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"Penelitian ini menganalisis pengaruh CSR terhadap efisiensi investasi pada 33 perusahaan non keuangan yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) selama periode 2008 sampai 2018 dengan metode analisis regresi panel data. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa CSR berpengaruh negatif signifikan terhadap inefisiensi investasi. Namun, pengaruh CSR terhadap efisiensi investasi lebih signifikan pada perusahaan yang mengalami underinvestment. Pada kasus overinvestment, kinerja CSR tidak memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan dalam mengurangi kelebihan investasi. Dimensi CSR yang berpengaruh negatif signifikan terhadap inefisiensi investasi adalah dimensi yang berkaitan dengan komunitas lokal/masyarakat, hak asasi manusia dan karyawan.

This research analyzes the effects of CSR on investment efficiency among 33 non-financial companies listed in the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) over 2008 to 2018 period using unbalanced panel data regression. This research finds that CSR performance had a negative impact on investment inefficiency. The effect of CSR on investment efficiency is more significant among underinvestment companies. In the case of overinvestment, CSR performance has no significant impact on eliminating excess investment. This research also finds that CSR dimension that is significantly related to lower investment inefficiency is CSR that is associated with local communities/society, human rights and employee."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ditha Chairani Supratman
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh corporate social responsibility performance terhadap efisiensi investasi perusahaan, pada perusahaan non keuangan yang memiliki corporate social responsibility performace di negara ASEAN-5 yaitu Indonesia, Singapura, Malaysia, Thailand dan Filipina pada periode 2010-2015. Penelitian ini menggunakan model regresi least square dengan fixed effect method.
Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa corporate social responsibility performance berpengauh negatif dan signifikan terhadap inefisinesi investasi, hal ini menujukan bahwa perusahaan yang memiliki corporate social responsibility yang tinggi berinvestasi lebih efisien.

This study aims to analyze the influence of corporate social responsibility performance on the efficiency of corporate investment, in non financial companies that have corporate social responsibility performance in ASEAN 5 countries, which are Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and the Philippines in the period 2010-2015. This sudy uses least square regression model with fixed effect method.
The results of this study indicate that corporate social responsibility performance has a negative and significant impact on investment inefisinesi, this indicates that companies with high corporate social responsibility invest more efficiently.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Akbar Ihza Mahendra
"Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memperjelas pengaruh antara tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan (CSR) dan kinerja keuangan perusahaan (CFP), yang telah dipelajari selama beberapa tahun tanpa mencapai konsensus mengenai efek dan arahnya. Penelitian ini mengkaji pengaruh linier menggunakan basis akuntansi yaitu Return on Assets. Data diambil dari Thomson Reuters Environmental Social Governance (ESG) Disclosure Score yang mencakup 123 perusahaan multinasional yang terdaftar di negara-negara ASEAN-Five untuk periode 2016–2020. Hasil dari model linier melalui regresi data panel menunjukkan bahwa ada pengaruh negatif antara CSR dan CFP.

The aim of this paper is to clarify the influence between companies’ corporate social responsibility (CSR) to their financial performance (CFP), which has been studied for several years without reaching a consensus on the effect and the direction of it. The present paper examines the linear effect using accounting-based which is Return on Assets. The data are retrived form Thomson Reuters Environmental Social Governance (ESG) Disclosure score covering 123 multinational listed companies in ASEAN-Five countries for the period 2016–2020. The results of the linear model via data panel regression suggests that there is a negative influence between CSR and CFP."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Weneng Sandewa
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh Corporate Social Responsibility CSR terhadap kinerja kuangan perusahaan, pada perusahaan non-keuangan di kawasan ASEAN-5 Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapura, Thailand, dan Filipina selama periode 2012-2016.Penelitian ini menggunakan model regresi Fixed Effect Model.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Corporate Social Responsibility CSR memiliki hubungan negatif dan signifikan terhadap kinerja keuangan perusahaan-perusahaan non-keuangan di kawasan ASEAN-5. Artinya adalah, perusahaan yang memiliki CSR yang tinggi, akan menurunkan kinerja keuangan perusahaan.

