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Ni Putu Cyntia Suryadewi
"Perceraian adalah peristiwa traumatik bagi anak akan mempengaruhi capaian-capaian anak antara lain pendidikan. Studi ini membahas dampak dari perceraian orang tua terhadap capaian pendidikan anak pada tingkat sekolah dasar dan menengah serta menjelaskan perbedaan dampak berdasarkan jenis kelamin anak dan waktu terjadinya perceraian. Penelitian menggunakan data IFLS 3,4 dan 5 menemukan bahwa anak dari orang tua yang pernah bercerai lebih berpeluang memiliki capaian pendidikan yang rendah dibandingkan dengan anak dari orang tua yang tidak pernah bercerai. Namun, anak dari orang tua yang saat ini berstatus bercerai berpeluang memiliki capaian pendidikan yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan anak dari orang tua yang berstatus menikah. Hasil ini tidak langsung menunjukkan bahwa bercerai lebih baik daripada menikah. Kondisi ini diduga disebabkan karena adanya pengaruh karakteristik ibu dan kemungkinan reverse causality yang perlu diteliti lebih lanjut. Studi ini tidak menemukan adanya perbedaan capaian pendidikan berdasarkan jenis kelamin anak yang mengalami perceraian. Faktor lain yang mempengaruhi capaian pendidikan anak adalah usia saat terjadinya perceraian. Semakin muda usia anak saat terjadinya perceraian, semakin negatif dampaknya bagi capaian pendidikan anak.

A divorce is a traumatic event for children that will affect children's achievement include educational achievement. This study discusses the impact of parental divorce on children's educational attainment at the elementary and secondary levels. It explains the differences in effects based on the child's sex and the time of divorce. Research using IFLS 3,4 and 5 found that children of divorced parents were more likely to have low educational attainment than children of parents who had never divorced. However, children whose parents are divorced were more likely to have higher educational attainment than children whose parents are married. These results do not indicate that divorce is better than marriage. This condition likely caused by the influence of maternal characteristics and the possibility of reverse causality, which needs further investigation. This study did not find any difference in educational attainment based on the sex of the children whose parents had divorced. Another factor influencing children's educational attainment is the age of children when divorce occurs; the younger the child's age, the more negative the impact on children's educational attainment.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan BIsnis Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abel Febriansyah
"Pendidikan merupakan hal yang sangat penting bagi setiap orang, termasuk bagi para anak, capaian tingkat pendidikan anak dipengaruhi oleh banyak hal. Penelitin ini bertujuan untuk melihat pengruh dari waltu pengasuhan orang tua yang diberikan oleh ayah dan ibu kepada anak terhadap capaian tingkat pendidikan anak, karena waktu yang diberikan oleh ayah dan ibu selama mas pertumbuhan anak sangatlah penting. Penelitian ini menggunakan data yang tersedia pada Indonesia Family Life Survey (IFLS). Dengan menggunakan Ordinary Least Square(OLS), penelitian ini menemukan bahwa waktu pengasuhan yang diberikan oleh ayah dan ibu memiliki pengaruh terhadap tingkatp pendidikan anak, namun dibandingkan dengan waktu yang di berikan ibu terhadap anak, waktu yang diberikan ayah memiliki peran yang lebih berpengaruh terhadap capaian tingkat pendidikan anak.

Education is very important aspect for everyone including children. The attainment of childern’s education level is determined by many factors. This study aims to eximine the effect of parenting time given by the fathers and mothers on child educational level as the time devoted by the father and mother during the growth time period is very important. This study utilizes available data in the Indonesia Family Life Survey (IFLS). By using Ordinary Least Square, this study found that time of parenting given by father and mother has an impact on the child education level, but the time given by the father to the child shows a more significant effect on the child education level, compared to the time given by the mother. It implies that fathers have an important role in the achievement of children’s educational level."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dillon Zufri
"Sistem pemerintahan yang terdesentralisasi dikatakan mempunyai dampak yang lebih baik dalam penyampaian pelayanan publik karena pemerintah menjadi lebih dekat dengan masyarakat. Dengan kedekatan ini, maka penyediaan barang publik akan sesuai dengan preferensi masyarakat, sehingga nantinya akan lebih efisien. Kedekatan ini ditunjukan oleh pengalihan berbagai tugas pelayanan publik kepada pemerintah daerah, dimana salah satunya adalah bidang pendidikan.
