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Widia Rahayu Nita
"Seiring dengan pertumbuhan mahasiswa, kendaraan yang melintasi Universitas Indonesia (UI) semakin banyak. Pada tahun 2019, kurang lebih terdapat sebanyak 2500 kendaraan keluar masuk area UI setiap harinya. Banyaknya kendaraan yang keluar masuk ini menyebabkan UI menjadi penyumbang besar emisi gas karbon dan hal ini bertentangan dengan visi UI untuk menjadi kampus hijau. Sistem transportasi memainkan peran penting pada tingkat emisi karbon dan polutan di universitas serta transportasi merupakan salah satu kategori dalam penilaian kampus hijau. Dengan adanya hal ini, diperlukan suatu alternatif untuk mengurangi jumlah kendaraan dan pengurangan gas karbon. Salah satu alternatif yang dapat digunakan yaitu dengan beralih dari kendaraan pribadi menjadi transportasi umum. UI menyediakan layanan transportasi umum kampus yang disebut bus kuning untuk memfasilitasi mahasiswa, dosen, staff dan masyarakat disekitar UI ketika berkegiatan didalam kampus. Untuk mendorong seseorang agar mau menggunakan layanan bus kuning, maka dilakukan studi mengenai faktor yang menjadi pertimbangan seseorang untuk menggunakan layanan bus kuning. Studi ini menggunakan second-order confirmatory analysis untuk melihat faktor yang mempengaruhi kualitas layanan bus kuning serta structural equation modeling untuk melihat faktor apa yang mempengaruhi intensi seseorang untuk menggunakan bus kuning. Studi ini memberikan rekomendasi strategi untuk meningkatkan intensi penggunaan bus kuning sebagai alat transportasi dalam kampus berdasarkkan hasil yang diperoleh dari structural equation modeling dan relationship matrix quality function deployment.

As the number of higher education students has been increasing, there are also more vehicles crossing at Universitas Indonesia (UI). In 2019, there was approximately 2500 vehicles going in and out to the UI areas every day. The number of vehicles going in and out caused UI to be a major contributor to carbon gas emissions. This is contrary to UI's vision to become a green campus. The transportation system plays an important role in the level of carbon emissions and pollutants in universities. Besides, transportation is also one of the categories in the green campus assessment. Given this, some alternatives are needed to reduce the number of vehicles and reduce carbon gas. One alternative that can be used is by switching from private vehicles to public transportation. UI provides campus public transportation services called yellow buses to facilitate students, lecturers, staff, and the community around UI when they are active on campus. In order to encourage someone to have an intention to use the yellow bus service, a study was conducted on the faktors that were considered by someone to use the yellow bus service. This study uses a second-order confirmatory analysis to see the faktors that influence the quality of yellow bus services and structural equation modeling to see what faktors influence a person's intention to use a yellow bus. This study provides a strategy recommendation to increase people's intention to use yellow buses as a means of transportation on campus based on the results obtained from structural equation modeling and relationship matrix quality function deployment.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Puti Kemalasari
"Jalur khusus busway merupakan Salah satu solusi yang ditawarkan Pemerintah Propinsi DKI Jakarta untuk mengatasi pennasalahan transportasi yang sernakin pelik Pengembangan koridor busway membutuhkan analisis dan pertimbangan dari berbagai sisi di antaranya biaya di mana Salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi biaya adalah jenis bus yang akan digunakan di koridor yaitu bm tunggal maupun bus gandeng.
Tahap Pertama yang dilakukan di dalam penelitian ini adalah rnenghitung jumlah setiap jenis bus yang dibutuhkan pada setiap skenario jumlah penumpang, dalam hal ini tiga skenario jumlah penumpang, dengan menggunakan simulasi ProModel. Jumlah bus yang diperoleh dari hasil simulasi akan menjadi masukan bagi Tahap Kedua yaitu membandingkan biaya yang harus dikeluarkan antara setiap jenis bus dan memilih jenis bus manakah yang memberikan biaya optimal. Hasil yang diperoleh dari perhitungan dan analisis adalah jenis bus yang dipilih untuk ketiga skenario jumlah penumpang adalah jenis bus tunggal dengan perincian 27 unit untuk skenario 1, 33 unit untuk skenario 2, dan 40 unit untuk skenario 3.

