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Ditemukan 210121 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Simorangkir, Yehezkiel Romartogi
"Skripsi ini membahas mengenai backdoor listing di mata hukum Indonesia, dan bagaimanakah perlindungan hukum yang diberikan kepada pemegang saham minoritas di pasar modal dalam hal
dilakukannya backdoor listing terhadap emiten dan juga mengkaji lebih mendalam terkait aksi korporasi yang dapat dikategorikan sebagai tindakan backdoor listing, menganalisis terkait
kemungkinan pelanggaran prinsip good corporate governance atas proses backdoor listing suatu perusahaan. Perlindungan hukum terhadap pemegang saham minoritas dalam praktik backdoor
listing di Indonesia dapat terlihat dalam beberapa bentuk, seperti Penerapan Prinsip Keterbukaan
oleh Perusahaan Terbuka, penerapan pre-emptive right, dilarangnya benturan kepentingan pada pemegang saham mayoritas, penerapan prinsip Good Corporate Governance oleh perusahaan jika hendak melakukan praktik backdoor listing. Akan tetapi, di Indonesia secara regulasi jelas memberi ruang untuk tidak memenuhi penarapan prinsip- prinsip tersebut, terutama penarapan
prinsip Good Corporate Governance. Hal ini dikarenakan berdasarkan regulasi yang ada tidak terdapat sanksi tegas apabila prinsip- prinsip tersebut tidak diterapkan. Situasi ini juga akan
berdampak pada pemenuhan perlindungan hukum kepada investor khususnya pemegang saham minoritas. Dengan demikian, dalam pelaksanaan praktik backdoor listing di Indonesia menimbulkan tidak adanya kepastian hukum bagi perlindungan hak- hak pemegang saham minoritas.

This thesis discusses about backdoor listing in Indonesian Law, and its law protection to minority
shareholders on capital market if there’s a backdoor listing towards issuer, and also examines more
deeply related corporate actions that can be categorized as backdoor listing actions, analyzing the
possibility of violations of the principle of good corporate governance in the process of backdoor
listings. Law protection for minority shareholders in backdoor listing practices in Indonesia can be seen in several forms, such as the application of the principle of transparancy by a public company, the application of pre-emptive rights, the prohibition of conflicts of interest in the majority shareholder, the application of the principles of Good Corporate Governance by the company if it wants to do backdoor listing practices. However, in Indonesia, regulations clearly
provide room for not complying with the application of these principles, especially the application
of the principles of Good Corporate Governance. This is because based on existing regulations there are no strict sanctions if these principles are not applied. This situation will also have an impact on the fulfillment of law protection for investors, especially minority shareholders. Thus,
in the implementation of backdoor listing practices in Indonesia, there is no legal certainty for the
protection of the rights of minority shareholders.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Panjaitan, Binsar Daniel
"Tesis ini membahas mengenai tindak pidana manipulasi pasar di bidang pasar modal yang dilakukan oleh Benny Tjokrosaputro dan Heru Hidayat dalam perjanjian Kontrak Pengelolaan Dana (KPD) investasi yang dimiliki Jiwasraya atau dikenal dengan Kasus Jiwasraya. Asuransi Jiwasraya memiliki tanggung jawab untuk mengelola asetnya secara tepat. Namun demikian, ditemukan pelanggaran terkait pengelolaan investasi yang dilakukan baik oleh pengurus perseroan maupun manajer investasi. Penelitian ini disusun berdasarkan metode yuridis normatif dengan menggunakan peraturan perundang- undangan dan putusan hakim sebagai bahan hukum primer serta digunakannya buku, artikel, dan pendapat ahli sebagai bahan hukum sekunder. Kesimpulan dalam penelitian ini adalah adanya tindak manipulasi pasar berjenis pump and dump dan painting the tape pada Kasus Jiwasraya yang dilakukan dengan mengabaikan prinsip Good Corporate Governance. Di samping itu, penelitian ini juga menyimpulkan aparat penegak hukum pada Kasus Jiwasraya tidak menggunakan peraturan mengenai pemidanaan tindak pidana manipulasi pasar meskipun saksi ahli menyatakan adanya hubungan antara tindak pidana manipulasi pasar dengan tindak pidana pada Kasus Jiwasraya. Melalui penelitian ini, penulis menyarankan agar dilakukan beberapa hal sebagai berikut: (i) meneliti lebih lanjut beragam bentuk tindak manipulasi pasar sebagai bahan untuk menyusun peraturan terkait tindak manipulasi pasar lebih lanjut; (ii) pelaksanaan fungsi pengawasan oleh Komisaris Jiwasraya lebih lanjut dengan melibatkan Kementerian BUMN terutama dalam pengelolaan investasi; dan (iii) diadakannya penelitian dan seminar untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan tindak pidana manipulasi pasar di kalangan aparat penegak hukum.