Namun, temuan dari penelitian ini memperlihatkan bahwa proporsi belanja pendidikan yang dianggarkan oleh pemerintah daerah tidak signifikan mempengaruhi partisipasi sekolah SMP yang saat ini menjadi salah satu tujuan pemerintah dalam Wajib Belajar Sembilan Tahun. Selain itu, besaran proporsi belanja pendidikan yang dianggarkan terbukti lebih bergantung kepada besaran transfer untuk urusan pendidikan dari pusat, dibandingkan dengan kebutuhan masyarakatnya.

In theory, decentralization holds the promise of better provision of public goods and services that are adjusted to local needs and conditions because of the increased proximity between policy makers and their constituents, thus contributing to greater efficiency. This proximity is reflected in the transfer of various public services to local governments, including those related to education.
However, this study shows that the proportion of education expenditures budgeted by local government does not significantly affect affect participation at the junior secondary level, a major component of achieving the nine-years compulsory education goal set by government. In addition, the share of the education in local govermnemt budgets is found to be strongly dependent on transfers from central government instead of being a function of the needs of local communities."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wahyudi Wicaksono
Thesis ini membahas tentang pilihan pendidikan bagi lulusan Sekolah Menengah Pertama di Indonesia. Penelitian ini akan menguji hubungan kemampuan akademik, pendidikan orang tua, ketersediaan sarana pendidikan, dan jenis sekolah menengah atas yang dipilih setelah menyelesaikan pendidikan tingkat sekolah menengah pertama. Pilihan jenis sekolah menengah atas dibagi menjadi sekolah menengah umum, sekolah menengah kejuruan, dan madrasah aliyah. Selanjutnya penelitian ini juga akan meneliti pilihan pendidikan lulusan sekolah menengah atas setelah. Penelitian ini dimotivasi oleh rencana pengembangan pendidikan kejuruan oleh Kementerian Pendidikan. Penelitian ini menggunakan data Indonesia Family Life Survey IFLS tahun 2007 dan 2014 serta Potensi Desa PODES tahun 2002, 2005, dan 2008 sebagai data pendukung. Dalam penelitian ini, penulis menggunakan tiga metode yaitu, Multinomial-Logit, Logit, serta Probit. Multinomial-Logit digunakan untuk meneliti pilihan pendidikan setelah siswa lulus sekolah menengah pertama, sedangkan logit dan probit digunakan untuk meneliti pilihan pendidikan setelah siswa menyelesaikan pendidikan sekolah menengah atas. Kesimpulan yang didapat adalah 1 semakin tinggi pendidikan orang tua, semakin kecil kemungkinan siswa memilih sekolah menengah kejuruan, 2 ketersediaan prasarana sekolah berpengaruh signifikan terhadap pilihan jenis sekolah menengah, 3 pendidikan orang tua juga berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kemungkinan anak melanjutkan ke perguruan tinggi, 4 lulusan sekolah kejuruan memiliki kemungkinan lebih kecil dalam melanjutkan ke perguruan tinggi dibanding lulusan sekolah menengah umum.

