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Asyifa Mastura

Penuntasan pelanggaran HAM berat masa lalu bagi masyarakat Aceh begitu penting untuk segera dirumuskan dan dilaksanakan. Kepentingan tersebut tidak hanya untuk menjawab hak korban yang mengalami pelanggaran HAM berat ataupun mengadili pelakunya, namun penting untuk menata kembali masa depan masyarakat Aceh. Penelitian ini disusun sebagai penelitian normatif, dengan menggunakan pendekatan perundang-undangan, konseptual, sejarah dan perbandingan.  Dengan melihat perspektif sejarah, pengetahuan atau teori yang sudah ada mengenai pelaksanaan kebijakan Penuntasan kasus pelanggaran HAM berat di Provinsi Aceh, hingga saat ini tidak ada kemajuan apapun dalam penaganan kasus pelanggaran HAM di Aceh. Dianulirnya Undang-Undang KKR Tahun 2004 dan penundaan pembentukan Komisi Kebenaran dan Rekonsiliasi, membuat Qanun No. 17 Tahun 2013 tentang KKR Aceh tidak jelas keberadaanya. Keberadaan KKR Aceh, hendaknya menjadi solusi dari kekerasan yang panjang sekaligus jalan hukum demi menegakkan keadilan, dimana setiap permasalahan yang dihadapi harus dicarikan solusi bijak, bukan malah menunda-nunda untuk diselesaikan. Presiden sebagai Kepala Negara seharusnya memberikan akan kejelasan terhadap batas waktu Penuntasan pelanggaran Hak Asasi Manusia pada masa lalu agar terciptanya kepastian hukum bagi para korban pelanggaran HAM berat itu.



The resolution of past gross human rights violations for the Acehnese people is so important to be formulated and implemented immediately. The importance is not only to answer the rights of victims who experience gross human rights violations or try the perpetrators, but it is important to reorganize the future of the Acehnese people. It is a normative study, using a legal, conceptual, historical, and comparison approach. By looking at the existing historical, knowledge or theoretical perspectives on the implementation of the policy of resolving cases of the gross human rights violations in Aceh Province, until now there has been no progress in handling cases of human rights violations in Aceh. The annulment of the 2004 The Truth and Reconciliation Commission (KKR) Law and the postponement of the establishment of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission make the existence of Qanun (Islamic Bylaw) No. 17 of 2013 concerning KKR Aceh is not clear. The existence of the Aceh KKR should be a solution to long violence as well as a legal way to uphold justice, where every problem faced must be found a wise solution rather than delaying it to be resolved. The President as Head of State should provide clarity on the deadline for completing violations of human rights in the past in order to create legal certainty for victims of gross violations.

UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sigiro, Atnike Nova
"Dua puluh tahun sejak transisi politik Indonesia pada tahun 1998, kasus-kasus pelanggaran HAM berat yang terjadi pada masa Orde Baru belum dapat diselesaikan. Indonesia menghadapi situasi impunitas, sementara agenda keadilan transisi semakin hilang dari diskursus publik. Disertasi ini meneliti dan menganalisa bagaimana pendekatan advokasi yang dilakukan oleh Lembaga Swadaya Masyarakat LSM dan Komisi Nasional Hak Asasi Manusia Komnas HAM terhadap kebijakan Bantuan Medis dan Psikososial BMP Lembaga Perlindungan Saksi dan Korban LPSK , tidak hanya memperbaiki prosedur dan pelaksanaan kebijakan BMP tetapi juga dapat mendorong kelanjutan agenda keadilan transisi di Indonesia. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa kualitas pemulihan dari kebijakan BMP ditentukan oleh koherensi internal dan eksternal dari kebijakan tersebut. Advokasi yang dilakukan oleh LSM dan Komnas HAM terhadap kebijakan BMP telah menyentuh hal-hal yang menjadi masalah di dalam koherensi kebijakan BMP. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa pendekatan ilmu kesejahteraan sosial tidak hanya bersifat komplementer terhadap pendekatan hukum dalam memandang korban dan hak-hak korban, melainkan justru memberikan perspektif baru dalam memandang fungsi kelembagaan LPSK dan Komnas HAM sebagai Lembaga Pelayanan Manusia.

