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Candra Adi Nugroho
"Tujuan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui profil Treg (ditunjukkan oleh Foxp3), CD4, dan CD8 pada kanker serviks stadium lanjut lokal dan dampaknya terhadap progresivitas tumor dan respons radiasi. Metode. Setelah disetujui oleh komite penelitian, kami mengumpulkan data pasien kanker serviks stadium lanjut lokal yang menjalani radioterapi, di RSCM, Jakarta, pada Januari 2018 – Desember 2020. Subjek penelitian harus memiliki pencitraan pra dan paska radiasi dan spesimen blok parafin untuk memenuhi syarat dalam penelitian ini. Profil Foxp, CD4, dan CD8, akan dianalisis dengan imunohistokimia dengan penghitungan jumlah sel. Respons radiasi akan dianalisa dengan kriteria RECIST 1.1. Semua informasi klinis pasien yang diperlukan akan dikumpulkan dari rekam medis elektronik. Hasil. Kami menemukan bahwa sebagian besar pasien memiliki karsinoma sel skuamosa (93%), stadium IIIC (48%), dan menjalani radiasi saja (72%). Evaluasi RECIST menunjukkan 62% pasien memiliki respons lengkap, 28% respons parsial, dan 10% respons buruk (penyakit stabil dan progresif). Kami dapatkan median jumlah sel CD4 =29 (7 – 154), CD8 = 30 (6 – 227), dan Foxp3 = 36 (2 – 156). Tidak ada hubungan bermakna antara jumlah sel limfosit CD4, CD8, dan Foxp3 dengan volume tumor, dengan p = 0.858; p = 0.975, dan p = 0.723 masing masing. Tidak ada hubungan bermakna dengan dimensi terbesar tumor dengan p = 0.481, p = 0.480, dan p = 0.792 masing masing. Tidak ada pula hubungan bermakna antara jumlah sel limfosit CD4, CD8, dan Foxp3 dengan respons radiasi dengan p = 0.964, p = 0.296, dan p = 0.787 masing masing. Namun kami mendapatkan korelasi positif yang kuat dan bermakna pada jumlah sel tumor pada stroma, CD 4 - CD8 (r = 0.580, p=0.001); CD4 - Foxp3 (r = 0.699, p < 0.001), dan CD8 - Foxp3 (r = 0.652, p < 0.001). Kesimpulan. Sebagian besar pasien kanker stadium lanjut lokal yang menjalani radiasi memiliki respons lengkap. Tidak didapatkan hubungan bermakna antara jumlah sel limfosit CD4, CD8, dan Foxp3 dengan volume tumor, dimensi terbesar tumor, dan respons radiasi. Terdapat korelasi yang kuat dan signifikan antar sel imun (CD4-CD8, CD4-Foxp3, dan CD8-Foxp3) pada lingkungan stroma.

Aims: This study aims to determine profile of Treg (shown by Foxp3), CD4, and CD8 in locally advanced cervical cancer and the impact to tumor progressivity and radiation response. Method. After been approved by the institution research committee, we collect data of locally advanced of cervical cancer patients who underwent radiotherapy, at RSCM, Jakarta, in January 2018 – December 2020. Studies subjects must have pre and post irradiation imaging and paraffin block specimen to be eligible in this study. Profile of Foxp, CD4, and CD8, will be analyzed by immunohistochemistry, by counting the number of cells, and radiation response will be analyzed by RECIST 1.1 criteria. All necessary patient’s clinical information will be collected from electronic medical record. Result. We found that most of the patients had squamous cell carcinoma (93%), stage IIIC (48%), and underwent radiation alone (72%). RECIST evaluation showed 62% of patients had a complete response, 28% a partial response, and 10% had a poor response (stable and progressive disease). We found median CD4 cell counts = 29 (7 – 154), CD8 = 30 (6 – 227), and Foxp3 = 36 (2 – 156). There was no significant relationship between the number of CD4, CD8, and Foxp3 lymphocytes with tumor volume, with p = 0.858; p = 0.975, and p = 0.723 respectively. There was no significant relationship with the dimensions of the largest tumor with p = 0.481, p = 0.480, and p = 0.792, respectively. There was no significant relationship between the number of CD4, CD8, and Foxp3 lymphocytes with radiation response with p = 0.964, p = 0.296, and p = 0.787, respectively. However, we found a strong and significant positive correlation in the number of tumor cells in the stroma, CD4 - CD8 (r = 0.580, p = 0.001); CD4 - Foxp3 (r = 0.699, p < 0.001), and CD8 - Foxp3 (r = 0.652, p < 0.001). Conclusion. Most locally advanced cancer patients who undergo radiation have a complete response. There are no significant relationships between the number of CD4, CD8, and Foxp3 lymphocytes with tumor volume, largest tumor dimensions, and radiation response. There is a strong and significant correlation between immune cells (CD4-CD8, CD4-Foxp3, and CD8-Foxp3) in the stromal environment."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Trihatmowijoyo Bundjali
"Latar Belakang: Kanker serviks sebagai penyakit kanker tersering yang mendapatkan terapi pengganti ginjal berupa hemodialisis (HD). Gangguan ginjal yang terjadi pada kanker serviks dapat terkait kanker nya, nefropati obstruktif yang dapat menjadi sekuele kronik berupa penyakit ginjal kronik (PGK) maupun AKI (acute kidney injury) yang membutuhkan inisiasi HD.

