ABSTRAKPenelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif analitik dengan desain kuantitatif kualitatif
yang bertujuan mengetahui dan menggambarkan faktor ? faktor yang berhubungan dan yang
berhubungan paling dominan dengan keinginan pindah bekerja (turnover intention) perawat
di Rumah Sakit X di Balikpapan. Penelitian dilaksanakan metode cross sectional dengan
menggunakan kuesioner terhadap 199 orang responden yaitu perawat, serta melakukan
wawancara mendalam kepada 5 orang informan dari pihak manajemen dan kepala bagian di
rumah sakit X di Balikpapan. Dari penelitian kuantitatif didapatkan faktor pengembangan
karir, kompensasi dan komunikasi yang berhubungan dengan keinginan pindah bekerja, dan
faktor komunikasi yang paling dominan berpengaruh terhadap keinginan pindah bekerja.
Sedangkan penelitian kualitatif menunjukkan faktor komunikasi antara pihak manajemen dan
perawat kurang begitu baik. Maka seharusnya pihak manajemen lebih memperhatikan
masalah komunikasi tersebut sehingga seluruh informasi dapat sampai kepada perawat.
ABSTRACTThis is descriptive analytical study with quantitative qualitative design aims to describe and
analysis factors related to the intention to move out of nurses at X hospital in Balikpapan.
The study collected using questionnaire to 199 nurses, followed by in-depth interviews to 5
senior management, 1 cheif ward and 1 secretary of commite of hospital. Career
development, compensation, and communications are mean factor influencing the intention to
move out. Qualitative method validated the important communication between the
management and nurses which is not in a good condition. The management should formed a
special meeting for nurses to collect the aspiration nurses in order to increase the sense of
involvement which decrease to desire to move out.;This is descriptive analytical study with quantitative qualitative design aims to describe and
analysis factors related to the intention to move out of nurses at X hospital in Balikpapan.
The study collected using questionnaire to 199 nurses, followed by in-depth interviews to 5
senior management, 1 cheif ward and 1 secretary of commite of hospital. Career
development, compensation, and communications are mean factor influencing the intention to
move out. Qualitative method validated the important communication between the
management and nurses which is not in a good condition. The management should formed a
special meeting for nurses to collect the aspiration nurses in order to increase the sense of
involvement which decrease to desire to move out., This is descriptive analytical study with quantitative qualitative design aims to describe and
analysis factors related to the intention to move out of nurses at X hospital in Balikpapan.
The study collected using questionnaire to 199 nurses, followed by in-depth interviews to 5
senior management, 1 cheif ward and 1 secretary of commite of hospital. Career
development, compensation, and communications are mean factor influencing the intention to
move out. Qualitative method validated the important communication between the
management and nurses which is not in a good condition. The management should formed a
special meeting for nurses to collect the aspiration nurses in order to increase the sense of
involvement which decrease to desire to move out.]"