This paper is about the students rsquo choice after finishing a nine year primary education in Indonesia. The study will examine the relationship between children rsquo s ability, parents rsquo educational attainment, school availability, and senior high school types attended classified into three categories general academic, vocational, religious MA . Later, we will examine the consequences of different senior secondary types attended to tertiary education entry. This study is motivated by vocational education expansion planning in senior secondary and tertiary education which is initiated by the Government of Indonesia in Ministry of Education 39 s Educational Strategic Planning.The paper uses cross section data from Indonesia Family Life Survey IFLS 2007 and 2014 as primary data and Potensi Desa PODES 2002, 2005, and 2008 as supporting data. Multinomial Logit model is used to examine the senior high school types, Logit and Probit are used to examine the decision on pursuing tertiary education. The main conclusions are 1 parents with high education prefer academic senior high school than vocational high school for their children, 2 the educational facilities availability has a significant impact to the school choice, children who live in a district with vocational school share higher than general school share tend to attend vocational senior high school than academic senior high school, 3 parents rsquo education also has a positive and significant impact to the probability a child attending tertiary education, parents rsquo with higher year of schooling higher possibility to send their children to tertiary education, 4 children who attended vocational senior high school have a lower probability to enrol in tertiary education compared to those who attended general senior high school or MA."
Depok: 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hanna Citra Anafi
"Tingginya tingkat perceraian di Indonesia menimbulkan kekhawatiran terhadap kehidupan anak-anak korban perceraian. Berdasarkan UU Perkawinan, kewajiban orang tua dalam memelihara dan mendidik anaknya dengan sebaik-baiknya tetap berjalan meskipun orang tua telah bercerai. UU Perlindungan Anak juga menyebutkan kewajiban orang tua dalam memenuhi hak anak. Melaksanakan tanggungjawab sebagai orang tua dalam mengasuh anak tentunya membutuhkan biaya, baik biaya hidup maupun biaya pendidikan. Oleh karena itu tunjangan anak merupakan hal penting dalam hal pemenuhan hak anak agar anak dapat tumbuh dan berkembang demi masa depannya. Demi perkembangan hukum, melalui penelitian ini dilakukan perbandingan dengan negara lain, yaitu Australia, salah satu negara yang mempelopori sistem tunjangan anak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari mengenai tunjangan anak sebagai kewajiban orang tua akibat perceraian berdasarkan ketentuan yang ada di Indonesia dan Australia. Manfaat yang diharapkan dari penelitian ini adalah memberikan gambaran umum tentang kewajiban orang tua akibat perceraian yang ada di Indonesia dan Australia serta menambah ilmu pengetahuan tentang tunjangan anak sebagai kewajiban orang tua akibat perceraian dengan menggunakan metode penelitian hukum yuridis–normatif dengan melakukan studi pustaka terhadap data sekunder. Di Indonesia, belum ada penghitungan secara pasti mengenai jumlah tunjangan anak beserta pemungutannya kecuali bagi Pegawai Negeri Sipil. Selain itu, belum ditemukan konsekuensi yang efisien terhadap orang tua yang tidak memenuhi kewajibannya setelah perceraian. Berbeda dengan Australia, negara tersebut sudah memiliki sistem mengenai tunjangan anak setelah perceraian. Dimulai dari adanya departemen yang khusus bertugas untuk menangani penagihan tunjangan anak, formula untuk menghitung jumlah tunjangan anak yang harus dibayarkan, serta berbagai konsekuensi yang akan dihadapi oleh orang tua sebagai upaya pemaksaan agar tunjangan anak dibayarkan. Melalui analisis terhadap putusan pengadilan di kedua negara tersebut, menunjukkan bahwa lebih mudah untuk meninggalkan kewajiban orang tua di Indonesia dibandingkan dengan di Australia.