Tujuan: Mengetahui kesintasan tiga bulan pasien kanker serviks yang membutuhkan inisiasi HD. Mengetahui hubungan antara usia, stadium kanker, faktor komorbid, hemodinamik pasca HD, akses vaskuler, rerata kenaikan berat badan antar HD, baseline kreatinin, baseline ureum dan baseline albumin dengan kesintasan tiga bulan pasien kanker serviks yang membutuhkan inisiasi HD.

Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan studi kohort retrospektif dari rekam medis pasien kanker serviks yang membutuhkan inisiasi hemodialisis. Penelitian dilaksanakan di RS Kanker Dharmais. Pengambilan data dilakukan pada 1 Juli 2023 sampai dengan 30 Agustus 2023. Kriteria inklusi yaitu Pasien berusia lebih dari 18 tahun dan Pasien kanker serviks yang membutuhkan inisiasi HD dengan indikasi akut di RS Kanker Dharmais. Kriteria eksklusi yaitu pasien dengan data yang tidak lengkap. Pengambilan data dari pencarian data dimulai dari login ke SIMRS RS kanker. Data akan dianalisis secara univariat, bivariat dan multivariat. Analisis univariat digunakan untuk mengetahui probabilitas menggunakan life table. Analisis bivariat menggunakan metode Kapplan Meier atau Regresi Cox Bivariat. Analisis multivariat dilakukan untuk mengukur pengaruh secara bersama faktor yang mempengaruhi kesintasan dan untuk melihat variabel yang paling dominan pengaruhnya.

Hasil: Didapatkan 252 pasien yang telah memenuhi kriteria dan dapat dianalisis. Hasil akhir multivariat menunjukkan variabel hemodinamik pasca HD sistolik < 110 mmHg dan rerata kenaikan berat badan antar HD ≥ 5%; HR 3,354 (95% CI: 2,346 - 4,795; p = < 0,001) dan 1,685 (95% CI: 1,125 – 2,521; p < 0,011) bermakna mempengaruhi kesintasan tiga bulan pasien kanker serviks yang membutuhkan inisiasi HD dengan kumlatif kesintasan adalah 49%.

Simpulan: Kumulatif kesintasan tiga bulan pasien kanker serviks yang membutuhkan inisiasi HD adalah 49%. Analisis bivariat maupun multivariat menunjukkan terdapat hubungan antara hemodinamik pasca HD sistolik < 110 mmHg dan rerata kenaikan berat badan antar HD ≥ 5%.

Cervical cancer is the most common cancer that receives kidney replacement therapy in the form of hemodialysis (HD). Kidney disorders that occur in cervical cancer can be related to the cancer, obstructive nephropathy which can become a chronic sequela in the form of chronic kidney disease (CKD) or AKI (acute kidney injury) which requires HD initiation.

Objective: To determine the three-month survival of cervical cancer patients requiring HD initiation. To determine the relationship between age, cancer stage, comorbid factors, post-HD hemodynamics, vascular access, Weight gain, baseline creatinine, baseline urea and baseline albumin with three-month survival of cervical cancer patients who require HD initiation.

