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Sultan Alif Zidane
"Kebutuhan energi yang terus meningkat setiap tahunnya membuat manusia perlu menggunakan alternatif sumber energi lain yaitu gas bumi, dimana cadangan gas bumi Indonesia adalah 142.72 TSCF pada 2017. Karena LNG merupakan sumber energi yang murah dan ramah lingkungan maka sistem propulsi kapal angkut juga akan menggunakan bahan bakar LNG. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kelayakan sistem propulsi berbahan bakar full LNG untuk kapal small scale LNG Carrier dengan sistem kombinasi gas elektrik steam turbin (COGES). Kelayakan sistem propulsi rancangan akan ditentukan oleh daya yang dihasilkan sistem, luaran emisi yang dihasilkan, serta kelayakan ekonomi sistem. Data yang digunakan diperoleh dari simulasi menggunakan software Cycle-Tempo 5.1 dan juga untuk data emisi diperoleh dari simulasi menggunakan software SimaPro. Penelitian ini menunjukan dengan input kalor yang sama 50000 kJ, sistem COGES, sistem DFDE, sistem Diesel daya luaran yang dihasilkan berturut-turut adalah 14 kWh, 6.6 kWh, dan 6.4kWh sehingga sistem COGES memiliki keunggulan dibandingkan dengan sistem lainnya. Dengan efisiensi sistem COGES 30.1% (elektikal) dan 61.79% (mekanikal). Sistem COGES juga memiliki luaran emisi CO2 yang lebih kecil dibandingkan sistem lainnya dengan komposisi 24% (COGES); 25% (DFDE); 51% (Diesel). Kemudian untuk keekonomian sistem propulsi COGES memiliki nilai NPV yang positif, IRR di kisaran 21% - 72% dan PBP di kisaran 4.06 tahun – 1.39 tahun.
Energy needs that continue to increase every year make people need to use alternative energy sources, namely natural gas, where Indonesia's natural gas reserves are 142.72 TSCF in 2017. To meet natural gas needs, distribution from natural gas sources to consumers to regions is required. remote areas, one of which uses an LNG carrier ship. Because LNG is a cheap and environmentally friendly energy source, the propulsion system of the transport ship will also use LNG as fuel. This study aims to determine the feasibility of a full LNG-fueled propulsion system for small-scale LNG Carrier vessels with a combination gas electric steam turbine system (COGES). The feasibility of the design propulsion system will be determined based on the power generated by the system, the output emissions generated, and the economic feasibility of the system. The data used were obtained from simulations using Cycle-Tempo 5.1 software and also for emissions data obtained from simulations using SimaPro software. The results of this study show that with the same heat input of 50000 kJ, the COGES system, the DFDE system and the Diesel system of the output power produced are 14 kWh, 6.6 kWh, and 6.4 kWh, so that the COGES system has advantages compared to other systems. With COGES system efficiency of 30.1% (electrical) and 61.79% (mechanical). The COGES system also has a lower CO2 emission output than other systems with a composition of 24% (COGES); 25% (DFDE); 51% (Diesel). Then for the economy of the propulsion system COGES design has a positive NPV value, IRR in the range of 21% - 72% and PBP in the range of 4.06 years - 1.39 years."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Reza Dianofitra
"[Indonesia merupakan salah satu negara berkembang di Asia Tenggara dan belum seluruh daerahnya menikmati energi listrik. Sebagian besar daerah yang belum menikmati energi listrik tersebut berada pada daerah terpencil disebabkan oleh tidak adanya jaringan listrik dari pusat. Jaringan listrik dari pusat tidak tersedia karena pada daerah terpencil kebutuhan energi listrik sedikit sehingga harga listrik per kWh jadi lebih mahal. Indonesia memiliki karakteristik geografis pegunungan dan berbukit. Oleh karena itu, pembangkit listrik tenaga mikrohidro menjadi pilihan energi listrik pada daerah terpencil. Sebelumnya telah dilakukan perancangan turbin mikrohidro dengan head total setinggi 2 m, yaitu turbin air openflume dengan rasio hub-to-tip sebesar 0,4 dengan free vortex theory. Tulisan ini menampilkan verifikasi data hasil perancangan sebelumnya dengan metode numerik melalui simulasi CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics). Modifikasi dilakukan pada rancangan turbin yang sebelumnya dengan merubah besar sudut sudu pada bagian masuk dan keluar. Simulasi CFD pada turbin openflume ini dilakukan menggunakan software ANSYS Fluent 15.0 dengan model turbulensi k- dan mendefinisikan model simulasi dengan turbo-topology. Tulisan ini membandingkan karakteristik performa dari turbin awal dan turbin modifikasi dengan melihat debit aliran, torsi, dan daya poros pada tiap RPM yang dihasilkan. Efisiensi turbin tertinggi dari turbin adalah 62.47% pada kecepatan putar 600 RPM dengan sudut sudu bagian masuk 72.3o dan bagian keluar 76.5o.
