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Claudya Dara Chaerunnisa
"Kulit merupakan sistem pertahanan eksternal, langsung menjalani proses penyembuhan luka ketika terjadi luka dan banyak orang cenderung memberi proses penyembuhan luka dengan agen antiseptik, povidone iodine 10 Betadine . Namun, terdapat ide baru tentang penggunaan povidone iodine 5 pada penyembuhan luka kulit yang dapat memberikan efek yang berbeda. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk membandingkan efek berbeda dari penggunaan konsentrasi yang berbeda dari povidone iodine pada jumlah PMN, fibroblast, dan serat kolagen dan untuk menentukan kadar 5 atau 10 yang lebih cocok untuk digunakan.
Penelitian ini menggunakan tikus sebagai sampel, masing-masing tikus diberikan 3 luka dengan 3 perlakuan berbeda terdiri dari kontrol, povidone iodine 10 , dan povidone iodine 5 . Pada hari ke-3, tiga tikus pertama dikorbankan dan pada hari ke-7 3 tikus berikut dikorbankan, lalu dibuat spesimen histologi dengan mengambil area luka dan diwarnai dengan Hematoksilin-Eosin untuk menganalisis jumlah PMN dan fibroblast, serta Van Gieson menganalisis serat kolagen. Hasil dari penelitian ini memperlihatkan tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan antara povidone iodine 5 dan 10 dalam proses keseluruhan penyembuhan luka yang dilihat dari jumlah PMN, fibroblast, dan serat kolagen.

Skin is an external defense system, directly undergo wound healing process when scars occur and people tend to interfere the wound healing process with antiseptic agents, in this case is the use of povidone iodine 10 Betadine . However, there is new idea about the appliance of povidone iodine 5 on cutaneous wound healing may give different effect. This research aims to compare the different effect of using different concentration of povidone iodine on number of PMN, fibroblast, and collagen fibers during wound healing process and to determine which one is more suitable to use.
This experiment using rats as samples, each rat is given 3 wounds with 3 different treatments consisted of control, povidone iodine 10, and povidone iodine 5. On the 3rd day, the first three rats were sacrificed and on the 7th day the following 3 rats were sacrificed, then made histological specimens by taking the wound area and stained it using Hematoxylin eosin to analyze number of PMN and fibroblast, also Van Gieson to analyze collagen fibers. The result of this experiment is that there is no significant difference among povidone iodine 5 and 10 in overall process or phases of wound healing, as seen from number of PMN, fibroblast, as well as collagen fibers.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rabbania Hiksas
"Latar Belakang: Penyembuh luka yang dikenal luas oleh masyarakat modern saat ini adalah povidone iodine 10%, sedangkan masyarakat tradisional lebih memilih bubuk kopi. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dengan tujuan untuk membuktikan bahwa bubuk kopi lebih efektif dalam menyembuhkan luka dibandingkan dengan povidone iodine 10%.
Metode: Enam ekor tikus putih Rattus norvegicus betina dengan usia 10-12 minggu dibuatkan 3 luka sebesar 0.5x1 cm yang dijadikan kelompok kontrol, povidone iodine 10%, dan bubuk kopi. Tiga tikus pertama dikorbankan dihari ketiga dan sisanya dihari ketujuh. Bekas luka dipotong dan dibuat sediaan histopatologi dengan pewarnaan Hematoxylin dan eosin untuk fibroblas dan Van Gieson untuk serat kolagen.
Hasil: Terdapat proses inhibisi penyembuhan luka oleh povidone iodine 10% dan bubuk kopi pada hari ke-1 sampai 3, tetapi terdapat stimulasi fibroblas dan serat kolagen setelah hari ketiga. Pada hari ketiga, kelompok kontrol memiliki tingkat fibroblast dan serabut kolagen paling tinggi, sedangkan pada kelompok povidone iodine 10% dan bubuk kopi relatif sama dengan di tingkat yang rendah. Pada hari ketujuh, semua kelompok memiliki tingkat fibroblas dan serabut kolagen yang hampir sama. Walaupun begitu, perbedaan ini tidak bermakna (p=0.427 untuk fibroblast, dan p=0.300 untuk serat kolagen).
