Ditemukan 1251 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Hugo, Burkard, 1960-2006.
London: Quintessence, 2009
617.69 HUG e
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Hugo, Burkard
London: Quintessence, 2009
R 617.69 HUG e
Buku Referensi Universitas Indonesia Library
Mathew, Renu Ann
Saarbrucken : Lambert Academic Publishing, 2013
617.645 MAT e
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Nanda, Ravindra
St. Louis, Missouri : Elsevier, 2015
617.643 NAN e
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Anita Erdiani
"Latar Belakang: Penelitian terakhir melaporkan bahwa kombinasi teknik self ecth dengan penambangan etsa dapat meningkatkan ikatan bahan adhesif pada sementasi fiber post. Namun masih perlu dievaluasi efek ikatan bahan adhesif teknik kombinasi penambahan etsa ini. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan penetrasi semen resin ke dalam tubulus dentin pada sementasi fiber post antara teknik etsa dan kombinasi. Metode: tiga puluh dua gigi premolar paska perawatan saluran akar telah dipreparasi preparasi ruang pasak sepanjang 10 mm. Kelompok penelitian pertama menggunakan sistem adhesif self etch, kelompok kedua kombinasi penambahan etsa. Pasak fiber disemen menggunakan semen resin dengan pewarnaan fluorescence rhodamine B 0.1%. Gigi dipotong 2 mm sepertiga tengah akar. Sampel dianalisis dengan confocal laser scanning microscopy. Uji statistik menggunakan uji T Independent dan uji korelasi Pearson. Hasil: Terdapat perbedaan nilai densitas ikatan hibrida dan kedalaman penetrasi resin tags. Nilai densitas ikatan hibrida pada kelompok penelitian kedua lebih tinggi dibanding kelompok pertama dan berbeda bermakna secara statistik. Terdapat korelasi linear posisif kuat yang bermakna secara statistik antara densitas ikatan hibrida dan kedalaman penetrasi resin tags pada kedua kelompok. Kesimpulan: Densitas ikatan hibrida dan kedalaman penetrasi resin tags pada teknik kombinasi penambahan etsa memiliki nilai yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan teknik self etch. Semakin tebal densitas ikatan hibrida maka semakin panjang kedalaman penetrasi resin tags, sehingga meningkatkan kekuatan mekanis semen resin terhadap subsrat gigi.
Background: Recently, combination of self-etch and additional etch technique as pre cementation procedures of fiber post restoration was reported to be the best. Although this combination still need to be investigated due to the binding effect between adhesive material and dentine. Objective: To determine the effects of different etching techniques on resin cement penetration into dentinal tubules. Methods: Thirty-two endodontic treated premolars were prepared for 10 mm fibre post. The samples were divided into two research groups, first group was treated with, self-etch only then the second one was treated with combination of self-etch and additional etching. Fibre post cemented using fluorescence rhodamine B 0.1% colored resin cement. Teeth were cut with 2 mm thickness in the middle third of root. The samples were analyzed with confocal laser scanning microscopy. Statistical analysis measurement was evaluated by Independent T test and Pearson correlation test. Result: Different hybrid layer density and penetration length of resin tags between two groups were detected. Statistically different and higher hybrid layer density score on self-etch with additional etching group were identified. Statistically strong linear positive correlation between hybrid layer density and penetration length of resin tags in both groups were also noticed. Conclusion: Hybrid layer density and penetration length of resin tags on self-etch with additional etching showed higher scores. The thicker the hybrid layer density, the longer penetration of resin tags, this phenomenon may increase mechanical strength regarding stronger bind of resin cement to tooth substrate. "
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Sima Novrita Deviyanti
"Skripsi ini membahas pengaruh teknik inkremental dan aplikasi re-etch re-bond terhadap pencegahan perubahan warna tepi restorasi resin komposit nanohybrid setelah perendaman dalam larutan kopi, dengan cara membagi 24 gigi molar 3 menjadi 4 kelompok. Sample dibuat kavitas berbentuk lingkaran dengan diameter 2 mm kemudian ditumpat resin komposit nanohybrid dengan teknik inkremental (kelompok I-II) dan bulk (kelompok III-IV),pada kelompok I juga diaplikasikan re- etch re-bond setelah finishing lalu direndam dalam larutan kopi. Hasilnya, kelompok I menunjukkan nilai pewarnaan tepi tumpatan yang terendah dan pewarnaan tepi bermakna secara statistik (p<0,05) terjadi pada penghitungan hari ke-6 dan ke-12. Kesimpulannya, teknik penumpatan inkremental dan pengaplikasian re-etch re-bond dapat meminimalkan perubahan warna tepi tumpatan.
