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Sitti Aminah
The implementation of regional innovation has not been effective in improving public services and regional competitiveness. Several factors are considered to be an obstacle to implementing regional innovation, namely regulation, institutions, culture and leadership. The purpose of this study is to analyze the readiness of innovation support factors and also to analyze the relationship between these factors in the implementation of regional innovation. Data were collected by interviews and questionnaires distributed in July, August, and September 2016 in 7 (seven) Districts selected to represent HDI High areas, such as Palembang, Surakarta, Bandung and Batam and also represented Low HDI areas Pesawaran, Bangkalan, and West Lombok. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistic and Pearson Correlation with SPSS ver.16 program. The results showed that the readiness of factors of factorization interpretation, regulatory readiness, leadership, innovation culture, and facilities and infrastructure were in high category, while the preparedness factor from the coordination and facilitation faced by stakeholders was also low category cooperation. The results show that all the factors supporting innovation except for facilitation and coordination in high HDI areas are superior to low HDI areas. The relationship between the supporting factors reveals that there are three types of relationships very important, important, and not very important. Local innovation development strategies consist of core strategies and support strategies."
Jakarta: Research and Development Agency Ministry of Home Affairs, 2018
351 JBP 10:1 (2018)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Filza Syahda Rifiana
"Berawal dari program One Agency, One Innovation yang diusung oleh Kementerian PANRB guna meningkatkan optimalisasi pelayanan publik melalui inovasi maka dari itu dibentuklah program Kompetisi Inovasi Pelayanan Publik (KIPP) untuk meningkatkan daya saing pemerintah dalam menciptakan inovasi. Dari banyaknya proposal inovasi yang masuk ke Sistem Inovasi Pelayanan Publik (SINOVIK) belum ada pengawasan lebih lanjut mengenai keberlangsungan inovasi setelah berhasil mendapatkan Top 99 Inovasi Pelayanan Publik. Dari banyaknya proposal inovasi, tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis komponen inovasi pelayanan publik guna mengetahui arah perkembangan bangsa selanjutnya dengan menggunakan teori framework public service innovation dari Pratama (2019). Selain itu, penelitian ini juga bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor keberlanjutan inovasi pelayanan publik dengan menggunakan teori sustainability innovation oleh Pradana, Susanto, dan Kumorotomo (2022). Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan post-positivist dengan teknik pengumpulan data kualitatif melalui wawancara mendalam, data sekunder, dan studi kepustakaan. Hasil penelitian ini memperlihatkan bahwa komponen inovasi pelayanan publik terdiri dari Inovator, Kategori Inovasi, Hasil Inovasi, Sektor Kebijakan, dan Perspektif Geografis. Serta pada faktor keberlanjutan inovasi menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 4 faktor yang mempengaruhi keberlanjutan, yaitu faktor konteks politik, manajemen publik, karakteristik inovasi, dan lingkungan eksternal. Oleh karena itu, perlu adanya pertimbangan lebih lanjut mengenai dampak yang dihasilkan inovasi terhadap keberlanjutannya.

Starting from the One Agency, One Innovation program promoted by the Ministry of State Apparatus Utilization and Bureaucratic Reform to increase the optimization of public services through innovation, the Public Service Innovation Competition (KIPP) program was formed to increase the government's competitiveness in creating innovation. Of the many innovation proposals submitted to the Public Service Innovation System (SINOVIK), there has been no further monitoring regarding the sustainability of the innovation after successfully obtaining the Top 99 Public Service Innovations. Of the many innovation proposals, the aim of this research is to analyze the components of public service innovation in order to determine the direction of the nation's further development using the public service innovation framework theory from Pratama (2019). Apart from that, this research also aims to analyze the sustainability factors of public service innovation using the theory of sustainable innovation by Pradana, Susanto, and Kumorotomo (2022). This research uses a post-positivist approach with qualitative data collection techniques through in-depth interviews, secondary data and literature study. The results of this research show that the public service innovation component consists of Innovators, Innovation Category, Innovation Results, Policy Sector, and Geographical Perspective. And the innovation sustainability factor shows that there are 4 factors that influence sustainability, namely political context factors, public management, innovation characteristics, and the external environment. Therefore, there needs to be further consideration regarding the impact that innovation has on its sustainability."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rilyan Shela Handini
"Reformasi birokrasi dibutuhkan untuk meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan publik. Sejalan dengan itu Indonesia kembali mengembangkan sistem desentralisasi sehingga daerah dapat berinovasi sesuai kebutuhannya, tidak terkecuali Kota Surakarta. Dalam meningkatkan pelayanan, Pemkot Surakarta melaksanakan program revitalisasi pasar tradisional dan penataan PKL.
Berdasarkan kondisi tersebut, penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis praktik kedua program tersebut di Surakarta menurut model Sound Governance. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan positivist dengan teknik pengumpulan data campuran. Teknik analisis data univarian dengan deskriptif-analitik pada variabel inovasi sektor publik.
Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa menurut model sound governance, praktik program revitalisasi pasar tradisional dan penataan PKL, belum sepenuhnya memberikan kebermanfaatan kepada para pedagang.

