"The aim of this research is to determine character for drought tolerance character
prediction of peanut national variety on germination phase using PEG 6000 solution.
Preliminary test using drought tolerance genotipes (US 605 and US 693), susceptible
genotipe (PI 409) conducted to evaluate appropriate concentration of PEG solution as
drought treatment. PEG 10% is appropriate for drought treatment. Experiment using factorial random complete design with eight national varieties,
Badak, Gajah, Jerapah, Kelinci, Komodo, Macan, Panther, Singa, and PEG solution.
Minimum water uptake for germination is obtained from proportion between seedling weight to seed weight with seed weight. Root length, number of lateral root and seedling dry weight (without cotyledon) are counted on seventh day after germination. Seed germinated using UKDdp method. ANOVA two way for water uptake variable, ANOVA one way for root length and number of lateral root and seedling dry weight (without cotyledon) is used to analyze data, continue with DMRT and Pearson product moment
correlation between minimum water uptake for germination and root length, seedling
dry weight (without cotyledon). And Spearman correlation is used between minimum
water uptakes for germination with number of lateral root"