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Afifah Faizah
"Black Bazar merupakan salah satu novel karya penulis frankofon yang berasal dari Republik Kongo, yaitu Alain Mabanckou. Novel ini bercerita tentang kehidupan tokoh Fessologue di Paris sebagai seorang pria imigran kulit hitam yang berasal dari Republik Kongo. Lingkungan sosial yang baru membuatnya harus meniru perilaku orang Prancis agar dapat berintegrasi di sana. Artikel ini membahas pencarian identitas Fessologue melalui peniruan yang menyebabkan keadaan ambivalen. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif dengan kajian naratologi Gérard Genette dan analisis struktur naratif Roland Barthes dengan diperdalam menggunakan teori representasi dan identitas Stuart Hall, serta teori hibriditas budaya Homi K. Bhabha. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penokohan dan latar cerita menggambarkan ambivalensi identitas budaya tokoh Fessologue. Peniruan-peniruan yang dilakukan Fessologue tercermin dalam gaya berpakaian, gaya hidup, dan cara berpikirnya agar sama dengan orang Prancis. Proses peniruannya tersebut tidak terus berlanjut sehingga timbul ambivalensi dalam dirinya karena berada di antara dua budaya, yaitu budaya Prancis dan Kongo. Keadaan ambivalen menyadarkannya bahwa tidak ada budaya yang murni sehingga tidak perlu mengagungkan kemurnian suatu identitas budaya.
Black Bazar is a novel by a francophone writer from the Republic of Congo, Alain Mabanckou. This novel tells a story about the life of a character named Fessologue in Paris as a black immigrant man from the Republic of Congo. The new social environment required him to impersonate French behavior in order to successfully integrate there. This article discusses the search for Fessologue's identity through impersonation which leads to ambivalence. The method used in this research is a qualitative method with the study of the narratology of Gérard Genette and the analysis of the narrative structure of Roland Barthes with further study of representation and identity of Stuart Hall and Homi K. Bhabha's theory of cultural hybridity. The results showed that the characterizations and story settings illustrate the ambivalence of Fessologue's cultural identity. Fessologue's imitations are reflected within his style of dressing, lifestyle, and way of thinking to be the same as French people. The imitation process did not continue which cause an ambivalence in him because he is in between two cultures, French and Congolese cultures. The ambivalent state made him realize that there is no real pure culture, therefore there is no need to glorify the purity of cultural identity."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tugas Akhir Universitas Indonesia Library
"brazil is one of the state with a large farmland. Having colonized by the Portuguese until 1822. The Portuguese have inherited the sytem of farmland ownership. But that system was exceptionally beneficial just for the rich. It brings about rios because the farmer claims their rights for the farmland ownership. The MST was born as a independent organization to handle this issue. The MST arrange the farmers movement to claims their right without violence and riots."
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Dedi Junaedi
Most of multicultural literature works explore identity problems. The writer analyzes White Teeth and Brick Lane. Both of them have similarities in terms of situation, setting of place and theme. Both of them explore the theme of diaspora identity undergone by Bangladeshi immigrants. The novels are studied closely on the focus of theme through Stuart Hall's concept of cultural identity by considering character, conflict, setting, tone and point of view.The leading character of two novels chooses cultural identity in the contrary position. Samad Miah Iqbal, the leading character of White Teeth tries hard to reconstruct his essential identity through residual cultural traits (ethnic and moderate religion). His choice results in his being alienated and exclusive when others follow dominant culture. He is in crisis when failing to find out the identity assumed transcendent and pure, even disillusioned by his twin's taking his own identity quests beyond his hope. Alsana and Neena Begum criticize most of Samad?s identity quest.In Brick Lane, the leading character, Nazneen adapts herself gradually into dominant culture. She had once applied religion for identity quest before she criticized the fundamentalist Islamic group, Bengal Tigers. Ethnic is easier to adapt than religion. Nazneen is in opposite with Chanu who is conservative and defends his cultural identity with ethnicity. Nazneen gives her daughters a chance to find out their own identity. After her proper adaptation into dominant culture, Nazneen finds a convenient position and remains in London with her daughters when Chanu comes back to Bangladesh.Second Generation of Bangladeshi immigrant following English culture is Magid in White Teeth and Shanana in Brick Lane. Since the very beginning, they have fought to release themselves from ethnical and religious burden in order to identify themselves with English culture. The end of White Teeth shows that Magid is in opposite with Samad and Millat, while Shanana in Brick Lane is finally allowed to lead her own way of identity quest after having been controlled by Chanu for a long time.Second Generation of Bangladeshi immigrant emphasizing his essential identity through residual culture traits (fundamental religion) is Millat Zulfikar Iqbal