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Amalia Ghaisani Putri
Penduduk permukiman kumuh tinggal di lingkungan yang kotor sehingga terpapar patogen yang tinggi, yang ditunjukkan dengan status infeksi yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan di kawasan non kumuh. Perbedaan tingkat pajanan patogen menyebabkan respon imun yang berbeda terlihat dari perbedaan rasio albumin globulin. IgM adalah respon antibodi yang pertama kali disintesis melawan patogen. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat perbedaan kadar IgM antara kedua pengendapan tersebut dan untuk mengetahui apakah rasio albumin globulin memiliki korelasi dengan kadar IgM. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain potong lintang. Sampel permukiman kumuh adalah penduduk wilayah Bantargebang (n = 20) sedangkan civitas akademika YARSI (n = 20) mewakili permukiman non-kumuh. Kadar IgM merupakan data primer yang diukur dengan metode uji imunodifusi radial. Analisis data menggunakan uji parametrik T tidak berpasangan dan uji korelasi Pearson. Hasil kadar IgM di kawasan kumuh adalah 2.11 (1.82-2.41) g / L lebih tinggi dari pada di kawasan non-kumuh 2.07 (1.65-2.49 g / L tetapi perbedaannya tidak signifikan (p = 0.872) Hal ini dikarenakan penduduk Daerah Bantargebang secara terus menerus terpapar patogen karena tinggal di dekat TPA. Paparan berulang terhadap patogen menyebabkan respon imun lanjutan (sekunder, tersier, dll atau respon amnestik) teraktivasi secara dominan sehingga berdasarkan kinematika respon imun IgG disintesis lebih dominan daripada Ketekunan IgM juga dapat menjawab bahwa tidak ada korelasi antara rasio albumin globulin dengan IgM di kedua wilayah tersebut (r = 0.102, p = 0.535) Hal ini disebabkan tingginya sintesis globulin di kawasan kumuh yang mengarah pada sintesis IgG. Fraksi gamma globulin (6%) menyebabkan perubahan kadar IgM tidak menyebabkan perubahan kadar globulin yang bermakna.

Slum residents live in dirty environments so they are exposed to high pathogens, which is indicated by a higher infection status than in non-slum areas. The difference in the level of exposure to pathogens causes different immune responses seen from differences in the albumin globulin ratio. IgM is an antibody response that is first synthesized against a pathogen. This study was conducted to determine whether there was a difference in IgM levels between the two precipitations and to determine whether the albumin globulin ratio had a correlation with IgM levels. This study used a cross sectional design. The sample of slum settlements is residents of the Bantargebang area (n = 20) while the YARSI academic community (n = 20) represents non-slum settlements. IgM levels are primary data measured by the radial immunodiffusion test method. Data analysis used unpaired parametric T test and Pearson correlation test. The result of IgM levels in slum areas was 2.11 (1.82-2.41) g / L higher than in non-slum areas 2.07 (1.65-2.49 g / L but the difference was not significant (p = 0.872) This is because the population of Bantargebang area continues Continuous exposure to pathogens due to living near the TPA.Repeated exposure to pathogens causes the advanced immune response (secondary, tertiary, etc. or amnestic response) to be activated predominantly so that based on the IgG immune response kinematics synthesized more dominantly than the persistence of IgM can also answer that there is no correlation between the ratio of albumin globulin to IgM in the two regions (r = 0.102, p = 0.535) This is due to the high synthesis of globulin in the slum area which leads to IgG synthesis.The gamma globulin fraction (6%) causes changes in IgM levels that do not cause changes in globulin levels meaningful."