Methods: This research is a retrospective cohort study of medical records of cervical cancer patients who required initiation of hemodialysis. The research was carried out at Dharmais Cancer Hospital. Data collection was carried out from 1 July 2023 to 30 August 2023. Inclusion criteria were patients aged more than 18 years and cervical cancer patients who required initiation of HD with acute indications at Dharmais Cancer Hospital. Exclusion criteria are patients with incomplete data. Retrieval of data from data searches starts from logging into the SIMRS cancer hospital. Data will be analyzed univariate, bivariate and multivariate. Univariate analysis is used to determine the probability using a life table. Bivariate analysis uses the Kaplan Meier method or Bivariate Cox Regression. Multivariate analysis was carried out to measure the joint influence of factors that influence survival and to see which variables had the most dominant influence.

Results: There were 252 patients who met the criteria and could be analyzed. Multivariate final results showed post-HD systolic hemodynamic variables < 110 mmHg and Weight gain ≥ 5%; HR 3.354 (95% CI: 2.346 - 4.795; p = < 0.001) and 1.685 (95% CI: 1.125 - 2.521; p < 0.011) significantly influenced the survival of cervical cancer patients who required HD initiation.

Conclusion: The cumulative survival rate of cervical cancer patients requiring HD initiation is 49% at three months. Bivariate and multivariate analysis showed that there was a relationship between hemodynamics after systolic HD < 110 mmHg and Weight gain ≥ 5%."

Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Feni Elda Fitri
"Penyintas kanker leher rahim masih mengalami ketakutan sepanjang hidupnya. Salah satu sumber ketakutan adalah kemungkinan mengalami kekambuhan walaupun sudah dinyatakan sembuh. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengeksplorasi kisah penyintas kanker leher rahim yang mengalami kekambuhan dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif "life history". Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan wawancara mendalam pada dua penyintas kanker, analisa dengan menceritakan kembali kisah penyintas dalam bentuk tema.
Hasil penelitian ini menemukan bahwa penyintas kanker leher rahim saat mengalami kekambuhan menerima kondisi kekambuhannya dengan berbagai proses kehidupan yang dialami yaitu terpenuhinya rasa aman setelah terapi dinyatakan selesai, kembalinya tanda gejala awal dan lanjutan, menjalani terapi kembali, penolakan terhadap kondisi kekambuhan, menghindari kontak sosial saat mengalami kekambuhan, memperoleh dukungan saat mengalami kekambuhan, sampai menerima kondisi kekambuhan. Oleh karena itu pentingnya pemahaman tenaga kesehatan khususnya perawat untuk mengetahui kisah hidup penyintas kanker leher rahim dengan kekambuhan sehingga dapat memberikan tindakan dan dukungan yang tepat pada setiap periode kekambuhan yang dilalui dalam meningkatkan kualitas hidupnya.