Indonesia is one of developing country in South East Asia yet ironically parts of its region cannot derive the luxury of electricity. Most area without electricity yetis located in remote areas which is caused by the inexistence of electrical transmision from central. Electrical transmision from central is not avalailablebecause the needs of electricity in remote areas are minimum, so that the price of electricity are more expensive per kWh. Indonesia has major geographicalcharacteristics with its mountains and highlands. Therefore, a power plant powered by microhydro plant has been chosen as electricity source in such place. Beforehand, micro-hydro turbine design has been carried out with total head 2 m, that is openflume propeller turbine with 0,4 hub-to-tip ratio with the free vortextheory. This writing represents the verification of designing results with numeric method accomplished by CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) simulation. Modification is applied on the previous turbine design with changing the blade angle on inlet and outlet. The simulation of CFD on this openflume turbine propeller was performed using ANSYS Fluent 15.0 software with k- turbulence model and defining the simulation model with turbo-topology. This writingcompares the performance characteristics of the original turbine and the modified turbine with flow capacity, torsion and shaft power at each RPM produced. The highest turbine efficiency is 62.47% at 600 RPM with inlet blade angle 72.3o and outlet blade angle 76.5o;Indonesia is one of developing country in South East Asia yet ironically parts of its region cannot derive the luxury of electricity. Most area without electricity yet is located in remote areas which is caused by the inexistence of electrical transmision from central. Electrical transmision from central is not avalailable because the needs of electricity in remote areas are minimum, so that the price of electricity are more expensive per kWh. Indonesia has major geographical characteristics with its mountains and highlands. Therefore, a power plant powered by microhydro plant has been chosen as electricity source in such place. Beforehand, micro-hydro turbine design has been carried out with total head 2 m, that is openflume propeller turbine with 0,4 hub-to-tip ratio with the free vortex theory. This writing represents the verification of designing results with numeric method accomplished by CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) simulation. Modification is applied on the previous turbine design with changing the blade angle on inlet and outlet. The simulation of CFD on this openflume turbine propeller was performed using ANSYS Fluent 15.0 software with k- turbulence model and defining the simulation model with turbo-topology. This writingcompares the performance characteristics of the original turbine and the modified turbine with flow capacity, torsion and shaft power at each RPM produced. The highest turbine efficiency is 62.47% at 600 RPM with inlet blade angle 72.3o and outlet blade angle 76.5o;Indonesia is one of developing country in South East Asia yet ironically parts of its region cannot derive the luxury of electricity. Most area without electricity yet is located in remote areas which is caused by the inexistence of electrical transmision from central. Electrical transmision from central is not avalailable because the needs of electricity in remote areas are minimum, so that the price of electricity are more expensive per kWh. Indonesia has major geographical characteristics with its mountains and highlands. Therefore, a power plant powered by microhydro plant has been chosen as electricity source in such place. Beforehand, micro-hydro turbine design has been carried out with total head 2 m, that is openflume propeller turbine with 0,4 hub-to-tip ratio with the free vortex theory. This writing represents the verification of designing results with numeric method accomplished by CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) simulation. Modification is applied on the previous turbine design with changing the blade angle on inlet and outlet. The simulation of CFD on this openflume turbine propeller was performed using ANSYS Fluent 15.0 software with k- turbulence model and defining the simulation model with turbo-topology. This writingcompares the performance characteristics of the original turbine and the modified turbine with flow capacity, torsion and shaft power at each RPM produced. The highest turbine efficiency is 62.47% at 600 RPM with inlet blade angle 72.3o and outlet blade angle 76.5o., Indonesia is one of developing country in South East Asia yet ironically parts ofits region cannot derive the luxury of electricity. Most area without electricity yetis located in remote areas which is caused by the inexistence of electricaltransmision from central. Electrical transmision from central is not avalailablebecause the needs of electricity in remote areas are minimum, so that the price ofelectricity are more expensive per kWh. Indonesia has major geographicalcharacteristics with its mountains and highlands. Therefore, a power plantpowered by microhydro plant has been chosen as electricity source in such place.Beforehand, micro-hydro turbine design has been carried out with total head 2 m,that is openflume propeller turbine with 0,4 hub-to-tip ratio with the free vortextheory. This writing represents the verification of designing results with numericmethod accomplished by CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) simulation.Modification is applied on the previous turbine design with changing the bladeangle on inlet and outlet. The simulation of CFD on this openflume turbinepropeller was performed using ANSYS Fluent 15.0 software with k- turbulencemodel and defining the simulation model with turbo-topology. This writingcompares the performance characteristics of the original turbine and the modifiedturbine with flow capacity, torsion and shaft power at each RPM produced. Thehighest turbine efficiency is 62.47% at 600 RPM with inlet blade angle 72.3o andoutlet blade angle 76.5o]"
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Bondan Adinugroho
"Kebutuhan listrik dan uap air di Fasilitas Gas Processing Kilang LNG Arun sebesar 158.400.000 kWh/tahun dan uap air 180 ton/jam (TPH) dihasilkan dari 3 (tiga) unit Gas Turbine Generator (GTG) dan 3 (tiga) unit Heat Recovery Steam Generator (HRSG) di Unit pembangkit U-90 di Perta Arun Gas (PAG). Permasalahan dari pembangkitan listrik dan uap saat ini adalah kebutuhan bahan bakar yang besar yaitu 13,14 MMSCFD untuk memproses 30 MMSCFD gas sales. Ketersediaan suku cadang (usang), dan beberapa kali terjadi gangguan operasi (blackout) juga menjadi permasalahan pembangkit eksisting. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memisahkan dari GTG dan HRSG eksisting dan membangun unit pembangkitan baru di Fasilitas Gas Processing Kilang LNG Arun dengan unit pembangkitan listrik dan uap air yang lebih efisien dan tingkat avai;abilitas yang tinggi. Penggantian dilakukan dengan berbagai alternatif yaitu pembelian unit GTG & HRSG + Boiler baru, pembelian unit Gas Engine Generator (GEG) & HRSG + Boiler baru, dan penyambungan listrik ke PLN (Perusahaan Listrik Negara) + Boiler. Salah satu hasil dari penggantian pembangkit adalah dengan penggunaan GTG & HRSG + Boiler baru akan memerlukan bahan bakar gas sebesar 12,88 MMSCFD, dimana terdapat efisiensi gas sebesar 0,26 MMSCFD, dan dengan penambahan biaya pembelian unit dan biaya pemeliharaan akan mendapatkan tarif pembangkitan listrik sebesar 0,221 $/kWh dan tarif pembangkitan uap air sebesar 0,0019 $/ton/tahun dengan metode keeokonomian cash flow. Penggantian GTG dan HRSG eksisting akan lebih ekonomis jika dilakukan kegiatan penurunan uap air di Fasilitas Gas Processing Kilang Arun, hal ini dikarenakan alternatif pembangkitan pengganti membutuhkan konsumsi bahan bakar gas untuk menghasilkan uap air lebih besar dibandingkan dengan pembangkitan listrik.