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Pajanan patogen melalui gastrointestinal pada daerah kumuh lebih tinggi dibanding nonkumuh. Hal tersebut mempengaruhi produksi protein globulin yang salah satunya berperan dalam sintesis IgA. Oleh karena itu, peneliti tertarik untuk mengetahui perbandingan kadar IgA pada daerah kumuh dan nonkumuh serta hubungannya dengan rasio albumin terhadap globulin. Pengukuran kadar IgA dilakukan menggunakan metode radial immunodiffusion test (RIDT), sedangkan data rasio albumin terhadap globulin didapatkan dari penelitian sebelumnya. RIDT bekerja dengan prinsip difusi radial sampel antibodi menjauhi sumur berbentuk silindris. Pada kit, terdapat anti terhadap antibodi spesifik yang akan diukur. Hasilnya berupa ikatan antibodi dengan anti-antibodi membentuk cincin dan diukur diameternya. Nilai IgA dikonversi ke dalam satuan mg/L. Hasil analisis kadar IgA menggunakan uji Mann-Whitney menemukan kadar IgA daerah kumuh lebih tinggi dibandingkan nonkumuh namun tidak bermakna secara statistik (p=0,620). Kadar IgA dan rasio albumin globulin ditransformasi menjadi variabel kategorik dan dikelompokkan menjadi 4 zona. Pada zona 3 dimana rasio albumin terhadap globulin tinggi dan kadar IgA rendah, proporsi subjek didominasi oleh penduduk daerah nonkumuh dibandingkan kumuh (47% vs. 14%). Hasil uji Chi Square menunjukkan perbedaan proporsi subjek tersebut bermakna secara statistik (p=0,041). Hubungan antara rasio albumin terhadap globulin dengan ekspresi IgA dianalisis menggunakan uji Pearson dan ditemukan adanya korelasi negatif yang bermakna secara statistik (r= -0,319 dan p= 0,048). Oleh karena itu, dapat disimpulkan tingginya tingkat pajanan patogen melalui gastrointestinal pada daerah kumuh menyebabkan produksi IgA sebagai respon imun mukosa lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan nonkumuh. Sintesis IgA tersebut berhubungan dengan rasio albumin terhadap globulin karena globulin merupakan komponen penyusun IgA.
Pathogenic exposure in slum is higher compared to nonslum area and mainly occurs through the gastrointestinal. It will affect the rate of globulin production which used as a component to synthesize immunoglobulin A (IgA) Therefore, author is interested to investigate comparison between IgA of people living in slum and non-slum area and the relation IgA expression with albumin globulin ratio. Measurement of the IgA was done using radial immunodiffusion test (RIDT), while the data of albumin globulin ratio was obtained from the previous research. Result of IgA analysis using Mann whitney test shows that IgA level of people living in slum area is higher than non-slum area but not statistically significant (p=0.620). Data of IgA level and albumin globulin ratio was transformed into categoric form and classified into four zones. Zone 3, where the IgA level is low and albumin globulin ratio is high, the subjects proportion found in this zone are dominated by people living in non-slum area (47% vs. 14%). This result is also supported by the Chi-square test that shows a significance difference between proportion of people living in slum and non-slum area found in the zone 3. Next, relation between albumin globulin ratio to the level of IgA was analyzed using Pearson test. The result shows that there is a significant negative correlation between albumin globulin ratio and IgA level (r= -0.319 dan p= 0.048). Therefore, it can be concluded that high level of pathogenic exposure through the gastrointestinal tract in slum area will lead to an increase of IgA production resulting higher level of IgA found in the serum. This IgA production on both populations has a relation with albumin globulin ratio since globulin is one of the constituent component of IgA."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Zatira Novyanti Tasya Elfizri
