"Latar belakang: Di masa pandemi ini, dimana penyebaran infeksi virus corona COVID-19 di Indonesia masih sangat tinggi, sehingga aktivitas tatap muka sangat berisiko dan beredarnya informasi hoax yang menyesatkan masyarakat menjadi alasan dikembangkannya platform yang memiliki fitur lengkap berupa self assessment gejala COVID-19 serta sarana edukasi dan berita terkait COVID-19 dari sumber terpercaya.
Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan studi potong lintang terhadap responden yang berdomisili di Indonesia dan telah mengisi kuesioner penilaian gejala COVID-19 di platform EndCorona untuk periode waktu mulai April hingga Juli 2020.
Hasil: Kami memperoleh 7470 data responden dari 1307 kecamatan di seluruh Indonesia. Data yang diperoleh didominasi oleh jenis kelamin laki-laki sebesar 4.439 (59,4%). Karakteristik umur responden didominasi oleh kelompok umur 15- 49 tahun sebanyak 6510 (87,1%). Selain itu, sebanyak 1111 (14,9%) responden menyatakan mengalami gejala demam dan 6359 (85,1%) responden menyatakan tidak demam. Sedangkan berdasarkan hasil kategorisasi risiko, masing-masing 2548 (34,1%), 4695 (62,9%), 157 (2,1%), dan 70 (0,9%) mendapat Risiko Rendah, Hati-hati, Rentan, dan Sangat Rentan. Analisis multivariat menunjukan suhu tubuh menjadi faktor dominan dalam deteksi dini faktor risiko kerentanan COVID-19 berdasarkan platform EndCorona. (p-value: < 0,001, OR: 12,4)
Kesimpulan: Aplikasi EndCorona digunakan oleh pengguna dari beragam karakteristik demografi dengan kejadian demam serta suhu tubuh dan hasil kategorisasi risiko yang berbeda beda. Variabel kelompok usia, riwayat gejala demam, serta suhu tubuh bermakna secara statistik dengan faktor suhu tubuh menjadi faktor paling dominan.
Introduction: During this pandemic, where the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus infection in Indonesia is still very high, so face-to-face activities are very risky and the circulation of hoax information that misleads the public is the reason for developing a platform that has full features in the form of self-assessment of COVID-19 symptoms as well as a means of education and news related to COVID-19 from trusted sources. Method: This was a cross-sectional study on respondents who lived in Indonesia and have filled out a COVID-19 symptom assessment questionnaire on the EndCorona platform for a period of time starting from April to July 2020.Result: We obtained 7470 respondent data from 1307 sub-districts throughout Indonesia. The data obtained were dominated by male sex, amounting to 4,439 (59.4%). The age characteristics of the respondents were dominated by the 15-49 year old group of 6510 (87.1%). In addition, 1111 (14.9%) respondents stated that they had fever symptoms and 6359 (85.1%) respondents stated that they did not have fever. Meanwhile, based on the results of risk categorization, respectively 2548 (34.1%), 4695 (62.9%), 157 (2.1%), and 70 (0.9%) got Low Risk, Caution, Vulnerable, and Very Vulnerable. Multivariate analysis showed body temperature to be the dominant factor in early detection of risk factors for COVID-19 susceptibility based on the EndCorona platform. (p value: < 0.001, OR: 12.4) Conclusion: The EndCorona application is used by users of various demographic characteristics with different incidences of fever and body temperature and risk categorization results. Age group variables, history of fever symptoms, and body temperature were statistically significant with body temperature being the most dominant factor. "
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2022