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Cerli Febri Ramadani
"Riau memiliki perkebunan kelapa sawit terbesar di Indonesia. Sebanyak 1,2 juta hektar perkebunan kelapa sawit berada di kawasan hutan dan tidak memiliki izin. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian normatif yuridis. Penelitian ini mengindetifikasi penyebab terjadinya alih fungsi kawasan hutan yang tidak memiliki izin khususnya untuk perkebunan kelapa sawit. Dampak yang terjadi akibat alih fungsi ini adalah rusaknya ekosistem hutan, negara mengalami kerugian pajak, konflik perusahaan dengan masyarakat, dan hilangnya mata pencaharian masyarakat setempat. Alih fungsi kawasan hutan diperbolehkan berdasarkan Pasal 19 Undang-undang Nomor 41 Tahun 1999 tentang Kehutanan, namun harus diimbangi dengan pembangunan yang ramah lingkungan dan berkelanjutan. Undang-undang Kehutanan dan Perkebunan sebagai undang-undang dasar alih fungsi kawasan hutan sudah cukup memperhatikan lingkungan, namun hal ini tidak sejalan dengan Undang-undang Nomor 11 Tahun 2020 tentang Cipta Kerja yang banyak mengganti dan menghapus pasal-pasal dari Undang-undang Kehutanan dan Perkebunan menjadi tidak ramah lingkungan dan tidak sesuai dengan Undang-undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945 sebagai grundnorm yang menganut Green Constitution.

Riau has the largest oil palm plantations in Indonesia. As much 1,2 million hectares of oil palm plantations are located in forest land and unlicensed. This research used normative juridical. This research identifies cause functions shift forest land unlicensed especially for oil palm plantation. Impact this functions shift is damaged forest ecosystems, tax losses, corporate conflict with communities, and livelihood loss. The functional shift of forest land be permitted based on article 19 Law Number 41 of 1999 on Forestry but must balance with sustainable and environmentally friendly development. Forestry law and Plantation law as the constitution  forest shift functional land notice environment,  but not in line with Law Number 11 of 2020 on Job Creation which replaces a lot and removes articles from The 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia as grundnorm follow The Green Constitution."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Farisya Isnaayu Khairunisa
"Kebakaran hutan dan lahan, baik disengaja maupun tidak, sering terjadi di Provinsi Riau, Indonesia, terutama saat musim kemarau. Riau memiliki lahan gambut seluas sekitar 4.811.865 ha. Pada akhir 2023, terdapat 163 hotspot kebakaran di Riau, dengan Kabupaten Indragiri Hulu memiliki hotspot terbanyak, yakni 69 titik, terutama di Kecamatan Rengat Barat, Rengat, dan Kuala Cenaku. Selain kondisi fisik lahan gambut, aktivitas manusia seperti kepadatan permukiman dan kerapatan parit juga berperan sebagai penyebab utama kebakaran. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Kernel Density Estimation (KDE) dan overlay serta super-imposed untuk mengolah distribusi hotspot, dengan tujuan mengetahui hubungan distribusi spasial potensi bahaya kebakaran hutan dan lahan dengan faktor kedalaman lahan gambut, kepadatan permukiman, dan kerapatan parit berdasarkan wilayah administrasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa distribusi potensi bahaya kebakaran cenderung mengelompok di area tertentu, seperti Kelurahan Sekip Hilir (Kecamatan Rengat), Kelurahan Sungai Dawu (Kecamatan Rengat Barat), dan Kelurahan Rawa Asri (Kecamatan Kuala Cenaku). Distribusi spasial potensi bahaya kebakaran memiliki hubungan signifikan dengan kedalaman lahan gambut dan kerapatan parit. Kepadatan permukiman yang dekat dengan jaringan jalan cenderung berpotensi rendah terhadap kebakaran, sementara kerapatan parit yang lebih dekat justru berpotensi lebih tinggi karena parit berfungsi sebagai drainase air gambut yang tidak terkendali.