Kesimpulan: tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna dari povidone iodine 10% dan bubuk kopi terhadap tingkat fibroblas dan kolagen.

Background: Common wound healing treatment used by modern society is povidone iodine 10%, but traditional society prefer to choose coffee powder. This research is done to prove the effectiveness of coffee powder as wound healing treatment in compared to povidone iodine 10%.
Methods: 3 wounds with each 0.5x1 cm are made in female Rattus norvegicus white rats with age around 10-12 weeks and divided into control, povidone iodine 10% and coffee powder group. The first three rats were sacrificed on the third day and the rest on the seventh day. Histopathological specimens were made from the cutting wounds and stained using Hematoxylin-eosin for fibroblas dan Van Gieson for collagen fibers analysis.
Result: There is an inhibition processed by povidone iodine 10 and coffee powder in the 1st until 3rd day, but there is a stimulation of fibroblast and collagen fibers after day 3. On the 3rd day, control group has the highest level of fibroblast and collagen fibers, but on the 7th day, all groups have approximately the same level of fibroblast and collagen. However, this differences is not significant (p=0.427 for fibroblast, and p=0.300 for collagen fibers).
Conclusion: there is no significant difference between povidone iodine 10% and coffee powder towards the level of fibroblast and collagen.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Dari hasil pemeriksaan histology, radiolagy, biomekanik dan biokimia pada penelitian ini dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa proses penyembuhan patah tulang pada tibia kanan adalah lebih cepat di banding tibia kiri atau proses penyembuhan patah tulang dengan pencucian larutan NaCl lebih cepat dari pada pencucian dengan larutan povidone iodine encer. Ini menunjukkan kemungkinan adanya pengaruh larutan povidone iodine pada proses penyembuhan patah tulang"
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 1990
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menilai proses penyembuhan luka dengan menggunakan ekstrak metanol daun Jatropha multifida L. berdasarkan mekanisme penurunan jumlah leukosit PMN dan peningkatan jumlah sel fibroblas.
Metode: bahan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah ekstrak metanol dari daun Jatropha multifida Subyek penelitian terdiri dari 36 ekor tikus putih jantan galur Spraque Dawlay umur 2 bulan dengan berat badan sekitar 150-200 g. Hewan coba dibagi menjadi 4 kelompok. Kelompok I (negatif kontrol merupakan kelompok hewan coba yang dilukai tanpa diobati; kelompok II (kontrol positif) merupakan kelompok hewan coba yang diobati dengan Bethasone-N; Kelompok III (kontrol pelarut) merupakan kelompok yang diobati dengan alkohol 70% sedangkan kelompok IV (kelompok perlakuan) merupakan kelompok yang diobati dengan meneteskan 10 mg ekstrak metanol daun Jatropha multifida. Setiap kelompok terdiri dari 3 ekor tikus yang masing-masing dibagi lagi menjadi kelompok waktu dekapitasi pada hari ke 3, 6, dan 13. Pada jaringan luka dibuat sediaan histologi dengan pewarnaan HE dan dilanjutkan dengan menghitung jumlah leukosit PMN dan fibroblas.
Pada penelitian ini memperlihatkan bahwa penurunan jumlah leukosit PMN pada kelompok perlakuan dengan ekstrak metanol daun Jatropha multifida relatif lebih baik dibandingkan dengan kontrol negatif, kontrol positif dan kontrol pelarut. Peningkatan jumlah fibroblas terjadi pada hari ke 6 dan 13 setelah perlakuan. Simpulan: ekstrak metanol daun Jatropha multifida dapat mengobati luka sayat lebih baik dibandingkan dengan kontrol negatif, kontrol positif dan kontrol pelarut.

Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of methanol extract of Jatropha multifida leaves on the wound healing process and to investigate the wound healing activity based on reduced numbers of PMN (polymorpho nuclear) leukocytes and increased numbers of fibroblasts.
Method: methanol extract of dried leaves of Jatropha multifida was used in the wound healing activity studies. The study subjects were 36 white male Sprague Dawlay rats aged 2 months with 150-200 gram body weight. The subjects were divided into 4 groups and experimentally injured: Group I (negative control) underwent injury without subsequent treatment; group II (positive control) received topical treatment with Bethasone-N after injury; group III (solvent control) was treated with 70% methanol; group IV (treatment group) was treated with 10 mg methanol extract of Jatropha multifida Each group consisted of 3 rats, which were decapitated on days 3, 6, and 13 after the start of treatment. Histological preparation was stained with hematoxyline-eosin (HE) and was continuously examined by counting the numbers of PMN leukocytes and fibroblasts as indicators of wound healing on days 3, 6, and 13 of treatment.
The study showed lower numbers of PMN leukocytes in subjects treated with the extract of Jatropha multifidaas compared to the other groups. The numbers of fibroblasts were significantly higher on days 6 and 13 of treatment. In conclusion, the treatment of injuries with methanol extract of leaves from Jatropha multifida provided better results compared to the other groups in our study."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2012
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Telah dilakukan uji pemanfaatan getah pisang ambon (Musa paradisiaca var sapientum Lamb) dalam penyembuhan luka bakar pada kulit tikus putih (Rattus novergicus). Penyembuhan luka bakar dievaluasi dengan menghitung jumlah leukosit PMN dan jumlah fibroblas pada hari ke 7, 14, dan 21 setelah perlakuan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penurunan jumlah leukosit PMN pada subjek yang diobati dengan getah pisang ambon relatif lebih signifikan dibandingkan dengan kontrol negatif dan positif (Bioplacenton ®). Sebaliknya, peningkatan jumlah fibroblas secara signifikan ditunjukkan pada hari ke-14 dan ke-21 setelah perawatan. Kesimpulannya, pengobatan dengan getah pisang Ambon pada luka bakar memberikan hasil yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan kedua kontrol positif dan negatif.

A study of ambonese plantain banana (Musa paradisiaca var sapientum Lamb) treatment in burn wound healing on the skin of white rats (Rattus novergicus) has been conducted. The wound healing of burn injuries was evaluated by counting the number of PMN leukocytes and fibroblasts at the 7th, 14th, and 21st days following the treatment. The study showed that the decrease in number of PMN leukocytes of subjects treated with ambonese plantain banana was relatively more significant compared to both negative and positive control (Bioplacenton®). In contrast, an increasing number of fibroblasts was significantly demonstrated at the 14th and 21st days after treatment. In conclusion, ambonese plantain banana treatment in burn injuries will provide bett er results compared to both positive and negative controls."
Depok: Direktorat Riset dan Pengabdian Masyarakat UI, 2012
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kurniadi Husodo
Pendahuluan. Irigasi dan debridement yang adekuat dinilai sebagai faktor yang paling menentukan dalam pencegahan infeksi pada fraktur terbuka. Povidone Iodine dan hidrogen peroksida sering digunakan sebagai adjuvant pada proses irigasi untuk membunuh mikroorganisme dan menurunkan angka infeksi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menilai pengaruh povidone iodine dan hidrogen peroksida terhadap penyembuhan fraktur dan reaksi jaringan yang terjadi.