This thesis discusses how market manipulation as the criminal act which carried out by Benny Tjokrosaputro and Heru Hidayat on the Fund Management Contract or known as the Jiwasraya Case. Jiwasraya has the responsibility to manage its assets properly. However, there are several violations about investment management which are found by the Jiwasraya management and the investment manager. This study uses a normative juridical method which used statutory regulations and judge’ decisions as the primary legal materials also used the secondary legal materials such as books, articles, and the law expert’s opinion. This thesis concludes that there is two type of market manipulation which happened on the Jiwasraya Case such as pump and dump and painting the tape as the Jiwasraya management ignored the Good Corporate Governance principles. In addition, this thesis also concludes that the law enforcer did not use the appropriate law for the case even though the expert has stated that there was market manipulation on the Jiwasraya case. Through this research, the author suggest several things should be done: (i) further researching about various forms of market manipulation as the material for drafting more market manipulation law; (ii) further implementation of the supervisory function by the Jiwsraya Commissioner by involving the Ministry of BUMN; and (iii) holding research and seminars to increase knowledge of criminal acts of market manipulation among law enforcer."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ziffany Firdinal
"Penggabungan Usaha PT Bank BRISyariah Tbk (BRIS) dengan PT Bank Syariah Mandiri (BSM) dan PT Bank BNI Syariah (BNIS) dapat dikategorikan sebagai aksi backdoor listing BSM dengan mekanisme penggabungan terbalik (reverse merger), dengan kondisi seluruh bank yang melakukan transaksi merupakan pihak terafiliasi. Penelitian ini memfokuskan analisis terhadap Pertama, tidak dilakukannya RUPS Independen BRIS dalam pengambilan keputusan penggabungan usaha; dan Kedua, pemenuhan hak menilai harga saham (appraisal right) oleh BRIS. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian doktrinal serta bertipologi deskripsis analitis. Dari hasil penelitian diketahui seharusnya RUPS dalam rangka menyetujui Penggabungan Usaha BRIS dilaksanakan dengan tata cara RUPS Independen (kecuali terdapat penetapan Kementerian BUMN bahwa penggabungan adalah dalam rangka restrukturisasi -yang tidak di temukan dalam penjelasan RUPS-). BRIS juga sudah melaksanakan penyelesaian hak menilai harga saham (appraisal right) terhadap pemegang saham yang tidak setuju dengan penggabungan, namun jika dibandingkan dengan pelaksanaan hak yang sama pada aksi korporasi PT Indosat Tbk, PT Telkom (Persero) Tbk, dan PT Bank OCBC NISP Tbk, ditemukan perbedaan dalam penggunaan referensi/dasar harga pembelian, periode pembelian kembali saham, tempo pembayaran, dan Pihak yang melakukan pembelian kembali. Oleh sebab itu perbedaan perlakuan yang diterapkan Perusahaan Terbuka, meski tidak bertentangan dengan aturan terkait, namun dapat menimbulkan ketidakadilan bagi pemegang saham minoritas.

The merger of BRIS with BSM and BNIS can be categorized as a backdoor listing action of BSM with a reverse merger mechanism, and all affiliated parties. This study focuses on the absence of the BRIS Independent GMS in making business merger decisions; and the fulfillment of the appraisal right by BRIS. This study uses doctrinal research methods. From the results of the research, it is known that the GMS to approve the BRIS Merger shall be Independent GMS. BRIS has also carried out the settlement of the appraisal right for shareholders who do not agree with the merger, but when compared to the exercise of the same rights in the corporate action of PT Indosat Tbk, PT Telkom (Persero) Tbk, and PT Bank OCBC NISP Tbk, there are differences in the use of reference/basis for the purchase price, share repurchase period, payment tempo, etc. and the Party that makes the repurchase. Therefore, the difference in treatment applied by Public Companies, although not contrary to related rules, can cause injustice to minority shareholders."
