ABSTRAKPartisipasi masyarakat sangat dibutuhkan dalam sistem manajemen penanggulangan bencana. Taruna Siaga Bencana (Tagana) merupakan unsur relawan dari masyarakat mencoba menyalurkan partisipasi ini. Selain partisipasi masyarakat dibutuhkan juga kolaborasi antar organ penanggulangan bencana baik dari pemerintah maupun dari nonpemerintah.
Penelitian kualitatif ini mencoba untuk mendeskripsikan bagaimana peran Tagana dan pemerintah daerah dalam mitigasi bencana, bagaimana koordinasi pada kegiatan penanggulangan bencana dan bagaimana dampak partisipasi Tagana dalam mendukung ketahanan daerah dengan studi perbandingan di Kabupaten Serang dan Kabupaten Sukabumi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Informan penelitian ini terdiri dari 9 (sembilan) orang yang bekerja pada bidang penanggulangan bencana dan sering bekerjasama dengan Tagana. Teori yang digunakan dari penelitian ini yakni teori manajemen bencana, teori partisipasi, teori mitigasi bencana, teori Kolaborasi dari Berbagai Organisasi, teori ketahanan daerah dan teori pemerinta adaptif untuk ketahanan bencana.
Temuan penelitian menunjukkan pemerintah daerah melalui Dinas Sosial dan BPBD Kabupaten bekerjasama dengan Tagana untuk kegiatan mitigasi bencana sebagai bentuk pemberdayaan masyarakat. Koordinasi antar lintas instansi sudah dilakukan pada 3 (tiga) tahap penanggulangan bencana dan masyarakat memahami tentang kegiatan mitigasi bencana serta turut berpartisipasi pada setiap kegiatan mitigasi sehingga masyarakat siap jika menghadapi bencana. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini menunjukkan peran Tagana dan pemerintah daerah dalam mitigasi bencana sangat signifikan untuk mendukung ketahanan daerah.
ABSTRACTCommunity participation is needed in the disaster management system. Taruna Siaga Bencana (Tagana) is an element of volunteers from the community to try to channel this participation. In addition to community participation is also required collaboration among disaster management organ both of government and non- government.
This qualitative study tries to describe how the role Tagana and local governments in disaster mitigation, how coordination on disaster management and how it impacts Tagana participation in supporting the resilience of the region with the comparative study in Serang regency and Sukabumi. This study using interviews, observation and documentation. Informants this study consisted of 9 people working in the field of disaster management and often in collaboration with Tagana. The theory used from this study that disaster management theory, the theory of participation, disaster mitigation theory, the theory of Various Organizational Collaboration, regional resilience theory and the theory of adaptive governance for disaster resilience.
The findings show local governments through Social Services and Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) cooperation with Tagana for disaster mitigation activities as a form of empowerment. Cross-agency coordination among the already performed on three phases of disaster management and public understanding of disaster mitigation activities and participated in any activities of mitigation so that the public is ready if disaster. The conclusion of this study demonstrate the role Tagana and local governments in disaster mitigation is very significant to support the resilience of the region., Community participation is needed in the disaster management system. Taruna Siaga Bencana (Tagana) is an element of volunteers from the community to try to channel this participation. In addition to community participation is also required collaboration among disaster management organ both of government and non- government.
This qualitative study tries to describe how the role Tagana and local governments in disaster mitigation, how coordination on disaster management and how it impacts Tagana participation in supporting the resilience of the region with the comparative study in Serang regency and Sukabumi. This study using interviews, observation and documentation. Informants this study consisted of 9 people working in the field of disaster management and often in collaboration with Tagana. The theory used from this study that disaster management theory, the theory of participation, disaster mitigation theory, the theory of Various Organizational Collaboration, regional resilience theory and the theory of adaptive governance for disaster resilience.
The findings show local governments through Social Services and Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) cooperation with Tagana for disaster mitigation activities as a form of empowerment. Cross-agency coordination among the already performed on three phases of disaster management and public understanding of disaster mitigation activities and participated in any activities of mitigation so that the public is ready if disaster. The conclusion of this study demonstrate the role Tagana and local governments in disaster mitigation is very significant to support the resilience of the region.]"