Pendahuluan: Penduduk pemukiman kumuh dan nonkumuh memiliki pola pajanan pathogen yang berbeda sehingga diduga menyebabkan perbedaan profil imun. Rasio albumin globulin dan komplemen C3, fraksi β-globulin yang berfungsi sebagai pusatkonvergensi sistem komplemen yang merupakan sistem imun bawaan, diduga memiliki profil yang berbeda berdasarkan tipe pemukiman dan pola pajanannya. Metode: Studi potong lintang ini melibatkan masing-masing 20 orang dari penduduk sekitar TPU Bantar Gebang yang mewakili populasi kumuh dan civitas Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Yarsi, Jakarta yang mewakili populasi nonkumuh. Nilai rasio albumin globulin diukur dengan cara membandingkan nilai albumin dengan selisih antara
protein total dengan albumin. Komplemen C3 diukur menggunakan metode radial immunodiffusion. Hasil: Populasi kumuh memiliki nilai rasio albumin globulin lebih rendah signifikan dibanding populasi nonkumuh (p =0,004). 65% populasi kumuh memiliki ekspresi komplemen C3 tinggi (>1275,0) sedangkan 70% populasi nonkumuh memiliki ekspresi komplemen C3 rendah (≤1275,0) (p = 0,027). Rasio albumin globulin dan komplemen C3 memiliki tren korelasi negatif (R= −0,251, p = 0,062). Lima puluh persen populasi kumuh memiliki rasio albumin globulin rendah (≤1,38) dan ekspresi komplemen C3 tinggi (>1275,0) (p = 0,018). Kesimpulan: Terdapat perbedaan rerata rasio albumin globulin dan perbedaan proporsi ekspresi komplemen C3 yang signifikan pada populasi kumuh dan nonkumuh. Terdapat tren hubungan terbalik antara rasio albumin globulin dan ekspresi komplemen C3. Proporsi rasio albumin globulin rendah dan ekspresi komplemen C3 tinggi lebih banyak

Introduction: Slum and non-slum dwellers have different pathogenic exposure patterns that are thought to cause differences in immune profile. The ratio of albumin globulin and C3 complement, the β-globulin fraction that functions as a center convergence of the complement system which is the innate immune system, is thought to have a different profile based on the type of settlement and its exposure patterns. Method - This cross-sectional study involved 20 people from each population around the Bantar Gebang TPU which represents the slum population and the Yarsi University Faculty of Medicine community, Jakarta representing the non-slum population. The value of albumin globulin ratio is measured by comparing the value of albumin with the difference between total protein with albumin. C3 supplements are measured using the radial immunodiffusion method. Results: Slum populations have significantly lower albumin globulin ratios compared to non-slum populations (p = 0.004). 65% of the slum population has high C3 complement expression (> 1275.0) while 70% of the non-slum population has low C3 complement expression (≤1275.0) (p = 0.027). The ratio of albumin globulin and complement C3 has a negative correlation trend (R = −0.251, p = 0.062). Fifty percent of the slum population had a low albumin globulin ratio (≤1.38) and high C3 complement expression (> 1275.0) (p = 0.018). Conclusion- There is a significant difference in the ratio of albumin globulin and a significant difference in the proportion of C3 complement expression in slum and non-slum populations. There is a trend of an inverse relationship between albumin globulin ratio and C3 complement expression. The proportion of albumin globulin ratio is low and the expression of high C3 complement is higher"
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Putu Amanda Yoga
"[Penduduk di daerah kumuh memiliki kemungkinan terpajan mikroba patogen
yang lebih besar daripada penduduk yang tinggal di daerah di daerah non kumuh.
Hal ini dapat dipengaruhi oleh gaya hidup mereka. Apabila terpajan mikroba
patogen sistem imun tubuh akan terpicu untuk melawan patogen tersebut. Salah
satu bagian dari sistem imun tubuh manusia adalah imunoglobulin atau antibodi,
salah satu jenis globulin. Pembentukan globulin ini akan menekan sintesis jenisjenis
protein lain, salah satunya adalah albumin yang sangat diperlukan tubuh.