Cervical cancer survivors are still experiencing fear throughout her life. One source of fear is likely to experience a recurrence despite being declared cured. This study aims to explore the story of cervical cancer survivors who experienced recurrence by using a qualitative approach life history. Data were collected by indepth interviews in two cancer survivors, analysied by retelling the story of the survivors in the form of theme.
The results of this study found that cervical cancer survivors experienced a recurrence while receiving recurrence with various process conditions of life experienced, that sense of fulfillment after the treatment was complete, marks the return of the symptoms of early and advanced, come back to therapy, the rejection of recurrence conditions, avoid social contact when experiencing a recurrence, obtaining support when experiencing a recurrence, to accept the conditions of recurrence. Hence the importance of understanding health professionals, especially nurses to know the life story of cervical cancer survivors with recurrence so as to provide appropriate action and support on any recurrence period which passed in improving the quality of life.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anak Agung Ngurah Ronny Kesuma
"Background : Laminoplasty was developed to widen the spinal canal dimensions without permanently removing the dorsal elements of the cervical spine. The retained dorsal elements should aid in the prevention of muscle scarring to the dura and potentially reduce the incidence of postoperative instability.
Cervical laminoplasty has been advocated as an alternative procedure to laminectomy for the decompression of the cervical spine. It provides favourable cord decompression and stabilisation of the cervical spine and is a simpler and safer alternative to anterior fusion and laminectomy for myelopathy and myeloradiculopathy, due to degenerative cervical stenosis. Most authors report outcome based on the Japanese Orthopedic Association (JOA) scoring system. Reported results include mean preoperative and postoperative scores for all patients, and a calculated rate of recovery is provided. The mean recovery rate after the Hirabayashi expansive laminoplasty is approximately 60%. To know the outcome, we evaluated 9 patients with degenerative cervical spinal stenosis that had been treated with laminopalsty using JOA score and Oswestry disability index questioner also the correlation between them.
Methods : We performed pre and post interventional study on patients with degenerative cervical spinal stenosis with moderate until severe stenosis that had failed non operative treatment from January 2007 -June 2008 at Cipto mangunkusumo Hospital Jakarta. With JOA score as clinicall approach and Oswestri Disability Index (001) questioner by patient approach, we identify the cervical spine function of the patients before and after laminoplasty (1 month, & 6 month post operative)
Results: There were significant difference of JOA and 001 score before and after decompression by laminoplasty with p<0.05. The improvement of cervical spine function also significantly increase until 6 months after surgery compare to the 1$ month post operative JOA and 001 score (p=0.028, p=0.035 respectically). There is strong correlation between them (r=0.804).
Conclusion : Laminoplasty decompression technique can improve the cervical spine clinically (increase the JOA score) and quality of life (decrease the 001 score) of patient with degenerative cevical spinal stenosis."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Prajnadiyan Catrawardhana

Latar Belakang: Ekstrak mangga telah terbukti memiliki efek antikanker terhadap kanker serviks, namun kemang (Mangifera kemanga) sebagai kerabat mangga yang belum banyak diteliti diduga memiliki efek yang sama. Tujuan: Mengetahui kandungan golongan senyawa yang terdapat pada ekstrak etanol, etil asetat, dan nheksan buah kemang serta menguji efek sitotoksiknya terhadap sel kanker serviks HeLa. Metode: Daging buah kemang diekstraksi menggunakan pelarut etanol, etil asetat, dan n-heksana. Uji fitokimia dan kromatografi lapis tipis menggunakan ketiga ekstrak digunakan untuk mengetahui kandungan fitokimia yang ada. Uji MTT dilakukan pada ketiga ekstrak yang diuji terhadap sel HeLa untuk mengetahui efek sitotoksik sampel dalam nilai IC50. Hasil: Uji fitokimia menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak buah kemang mengandung senyawa flavonoid, tanin, triterpenoid, dan alkaloid. Uji kromatografi lapis tipis dengan eluen non polar menunjukkan satu titik dengan Rf 0,82 pada ekstrak etanol; enam titik dengan Rf 0,16, 0,36, 0,49, 0,76, 0,82, dan 0,94 pada ekstrak etil asetat; dan enam titik dengan Rf 0,36, 0,48, 0,63, 0,75, 0,83, dan 0,93 pada ekstrak n- heksan. Uji MTT mendapatkan nilai IC50 terhadap sel HeLa, berturut-turut untuk ekstrak etanol, etil asetat, dan n-heksan, adalah 44,34, 16,41, dan 43,23 ppm. Kesimpulan: Ekstrak buah kemang memiliki potensi sebagai agen antikanker terhadap kanker serviks.

Background: Mango extract has been proven in its anticancer effect against cervical cancer, however kemang (Mangifera kemanga), despite being a relative of mango, has not been thoroughly researched although expected to give the same effect. Objective: To identify the contents contained in the ethanol, ethyl acetate, and n-hexane extract of kemang flesh and examine its cytotoxic effect on HeLa cervical cancer cells. Methods: Kemang flesh was extracted using ethanol, ethyl acetate, and n-hexane. Phytochemical tests and thin-layer chromatography on the extracts were conducted to identify the phytochemical contents. MTT assay was carried out using the extracts against HeLa cells to find out the cytotoxic effect of the samples in IC50 values. Results: Phytochemical tests revealed that kemang flesh extract contains flavonoid, tannin, triterpenoid, and alkaloid. Thin-layer chromatography test with nonpolar eluent showed one spot with Rf of 0.82 in ethanol extract; six spots with Rf of 0.16, 0.36, 0.49, 0.76, 0.82, and 0.94 in ethyl acetate extract; and six spots with Rf of 0.36, 0.48, 0.63, 0.75, 0.83, and 0.93 in n-hexane extract. MTT assay obtained IC50 values for HeLa cells, respectively for ethanol, ethyl acetate, and n-hexane extracts, were 44.34, 16.41, and 43.23 ppm. Conclusion: Kemang fruit extract has potential as an anticancer agent against cervical cancer.


Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia , 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Novianti Supriatna
"Komplikasi penyakit perlemakan hati non-alkoholik (PHNA) ditemukan pada 67% populasi memenuhi kriteria sindrom metabolik. Acalypha indica L. (AI) adalah herbal yang telah diketahui memiliki efek anti-oksidan, dan anti-inflamasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan membuktikan efek AI terhadap mekanisme pertahanan imun yang dibawa. Penelitian dilakukan dengan molecular docking terhadap senyawa AI pada TLR9, NFκB, TNFα, dan perubahan histopatologik hati. Model hewan steatohepatitis pada tikus Sprague-Dawley didapat dari induksi diet tinggi fruktosa, dan kolesterol (DTFK) selama 12 minggu. Terapi diberikan selama 8 minggu. Dua puluh lima tikus dibagi ke dalam 5 kelompok: Normal (K1), DTFK (K2), DTFK+AI, 400 mg (K3), kombinasi AI, 400 mg +gemfibrozil (Gem) 31 mg (K4) dan Gem 31 mg (K5) masing-masing per kgBB. Molecular docking untuk mengidentifikasi interaksi antara molekul hidrogen senyawa AI dengan residu asam amino TLR9, NFκB, TNFα. Perubahan morfologi hati dinilai dengan cara skoring. Analisis statistik yang dilakukan adalah uji Kruskall Wallis post hoc Mann Whitney, dilanjutkan dengan uji korelasi Spearman. Hasil molecular docking menunjukkan, selain senyawa flavonoid, ditemukan senyawa alkaloid beta-sitosterol, dan stigmasterol yang dapat berikatan dengan ketiga marker inflamasi dengan nilai binding energy terbaik. Senyawa lain dasycarpidan-1-methanol, acetate (ester), fenofibrate, quinine. Pemberian AI menurunkan hipertrofi (p=0,031), steatosis makrovesikular (p=0,018), fokus inflamasi (p=0,005). Pemberian AI juga menurunkan ekspresi TLR9 (p=0,009), NFκB (p=0,009), TNFα (p=0,009), akan tetapi tidak sebaik pemberian kombinasi AI+Gem.

