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Kaisha Tamara
Jalan Tol Cikampek-Padalarang Cipularang membentang pada tebing curam dengan stratifikasi tanah lempung serpih yang memiliki kuat geser tanah rendah pada lerengnya. Pusjatan melampirkan data bahwa pada 23 Desember 2016 tiang P2 Jalan Tol Cipularang mengalami pergeseran hingga 57,02 cm. Pergeseran ini diduga terjadi akibat tanah lempung serpih yang berinteraksi langsung dengan air dari sungai Cisomang. Pergeseran tiang P2 mengindikasikan terjadinya pergeseran struktur pondasi Jembatan Cisomang sedalam 22 m secara lateral yang lebih besar dari penurunan aksial. Untuk itu, dilakukan studi dengan metode analisis balik dalam menentukan pengaruh perkuatan pondasi berupa borepile untuk menentukan pengaruh borepile kepada pergeseran lateral lempung serpih dibantu dengan perangkat lunak PLAXIS dalam menyimulasikan perilaku tanah. Penelitian ini mengajukan kedalaman borepile 35 m dan 60 m sebagai perkuatan pondasi eksisting. Disamping kontribusinya dalam mengurangi pergeseran lateral mencapai 33-68, perkuatan ini memotong bidang gelincir dari lereng Cipulareng dan meningkatkan faktor keamanan FK sebesar 4.7-16.

Cisomang bridge is one of the bridges connecting Jakarta and Bandung through Cikampek Padalarang Cipularang Highway. The Road and Bridge 39s Research and Development Center PUSJATAN presents data that on December 23rd, 2016 Pier P2 of Cipularang Highway is shifted for 57,02 cm. This movement is suspected occurred due to decreasing of clayshale 39 s shear strength caused by Cisomang River 39 s seepage. Pier P2 movement indicates more massive lateral displacement of Cisomang Bridge 39 s foundation for 22 m depth than its settlement. Accordingly, we study trough back analysis method for determining the impact of bore pile to lateral displacement on clayshale using PLAXIS to simulate the behavior of soil. This research proposes 35 m and 60 m depth bore pile to be a foundation reinforcement. Aside from its contribution on decreasing lateral displacement of existing foundation up to 33 68 , this reinforcement cut the slip surface of Cipularang slope and increase its safety factor SF for 4.7 16."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Deks Sazha Salsabil
"Salah satu permasalahan yang terjadi akibat kompleksitas tanah adalah pergeseran pada lereng Jembatan Cisomang yang berada pada Jalan Tol Purbaleunyi KM 100 700 Cikampek-Padalarang. Peninjauan yang dilakukan oleh Pusjatan menunjukkan adanya pergeseran/deformasi lateral lereng sebesar 57,02 cm yang dapat menyebabkan keruntuhan/kegagalan struktur jembatan. Hal ini diduga karena adanya degradasi kekuatan dari jenis tanah clayshale akibat infiltrasi air Sungai Cisomang. Clayshale adalah jenis tanah yang sangat sensitif dan kompleks akibat kandungan montmorillonite didalamnya. Sehingga memiliki karakter kembang susut yang besar akibat perubahan kadar air yang ada.
Untuk itu dalam penelitian ini dilakukan analisis pengaruh perkuatan lereng dengan metode penambahan borepile sebagai dinding penahan tanah. Selain itu juga dilakukan analisis balik terkait kondisi struktural pondasi eksisting dari Jembatan Cisomang, khususnya pada titik P2, akibat deformasi yang terjadi. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan pemodelan tiga dimensi metode elemen hingga finite element method dalam menyimulasikan kondisi tanah yang ada.
Hasil analisis didapatkan bahwa dengan beberapa variasi penambahan borepile sebagai perkuatan lereng, dapat mengurangi deformasi lateral yang terjadi. Hasil lainnya yang didapatkan adalah, banyak pondasi eksisting terutama di titik P2 jembatan yang telah mengalami kegagalan/keruntuhan struktur akibat deformasi lateral. Dari hal tersebut maka diperlukan perkuatan lereng Jembatan Cisomang serta analisis lebih lanjut terkait perbaikan pondasi eksisting.