Oleh karena itu, dilakukan penelitian untuk membandingkan rasio albumin
globulin pada penduduk daerah kumuh dan non kumuh. Penelitian cross sectional
dilakukan pada bulan Desember 2014 yang melibatkan 40 orang sampel dari
daerah kumuh dan 40 orang dari daerah non kumuh dengan metode consecutive
sampling. Berdasarkan hasil pemeriksaan darah yang diuji dengan metode uji T
independen, rasio albumin globulin penduduk di daerah non kumuh lebih tinggi
dibanding rasio albumin globulin penduduk yang tinggal di daerah kumuh dengan
p = 0,000. Dari uji korelasi, didapatkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan antara rasio
albumin globulin dari sampel yang terinfeksi sejumlah jenis patogen dengan yang
tidak terinfeksi namun tidak bermakna secara statistik dengan p = 0,169 dan
koefisien korelasi ?0,113. Rasio prevalensi didapatkan 0,63 CI 95% (0,25-1,60).;People living inside of landfill area have a higher chance of being exposed to
pathogens compared to people living outside of landfill area. This can be affected
by their lifestyle. When exposed to pathogen, human?s immune system will be
triggered to combat the pathogens. Immunoglobulin or antibody, a kind of
globulin, is a part of the immune system. The synthesis of globulin will repress the
synthesis of other kinds of protein, one of them being albumin which is highly
needed in the human body. Therefore, a research was conducted to compare the
albumin globulin ratio in people living inside and outside of landfill area. The
cross sectional study was conducted on December 2014 and involved 40 subjects
from inside landfill area and 40 subjects from outside landfill areas using
consecutive sampling method. From blood examination result that has been tested
using T-test independent method, the albumin globulin ratio in people living
outside of landfill area was higher compared to people living inside of landfill
area with p = 0.000. From correlation test, there was a difference of albumin
globulin ratio between people infected with certain pathogens and those who were
not but was not considered statistically significant with p = 0.169 and correlation
coefficient of ?0.113. Prevalence ratio was 0.63 CI 95% (0.25-1.60)., People living inside of landfill area have a higher chance of being exposed to
pathogens compared to people living outside of landfill area. This can be affected
by their lifestyle. When exposed to pathogen, human’s immune system will be
triggered to combat the pathogens. Immunoglobulin or antibody, a kind of
globulin, is a part of the immune system. The synthesis of globulin will repress the
synthesis of other kinds of protein, one of them being albumin which is highly
needed in the human body. Therefore, a research was conducted to compare the
albumin globulin ratio in people living inside and outside of landfill area. The
cross sectional study was conducted on December 2014 and involved 40 subjects
from inside landfill area and 40 subjects from outside landfill areas using
consecutive sampling method. From blood examination result that has been tested
using T-test independent method, the albumin globulin ratio in people living
outside of landfill area was higher compared to people living inside of landfill
area with p = 0.000. From correlation test, there was a difference of albumin
globulin ratio between people infected with certain pathogens and those who were
not but was not considered statistically significant with p = 0.169 and correlation
coefficient of –0.113. Prevalence ratio was 0.63 CI 95% (0.25-1.60).]"
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"The process of rapid urbanization without handling the problem of housing in the city of Bandung, causing the development of slum villages (slum) and wild (squatter), among others located in the Southern District of District Neglasari Padasuka Bandung. This region increasingly crowded and the population in the area is difficult to control. In addition, economic growth in this area do not visit showed better growth. Housing conditions and environmental quality is also becoming more and more drastic decline. This can not be tolerated and require handling concepts and comprehensive improvement.
Results of research conducted, showing that there are various problems and constraints related to the existence of slums and illegal viewed from the aspect of land use, the status and legality of land, physical and environmental conditions and the settlement of social and economic conditions of the inhabitants. Slum improvement and wild is very dependent on government support provided through policies, including the existence of strict sanctions for every violation. In addition, it is important to involve community participation in the process of slum improvement to the village there is a feeling of belonging to the existence of the environment"
710 JIAUPI 9:2 (2009)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Roselynne Anggraini
Perubahan pada lingkungan makanan dapat mempengaruhi pola makan hingga
meningkatkan resiko obesitas. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengeksplor lingkungan
makanan (paparan promosi makanan dan pemilihan tempat belanja) dalam
kaitannya perubahan pola makan perempuan dewasa di area kumuh perkotaan.
