"Pada masa sekarang ini, perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi yang semakin pesat membuat terjadinya perubahan paradigma di organisasi dari resource-based menjadi knowledge-based. Dari perubahan tersebut munculah tren pengelolaan pengetahuan (knowledge management) yang dalam satu dasawarsa terakhir menjadi salah satu metode peningkatan produktifitas suatu organisasi. Ide utama yang melatarbelakangi munculnya knowledge management adalah persoalan competitiveness (daya saing) perusahaan.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur kinerja knowledge management yang telah diterapkan pada suatu perusahaan telekomunikasi dengan menggunakan metode ANP (Analytic Network Process), menganalisis hubungan yang terjadi antar kriteria pengukuran kinerja, dan mengetahui nilai kinerja knowledge management pada beberapa grup/divisi dalam perusahaan. Sebelumnya dilakukan factor analysis terlebih dahulu untuk mengelompokan kriteria-kriteria kedalam beberapa cluster.
Hasil pengolahan data dari 38 kriteria menghasilkan 5 cluster, yaitu cluster Employee & Product/Service Development, Organizational Success, Systematic Knowledge Activities, Optimalization Internal Process, dan External Relationship. Model ini juga menghasilkan bobot kinerja tiap cluster, tiap kriteria, dan peringkat kinerja dari grup dalam perusahaan.
Nowadays, rapid developments in science and technology make a paradigmatic shift in the organization from resource-based to knowledge-based. These changes emerges the trends knowledge management that in the last decade become one method of increasing the productivity of an organization. The main idea behind the emergence of knowledge management is a matter of competitiveness of the company. This study aims to measure the performance of knowledge management that has been applied to a telecommunication company using ANP (Analytic Network Process), to analyze the relation between the performance measurement criteria, and to measure the score of knowledge management performance in several groups/divisions within the company. Before that, factor analysis was conducted to classify the criteria into several clusters. Results of processing data from 38 criteria produces five clusters, namely Employee & Product / Service Development, Organizational Success, Systematic Knowledge Activities, Optimalization Internal Process, and External Relationship Cluster. This model also produced the performance rating of each cluster, criteria, and performance rating of the group within the company."