and Karim who join ethno-religious group. Millat joined KEVIN and Karim established Bengal Tigers. KEVIN and Bengal Tigers are dedicated for Islam struggle and also for opposing dominant culture. Ethnic is used to support their main goal, i.e. religious struggle. Thus, ethno-religious is used as their collective identity. Their radical attitude causes them to be called Islamic fundamentalist group. This supports Western stereotype that Islam is related with fanaticism, violence and intolerance.Both of novels prove Stuart Hall's concept that an immigrant identity needs to be positioned in dominant culture because they are in diaspora within a strange land. Referring to residual culture (religion and ethnic) will lead an immigrant into exclusive and alienated life. Identity crisis takes places when one fails to find out the cultural identity assumed pure, fixed, and coherent.The author of two novels implies the importance of assimilation for immigrant's success in different way. Zadie Smith implies it by showing Samad's identity crisis and failure of finding essential identity. On the other hand, Monica Ali implies it by revealing Nazneen's happiness, as she is willing to adapt herself into dominant culture."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Rifdah Aliifah Putri Aspihan
"Mitos dan legenda merupakan bagian yang bermakna di kehidupan sehari-hari masyarakat Afrika. Artikel ini membahas mengenai kepercayaan tradisional yang terdapat di masyarakat Afrika tak terkecuali Kongo yang sering kali digunakan sebagai dalih atas kekerasan dalam novel Mémoires de Porc-épic (206) karya Alain Mabanckou. Novel tersebut menceritakan tentang bagaimana seorang manusia memiliki sebuah hewan spiritual, dalam konteks ini, tokoh Kibandi memiliki seekor landak sebagai hewan spiritualnya. Perjalanan kisah mereka berputar di pembunuhan-pembunuhan yang dilakukan oleh Kibandi melalui hewan spiritualnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan kepercayaan dapat mengendalikan seseorang untuk melakukan kekerasan dan bagaimana Kibandi melakukan kekerasan melalui hewan spiritualnya sebagai penanda kepercayaan yang ia pegang. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif yang didukung dengan teori naratologi Gérard Genette (1972), teori analisis struktur naratif oleh Roland Barthes (1975), teori relasi kuasa oleh Foucault (1980), teori ekokritik oleh Graham Huggan dan Helen Tiffin (2006) dan konsep kepercayaan tradisional oleh Shweder (1991). Hasil analisis pada akhirnya menunjukkan bahwa terdapat relasi kuasa yang membuat seseorang melakukan kekerasan. Dalam relasi kuasa tersebut ada keterlibatan ilmu kepercayaan yang kemudian kepercayaan tersebut dijadikan dalih untuk melakukan kekerasan.
Myths and legends are a significant part of everyday life in Africa. This article discusses traditional beliefs in African societies, including the Congo, which are often used as an excuse for violence in the novel Mémoires de Porc-épic (2006) by Alain Mabanckou. The novel tells the story of how a human has a spiritual animal, in this context, the character Kibandi has a porcupine as his spiritual animal. Their story revolves around the murders committed by Kibandi through his spiritual animal. This study aims to reveal how beliefs can control a person to commit violence and how Kibandi commits violence through his spiritual animal as a marker of the beliefs he holds. The research method used is qualitative, supported by Gérard Genette's narratology theory (1972), Roland Barthes' narrative structure analysis theory (1975), Foucault's power relations theory (1980), Graham Huggan and Helen Tiffin's ecocritical theory (2006) and Shweder's concept of traditional beliefs (1991). The results of the analysis ultimately show that there are power relations that make someone commit violence. In this power relation, there is the involvement of beliefs which are then used as an excuse to commit violence. "
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja Universitas Indonesia Library
Talitha Khalisya
"Kemerdekaan Kongo pada tahun 1960 tidak berarti kebebasan bagi bangsa Kongo dari pengaruh Prancis sepenuhnya. Di Kongo, kebudayaan Prancis masih menjadi rujukan untuk cara berpakaian yang necis dan gaya hidup yang mewah. Keberadaan komunitas La Sape menjadi sebuah tren untuk mengekspresikan diri melalui cara berbusana bagi masyarakat Kongo. Novel Tais-Toi et Meurs (2012) karya Alain Mabanckou menceritakan tokoh Julien Makambo, orang Kongo yang hidup di Paris dengan mengubah identitasnya menjadi José Monfort demi menjadi seorang Sapeur sejati. Lewat novel ini, disajikan potret mengenai gaya hidup mewah diaspora Kongo yang dengan titel Sapeur yang mereka miliki beserta cara mereka bertahan hidup di sana, meski harus menjadi kriminal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap kedok La Sape yang telah menjadi budaya bangsa Kongo dan cara Sapeur bertahan hidup melalui perspektif wacana poskolonial dalam novel Tais-Toi et Meurs (2012). Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan tekstual dan didukung oleh model fungsional dan skema aktan milik A. J. Greimas (1983). Teori identitas Stuart Hall (1994) dan teori mimikri Homi Bhabha (1994) juga digunakan dalam penelitian ini sebagai dasar dari wacana poskolonial. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa La Sape yang dianggap sebagai simbol kebebasan dari penjajahan justru merupakan peneguhan kolonialisme dan inferioritas yang menyebabkan para Sapeur terus melakukan mimikri pada gaya hidup bangsa penjajah.