The objective of this research is to analyze the impact of Corporate Social Responsibility CSR to the financial performance of the company, on non financial companies in the ASEAN 5 regions such as Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand and Philippines during the period 2012 2016. This research uses regression model of Fixed Effect Model. The results show that Corporate Social Responsibility CSR has a negative and significant relationship to the financial performance of non financial companies in the ASEAN 5 region. This means that, companies that have a high CSR, will reduce the company 39s financial performance."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hana Mutiara Josephine
Penelitian ini membahas latar belakang Bank Indonesia melaksanakan kegiatan corporate social responsibility (CSR) dan pelaksanaan dari CSR tersebut. Bank Indonesia diketahui melaksanakan CSR secara voluntary dan menjalankan CSR tidak berdasarkan regulasi yang mengikat, namun tetap menjalankannya dengan cukup baik.Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalahteori CSR, teori good governance dan teori good corporate governance. Penelitian dilakukandengan menggunakan paradigma kualitatif, melalui wawancara mendalam danstudi dokumen. Berdasarkan penelitian yang dilakukan, peneliti memperoleh hasilbahwa latar belakang serta alasan Bank Indonesia melakukan CSR adalah moral obligation dan reputation. Selain itu juga untuk memenuhi tiga aspek pendukung tugas pokok BI, yaitu ekonomi, sosial, dan politik. Pelaksanaan CSR di BI meliputi beberapa tahapan, analisa situasi, perencanaan, pelaksanaan, evaluasi, dan pelaporan. Pelaksanaan tersebut berdasarkan oleh tiga faktor, yaitu keterpaksaan, memenuhi kewajiban, dan internal driven.

This research discusses background and reasons why Bank Indonesia formulates and implements corporate social responsibility and the practice in Bank Indonesia. Bank Indonesia did CSR voluntarily and didn?t had any regulations chained. Researcher uses CSR theory, good governance theory, and good corporate governance theory as relevant concepts. By using qualitative paradigm and in-depth interview as well as literature study, researcher find that the implementation of CSR by Bank Indonesia is consists of several reasons. Moral obligation, reputation, and fulfillment of three aspects that effects BI main function. Besides that, there are some factors affecting the practice, external factors, as an effort for obligations, and internal driven. As for the practice consists of several steps, first is situation analysis, planning, implementing, evaluating, and reporting."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ismawati Hariwibowo
"This study aims to examine the influence of Islamic corporate governance, size of the Board of Commissioners, the composition of the Board of Commissioners, Frequency of Meetings of the Board of Commissioners, the size of the Audit Committee Independent, The composition of the Audit Committee Number of Meetings Audit Committee, Profitability and Liquidity on the disclosure of corporate social responsibility (case study on the bank Sharia in Indonesia). This research is a quantitative study using scientific research in the form of positive economics. The nature and type of this research is descriptive method used is based on a survey of the literature. Data used is secondary data obtained from www.btgo.id and corporate websites. The analytical method used is multiple linear regression analysis with SPSS version 22. The population in this study are all Islamic banks registered in Bank Indonesia during the period 2012 to 2014. While the sample is determined by using purposive sampling method in order to obtain a sample of 10 banks with observations for 3 years.
Based on the results of multiple regression analysis with significance level of 5%, then the results of this study concluded: (1) Islamic Corporate Governance consisting of Existence and expertise Sharia Supervisory Board has no significant effect on the disclosure of corporate social responsibility. (2) The size of the BOC significant effect on the disclosure of corporate social responsibility. (3) The composition of the Board of Commissioners has no significant effect on the disclosure of corporate social responsibility. (4) The frequency of the number of board meetings no significant effect on the disclosure of disclosure of corporate social responsibility. (5) The size independent audit committee has no significant effect on the disclosure of corporate social responsibility. (6) The composition of the independent audit committee has no significant effect on the disclosure of corpora te social responsibility. (7) The number of meetings of the audit committee has no significant effect on the disclosure of corporate social responsibility. (8) Profitability has no significant effect on the disclosure of corporate social responsibility. (9) Liquidity no significant effect on the disclosure of corporate social responsibility. (10) Islamic corporate governance, size of the Board of Commissioners, the composition of the Board of Commissioners, Frequency of Meetings of the Board of Commissioners, the size of the Audit Committee Independent, The composition of the Audit Committee Number of Meetings Audit Committee, Profitability and Liquidity on the disclosure of corporate social responsibility jointly significant effect on disclosures corporate social responsibility."
Jakarta: FEB UIN Syarif Hidayatullah, 2015
650 ESENSI 5:1 (2015)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dinda Andhini Pratiwi
"Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pengungkapan corporate social responsibility terhadap biaya hutang (cost of debt). Kegiatan corporate social responsibility (CSR) dinilai oleh kreditur berdasarkan pengungkapan informasi CSR perusahaan melalui laporan tahunan perusahaan. Untuk pengungkapan CSR dinilai dengan menggunakan skor berdasarkan pedoman GRI G3 yang terdiri dari 80 indikator. Pengujian hipotesis dengan model regresi linier berganda yang menggunakan sampel sebanyak 226 perusahaan yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia selama tahun 2010 dan 2011 serta menghasilkan 390 observasi (firm year).
Hasilnya penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa hanya pengungkapan dimensi sosial yang memiliki pengaruh negatif dan signifikan terhadap cost of debt. Semakin banyak pengungkapan dimensi sosial yang dilakukan oleh perusahaan, maka dapat menurunkan biaya hutang (cost of debt). Sedangkan untuk pengungkapan CSR secara keseluruhan dan dimensi lainnya (ekonomi, lingkungan, hak tenaga kerja, masyarakat, dan tanggungjawab produk) tidak berpengaruh terhadap cost of debt.