Bureaucratic reform is needed to improve the quality of public services. In line with those situation, Indonesia develop again the system of decentralization so that the region can innovate according to necessity, Surakarta is not exception. In improving services, the government of Surakarta implement revitalization of traditional market and management of street vendors.
Based on these conditions, this research aims to analyze the programs in Surakarta. This research use positivist approach and mix of data collection technique. Data analysis techniques is univarian with descriptive-analytic variables public sector innovation.
The result of this research show that according sound governance model, the practice of traditional markets revitalization and street vendor management innovation programme do not give benefits to traders.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Diandra Al Dilla
"Direktorat Jenderal Imigrasi tertanggal 17 November 2017 menerapkan Aplikasi Pendaftaran Antrean Permohonan Paspor Secara Online (APAPO) di kantor imigrasi seluruh Indonesia, serta secara resmi menghapuskan antrean permohonan paspor secara konvensional. Setelah diimplementasikan, pada laman LAPOR! masih terdapat keluhan masyarakat terkait antrean permohonan paspor secara online pada kantor imigrasi yang ada di seluruh Indonesia. Hal tersebut melatarbelakangi penelitian ini yang bertujuan untuk menganalisis akses pelayanan antrean permohonan paspor secara online di kantor imigrasi, khususnya di wilayah Jabodetabek. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data mixed methods melalui survei, wawancara mendalam serta studi kepustakaan. Teori utama yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teori Akses menurut Penchansky & Thomas (1981). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa akses pelayanan antrean permohonan paspor secara online di kantor imigrasi wilayah Jabodetabek masuk ke dalam kategori buruk. Hal tersebut berdasarkan 3 dimensi akses yang masuk ke dalam kategori buruk yaitu availability (ketersediaan), accessibility (aksesibilitas), dan accomodation (akomodasi), sedangkan 2 dimensi akses lainnya yaitu affordability (keterjangkauan) dan acceptability (penerimaaan) masuk ke dalam kategori baik.
The Directorate General of Immigration dated 17 November 2017 implemented Application for Online Passport Application Queue Registration (APAPO) at immigration offices throughout Indonesia, as well as officially eliminating the conventional passport application queue. Once implemented, on the LAPOR! there are still public complaints regarding the queue for online passport applications at immigration offices throughout Indonesia. This is the background of this study which aims to analyze access to online passport application queue services at the immigration office, especially in the Jabodetabek area. This study uses a quantitative approach with mixed methods data collection techniques through surveys, in-depth interviews and studies literature. The main theory used in this research is Access theory according to Penchansky & Thomas (1981). The results showed that access to online passport application queue services at the Jabodetabek immigration office was in the bad category. This is based on 3 dimensions of access that fall into the bad category, namely availability (availability), accessibility (accessibility), and accommodation (accommodation), while 2 dimensions Other accesses, namely affordability and acceptability, fall into the good category.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Soelistyo Probowatie
"Recently Service Quality condition in Public sector is undelight in reality, many factor that caused coustrans of service profile in public sector are under estimated from service expectation.
Immigration Office as a Government Institution, which serve the public, is a form of government Employee functions as public servant, for this task therefore public has to be well-served, so there is positive image in public society.
Therefore, the author conducts the research on service that is delivered by Batam Immigration Office based on The Decree of Ministry of Justice Republic of Indonesia, Number M.02.PW.09.021992, on using Smart Card as Investigation Process of Immigration in Batam Check Point area. Smart Card service is a fast service which is given by Batam Immigration Office, as a toolkit to acceralate for solution investigation process of Immigration in many Immigration Check Points in integrated area of Riau Province, but it is not as substitution of Nationality Passport or Travel Document.
The research is aimed to identify service quality of Smart Card in Batam Immigration Office, by using the concept of Service Quality from Zeithaml, Parasuraman and Berry, and to analysis the level of perception and expectation of customer at Batam Immigration Office. Beside that it also want to identify expectation difference level of customer on Service Quality dimension and also, how to position each of service dimension in Cartesian Diagram.
This research used descriptive analytical method. The research involved population of 131 respondents, which consist of three Nationality in SIJORI (Singapore, Johor and Riau). The data resource of this research is Ordinal data using Likert scale. Data collecting method used questionnaire, and the data is analyzed by using SPSS (Statistical Programme for Social Science) 11,0 version.
The result of this research has shown that 76,37% of customers think that the service officer of Smart Card in Batam Immigration Office is good, and the rest of 23,63% still think that it's less than good. Where as statistical result using Chi Square test show that there is no different judgment of customer among five Service Quality dimensions is still the need to improve human resource so that they can meet customers need.
The result of this research academically is useful to all kinds of parties, while Immigration Office can be as the reference material in conducting the next research, but in a wider scope, as well as advanced policy on expansion of Smart Card. This research practically is expected to be a consideration for Batam Immigration Office in arranging strategy of decision-making on improvement Service Quality and its performance by paying attention at service quality dimensions and aspects, which are considered important to be improved.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Claraty Dwiki Dyla Putri
"Penelitian ini membahas mengenai perkembangan yang dilakukan Pegadaian. Pelayanan merupakan hal penting dilakukan oleh PT Pegadaian (Persero), dengan adanya perubahan badan hukum dari Perum Pegadaian menjadi PT Pegadaian (Persero), juga terdapat pekembangan layanan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dan teknik pengumpulan data survey dengan kuesioner. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan pelayanan antara Perum Pegadaian dengan PT Pegadaian (Persero).

