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Penelitian ini berisi analisis tentang perilaku perusahaan multinasional (MNC) di sektor manufaktur dengan memanfaatkan data Surat Pemberitahuan periode 2009-2016. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa perbedaan tarif pajak antara Indonesia dan negara asal MNC secara signifikan mempengaruhi laba sebelum pajak yang dilaporkan oleh MNC. MNC yang dimiliki penuh dan MNC yang mempunyai keterkaitan dengan tax haven lebih responsif terhadap perbedaan tarif pajak dibanding jenis MNC lainnya. Penelitian ini juga menemukan bahwa penerapan thin capitalisation rule menurunkan respon MNC terhadap perbedaan tarif pajak. Selain itu, MNC di Indonesia secara dominan menggunakan skema transfer pricing untuk mengalihkan laba.

This paper analyses the profit shifting behaviour of Indonesian manufacturing multinational corporations (MNCs) using tax return data over the period 2009-2016. This paper finds that the tax rate differentials between Indonesia and MNCs home countries significantly affect the pre-tax profits reported by MNCs. Wholly-owned MNCs and MNCs with links to tax havens are more responsive to tax rate differentials than other types of MNCs. Further, this study also finds that the responsiveness of MNCs to tax rate differentials decreases when thin capitalisation rules exist. Moreover, the results show that Indonesian MNCs predominantly use transfer pricing schemes to shift their profits"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Harapon Angun Kasogi
"Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk mengidentifikasi pengaruh keringanan pajak melalui pengurangan pajak penghasilan badan dan penghapusan dividen sebagai objek pajak terhadap kebijakan dividen perusahaan terbuka di Indonesia. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa keringan pajak mampu memberikan pengaruh yang positif dan signifikan terhadap peningkatan pembagian dividen kepada pemegang saham. Peningkatan ini menurut tax preferences hypothesis dan tax clientele hypothesis mendorong manajer perusahaan meningkatkan dividen yang dibagikan guna memenuhi peningkatan ekspektasi para pemegang saham untuk menerima dividen dari perusahaan. Penelitian ini juga menunjukkan variabel kontrol yang mempengaruhi pembagian dividen meliputi likuiditas, arus kas, efisiensi dan struktur modal perusahaan.

This research aims to see the effect of tax rellief through reducing corporate income tax and eliminating dividends as a tax object on the dividend policy of listed companies in Indonesia. The research results show that tax relief can have a positive influence on increasing dividend distribution to shareholders. According to the tax preferences hypothesis and tax clientele hypothesis, this increase encourages company managers to increase the dividends distributed in order to meet the increasing expectations of shareholders to receive dividends from the company. This research also shows that the control variables that influence dividend distribution are liquidity, cash flow, efficiency, and the company's debt level."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Irham Kurniawan
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penghindaran pajak perusahaan terhadap kepemilikan kas perusahaan. Penelitian penghindaran pajak baru-baru ini membuktikan bahwa penghindaran pajak mampu memfasilitasi ekstraksi sewa manajerial dalam bentuk pemindahan sumber daya yang dimiliki oleh perusahaan. Maka penelitian ini mencoba untuk menguji secara langsung bagaimana hubungan penghindaran pajak dengan tingkat kas yang dimiliki oleh perusahaan menggunakan analisis kuantitatif. Dengan menggunakan metode purposive sampling, sampel dari penelitian ini adalah 46 perusahaan non-keuangan, non-properti, non-real estate dan non-konstruksi dengan periode penelitian selama delapan tahun, dari 2009-2016, sehingga diperoleh 368 observasi. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga menggunakan dua ukuran kepemilikan kas yang berbeda untuk menguji ketahanan hasil penelitian. Studi ini memberikan bukti bahwa penghindaran pajak tidak memiliki hubungan yang signifikan dengan tingkat kepemilikan tunai pada perusahaan yang go public di Indonesia. Kedua pengukuran dari kepemilikan kas memberikan kesimpulan yang sama terhadap hasil penelitian. Jadi, berdasarkan temuan ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa penghindaran pajak tidak memiliki pengaruh signifikan terhadap tingkat kepemilikan kas perusahaan publik Indonesia.