One of the problem caused by the complexity of soil is the deformation of Cisomang Bridge rsquo s slope on Purbaleunyi Highway KM 100 700 Cikampek Padalarang. The observation done by Pusjatan stated there is 57,02 cm lateral deformation happened that can cause structural failure of the bridge. This is happened because there is soil strength reduction of the clayshale caused by infiltration of water from Cisomang river. Clayshale is one of the sensitive and complex kind of soil because of montmorillonite mineral inside. So this kind of soil has big shrinkage characteristic based on change of the water content.
Because of that, this research analyze the influence of reinforced slope by bore pile as retaining wall. Furthermore, this also analyze the structural condition of existing foundation of the bridge, especially on P2 point. This research is done by 3 dimensional modelling of finite element method to simulate the condition of the soil.
The analysis result is, from some variation of the bore pile as retaining wall, can decrease the lateral deformation happened. In addition, it is also obtained that a lot of existing foundations on P2 point that have structural failure because of the lateral deformation. According to those analyses, it is necessary to reinforce the slope of Cisomang Bridge, and also it is needed to have further analysis of the existing foundation reparation.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Fenomena scouring telah menjadi penyebab banyaknya jembatan yang rusak di dunia. Fenomena scouring ini terdapat berbagai macam seperti local scour dan contraction scour. Penelitian ini berfokus pada fenomena pier scouring. Terdapat berbagai persamaan di dunia untuk melakukan perhitungan pier scouring, diantaranya persamaan CSU, Frochelin dan lainnya. Diperlukan simulator untuk memudahkan perhitungan pier scouring, digunakan aplikasi HEC-RAS untuk melakukan simulasi pier scouring. Penelitian ini menvalidasi perhitungan pier scouring pada HEC-RAS dengan membandingkan hasil simulasi HEC-RAS dengan hasil eksperimen dan persamaan CSU. Simulator diuji dengan menggunakan data eksperimen yang telah dilakukan oleh Shukri pada tahun 2017 yaitu eksperimen Study of Local Scour Depth around Cylicndrical Bridge Pier. Pembuatan simulator dilakukan dengan mentukan nilai range input dari variabel yang diduga sensitif terhadap kedalaman pier scouring. Variabel yang sensitif ditentukan dengan melakukan sensitivity analysis terhadap variabel input pada HEC-RAS dengan menggunakan metode koefisien korelasi Pearson dan analisa regresi. Error propagation dilakukan untuk mendapatkan nilai uncertainty dari pier scouring akibat pengaruh variabel yang sensitif. Validasi dilakukan dengan membandingkan nilai expected value dari pier scouring hasil HEC-RAS dengan hasil eksperimen Shukri dan persamaan CSU.

The scouring phenomenon has been the cause of many damaged bridges in the world. This scouring phenomenon has various kinds such as local scour and contraction scour. This study focuses on the pier scouring phenomenon. There are various equations in the world for calculating pier scouring, including CSU equations, Frochelin and others. A simulator is needed to facilitate the calculation of pier scouring, the HEC-RAS application is used to simulate pier scouring. This study validates the pier scouring calculation on HEC-RAS by comparing the simulation results of HEC-RAS with the results of experiments and CSU equations. The simulator was tested using experimental data that had been carried out by Shukri in 2017, namely the experiment Study of Local Scour Depth around Cylicndrical Bridge Pier. Making a simulator is done by determining the input range value of the variable that is suspected to be sensitive to the depth of pier scouring. Sensitive variables are determined by conducting sensitivity analysis of the input variables on HEC-RAS using the Pearson correlation coefficient method and regression analysis. Error propagation is done to get the uncertainty value from pier scouring due to the influence of sensitive variables. Validation is done by comparing the expected value of pier scouring results of HEC-RAS with the results of Shukri's experiment and CSU equation."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rinda Karlinasari
"The bearing capacity of footings on level ground can be predicted by different calculation methods, using the results of laboratory or in situ tests. In the other side the effects of proximity to a slope are poorly understood.
This study was performed as a research on the bearing capacity of foundation on slope, in particular the influence of the internal angle of. friction (Φ), the cohesion (c) of the soil and the eccentricity of the load applied have been analyzed.
The study was conducted using a numerical method that is based on the Finite Difference Method. Building the problem in this numerical method was studied first, then the validation of the code was obtained by comparison to experimental results available. Further the influence of the particular parameters was then studied and analyzed.
