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Aditya Caesarini
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis efektivitas pelaksanaan Sistem Pengendalian Intern Pemerintah pada Komisi Pemilihan Umum Pusat dan memberikan saran-saran perbaikan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptifkualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Berdasarkan hasil kuesioner, wawancara, observasi, dan LHP BPK disimpulkan bahwa pelaksanaan SPIP di KPU Pusat belum efektif. Unsur SPIP sesuai PP 60/2008 yang belum efektif dan perlu diperbaiki adalah Penilaian Risiko dan Pemantauan. Sedangkan unsur yang telah memadai dan perlu terus ditingkatkan adalah Lingkungan Pengendalian dan Kegiatan Pengendalian, serta Informasi dan Komunikasi. Kegiatan yang dapat dilakukan untuk memperbaiki penerapan SPIP di KPU Pusat adalah Sosialisasi SPIP, penerapan analisa risiko dan peningkatan sistem pemantauan.

This research aims to analyze the effectiveness of Government Internal Control System SPIP in KPU using descriptive qualitative approach. Based on the results of questionnaires, interviews, observation, and LHP BPK, SPIP implementation in the KPU are not effective. SPIP element in PP 60 2008, that are not effective and need improvement are Risk Assessment and Monitoring. Elements that already effective but need improvement are Control Environment, Control Activities, and Information Communication. Socialization, risk analysis and improvement of monitoring system need to be done by KPU to improve SPIP implementation."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nur`aini Rizki Virgita
"Penerapan Sistem Pengendalian Intern Pemerintah (SPIP) bertujuan untuk mewujudkan tata kelola pemerintah yang baik melalui kegiatan pengawasan dan pengendalian sehingga menciptakan efektivitas kinerja instansi pemerintah yang bersih dari Korupsi, Kolusi dan Nepotisme (KKN). Namun, sejak SPIP diterapkan, KKN masih terjadi di lingkungan instansi pemerintah yang salah satunya adalah Kemenhub seperti korupsi, suap, pungli, dan percaloan. Beberapa penyebab terjadinya KKN adalah rendahnya integritas pegawai dan kurangnya jumlah anggaran yang dapat digunakan untuk melakukan pengawasan dan pengendalian. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis efektivitas SPIP yang dilaksanakan oleh Inspektorat Jenderal Kementerian Perhubungan Republik Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori Internal Control COSO 2013 yang disesuaikan dengan keadaan organisasi yang mengikuti PP 60/2008 tentang SPIP. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan post-positivist dengan metode kualitatif berdasarkan sumber data wawancara mendalam dan studi kepustakaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penyelenggaraan SPIP belum sepenuhnya efektif karena kurangnya penggunaan teknologi, jumlah SDM dan anggaran untuk melakukan pengawasan dan pengendalian. Selain itu, masih ditemukan pegawai yang tidak patuh terhadap peraturan sehingga melakukan KKN di lingkungan Kemenhub.

The implementation of SPIP intends to enhance good governance through several monitoring and evaluation process in order to increase the effectiveness and clean performance of public sector. But corrupt practices are still happening even after the SPIP is implemented, especially in Ministry of Transportation. The corrupt practices happening in Ministry of Transportation consist of bribery, illegal tolls, and also scalpers. The factors behind corrupt practices in Ministry of Transportation are the personnel lack of integrity, and lack of funding to do proper monitoring and controlling. Therefore, the goal of this research is to analyze the effectiveness of SPIP in Ministry of Transportation done by Inspectorat General of Ministry of Transportation Republic Indonesia. This research uses Internal Control COSO 2013 theory adapted to organizational structure based of PP 60/2008 about SPIP. Post-positivist approach is used in this research with qualitative research in data collection through in-depth interview and literature study. The result of this research is the implementation of SPIP is not effective because lack of technology, human resource and funding to do proper monitoring and controlling. The result also shows that there are a few Kemenhub personnel who are not comply to regulation therefore commit corrupt practices in Kemenhub."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Laksmi Ayudyanti
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis efektivitas Sistem Pengendalian Internal Pemerintah (SPIP) dan menganalisis kendala dari pelaksanaan SPIP pada Satuan Kerja X. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kuantitatif yang dibantu dengan data kualitatif. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengendalian internal pada Satuan Kerja X belum efektif dan memerlukan penguatan. Unsur yang masih memerlukan penguatan adalah lingkungan pengendalian, penilaian risiko, dan pemantauan. Sedangkan untuk unsur kegiatan pengendalian dan informasi dan komunikasi sudah efektif. Pada lingkungan pengendalian, sub unsur yang masih memerlukan penguatan ialah komitmen terhadap kompetensi, struktur organisasi, pendelegasian wewenang, dan kebijakan serta praktik pembinaan SDM. Pada unsur penilaian risiko, identifikasi risiko dan analisis risiko masih memerlukan penguatan. Dan pada unsur pemantauan, sub unsur yang masih memerlukan penguatan ialah pemantauan berkelanjutan dan evaluasi terpisah. Saran perbaikan yang bisa ditempuh agar SPIP menjadi efektif ialah dengan pembuatan kebijakan dan mensosialisasikan ke seluruh pegawai, melaksanakan manajemen SDM, melaksanakan penilaian mandiri, melakukan evaluasi terkait dengan pengendalian internal secara berkala serta mendokumentasikan hasil dari evaluasi tersebut dan menumbuhkan kesadaran terkait pengendalian internal pada seluruh pegawai di Satuan Kerja X.