Forest and land fires in Indonesia's Riau Province are common, particularly during the dry season. Riau's peatlands span about 4,811,865 hectares. By the end of 2023, the province had 163 hotspots, with Indragiri Hulu Regency having the highest number at 69. The numerous hotspots and extensive peatlands in Indragiri Hulu, especially in West Rengat, Rengat, and Kuala Cenaku sub-districts, make these areas particularly vulnerable to fires. Human activities, such as settlement density and drainage density, also contribute significantly to fire occurrences. This study uses Kernel Density Estimation (KDE) and overlay methods to analyze the spatial distribution of fire hazards, focusing on peatland depth, settlement density, and drainage density across administrative areas. The results indicate that fire hazards tend to cluster in specific areas: Sekip Hilir Village (Rengat Sub-district), Sungai Dawu Village (West Rengat Sub-district), and Rawa Asri Village (Kuala Cenaku Sub-district). The spatial distribution of fire hazards is significantly related to peatland depth and drainage density. Areas with high settlement density and close proximity to road networks tend to have lower fire potential. Conversely, areas with higher drainage density have increased fire potential due to uncontrolled peat water drainage systems."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lana Utrujatulhayat
"Indonesia merupakan negara penghasil minyak kelapa sawit terbesar di dunia dengan provinsi Riau sebagai penyumbang lahan perkebunan kelapa sawit terluas. Sektor perkebunan tersebut berkembang hampir di seluruh wilayah kabupaten provinsi. Dari tiga sistem pengelolaan perkebunan, pengembangan sektor kelapa sawit ini lebih gencar dilaksanakan dengan status perkebunan swasta baik perusahaan maupun investor asing. Seiring dengan pertumbuhannya yang semakin meningkat, sektor perkebunan kelapa sawit justru berpotensi menimbulkan masalah terhadap kelestarian lingkungan. Menggunakan green criminology sebagai perspektif utama yang didukung teori marxs ecology, penelitian ini menjelaskan bagaimana lingkungan hidup secara tidak langsung mengalami viktimisasi secara struktural akibat upaya pemerintah dalam mengembangkan sektor perkebunan kelapa sawit di provinsi Riau. Pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode observasi, wawancara, dan studi pustaka digunakan peneliti untuk mendeskripsikan fenomena dan memberikan porsi analitis dalam pembahasan penelitian ini. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa bentuk viktimisasi struktural terhadap lingkungan tersebut terjadi dengan proses perumusan Rancangan Peraturan Daerah Ranperda Rencana Tata Ruang dan Wilayah Provinsi RTRWP Riau sebagai legal factor.

Indonesia is the largest palm oil producer in the world with Riau province as a contributor to the largest palm oil plantation. The plantation sector is spread all over the provincial area. Based on 3 three plantation maintenance systems, the development of palm oil sector is more intensively conducted with the status of private estates both companies and foreign investors . As development rise, palm oil plantation sector potentially creates problem to the environment. Using green criminology as the main perspectives that supported by Marx 39 s ecology theory, this research explains how living the environment ecology indirectly experiences structural victimization because of the state rsquo s efforts in developing palm oil sector in Riau province. A qualitative approach with the method of observation, interview, and literature study used by researchers to describe the phenomenon and provide an analytical portion in the discussion of this study. This research concluded that the structural form of victimization against the environment occurred with the drafting local regulation process Ranperda of Riau Provincial Spatial Planning RTRWP as a legal factor."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rizki Kurniadi
"Keluarga merupakan orang terdekat dengan balita yang mempunyai yang mempunyai berbagai fungsi yang salah satunya fungsi perawatan kesehatan. Fungsi perawatan kesehatan merupakan fungsi untuk mempertahankan keadaan kesehatan setiap anggota keluarga supaya tetap memiliki kemampuan optimal untuk melakukan aktivitas seharihari. Kemampuan keluarga dalam melaksanakan fungsinya dapat dilihat dari kemampuan keluarga melaksanakan lima tugas kesehatan keluarga. Salah satu hal yang penting untuk diteliti adalah tugas kesehatan keluarga yang berhubungan dengan stunting. fungsi
kesehatan keluarga mencakup lima kemampuan melaksanakan tugas kesehatan keluarga.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan tugas kesehatan keluarga dengan
kejadian stunting pada balita di Keluarahan Pangkalan Kasai, Provinsi Riau. Metode penelitian ini adalah cross sectional dengan jumlah sampel 366 keluarga. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan simple random sampling. Sampel penelitian ini adalah keluarga yang memiliki balita. Analisis menggunakan uji chi square yang menunjukkan terhadap hubungan setiap variabel tugas kesehatan keluarga dengan kejadian stunting pada balita di Kelurahan Pangkalan Kasai, Provinsi Riau dengan nilai p < 0,05. Analisis lebih lanjut menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan mengenal masalah kesehatan merupakan variabel yang paling berhubungan dengan kejadian stunting.