Twenty year after Indonesia rsquo;s political transition in 1998, gross human rights violations that occurred during the New Order have not yet being settled. Indonesia is facing impunity, meanwhile the transitional justice agendas are disappearing from public discourse. This dissertation studies and analyses how the advocacy approach, which have been used by Non Governmental Organizations NGOs and the National Human Rights Commission of Indonesia Komnas HAM towards the Medical and Psychosocial Assistance rsquo;s policy BMP of the Victims and Witness Protection Agency LPSK , could not only improve the procedures and the implementation of BMP policy, but could also further drive the transitional justice agendas in Indonesia. This research found that the quality of reparation provided by BMP policy was determined by the internal and external coherence of the policy. Advocacy that were conducted by NGOs and Komnas HAM towards BMP policy have addressed the coherences of BMP policy. This research concludes that social welfare approach is not just a complementary to the legal approach in looking at the victims and the rights they are entitled. Instead, it gives new perspective in looking at the institutional role of LPSK and Komnas HAM as Human Service Organizations HSO ."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fazari Zul Hasmi Kanggas

Negara Indonesia melindungi dan menjamin hak asasi manusia setiap warga negaranya sebagaimana yang telah tertulis pada Pasal 28A sampai dengan 28I UUD 1945. Dengan adanya jaminan dari negara atas hak-hak tersebut, bukan berarti negara telah membuka pintu seluas-luasnya kepada warganya untuk melakukan segala macam perbuatan tanpa batas, sebagaimana yang ada pada Pasal 28J UUD 1945. Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender merupakan sebuah penyimpangan dalam perilaku seksual.Beberapa kelompok di negara-negara eropa membungkus bentuk penyimpangan tersebut dengan sebuah “bungkus” yang bernama hak asasi manusia guna justifikasi terhadap prilaku homoseksual dan legalisasi perkawinan sejenis. Dalam penelitian ini mempunyai dua rumusan masalah yaitu; I) Bagaimana pandangan Hak asasi manusia di Indonesia terhadap perkawinan sesama jenis dan perbuatan homoseksual? II) Bagaimana norma hukum yang berlaku di Indonesia dalam menyikapi fenomena perkawinan sejenis dan perbuatan homoseksual kaum  LGBT dengan mempertimbangkan Hak Asasi Manusia? Penelitian ini merupakan penelitan normatif dengan sumber data sekunder. Menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data dengan studi pustaka dan wawancara. Sedangkan analisis data mengunakan analisis kualitatif sehingga bentuk penelitian ini merupakan penelitian evaluatif. Pendekatan yang dilakukan adalah pendekatan konsep, pendekatan perundang-undangan dan pendekatan sejarah. Pada akhirnya penelitan ini menyimpulkan I) berdasarkan cara pandang theosentris perkawinan sejenis dan prilaku homoseksual bukan merupakan hak asasi manusia, sedangkan berdasarkan cara pandang antroposentris, sebaliknya. II) Indonesia adalah negara yang menganut teori hukum alam irasional dengan pandangan theorisentris, sehingga prilaku homoseksual dan perkawinan sejenis sejatinya telah bertentangan dengan Pancasila dan norma hukum yang berlaku. Penelitian ini menyarankan agar Pemerintah Indonesia merumuskan adanya norma hukum yang melarang prilaku homoseksual dan perkawinan sejenis.