This study aims to determine the effect of corporate tax avoidance to the corporate cash holdings. Recent of tax avoidance research proves that tax avoidance is able to facilitate managerial rent extraction in the form of transfer of resources owned by the company. So this study tried to test directly how the relationship of tax avoidance with the amount of cash hold by the company using quantitative analysis. By using purposive sampling method, the sample of this research are 46 non financial, non property, non real estate and non construction companies with a period of research for eight years, from 2009 2016, so obtained 368 observations. In addition, the study also used two different cash holdings measures to test the robustness of the research results. This study provides evidence that tax avoidance does not have a significant relationship to the level of cash holdings in companies that go public in Indonesia. Both measurements of the cash holdings give the same conclusions to the results of the study. So, based on this findings I conclude that the tax avoidance does not have a signifficant effect on the level of firm cash holdings in Indonesian public companies."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sigit Prasetyo
"Menggunakan sampel perusahaan yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia periode 2011-2015, penelitian ini mencoba memberikan bukti bahwa financial distress berhubungan positif dengan corporate tax avoidance. Penelitian ini didorong oleh pandangan bahwa pajak merupakan salah satu beban yang cukup berat bagi perusahaan untuk dikeluarkan, sehingga perusahaan terdorong untuk menekan biaya pajak serendah mungkin sehingga keuangan perusahaan tidak terlalu terbebani, perilaku ini disebut penghindaran pajak. Penghindaran pajak memfasilitasi perusahaan untuk tetap bertahan pada kondisi keuangan yang sedang sulit, namun hal ini dapat berdampak pada penerimaan pajak pemerintah. Selain itu ingin dibuktikan juga bahwa terdapat variabel lain yang membuat perusahaan melakukan penghindaran pajak.

Using a sample of companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange 2011 2015 period, the research provides evidence that financial distress is positively related to corporate tax avoidance. This research is driven by the view that the tax is one of a heavy burden for the company to be issued, so that companies are encouraged to keep costs as low as possible so that taxes finance companies are not overburdened, this behavior is called tax avoidance. Tax avoidance facilitated the company to stay afloat in the financial conditions that are difficult, but it can have an impact on government tax revenue. In addition to prove also that there are other variables that make the company 39 s tax evasion.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Prima Afiari
"PT X sebagai sebuah perusahaan outsourcing berusaha mencapai efisiensi biaya dengan cara mengevaluasi beban pembayaran pajaknya untuk melalui perencanaan pajak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis perencanaan pajak yang diterapkan PT X dalam upaya untuk efisiensi beban Pajak Penghasilan Badan, menganalisis manfaat dari perencanaan pajak, dan menganalisis faktor pendukung dan faktor penghambat perencanaan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Selain itu, teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah wawancara mendalam, dokumentasi dan studi kepustakaan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa PT X menerapkan perencanaan pajak eksternal yaitu perencanaan pajak dengan jasa konsultan, terdapat manfaat setelah perencanaan pajak diterapkan dari segi biaya yaitu dapat meminimalkan beban pajak dan dari segi administrasi yaitu dapat melakukan penghematan waktu.