The family is the closest person to a toddler who has various functions, one of which is health care. The health care function is a function to maintain the health condition of
each family member so that it still has the optimal ability to carry out daily activities. The ability of families to carry out their functions can be seen from the ability of families to carry out five family health tasks. One of the important things to study is family health tasks related to stunting. family health functions include five abilities to carry out family health tasks. This study aims to determine the relationship of family health tasks with the incidence of stunting in infants in Pangkalan Kasai Village, Riau Province. This research method is cross sectional with a sample of 366 families. Sampling using simple random sampling. The sample of this study is families who have toddlers. The analysis used the chi square test which showed the relationship of each variable in family health tasks with the incidence of stunting in children under five in Pangkalan Kasai Village, Riau Province with p value <0.05. Further analysis showed that the ability to recognize health problems was the variable most related to the incidence of stunting.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nanik Ambar Suharyanti
"Salah satu tantangan yang dihadapi Indonesia dalam target pencapaian ISPO yaitu perkebunan kelapa sawit yang telah tertanam di lahan gambut, baik untuk perkebunan swasta maupun perkebunan rakyat. Beberapa permasalahan diantaranya terkait produktivitas, lingkungan, ekonomi dan sosial. Riset ini bertujuan untuk membangun model perkebunan kelapa sawit berkelanjutan dan membuat sintesis perbaikan. Metode riset adalah analisis statistik dynamic multivariate regression, analisis keekonomian (NPV dan IRR) serta pemodelan system dynamics. Hasil riset pada perkebunan kelapa sawit swasta, urutan variabel yang paling berpengaruh yaitu OER CPO, kerapatan tanam, TMAT dan pemupukan. Untuk perkebunan kelapa sawit rakyat, urutan variabel teknis yang berpengaruh adalah kebakaran, periode panen, pemupukan dan umur tanaman. Kesimpulan riset menyatakan, model pengelolaan perkebunan kelapa sawit swasta dibangun dengan intervensi skenario optimis yaitu peningkatan persentase OER CPO 20%, kerapatan tanam 15%, pemupukan 15% dan TMAT 100%. Untuk perkebunan kelapa sawit rakyat, kunci utamanya adalah kebakaran dan kelembagaan agar dapat mencapai target keberlanjutan.

One of the challenges faced by Indonesia in achieving the ISPO target is oil palm plantations existing planted on peatlands, both for private plantations and smallholder. Some of these problems are related to productivity, environment, economy, and social. This study aims to build a model of sustainable oil palm plantations and synthesize improvements. The research methods used are dynamic multivariate regression statistical analysis, economic analysis (NPV and IRR), and system dynamics modeling. The research results on private oil palm plantations, the order of the most influential variables are OER CPO, planting density, groundwater level, and fertilization. For smallholder, the technical variables influence fire, harvest time, fertilization, and plant age. The study's conclusion stated that the private oil palm plantation model was built with an optimistic scenario intervention, namely an increase in the percentage of OER CPO 20%, planting density 15%, fertilization 15%, and groundwater level 100%. For smallholder, the key is fire and institutions to achieve sustainability targets."
Jakarta: Sekolah Ilmu Lingkungan Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Heffi Christya Rahayu
Tujuan menganalisa kemiskinan di daerah di Kabupaten Indragiri Hilir. Penelitian ini menggunakan data panel. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini hasil survei Podes tahun 2003, 2006, 2008, 2011 dan 2014. Sampel yang digunakan berjumlah 465 desa. Hasil penelitian Variabel pengguna listrik, pengguna TVRI, Jarak rumah sakit ke desa dan akses rumah sakit mempunyai nilai negatif dan signifikan, yang menandakan semakin banyak masyarakat menggunakan listrik, TVRI dan akses rumah sakit maka akan mengurangi kemiskinan. Sedangkan variabel sungai untuk melintas antar desa dan sungai untuk transportasi mempunyai nilai positif dan tidak signifikan, yang menandakan bahwa semakin banyak sungai untuk transportasi maka kemiskinan akan semakin meningkat."