Jakarta: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2025
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ukhti Dyandra Sofianti
"Dalam menghadapi Pandemi COVID-19, Pemerintah memberikan relaksasi kemudahan bagi para pelaku usaha agar perekonomian dapat berjalan dan mencegah krisis sistem keuangan. Pengecualian Prinsip Keterbukaan Informasi di bidang Pasar Modal merupakan salah satu relaksasi yang diatur dalam POJK No.37/POJK.04/2020, untuk memperbolehkan Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik Tertentu untuk tidak melakukan keterbukaan informasi. Namun, kebijakan ini dianggap menyalahkan prinsip keterbukaan informasi yang selama ini dikenal di bidang Pasar Modal dan melahirkan permasalahan hukum yaitu sensitivitas informasi dan perlindungan investor. Kebijakan ini juga dikenal di negara Amerika Serikat dan Australia, yang dinilai lebih memberikan perlindungan hukum kepada investor. Oleh karena itu, skripsi ini akan membahas dan menganalisis perbandingan pengaturan pengecualian prinsip keterbukaan informasi yang diatur di negara Amerika Serikat dan Australia, yang dapat memberikan rekomendasi untuk perbaikan peraturan di Indonesia. Bentuk penelitian dari skripsi ini adalah yuridis-normatif dengan tipologi penelitian deskriptif yang didukung oleh studi bahan pustaka dan wawancara sebagai alat pengumpul data. Berdasarkan perbandingan dengan Amerika Serikat dan Australia, dapat disimpulkan bahwa pengaturan Pengecualian Prinsip Keterbukaan Informasi di Indonesia belum melindungi pemegang saham dan memberikan kepastian hukum bagi Emiten. Selain itu, POJK No.37/POJK.04/2020 juga bertentangan dengan UU Pasar Modal yang merupakan peraturan inti pasar modal Indonesia. Oleh karena itu, disarankan perbaikan dan perubahan pengaturan pengecualian prinsip keterbukaan informasi pasar modal di Indonesia yang lebih komprehensif, jelas dan menyeluruh.

The government provides relaxation policies for businesses to prevent financial system crises due to the Pandemic. The exclusion of the information disclosure principle in the capital market is one of the relaxations regulated in POJK No.37/POJK.04/2020, to allow Listed Companies not to disclose all the information about the company. However, the policy is considered to blame the information disclosure principle that has been known in the Capital Markets. The policy also gives legal problems, such as information sensitivity and investor protection. This policy is also known in the United States of America and Australia, which provides more legal protection to investors. Therefore, this thesis will discuss and analyze the comparison of regulations convened by the United States and Australia, which can provide Indonesia's regulatory improvement. The research form of this thesis is juridical-normative with a descriptive research typology supported by library study materials and interviews as a tool for collecting data. This research found that based on comparisons with the United States and Australia, it concludes that the exception of the information disclosure principle in Indonesia has not protected shareholders and provides legal certainty for issuers. In addition, POJK No.37/POJK.04/2020 is also contrary to the Indonesia Capital Market Law, the core regulation of Indonesia's capital market. Therefore, it is recommended that improvements and changes in the arrangement of exclusion arrangements for the information disclosure principle of capital market in Indonesia."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rasti Apriliani
"Tulisan ini menganalisis bagaimana langkah yang dapat dilakukan untuk menghindari pembelian kembali dan bagaimana perlindungan hukum yang dapat diberikan kepada investor terkait dengan risiko praktik manipulasi pasar yang diakibatkan oleh pembelian kembali. Tulisan ini disusun dengan menggunakan metode penelitian doktrinal. Pembelian kembali bukan merupakan hal yang baru dalam pasar keuangan. Pada tahun 2021 dan 2022, Pemerintah Indonesia melakukan pembelian kembali global bond dengan metode tender offer sekaligus mengeluarkan global bond yang baru. Pembelian kembali tersebut dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk merestrukturisasi waktu jatuh tempo sekaligus untuk mengurangi biaya utang Pemerintah Indonesia. Pembelian kembali tersebut memberikan keuntungan kepada Pemerintah Indonesia, tetapi di sisi lain membawa kerugian kepada investor. Kerugian yang diterima investor meliputi hilangnya arus kas yang seharusnya didapatkan oleh investor di masa depan. Selain itu, pembelian kembali yang dilakukan juga memiliki risiko menimbulkan praktik manipulasi pasar. Risiko manipulasi pasar terjadi karena dalam pembelian kembali dilakukan dengan tidak cermat, yakni dengan tidak melakukan pengumuman mengenai aksi pembelian kembali yang akan dilakukan.

