"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memetakan aspek-aspek penilaian dan sub- penilaian kinerja rantai suplai pada beberapa kontraktor di bidang migas, serta memperoleh indikator kinerja pada tingkatan strategik, taktis, dan operasional. Indikator-indikator kinerja rantai suplai dikelompokan kedalam lima indikator utama yaitu Perencanaan, Pengadaan barang dan Jasa, TKDN, Asset Management, dan Kepabeanan. Dengan menggunakan metode AHP (analytical hierarchy process) indikator, subindikator dan alternatif disusun kedalam hierarki kemudian dihitung bobot dari indikator, subindikatro dan alternatif. Hasil dari penelitian ini berupa usulan indikator-indikator yang dapat digunakan sebagi penilain kinerja rantai suplai di divisi SCM industri migas.
This research aims to map aspects of assessment and assessment of the performance of the supply chain on a few contractors in the fields of oil and natural gas, as well as gaining performance indicators at the level of strategic, tactical, and operational. Performance indicators supply chain are grouped into five major indicators, namely Planning, Procurement of goods and services, TKDN, Asset Management, and Customs. By using the method of AHP (analytical hierarchy process) indicators, subindikator and alternate are arranged into hierarchies are then computed the weighting of indicators, subindikators and alternatives. The results of this research in the form of proposed indicators which can be used as supply chain performance evaluation in the SCM Division oil & gas industry."