The model used is the Mohr-Coulomb model as an approach to the behavior of soil with parameters very easy to define from laboratory tests.
The analysis of the result was performed with making a comparison to the theory or the experimental results available."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hamid Syami
"Jembatan sembayat pada fase konstruksi membutuhkan shoring sebagai penyangga sementara dari struktur yang membentang melewati sungai, shoring dibuat dengan tiang pancang yang dipancang didasar sungai. terjadinya banjir membuat sebagian shoring hanyut terbawa sungai karena tidak mampu menahan beban lateral akibat arus sungai yang bertambah. berdasarkan pendekatan manning kecepatan aliran selama banjir terjadi 23 November-6 Desember adalah sekitar 13 m/s-14 m/s, kemudian gaya yang disebabkan oleh banjir pada tiap tiang dimodelkan dengan ANSYS FLUENT, lalu setelah didapatkan gaya dibuat pemodelan interaksi tanah tiang menggunakan MIDAS GTS-NX. Penelitian ini meninjau persebaran gaya yang diterima tiang akibat beban air, dan deformasi yang terjadi pada tiang, kemudian penambahan kedalaman dilakukan untuk melihat efeknya terhadap deformasi puncak pada tiang grup, dan meneliti keberadaan efisiensi lateral pada tiang grup akibat pembebanan akibat arus sungai.

Bridge of sembayat, in the construction stages, need shoring for temporary support to structural slab which is span over the river of bengawan solo, shoring made of driven steel pipe that embedded below river floor, the happening of the flood cause the shoring to drift because of fracture or excessive deformation, induced, by the lateral load of river current. Based on Manning approach, the velocity of river during the flood between 23 November 2016 until 6 December 2016 is around 13 m/s to 14 m/s. The force induced by the river current modelled with ANSYS FLUENT , than the force obtained, used for modelling the interaction of soil pile with MIDAS GTS NX. This research observe the distibution of force along the pile configuration, and deformation which happened at pile because of lateral load from river current, then author increase the depth of embedment of the pile to review the effect of depth of embedment to top deflection, final, author reviewing wheter pile lateral efficiency hapened at the pile in the group configuration. "
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Della Anggraeni
"Emas merupakan komoditas logam yang dibutuhkan berbagai sektor industri, sehingga permintaan produksinya kian meningkat. Salah satu faktor yang perlu diperhatikan dalam pelaksanaan produksi emas di pertambangan terbuka adalah faktor keselamatan. Faktor keselamatan erat kaitannya dengan masalah kestabilan lereng, di mana keadaan lereng yang tidak stabil berpotensi mengakibatkan keruntuhan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis kualitas massa batuan, tipe keruntuhan, dan kondisi kestabilan lereng pada setiap lereng tunggal di lokasi penelitian. Penelitian ini dimulai dengan pengambilan data yang meliputi orientasi bidang diskontinuitas, geometri lereng, sampel batuan, pengujian kuat tekan batuan, dan data sekunder lainnya. Data tersebut kemudian diintegrasikan dan diolah untuk mengetahui nilai kualitas massa batuan, analisis kinematika, dan analisis kestabilan lereng. Pengolahan data kestabilan lereng mengacu pada kerentanan lereng terhadap keruntuhan non-circular dilakukan melalui simulasi perangkat lunak Swedge, dan RocPlane. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa kualitas massa batuan di daerah penelitian termasuk ke dalam kelas II (good rock). Tipe keruntuhan non-circular yang didapatkan melalui analisis kinematika menunjukkan bahwa keruntuhan baji berpotensi terjadi pada setiap lereng tunggal di lokasi penelitian. Potensi keruntuhan planar juga ditemukan pada lereng tunggal 2. Kestabilan lereng daerah penelitian menunjukkan kondisi stabil dan aman, dimana nilai faktor keamanan yang didapatkan bernilai lebih dari 1,3 (FK>1,3).