This paper analyzes on how the steps could be done to avoid global bond buyback and how legal protection could be given to investors related to the risk of market manipulation practices caused by buyback. This paper employs a doctrinal research method. Buybacks are not a new thing in the financial market. In 2021 and 2022, the Government of Indonesia repurchased global bonds using the tender offer method and at the same time issued new global bonds. The buyback was carried out with the aim of restructuring the maturity time as well as to reduce the cost of debt of the Government of Indonesia. The buyback provides benefits to the Government of Indonesia, but on the other hand brings losses to investors. The losses received by investors include the loss of cash flows that should have been obtained by investors in the future. In addition, the buyback also has the risk of causing market manipulation practices. The risk of market manipulation occurs because the repurchase is not done carefully, namely by not making an announcement regarding the repurchase action that will be carried out."
Jakarta: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Erlita Nur Anggraeni
"Tesis ini membahas mengenai perlindungan hukum terhadap pemegang polis selaku konsumen sehubungan dengan pelaksanaan GCG Terintegrasi demi terwujudnya prinsip Good Corporate Governance (GCG) di PT Asuransi Jiwasraya (Persero) sebagai BUMN di dalam bidang usaha perasuransian. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian hukum normatif-empiris (doktrinal).
Hasil penelitian ini menyarankan bahwa PT Asuransi Jiwasraya (Persero) selaku pelaku usaha harus secara konsisten menerapkan prinsip-prinsip yang terkandung di dalam Good Corporate Governance (GCG), yaitu keterbukaan (transparency), akuntabilitas (accountability), tanggung jawab (responsibility), independen (independency), kewajaran (fairness), dalam kegiatan operasionalnya dan memenuhi ketentuan-ketentuan yang ada, baik itu ketentuan dalam bidang perasuransian maupun ketentuan-ketentuan lainnya, khususnya dalam hal ketentuan yang mengatur mengenai perlindungan konsumen sehingga diharapkan apabila PT Asuransi Jiwasraya (Persero) dikelola dengan tata kelola perusahaan yang baik maka PT Asuransi Jiwasraya dapat menghasilkan produk dan jasa baik dimana nantinya hal tersebut akan semakin meningkatkan kepercayaan dan kepuasan konsumennya.
Di samping itu juga, PT Asuransi Jiwasraya (Persero) sebagai entitas utama terhadap anak perusahaannya yang bergerak di bidang usaha jasa keuangan, yang merupakan konglomerasi keuangan harus dapat mengkontrol dan mengawasi anak perusahaan tersebut agar tata kelola anak perusahaan tersebut menerapkan pedoman GCG Terintegrasi sehingga mencerminkan prinsip Good Corporate Governances dalam rangka mewujudkan perlindungan hukum terhadap konsumen dalam usaha bisnis yang dijalankan.

This thesis discusses about legal protection of policyholders as a consumer with respect to the implementation of integrated GCG towards realization of the Good Corporate Governance (GCG) principles in PT Asuransi Jiwasraya (Persero) as the state-owned enterprises in the field of insurance undertakings. This research is the normative-empirical legal research (doctrinal).
The results of this study suggest that PT Asuransi Jiwasraya (Persero) as a business should consistently apply the Good Corporate Governance (GCG) principles, such as transparency, accountability, responsibility, independency, fairness in its operational activities and comply with the provisions of the existing provisions in the field of insurance as well as other provisions, particularly in terms of provisions governing consumer protection so that expected if PT Asuransi Jiwasraya (Persero) managed with the good corporate governance then PT Asuransi Jiwasraya (Persero) can produce good products and services where later it will further improve the confidence and satisfaction of its customers.