The focus of this study is development that happened in Pegadaian Branch Jatinegara. A service is an important thing which is conducted by PT Pegadaian (Persero). Within changes in legal entity from Perum Pegadaian to be PT Pegadaian (Persero), there is also development of the services. This research used quantitative approach with survey and questionnaire data collection techniques. The result of this research is indicated there are differences between the service of Perum Pegadaian and PT Pegadaian (Persero)."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Septia Herdiani
"Skripsi ini membahas mengenai kesiapan pemerintah Kota Depok dalam penyediaan air bersih secara mandiri. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Kesiapan pemerintah Kota Depok dalam penyediaan pelayanan air bersih secara mandiri dibagi menjadi tiga bagian, yaitu penyediaan air bersih sebelum Kota Depok memiliki PDAM,penyediaan pelayanan air bersih oleh PDAM, dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kesiapan pemerintah Kota Depok dalam penyediaan air bersih secara mandiri. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Pemerintah Kota Depok belum siap dalam penyediaan air bersih secara mandiri dilihat dari lima faktor kesiapan, yaitu sumber daya manusia, pemberian pelayanan, pengalihan aset, pendanaan, dan sosialisasi.

This thesis discusses about The Readiness of The Government of Depok City In The Provision of Clean Water Independently. This is a descriptive research using a qualitative approach. The readiness of the Government of Depok City in the provision of clean water is divided into three parts, the provision of clean water before having PDAM, the provision of clean water by PDAM, and factors that affect the readiness of the Government of Depok City in the provision of clean water independently. The result showed that the Government of Depok City was not ready in the provision of clean water independently by looking at the five factors, human resources, provision of service, tranfer of assets, funding, and socialization.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Penelitian ini bertujuan menggambarkan Kualitas Pelayanan Pendidikan Pada SMPN di Wilayah Kecamatan Pademangan, Jakarta Utara, Dengan Menggunakan Metode Servqual. Pendekatan penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif dengan menggunakan satu teori utama, yakni teori 5 dimensi kualitas pelayanan yang dikemukakan oleh Parasuraman (1990). Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner kepada responden dan wawancara mendalam terhadap informan. Informan yang digunakan adalah wakil kepala sekolah, dan populasi yang digunakan adalah 869 siswa, dengan sampel sebanyak 173 siswa SMPN. Teknik penarikan sampel menggunakan Systematic Random Sampling. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian disimpulkan bahwa 2 SMPN memiliki kualitas pelayanan pendidikan yang sangat baik, dan 1 SMPN kurang baik.