Busway corridor has been one of the solutions proposed by Govemor of DKI Jakarta to overcome the tralic congestion in Jakarta. The development of busway corridor needs analysis and consideration fiom many aspects including cost. One of the factors that affects cost is the type of bus will be used in the corridor, either single or articulated bus.
The research consists of two phases, the Erst phase is counting the number of busses needed for each number of passengers scenario using Prolvlodel simulation Number of busses resulted Rom the simulation will be the input for the second phase, which is comparing the cost between each type of busses and choosing type of bus which gives optimal cost. From counting result and analysis, single bus type is chosen for each scenario; 27 units are needed for scenario 1, 33 units for scenario 2, and 40 units for scenario 3.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Jakarta dihadapkan pada masalah transportasi yang berkaitan dengan kemacetan, jumlah kendaraan pribadi yang terus bertambah, polusi udara yang semakin parah, dampak negatif polusi udara bagi kesehatan, kerugian finansial dan waktu akibat kemacetan, serta pemborosan bahan bakar. Salah satu alternatif dalam menyelesaikan masalah kemacetan sekaligus polusi perkotaan adalah dengan elektrifikasi armada bus pada sistem Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Transjakarta dengan mengganti armada bus existing yaitu bus diesel dan CNG dengan bus listrik. Keuntungan menggunakan bus listrik dibandingkan dengan mesin konvensional atau Internal Combustion Engine antara lain tidak bising, lebih efisien, bisa mengurangi pemakaian bahan bakar minyak sehingga secara langsung mengurangi emisi Gas Rumah Kaca. Studi ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kelayakan ekonomi penerapan bus listrik pada sistem BRT Transjakarta berdasarkan profil rute bus yaitu kecepatan, elevasi jalan, jarak dan waktu perjalanan untuk mendapatkan estimasi konsumsi energi dengan model matematis. Data profil rute diperoleh dengan memanfaatkan sensor Global Positioning System (GPS) pada smartphone dan software GPS logger berbasis android. Penilaian kelayakan investasi menggunakan perhitungan Total Cost of Ownership (TCO), Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR) dan Payback Period. Hasil analisis berdasarkan asumsi siklus hidup 15 tahun, MARR 10% dan bunga 6% menunjukkan bahwa bus listrik masih memenuhi kelayakan ekonomi dengan NPV 292 milyar rupiah, IRR 14% dan payback period selama 8 tahun.