Studi cross-sectional pada 200 perempuan usia 19-50 tahun telah dilakukan di
Kelurahan Kampung Melayu. Pola makan di evaluasi dengan Analisis Cluster dan
Analisis Factor. Studi ini menunjukkan bahwa pola makan perempuan dewasa di
area kumuh perkotaan tidak berasodiasi dengan promosi makanan (durasi
menonton TV dan frekuensi melihat penawaran spesial), melainkan berasosiasi
dengan pemilihan tempat belanja

Food environmental approach to the obesity in urban slum area is important as the
changes to food environment influence the dietary pattern. This study aimed to
examine the association of food marketing exposure and food store choice toward
dietary pattern among urban slum women. A cross-sectional study with 200
women (aged 19-50 years) was conducted in Kampung Melayu village. Dietary
pattern was analyzed by Cluster and Principal Component Analysis. This results
show that food store choice, instead of food marketing exposure (TV viewing and
frequency of seeing special offer), contributed to certain dietary pattern of urban
slum women;Food environmental approach to the obesity in urban slum area is important as the
changes to food environment influence the dietary pattern. This study aimed to
examine the association of food marketing exposure and food store choice toward
dietary pattern among urban slum women. A cross-sectional study with 200
women (aged 19-50 years) was conducted in Kampung Melayu village. Dietary
pattern was analyzed by Cluster and Principal Component Analysis. This results
show that food store choice, instead of food marketing exposure (TV viewing and
frequency of seeing special offer), contributed to certain dietary pattern of urban
slum women;Food environmental approach to the obesity in urban slum area is important as the
changes to food environment influence the dietary pattern. This study aimed to
examine the association of food marketing exposure and food store choice toward
dietary pattern among urban slum women. A cross-sectional study with 200
women (aged 19-50 years) was conducted in Kampung Melayu village. Dietary
pattern was analyzed by Cluster and Principal Component Analysis. This results
show that food store choice, instead of food marketing exposure (TV viewing and
frequency of seeing special offer), contributed to certain dietary pattern of urban
slum women, Food environmental approach to the obesity in urban slum area is important as the
changes to food environment influence the dietary pattern. This study aimed to
examine the association of food marketing exposure and food store choice toward
dietary pattern among urban slum women. A cross-sectional study with 200
women (aged 19-50 years) was conducted in Kampung Melayu village. Dietary
pattern was analyzed by Cluster and Principal Component Analysis. This results
show that food store choice, instead of food marketing exposure (TV viewing and
frequency of seeing special offer), contributed to certain dietary pattern of urban
slum women]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Reza Al Hakim
"Penyakit respirasi termasuk penyebab kematian tertinggi di dunia. Namun prevalensinya pada pemukiman kumuh di Indonesia masih belum diketahui. Penelitian cross sectional kemudian dilakukan di Kelurahan Petamburan, Kecamatan Tanah Abang, Jakarta Pusat dengan teknik cluster consecutive sampling pada 18-26 Januari 2012 untuk mengetahui prevalensi penyakit tersebut dan kaitannya dengan pengetahuan masyarakat, sebagai langkah awal intervensi pendidikan kesehatan.
Hasil penelitian terhadap 104 responden berusia >18 tahun berdasarkan kuesioner: 1) Prevalensi penyakit respirasi sebanyak 5% terdiri dari asma (1,7%), pneumonia (0,2%), TB (2,2%) dan PPOK (0,9%) serta tidak ditemukannya hubungan tingkat pengetahuan dengan penyakit respirasi (p=0,342); 2) Terdapat 3,8% responden dengan tingkat pengetahuan baik, 41,3% cukup dan 54,8% kurang, berdasarkan pengetahuan terhadap penyakit respirasi. Kemudian tidak ditemukan hubungan karakteristik demografi usia (p=1,000), jenis kelamin (p=0,935) dan status pekerjaan (p=1,000) dengan tingkat pengetahuan; 3) Sumber informasi yang sering digunakan adalah televisi dan ditemukan korelasi bermakna antara jumlah sumber informasi dengan skor pengetahuan (p<0,05; r=0,278).