Metode. Empat puluh ekor tikus Sprague Dawley jantan dialokasikan acak ke dalam kelompok perlakuan, yaitu; kelompok I (kontrol), kelompok II (povidone iodine 10%), kelompok III (povidone iodine 1%), dan kelompok IV (hidrogen peroksida 3%). Pada minggu pertama, kedua, dan kelima masing-masing dikorbankan 3 ekor tikus pada setiap kelompok. Evaluasi penyembuhan fraktur dilakukan dengan histomorfometri menggunakan program ImageJ®, variabel yang dinilai meliputi; persentase jaringan fibrosa, jaringan tulang rawan, dan jaringan penulangan pada kalus. Reaksi jaringan dinilai dari jumlah sel limfosit dan makrofag yang dinilai secara semikuantitatif. Analisis statistik dilakukan dengan uji ANCOVA dilanjutkan dengan uji post hoc Dunnett.
Hasil. Persentase luas jaringan penulangan terbanyak ditemukan pada kelompok III, diikuti oleh kelompok I, kelompok IV, dan kelompok II. Persentase luas jaringan fibrosa terbanyak ditemukan pada kelompok II, diikuti oleh kelompok IV, kelompok I, dan kelompok III. Reaksi jaringan terbesar ditemukan pada kelompok II, diikuti oleh kelompok IV, kelompok III, dan kelompok I. Pada uji ANCOVA ditemukan perbedaan antar kelompok yang bermakna. Pada uji Dunnett terdapat perbedaan yang bermakna antara kelompok II dan IV terhadap kontrol.
Simpulan. Povidone iodine 1% menunjukkan gangguan penyembuhan fraktur dan reaksi jaringan yang minimal.

Introduction. Adequate irrigation and debridement are important factors to prevent infection in open fractures. Povidone iodine and hydrogen peroxide are adjuvants often used in irrigation to kill microorganisms and prevent infections. This study aims to determine the effect of povidone iodine and hydrogen peroxide on fracture healing and also reaction of host tissue to their presence.
Methods. Fourty male Sprague Dawley rats were allocated randomly into group I (control), group II (10% povidone iodine), group III (1% povidone iodine), and group IV (3% hydrogen peroxide). Three rats on each group were sacrificed on the first, second, and fifth week. Evaluation of fracture healing was done by histomorphometry using ImageJ®, variables measured were; percentage of fibrous tissue, cartilage tissue, and osseous tissue in fracture callus. Reaction of host tissue was analyzed by semiquantative evaluation of lymphocytes and macrophages. Statistical analysis was performed with ANCOVA test followed by Dunnett post hoc test.
Results. The highest percentage of osseous tissue was found in group III, followed by Group I, Group IV and Group II. The highest percentage of fibrous tissue was found in group II, followed by group IV, group I, and group III. The largest tissue reaction was found in group II, followed by group IV, group III, and group I. In ANCOVA test, there was significant difference found between groups. In Dunnett test, significant differences were found between group II and IV to control.
Conclusion. One percent povidone iodine caused minimal impairment of fracture healing and host tissue reaction., Introduction. Adequate irrigation and debridement are important factors to prevent infection in open fractures. Povidone iodine and hydrogen peroxide are adjuvants often used in irrigation to kill microorganisms and prevent infections. This study aims to determine the effect of povidone iodine and hydrogen peroxide on fracture healing and also reaction of host tissue to their presence.
Methods. Fourty male Sprague Dawley rats were allocated randomly into group I (control), group II (10% povidone iodine), group III (1% povidone iodine), and group IV (3% hydrogen peroxide). Three rats on each group were sacrificed on the first, second, and fifth week. Evaluation of fracture healing was done by histomorphometry using ImageJ®, variables measured were; percentage of fibrous tissue, cartilage tissue, and osseous tissue in fracture callus. Reaction of host tissue was analyzed by semiquantative evaluation of lymphocytes and macrophages. Statistical analysis was performed with ANCOVA test followed by Dunnett post hoc test.
Results. The highest percentage of osseous tissue was found in group III, followed by Group I, Group IV and Group II. The highest percentage of fibrous tissue was found in group II, followed by group IV, group I, and group III. The largest tissue reaction was found in group II, followed by group IV, group III, and group I. In ANCOVA test, there was significant difference found between groups. In Dunnett test, significant differences were found between group II and IV to control.