Jakarta is facing transportation problems related to congestion, the increasing number of private vehicles, severe air pollution, negative impact of air pollution, waste of fuel, financial losses and time because of congestion. One alternative to solve the problem of congestion, as well as urban pollution, is by electrification of the bus fleet on the TransJakarta Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) system by replacing the existing fleet of buses i.e. diesel buses and CNG with electric buses. The advantage of using an electric bus compared to a conventional engine or Internal Combustion Engine, are, less noise, more efficient, can reduce the use of fuel oil so that it directly reduces greenhouse gas emissions. This study aims to analyze the economic feasibility of applying electric buses on the TransJakarta BRT system based on bus route profiles, namely speed, road elevation, distance, and travel time to obtain estimations of energy consumption with a mathematical model. Route profile data is obtained by utilizing the Global Positioning System (GPS) sensors on smartphones and Android-based GPS logger software. The assessment of investment feasibility uses the calculation of Total Cost of Ownership (TCO), Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR) and Payback Period. The analysis results are based on the assumption of a 15-year life cycle, 10% MARR and 6% interest indicating that the electric bus still meets economic feasibility with NPV 292 billion rupiahs, 14% IRR and an 8-year payback period."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ray Ferza
Bus Terminal, as a revenue-producing service entity in the regional government jurisdiction, is expected to contribute to the independence of the region in the form of the Regional Governments Own-Source Revenue (Pendapatan Asli Daerah/PAD). However, the performance of the bus terminals levy was less than desirable. Furthermore, due to the change of authority over some type of bus terminals, it no longer able to produce revenue for the Regional Government. The authority to raise levies from the bus terminals motivated the regional government to introduce service innovations for the bus terminals under their jurisdiction. One example of such innovation was Tirtonadi Bus Terminal in Surakarta, Central Java. This study objective was to understand the impact of the terminal services innovations on the improvement of PAD in Surakarta, Central Java. The study used descriptive methods with a qualitative approach. The result of the study showed that the innovation in Tirtonadi Bus Terminal services was in the form of modernization of the bus terminals facilities. The impact of terminal services innovations on the increase of levy collections was not significant. The impact of the innovations on the improvement of services was mainly on the physical aspect. The innovations increase customer satisfaction; however, the number of passengers tend to be stagnant and even slightly decrease. Some problems also appear in relation to the change of authority over the bus terminal, in the form of transfer of personnel, funding, infrastructures, and documents (personil, pendanaan, sarana/prasarana dan dokumen/P3D). The change of the authority has a positive impact on the management of the bus terminal. To reap the benefit, the bus terminal management should be directed to utilize a Public Private Partnership cooperation (PPP), change the revenue base and adopt the transit-oriented development (TOD) approach."
Jakarta: Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kementerian Dalam Negeri, 2019
351 JBP 11:2 (2019)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Al Malik Masahiko Otsuka Mahpud
Penelitan ini bertujuan untuk memberikan usulan perbaikan terhadap
pemenuhan permintaan perbaikan karoseri pada sebuah perusahaan transportasi di
Indonesia. Penelitian ini berfokus pada permasalahan tidak terpenuhinya
permintaan perbaikan pada pabrik perbaikan karoseri di salah satu perusahaan
transportasi di Indonesia. Perusahaan ini mendapatkan permintaan dari sembilan
pool yang tersebar di Jakarta dan Jawa Barat. Sehingga membuat permintaan
perbaikan karoseri yang semakin bertambah. Oleh karena itu diperlukan sebuah
perbaikan pada proses produksi di PT Primajasa Perdanarayautama. Metode yang
digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze,
Improve, dan Control) untuk mendapatkan solusi yang terbaik untuk dapat
diimplementasi. Penelitian ini akan berfokus pada proses painting yang terbagi
menjadi enam aktifitas besar, yaitu pembersihan pelat, efoxy primer,
pendempulan, cat/painting, vernis dan finishing. Perbaikan yang dilakukan akan
memberikan dampak terhadap waktu proses produksi pada pabrik perbaikan
karoseri ini yang akan meningkatkan angka pemenuhan permintaan.
This research aims to propose improvements for achieving the
demand for carrosserie repair for a transportation company in Indonesia. The
focus of this research is about the backlog of demand from its carrosserie repair
factory in one of the transportion company in Indonesia. This company has 9
pools which are spread throughout Jakarta and West Java, the demand came from
these pools this is why the level of demand is high and the reason that this factory
needs an improvement to fulfill its demand. DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze,
Improve, and Control) is the method used in this research, in order to get the best
output that is going to be implemented in this company. Painting process is going
to be the focus of this research, painting process is separated into six big subactivities
which are metal cleansing, primer efoxy, putty, painting, and finishing.
