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Ahmad Pasha
Permetrin adalah obat pilihan untuk terapi skabies karena memberikan angka
kesembuhan yang tinggi. Pengobatan standar dengan mengoleskan ke seluruh
tubuh kurang nyaman sehingga dipikirkan untuk mengoleskan permetrin hanya di
lesi saja. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi terapi permetrin 5% krim
metode standar dibandingkan pengolesan di lesi saja (modifikasi). Penelitian
dilakukan di sebuah pesantren di Jakarta Selatan pada bulan Juli-September 2013
dengan desain randomized controlled trial (RCT). Semua santri dilakukan
pemeriksaan kulit dan santri yang positif dijadikan subjek penelitian lalu dibagi
dua secara random: kelompok yang diberikan metode standar dan kelompok yang
dioleskan permetrin di lesi saja. Evaluasi pada minggu ke-1 sampai ke-5. Data
diolah menggunakan SPSS versi 20.0 dan diuji dengan chi-square. Tes Friedman
untuk mengevaluasi efektivitas terapi standar dan lesi saja. Dari 98 santri, terdapat
67 santri positif skabies (prevalensi 68%). Angka kesembuhan untuk metode
standar terus membaik setiap minggunya, dari 30% pada minggu pertama dan
mencapai 96,9% pada minggu ke-5, begitu juga untuk lesi-saja, dari 23,5% pada
minggu pertama sampai 91,1% untuk minggu ke-5. Uji chi-square pada minggu
ke-1 (p=0,466) sampai minggu ke-5 (p=0,322) tidak ada perbedaan bermakna
pada kedua metode. Disimpulkan bahwa pengobatan skabies dengan permetrin
metode standar sama efektivitasnya dengan metode di lesi saja.

Permethrin 5% is the first line of treatment for scabies due to its high cure rate.
Standard method of treatment is by applying permethrin all over the body, except
the face, seems to be uncomfortable for the patient, therefore, applying to the
lesion-only is recommended. The objective of this study is to evaluate scabies
treatment using standard permethrin method compared to lesion-only. The study
is done in an Islamic boarding school in South Jakarta on July?September 2013
with a randomized controlled trial (RCT) study design. All of the students were
examined and those who tested positive for scabies are participated in the study
and randomly divided into two groups: treated by using standard method and
lesion-only. Evaluation is done throughout the first week until fifth week. The
data collected were analyzed using SPSS 20.0 and tested with chi-square to
distinguish the two methods. Friedman test was used to evaluate the effectiveness
of standard and lesion-only method. From 98 students 67 were diagnosed with
scabies (the prevalence 68%). Cure rate for standard method increased by the
week, from 30% on the first week to 96.9% on the fifth, so does lesion-only, from
23.5% on the first week to 91.1% on the fifth week. Chi-square test during week 1
(p=0.466) until week 5 (p=0.322) showed that there are no significant difference
on the two methods. It is concluded that effectiveness of applying permethrin with
lesion-only method is the same for standard."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Erike Anggraini Suwarsono
"Indonesia termasuk ke dalam kriteria negara 'high-burden' dengan insidensi TB yang masih tinggi. Indonesia masuk kedalam kriteria ini karena tingginya data epidemiologis kasus TB-HIV dan TB-MDR. Spesimen klinis terbanyak yang diolah untuk kultur TB adalah sputum, yang mengandung banyak kontaminan dari flora normal tenggorok.
Salah satu metode kultur TB yang ideal adalah dengan mengembangkan larutan yang mudah didapat serta efektif tanpa banyak membunuh basil TB. Bleach adalah larutan yang murah dan diketahui secara luas sebagai disinfektan yang baik sehingga dapat dijadikan alternatif.