Tangerang: Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Universitas Terbuka, 2018
330 JOMUT 14:1 (2018)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Alif Vito Kurniawan
"Reforma Agraria merupakan salah satu upaya untuk meminimalisir ketimpangan di Indonesia. Pemerintah Indonesia, dalam upaya mewujudkan reforma agraria, telah mencanangkan Program Reforma Agraria yang difokuskan pada pendistribusian lahan kepada masyarakat. Upaya ini menghadapi tantangan yaitu ekspansi dari industri kelapa sawit di Indonesia yang menjadi semakin besar akibat dari kebutuhan energi global. Perkembangan industri kelapa sawit sejalan dengan kebutuhan akan lahan untuk perkebunan komoditas tersebut, salah satunya di Provinsi Riau sebagai salah satu daerah penghasil crude palm oil (CPO) terbesar di Indonesia. Akibatnya, implementasi kebijakan reforma agraria di Riau menemui serangkaian masalah, yang membuat pemerintah daerah dihadapkan pada dilema untuk melanggengkan industri kelapa sawit demi memenuhi permintaan pasar global akan energi baru terbarukan, atau mewujudkan cita-cita reforma agraria. Menggunakan kerangka teoritik Model Implementasi Kebijakan Merilee S Grindle, studi ini berupaya untuk mengeksplorasi mengapa ekspansi industri kelapa sawit dapat menjadi suatu faktor yang menghambat upaya reforma agraria di Provinsi Riau, dengan berfokus pada proses redistribusi lahan di Kabupaten Siak.

Agrarian Reform is one of the efforts to minimize inequality in Indonesia. The Indonesian government, in an effort to realize agrarian reform, has launched the Agrarian Reform Program that focuses on distributing land to the community. This effort faces challenges, namely the expansion of the palm oil industry in Indonesia which is getting bigger as a result of global energy needs. The development of the palm oil industry is in line with the need for land for these plantation commodities, one of which is in Riau Province as one of the largest crude palm oil (CPO) producing regions in Indonesia. As a result, the implementation of the agrarian reform policy in Riau encountered a series of problems, which made the local government face the dilemma of perpetuating the palm oil industry in order to meet global market demand for new and renewable energy, or to realize the ideals of agrarian reform. Using the theoretical framework of the Merilee S Grindle Policy Implementation Model, this study seeks to explore why the expansion of the palm oil industry can be a factor hindering agrarian reform efforts in Riau Province, by focusing on the land redistribution process in the Siak District."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Susilo Sudarman
Kebakaran lahan dan hutan merupakan ancaman terhadap lingkungan hidup.
Kebakaran lahan dan hutan dipengaruhi oleh pola penggunaan lahan untuk
budidaya. Karakteristik wilayah rawan kebakaran di Kabupaten Pelalawan adalah
wilayah yang memiliki kawasan hutan dengan fungsi hutan produksi konversi dan
hutan produksi terbatas; memiliki tutupan lahan dengan jenis hutan lahan kering
sekunder, semak belukar, semak belukar rawa dan tanah terbuka; serta memiliki
jenis tanah dan sistem lahan berupa endapan aluvial dan tanah mineral perbukitan
rendah, serta jenis tanah gambut dengan kedalaman rendah sampai sedang.
Kemunculan hotspot sebagai indikator kebakaran lahan dan hutan memiliki
hubungan dengan pola curah hujan rendah yang terjadi dua kali selama setahun di
Pelalawan, yaitu antara Januari─Februari dan yang paling ekstrim pada
Juli─Agustus. Langkah mitigasi kebakaran yang dilakukan pemerintah belum
diikuti dengan alternatif solusi budidaya tanam tanpa api. Perubahan budidaya
jenis tanaman semusim ke tanaman keras adalah bentuk adaptasi yang dilakukan
masyarakat. Laju pertumbuhan penduduk berpengaruh nyata terhadap peluang
terjadinya kebakaran lahan dan hutan. Tekanan terhadap penguasaan ruang
sebagai dampak dari pembangunan mempengaruhi kearifan lokal penggunaan api
dalam pengelolaan lahan. Terbatasnya akses terhadap modal perekonomian
menjadi salah satu faktor penghambat trasformasi sosial ekonomi dan budaya dari
pertanian subsisten menjadi agraris, sehingga penggunaan api masih menjadi
bagian dari budaya pengelolaan lahan.