The Indonesian state protects and guarantees the human rights of every citizen. Protection of these rights is written in Articles 28A through 28I of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. With the guarantee from the state of the rights possessed by each citizen, it does not mean that the state has opened the widest possible door for its citizens to do all kinds of actions according to their own personal desires without clear boundaries. In Article 28J of the 1945 Constitution, according to Article 28J paragraph (2) of the 1945 Constitution Lesbian Bisexual and Transgender Gay is a deviation in sexual behavior. Some groups in European countries wrap the form of deviation with a "wrapper" called human rights for justification of homosexual behavior and the legalization of similar marriage. In this study there are two formulation of the problem, namely; I) What is the view of human rights in Indonesia towards same-sex marriage and homosexual behavior of LGBT people? II) What are the legal norms in force in addressing the phenomenon of similar marriages and homosexual behavior of LGBT people by considering human rights? This research is normative research with secondary data sources consisting of primary legal materials, secondary legal materials, and tertiary legal materials. Using data collection techniques with literature studies and interviews. While the data analysis uses qualitative analysis so that the form of this research is evaluative research. The approach taken is the conceptual approach, legislative approach and historical approach. The purpose of this study is I) The purpose of writing this paper is to explain more about the human rights perspective in Indonesia in addressing homosexual behavior of LGBT people and same-sex marriage. II) to explain the legal norms in Indonesia in responding to homosexual behavior of LGBT people and same-sex marriage based on consideration of the concept of human rights in Indonesia In the end, this research concludes I) that based on irrational natural law theory with theorocentric views will see homosexual and marital behavior of a kind not part of human rights, but based on rational natural law theory with an anthropocentric view will see this as part of human rights. II) Indonesia is a country that adheres to irrational natural law theory with a theoretic view, so that homosexual and marital behaviors of a kind have actually contradicted Pancasila, Law Number 1 of 1974 concerning Marriage and Law Number 39 of 1999 concerning Human Rights Suggestions from this study suggest that the Indonesian Government formulate legal norms that prohibit similar homosexual and marital behavior.

UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Additya Anshori
"Artikel ini membahas tentang peran dari lembaga swadaya masyarakat Fond Prabo Materi dalam keberhasilannya menangani beberapa kasus pelanggaran HAM yang terjadi di dunia militer pada tahun 2019-2020. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan konsep hak asasi manusia dari Jack Donnelly dan menggunakan metode studi kasus milik Robert Yin. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kasus-kasus yang ditangani oleh lembaga Fond Pravo Materi pada tahun 2019-2020. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa lembaga Fond Pravo Materi memiliki peran penting dalam memberikan advokasi hukum, membantu penyelidikan terhadap penyebab kematian anggota wajib militer, dan memberikan dukungan moral dan sosial kepada keluarga korban.