The high divorce rate in Indonesia raises concerns about the lives of children who are victims of divorce. Based on the Marriage Law, the obligation of parents to care and educate their children as well as possible continues even though the parents are divorced. The Child Protection Law also mentions the obligations of parents in fulfilling children's rights. Carrying out parental responsibilities in raising children certainly requires costs, both living expenses and educational costs. Therefore, child support is essential in terms of fulfilling children's rights so they can grow and develop for their future. For the sake of legal development, this research makes a comparison with other countries, namely Australia, one of the countries that pioneered the child support system. This study aims to learn about child support as a parent's obligation due to divorce based on the provisions in Indonesia and Australia. The expected benefits of this research are to provide an overview of parental obligations due to divorce in Indonesia and Australia and to increase knowledge about child support as a parent's obligation due to divorce by using legal research methods juridical-normative by conducting literature studies on secondary data. In Indonesia, there is no exact calculation regarding the amount of child support and its collection except for civil servants. In addition, efficient consequences for parents who do not fulfill their obligations after divorce have not been found. Unlike Australia, the country already has a system regarding child support after divorce. Starting from a department specifically tasked with handling child support collection, a formula for calculating the amount of child support that must be paid, as well as the various consequences that parents will face in an effort to force child support to be paid. Through an analysis of court decisions in both countries, it is shown that it is easier to abandon parental obligations in Indonesia than in Australia."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Imelda Pujiharti
Nyeri pada anak kanker berdampak jangka panjang dan jangka pendek. Sebagian
besar orang tua tidak mengetahui cara mengkaji nyeri pada anak dan belum
menggunakan skala nyeri yang sesuai dengan usia anak untuk mengukur nyeri.
Pendidikan kesehatan tentang manajemen nyeri yang diberikan kepada pasien
belum terstruktur sehingga informasi yang diberikan tidak optimal. Penelitian ini
bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi dampak intervensi edukasi terhadap
pengetahuan, sikap dan keterampilan orang tua dalam mengelola nyeri pada anak
dengan kanker. Desain penelitian ini menggunakan kuasi eksperimen dengan one
grup pre test post test. Sampel berjumlah 29 orang di RSAB Harapan kita dan
RSPAD Gatot Soebroto yang diambil secara consecutive sampling. Analisis data
menggunakan McNemar dan Uji Chi Square. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan
adanya perbedaan yang signifikan dalam aspek pengetahuan, sikap dan
keterampilan orang tua dalam mengelola nyeri pada anak sebelum dan sesudah
pendidikan kesehatan (pengetahuan, p=0,001; Sikap, p=0,001 dan keterampilan,
p<0,001). Karakteristik orang tua yang berhubungan dengan pengetahuan dan
sikap adalah pengalaman manajemen nyeri. Rekomendasi dari penelitian ini
adalah pendidikan kesehatan tentang mengelola nyeri pada anak sebaiknya
dilakukan secara intensif.
Pain in children suffers from cancer gives effect in short term and long term. Most
parents do not know how to assess pain in children. They have not used a pain
scale based on children age to measure pain. Health education pain management
has not been structured for patients so the given information is not optimal. This
study aims to identify the impact of education intervention to the parent?s
knowledge, attitudes, and skills in managing pain of children suffers from
cancer.This study used a quasi-experimental with one group pretest-posttest. The
sample was 29 people in RSAB Harapan Kita and Gatot Subroto Army Hospital,
taken by consecutive sampling. The data was analyzed by McNemar and Chi
Square. The results showed a significant difference in the aspect of knowledge,
attitudes and skills of parent in the pain management of children before and after
health education (knowledge, p = 0.001; Attitudes, p = 0.001 and skill, p < 0.001).
Characteristics of parents associated with the knowledge and attitudes who have
children suffers from cancer is pain management experience. Recommendation
for this study is the health education about pain management should be carried out
intensively.;Pain in children suffers from cancer gives effect in short term and long term. Most
parents do not know how to assess pain in children. They have not used a pain
scale based on children age to measure pain. Health education pain management
has not been structured for patients so the given information is not optimal. This
study aims to identify the impact of education intervention to the parent?s
knowledge, attitudes, and skills in managing pain of children suffers from
cancer.This study used a quasi-experimental with one group pretest-posttest. The
sample was 29 people in RSAB Harapan Kita and Gatot Subroto Army Hospital,
taken by consecutive sampling. The data was analyzed by McNemar and Chi
Square. The results showed a significant difference in the aspect of knowledge,
attitudes and skills of parent in the pain management of children before and after
health education (knowledge, p = 0.001; Attitudes, p = 0.001 and skill, p < 0.001).