In addition, PT Asuransi Jiwasraya (Persero) also as the main entity against its subsidiaries which are not engaged in the business of financial services, which is a conglomerate should be able to control and oversee the subsidiary in order for the subsidiary governance implemented the guidelines of integrated GCG so that reflect the Good Corporate Governances principles in order to realize the legal protection of the customer in a business venture that is running.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yusufa R. Dibyoseputro
Seiring dengan berlakunya ASEAN Economic Community (AEC), terdapat dorongan integrasi pasar modal antar Negara anggota ASEAN. Indonesia didorong untuk ikut ambil bagian salah satunya dengan mengikuti ASEAN Collective Investment Schemes (ASEAN CIS). Suatu wadah investasi kolektif yang didasarkan oleh mekanisme Reksa Dana Kontrak Investasi Kolektif (Reksa Dana KIK) di pasar modal Indonesia. Perlindungan hukum terhadap pemegang unit penyertaan atau investor menjadi isu penting dalam implementasi ini. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa hubungan antara ketentuan ASEAN Capital Market Forum (ACMF) dan hukum pasar modal Indonesia terhadap perlindungan Investor.

The enactment of ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) encourages the integration of capital markets among the members of ASEAN countries. Indonesia urged to take part in one of the integration which is ASEAN Collective Investment Schemes (ASEAN CIS). ASEAN CIS is an investment schemes that based on mutual funds in Indonesia Capital Market law. The legal protection for unitholders or investor is an important issue in this implementation. This research aims to analyse the correlation between ASEAN Capital Market Forum (ACMF) regulation
and the regulation on Indonesia capital market law regarding the investor protections
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yohanes Brilianto
"Skripsi ini membahas mengenai backdoor listing di mata hukum Indonesia, dan bagaimanakah perlindungan hukum yang diberikan kepada masyarakat sebagai investor dan calon investor pasar modal dalam hal dilakukannya backdoor listing terhadap emiten. Hal ini terkait dengan tidak terdapatnya pengaturan mengenai backdoor listing di Indonesia, di mana dalam peraturan Indonesia tidak pernah disinggung mengenai backdoor listing. Penelitian ini menyumpulkan bahwa karena tidak terdapatnya pengaturan mengenai backdoor listing di Indonesia, maka peraturan yang harus ditaati emiten dan perlindungan hukum yang diberikan kepada investor dan calon investor pasar modal adalah tergantung bagaimana backdoor listing dilakukan. Namun ternyata terdapat resiko-resiko tertentu yang dapat timbul dari dilakukannya backdoor listing yang dapat merugikan masyarakat sebagai investor dan calon investor dan belum diatur dalam peraturan perundang-undangan di Indonesia.
This thesis discusses about backdoor listing in Indonesian Law, and its law protection
to investor and prospective investors on capital market if there?s a backdoor listing
towards issuer. This related to the fact that there?s no regulation about backdoor
listing in Indonesia, to be precise that backdoor listing is never be included on any
regulation in Indonesia. This study concluded that because of no regulation about
backdoor listing in Indonesia, regulation that has to be obeyed by the issuer and what
kind of legal protection to investor and prospective investors on capital market
depends on how backdoor listing is done. Nevertheless, there are risks caused by
backdoor listing that could inflict a financial loss to the investor and prospective
investors on capital market and haven?t included on any regulation yet.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sihite, Andreas Samuel
"[Penerapan prinsip-prinsip tata kelola perusahaan yang baik oleh emiten merupakan pendukung pertumbuhan ekonomi suatu negara. Setiap emiten memiliki kewajiban kepada pemegang saham publik untuk melakukan prinsip-prinsip tata kelola yang baik kepada para pemegang sahamnya. Prinsip-prinsip tata kelola yang baik dapat dilakukan dengan berbagai cara, salah satunya yaitu laporan dokumen yang diumumkan kepada publik, akan tetapi, masih banyak emiten yang lalai atau sengaja memberikan laporan yang terlambat dan atau tidak sesuainya isi laporan dengan kondisi emiten tersebut. Tidak menerapkan prinsip-prinsip tata kelola perusahaan yang baik merupakan pelanggaran di dunia pasar modal bahkan bila suatu emiten terus-menerus melakukan pelanggaran dapat dikategorikan suatu kejahatan di bidang pasar modal. Hal tersebut sering terjadi disebabkan oleh karena rendahnya sanksi yang dapat dikenakan kepada emiten yang lalai melakukannya, rendahnya kuantitas penyidik di bidang pasar modal, dan rendahnya pengetahuan pemegang saham publik atas prinsip-prinsip tata kelola perusahaan yang baik.