PT X as an outsourcing company strives to achieve cost efficiency by evaluating its tax burden through tax planning. This study aims to analyze the tax planning that applied by PT X in an effort to efficiently Corporate Income Tax Burden. The research used a qualitative approach. In addition, the data collection techniques used were in depth interviews, documentation and literature research. The results of this study indicate that PT X applying external tax planning which is tax planning with consultant services. There are benefits after tax planning is applied in terms of cost that is to minimize the tax burden and in terms of administration that can make time savings."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
R. Mansury
Singapore: Asian-Pasific Tax and Investment Research Centre, 1992
336.24 MAN i
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siregar, Rotua Andriyati
Dengan menggunakan data dari dua puluh dua negara partner selama periode tahun 1999 sampai 2018, penelitian ini menunjukkan pengaruh insentif pajak terhadap Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) di Indonesia. Analisis fixed-effect dan least square dummy variable digunakan untuk menentukan arah dan signifikansi dari insentif pajak dan korelasinya dengan FDI bersama-sama dengan determinan FDI yang lain. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa ketika insentif pajak naik, aliran FDI turun signifikan. Akan tetapi, turunnya tarif PPh Badan yang juga merupakan ukuran dari biaya investasi akan meningkatkan aliran FDI.

Using the data from twenty-two partner countries in 1999 to 2018, this paper presents the impact of tax incentives on foreign direct investment (FDI) in Indonesia. A fixed-effect and least square dummy variable analysis are used to determine the direction and significance of tax incentives in its correlation with FDI together with other FDI determinant. The main finding shows that as tax incentives increase, the FDI flow decrease significantly. However, corporate income tax (CIT) rate which also used as investment cost proxy shows that as it decreases the FDI flow will increase."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"The last amendement of the Indonesia Income Tax Law is referred to as Law Number 17 of 2000 as the amendement of the Law Number 10 of 1994 Concerning Income Tax.
One important amendement is Article 17 paragraph (1) which is concerning the Corporate Income Tax Rate. in the article it is regulated income tax brackets and marginal income tax rate. Corporate income tax levied on taxable income brackets such as regulated in the stipulation is related to the corporate income tax rates. The results from application of the article is being tax owed of the tax payer, which in the other hand is being portion of national revenue. By which, the essence of the research is to identify the effect of the change in corporate income tax rate on the annual investment level and national income accepted from the corporate taxpayer.
Amendement of tax rate causes the changes on owed tax amount and results cash savings as an element of business liquidity that can be use for funding its operation and investment activities.
The back ground problems presented in the research raising three brief questions. The first question, what changes in the tax rate. The second, is the rate amendement inifluence investment level, and the third, is the amendement of tax rate inlfluences national revenue from Corporate Income Tax of PT Antam.
To answer the questions, it is performed a set of research by using the secondary data published by PT Antam. PT Antam is a state owned corporation domiciled in Jakarta, and engaged in mining.
A part of the applied data is quantitative in nature and the others are qulitatives. For gathering data it is used methods of library research. In general, the available data is analized by using descriptive method.
Referring to the topic and variables of the research, the applied secondary data consists of investment data and corporate tax payments from 1997 to 2004. From the library research also gathered the relevant. theoritical back ground supporting the reseach analyses.
Theoretically, the people normally refer investment as the purchase of common stocks or bonds. Economist refers the purchase of new physical assets - purchases that add to aggregate demand as investment. Income taxes are percentage applied on the taxable income. In general, by lowering tax rates workers have a greater incentive to work, investors have a greater incentive to invest, and business have incentive to produce. Economist believes, in the short run, incentive effects are relatively weak, but, in the long run, they can be important. While national income is an amount of fund receipt by the state from any sources such as income taxes.
From the analizes it is founded three conclusions that (1) within the amendement of corporate income tax from Law Number 10/1984 to become Law Number 17/2000 concerning Income Tax, the amendement refering with taxable income brackets only, but not in marginal income tax rate. After the amendement there are still three level of income tax rate available; namely 10%, 15% and 30%; (2) The amendement of Corporate Income Taxes Rate did not influence investment level at the PT Antam. Unless investment level indicates increasing from year to year, the amounts are not proportional with the annual income tax saving as a result from the application of the new income tax rates. Most decisions to enforce investment at the PT Antam is influenced by commercial cosiderations. Investments are intended to explore the available mineral resouces based on the profit expectations, and (3) Theoritically, the amendement of Corprorate Income Tax Rate influences national revenue from income Tax. Income Tax is based on a percentage of the taxable income.
When corporate income tax decreased, at the PT Antam the annual tax payments fluctuate unlinear with the changes in tax rates. According to the data analyses, the tax payable besides influenced by tax rates also influenced by the level of taxable income. While taxable income influenced by the changes in volume of sales, unit prices, exchange rates, expenses, as well as profits as derivative of the increasing in annual investments.
Based on the preceeding conclusions, it is recomended in amendement of tax law that the government authorities preferable putting attention (1) on the significance of decreasing tax payable as a result of corporate income taxes rate decreasing, (2) on performing deep research before the goverment planning the amendment to decrease tax rates to ascertain that the tax rate decreasing stimulate the increasing of corporate tax payers investment, and (3) for not to be ultra pesimistics concerning the tax rate decreasing as long as based on the best design to reach the increasing of investment."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Zaeny Jauhari
Penelitian ini menganalisis temuan audit Pajak pada Kontraktor Migas dilihat dari Aspek Akuntansi, Perpajakan, serta Konsep Migas seperti kesesuaian kontrak, pemenuhan prosedur, serta pertimbangan kekhususan yang mengatur mengenai ruang lingkup Industri Migas. Metode yang digunakan adalah studi kasus pada temuan audit Tahun Buku 20XX pada sample KKKS. Ruang lingkup yang diangkat adalah koreksi Pajak Penghasilan Badan Minyak dan Gas seperti Alokasi Overhead Kantor Pusat, dan koreksi atas Depresiasi. Pajak lain yang diangkat adalah Pajak Pertambahan Nilai PPN atas Facility Sharing Agreement pada Floating Storage Offloading. Penelitian ini menghasilkan temuan bahwa kondisi industri Migas merupakan industri yang spesifik dan perlu diperlakukan dengan mekanisme yang khusus.