Congo's independence in 1960 did not mean complete freedom for the Congolese nation from French influence. In the Congo, French culture is still a reference for dapper outfit and a luxurious lifestyle. The existence of the La Sape community has become a trend for self-expression through the attire of Congolese people. The novel Tais-Toi et Meurs (2012) by Alain Mabanckou tells of the character Julien Makambo, a Congolese living in Paris, by changing his identity to become José Monfort to become a true Sapeur. Through this novel, a portrait is presented of the luxurious lifestyle of the Congo diaspora with the title Sapeur that they have and how they survive there, even though they have to become criminals. This study aims to reveal the guise of La Sape, which has become the culture of the Congo people, and how Sapeur survives through the perspective of postcolonial discourse in the novel Tais-Toi et Meurs (2012). The method used in this study is a qualitative method with a textual approach and is supported by functional models and actan schemes belonging to A. J. Greimas (1983). Stuart Hall's (1994) identity theory and Homi Bhabha's (1994) mimicry theory are also used in this research as the basis of postcolonial discourse. The results of this study indicate that La Sape, considered a symbol of freedom from colonialism, is an affirmation of colonialism and inferiority which causes the Sapeurs to continue to mimic the lifestyle of the colonizers. "
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja Universitas Indonesia Library
Bunga Insyirah Wijaya
"Fenomena Arab Spring telah berlangsung selama lebih dari 10 tahun dan berdampak pada beberapa revolusi di negara-negara Timur Tengah lainnya, termasuk Suriah. Karena konflik berkepanjangan di Suriah, kondisi ekonomi dan sosialnya pun ikut terdampak, menciptakan krisis pangan dan hilangnya rasa aman. Warga yang terkena dampak berat harus bermigrasi, baik secara paksa maupun sukarela, agar dapat hidup lebih aman. Migrasi ini mempengaruhi para migran, terutama remaja muda, pada pembentukan konsep identitas dan kepemilikan mereka. Menggunakan novel fiksi berlatar konflik Suriah berjudul Other Words for Home (2019), artikel ini menerapkan konsep ruang dan identitas untuk menganalisis cara tokoh utama dalam mendefinisikan identitasnya di ruang yang bervariasi. Artikel ini juga menggunakan metode penelitian Wee (2019) yang menggunakan tiga skala spasial, yaitu ruang publik, ruang institusional, dan ruang kamar, untuk menganalisis bagaimana imigran berinteraksi dan membangun identitasnya di setiap ruang. Hipotesis dari artikel ini adalah bahwa hubungan ruang dan identitas saling mempengaruhi satu sama lain dalam konteks konstruksi identitas imigran muda. Temuan artikel menunjukkan bahwa konstruksi identitas imigran muda terjadi sesuai dengan situasi spasial yang ada, karena cara imigran berinteraksi di setiap ruang berbeda satu sama lain.