The demand for electricity and steam at the Arun LNG Refinery Gas Processing Facility is 158,400,000 kWh / year and 180 tons / hour of water vapor (TPH) is produced from 3 (three) units of Gas Turbine Generator (GTG) and 3 (three) units of Heat Recovery Steam Generator (HRSG) at the U-90 generating unit at Perta Arun Gas (PAG). The problem with electricity and steam generation today is the large fuel requirement, namely 13.14 MMSCFD to process 30 MMSCFD of gas sales. The availability of spare parts (obsolete), and several times the operation interruption (blackout) is also a problem in the existing plant. The purpose of this research is to separate from the existing GTG and HRSG and build a new generation unit at the Arun LNG Refinery Gas Processing Facility with a more efficient electricity and steam generation unit and a high level of availability. Replacement is carried out with various alternatives, namely the purchase of a new GTG & HRSG + Boiler unit, the purchase of a new Gas Engine Generator (GEG) & HRSG + Boiler unit, and connecting electricity to PLN (State Electricity Company) + Boiler. One result of the replacement of the generator is that with the use of GTG & HRSG + the new boiler will require a gas fuel of 12.88 MMSCFD, where there is a gas efficiency of 0.26 MMSCFD, and with the addition of unit purchase costs and maintenance costs will get electricity generation tariff of 0.221 $ / kWh and steam generation tariff of 0.0019 $ / ton / year using the cash flow economic method. Replacement of the existing GTG and HRSG will be more economical if steam reduction activities are carried out at the Arun Refinery Gas Processing Facility, this is because the alternative generation of replacement requires higher gas fuel consumption to produce steam compared to electricity generation."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Jakarta: [publisher not identified], 1968
621.4 Suj p
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
"Through this research have earned to be identified by potency irrigate and potency of Desa Datar and its surroundings which is in this village compotent wake up of systems Power Station of Hydro Micro Energy
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Khaer Ismaiel Alamsyah Ibrahim
"Permintaan lebih ramah lingkungan sumber energi meningkat secara global. Pengembangan turbin angin telah menjadi jauh lebih sering dalam beberapa tahun terakhir. Penerapan turbin angin dapat digunakan untuk air laut sebagai fluida kerja bukan turbin. Para peneliti masih mengembangkan teknologi ini. Jembatan Selat Sunda membawa terang baru bagi Indonesia. Jumlah energi kinetik yang mungkin mengalir di bawah jembatan raksasa.
Proyek ini berfokus pada desain dan kinerja model sistem aliran listrik turbin pasang surut untuk digunakan di Selat Sunda. Selat Sunda adalah 24 km di its a tersempit dan 20 m dalam pada yang dangkal di bagian timur selat. Its rata-rata aliran pasang surut adalah sekitar 2,47 m / s.
CFD adalah metode analisis numerik yang melibatkan aliran fluida, perpindahan panas dan sifat fluida lainnya yang terlibat dalam fenomena seperti perpindahan panas dalam penukar panas. Hal yang sama untuk turbin, adalah mungkin untuk mensimulasikan situasi yang sama dari Selat Sunda. Dengan mensimulasikan situasi yang sama, merancang turbin yang cocok dan memprediksi output daya yang akan menjadi tujuan utama dari tugas akhir ini. Analisis ini melibatkan RPM, Torque, Angkat Koefisien Drag dan Koefisien dan Power.
The demand of more environmentally friendly source of energy increases globally. The development of the wind turbine has become much more frequent in the past few years. The application of the wind turbine can be used for sea-water as the working fluid instead of the turbine. Researchers are still developing this technology. The Sunda Strait Bridge brings a new brighter for Indonesia. The amount of kinetic energy that may flow under the bridge is gigantic. This project focuses on the design and a performance of a model of a tidal power stream system turbine to be used in Sunda Strait. Sunda Strait is 24 km at its a narrowest and 20 m deep at its shallowest in the eastern part of the strait. Its average tidal flow is around 2.47 m/s. CFD is a method of numerical analysis that involves of fluid flow, heat transfer and other fluid property that involves in a phenomenon such as heat transfer within heat exchanger. The same for turbine, it is possible to simulate similar situation of Sunda Strait. By simulating the similar situation, designing the suitable turbine and predicting its power output will be the main objectives of this final project. The analysis involves the RPM, Torque, Lift Coefficient and Drag Coefficient and Power."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Meutia Sari
"Operasi dan pemeliharaan merupakan dua aktifitas penting dalam kegiatan perusahaan pembangkit listrik melakukan kedua aktifitas tersebut sangatlah penting karena untuk dapat memberikan suplay listrik yang aman, cukup dan dapat dipercaya bagi konsumen, diperlukan pelaksanaan pemeliharaan serta operasi yang maksimal. PLTA Ir. H. Juanda merupakan perusahaan penyuplai listrik untuk lokasi Jawa Bali.