This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of the Government's Internal Control System (SPIP) and to analyze the constraints of SPIP implementation on Work Unit X. This research uses a quantitative descriptive method assisted with qualitative data. The results of the study indicate that internal control in Work Unit X is not yet effective and requires strengthening. Elements that still require strengthening are the control environment, risk assessment, and monitoring. As for the elements of control and information and communication activities have been effective. In the control environment, the sub-elements that still need strengthening are commitment to competence, organizational structure, delegation of authority, and HR development policies and practices. The elements of risk assessment, risk identification and risk analysis still need strengthening. And in the monitoring element, the sub-elements that still need strengthening are continuous monitoring and separate evaluation. Suggestions for improvements that can be taken so that the SPIP becomes effective are by making policies and socializing them to all employees, implementing HR management, carrying out self-assessments, conducting regular evaluations related to internal control and documenting the results of these evaluations and raising awareness regarding internal control for all employees. in Work Unit X."
Jakarta: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Skripsi ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh efektivitas sistem pengendalian intern pemerintah terhadap pencapaian kinerja pemerintah daerah di Indonesia. Efektivitas sistem pengendalian intern diuji melalui jumlah kelemahan pengendalian intern dan nilai kerugian daerah, sedangkan ukuran kinerja menggunakan skor evaluasi LAKIP dan skor EKPPD.
Hasil uji regresi berganda pada data 1.209 pemda kabupaten dan kota tahun 2010-2013 menunjukkan bahwa kelemahan pengendalian intern dan kerugian daerah memiliki pengaruh negatif signifikan terhadap kinerja pemda. Sedangkan variabel pengendali berupa tingkat kemandirian, ukuran, lokasi dan tipe pemda memiliki pengaruh positif signifikan terhadap kinerja.

This study aims to determine the effect of the effectiveness of the government internal control system towards the achievement of the performance of local government in Indonesia. The effectiveness of internal control systems are tested through a number of internal control weaknesses and value of financial loss on local government, while a measure of performance using LAKIP evaluating score and EKPPD score.
The results of multiple regression test at the 1.209 regency and city during 2010-2013 showed that the weakness of internal control and financial loss have a significant negative effect on the performance of local governments. While the control variables such as the level of independence, the size, location and type of local government has a significant positive effect on performance.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sherry Astro Lia
"Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran pelaksanaan Sistem Pengendalian Intern Pemerintah (SPIP) pada Sekretariat Utama Lapan. Gambaran umum mengenai pelaksanaan SPIP diperoleh melalui penyebaran kuesioner yang mengacu kepada dengan mengacu kepada parameter-parameter Pengendalian Intern pada Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 60 tahun 2008 tentang Sistem Pengendalian Intern Pemerintah.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pelaksanaan SPIP berdasarkan penilaian 109 responden adalah 2.81 atau 70,15% dari kriteria yang diinginkan. Angka ini menunjukkan bahwa pelaksanaan SPIP telah memadai namun belum sempurna sehingga masih diperlukan penguatan dalam pelaksanaannya. Hal ini tercermin dari temuan BPK yang menyatakan masih terdapat kelemahan dalam pelaksanaan SPI. Tingkat kepuasan pengguna atas layanan Lapan berdasarkan survey yang dilakukan oleh Badan Layanan Umum Lapan adalah Baik, maka dapat dikatakan SPI di Lapan mendorong tercapainya tujuan memberikan layanan yang baik.

