Kerusakan integritas kulit merupakan keadaan dimana kulit individu mengalami perubahan di epidermis dan atau dermis yang merugikan. Pada pasien hidronefrosis dan tuberculosis paru kerusakan integritas kulit terjadi akibat peningkatan ureum daran, pemasangan pigtail nerostomi dan reaksi alergi obat atau yang biasa disebut dengan erupsi kulit. Salah satu intervensi untuk mengatasi masalah integritas kulit ialah dengan perawatan kulit yang merupakan keterampilan dasar seorang perawat. Perawatan kulit dilakukan guna meningkatkan kelembaban kulit dan dapat menggunakan berbagai macam produk dengan kandungan emolient. Vaselin album merupakan salah satu produk emolient yang bermanfaat dalam melindungi dan menjaga kelembaban kulit. Tujuannya yaitu menganalisis penerapan intervensi perawatan kulit dengan menggunakan vaselin album pada pasien yang mengalami gangguan integritas kulit. Metodenya dengan menerapkan perawatan kulit setiap pagi dan sore setelah pasien mandi dan dilakukan setiap hari selama 4 hari. Hasil evaluasi hari keempat kulit menjadi lembab, tidak kering dan tidak bersisik. Hasil dari keefektifan perawatankulit inidapat dijadikan sumberi nformasi perawat dalam melakukan tindakan keperawatan mandiri untuk mengatasi masalah gangguan integritas kulit
Impaired skin integrity is defined as a condition which individual skin is prone to harmful changes within epidermis or dermis. Altered skin integrity in hydronephrosis and pulmonary tuberculosis patients is resulted from high concentration of blood urea, nefrostomy pigtail and drugs allergic reaction or skin eruption. Skin care is one of nursing interventions that can be done to resolve impaired skin integrity. Daily skin care routine will increase skin moisture. Emollient content can be used for patient daily skin care. Vaseline album is one of the emollient products that is beneficial in protecting and maintaining skin moisture. This paper was made to analyze the application of skin care interventions by using vaseline albums in impaired skin integrity patients. Vaseline was applied every morning and evening for 4 days after patients had bath. After four days of implementation, patients skin had become moister, not dry and not scaly. The results of the effectiveness of skin care can be used as a source of information for nurses in carrying out independent nursing actions to overcome the problem of impaired skin integrity"
Various types of skin diseases occur in patients with CKD, one of which is dermatitis. This scientific work aims to analyze cases of skin care in CKD patients. This case study was carried out on CKD patients with hemodialysis who experienced complications of dermatitis skin disorders. The results of this study show that skin care with emollient administration, Vaseline Album which must be given 30 minutes before topical corticosteroid administration, namely Mometasone furoate 0.1% can reduce the disturbance of patients skin integrity as evidenced by a decrease in Scoring Atopic Dermatitis score (SCORED) of 31,1 to 19,2. The results of this scientific work show that skin care using emollients, namely Vaseline Album, which was given 30 minutes before topical corticosteroid administration, namely Mometasone furoate 0.1%, can effectively reduce integrity disorders in the patient's skin. The recommendation of this paper is that these interventions can be proven effective in reducing skin inflammatory conditions in CKD patients. It is proven by the reduced signs and symptoms of dermatitis in patients."