Conclusion. One percent povidone iodine caused minimal impairment of fracture healing and host tissue reaction.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nissia Ananda
"Latar Belakang: Pembentukan jaringan parut terkait dengan fibroblast yang dihasilkan selama fase proliferasi dan salah satu strategi untuk menekan pembentukannya yang berlebihan adalah dengan menggunakan bahan perawatan luka. Penggunaan obat herbal saat ini diminati karena menghindari efek samping obat sintetik dan Hydnophytum formicarum berpotensi sebagai antioksidan dan anti inflamasi. Tujuan Penelitian: Menganalisis pengaruhekstrak Hydnophytum formicarum terhadap kerapatan kolagen, angiogenesis, panjang luka, dan reepitelisasi penyembuhan luka. Metode Penelitian: 24 ekor tikus Sprague Dawley dibagi dalam kelompok kontrol dan kelompok perlakuan. Luka dibuat menggunakan biopsy punch. Empat ekor tikus dari tiap kelompok di nekropsi pada hari ke 4, 7 dan 14. Analisa kerapatan kolagen, angiogenesis, panjang luka, dan reepitelisasi dilakukan menggunakan pemeriksaan hematoksilin eosin dan masson’s trichrome. Hasil: Terdapat perbedaan bermakna pada angiogenesis, panjang luka, reepiteliasasi antar kelompok. Angiogenesis pada kelompok perlakuan memiliki jumlah yang lebih sedikit namun lebih matur. Selain itu terdapat interaksi antara pengaplikasian ekstrak Hydnophytum formicarum dan hari nekropsi terhadap kerapatan kolagen dan tingkat reepitelisasi. Kesimpulan: Penggunaan ekstrak Hydnophytum formicarum mempengaruhi pembentukkan jaringan parut yang ditunjukkan kerapatan kolagen, angiogenesis, reepitelisasi, dan panjang luka pada fase granulasi. Tidak terdapat kelainan spesifik pada luka pada kelompok perlakuan. Inhibisi angiogenesis pada aplikasiHydnophytum formicarum berhubungan dengan pembentukan jaringan parut pada luka.

Background: Formation of scar tissue associated with fibroblast and wound care material is used to suppress the formation of excessive scar tissue. Herbal medicine is currently popular because it avoids the side effects of synthetic drugs and Hydnophytum formicarum has antioxidant and anti-inflammation potential. Purpose: Analyzing the effects of Hydnophytum formicarum extract on collagen density, angiogenesis, wound length, reepithelialization in wound healing. Material and Method: 24 mice are divided in the control and treated group. Wounds were made using biopsy punch. Four rats from each group were necropsed on day 4, 7 and 14. Collagen density, angiogenesis, wound length, reepithelialization were then analyzed using hematoxylin eosin and masson’s trichrome staining. Results: There were significant differences in the results of the angiogenesis analysis, wound length, reepitheliasation between the groups. Angiogenesis in the treatment group had smaller number but more mature. There was interaction between the application of Hydnophytum formicarum extract and necropsy day on collagen density and reepithelialization rate. Conclusion: Hydnophytum formicarum extracts affected the formation of scar tissue as indicated by collagen density, angiogenesis, reepithelialization, wound length in granulation phases. Inhibition of angiogenesis in the application of Hydnophytum formicarum is related to the formation of scar tissue in the wound."