This study discusses the influence of incremental technique and re-etch re-bond applications to the prevention of marginal discoloration nanohybrid composite resin after immersed in a solution of coffee, by dividing the 24 third molars into 4 groups. Sample made a circular cavity with a diameter of 2 mm then restored by nanohybrid composite resin with incremental technique (group I-II) and bulk (group III-IV), in group I also applied re-etch re-bond after finishing and then immersed in a solution of coffee . As a result, group I showed the lowest value of marginal discoloration and the marginal discoloration statistically significant (p <0.05) occurred in the counting day 6 and 12. In conclusion, incremental techniques and application of re-etch re- bond can minimize marginal discoloration of composite resin"
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Massironi, Domenico
Milan: Quintessencza edizioni Srl, 2007
617.69 MAS p
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Edinburgh: Elsevier, 2016
617.6 ESS
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Andika Damayanti Kartikasari
"Latar Belakang: Tolok ukur baik tidaknya adaptasi tepi restorasi adalah tidak adanya kebocoran pada perbatasan restorasi dan gigi Restorasi resin komposit dapat menimbulkan kebocoran mikro akibat kontraksi saat polimerisasi sehingga terdapat celah antara dinding kavitas dengan resin komposit Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis perbedaan tingkat kebocoran mikro dinding restorasi kelas I antara antara RK bulk fill dengan aktivasi sonik bulk fill tanpa aktivasi sonik dan inkremental
Metode: Kavitas kelas I dipreparasi pada dua puluh tujuh gigi premolar rahang atas kemudian dibagi menjadi tiga kelompok Kelompok pertama ditumpat dengan RK bulk fill dengan aktivasi sonik kelompok kedua dengan RK bulk fill tanpa aktivasi sonik dan kelompok ketiga dengan RK yang diletakkan secara inkremental Selanjutnya spesimen direndam dalam air distilasi selama 24 jam dan kemudian dilakukan uji thermocycling yang diikuti perendaman dalam biru metilen 1 selama 24 jam Gigi selanjutnya dibelah longitudinal dan dilakukan pengamatan menggunakan mikroskop stereo pembesaran 12x dan dinilai dalam skala ordinal 0 4 Analisis statistik dilakukan dengan uji Kolmogorov Smirnov
Hasil: Tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna secara statistik di antara tiga kelompok Kesimpulan Tidak ada satupun dari kelompok RK bulk fill dengan aktivasi sonik bulk fill tanpa aktivasi sonik dan yang diletakkan secara inkremental yang dapat menghilangkan kebocoran mikro pada preparasi kavitas kelas I
Background: A good marginal adaptation of a restoration can be measured by the absence of microleakage at the interface area Resin composite undergo contraction during polymerization which may result in gap formation between the wall cavity and composite and resulting microleakage The purpose of this study is to analyze the microleakage of class I cavity preparations that were filled with sonic activated bulk fill resin composite bulk fill resin composite without sonic activation and composite that were filled incrementally Methods: Standardized class I cavities were prepared on 27 extracted human upper premolars and randomly assigned to three groups The first group were filled with sonic activated bulk fill resin composite the second group were filled with bulk fill resin composite without sonic activation and the third group were filled incrementally The specimens were stored in distilled water for 24 hours and then subjected to thermocycling followed by immersion in 1 methylene blue dye for 24 hours The teeth were sectioned longitudinally and evaluated for microleakage under 12x magnification stereomicroscope and scored in ordinal scale 0 4 Statistical analysis was performed with the Kolmogorov Smirnov test Results: There was no statistically significant difference among the three groups Conclusion None of the the techniques was capable of eliminating the microleakage in class I cavity preparations "
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
"Development of ideal dental materials to replace tooth tissue has been the objective of many researchers and manufacturers. Consequently, a wide range of dental materials with different chemical compositions, properties and recommendations on clinical application has been introduced in dentistry. Conventional glass-ionomers (GIC) were introduced to the dental profession by Wilson and Kent in 1972. The adhesion of these materials to dental tissue and their flouride releasing capacity brought about their use as restoration bases and cement. In 1988, resin-modified glass ionomer cements were developed to improve the high sensitivity to humidity and low mechanical strength of glass-ionomers. The new resin modified glass-ionomer cements have produced materials with superior properties. However, these improvements are as yet insufficient for these materials to complete with resin composites in high stress bearing situations such as incisal tip restorations and posterior occlusal restorations in the permanent dentition."
Journal of Dentistry Indonesia, 2004
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library