The Arab Spring phenomenon has been going on for more than 10 years and has had an impact on several revolutions in other Middle East countries, including Syria. Due to the prolonging conflict in Syria, the economic and social situations are affected, creating food crisis and the loss of security. The citizens who are heavily affected have to migrate, whether it is forcibly or voluntarily, in order to live more securely. This migration affected the migrants, especially the young adolescent, on their concept of identity and belonging. Using a fiction novel set in the Syrian conflict, titled Other Words for Home (2019), this article uses the concept of the space and identity to analyze the main character‟s way in defining her identity in the moving spaces. The article also models Wee (2019)‟s research by using the three spatial scales, which are public spaces, institutional spaces, and room spaces, in order to analyze how the immigrant interact and construct her identity on each space. The hypothesis of the article is that space and identity relation are mutually reciprocated in the context of young immigrants' identity construction. The finding of the article suggests that identity construction of young immigrants is spatially situated, as the immigrant‟s way of interacting in each space differs from one to another."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tugas Akhir Universitas Indonesia Library
Sinaga, Oktavannya Hesti Ningtyas
"Televisi merupakan media yang paling banyak dan mudah dijangkau oleh masyarakat umum. Sajian tayangan yang beragam dan dikemas secara menarik membuat televisi digemari banyak orang dari berbagai kalangan usia. Reality show merupakan salah satu program acara yang banyak menarik minat publik. Sajian acara yang berfokus menayangkan aktivitas pemerannya dikemas serapi mungkin agar menampilkan kesan yang nyata sehingga dapat melekat di diri para penikmatnya. Korea Selatan adalah salah satu negara yang memiliki banyak sekali acara reality show, termasuk reality show yang berfokus menampilkan aktivitas sehari-hari imigran yang tinggal di negara tersebut. my neighbor charles adalah salah satu reality show Korea Selatan yang menggunakan imigran sebagai pemeran dalam setiap episodenya. Acara ini banyak menampilkan kehidupan berbagai kelompok masyarakat pendatang, termasuk masyarakat muslim. Penelitian ini menganalisis bagaimana my neighbor charles merepresentasikan kehidupan masyarakat muslim di Korea Selatan. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif analisis konten. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan reality show my neighbor charles menampilkan citra imigran muslim yang tinggal di Korea Selatan dalam dua wajah yang berbeda.
Television is the most widely accessible medium for the general public. The variety of shows that are packaged in an attractive way makes television popular with people of all ages. Reality shows are one of the programs that attract a lot of public interest. The presentation of the program that focuses on showing the activities of the actors is packaged as neatly as possible so that it displays a real impression so that it can be attached to the audience. South Korea is a country that has a lot of reality shows, including reality shows that focus on showing the daily activities of immigrants living in the country. My Neighbor Charles is a South Korean reality show that uses immigrants as characters in every episode. This event showcases the lives of various groups of immigrant communities, including the muslim community. This study analyzes how My Neighbor Charles represents the life of the muslim community in South Korea. The method used is a qualitative method of content analysis. The results of this study show that the reality show My Neighbor Charles displays the image of muslim immigrants living in South Korea in two different faces."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tugas Akhir Universitas Indonesia Library
Marina Deviana
ABSTRAKFilm Shinjuku Incident (新宿事件Xīnsù Shìjiàn) adalah film yang disutradarai oleh Derek Yee (尔冬升Ěr Dōngshēng) dan diproduseri oleh Jackie Chan (成龍Chéng Lóng). Film ini merupakan gambaran kehidupan para imigran gelap yang berasal dari Cina daratan di Jepang. Di dalam film ini tokoh utama Tie Tou (铁头) diperankan oleh Jackie Chan, seorang imigran gelap dari Cina daratan yang kemudian berubah menjadi seorang yang berkuasa di wilayah Shinjuku melalui serangkaian tindak kekerasan yang dilakukannya. Jurnal ini berfokus pada analisis perubahan penokohan Tie Tou sebagai tokoh utama sebelum dan setelah berkuasa di wilayah Shinjuku. Penulis menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan fokus pada analisis karakterisasi tokoh utama dalam film. Penulisan jurnal ini bertujuan untuk memaparkan penokohan Tie Tou yang merepresentasikan keadaan mayoritas imigran gelap Cina di Jepang pada tahun 1990.
ABSTRACTShinjuku Incident (新宿事件Xīnsù Shìjiàn) is a film directed by Derek Yee (尔冬升Ěr Dōngshēng) and produced by Jackie Chan (成龍Chéng Lóng). This film is a representation of the illegal immigrants existence from mainland China in Japan. In this film the main character Tie Tou (铁头) played by Jackie Chan, an illegal immigrant from mainland China who later turned into a ruler in the Shinjuku region through the series of violence that he did. This study focuses on the analysis of the characterizations changes of Tie Tou as the main character before and after dominated in the Shinjuku region. The author uses qualitative research methods with focus on the analysis of the main character characterizations in the film. This journal aims to explain the characterizations of Tie Tou who represented the majority of Chinese illegal immigrants in Japan in 1990."