Complications of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) include 67% of the criteria for metabolic syndrome. Acalypha indica L., (AI) which is one of a herbal plant had been known as anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. The effect of AI for therapy investigated by looking of the immune defense mechanisms. This researched was assessed by molecular docking approached on TLR9, NFκB, TNFα expression and liver morphological changes. Animal models of steatohepatitis were collected from high- fructose and cholesterol diet (HFCD) of Sprague-Dawley rats for 12 weeks and followed by therapy for 8 weeks. There were 5 groups from twenty five researched rats, include normal group (K1), HFCD group (K2), HFCD group supplemented with 400 mg Acalypha indica L. (K3), combination between 400 mg AI.+gemfibrozil (Gem) 31 mg (K4) and Gem 31 mg/kg (K5) in kgBW, respectively. The results of molecular docking were carried out by assessing the interaction between hydrogen molecules of AI compounds and amino acid residues in TLR9, NFκB, TNFα. Morphological changes were assessed by scoring system. Statistical analyzed used Kruskall Wallis with post hoc Mann Whitney test continued by Spearman correlation test. The molecular docking analysis showed that, an alkaloid compounds were found besides the flavonoid compounds that can bind to the binding pocket of inflammatory markers with the best binding energies. Other compounds, there are dasycarpidan-1-methanol, acetate (ester), fenofibrate and quinine. Supplementation of AI would reduced hypertrophy (p=0.031), macrovesicular steatosis (p=0.018), inflammation foci (p=0.005) and also decreased of TLR9 (p=0.009), NFκB (p=0.009), TNFα (p=0.009) expression, but not as good as the combination of AI+Gem."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Latar Belakang. Perkembangan teknologi dan meningkatnya peran penggunaan
tangan di bidang industri, rumah tangga dan perkantoran akan meningkatkan
angka kejadian STK. Hal ini akan memiliki dampak negatif di bidang medis,
sosial dan ekonomi. Pemeriksaan Ultrasonografi (USG) berguna sebagai
penunjang dalam mendiagnosis STK. Kemajuan dalam kualitas dan portabilitas
USG telah menempatkan USG sebagai alat pilihan dalam penelitian dan
penerapan klinis di bidang neurologi. USG mudah dijumpai di pelayanan
kesehatan, memiliki biaya yang murah, waktu pemeriksaan yang singkat dan tidak
invasif, serta memiliki sensitivitas dan spesifisitas yang cukup baik dalam
mendiagnosis STK
Metode. Desain penelitian berupa studi potong lintang. Subyek penelitian adalah
pasien Poliklinik Neurologi RSCM yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi.
Subyek diperoleh secara konsekutif. Pada subyek dilakukan wawancara, pengisian
kuesioner, pemeriksan fisik, elektroneurografi dan ultrasonografi di Poliklinik
Neurologi RSCM. Dilakukan analisis data menggunakan perangkat SPSS 17.0
Hasil. Diperoleh 58 subyek tangan yang masuk kriteria inklusi. Sensitivitas dan
spesifisitas kombinasi gambaran klinis dan USG adalah 86,04% dan 73,33%.
Sedangkan akurasi kombinasi gambaran klinis dan USG sebesar 82,75%.
Terdapat kesesuaian antara pemeriksaan kombinasi klinis dan USG dengan
kombinasi klinis dan elektroneurografi dalam mendeteksi STK (kappa = 0,70).
Kesimpulan. Nilai sensitivitas kombinasi gambaran klinis dan USG sama dengan
elektroneurografi. Sedangkan spesifisitas kombinasi gambaran klinis dan USG
lebih rendah daripada elektroneurografi. Kombinasi gambaran klinis dan USG
dapat digunakan sebagai alternatif pemeriksan dalam mendiagnosis STK

Background. Technological development and the increased use of hands in the
fields of industrial, household and office space will increase the prevalence of
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS). This will have a negative impact on medical
science, social and economic. Ultrasonography (USG) is useful to support
diagnosis of CTS. Progress in the quality and portability of ultrasound has placed
ultrasound as a chosen instrument in research and clinical application in the field
of neurology. USG is easily found at the health centers, has a lower cost, a short
examination time and not invasive, as well as having superior specificity and
sensitivity is good enough in diagnosing CTS.
Method. A cross-sectional sectional study was conducted. The research subject
were patients of the Neurology Clinic of RSCM Hospital who meet all of the
inclusion and exclusion criteria.
Result. Fifthy eight hands were included in this study. The sensitivity and
specificity of the combination of clinical features and ultrasonography were
86.04% and 73.33%. While, the accuracy of the combination of clinical features
and ultrasonography was 82.75%. There is a conformity between the combination
of clinical features and ultrasound with a combination of clinical picture and
electroneurography in diagnosing CTS (kappa = 0.70)
Conclusion. The combination of clinical features and ultrasonography has similar
sensitivity with electroneurography. Meanwhile, the specificity of the
combination of clinical features and ultrasonography is inferior to
electroneurography. Thus, the combination of clinical features and
ultrasonography can be used as an alternative to electroneurography in diagnosing
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Adevita Tania

Sindrom Ovarium Polikistik (SOPK) merupakan gangguan pada sistem reproduksi wanita yang menjadi penyebab umum terjadinya infertilitas pada usia reproduktif. Etiologi dari SOPK belum diketahui dengan pasti, namun lebih dari 50% wanita SOPK mengalami obesitas. Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) rs9939609 gen Fat Mass and Obesity Associated (FTO) merupakan kandidat genetik yang dapat memengaruhi perkembangan obesitas dan kerentanan terhadap SOPK. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui asosiasi SNP rs9939609 gen FTO dengan SOPK. Penelitian ini menggunakan 120 sampel darah dengan masing-masing 30 sampel untuk setiap kelompok, yaitu kelompok wanita normal obesitas, normal non-obesitas, SOPK obesitas, dan SOPK non-obesitas. Metode yang digunakan yaitu amplifikasi sekuens target dengan Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR), validasi dengan elektroforesis, dan sekuensing dengan menggunakan Automated Sanger. Hasil sekuensing dianalisis menggunakan perangkat lunak Bioedit dan FinchTV. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan adanya frekuensi minor alel A sebesar 29,6% serta frekuensi genotipe AA, AT, dan TT secara berurutan sebesar 10%, 39,20%, dan 50,80%. Studi ini juga menunjukkan hasil tidak adanya asosiasi (p>0,05) antara SNP rs9939609 gen FTO dengan sindrom ovarium polikistik.