This article examines the role of the non-governmental organization Fond Pravo Materi in its success in managing a number of human rights violations that occurred in the military in 2019-2020. This research was conducted using Jack Donnelly’s concept of human rights and using Robert Yin’s case study method. The data used in this research are cases handled by Fond Pravo Materi in 2019-2020. The results of this research indicate that the Fond Pravo Materi foundation has a substantial role in providing legal advocacy, assisting the investigation into the cause of death of military members, and providing moral and social support to the families of the victims.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Summary "Making Equal Rights Real brings together leaders from around the world who have been working effectively to increase equal economic and social rights, ranging from rights in the workplace to property ownership and education. The contributors tell the detailed stories of effective approaches to implementing equal rights for racial and ethnic minorities in North America, women in Africa, children in the Middle East and sexual minorities in Asia. They also describe approaches taken around the world to increase equal rights for people living in poverty, for those living with disabilities and for all people seeking the information they need to hold their government accountable for implementing everyone's rights. The book addresses what can be done by policymakers, civil society, non-governmental organizations, lawyers seeking to implement equal rights legislation and advocates working in the community, as well as those developing constitutions and negotiating international agreements"-- Provided by publisher.
Contents Machine generated contents note: Part I. Conventions and Constitutions: 1. Forging effective international agreements: lessons from the UN convention on the rights of persons with disabilities Michael Ashley Stein and Janet E. Lord; 2. Ensuring equal rights in constitutions: public participation in drafting economic, social and cultural rights Jill Cottrell; Part II. Laws and Policies: 3. Putting economic rights into practice: strategies from labor and employment law Benjamin Sachs; 4. Promoting equity in economic rights: the case of gender and land rights Elisa Scalise and Rene;e Giovarelli; 5. Equalizing social and cultural rights: approaches to equity across ethnic and racial groups Grace-Edward Galabuzi; Part III. Budgets and Information: 6. Public access to information: the keystone to claiming and defending rights Agnes Callamard; 7. Government budgets and rights implementation: experience from around the world Ann Blyberg; 8. Budgets, information and participation: civil society approaches to increasing rights accountability Roberto Bissio; Part IV. Case Studies of Successful Cross-Cutting Approaches: 9. An integrated approach to advancing children's rights and participation in Jordan Samia Bishara-Rizeq, Sirsa A. Qursha and Laila S. Abdul Majeed; 10. Working within communities to increase gender equity in Zambia Robyn Wisken; 11. Realizing equal rights in practice for people with disabilities in Argentina and the United States Mary MacLennan; 12. Guaranteeing legal rights for sexual and gender minorities in Nepal Alexandra Lesnikowski.
Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2012
341.48 MAK
Buku Teks SO  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abdul Hakim Garuda Nusantara
"Since the end of World War II. international tow of human rights have a rapid and significant improvement so that Us become the primary source of law wte» state, international organization, and individual faces the human rights problems in all over the world. Efforts from the world community to improve the system of human rights protection achieve its culmination point when the UN diplomatic conference agreed the Rome Statute about International Criminal Court. Indonesia does not ratify that convention because Indonesia already has the law of human rights that is in the Law Number 26 Year 2000, This regulation applied to several cases of human rights violation in Indonesia such as Abilio Jose Osorio Soares case. Soedjarwo case, and G. M. Timbul Sitaen, In those cases, the definition of "a systematic and widespread attack" becomes the main discussion. The Rome Statute applies the principle of "non-retroactive" while the Indonesian human rights law applies the principle of "retroactive "."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Additya Anshori
"Artikel ini membahas tentang peran dari lembaga swadaya masyarakat Fond Prabo Materi dalam keberhasilannya menangani beberapa kasus pelanggaran HAM yang terjadi di dunia militer pada tahun 2019-2020. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan konsep hak asasi manusia dari Jack Donnelly dan menggunakan metode studi kasus milik Robert Yin. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kasus-kasus yang ditangani oleh lembaga Fond Pravo Materi pada tahun 2019-2020. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa lembaga Fond Pravo Materi memiliki peran penting dalam memberikan advokasi hukum, membantu penyelidikan terhadap penyebab kematian anggota wajib militer, dan memberikan dukungan moral dan sosial kepada keluarga korban.

This article examines the role of the non-governmental organization Fond Pravo Materi in its success in managing a number of human rights violations that occurred in the military in 2019-2020. This research was conducted using Jack Donnelly’s concept of human rights and using Robert Yin’s case study method. The data used in this research are cases handled by Fond Pravo Materi in 2019-2020. The results of this research indicate that the Fond Pravo Materi foundation has a substantial role in providing legal advocacy, assisting the investigation into the cause of death of military members, and providing moral and social support to the families of the victims."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
Neier, Aryeh
"Contents :
The movement -- Putting natural law principles into practice -- What are rights? -- International human rights law -- International humanitarian law -- Defying communism -- Rights on the other side of the Cold War divide -- Amnesty International -- Human Rights Watch -- The worldwide movement -- Accountability -- Rights after 9/11 -- Going forward."
New Jersey: University Press/ Princeton & Oxford, 2012
323.4 NEI i
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jakarta: Human Rights Support Facilities (HRSF), 2009
323 HUM b (1)
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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