"Sistiserkosis adalah penyakit yang disebabkan oleh stadium larva cacing pita babi yaitu Taenia solium. Manusia merupakan hospes definitif dan sekaligus hospes perantara, sedangkan babi dan anjing merupakan hoepes perantara cacing ini. Di Indonesia. sistiserkosis terutama ditemukan di tiga propinsi yaitu Sumatera Utara, Bali dan Papua. Angka prevalensi sistiserkosis di beberapa propinsi di Indonesia berada pada rentang 1,0% -42,7%, prevalensi tertinggi ditemukan di Papua (42,7%).
Kecamatan Wamena terletak di Kabupaten Jayawijaya, dibagian tengah propinsi Papua serta berbatasan dengan Papua Nugini disebelah timur. Tingkat kebersihan masih sangat rendah dan pemakaian jamban masih belum menjadi kebiasaan, sehingga penduduk berisiko terkena sistiserkosis.
Penelitian ini menggunakan desain kasus kontrol yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara mencuci tangan sebelum makan dengan kejadian sistiserkosis pada penduduk Kecamatan Wamena, Kabupaten Jayawijaya, Propinsi Papua Tahun 2002.
Pada hasil studi ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa faktor mencuci tangan sebelum makan berhubungan dengan kejadian sistiserkosis, setelah dikontrol variabel lain dengan OR 5,611 (95% CI 3,066 - 10,269). Dengan kata lain dapat disederhanakan bahwa responden yang tidak mencuci tangan sebelum makan memiliki risiko 5,611 kali menderita sistiserkosis dibanding yang tidak mencuci tangan.
Disarankan agar melakukan penyuluhan kesehatan terutama di daerah endemis tentang kebersihan diri yaitu mencuci tangan sebelum makan, dengan kampanye kepada masyarakat melalui media massa seperti radio, televisi, pemutaran film, spanduk, papan iklan. Disamping itu dapat dilakukan pendekatan melalui sosio anthropologi bagi masyarakat umum antara lain dengan menggunakan bahasa setempat.
Daftar pustaka : 33 (1974 - 2001)
The Association Between Washing Hands, Before Meals And The Occurrence Of Cysticercosis In Wamena Sub-District Jayawijaya District, Papua Province In 2002Human cysticercosis is a disease caused by the larval stage of the pig tapeworm, Taenia solium. Man is the definite and also intermediate host of this tapeworm, whereas the pig and dog are intermediate hosts. In Indonesia, cysticercosis, is mostly found in three provinces i.e. North Sumatera. Bali and Papua. The prevalence rate of cysticercosis in several provinces of Indonesia range from 1.0 % - 42,7 %, the highest prevalence rate is found in Papua (42,7 %).Wamena Sub-district is located in Jayawijaya District, in the center of the province of Papua and on the eastern side is bordered to Papua Nugini. The hygienic is very low and people are not in the habit in using sanitary facilities, therefore the risk of people to be infected with this tapeworm is high.The objective of this case control study was to determine the association between washing hands, before meals and the occurrence of cysticercosis. Data were collected in Wamena Sub-district, Jayawijaya District, Papua Province during January-February 2002. This study shows that the relationship between washing hands, before meals and the occurrence of cysticercosis, after being adjusted by frequency of bathing and water sources is significantly associated OR= 5,611 ; 95% CI: 3,066 - 10,289. This means that respondents who were not washing hands before meals have the risk 5,611 times more to suffer from cysticercosis compared to respondents who are washing their hands. Furthermore the covariate variable among nine variables associated with the occurrence cysticercosis.It was suggested to conduct health education, especially in endemic areas, on personal hygiene, i.e. washing hands before meals, with campaigns for the community through mass media such as radio, television, films, banners and advertising boards. Beside that the socio-anthropologic approach for the general community should be considered, using the local languages."