,0102 mg/m3) di bandingkan sekolah yang terpajan terpajan rendah (0,0018 mg/m3). Rata-rata konsentrasi 1-OHP pada urin siswa sekolah dasar negeri di sekitar ruas jalan utama Jakarta Barat adalah 12,146 μmol/mol kreatinin. Rata-rata konsentrasi 1-OHP pada urin siswa sekolah terpajan tinggi 1,2 kali lebih besar (13,363 μmol/mol kreatinin) di bandingkan sekolah terpajan rendah (10,929 μmol/mol kreatinin).
Kesimpulan: Hubungan pajanan BaP di udara indooor terhadap konsentrasi 1-OHP pada urin siswa berpola positif dimana terdapat korelasi positif antara pajanan BaP di udara indoor terhadap peningkatan konsentrasi 1-OHP pada urin siswa (r=0,229) artinya semakin tinggi pajanan BaP di udara indoor maka semakin tinggi konsentrasi 1-OHP pada urin siswa. Hasil uji statistik menjelaskan ada hubungan yang signifikan antara pajanan BaP di udara indoor dengan konsentrasi 1-OHP pada urin siswa (p=0,046).

Introduction: Benzo(a)pyrene is a class of PAH which is classified as a carcinogenic compound (probably carcinogenic) in humans and animals. After exposure, benzo(a)pyrene which enters the human body through inhalation pathways, is directly absorbed in the body and distributed in the lungs, skin, and liver, then binds to DNA, RNA, and protein. After entering the human body and biotransformation, benzo(a)pyrene is excreted in the form of hydroxylated metabolites in urine or feces. 1-hydroxypyrene (1-OHP) in urine is the most common metabolite used as exposure biomarkers of benzo(a)pyrene compounds. Benzo(a)pyrene concentration measurements were carried out at three points in each school using tube sorbents with charcoal filters and analyzed using the fluorescence method. Analysis of 1-hydroxypyrene in urine is carried out using HPLC with a fluorescence detector.
Objective: To see the relationship of exposure to benzo(a)pyrene to urine 1-hydroxypyrene concentration.
Method: This study is a quantitative study with a crosssectional design, the sample in this study amounted to 76 people, the sample distribution was made by probability proportional to size (PPS), the sampling used purposive sampling.
Results: The average BaP concentration in the indoor air of public elementary schools around the West Jakarta's main road segment is 0.0059 mg/m3, and the average BaP concentration in outdoor air is 0.0031 mg/m3. The average BaP concentration in indoor air in high exposed schools is 5.6 times higher (0.0102 mg/m3) compared to schools exposed to a low exposure (0.0018 mg/m3). The average 1-OHP concentration in the urine of public elementary school students around the West Jakarta main road segment is 12.146 μmol/mol creatinine. The average concentration of 1-OHP in the urine of high-exposed school students was 1.2 times greater (13,363 μmol/mol creatinine) compared to low-exposed schools (10,929 μmol/mol creatinine).
Conclusion: The relationship of BaP exposure in indoor air to the concentration of 1-OHP in the urine of students was positively patterned where there was a positive correlation between BaP exposure in indoor air to an increase in 1-OHP concentration in the urine of students (r = 0.229) meaning higher exposure to indoor air the higher the concentration of 1-OHP in the urine of students. The results of the statistical test explained that there was a significant relationship between exposure to BaP in indoor air and the concentration of 1-OHP in the urine of students (p = 0.046).
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Achmad Fahron
"Latar Belakang: Meningkatnva populasi usia laniut. masalah kesehatan pada kelompok usia tersebut juga meningkat. Salah satu masalah kesehatan vane sering dijumpai adalah inkontinensia urin tine sires (IUS). Beberapa nenelitian telah dilakukan untuk melihat faktor- faktor risiko terjadinva IUS, tetapi hasilnva tidak konsisten.
Tuiuan: Mengetahui hubungan antara usia, riwayat cara persalinan, jumlah persalinan lama menopause dan IMT dengan IUS pada perempuan usia laniut di RSCM Jakarta.
Metodologi: Disain penelitian potong-lintang. Subyek pada perempuan >60 tahun yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi. Inkontinensia Urin tine Sires dinilai dari anamnesis, pemeriksaan fisik serta pemeriksaan kontraksi vagina dengan nerineometri.