Land and forest fires threatening the environment. The occuring of fires influence
by land use for cultivation system. Characteristics of fires vulnerable zone in
Pelalawan district Riau province indicated by the present of forest area with
function for convertion and limited production; land cover type from secondary
dryland forest, scrub, swampy scrub and open area; and alluvial to plain hilly
mineral soil and land system, and shallow to moderate depth of peat swamp. The
present of hotspots as indicator of fires occuring in land or forest area correspond
with the lowest amount of rainfall which happend twice per annum within the
study area, it is happend between January to February and extremly happend in
July to August. The mitigation action proposed by government poorly associate
with alternative solution for zero firest cultivation. The shifting from short period
to parennials agriculture commodity was the adaptation effort taken by the
community. The growth of population influence the opportunity of fires may
occur. The present of land tenure management due to development impact has
influencing the local wisdom in using fires for land management. The limited
acces to capital of economic being a barrier to the succes of social cultural
transformation from subsisten to agrarian cultivation, thus the use of fires still
being part of land development culture.;Land and forest fires threatening the environment. The occuring of fires influence
by land use for cultivation system. Characteristics of fires vulnerable zone in
Pelalawan district Riau province indicated by the present of forest area with
function for convertion and limited production; land cover type from secondary
dryland forest, scrub, swampy scrub and open area; and alluvial to plain hilly
mineral soil and land system, and shallow to moderate depth of peat swamp. The
present of hotspots as indicator of fires occuring in land or forest area correspond
with the lowest amount of rainfall which happend twice per annum within the
study area, it is happend between January to February and extremly happend in
July to August. The mitigation action proposed by government poorly associate
with alternative solution for zero firest cultivation. The shifting from short period
to parennials agriculture commodity was the adaptation effort taken by the
community. The growth of population influence the opportunity of fires may
occur. The present of land tenure management due to development impact has
influencing the local wisdom in using fires for land management. The limited
acces to capital of economic being a barrier to the succes of social cultural
transformation from subsisten to agrarian cultivation, thus the use of fires still
being part of land development culture.;Land and forest fires threatening the environment. The occuring of fires influence
by land use for cultivation system. Characteristics of fires vulnerable zone in
Pelalawan district Riau province indicated by the present of forest area with
function for convertion and limited production; land cover type from secondary
dryland forest, scrub, swampy scrub and open area; and alluvial to plain hilly
mineral soil and land system, and shallow to moderate depth of peat swamp. The
present of hotspots as indicator of fires occuring in land or forest area correspond
with the lowest amount of rainfall which happend twice per annum within the
study area, it is happend between January to February and extremly happend in
July to August. The mitigation action proposed by government poorly associate
with alternative solution for zero firest cultivation. The shifting from short period
to parennials agriculture commodity was the adaptation effort taken by the
community. The growth of population influence the opportunity of fires may
occur. The present of land tenure management due to development impact has
influencing the local wisdom in using fires for land management. The limited
acces to capital of economic being a barrier to the succes of social cultural
transformation from subsisten to agrarian cultivation, thus the use of fires still
being part of land development culture.;Land and forest fires threatening the environment. The occuring of fires influence
by land use for cultivation system. Characteristics of fires vulnerable zone in
Pelalawan district Riau province indicated by the present of forest area with
function for convertion and limited production; land cover type from secondary
dryland forest, scrub, swampy scrub and open area; and alluvial to plain hilly
mineral soil and land system, and shallow to moderate depth of peat swamp. The
present of hotspots as indicator of fires occuring in land or forest area correspond
with the lowest amount of rainfall which happend twice per annum within the
study area, it is happend between January to February and extremly happend in
July to August. The mitigation action proposed by government poorly associate
with alternative solution for zero firest cultivation. The shifting from short period
to parennials agriculture commodity was the adaptation effort taken by the
community. The growth of population influence the opportunity of fires may
occur. The present of land tenure management due to development impact has
influencing the local wisdom in using fires for land management. The limited
acces to capital of economic being a barrier to the succes of social cultural
transformation from subsisten to agrarian cultivation, thus the use of fires still
being part of land development culture.;Land and forest fires threatening the environment. The occuring of fires influence