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja Universitas Indonesia Library
Afilia Tri Hanjani
"Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat xenofobia dari tahun 2012 hingga 2018, pada masa Pemerintahan dua Presiden yaitu François Hollande dan Emmanuel Macron. Pada masa pemerintahan presiden François Hollande banyak terjadi peristiwa terorisme di Prancis yang telah diklaim dilakukan oleh jihadist Islam diluar Prancis, membuat banyak masyarakat Prancis merasa khawatir dan takut kepada imigran. Pada masa pemerintahan Presiden Emmanuel Macron juga terjadi krisis ekonomi, sehingga membuat rakyat Prancis merasa adanya persaingan antara warga lokal dan warga pendatang. Karakteristik kebijakan dari kedua masa pemerintahan berdampak terhadap tingkat toleransi dan juga aksi rasisme yang terjadi di Prancis. Dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif dan teknik studi kepustakaan, penelitian ini mendeskripsikan kebijakan François Hollande dan Emmanuel Macron, dengan kondisi sosial politik pada dua masa yang bertentangan dengan ideologi politik kedua pemerintahan dan sikap terhadap fenomena xenofobia. Di samping itu, solusi yang dibentuk oleh kedua presiden juga dipengaruhi oleh kepada siapa kebijakan-kebijakan tersebut tertuju, yaitu keturunan imigran yang tinggal di Prancis. Maka diketahui, pada masa pemerintahan Emmanuel Macron kehidupan kedua pihak antara masyarakat Prancis dan masyarakat pendatang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan masa pemerintahan François Hollande karena tingkat xenofobia terlihat lebih rendah.
This article aims to determine the level of xenophobia from 2012 to 2018, during the reigns of two Presidents François Hollande and Emmanuel Macron. During the reign of President François Hollande, there were many incidents of terrorism in France which had been claimed by Islamic jihadists outside France, making many French people feel worried and afraid of immigrants. During the reign of President Emmanuel Macron, there was also an economic crisis, which made the French people feel that there was competition between local residents and immigrants. The characteristics of the policies of the two reigns had an impact on the level of tolerance and also the acts of racism that occurred in France. By using qualitative methods and literature study techniques, this study describes the policies of François Hollande and Emmanuel Macron, with the socio-political conditions at two times which contradicted the political ideologies of the two governments and attitudes towards the xenophobic phenomenon. In addition, the solution formed by the two presidents is also influenced by who the policies are aimed at, namely the descendants of immigrants living in France. Thus, it is known that during the reign of Emmanuel Macron, life between the French and immigrant communities was better than during the reign of François Hollande because the level of xenophobia was seen to be lower."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tugas Akhir Universitas Indonesia Library
Ni Putu Widya Astiti
"Penelitian ini berdasarkan novel Jepang Grotesque karya Natsuo Kirino. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif analisis. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori naratif Vladimir Propp untuk memahami karakter tokoh kakak Yuriko, Yuriko Hirata, dan Kazue Satō, dan menggunakan pendekatan psikologi sastra, yaitu teori kepribadian humanistik (hirarki kebutuhan) Abraham Maslow. Penelitian ini menjelaskan ambivalensi berdasarkan konteks psikologi masyarakat Jepang. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui bagaimana bentuk dan penyebab ambivalensi yang menimbulkan konflik dalam kehidupan tokoh kakak Yuriko, Yuriko Hirata, dan Kazue Satō. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa ambivalensi dalam novel Grotesque tidak bisa dilepaskan dari kondisi sosial masyarakat Jepang. Ambivalensi muncul dalam bentuk ambivalensi perasaan cinta dan benci, perasaan homoseksual, dan kehidupan pekerjaan ganda. Kejadian yang dicantumkan dalam novel merupakan reaksi atas realita yang terjadi di Jepang. Novel Grotesque menggambarkan susahnya hidup sebagai wanita Jepang modern yang menempati posisi lebih rendah dari kaum laki-laki.
This study is based on a Japanese Grotesque novel which was written by Natsuo Kirino. This study is a qualitative research that uses the descriptive analysis method. In addition, the study follows the narrative theory suggested by Vladimir Propp to understand the character of Yuriko’s sister, Yuriko Hirata, and Kazue Satō, and uses a psychology of literature approach, namely humanistic personality theory (hierarchy of needs) of Abraham Maslow. The study also describes the ambivalence based on the psychological context of Japanese society. The purpose of this study was to determine the form and the cause of ambivalence that caused the conflict in the lives of Yuriko’s sister, Yuriko Hirata, and Kazue Satō. This study found that the Grotesque novel contains ambivalence that cannot be separated from the social life of Japanese society. This ambivalence occurs in the forms of love and hate, homosexual feelings, and the double work life that are relevant to the realities of the lives of the Japanese people. The Grotesque novel describes how difficult the life of modern Japanese women whose social status is lower than the men."
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library