Penelitian dilaksanakan di laboratorium TB LMK FK UI RSCM menggunakan 35 sampel dengan BTA positif. Setiap sampel dibagi dalam 4 kelompok dengan metode dekontaminasi yang berbeda. Keempat metode tersebut menggunakan 4 NaOH, 2 NALC-NaOH, 5 asam oksalat dan 1 bleach. Larutan 1 bleach disiapkan dari larutan pemutih komersial yang ada di pasaran. Setiap kelompok perlakuan dihitung proprsi kontaminasi dan kultur positif. Kultur positif divalidasi menggunakan MPT 64.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan subyek dengan BTA 1 sebanyak 46, BTA 2 37 dan BTA 3 sebanyak 17. Bleach merupakan kelompok dengan proporsi kontaminasi terbaik sebesar 2.8 dibanding 4 NaOH sebesar 5.7, dengan perbedaan proporsi kontaminasi yang signifikan p=0.000. Terdapat perbedaan signifikan antar kelompok dalam proporsi kultur positif p=0.006, tetapi pada uji post hoc tidak ada perbedaan bermakna antara 1 bleach, 4 NaOH dan 2 NALC-NaOH.
Kesimpulan penelitian ini, 1 bleach dapat digunakan untuk dekontaminan pada kultur TB dengan harga yang lebih murah, terutama pada sampel BTA 2 keatas serta terkontaminasi berat.

Indonesia remains one of 22 high burden countries with highly tuberculosis TB incidence according to WHO. There are a lot of numbers of TB HIV and TB ndash MDR in Indonesia. As most processed clinical specimen for TB culture, sputum is contaminated by normal flora from oropharyngeal tract.
The best method to establish appropriate culture from sputum is establishing a safe solution for the laboratory worker without kills numerous TB bacilli, preferred economic and easy prepared solution. Bleach is well known as cheap and good disinfectant that could use as an alternative. The research was aimed to compare the capability as bleach as decontaminat solution to other solution.
The study was conducted at TB laboratory of FMUI, by using 35 samples sputum with positive AFS, 3 5 ml. Each sample was divided into 4 groups which was decontaminated by different methods. The methods are 4 NaOH, 2 NALC NaOH, 5 oxalic acid and 1 bleach. 1 Bleach was prepared from commercially bleach. Each group was assessed for contamination and culture positive rate. The positive culture was validated using MPT 64.
The number of positive AFS were 1 46, 2 37 and 3 17. Bleach had the best contamination rate which was 2.8 compared to 4 NaOH 5.7, and significant difference among 4 groups p 0.000. There was also significant difference among 4 groups in positive culture proportion p 0.006, but there wasn rsquo t signficant different between 1 bleach, 4 NaOH and 2 NALC NaOH.
Conclusion of this study is, 1 bleach can be used as an alternative solution for decontamination of TB culture from highly contaminated sputum with AFB higher than 2.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mitla Taslima
Drama televisi adalah bentuk karya sastra yang sangat dekat dengan masyarakat, tak
terkecuali dorama atau drama Jepang. Skripsi ini membahas penokohan tokoh utama
dorama Gomenne Seishun! (2014), Hara Heisuke, yang diperankan oleh Nishikido
Ryo. Analisis penokohan Heisuke dilakukan dengan melihat interaksinya dengan
tokoh-tokoh lain yang berinteraksi aktif dengannya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan
tokoh Hara Heisuke adalah tokoh yang lemah namun dapat diandalkan, penakut
namun tegas, lari dari kesalahan namun pada akhirnya berani mengakui
perbuatannya; sehingga dapat disumpulkan bahwa Heisuke adalah tokoh bulatberkembang-

Television drama is one of literature works that very close to society, not least the
Japanese drama or used to be called dorama. This thesis discusses the
characterization of Gomenne Seishun! (2014)?s main lead, Hara Heisuke, played by
Nishikido Ryo. The research is based on Heisuke?s interaction with other characters
who do interactions with the main lead regularly. The result shows that Heisuke is
weak yet dependable, a coward yet firm, run from his own problem but have a nerve
to do the confess by the end; which means, his characterization is complexdeveloping-
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Saragih, Liliana