by land use for cultivation system. Characteristics of fires vulnerable zone in
Pelalawan district Riau province indicated by the present of forest area with
function for convertion and limited production; land cover type from secondary
dryland forest, scrub, swampy scrub and open area; and alluvial to plain hilly
mineral soil and land system, and shallow to moderate depth of peat swamp. The
present of hotspots as indicator of fires occuring in land or forest area correspond
with the lowest amount of rainfall which happend twice per annum within the
study area, it is happend between January to February and extremly happend in
July to August. The mitigation action proposed by government poorly associate
with alternative solution for zero firest cultivation. The shifting from short period
to parennials agriculture commodity was the adaptation effort taken by the
community. The growth of population influence the opportunity of fires may
occur. The present of land tenure management due to development impact has
influencing the local wisdom in using fires for land management. The limited
acces to capital of economic being a barrier to the succes of social cultural
transformation from subsisten to agrarian cultivation, thus the use of fires still
being part of land development culture.;Land and forest fires threatening the environment. The occuring of fires influence
by land use for cultivation system. Characteristics of fires vulnerable zone in
Pelalawan district Riau province indicated by the present of forest area with
function for convertion and limited production; land cover type from secondary
dryland forest, scrub, swampy scrub and open area; and alluvial to plain hilly
mineral soil and land system, and shallow to moderate depth of peat swamp. The
present of hotspots as indicator of fires occuring in land or forest area correspond
with the lowest amount of rainfall which happend twice per annum within the
study area, it is happend between January to February and extremly happend in
July to August. The mitigation action proposed by government poorly associate
with alternative solution for zero firest cultivation. The shifting from short period
to parennials agriculture commodity was the adaptation effort taken by the
community. The growth of population influence the opportunity of fires may
occur. The present of land tenure management due to development impact has
influencing the local wisdom in using fires for land management. The limited
acces to capital of economic being a barrier to the succes of social cultural
transformation from subsisten to agrarian cultivation, thus the use of fires still
being part of land development culture.;Land and forest fires threatening the environment. The occuring of fires influence
by land use for cultivation system. Characteristics of fires vulnerable zone in
Pelalawan district Riau province indicated by the present of forest area with
function for convertion and limited production; land cover type from secondary
dryland forest, scrub, swampy scrub and open area; and alluvial to plain hilly
mineral soil and land system, and shallow to moderate depth of peat swamp. The
present of hotspots as indicator of fires occuring in land or forest area correspond
with the lowest amount of rainfall which happend twice per annum within the
study area, it is happend between January to February and extremly happend in
July to August. The mitigation action proposed by government poorly associate
with alternative solution for zero firest cultivation. The shifting from short period
to parennials agriculture commodity was the adaptation effort taken by the
community. The growth of population influence the opportunity of fires may
occur. The present of land tenure management due to development impact has
influencing the local wisdom in using fires for land management. The limited
acces to capital of economic being a barrier to the succes of social cultural
transformation from subsisten to agrarian cultivation, thus the use of fires still
being part of land development culture., Land and forest fires threatening the environment. The occuring of fires influence
by land use for cultivation system. Characteristics of fires vulnerable zone in
Pelalawan district Riau province indicated by the present of forest area with
function for convertion and limited production; land cover type from secondary
dryland forest, scrub, swampy scrub and open area; and alluvial to plain hilly
mineral soil and land system, and shallow to moderate depth of peat swamp. The
present of hotspots as indicator of fires occuring in land or forest area correspond
with the lowest amount of rainfall which happend twice per annum within the
study area, it is happend between January to February and extremly happend in
July to August. The mitigation action proposed by government poorly associate
with alternative solution for zero firest cultivation. The shifting from short period
to parennials agriculture commodity was the adaptation effort taken by the
community. The growth of population influence the opportunity of fires may
occur. The present of land tenure management due to development impact has
influencing the local wisdom in using fires for land management. The limited
acces to capital of economic being a barrier to the succes of social cultural
transformation from subsisten to agrarian cultivation, thus the use of fires still
being part of land development culture.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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