Dalam penelitian disimpulkan masih belum perlunya penyuluhan. Namun perlu ditinjau lebih lanjut hubungan pengetahuan terhadap konsistensi perilaku hidup sehat yang dapat mencegah penyakit respirasi. Selain itu juga perlu diketahui faktor lain yang dapat memengaruhi tingkat pengetahuan, serta perlunya optimalisasi informasi kesehatan respirasi melalui televisi sebagai sumber informasi tersering yang digunakan.

Disease of the respiratory system is one of leading cause of death in the world. However there has not been report about this prevalence in slum neighborhood, especially in Indonesia. Cross-sectional study was conducted in slums area, Kelurahan Petamburan, Tanah Abang, Central Jakarta using cluster consecutive sampling technique on 18?26 January 2012 to know the prevalence of respiratory diseases and its association with level of knowledge as the early step to analyze the need of health education.
The results of research on 104 respondents aged >18 years old using questionnaire: 1) Prevalence of respiratory health problems as much as 5% consists of asthma (1,7%), pneumonia (0,2%), TB (2,2%), COPD (0,9%) and there is no association between level of knowledge and those prevalence; 2) There are 3,8% of the respondents with a good level of knowledge, 41,3% sufficient and 54,8% poor based on respiratory health problems. And the research found that there is no association between socio demographic such as age (p=1,000), gender (p=0,935), employment (p=1,000) and level of knowledge; 3) Frequently used source of information is through television and there is significant correlation between the number of sources information with knowledge about respiratory health problems (p<0,05; r=0,278).
In the study, it was concluded that health education was not yet needed. But the influence of knowledge to the healthy living behavior which can prevent respiratory disease should be analyzed. Besides factors having association with level of knowledge about respiratory health is also needed to be found, and finally it is considered that optimalization of television as the most frequently used source information is needed."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Qisty Afifah Noviyanti
"Ketahanan pangan sampai saat ini masih menjadi masalah dunia, terutama di negara miskin dan berkembang. Rumah tangga yang tidak tahan pangan memiliki kecenderungan untuk melakukan perilaku food coping strategy sebagai respon jangka pendek menghadapi penurunan akses pangan tersebut. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui hubungan beberapa faktor dengan skor food coping strategy di permukiman kumuh Kelurahan Depok. Pengambilan data dilakukan pada bulan April-Mei 2018 dengan subjek yaitu ibu rumah tangga atau wanita pengurus makan rumah tangga yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi. Sejumlah 115 orang responden dipilih secara acak sederhana. Data penelitian diperoleh melalui wawancara kuesioner Coping Strategies Index CSI Maxwell tahun 2008, karakteristik rumah tangga, penerima bantuan sosial, dan Household Food Insecurity Access Scale HFIAS oleh FANTA. Untuk mengetahui hubungan antarvariabel dilakukan analisis menggunakan uji t indepen, uji one-way ANOVA, dan uji korelasi pearson two-tailed. Uji regresi linear sederhana dilakukan untuk memprediksi skor food coping strategy terhadap variabel pendapatan rumah tangga.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sebesar 78,3 rumah tangga melakukan food coping strategy dalam 7 hari terakhir dengan skor rata-rata 11. Perilaku yang paling sering dilakukan antara lain memilih makanan yang lebih murah dan kurang disukai, membatasi konsumsi orang dewasa agar anak bisa makan dan membatasi porsi makan. Dalam penelitian ini ditemukan adanya hubungan bermakna antara pendidikan kepala keluarga p=0,018, pendapatan rumah tangga p=0,000, dan ketahanan pangan p= 0,000 dengan skor food coping strategy. Hubungan antara pendapatan dengan skor food coping strategy adalah semakin tinggi pendapatan, skor food coping strategy semakin rendah.