The improvements that are going to be made is going to have impact on its
production process duration which will lead to fulfillment of this company?s
demand.;This research aims to propose improvements for achieving the
demand for carrosserie repair for a transportation company in Indonesia. The
focus of this research is about the backlog of demand from its carrosserie repair
factory in one of the transportion company in Indonesia. This company has 9
pools which are spread throughout Jakarta and West Java, the demand came from
these pools this is why the level of demand is high and the reason that this factory
needs an improvement to fulfill its demand. DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze,
Improve, and Control) is the method used in this research, in order to get the best
output that is going to be implemented in this company. Painting process is going
to be the focus of this research, painting process is separated into six big subactivities
which are metal cleansing, primer efoxy, putty, painting, and finishing.
The improvements that are going to be made is going to have impact on its
production process duration which will lead to fulfillment of this company?s
demand.;This research aims to propose improvements for achieving the
demand for carrosserie repair for a transportation company in Indonesia. The
focus of this research is about the backlog of demand from its carrosserie repair
factory in one of the transportion company in Indonesia. This company has 9
pools which are spread throughout Jakarta and West Java, the demand came from
these pools this is why the level of demand is high and the reason that this factory
needs an improvement to fulfill its demand. DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze,
Improve, and Control) is the method used in this research, in order to get the best
output that is going to be implemented in this company. Painting process is going
to be the focus of this research, painting process is separated into six big subactivities
which are metal cleansing, primer efoxy, putty, painting, and finishing.
The improvements that are going to be made is going to have impact on its
production process duration which will lead to fulfillment of this company?s
demand., This research aims to propose improvements for achieving the
demand for carrosserie repair for a transportation company in Indonesia. The
focus of this research is about the backlog of demand from its carrosserie repair
factory in one of the transportion company in Indonesia. This company has 9
pools which are spread throughout Jakarta and West Java, the demand came from
these pools this is why the level of demand is high and the reason that this factory
needs an improvement to fulfill its demand. DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze,
Improve, and Control) is the method used in this research, in order to get the best
output that is going to be implemented in this company. Painting process is going
to be the focus of this research, painting process is separated into six big subactivities
which are metal cleansing, primer efoxy, putty, painting, and finishing.
The improvements that are going to be made is going to have impact on its
production process duration which will lead to fulfillment of this company’s
Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Catharina Widyadayinta
Transjakarta telah mengembangkan cakupan layanan dengan membuat Transjabodetabek Suburban Service , yang memberikan layanan dari kota-kota pinggir Jakarta ke dalam Jakarta dan sebaliknya. Salah satunya rute Ciputat ndash; Bundaran HI Tosari yang terintegrasi dengan Transjakarta Koridor 1 dan 8. Rute ini tidak menggunakan jalur khusus dan tidak ada halte fisik seperti pada koridor utama Transjakarta.Survei statis maupun survei dinamis dilakukan pada hari kerja, untuk mendapatkan data waktu tempuh dan tundaan, waktu tunggu penumpang, headway waktu antara , serta data ridership penumpang . Kemudian hasil pengolahan data dibandingkan dengan Standar Pelayanan Minimal Transjakarta yang terkait dengan Kecepatan Perjalanan, Kepadatan Penumpang, Waktu Antara serta Waktu Tunggu di Halte sebagai variabel-variabel yang sering menjadi concern masyarakat. Uji korelasi dan komparasi dilakukan untuk menentukan variabel yang paling berpengaruh terhadap kinerja, sebagai dasar prioritas dalam mengembangkan layanan.Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa kinerja bus Transjabodetabek Ciputat ndash; Tosari berdasarkan keempat indikator SPM, belum memenuhi standar yang ada, kecuali indikator kepadatan penumpang. Berdasarkan korelasi Rank Spearman, variabel waktu tempuh paling banyak memiliki hubungan positif dengan variabel tundaan dibandingkan variabel lainnya. Peningkatan kinerja layanan dilakukan dengan penambahan jumlah bus. Dibutuhkan 18 bus untuk mencapai waktu antara bus dilepas dari Pool sebesar 10 menit pada pagi hari dan 13 menit pada sore hari. Dengan mengurangi tundaan, dibutuhkan 15 bus untuk mencapai waktu antara 10 menit pada pagi hari dan 11 menit pada sore hari.