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is a female reproductive disorder which is a common cause of infertility at reproductive age. The etiology of PCOS is still unclear, however more than 50% of PCOS women are obese. Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) rs9939609 Fat Mass and Obesity Associated (FTO) gene is a genetic candidate that can affect the development of obesity and susceptibility to PCOS. This study aims to determine the association of FTO gene SNP rs9939609 with PCOS. Samples in this study was 120 blood samples divided into 30 samples for each group, normal with obesity, normal lean, PCOS with obesity, and PCOS lean. Amplification of target sequences using the PCR method, validation with electrophoresis, and sequencing was carried out using an Automated Sanger. Sequencing results were analyzed with Bioedit and FinchTV software. The results of this study showed that a minor allele A frequency was 29.6% and the genotype frequencies of AA, AT, and TT were 10%, 39.20%, and 50.80%, respectively. This study also showed no association (p>0.05) between SNP rs9939609 with polycystic ovarian syndrome.


Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dewi Indah Lestari

Latar BelakangCarpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) merupakan kelainan neuropati perifer terbanyak pada ekstremitas atas akibat terjebaknya atau terjepitnya saraf medianus pada terowongan karpal. Pada pekerja seringkali diakibatkan oleh gerakan repetitif dengan fleksi dan ekstensi pada daerah pergelangan tangan, gerakan menggenggam erat, getaran. Kasus CTS merupakan gangguan muskuloskeletal pada ekstremitas atas yang mengakibatkan pembiayaan kesehatan yang besar, kurangnya produktivitas, hilangnya hari kerja hingga terjadinya disabilitas.

Tujuan : menilai efektivitas terapi nonoperatif bila dibandingkan dengan terapi operatif pada pasien dengan CTS.

Metode : Penelusuran artikel dengan menggunakan Pubmed dan Google Scholar dan menggunakan kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi yang telah ditentukan sebelumnya. Hasil pencarian artikel tersebut kemudian dilakukan telaah dengan menggunakan kriteria penilaian validitas, tingkat pentingnya hasil yang didapat pada penelitian tersebut, dan kemamputerapan.

Hasil : Studi dalam systematic review ini masih mencakup studi yang sedikit dan sangat heterogen dengan outcomes yang bervariasi sehingga secara clinical efficacy belum dapat diyakini bahwa salah satu intervensi lebih baik yang lainnya pada tatalaksana CTS. Hasil gabungan dari analisis subgrup berupa peningkatan fungsi, peningkatan gejala, peningkatan parameter neurofisiologis, dan biaya perawatan pada waktu tindak lanjut yang berbeda menunjukkan bahwa perbedaan tidak signifikan secara statistik antara kedua intervensi. Perbedaan komplikasi dan efek samping secara statistik signifikan dan pengobatan non operatif mencapai hasil yang lebih baik daripada operatif (OR= 2,03, 95% CI= 1,28-3,22, p= 0,003).

Kesimpulan : Tatalaksana pada pasien Carpal Tunnel Syndrome baik dengan intervensi operatif maupun non operatif memiliki keuntungan masing- masing. Hasil intervensi dari segi peningkatan fungsi, perbaikan gejala dan parameter neurofisiologi serta pembiayaan tidak ada ada perbedaan yang signifikan antara keduanya. Intervensi operatif dapat dilakukan apabila perawatan non operatif gagal.

Background : Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) is the most common peripheral neuropathy in the upper extremities due to trapping or pinching of the median nerve in the carpal tunnel. In workers it is often caused by repetitive movements with flexion and extension on the wrist area, tight grasping movements, vibration. CTS cases are musculoskeletal disorders of the upper extremities with the most expensive health financing in the United States. In addition, it also causes loss of work days that exceed other occupational diseases other than fractures. CTS also results in large compensation expenditures, lack of productivity to disability.