Gold is a metal commodity that is needed by various industrial sectors, so demand for its production is increasing. One factor that needs to be considered when implementing gold production in open-pit mining is the safety factor. The safety factor is closely related to the problem of slope stability, where an unstable slope has the potential to cause collapse. The aim of this research is to determine the quality of the rock mass, type of failure, and slope stability conditions on each single slope at the research location. This research began with data collection which included discontinuity plane orientation, slope geometry, rock samples, rock compressive strength testing, and other secondary data. The data is then integrated and processed to determine rock mass quality values, kinematic analysis and slope stability analysis. Processing of slope stability data which refers to the vulnerability of slopes to non-circular failure is carried out through Swedge and RocPlane software simulations. The analysis results show that the quality of the rock mass in the research area is included in class II (good rock). The non-circular failure type obtained through kinematic analysis shows that wedge failure has the potential to occur on every single slope at the research location. The potential for planar collapse was also found on single slope 2. The stability of the slope in the research area showed a stable and safe condition, where the safety factor value obtained was more than 1.3 (FK>1.3)."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bowles, Joseph E.
Jakarta: Erlangga, 1988
624.15 BOW f
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Alexandria Dwiartha
"Perencanaan desain dari suatu lereng tambang umumnya dihadapi oleh berbagai permasalahan seperti ketidakpastian pada data sifat fisik dan mekanik batuan untuk melakukan analisis kestabilan lereng. Metode probabilistik menawarkan cara yang lebih sistematis dalam menangani ketidakpastian tersebut juga sebagai preferensi untuk mengetahui informasi probabilitas kelongsoran (PK) dengan pendekatan nilai faktor keamanan (FK). Perhitungan probabilitas kelongsoran dilakukan dengan pengolahan data statistika deskriptif dan pencocokan jenis distribusi (goodness of fit test) menggunakan metode Kolmogorov-Smirnov (K-S) dan Uji Akaike Information Criterion (AIC). Hasil pengolahan data statistika deskriptif dan pencocokan jenis distribusi digunakan sebagai parameter masukan pada software Slide 6.0 dalam menghitung probabilitas kelongsoran lereng. Analisis kelongsoran dilakukan pada penampang geometri lereng hasil penarikan cross section pada desain Life of Mine PIT batubara dengan kondisi statis dan dinamis menggunakan pembebanan seismik 0,225g. Metode Bishop dan Janbu digunakan dalam mengidentifikasi probabilitas kelongsoran dengan jenis longsoran busur. Hasil analisis kelongsoran yang diperoleh, model lereng A–A’ memiliki geometri yang aman, sedangkan model lereng B–B’ memiliki geometri yang tidak aman dengan nilai FK statis <1,3; FK dinamis <1,1; dan PK >5%. Sehingga, dilakukan rekonstruksi ulang dengan melandaikan sudut kemiringan lereng keseluruhan dari 44° menjadi 26° pada model lereng B–B’. Setelah dilakukan rekonstruksi nilai FK statis; PK statis; FK dinamis; PK dinamis dari model lereng akhir secara berurutan, pada model lereng A–A’ 4,169; 0%; 2,840, 0% menggunakan metode Bishop dan 4,002; 0%; 2,666; 0% menggunakan metode Janbu. Model lereng B–B’ 1,749; 0%; 1,154; 0,3% menggunakan metode Bishop dan 1,756; 0%; 1,138; 0,8% menggunakan metode Janbu.

The design planning of a mine slope is generally faced with various problems such as uncertainty in the physical and mechanical properties of rocks to do slope stability analysis. The probabilistic method offers a more systematic way of dealing with this uncertainty as well as a preference for obtaining information on the probability of failure (PF) using the factor of safety (FS) approach. The calculation of the probability of failure is carried out by processing descriptive statistical data and goodness of fit test using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov (K-S) method and the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) test. The results of processing descriptive statistical data and matching distribution types are used as input parameters in the Slide 6.0 software to calculate slope probability of failure. Slide analysis was carried out on the geometric cross-section of the slope from Life of Mine PIT coal design with static and dynamic conditions using a seismic loading of 0,225g. The Bishop and Janbu methods are used in identifying the probability of a landslide with the type of circular slide. The results of the slide analysis obtained show that the A–A' slope model has a safe geometry, while the B–B' slope model has an unsafe geometry with a static FS value of <1.3; Dynamic FS <1.1; and PF >5%. Thus, a renovation was carried out by sloping the overall slope angle from 44° to 26° on the B–B' slope model. After reconstructing static FS; static PF; dynamic FS; dynamic PF values from the final slope model sequentially, on slope model A–A' 4,169; 0%; 2,840, 0% using the Bishop method and 4,002; 0%; 2,666, 0% using the Janbu method. Slope model B–B' 1,749; 0%; 1,154; 0,3% using the Bishop method and 1,756; 0%; 1,138; 0,8% using the Janbu method."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika Dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Afdol Pranata
"[Tulisan ini membahas perilaku struktur jembatan cable stayed dengan studi kasus A Ruck Chucky Hanging Arc Bridge. Hasil yang diperoleh pada penelitian ini yaitu mengevaluasi dan membandingkan perilaku struktur pada saat konstruksi (analisa sequential) dengan analisa struktur jembatan utuh (analisa langsung). Adapun hasil yang diperoleh yaitu gaya dalam kabel pada saat konstruksi, gaya dalam gelagar, tegangan pada masing-masing elemen dan lendutan yang terjadi pada gelagar jembatan. Metode analisa yang digunakan pada saat konstruksi yaitu forward assemblage analysis. Pada saat konstruksi nilai gaya dalam dan lendutan pada gelagar akan berubah menurut tahapannya. Respon struktur juga akan berbeda pada saat konstruksi dengan analisa langsung sehingga masing-masing analisa perlu diperhatikan.