This research is a descriptive qualitative research, that aimed to describe the implementation of Government Internal Control System in the Main Secretariat of Lapan . An overview of the implementation of the Government Internal Control System obtained by distribusing questionnaires that refer to the reference to the Internal Control parameters on Government Regulation No. 60 of 2008 concerning the Government Internal Control System.
Based on the results of processing of questionnaires, we concluded that in general the implementation of Government Internal Control System by perceptions of 109 respondents is 2.81 or 70.15 % of the desired criteria. This figure shows that the implementation of the Government Internal Control System has been adequate and still require strengthening in the implementation. This is reflected in the findings of the Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan which states there are still weaknesses in the implementation of Internal Control System. Satisfaction with the service based survey conducted by the Public Service Board of Lapan is “Good”, it can be said that Internal Control System is support the achievement of the goal of providing a good service.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aditya Risqiantama
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis peran Inspektorat Utama KPU dalam proses penjaminan kualitas atas maturitas penyelenggaraan Sistem Pengendalian Intern Pemerintah (SPIP) di KPU berdasarkan Peraturan Kepala BPKP Nomor 5 Tahun 2021. Analisis dilakukan pada Inspektorat Utama KPU yang merupakan satuan pengendali intern di KPU yang memiliki wewenang untuk melakukan penjaminan kualitas dari tahap persiapan, pelaksanaan, hingga pelaporan. Metode dalam penelitian ini yakni analisis deskriptif berupa studi kasus dengan data diperoleh melalui analisis dokumen, observasi, serta wawancara. Wawancara dilakukan terhadap narasumber dari Inspektorat Utama KPU, KPU Provinsi, dan KPU Kabupaten/Kota. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa pada tahap persiapan terdapat lima parameter yang sesuai dan dengan peraturan, dan satu parameter yang tidak sesuai dengan ketentuan. Pada tahap pelaksanaan, tiga parameter analisis menunjukan kesesuaian dengan ketentuan. Pada tahap pelaporan terdapat tiga parameter yang sesuai dengan ketentuan dan dua parameter yang tidak sepenuhnya sesuai dengan ketentuan.

This research aims to analyze the role of the KPU Primary Inspectorate in the process quality assurance on the maturity of the Government Internal Control System (SPIP)’s implementation at the KPU based on BPKP Head Regulation Number 5 of 2021. The analysis carried out at the KPU Primary Inspectorate as an internal control unit at the KPU which has the authority to take quality assurance from the preparation, implementation, and reporting stages that represent all KPU offices. The research method used is descriptive analysis with case studies through data collection through documents analysis, field observations, and interviews. Interviews were conducted that obtained from KPU RI and KPU at provincial/city/district levels. The results of the analysis show that at the preparation stage there are five parameters in accordance with the regulation and there is one paramater that is not accordance with regulation. At the implementation stage, three parameters indicate the accordance with the regulation. At the reporting stage there are three parameters that accordance with the regulation and two parameters that is not fully accordance with the regulation."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ginting, Yessi Emma Ninta
"Skripsi ini membahas mengenai analisis efektivitas Bagian Analisa dan Evaluasi Hasil Pengawasan Inspektorat Jenderal Kementerian Dalam Negeri terhadap tindak lanjut temuan maturitas SPIP di lingkungan Kementerian Dalam Negeri.Teori yang digunakan Pengukuran efektivitas pada penelitian ini adalah teori efektivitas organisasi melalui pendekatan sasaran atau output. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis efektivitas Bagian Analisa dan Evaluasi Hasil Pengawasan di Inspektorat Jenderal terhadap hasil tindak lanjut penilaian maturitas SPIP di lingkungan kementerian dalam negeri. Metode Penelitian pada skripsi ini menggunakan pendekatan post-positivist menggunakan desain deskriptif, teknik pengumpulan data adalah wawancara dan studi pustaka.
Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan Bagian Analisa dan Evaluasi Hasil Pengawasan belum sepenuhnya efektif melaksanakan tindak lanjut rekomendasi temuan penilaian maturitas SPIP, dikarenakan untuk kelengkapan dokumen masih terdapat kekurangan, sehingga perlu diperbaiki. Bagian Analisa dan Evaluasi Hasil Pengawasan disarankan untuk memperbaiki kelengkapan dokumen melalui rekap dalam bentuk softcopy dan meringkas penilian risiko dari setiap komponen kementerian dalam negeri untuk mempermudah analisis penilaian risiko.

This thesis discusses the effectiveness analysis of the Ministry of Home Affairs Inspectorate Generals Analysis and Evaluation Section on the follow-up of SPIP maturity findings within the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The theory used Measurement of effectiveness in this study is the theory of organizational effectiveness through the target or output approach. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effectiveness of the Monitoring Results Evaluation and Analysis Section at the Inspectorate General on the results of follow-up assessments of SPIP maturity within the Ministry of Home Affairs. The research method in this paper uses a post-positivist approach using descriptive design, data collection techniques are interviews and literature.
The results of this study show that the Section of Analysis and Evaluation of Supervision Results has not been fully effective in carrying out the follow-up recommendations on the SPIP maturity assessment findings, because the documents are still lacking, so it needs to be corrected. The Supervision Analysis and Evaluation Section is recommended to improve the completeness of documents through recap in the form of softcopy and summarize risk assessment from each component of the Ministry of Home Affairs to facilitate the risk assessment analysis.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Alexander Rubi Satyoadi
"[Tesis ini bertujuan menguji efektivitas Sistem Pengendalian Intern Pemerintah Kota Tangerang untuk mencegah korupsi berupa suap atau gratifikasi. Berdasarkan pemeriksaan keuangan BPK untuk Tahun Anggaran 2009-2013, Laporan Keuangan Pemerintah Kota Tangerang selalu mendapatkan penilaian tertinggi dengan predikat Wajar Tanpa Pengecualian, namun korupsi berupa suap atau gratifikasi masih saja terjadi pada proses pelayanan publik berupa SIUP, IMB, KTP, Puskesmas, dan PBJ di Pemerintah Kota Tangerang. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode kualitatif dan pendekatan evaluasi deskriptif terutama atas data-data sekunder berupa Laporan Penilaian Tingkat Maturitas Penyelenggaraan Sistem Pengendalian Intern Pemerintah Kota Tangerang Tahun 2014 dari BPKP, dan Buku Integritas Sektor Publik Tahun 2009-2013 yang diterbitkan KPK. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sistem pengendalian intern pemerintah Kota Tangerang telah efektif untuk menghasilkan laporan keuangan yang handal, namun belum efektif untuk mencegah korupsi berupa suap atau gratifikasi, karena masyarakat pengguna layanan publik memiliki kebiasaan memberikan suap atau gratifikasi kepada petugas layanan meskipun mengetahui bahwa pemberian suap atau gratifikasi adalah perbuatan yang dilarang dan perbuatan yang tercela.

This thesis aims to test the effectiveness of the Internal Control System Tangerang City Government to prevent corruption in the form of bribes or gratuities. Based on BPK audit for 2009-2013 Fiscal Year, Financial Statements Tangerang City Government always get the highest ratings by the predicate unqualified, but corruption in the form of bribe or gratuity is still happening in the public service in the form of License, IMB, ID Cards, Health Centers, and PBJ The Tangerang City Government. The research was conducted using qualitative and descriptive approach to evaluation, especially on secondary data in the form of Level Maturity Assessment Report Implementation of Internal Control System 2014 Tangerang City Government of BPKP, and the Public Sector Integrity Books Year 2009-2013 published by KPK. The results showed that the internal control system Tangerang City government has been effective to produce reliable financial statements, but is not effective for preventing corruption in the form of bribe or gratification, because people who use public services have a habit of giving bribes or gratuities to officers of public services even though they know that giving bribes or gratuities is prohibited and reprehensible actions;This thesis aims to test the effectiveness of the Internal Control System Tangerang City Government to prevent corruption in the form of bribes or gratuities.