Characteristics of parents associated with the knowledge and attitudes who have
children suffers from cancer is pain management experience. Recommendation
for this study is the health education about pain management should be carried out
intensively.;Pain in children suffers from cancer gives effect in short term and long term. Most
parents do not know how to assess pain in children. They have not used a pain
scale based on children age to measure pain. Health education pain management
has not been structured for patients so the given information is not optimal. This
study aims to identify the impact of education intervention to the parent?s
knowledge, attitudes, and skills in managing pain of children suffers from
cancer.This study used a quasi-experimental with one group pretest-posttest. The
sample was 29 people in RSAB Harapan Kita and Gatot Subroto Army Hospital,
taken by consecutive sampling. The data was analyzed by McNemar and Chi
Square. The results showed a significant difference in the aspect of knowledge,
attitudes and skills of parent in the pain management of children before and after
health education (knowledge, p = 0.001; Attitudes, p = 0.001 and skill, p < 0.001).
Characteristics of parents associated with the knowledge and attitudes who have
children suffers from cancer is pain management experience. Recommendation
for this study is the health education about pain management should be carried out
intensively.;Pain in children suffers from cancer gives effect in short term and long term. Most
parents do not know how to assess pain in children. They have not used a pain
scale based on children age to measure pain. Health education pain management
has not been structured for patients so the given information is not optimal. This
study aims to identify the impact of education intervention to the parent?s
knowledge, attitudes, and skills in managing pain of children suffers from
cancer.This study used a quasi-experimental with one group pretest-posttest. The
sample was 29 people in RSAB Harapan Kita and Gatot Subroto Army Hospital,
taken by consecutive sampling. The data was analyzed by McNemar and Chi
Square. The results showed a significant difference in the aspect of knowledge,
attitudes and skills of parent in the pain management of children before and after
health education (knowledge, p = 0.001; Attitudes, p = 0.001 and skill, p < 0.001).
Characteristics of parents associated with the knowledge and attitudes who have
children suffers from cancer is pain management experience. Recommendation
for this study is the health education about pain management should be carried out
intensively., Pain in children suffers from cancer gives effect in short term and long term. Most
parents do not know how to assess pain in children. They have not used a pain
scale based on children age to measure pain. Health education pain management
has not been structured for patients so the given information is not optimal. This
study aims to identify the impact of education intervention to the parent’s
knowledge, attitudes, and skills in managing pain of children suffers from
cancer.This study used a quasi-experimental with one group pretest-posttest. The
sample was 29 people in RSAB Harapan Kita and Gatot Subroto Army Hospital,
taken by consecutive sampling. The data was analyzed by McNemar and Chi
Square. The results showed a significant difference in the aspect of knowledge,
attitudes and skills of parent in the pain management of children before and after
health education (knowledge, p = 0.001; Attitudes, p = 0.001 and skill, p < 0.001).
Characteristics of parents associated with the knowledge and attitudes who have
children suffers from cancer is pain management experience. Recommendation
for this study is the health education about pain management should be carried out
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Desi Anggraini
"Parent involvement adalah bagian dari elemen family centered care yang terdapat pada elemen partisipasi. Parent involvement merupakan salah satu bentuk partisipasi aktif orang tua dalam perawatan. Orang tua menjadi orang pertama yang berperan penting dalam perawatan anak ketika sakit. Namun perawatan anak di PICU dapat mengubah peran orang tua karena sistem pembatasan kunjungan sehingga dapat menyebabkan stres dan kecemasan pada orang tua.
Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengidentifikasi pengaruh parent involvement dalam pemenuhan kebutuhan dasar anak terhadap stres dan kecemasan orang tua di PICU. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain quasi experiment pre and posttest yang melibatkan masing-masing 20 responden untuk kelompok kontrol dan intervensi. Pemilihan responden dilakukan dengan teknik consecutive sampling.