The application of the principles of good corporate governance by listed companies are supporting a country's economic growth. Each issuer has an obligation to shareholders to do the principles of good governance to its shareholders. The principles of good governance can be done in various ways, one of which is a report that documents be made public, however, still a lot of issuers who are negligent or deliberately delayed reporting and content of the report or incompatibility with the condition of the issuer. Not to apply the principles of good corporate governance is an infringement on the world capital markets even if an issuer's continuous violations can be categorized a crime in the capital market. It is often caused by the lack of sanctions that can be imposed on issuers who fails to do so, the low quantity of investigators in the field of capital markets, and lack of knowledge of public shareholders on the principles of good corporate governance., The application of the principles of good corporate governance by listed
companies are supporting a country's economic growth. Each issuer has an
obligation to shareholders to do the principles of good governance to its
shareholders. The principles of good governance can be done in various ways, one
of which is a report that documents be made public, however, still a lot of issuers
who are negligent or deliberately delayed reporting and content of the report or
incompatibility with the condition of the issuer. Not to apply the principles of
good corporate governance is an infringement on the world capital markets even if
an issuer's continuous violations can be categorized a crime in the capital market.
It is often caused by the lack of sanctions that can be imposed on issuers who fails
to do so, the low quantity of investigators in the field of capital markets, and lack
of knowledge of public shareholders on the principles of good corporate
Jakarta: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Raden Widyantara Priambodo
"[Pendanaan perusahaan merupakan hal yang esensial dan krusial dari berjalannya suatu kegiatan perusahaan, baik sebagai bentuk dari upaya perusahaan untuk menjalankan atau bahkan memperluas kegiatan usahanya. Selain melalui pinjaman, perusahaan dapat mewujudkan usahanya untuk menghimpun modal melalui Pasar Modal. Hal tersebut dapat dilakukan dengan melakukan penjualan kepemilikan atas perusahaan berupa saham yang dikeluarkan perusahaan dalam bentuk efek kepada masyarakat yang selanjutnya akan bertindak sebagai pemodal/investor melalui Penawaran Umum yang didahului dengan penjualan saham yang dilakukan pertama kali, disebut sebagai Penawaran Umum Perdana atau Initial Public Offering (“IPO”) dan berdasarkan Undang-Undang No. 8 tahun 1995 tentang Pasar Modal, perusahaan yang melakukan Penawaran itu disebut dengan Emiten. Dengan statusnya yang terdaftar sebagai Perusahaan Terbuka, perusahaan tersebut mendapatkan keuntungan-keuntungan yang hanya dapat didapat oleh Perusahaan Terbuka, salah satunya adalah kesempatan untuk menghimpun dana dari masyarakat melalui penjualan Efek lewat Pasar Modal. Namun selain keuntungan, terdapat beberapa hal yang perlu dijadikan pertimbangan antara lain proses yang cukup kompleks, biaya yang besar, dan keterbukaan informasi mengenai perusahaan yang harus dipenuhi oleh Emiten baik sebelum maupun sesudah dilakukannya IPO. Dalam menyiasati hal tersebut, para pelaku usaha berusaha agar Perusahaan Tertutup dapat menikmati keadaaan selayaknya Perusahaan Terbuka tanpa melakukan IPO dimana hal tersebut dikenal dengan istilah backdoor listing. Penelitian ini membahas mengenai terjadinya transaksi backdoor listing di Pasar Modal Indonesia, dimana hingga saat ini belum ada definisi, pengaturan, maupun penegakan hukum secara spesifik ditujukan terhadap backdoor listing. Selanjutnya guna menjawab permasalahan tersebut, penulis menggunakan metode pedekatan hukum normatif yang dapat diinterpretasikan sebagai penelitian hukum kepustakaan yang dilakukan berdasarkan pada data-data sekunder.Berdasarkan pemaparan dari penelitian ini, dapat disimpulkan melalui contoh kasus PT BW Plantation Tbk. bahwa suatu backdoor listing dapat dilakukan salah satunya melalui cararights issue yang dilanjutkan dengan proses akuisisi dari Perusahaan Terbuka. Hal ini dapat berpotensi menimbulkan ketidakpastian hukum, mengingat tidak ada kewajiban-kewajiban tertentu dari calon Emiten yang terlibat dalam suatu backdoor listing, mengingat hingga saat ini belum terdapat peraturan tersendiri yang mengatur tentang itu dan hingga saat ini, pelaksanaan backdoor listing dijalankan berdasarkan pengambilalihan dalam Undang-Undang No. 40 Tahun 2007 tentang Perseroan Terbatas dan Undang-Undang No. 8 Tahun 1995 tentang Pasar Modal serta Peraturan Bapepam-LK (OJK) sebagai peraturan pelaksanaannya.