Hasil: Didapatkan hasil 35 kasus dan 47 kontrol. Subyek penelitian dengan usia >75 tahun didapatkan 8 (53.3%) IUS riwayat cara persalinan mengalami tindakan didapatkan 18 150.0%) IUS. jumlah persalinan lebih dari 2 kali didapatkan 30 (43,5%) IUS lama menopause lebih dari 7 tahun didapatkan 35 (45,5%) IUS, IMT ~ 26 didapatkan 14 (58.3%) IUS. Dilakukan analisis bivariat didapatkan hasil antara usia dan IUS dengan OR 1.69 (IK 95% 0.55 - 5.22).. antara riwavat cara persalinan dan IUS dengan OR 1,71 (TTY 95% 0.70 ? 4.14) antara iumlah persalinan dan MS dengan OR 1.23 (IK 95% 0.37 - 4.15). antara IMT > 26 dan IUS dengan OR 2.47 (IK 95% 0,93 - 6.52). Lama menopause tidak dapat dianalisis karena tidak didapatkan lama menopause < 7 tahun harus mengalami IUS. Seluruh variabel hasil analisis bivariat vane memiliki p mendekati 0.25 diikutsertakan dalam analisis multivariat. Setelah dilakukan analisis multivariat dengan regresi logistik didapatkan hanva IMT vane tampaknva berhubunsan denaan IUS (OR 2.9911K 95% 1.07-8.361)
Simpulan: Indeks massa tubuh merunakan faktor risiko teriadinva IUS.

Background: The increase of elderly nonulation leads to the increase of health problems among those who belongs to this population. Stress urinary incontinence (SUI) is one of many problems which is frequently found. Several studies have been carried out to detect risk factors for SUI. but the results were still inconsistent.
Objective: To assess the relationship between age. types of delivery. Parity, menopausal period, and BM1 with SU1 in elderly women at Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta.
Method: A cross-sectional study of elderly women > 60 years who met the inclusion criteria. SUI was evaluated from interviews. physical examinations and vaginal contractions measured with a perineometer.
Results: This study comprised 35 cases and 47 controls. SUI were detected in 8 (53.3%) of subjects who were > 75 years, in 18 (50.0%) of those who had intervention during delivery. in 30 (43,5%) of those who had parity > 2. in 35 (45.5%) of those who had had menopause > 7 years. and in 14 (58.3%) of those with BMI > 26. Bivariate analyses were performed and the results are OR 1,69 (95% CI 0.55-5.22) between age and SUL _ OR 1.71 (95% CI 0.70 - 4.14) between tunes of delivery and SUL OR L23 (95% CI 0,37 - 4.15) between parity > 2 and SU1. OR 2.47 (95% CI 0,93 - 6.521 between BM1 > 26 and Slll, Menopausal period could not be analyzed because no subjects who had less than 7 year - period of menopause was found to have SUI. Variables which had p close to 0.25 in bivariate analyses were measured in multivariate analyses with logistic regression. Those variables were types of delivery and BMI. As a result BMI was the only variable which was related to SUI (OR 2.99[95% CI 1,07-8,36 ).
Conclusion: BM1 is a risk factor for SUI"
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Astrid Yunita
"Inkontinensia urin tekanan sering ditemukan padakehamilan dengan prevalensi tertinggi pada empat minggu terakhir kehamilan. Diketahui bahwa kelemahan otot dasar panggul merupakan salah satu penyebab inkontinensia urin tekanan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan kekuatan otot dasar panggul dengan inkontinensia urin tekanan pada perempuan hamil trimester ketiga akhir, dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhinya. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain potong lintang dengan melibatkan perempuan hamil 36-40 minggu di poli Obstetri dan Ginekologi RSUK TebetJakarta. Data yang diperoleh berupa hasil anamnesis, Questionnaire for Urinary Incontinence Diagnosis QUID , pemeriksaan fisik, perineometer, dan tes batuk. Sampel berjumlah 142 orang dengan 54,2 diantaranya mengalami inkontinensia urin tekanan. Diketahui bahwa kekuatan otot dasar panggul dan taksiran berat janin memiliki perbedaan bermakna dengan inkontinensia urin tekanan p = 0,002, < 0,001, secara berurutan . Uji multivariat menunjukkan bahwa kekuatan otot dasar le; 25,5 cmH2O panggul dan TBJ ge; 3.100 gram paling mempengaruhi kejadian inkontinensia urin tekanan OR = 2,52, p= 0,021 dan OR = 3,34, p= 0,001, secara berurutan . Uji probabilitas menunjukkan bahwa apabila TBJ >3.100 gram dan kekuatan otot dasar panggul
Stess urinary incontinence is the most frequent found during pregnancy with the highest prevalence in the last four weeks of pregnancy. It is known that weaken pelvic floor muscle is one of the causes of stress urinary incontinence. This study aims to know the relationship between the strength of pelvic floor muscle and stress urinary incontinence in late third trimester of pregnancy and its associated factors.A cross sectional study was conducted involving women with 36 until 40 weeks of pregnancy at Obstetric and Gynecology clinic of Tebet Subdistrict Hospital, Jakarta. Collected data included medical interview, Questionnaire for Urinary Incontinence Diagnosis QUID , physical examination, perineometer, and cough test. Among 142 samples, 54.2 had stress urinary incontinence. Discovered that pelvic floor muscle, and estimated fetal weight had significant differences with SUI p 0.002, 0.001, respectively . Multivariate analysis showed the strength of pelvic floor muscle le 25.5 cmH2O , and EFW ge 3,100 gram were the most influenced factors for SUI OR 2.52, p 0.021 dan OR 3.34, p 0.001, respectively . The likelihood of SUI was 75.39 if the strength of PFM was le 25.5 cmH2O,and EFW ge 3,100 gram. Weaken pelvic floor muscle, and EFW were the factors influencing SUI. "
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pinem, Lina Herida
"Inkontinensia urin merupakan masalah yang umum terjadi pada periode nifas. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui efektivitas ?paket latihan mandiri? terhadap pencegahan inkontinensia urin pada ibu nifas di Bogor. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain quasy experiment dengan rancangan pre-post test with control group. Sampel dengan tekhnik consecutive sampling, melibatkan 74 ibu pada periode nifas. Kejadian inkontinensia urin kelompok intervensi menurun dari 44,4% menjadi 16,7% setelah intervensi sedangkan pada kelompok kontrol meningkat dari 36,8% menjadi 44,7% (p= 0,02; α= 0,05). Berdasarkan hasil studi ini, direkomendasikan agar rumah sakit membuat program kelas prenatal dengan latihan mandiri sebagai salah satu komponen untuk pencegahan inkontinensia urin sejak kehamilan."