This study aims to determine the effect of corporate social responsibility disclosure on the cost of debt. CSR activities are rated by lenders according to the company's CSR disclosure by the company's annual report. For CSR disclosure was assessed using a score based on the GRI G3 guidelines consisting of 80 indicators. Hypothesis testing with multiple linear regression model using a sample of 226 companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange during 2010 and 2011 and generate 390 observations (firm year).
The result of this study indicate that the disclosure of corporate social responsibility, both overall and based on six dimensions according to GRI (economic, environmental, social, human rights, community, and the responsibility of the product) has a negative effect on cost of debt. The more disclosure by companies, it can lower the cost of debt.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ahmad Haekal
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana dan seberapa besar pengaruh corporate social responsibility terhadap corporate image dan repurchase intention di PT. Bank Syariah Mandiri Thamrin, Jakarta. Metode analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis statistik structural equation modelling (SEM) dengan bantuan perangkat lunak Lisrel versi 8.72.
Hasil riset 135 responden menyatakan bahwa keberadaan program CSR mampu memperkuat serta menambah citra positif yang dibangun perusahaan. Kegiatan CSR yang aktif mampu meningkatkan pembelian kembali produk Bank Syariah Mandiri (BSM). Selain itu, hasil riset juga menyatakan variabel corporate social responsibility berpengaruh signifikan terhadap repurchase intention di PT. Bank Syariah Mandiri Thamrin Jakarta, sedangkan variabel corporate image tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap repurchase intention dan belum mampu meningkatkan pembelian kembali.

This research aims the customers who use saving products use to examine great influence of CSR toward corporate image and repurchase intention at BSM, Thamrin, Jakarta. All of the data is analized using structural equation modelling (SEM) supported by Lisrel version 8.72.
Result from 135 respondents shows that CSR program able to strengthen and increase positive image for company. The activities CSR is capable to increase the repurchase intention for BSM product. Interestingly, the result shows that variable of CSR take significant effect to repurchase intention in Bank Syariah Mandiri (BSM), while variable corporate image doesn’t have a significant effect to repurchase intention and has not been able to increase the repurchase intention.
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Alifia Fara Maharani
"Penelitian ini menguji pengaruh pengungkapan tanggung jawab sosial atau corporate social responsibility (CSR) terhadap profitabilitas dan tarif pajak efektif perusahaan perbankan yang tercatat di Bursa Efek Indonesia dengan cara pengujian statistik melalui model regresi data panel yang diolah menggunakan aplikasi STATA 12.0. Penelitian ini menggunakan data sekunder dengan teknik dokumentasi dan content analysis. Sampel yang diambil dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari 10 perusahaan perbankan yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia dengan periode penelitian tahun 2013-2017. Variabel bebas yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah CSR Indeks yang dihitung menggunakan pedoman GRI-G4, sedangkan variabel terikat pada penelitian ini adalah Profitabilitas dan Tarif Pajak Efektif. Penelitian ini juga didukung oleh variabel kontrol, antara lain ukuran perusahaan, Capital Adequacy Ratio, Loans to Deposits Ratio, Non Performing Loan, Leverage, dan Capital Intensity. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengungkapan CSR berpengaruh positif terhadap profitabilitas namun cenderung tidak memiliki pengaruh terhadap tarif pajak efektif perusahaan.