Terjadinya kegagalan dalam sistem pemeliharaan dalam system pemeliharaan dan operasi menimbulkan resiko keselamatan dan kesehatan dan hilangnya sejumlah keuntungan bagi perusahaan. Oleh karena itu diperlukan analisis resiko kegagalan untuk mengidentifikasi, mengontrol dan meminimalkan dampak dari kegagalan tersebut. Adapun metode yang digunakan adalah FMEA Failure Methode and Effect Analysis, tujuan dari metode ini untuk melakukan analisa resiko dan memberikan masukan yang kritikal.
For power plant company, both activities are very important because to give a save, enough and trustable electrical supply for the costumer, that operation and maintenance must be maximum. PLTA Ir. H. Juanda is a company that supply electrical for java and bali. Failure that happens in operation and maintenance system can cause a safety and health risk and loss electrical supply for the costumer that effects company profit. That rsquo s why risk analysis needed to identify, control and to reduce the cost of failure. In this case use FMEA method for knowing the risk analysis and for give critical preventive. "
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Laura Agnes Tambun
"Sebuah perusahaan minyak dan gas memiliki sebuah plant yang terdiri dari 3 generator upstream bertipe Gas Turbine Generator (GTG) pada area pabelokan yang juga termasuk dalam salah satu daerah South Business Unit (SBU). Salah satu Gas Turbine Generator (GTG) bernama GTG G101B yang memiliki kapasitas daya 29600 kVA dan tegangan 13800 V sudah beroperasi selama 42 Tahun sehingga perlu dilakukan evaluasi terhadap kinerja operasional yang tentunya juga berpengaruh pada daya keluarannya. Oleh sebab itu, akan dilakukan studi karakteristik operasional dari sisi konsumsi bahan bakar menggunakan data operasional dalam periode 1 Januari 2022 hingga 30 November 2022. Penelitian menggunakan metode perhitungan tes performa melalui perhitungan Specific Fuel Consumption (SFC), Heat Rate (HR), dan Efisiensi GTG dengan bantuan program Microsoft Office Excel 2016. Nilai SFC dan HR paling rendah didapatkan pada tanggal 24 Februari saat energi keluaran bernilai 294.912 MWh, dengan nilai SFC 0.167 MMSCFD/MWh dan nilai HR 19.10939735 MMBTU/MWh. Disaat bersamaan didapatkan nilai efisiensi maksimum bernilai 17.842076%. Nilai SFC dan HR paling tinggi didapatkan pada tanggal 15 September saat energi keluaran bernilai 133.88 MWh, dengan nilai SFC 0.0341 MMSCFD/MWh dan nilai HR 38.92491037 MMBTU/MWh. pada kondisi ini didapatkan juga nilai efisiensi minimum yaitu bernilai 8.759206%. SFC dan HR akan memengaruhi keluaran daya yang dihasilkan generator. Semakin rendah SFC dan HR maka akan semakin optimal kinerja suatu pembangkit. Hal tersebut ditandai dengan nilai efisiensi yang semakin baik. 3. Operasional pembangkit dapat dikatakan tidak efisien karena konsumsi bahan bakar yang digunakan berlebihan dan nilai efisiensi maksimum yang didapatkan masih di bawah standart yang ada yaitu berkisar 20—30%.
An oil and gas company has a plant consisting of 3 upstream generators of Gas Turbine Generator (GTG) type in a processing area, which is also part of the South Business Unit (SBU). One of the Gas Turbine Generators (GTGs) is named GTG G101B, with a power capacity of 29600 kVA and a voltage of 13800 V. It has been in operation for 42 years, so an evaluation of its operational performance is needed, which also affects its power output. Therefore, a study will be conducted on the operational characteristics in terms of fuel consumption using operational data from January 1, 2022, to November 30, 2022. The research will use performance test calculation methods, specifically Specific Fuel Consumption (SFC), Heat Rate (HR), and GTG Efficiency, with the assistance of Microsoft Office Excel 2016. The lowest values of SFC and HR were obtained on February 24 when the output energy was 294.912 MWh, with an SFC value of 0.167 MMSCFD/MWh and an HR value of 19.10939735 MMBTU/MWh. At the same time, the maximum efficiency value was obtained, which was 17.842076%. On the other hand, the highest values of SFC and HR were obtained on September 15 when the output energy was 133.88 MWh, with an SFC value of 0.0341 MMSCFD/MWh and an HR value of 38.92491037 MMBTU/MWh. In this condition, the minimum efficiency value was also obtained, which was 8.759206%. SFC and HR affect the power output generated by the generator. The lower the SFC and HR, the more optimal the performance of a power plant. This is indicated by a higher efficiency value. The operational performance of the power plant can be considered inefficient due to excessive fuel consumption, and the maximum efficiency value obtained is still below the standard range of 20-30%."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Zaili Musa
"Kemajuan kebudayaan sesuatu bangsa terutama dalam hal tingkat kehidupan serta derajat industrialisasi akan diikuti dengan meningkatnya konsumsi energi. Kondur Petroleum S.A. salah satu perusahaan yang memproses minyak bumi saat ini tengah melakukan pencarian sumber minyak baru yangjuga berarti memerlukan energi listrik tambahan untuk mendukung program pengelnoran serta produksinya.