"Bakteri asam laktat (BAL) disebut food grade microorganism atau dikenal sebagai mikroorganisme yang generally recognized as safe (GRAS) yaitu mikroorganisme yang tidak berisiko terhadap kesehatan. BAL penting pada industri produk susu, sebab BAL digunakan sebagai zat pengasam pada susu. Yoghurt merupakan salah satu produk susu yang menggunakan bakteri asam laktat untuk fermentasi. Hampir semua produk susu ini mengklaim bahwa produk mereka mengandung kultur hidup probiotik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi ulang 6 isolat BAL yang telah diisolasi sebelumnya dari berbagai minuman susu menggunakan teknik molekular dengan melakukan teknik PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) dan sekuensing DNA menggunakan primer oligonukleotida. Primer-primer 16S rDNA yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah spesifik dengan bakteri asam laktat seperti yang telah dilaporkan dalam beberapa penelitian. Enam isolat yang ditumbuhkan kembali pada medium agar MRS yang kemudian diinokulasi ke dalam medium MRS cair untuk dilakukan ekstraksi DNA. Genomic DNA diperoleh dari 5 isolat BAL yang digunakan sebagai cetakan dalam PCR, sementara Leuconostoc mesenteroides TISTR 120 adalah kontrol positif. Hasil yang diperoleh hanya 1 amplikon berhasil diidentifikasi, namun bukan termasuk BAL, yaitu Staphylococcus saprophyticus.

Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are food grade microorganism or known as microorganism that possess generally recognized as safe (GRAS). LAB are important in dairy product industry, because they have been used as an acid substance in milk. Yoghurt is one of the dairy product that uses LAB for fermentation. Almost all of this dairy product claim that they contain living culture of probiotics in their product. The aim of this study was to identify six isolates of LAB isolated previously from various dairy product samples by molecular technique performing Polymerase Chain Reaction and DNA sequencing using 16S rDNA oligonucleotide primers. The 16S rDNA primers used in this study is highly specific for lactic acid bacteria as reported in several studies. Six isolates of LAB were choosen to be reconfirmed compare to previous study. LAB were grown on de Man Rogosa Sharpe agar medium and were subsequently inoculated into MRS broth for DNA extraction. Genomic DNA obtained from 5 LAB isolates were used as tempelate in PCR whereas Leuconostoc mesenteroides TISTR 120 was the positive control. Result revealed that only one amplicon was identified succesfully, but not the member of LAB, however, i.e Staphylococcus saprophyticus."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Testing of New Rice Clones Derived from In Vitro Selec- tion for Tolerance to Al and Low pH by using Solution Culture. Ragapadmi Purnamaningsih and Ika Mariska. Rice productivity in acid soil is very low because of low pH, low availability of N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Mo, toxicity of Al and Mn. Development of Al tolerant varieties could increase rice productivity in acid soil. Somaclonal variation and in vitro selection method can be used to develop new Al tolerance varieties. A rapid screening method is needed to select a large number of new genotypes or new inbred lines in plant breeding, such as solution culture methods to evalu-ate Al- tolerant rice. This methods was used to know the response to Al in the seedling stage, root development, and pH changing. In this experiment solution culture method was used to evaluate the new genotypes derived from soma- clonal variation and in vitro selection methods. These new genotypes have been tested the tolerance characteristic by using AlCl36H2O at 6 concentrations (0, 100, 200, 300, 400, and 500 ppm). Yoshida solution with two Al concentration were used to tested these genotypes. Measurement of Al tolerance was based on root development by using Relative Root Length (RRL), the relativity of root length at 45 ppm and 0 ppm. Almost all of the genotypes have RRLs higher than 0.7, which means that there was a positive correlation between the in vitro method and solution culture method. In this experiment pH changes were not applicable to measure the tolerance of the rice genotypes to Al and low pH "
JURAGBIO 4 (1) 2008
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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