This article discusses the behavior of cable stayed bridge structures with case studies A Ruck Chucky Hanging Arc Bridges. The results will be obtained in this study is to evaluated and compare the behavior of structure during construction (sequential analysis) with intact structure analysis (direct analysis). As for the result to be obtained by force in the cable at the time of construction, the style of the girder, stresses and deflections which occur on the bridge girder. The analytical methods used at the time of construction is forward assemblage analysis. At the time of construction, value of the force and deflection in the girder will chance according stages constructions. The respon structure will also be different at the time of construction with direct analysis so that each analysis need to be considred.;This article discusses the behavior of cable stayed bridge structures with case studies A Ruck Chucky Hanging Arc Bridges. The results will be obtained in this study is to evaluated and compare the behavior of structure during construction (sequential analysis) with intact structure analysis (direct analysis). As for the result to be obtained by force in the cable at the time of construction, the style of the girder, stresses and deflections which occur on the bridge girder. The analytical methods used at the time of construction is forward assemblage analysis. At the time of construction, value of the force and deflection in the girder will chance according stages constructions. The respon structure will also be different at the time of construction with direct analysis so that each analysis need to be considred, This article discusses the behavior of cable stayed bridge structures with case studies A Ruck Chucky Hanging Arc Bridges. The results will be obtained in this study is to evaluated and compare the behavior of structure during construction (sequential analysis) with intact structure analysis (direct analysis). As for the result to be obtained by force in the cable at the time of construction, the style of the girder, stresses and deflections which occur on the bridge girder. The analytical methods used at the time of construction is forward assemblage analysis. At the time of construction, value of the force and deflection in the girder will chance according stages constructions. The respon structure will also be different at the time of construction with direct analysis so that each analysis need to be considred]"
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yoanita Hasan Joni
"Tesis ini membahas tentang kontrak kontruksi jembatan ampera yang mencantumkanklausula baku dan menganalisis pembatasan asas kebebasan berkontrak.penerapan asa itikat baik dan keabsahan kontrak kontruksi tersebut,metode penelitian ini adalah penelitian keperpustakaan yang bersifat yuridis normatif yang menganalisis norma hukum dalam perundang-undangan yang berkaitan dengan penelitian ini.
Hasil penelitian adalah dalam perjanjian berlaku mutlak. klausula baku dalam kontrak konstruksi jembatan ampera belum memenuhi asas itikat objektif karena bertentangan dengan norma kepatutan, dan keadilan. Kontrak konstruksi tersebut juga belum memenuhi salah satu syarat perjanjian yaitu causa yang halal.

This thesis discusses about Ampera Bridge Construction Contract that includes the standard clause and analyzes the restriction for the freedom of contract principle, the application of the good faith principle and the validity of the construction contract. This research methodology is the literature research that analyzes the normative aspect of legal norms in legislation related to this research.
The result is, the freedom of contract principle applies in contract, but it does not apply absolutely. Standard clause in bridge construction contracts doesn't meet the good faith principle because it opposed to objective norms of propriety, and justice. The construction contract also isn't comply with one of the legal agreement which is a lawful cause.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
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