Based on BPK audit for 2009-2013 Fiscal Year, Financial Statements Tangerang City Government always get the highest ratings by the predicate unqualified, but corruption in the form of bribe or gratuity is still happening in the public service in the form of License, IMB, ID Cards, Health Centers, and PBJ The Tangerang City Government. The research was conducted using qualitative and descriptive approach to evaluation, especially on secondary data in the form of Level Maturity Assessment Report Implementation of Internal Control System 2014 Tangerang City Government of BPKP, and the Public Sector Integrity Books Year 2009-2013
published by KPK. The results showed that the internal control system Tangerang City government has been effective to produce reliable financial statements, but is not effective for preventing corruption in the form of bribe or gratification, because people who use public services have a habit of giving bribes or gratuities to officers of public services even though they know that giving bribes or gratuities is prohibited and reprehensible actions;This thesis aims to test the effectiveness of the Internal Control System Tangerang City Government to prevent corruption in the form of bribes or gratuities.
Based on BPK audit for 2009-2013 Fiscal Year, Financial Statements Tangerang City Government always get the highest ratings by the predicate unqualified, but corruption in the form of bribe or gratuity is still happening in the public service in the form of License, IMB, ID Cards, Health Centers, and PBJ The Tangerang City Government. The research was conducted using qualitative and descriptive approach to evaluation, especially on secondary data in the form of Level Maturity Assessment Report Implementation of Internal Control System 2014 Tangerang City Government of BPKP, and the Public Sector Integrity Books Year 2009-2013
published by KPK. The results showed that the internal control system Tangerang City government has been effective to produce reliable financial statements, but is not effective for preventing corruption in the form of bribe or gratification, because people who use public services have a habit of giving bribes or gratuities to officers of public services even though they know that giving bribes or gratuities is prohibited and reprehensible actions.;This thesis aims to test the effectiveness of the Internal Control System
Tangerang City Government to prevent corruption in the form of bribes or gratuities.
Based on BPK audit for 2009-2013 Fiscal Year, Financial Statements Tangerang
City Government always get the highest ratings by the predicate unqualified, but
corruption in the form of bribe or gratuity is still happening in the public service in
the form of License, IMB, ID Cards, Health Centers, and PBJ The Tangerang City
Government. The research was conducted using qualitative and descriptive
approach to evaluation, especially on secondary data in the form of Level Maturity
Assessment Report Implementation of Internal Control System 2014 Tangerang City
Government of BPKP, and the Public Sector Integrity Books Year 2009-2013
published by KPK. The results showed that the internal control system Tangerang
City government has been effective to produce reliable financial statements, but is
not effective for preventing corruption in the form of bribe or gratification, because
people who use public services have a habit of giving bribes or gratuities to officers
of public services even though they know that giving bribes or gratuities is prohibited
and reprehensible actions, This thesis aims to test the effectiveness of the Internal Control System
Tangerang City Government to prevent corruption in the form of bribes or gratuities.
Based on BPK audit for 2009-2013 Fiscal Year, Financial Statements Tangerang
City Government always get the highest ratings by the predicate unqualified, but
corruption in the form of bribe or gratuity is still happening in the public service in
the form of License, IMB, ID Cards, Health Centers, and PBJ The Tangerang City
Government. The research was conducted using qualitative and descriptive
approach to evaluation, especially on secondary data in the form of Level Maturity
Assessment Report Implementation of Internal Control System 2014 Tangerang City
Government of BPKP, and the Public Sector Integrity Books Year 2009-2013
published by KPK. The results showed that the internal control system Tangerang
City government has been effective to produce reliable financial statements, but is
not effective for preventing corruption in the form of bribe or gratification, because
people who use public services have a habit of giving bribes or gratuities to officers
of public services even though they know that giving bribes or gratuities is prohibited
and reprehensible actions]
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yan Eka Milleza
Penelitian ini menganalisis tentang strategi komunikasi sosialisasi Sistem Pengendalian
Intern Pemerintah (SPIP) oleh Badan Pengawasan Keuangan dan Pembangunan (BPKP)
dengan menggunakan konsep difusi inovasi. Tujuan dari studi adalah menganalisis strategi
komunikasi untuk mensosialisasikan PP 60 Tahun 2008 tentang SPIP dan mendeskripsikan
faktor-faktor pendukung tercapainya optimalisasi strategi komunikasi yang dilakukan BPKP
untuk mensosialisasikan SPIP. Menggunakan metode penelitian bersifat kualitatif didapatkan
hasil temuan penelitian bahwa strategi komunikasi sosialisasi SPIP lebih optimal
menggunakan saluran komunikasi interpersonal karena komunikan bersifat homophily,
menggunakan metode persuasif, dan para partisipan yang merupakan early adopter.