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Steven Narmada
"Latar Belakang: Dibutuhkan waktu 14 hari donor kulit STSG sembuh. Kolagen berperan penting untuk menginduksi penyembuhan luka dan proses epitelisasi lebih cepat. Sementara gliserin menjaga kulit tetap lembab dan mendorong migrasi sel epitel. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui fungsi gel kolagen dan gliserin dalam mempercepat penyembuhan luka pada daerah donor STSG. Bahan dan Metode: Uji coba klinis non-acak dilakukan pada 18 pasien dewasa untuk membandingkan tingkat epitelisasi pada donor STSG antara kombinasi gel kolagen dan gliserin dibandingkan tulle yang dikombinasikan dengan kasa lembab. Luka dinilai pada hari ke 7, 10, dan 14 pascaoperasi. Persentase epitelisasi dievaluasi dan difoto. Setiap foto dianalisis dengan menggunakan program analisis warna Adobe Photoshop. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan SPSS 20.0 dan diuji dengan independent t-test. Hasil: Delapan belas pasien yang membutuhkan pencangkokan kulit dimasukkan dalam penelitian ini. Terdapat 13 pria dan 5 wanita dengan usia rata-rata 33,34 tahun berkisar 15-50 tahun . Area donor rata-rata adalah 140,89 cm2 berkisar 100-240 cm2 . Persentase tingkat epitelisasi lebih besar dengan menggunakan kombinasi gel kolagen dan gliserin pada hari ke-7 pasca operasi 88,05 , 95 CI 85,75-90,63 vs 77,18 , 95 CI 73,39-81,02 ; p

Background It usually takes 14 days for the split thickness skin donor site to heal. Collagen plays an important role to induce faster wound healing and epithelialization. Meanwhile, glycerin keeps skin moisturized and promotes epithelial cells migration. This study was conducted to identify the role of combined collagen and glycerin based gel in promoting faster wound healing on split thickness skin graft donor sites.Materials and Methods A non randomized clinical trial was performed on 18 adult patients to compare the dressing for split thickness skin graft donor site epithelialization rate between combination of collagen and glycerin based gel versus tulle grass combined with moist gauze. The wound was assessed on postoperative day 7, 10, and 14. The epithelialization percentage was evaluated and photographed. Each photo was analyzed using Adobe Photoshop color match program. Data was analyzed using SPSS 20.0 and tested with independent t test.Result Eighteen patients requiring skin grafting were included in this study. There were 13 men and 5 women with mean age 33.34 year old ranged 15 50 year old . The average donor area was 140.89 cm2 ranged 100 240 cm2 . Epithelialization rate was greater using combination of collagen and glycerin based gel on postoperative day 7 88.05 , 95 CI 85.75 90.63 vs 77.18 , 95 CI 73.39 81.02 p 0.05 and day 10 96.92 , 95 CI 96.02 97.82 vs 89.22 , 95 CI 87.6 90.85 p 0.05 . Meanwhile, there is no epithelialization rate difference on postoperative day 14 between both dressing types 100 vs 99.72 0.55 , p 0.05Conclusion Although showing better epithelialization rate at day 7 and 10, combination of collagen and glycerin based gel covered gauze showed no difference in the healing of split thickness skin graft donor sites in comparison with tulle grass combined with moist gauze at day 14. Keywords Donor site, STSG, collagen and glycerin based gel, epithelialization. "
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fadhilla Puri Oktaviana
"Latar Belakang: Sebagian besar pasien menginginkan bahan tambal sewarna gigi yang tahan lama dan memiliki stabilitas warna yang tinggi. Penggunaan partikel berukuran nano pada komposit saat ini dapat meningkatkan kualitas pemolesan dan menyebabkan komposit lebih tahan terhadap pewarnaan. Perubahan warna yang terjadi pada resin komposit dapat dipengaruhi oleh komponen kimiawi dalam obat kumur yang digunakan sehari-hari. Obat kumur memang efektif dalam melawan dan mengurangi penyebaran virus, namun beberapa obat kumur mengandung bahan yang dapat mengakibatkan pewarnaan pada restorasi resin komposit. Tujuan: Mendapatkan perbedaan perubahan warna antara resin komposit nanohibrida yang direndam dalam obat kumur chlorhexidine gluconate 0,2% dan povidone iodine 1%. Metode: Spesimen resin komposit nanohibrida berjumlah 32 buah disiapkan dalam mould (6x3 mm). Spesimen dibagi menjadi 2 kelompok (n=16) berdasarkan obat kumur yang digunakan yaitu kelompok A1 (chlorhexidine gluconate 0,2%) dan A2 (povidone iodine 1%). Spesimen direndam aquades dengan suhu 37ºC selama 24 jam, lalu dilakukan pemolesan dengan Sof-Lex Polishing Discs dan uji warna awal menggunakan kolorimeter. Setelah itu, spesimen direndam dalam obat kumur selama 24 jam. Kemudian dilakukan uji warna akhir dan hasil rata-rata nilai perubahan warna dianalisis dengan uji Mann-Whitney. Hasil Penelitian: Terdapat perbedaan bermakna antara rerata nilai perubahan warna resin komposit nanohibrida yang direndam dalam chlorhexidine gluconate 0,2% dan povidone iodine 1% (p < 0,05) dengan nilai kelompok povidone iodine 1% (3,35) lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan kelompok chlorhexidine gluconate 0,2% (0,63). Kesimpulan: Perubahan warna yang terjadi pada resin komposit nanohibrida dengan perendaman povidone iodine 1% lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan perendaman dengan chlorhexidine gluconate 0,2%.

Background: Most patients want a tooth-colored filling material that is durable and has high color stability. The use of nano-sized particles in today’s composites can improve the quality of polishing and make the composites more resistant to discoloration. Discoloration that occur in the composite resins can be affected by chemical components in the mouthwash that used daily. Mouthwashes are effective in against and reducing the spread of viruses, but some mouthwashes contain ingredients that can cause discoloration of composite resin restorations. Objective: Obtaining differences in discoloration between nanohybrid composite resin soaked in 0.2% chlorhexidine gluconate and 1% povidone iodine mouthwash. Methods: Thirty two nanohybrid composite resin specimens were prepared in a mold (6x3 mm). Specimens were divided into two groups (n=16) based on the mouthwash that used, group A1 (0.2% Chlorhexidine gluconate) and A2 (1% Povidone iodine). The specimens were immersed in distilled water at 37ºC for 24 hours, then polished with Sof-Lex Polishing Discs and then the initial color test was performed using a colorimeter. After that, the specimens were soaked in mouthwash for 24 hours. Then the final color test was carried out and the mean values of the color change were analyzed by Mann-Whitney test. Results: There was a significant difference between the average color change value of the nanohybrid composite resin immersed in 0.2% chlorhexidine gluconate and 1% povidone iodine (p < 0.05) with 1% povidone iodine group value (3.35) higher than 0.2% chlorhexidine gluconate (0.63). Conclusion: The color change that occurred in the nanohybrid composite resin with 1% povidone iodine immersion was higher than that with 0.2% chlorhexidine gluconate immersion."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Proliferation phase is the second of the three phases in wound healing. In this phase, fibroblast is a pivotal component. The migration and proliferation of fibroblasts are influenced by FGF, TGF-β and FGF. Amniotic membrane (AM) which consists of several growth factors that play an important role in wound healing can be used as transplantation materials. This study investigated the influence of AM on the number of fibroblast cells in the process of wound healing on rabbit's gingiva. Thirty six rabbits were divided into 2 groups, one is the control group (C) and the other is the treatment group (I). Each of the groups were divided into 6 groups. composed of 3 rabbits based on the date of termination, i.e. 1st, 3rd, 5th. 7th. 10th and 14th day after wounded. Five layers of AM were applicated on T group wounding and C group wounding were let open. Histological evaluation was done to calculate the number of fibroblast cells. Data analysis was done by using MANOVA. The results showed there was a significant difference (p<0,05) in the number of fibroblast cells between T and C groups among the groups of termination dates. The one having the highest number of fibroblast cell was in T 10 group. lt can be concluded that AM enhanced the number of fibroblast cells in the process of wound healing on rabbit's gingival."
Journal of Dentistry Indonesia, 2003
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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