Turbin Gas Centaur tipe T-4500 berporos tunggal sebagai pendukung utama proses produksi terutama dilapangan Kurau yang merupakan unit konversi energi dengan sendirinya perlu dikaji. Apakah peningkatan i 2500 kW tenaga listrik dapat didukung oleh unit Turbin yang ada, atau harus membeli unit yang baru. Sehubungan dengan hal ini diatas, maka diupayakan mengkaji ulang proses - proses termodinamikanya secara langsung dilapangan dengan hasil yang didapat tidak menyimpang jauh dari yang ada di di literatur."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 1996
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Meisy Ariani
"Penelitian ini berfokus pada pengembangan formulasi tarif angkut gas bumi melalui pipa transmisi. Perhitungan tarif angkut gas melalui pipa transmisi ini dilakukan dengan dua skenario. Skenario 1 adalah perhitungan tarif angkut gas melalui pipa yang berdasarkan PBPH Migas No. 34 tahun 2019 dan Skenario 2 adalah perhitungan tarif yang mempertimbangkan kapasitas dan komoditas. Dari hasil analisa dan sensitivitas pada volume gas yang diangkut melalui pipa, maka tarif akan semakin kecil dengan peningkatan volume gas. Tarif Skenario 2 memberikan nilai tarif 8% lebih besar dari pada tarif Skenario 1, dimana nilai tarif ini nantinya akan memberikan penambahan pendapatan bagi pemilik pipa (Transporter). Untuk hasil analisa dan sensitivitas pada nilai IRR, semakin besar nilai IRR maka besaran tarif akan semakin besar sehingga waktu pengembalian modal akan semakin cepat. Hasil perbandingan analisa tarif Skenario 2 dan Tarif Seddon adalah 0.003 USD/MSCF dimana membuktikan bahwa besaran tarif Skenario 2 masih memiliki nilai kewajaran. Pengembangan formula tarif angkut gas yang baru ini diharapkan bisa menjadi masukan bagi Badan Regulator dan menjadi usulan tarif angkut gas yang baru bagi pemilik pipa (Transporter) yang memberikan penambahan pendapatan dalam pengembalian modal investasi, serta tetap memberikan keadilan bagi pengguna pipa (Shipper).
This research will be focusing on the formula modification for gas transportation tariff calculation through transmission pipeline. The calculation of gas toll fee will be done using 2 (two) scenarios. The first scenario is to define the gas toll fee based on the BPH Migas Regulation No. 34 of 2019. The second scenario is to define the gas toll fee using Capacity Charge and Commodity Charge. The same sensitivity will be done for both scenarios. For the gas volume sensitivity analysis, it is concluded that the increasing of pipeline gas capacity volume, the gas toll fee will be decreasing. The gas toll fee rate results from scenario 2 are 8% bigger compare to the gas toll fee in scenario 1. The 8% tarif differences will provide additional revenue for transporter annually. For the IRR sensitivity, it is concluded that the greater of the IRR value, the gas toll fee will be increasing and will caused faster Break Even Point (BEP) from the investment. By comparing the tariff results from scenario 2 and Seddon formula, the tariff difference is 0.003 USD/MSCF which shows that the tariff results from scenario 2 has fairness value. The research is expected to be an input for the Regulatory and as tariff proposal for the Transporters that provides additional incomes, as well as providing fair pricing for gas transport service through transmission pipeline for the Shipper."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library