Company’s financing is essential and crucial from the passage of a company's activities, both as a form of the company's efforts to run or even expand their business activities. Other than through loans, the company can realize its efforts to raise capital through the capital market. This can be done by selling the ownership of the company in the form of shares issued by the company in the form of securities to the public who will then act as financiers / investors through a Public Offering which was preceded by the sale of shares is done first, referred to as IPO or Initial Public Offering ("IPO") and based on Law No. 8 of 1995 on the Capital Market, companies that do offer it is called by the Issuer. With its status as a listed public company, the company is getting the benefits that can only be obtained by a public company, one of which is the opportunity to raise funds from the public through the sale of securities through the capital market. However, there are benefits, there are some things that need to be taken into consideration, among others, the process is quite complex, huge costs, and disclosure of information about the company that must be fulfilled by the Issuer either before or after doing an IPO. In around this, entrepreneurs trying to make the Company closed the circumstances should be able to enjoy public company without doing an IPO where it is known as a backdoor listing. This study discusses about the backdoor listing transaction in Indonesian Capital Market, where until now there is no definition, regulation, and law enforcement is specifically directed against the backdoor listing. Furthermore, in order to address these problems, the authors use the method of normative approach which can be interpreted as a legal research literature conducted based on secondary data. Based on the presentation of this study, it can be concluded that based on case study PT BW Plantation Tbk, a backdoor listings can be done through a rights issue, followed by the acquisition of a public company. This could potentially lead to legal uncertainty, since there is no certain obligations of the Issuer candidate signaled in a separate regulation and to date, the implementation of backdoor listing is run by the takeover of the Act No. 40 Year 2007 on Limited Liability Companies and Law No. 8 of 1995 on Capital Markets and Bapepam-LK (now known as Otoritas Jasa Keuangan/OJK) as its implementing regulations., Company’s financing is essential and crucial from the passage of a company's activities, both as a form of the company's efforts to run or even expand their business activities. Other than through loans, the company can realize its efforts to raise capital through the capital market. This can be done by selling the ownership of the company in the form of shares issued by the company in the form of securities to the public who will then act as financiers / investors through a Public Offering which was preceded by the sale of shares is done first, referred to as IPO or Initial Public Offering ("IPO") and based on Law No. 8 of 1995 on the Capital Market, companies that do offer it is called by the Issuer. With its status as a listed public company, the company is getting the benefits that can only be obtained by a public company, one of which is the opportunity to raise funds from the public through the sale of securities through the capital market. However, there are benefits, there are some things that need to be taken into consideration, among others, the process is quite complex, huge costs, and disclosure of information about the company that must be fulfilled by the Issuer either before or after doing an IPO. In around this, entrepreneurs trying to make the Company closed the circumstances should be able to enjoy public company without doing an IPO where it is known as a backdoor listing. This study discusses about the backdoor listing transaction in Indonesian Capital Market, where until now there is no definition, regulation, and law enforcement is specifically directed against the backdoor listing. Furthermore, in order to address these problems, the authors use the method of normative approach which can be interpreted as a legal research literature conducted based on secondary data. Based on the presentation of this study, it can be concluded that based on case study PT BW Plantation Tbk, a backdoor listings can be done through a rights issue, followed by the acquisition of a public company. This could potentially lead to legal uncertainty, since there is no certain obligations of the Issuer candidate signaled in a separate regulation and to date, the implementation of backdoor listing is run by the takeover of the Act No. 40 Year 2007 on Limited Liability Companies and Law No. 8 of 1995 on Capital Markets and Bapepam-LK (now known as Otoritas Jasa Keuangan/OJK) as its implementing regulations.]"
Jakarta: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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