Objective: to assess the effectiveness of nonoperative therapy when compared with operative therapy in patients with CTS.

Methods: Searching the articles by using Pubmed and Google Scholar as well as inclution and exclution criteria predetermined, articles were than performed using the assesment criteria of validity, importance, and ability applied

Results: The studies in this systematic review still include few and very heterogeneous studies with varying outcomes so that clinical efficacy cannot yet be believed that one of the other interventions is better in the management of CTS. The combined results from the subgroup analysis of improved function, improved symptoms, increased neurophysiological parameters, and treatment costs at different follow up times showed that the difference was not statistically significant between the 2 interventions. The difference in complications and side effects was statistically significant and nonoperative treatment achieved better results than operative (OR= 2.03, 95% CI= 1.28-3.22, p= 0.003).

Conclusion: The management of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome patients with both operative and non-operative interventions has their respective advantages. The results of the intervention in terms of improved function, improvement of symptoms and neurophysiological parameters and financing there is no significant difference between the two. Operative intervention can be done if non-operative care fails.

Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yoga Putra
"Latar Belakang. Kuesioner Boston Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (BCTQ) merupakan kuesioner yang dikembangkan untuk menilai keluhan pasien sindrom terowongan karpal dalam melakukan aktifitas sehari-hari. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan uji validasi dan reliabilitas kuesioner BCTQ ke dalam bahasa Indonesia. Metode. Melakukan adaptasi dan translasi transkultural, kemudian dilakukan uji validitas dan uji reliabilitas kuesioner BCTQ versi bahasa Indonesia. Populasi dari penelitian ini adalah semua pasien dewasa dengan sindrom terowongan karpal yang datang ke Poliklinik Neurologi RSUPNCM yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi. Hasil. Tiga puluh lima pasien memenuhi kriteria inklusi. Sebagian besar adalah perempuan (88,6%). Usia berkisar antara 45 tahun sampai 71 tahun, dengan prevalensi tertingi > 50 tahun (91,4%), pekerjaan sebagian besar subjek adalah sebagai ibu rumah tangga (77,1%). Pada uji validitas domain derajat keparahan gejala pada uji pertama memiliki nilai antara 0,484-0,781, pada retes didapatkan nilai 0,482 sampai 0,760, untuk domain status fungsional didapatkan nilai antara 0,495 sampai 0,825, dan nilai 0,615 sampai 0,783 pada retes. Hasil uji reliabilitas domain derajat keparahan gejala 0,876 pada uji pertama dan 0,874 pada uji kedua, untuk uji reabilitas domain status fungsional pada uji pertama sebesar 0,857 dan pada retes 0,854. Waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk mengisi kuesioner oleh semua subjek kurang dari 10 menit, Kesimpulan. Kuesioner BCTQ versi Bahasa Indonesia valid dan reliabel dalam mengevaluasi keluhan serta gejala pada pasien dengan sindrom terowongan karpal.

Introduction. Boston Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Questionnaire (BCTQ) is a questionnaire developed to assess complaints and symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome patients in carrying out daily activities. Aim of this study is to gain a valid and reliable Indonesian version of BCTQ. Methods. Trancultural adaptation and translation from the original version to Indonesian version, then validation and reliability test are carried out. The population of this study was adult patients with carpal tunnel syndrome who came to the neurology department RSUPNCM and met the inclusion criteria. Thirty-five patients met the inclusion criteria, majority are women (88,6%). Age ranged from 45-71 years, with the highest prevalence >50 years old. Most of the subjects were housewife. The value of symptoms severity scale domain between 0,484-0,781 for first test, 0,482-0,760 on the retest. For domain functional status 0,495-0,825 in the first tests, and 0,615-0,783 for the retest. The reliability test for symptoms severity scale domain for the first test is 0,876 and 0,874 for the retest. The realiability test value for functional status 0,857 for the first test and 0,854 for the retest. The time needed to complete the questionnaire is under 10 minutes. Conclusion. Indonesian version of BCTQ is a valid and reliable instrument to be used as instrument in evaluate complaint and symptoms in patients with carpal tunnel syndrome."
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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