This study analyzed the communication socialization strategy of Government Internal
Control System (SPIP) by Board of Supervisory Financial and Development (BPKP) by using
innovation diffusion concept. The purpose of this study is to analyze the communication
strategies for socializing the PP 60 of 2008 on SPIP and to describe the supporting factors in
achieving the optimization communication strategy performed by BPKP to socialize SPIP. By
using qualitative research method, research finding shows communication socialization
strategy SPIP is more optimal using interpersonal communication channels. The main reason
is that communicant is homophily, using persuasive methods, and the participants are early
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wibowo Aji Utomo
"Tesis ini membahas implementasi sistem pengendalian intern pemerintah di Sekretariat Wakil Presiden. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengidentifikasi dan menganalisis implementasi sistem pengendalian intern pemerintah pada Sekretariat Wakil Presiden berdasarkan Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 60 Tahun 2008 tentang sistem pengendalian intern pemerintah. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif deskriptif. Berdasarkan hasil analisis kualitatif deskriptif yang diperkuat dengan kuesioner diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa secara umum Sekretariat Wakil Presiden telah melaksanakan seluruh unsur-unsur SPIP, serta strategi yang dipilih dan diterapkan Sekretariat Wakil Presiden dalam implementasi SPIP telah membawakan pencapaian yang secara umum baik namun belum mencapai hasil yang efektif.
Hasil penelitian merekomendasikan perlu dilakukan perbaikan unsur penilaian risiko dengan pemetaan risiko yang komprehensif, dengan melibatkan BPKP sebagai pembina implementasi SPIP di Setwapres; perlu dilakukan komunikasi terhadap area-area kristis, yang kritis terhadap perubahan peta risiko; perlu dilakukan kegiatan penyerapan pandangan atas permasalahan yang terjadi pada pelaksanaan koordinasi antar unit di Setwapres, khususnya berkaitan dengan tumpang tindih tugas pokok dan fungsi; perlu assesment dalam struktur organisasi; perlu penyusunan pola mutasi dan promosi serta pola karir pejabat dan pegawai di Setwapres yang dilakukan secara transparan; perlu diciptakan suatu metode untuk mengetahui kepuasan stakeholder Setwapres; menciptakan sistem kerja reward tinggi yang linier dengan output kinerja; serta perlu adanya peningkatan kapasitas APIP secara reguler untuk meningkatkan pemahaman dan kapasitas APIP dalam mengawal implementasi SPIP di Setwapres.

This thesis is focused on evaluating the implementation of the internal control system within the Secretariat of the Vice President based on Government Regulation No. 60 of 2008 regarding internal control systems of government. The method applied in this research is qualitative descriptive. Based on the results of qualitative descriptive analysis reinforced with questionnaires, it is concluded that generally the Secretariat of the Vice President has been implementing all elements of internal control system (SPIP). Strategies developed and applied by the secretariat in implementing SPIP have resulted in generally good performance, but not effective one yet.
The results of this study leave with some recommendations. First, the secretariat needs to improve its elements of risk assessment with comprehensive risk mapping by involving Development Finance Comptroller (BPKP) serving as umbrella organization for SPIP implementation. Second, it needs comprehensive communication within critical areas, particularly on risk mapping. Third, brainstorming on issues involved in the coordination among units in the secretariat is essential, particularly with respect to overlapping duties and functions. Fourth, the secretariat needs to evaluate its organizational structure. Fifth, it is vital for the secretariat to develop a transparent internal civil service's career development, especially on promotion and transfer. Sixth, a method to identify the secretariat?s stakeholders should be developed. Seventh, a working system with high rewards for best performance should be developed. Eighth, there should be capacity building for Government Internal Oversight Body (APIP) officials held regularly to improve their understanding and performance in enforcing the implementation of SPIP in the secretariat
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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