The purpose of this research is to describe Education Service Quality in Junior High Schools at Pademangan subdistrict, North Jakarta, with using SERVQUAL method. The method of this research is a quantitative approach by using five dimensions of service quality theory proposed by Parasuraman (1990). This research used questionnaires to respondents and depth interviews with informants. The vice principal is a informants, and the population used 869 of students, and used 173 Junior High School's student for sample. This research using Systematic Random Sampling to sampling techniques. Based on the results of this research, 2 schools have a very good of education service quality, and 1 school have a not good of education service quality."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ali Fatoni Suniar
"Globalisasi mendorong perkembangan yang signifikan terhadap kemajuan informasi dan teknologi pada saat ini, perkembangan pesat ini harus disejajarkan dengan pelayanan yang diberikan pemerintah kepada masyarakat dibidang pelayanan publik. Upaya mendorong kemudahan berbisnis di Indonesia akhirnya diwujudkan dengan Penerbitan Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 24 Tahun 2018 tentang Pelayanan Perizinan Berusaha Terintegrasi Secara Elektronik Online Single Submission (OSS) untuk memenuhi indikator-indikator penilaian dalam gerakan Easy of Doing Business. Pada implementasinya kebijakan ini masih terdapat permasalahan yaitu pada regulasi, sistem, dan tata kelola, Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan memberikan gambaran mengenai implementasi kebijakan pelayanan perizinan berusaha terintegrasi secara elektronik menggunakan teori model Implementasi Kebijakan dari George C. Edward III. Pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan adalah pendekatan postpositivist, teknik pengambilan data dilakukan dengan wawancara mendalam, studi pustaka dan olah dokumen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pelayanan perizininan berusaha terintegrasi secara elektronik (OSS) di DPMPTS Kota Bekasi telah berjalan dengan baik walaupun terdapat berbagai macam permasalahan.

Globalization encourages significant development of advances in information and technology at this time, this rapid development must be aligned with the services provided by the government to the public in the field of public services. Efforts to encourage the ease of doing business in Indonesia were finally realized with the issuance of Government Regulation Number 24 of 2018 concerning Integrated Electronic Business Licensing Services Online Single Submission (OSS) to fulfill the assessment indicators of Easy of Doing Business movement. In the implementation of this policy, there are still problems, in the regulation, system, and governance. Therefore, this study aims to provide an overview of the implementation of integrated electronic business licensing services using the theory of the Policy Implementation Model from George C. Edward III. This research uses a post-positivist approach, data collection techniques are carried out by in-depth interviews, literature study and document tabulation. The results showed that the factors that affect the integrated electronic business licensing service (OSS) in DPMPTSP Bekasi City have been running well even though there are various kinds of problems."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gusti Ayu Putu Nilawati
"Review rekam medis merupakan suatu proses yang penting dalam rangka peningkatan mutu layanan Rumah Sakit sesuai akreditasi Internasional. Review rekam medis yang dilakukan belum mencapai 100%. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Pengumpulan data dengan wawancara dan penelusuran dokumen. Analisa data dengan content analysis.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan standar pelaksanaan review rekam medis sudah dibuat sesuai rekomendasi tim akreditasi Internasional. Sosialisasi standar belum optimal, pemahaman tentang review rekam medis oleh dokter dan petugas gizi masih kurang, keterlibatan sumber daya manusia belum sesuai, belum adanya format laporan dan jadwal pelaporan dari instalasi rekam medis ke direksi dan belum berjalannya sistem evaluasi tindak lanjut sesuai PDCA (Plan Do Check Action).
Kesimpulan: review rekam medis belum berjalan sesuai standar yang dibuat.
Saran: pelaksanaan review rekam medis dimasukkan sebagai salah satu tugas pokok pejabat yang berwenang, supervisi dilakukan secara berkesinambungan, tingkatkan sosialisasi standar review rekam medis, review rekam dapat dilakukan secara rutin untuk semua rumah sakit sebagai siklus perbaikan kualitas rekam medis.

Review of medical records is an important process in order to improve the quality of service correspond Hospital International accreditation. Review of medical records that do not reach 100%. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. Data collection with interviews and document searches. Data analysis with content analysis.
The results showed a standard implementation review of medical records has been made according to the International accreditation team's recommendations. Socialization of standards is not optimal, an understanding of the medical record review by physicians and nutrition workers are still lacking, the involvement of human resources is not appropriate, the lack of reporting formats and reporting schedules of the medical record installation to the directors and the evaluation system of follow-up not accordance to PDCA (Plan Do Check Action).
Conclusion: a review of medical records have not been going according to the standards set.
Suggestion: the implementation of medical record review included as one of the main tasks the competent authority, supervision is done on an ongoing basis, increase socialization standard medical record review, and medical record review can be performed routinely for all hospitals as medical record quality improvement cycle."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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