The Research Analyzes the tax audit findings on Oil Gas Production Sharing Contrator viewed from Accounting Principle, Taxation, as well as the Oil Gas concept, including the suitability of the Contract, procedural compliance, as well as consideration of the specifity concerning the scope of the Oil Gas Industry specificity. Research method used is case study on the 20XX audit Findings of the PSC. Scope of the research related with Corporate Income Tax Correction generated from Parent Company Overhead Allocation and Corection from Depreciation. Other Tax Issues analyzed is the Value Added Tax VAT of the Facility Sharing Agreement on Floating Storage Offloading. This research show that the condition of the Oil Gas Industry is a Special Industry and need to be treated with Special procedure. "
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Frida Maulidiar
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis implementasi pengenaan pajak
penghasilan pasal 23 atas jasa proyek iklan dan film pada rumah produksi PT
ABC berserta menganalisis perencanaan pajak pada pengenaan PPh Pasal 23.
Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif. Setelah dilakukan
penelitian, hasilnya adalah terjadi perbedaan pemahaman atas dasar pengenaan
PPh Pasal 23 yaitu dikenakan atas bruto dan imbalan. Untuk menghindari
terganggunya alur kas sebaiknya dilakukan perencanaan pajak dengan
menegaskan kesepakatan yang konsisten dan memanfaatkan Peraturan Pemerintah
Nomor 46 Tahun 2013 sehingga dapat dikenakan PPh Final apabila memenuhi
persyaratan yang berlaku.

This research was conducted in order to analyze the income taxation
implementation of article 23 for commercial and movie services project at
production house PT ABC along with analyzing the imposition of tax planning
Income Tax Article 23 . The methods used in this research is qualitative. After
doing research, the result is there is a difference of understanding on the basis of
Income Tax Article 23, namely the imposition of income tax imposed on gross and
fee. To avoid disruption of cash flow tax planning should be done with the
consistent agreement confirms and take advantage of Peraturan Pemerintah
Nomor 46 Tahun 2013 so may be subject to final income tax if it meets the
applicable requirements."
Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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