Akademi Keperawatan Mitra Keluarga Jakarta ; Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2012
610 JKI 15:1 (2012)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pinem, Lina Herida
Inkontinensia urin merupakan masalah yang umum terjadi pada periode postpartum yang dapat menurunkan kualitas hidup. Penderita malu memeriksakan diri ke tenaga kesehatan sehingga intervensi pencegahan jarang dilakukan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui ?efektivitas paket latihan mandiri terhadap pencegahan inkontinensia urin pada ibu postpartum? yang menggunakan desain quasy experiment dengan rancangan pre-post test with control group dengan tekhnik consecutive sampling.Sampel penelitian berjumlah 74 ibu yang melahirkan di RS PMI sebagai kelompok intervensi (n: 36) diberikan paket latihan mandiri (Kegel exercise, Bladder drill, dan menghindari kafein dan alkohol) selama 4 minggu . Kelompok kontrol (n: 38) ibu yang melahirkan di RS Salak. Karakteristik responden berumur rata-rata 29,55 tahun, berat lahir bayi rata-rata 3108,8 gram, lama kala II 33,74 menit, lebih banyak multipara (75,7%) dan mayoritas mengalami ruptur atau episiotomy (82,4%). Kejadian inkontinensia urin kelompok intervensi menurun dari 44,4 % menjadi 16,7 % setelah intervensi sedangkan pada kelompok kontrol meningkat dari 36,8 % menjadi 44,7% (p: 0,02 < 0,05). Nilai OR: 4,05, artinya ibu postpartum yang tidak melakukan paket latihan mandiri berisiko 4,05 kali mengalami inkontinensia urin (CI 95%: 1,37; 11,98). Paket latihan mandiri efektif mencegah inkontinensia urin pada periode postpartum. Direkomendasikan agar RS membuat program kelas prenatal dengan latihan mandiri sebagai salah satu komponen untuk pencegahan inkontinensia urin sejak kehamilan.

Urinary incontinence is common and troublesome in postpartum periode and there is a considerable reduction in the quality of life of patients with this condition. Many patients hesitate to seck medical advice due to embarrasment. This research aimed to know the Effectiveness of ?Self Exercise Package ? to prevent of urine incontinence in postpartum periode at Bogor. A quasi experimental with control group pretestposttest design was used in this study. The sample utilized consecutive sampling as 74 womens in postpartum periode. The womens whose delivered in PMI hospital as intervention group (n: 36) have ?self exercise package? : Kegel exercise, Bladder training and dietary (avoid of cafein and alcohol) for 4 weeks. The womens has delivered in Salak Hospital as control group (n: 38). The chi square were used for data analysis.The characteristic of respondens: mean of age is 29,55 years, weight of the babies 3108,8 gram,duration 2nd stage: 33,74 minutes, majority multiparous (75,7) and have ruptur and epiciotomy (82,4%).The proportion of urine incontinence in the intervention group decreased from 44,4% to 16,7% and in the control group increasedfrom 36,8% to 44,7% (p value : 0,02 < 0,05). OR: 4,05 meanwhile mother that doesn?t do self exercise package have opportunity to get urinnary incontinence in postpartum periode. The conclution of this study is the implementation of self exercise package is effective to prevent in urinary incontinence in postpartum periode.This result study is recommended to hospital, that it is needed to make the programme of prenatal class with self exercise package to prevent urine incontinence.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
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