Transjakarta have developed their services scope as Transjabodetabek Suburban Service that operate from greater Jakarta into Jakarta central vice versa. One of the route is Ciputat ndash Bundaran Hotel Indonesia Tosari and integrated with corridor 1 one and 8 eight . This services are not travel on the exclusive lane busway.Static and dynamic surveys are conducted on weekdays to get variable of travel time and delay, waiting time of passenger at the bus stop, headway and ridership of the bus. Minimum Service Standard MSS of Transjakarta will be compared with the result of variable headway, travel speed, and waiting time at the bus stop as concern of all the people of Jakarta. Analysis with correlation and comparison test will do to find the most influential variable on performance as the base of priority to develop services for the people.Analysis results show the performance of Transjabodetabek Ciputat Tosari based on the four MSS indicators has not met the existing standard, except the passenger density indicator. Based on Rank Spearman correlation, the travel time variable has positive relationship with delay compared to the other variables. Improved service performance is done by increasing the number of buses. It takes 18 buses to reach headway the time between the buses released from the Pool by 10 minutes in the morning and 13 minutes in the afternoon. By reducing the delay, it takes 15 buses to reach the headway by 10 minutes in the morning and 11 minutes in the afternoon.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sheren Elvira Belinda
"Seiring dengan peningkatan pengguna smartphone, masyarakat Jabodetabek kini sudah familiar dengan penggunaan berbagai jenis aplikasi, salah satunya adalah aplikasi yang memberikan informasi transformasi secara umum. Aplikasi penyedia informasi transportasi umum hadir untuk membantu masyarakat melakukan perjalanan menggunakan transportasi umum. Hal ini juga sebagai bentuk upaya pemerintah untuk meningkatkan pengguna angkutan umum di Jabodetabek. Namun, masih banyak masyarakat Jabodetabek khususnya pengguna transportasi umum yang belum mengetahui dan menggunakan aplikasi tersebut. Penelitian terkait faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pengguna dalam mengadopsi aplikasi sangat diperlukan untuk terus mengembangkan aplikasi ini. Penelitian ini berfokus pada studi kasus aplikasi Trafi. Analisis faktor-faktor yang terkait dengan proses adopsi pengguna produk aplikasi penyedia informasi transportasi umum akan dilakukan dengan menggunakan model Unified Theory Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) yang dimodifikasi. Analisis akan dilakukan dan data akan diolah menggunakan metode Structural Equation Modeling (SEM).

Along with the increase in smartphone users, the Jabodetabek community is now familiar with the use of various types of applications, one of which is an application that provides general transportation information. Public transportation information provider applications are here to help people travel using public transportation. This is also a form of the government's efforts to increase public transport users in Jabodetabek. However, there are still many Jabodetabek people, especially public transportation users who do not know and use the application. Research related to the factors that influence users in adopting the application is needed to continue to develop this application. This research focuses on case studies of Trafi applications. Analysis of factors related to the process of user adoption of public transportation information provider application products will be carried out using a modified Unified Theory Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) model. The analysis will be carried out and the data will be processed using the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) method.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Good transportasi system ensures the smooth flow of people and goods. At the same time , along the transfer of people and goods, it also occured the spread of the ideas from one place to another. Unwitingly, such conditions have ultimately an impact on the growing of a civilization."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anggit Cahyo Utomo
"Kehadiran layanan ridesplitting memberikan manfaat lebih baik dibandingkan layanan ridesourcing karena menggunakan konsep ridesharing. Untuk meningkatkan potensi layanan ridesplitting perlu dilakukan identifikasi terhadap faktor pengaruh pemilihan moda antara layanan ridesourcing dengan ridesplitting. Identifikasi faktor pengaruh dilakukan dengan kajian literatur dan diseleksi dengan metode skala Likert dan metode Analytichal Hierchy Process. Hasil identifikasi menunjukkan faktor yang mempengaruhi pemilihan moda layanan ridesplitting terhadap ridesourcing adalah penghematan biaya perjalanan, selisih waktu perjalanan dan faktor keamanan yang direpresentasikan oleh parameter gender. Ketiga faktor tersebut digunakan dalam penyusunan survei stated preference untuk memperoleh preferensi dalam pemilihan layanan ridesplitting terhadap ridesourcing dan pengembangan model logit biner. Hasil analisis menunjukkan model penumpang pria lebih sensitif terhadap biaya dibandingkan model penumpang wanita. Penumpang wanita cenderung lebih ingin berbagi perjalanan dengan penumpang wanita lain. Peningkatan potensi layanan ridesplitting dilakukan dengan meningkatkan penghematan biaya perjalanan hingga 30%.