Hasil penelitian ini menggunakan uji T-Independent untuk melihat adanya perbedaan rerata antara kelompok intervensi dengan kelompok kontrol. Hasil uji statsitik T-Independent diketahui bahwa parent involvement dalam pemenuhan kebutuhan dasar anak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap stres orang tua (p<0,001) dan juga berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kecemasan orang tua (p = 0,002).
Penelitian ini merekomendasikan penerapan parent involvement dalam pemenuhan kebutuhan dasar anak agar dapat meringankan stres dan kecemasan orang tua di PICU.

Parent involvement is part of the family-centered care element contained in the participation element. Parent involvement is a form of active participation of parents in care. Parents are the first people who play an essential role in caring for children when sick. However, child care in the PICU can change the role of parents because of the visit restriction system that can cause stress and anxiety for parents.
The purpose of this study was to identify the influence of parent involvement in fulfilling children's basic needs on the stress and anxiety of parents in the PICU. This study used a quasi-experimental pre and post-test design involving 20 respondents each for the control and intervention groups. The selection of respondents was carried out using consecutive sampling techniques.
The results of this study used the T-Independent test to see that there was a mean difference between the intervention group and the control group. The results of the T-Independent statistical showed that parent involvement in fulfilling children's basic needs has a significant effect on parental stress (p <0.001) and also has a significant effect on parental anxiety (p = 0.002).
This study recommends implementing parental involvement in fulfilling the basic needs of children to relieve parents' stress and anxiety in PICU.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Galih Adi Pramono
"Tesis ini membahas tentang ?Pengaruh Pendidikan Orang Tua, Sosio Ekonomi Keluarga dan Lingkungan Pendidikan terhadap Risiko Anak Putus Sekolah di Kota Bekasi dalam Perspektif Ketahanan Keluarga?. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan observasi dan survei. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan dari variabel pendidikan orang tua, sosio ekonomi keluarga, dan lingkungan pendidikan terhadap risiko anak putus sekolah di Kota Bekasi dalam perspektif ketahanan keluarga. Analisis korelasi menunjukkan ada hubungan positif pada tingkat sangat kuat antara pendidikan orang tua, sosio ekonomi keluarga, dan lingkungan pendidikan secara bersama- sama dengan risiko anak putus sekolah dengan nilai r sebesar 0,986.
Dari hasil analisis regresi juga memperlihatkan bahwa pengaruh yang ditunjukkan pendidikan orang tua, sosio ekonomi keluarga, dan lingkungan pendidikan secara bersama-sama terhadap risiko anak putus sekolah adalah positif dan signifikan dengan nilai R Square sebesar 0,973 dan F hitung sebesar 1123,294. Hal ini berarti 97,3 % risiko anak putus sekolah dipengaruhi secara bersama-sama oleh faktor pendidikan orang tua, sosio ekonomi keluarga, lingkungan pendidikan dan 2,7% dipengaruhi oleh faktor-faktor yang lain. Berdasarkan hasil analisis dapat disimpulkan, jika pendidikan orang tua, sosio ekonomi keluarga, dan lingkungan pendidikan ditingkatkan, maka dapat mengurangi risiko anak putus sekolah dan kesempatan melanjutkan pendidikan menjadi lebih besar.

This thesis discusses about ?The Effect of Parent Educational Background, Family Socio Economic, and Environmental Education to Children Dropout risk in Kota Bekasi in The Perspective of Family Resilience?. This Research using quantitative method by observation and surveys. The results showed that there is a significant effect of Parent Educational Background, Family Socio Economic, and Environmental Education to Children Dropout risk in Kota Bekasi in The Perspective of Family Resilience. Correlation analysis showed there was a positive relationship at a very strong level of Parent Educational Background, Family Socio Economic, and Environmental Education in common with dropout children by r value 0.986.