This study examined the effect of corporate social responsibility (CSR) disclosure on profitability and effective tax rate at bank listed in Indonesia Stock Exchannge by statistical tests through panel data regression models which are processed by STATA 12.0. This study used secondary data with documentation techniques and content analysis. The sample of this study consisted of 10 banks listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange during period 2013-2017. The independent variable used in this study is CSR Index and refers to GRI-G4 Guidelines, while the dependent variables in this study is Profitability and Effective Tax Rates. This study is also supported by control variables, including SIZE, Capital Adequacy Ratio, Loans to Deposits Ratio, Non Performing Loans, Leverage, and Capital Intensity. The results showed that CSR disclosure has a positive effect to profitability but has no effect to effective tax rate."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gagah Budi Prakasa
"Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) telah menjadi gagasan luas di pasar global. Pemerintah Indonesia mendorong Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) mewujudkan Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) melalui Program Tanggung Jawab Sosial Lingkungan (TJSL) yang disahkan Peraturan Menteri PER-05/MBU/04/2021. Sebagai Bank Himbara, Bank Mandiri, Bank Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI), Bank Negara Indonesia (BNI), dan Bank Tabungan Negara (BTN) secara konsisten menunjukkan prestasinya dalam program-program CSR. Tujuan penelitian ini mengeksplorasi pengaruh empat dimensi CSR yakni Philanthropy Responsibility, Ethical Responsibility, Legal Responsibility, dan Economic Responsibility terhadap Brand Equity (BE) dengan peran mediasi Corporate Image (CI) dan Trust (TR). Metode Partial Least Squares-Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM) dengan disjoint two-stage approach digunakan untuk menguji hipotesis dengan 393 sampel nasabah milenilal dan z Bank BUMN di seluruh Indonesia. Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa CSR tidak memiliki pengaruh langsung yang signifikan terhadap BE. Sementara itu, TR dan CI secara positif dan signifikan memediasi pengaruh antara CSR dan BE. Temuan ini mengindikasikan bahwa praktik CSR yang berhasil akan meningkatkan citra bank di benak nasabah. Nasabah merasa bahwa mereka berkontribusi secara sosial karena menerima layanan dari organisasi yang bertanggung jawab secara sosial. Praktik CSR menciptakan kepercayaan nasabah terhadap layanan keuangan bank. Oleh karena itu, reputasi dan kepercayaan berkontribusi dalam membangun BE bagi perusahaan.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a widespread notion in the global market. The Government of Indonesia encourages State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) to realize the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan Lingkungan (TJSL) which has been approved by Ministerial Regulation PER-05/MBU/04/2021. As BUMN’s Bank, Bank Mandiri, Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI), Bank Negara Indonesia (BNI), and Bank Tabungan Negara (BTN) consistently show their achievements in CSR programs. The purpose of this study explores the influence of four dimensions of CSR namely Philanthropy Responsibility, Ethical Responsibility, Legal Responsibility, and Economic Responsibility on Brand Equity (BE) with the mediating role of Corporate Image (CI) and Trust (TR). The Partial Least Squares-Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) method with a two-stage disjoint approach was used to test the hypothesis with 393 samples of millennial customers and z state-owned banks throughout Indonesia. The results of the study show that CSR does not have a significant direct effect on BE. Meanwhile, TR and CI positively and significantly mediate the effect between CSR and BE. This finding developed that successful CSR practices will improve the bank's image in the minds of customers. Customers feel that they are contributing socially by receiving services from socially responsible organizations. CSR practices create customer trust in bank financial services. Therefore, reputation and trust contribute to building BE for the company.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan BIsnis Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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