Food insecurity has been a worldwide issue, especially in least developed and developing countries. Food insecure households tend to do food coping strategy as a response to decrease of food access.This study was conducted to find out the association between some factors with food coping strategy in Kelurahan Depok rsquo s slum area. This was a quantitative research with cross sectional study design which was taken from April to May 2018. 115 housewives or main food caretakers of household whom meet the inclusion criterias was selected by simple random sampling. Data of this study obtained by questionnaires using Coping Strategies Index CSI 2008 by Maxwell, household characteristics, social assistance program beneficiaries status, and Household Food Insecurity Access Scale HFIAS by FANTA. Bivariate analysis was conducted by independent t test, oneway ANOVA, and pearson correlation two tailed. Simple linear regression was done to predict food coping strategy score with household income.
The result of this study showed that 78,3 households had done food coping strategy on the last 7 days with an average score was 11. The most common behaviours were rely on less preferred and cheaper food, restrict consumption by adults in order for small children to eat, and limit portion size. Bivariate results showed a significant association between household head rsquo s education p 0,018, income p 0,000, food security status p 0,000 with food coping strategy. Food coping strategy score and income has shown negative association as every increase of households income, decrease of food coping strategy score.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Helena Taruli
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara kualitas attachment dengan orang tua (parent attachment) dan resiliensi remaja yang tinggal di permukiman kumuh dalam pasca relokasi ke Rusunawa Jatinegara. Parent attachment diukur dengan menggunakan alat ukur The Inventory Parent Peer Attachment (IPPA-Parent) milik Armsden & Greenberg (1987). Resiliensi remaja diukur dengan menggunakan Resilience Scale yang diadaptasi dari Wagnild and Young (1990).
Penelitian menggunakan metode kuantitatif melalui survey dengan pemberian kuesioner kepada 97 responden remaja berumur 11-18 di Kampung Pulo. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang positif dan cukup signifikan antara parent attachment dan resiliensi remaja.

This research is aimed at knowing the correlation between attachment quality with parent and resilience of adolescence in slum areas in post relocation to Rusunawa Jatinegara. Parent attachment is measured using The Inventory of Parent Peer Attachment (IPPA) of Armsden & Greenberg (1987). Resilience of adolescence is measured using Resilience Scale adapted from Wagnild and Young (1990).
The research is conducted using survey quantitative method by handing out questionnaires to 97 adolescents aged 11-18 of Kampung Pulo, East Jakarta. The result shows that there is a good enough correlation coefficient between parent attachment and resilience of adolescence.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Tujuan dari studi potong lintang ini adalah untuk membandingkan konsumsi pangan wanita usia reproduktif (19-49 tahun) yang gemuk dan normal di daerah Kebon Melati, Mangga Dua Selatan dan Pegangsaan yang termasuk daerah kumuh di Jakarta Pusat. Asupan energi total, karbohidrat dan protein jumlahnya lebih tinggi secara signifikan pada wanita yang gemuk sedangkan pada asupan protein dan densitas energi tidak ditemukan perbedaan yang signifikan. Selain itu ditemukan juga dua pola pangan yang secara subyektif diberi nama: pola "lebih sehat" dan pola "kurang sehat". Namun demikian tidak dapat disimpulkan mana di antara kedua pola tersebut yang menjadi pola konsumsi pada wanita yang gemuk dan normal karena tidak ditemukan hubungan antara antara pola konsumsi pangan dengan status kegemukan. Dalam studi ini juga ditemukan bahwa hubungan antara asupan energi dan status kegemukan tidak dipengaruhi oleh faktor-faktor individu lainnya.

The objective of this cross sectional study was to compare food consumption among obese and normal women of reproductive age (19-49 years) in Kebon Melati, Mangga Dua Selatan and Pegangsaan as representative of urban slum areas in Central Jakarta. Energy, carbohydrate and fat intakes in obese women were significantly higher, while protein intake and energy density were not statistically significant. Two dietary patterns were also found, subjectively named: the "more healthy" pattern and the "less healthy" pattern, but it cannot be concluded which of the dietary patterns characterized the diets of obese and normal women since there was no significant association between the dietary patterns and obesity status. This study also found that association of energy intake and obesity was not influenced by other factors.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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