From the results of the regression analysis also showed that the effect of Parent Educational Background, Family Socio Economic, and Environmental Education jointly against dropout children is positively and significantly to the value of R Square 0.973 and F count of 1123,294. This means that 97,3% dropout children affected by Parent Educational Background, Family Socio Economic, Environmental Education and 2,7% affected by other factors. According with the analysis can be concluded that if The Parent Educational Background, Family Socio Economic, and Environmental Education enhanced accordingly can be reduced Children Dropout risk and the continuing education opportunities will be even greater."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Celine Ayunda Meirani
"Studi ini meneliti dinamika kompleks yang membentuk niat partisipasi berkelanjutan orang tua dalam pendidikan musik anak-anak mereka, dengan fokus pada peran nilai yang dirasakan, kepercayaan, keterlibatan orang tua, dan efek mediasi dari motivasi dan keterlibatan anak-anak. Berdasarkan sampel 165 pasang orang tua dan siswa berusia 6- 16 tahun yang sedang mengikuti pelajaran musik di Indonesia, data dikumpulkan melalui survei online. Temuan menunjukkan pengaruh langsung yang signifikan dari nilai yang dirasakan orang tua terhadap niat partisipasi berkelanjutan mereka, dengan kepercayaan dan keterlibatan orang tua sebagai mediator dalam hubungan ini. Namun, motivasi dan keterlibatan anak-anak dinyatakan tidak memediasi hubungan ini. Meskipun begitu peneliti menyoroti interaksi yang rumit antara konstruk-konstruk ini. Temuan ini menegaskan pentingnya memupuk kepercayaan dan keterlibatan orang tua yang aktif dalam program pendidikan musik anak-anak untuk menjaga keterlibatan orang tua dari waktu ke waktu dan meningkatkan motivasi dan keterlibatan anak dalam belajar musik. Implikasi bagi pendidik musik dan peneliti dibahas, dengan saran untuk meningkatkan dukungan dan keterlibatan orang tua dalam perkembangan musikal anak-anak.

This study examines the complex dynamics that shape parents' intentions for continued participation in their children's music education, focusing on the roles of perceived value, trust, parental involvement, and the mediating effects of children's motivation and engagement. Based on a sample of 165 pairs of parents and students aged 6-16 years who are taking music lessons in Indonesia, data were collected through an online survey. The findings show a significant direct impact of parents' perceived value on their intention for continued participation, with trust and parental involvement acting as mediators in this relationship. However, children's motivation and engagement were found not to mediate this relationship. Despite this, the researchers highlight the complex interactions among these constructs. These findings underscore the importance of fostering trust and active parental involvement in children's music education programs to sustain parental engagement over time and to enhance children's motivation and engagement in learning music. Implications for music educators and researchers are discussed, with suggestions to enhance parental support and involvement in children's musical development."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rahmat Andriansyah
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pengembangan pengetahuan keterampilan komunikasi pada guru sekolah dasar terhadap aspirasi orang tua pada pendidikan anak. Berdasarkan model prediktor putus sekolah, terdapat indikasi pentingnya aspirasi orang tua dalam mencegah putus sekolah. Dalam model prediktor itu pula diketahui ada kaitan penting antara sistem rumah dan sekolah. Peran guru sangat penting dalam mempertemukan kedua sistem ini. Hasil baseline study menemukan adanya permasalahan efektifitas komunikasi bagi guru sekolah. Peneliti kemudian melakukan intervensi yang berupa pelatihan kepada guru. Hasil uji paired t-test terhadap pre-test dan post-test pada orang tua siswa menemukan intervensi yang dilakukan signifikan berpengaruh terhadap perubahan aspirasi sebesar 40,5%.

The purpose of this research is to find out the influence of improving communication skills knowledge in elementary school teachers towards parent academic aspiration to children. From model of drop-out predictors, there is indication about the importance of parent aspiration to avoid drop-out. The same model shows relation between home and school systems. Teacher has a significant role to connect both of systems. Baseline study discover on effectively communication as a problem in teachers. Training had arranged to meet the problem. Paired t-test of parent academic aspiration find out the intervention gives contribution towards parent aspiration up to 40,5%.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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