The presence of ridesplitting services provides better benefits than existing ridesourcing services. To increase the potential of ridesplitting services, identification the influence factor of the mode choice between ridesourcing services and ridesplitting must be performed. Identification of influence factors is based on reviewing the literature and selected by the Likert scale method and the Analytical Hierarchy Process method. The results of determining the factors that influence the choice of ridesplitting service modes from ridesourcing are savings in travel costs, difference in travel time and security factors presented by gender parameter. The influence factor is used in survey states the preference for obtaining preference in choosing a ridesplitting service and developing a binary logit model. The analysis shows that man passenger models are more sensitive to costs than the woman passenger models. Woman passengers are prefer to share trips with other woman passengers. Increasing the potential for ridesplitting services is performed by increasing travel cost savings by up to 30%.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hikmawan Bagus Prakoso
"Latar belakang penelitian ini adalah rencana penutupan terminal Lebak Bulus dikarenakan pembangunan proyek MRT (Mass Rapid Transit) yang berimbas terhadap rencana pemindahan bus AKAP (antar kota antar propinsi) dari terminal Lebak Bulus ke terminal Kampung Rambutan.
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menentukan prioritas bus AKAP yang dipindahkan ke terminal Kampung Rambutan dan dampak yang ditimbulkan akibat pemindahan tersebut serta memberikan alternatif solusi terhadap penumpang.
Metode yang dipakai dalam penentuan prioritas pemindahan bus AKAP antara lain berdasarkan analisis proporsi bus AKAP dan analisis karakteristik demand penumpang, sedangkan metode yang dipakai dalam mengetahui dampak yang terjadi, antara lain analisis peningkatan perjalanan dan analisis penambahan beban volume lalu lintas akibat pemindahan bus AKAP.
Hasil penelitian menyatakan bahwa pemindahan bus AKAP diprioritaskan untuk trayek Jawa Barat dikarenakan trayek Jawa Barat merupakan trayek dominan dan memiliki demand penumpang yang cukup besar di sekitar Kampung Rambutan, selain itu pemindahan ini berdampak meningkatkan antrian di sekitar Kampung Rambutan terutama di Pasar Rebo.

The background of this research is the plan of shutdown of Lebak Bulus Terminal because of MRT project which effects to displacement of AKAP buses (inter city and inter province) from Lebak Bulus Terminal to Kampung Rambutan Terminal.
The purpose of this research is to determine the priority of AKAP buses that are moved to Kampung Rambutan terminal and effects that are caused by that displacement and also gives alternative solution to the passengers.
Method that is used in determining priority of displacement of AKAP buses is proportion analysis of AKAP buses and passenger's demand characteristic analysis. Meanwhile, method that is used to know effects that happen is analysis of trip's increasing and analysis of traffic volume increasing as a result of AKAP buses displacement.
The result of this research states that displacement of AKAP buses is prioritized for West Jawa's trayek because West Jawa's trayek is one of dominant's trayek and has passenger's demand that is quite big around Kampung Rambutan. Besides of that, this displacement has the impact to increase queue around Kampung Rambutan, mainly at Pasar Rebo.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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