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Sitorus, Adythya Fernando
Penelitian yang sudah dilakukan sebelumnya menunjukkan bahwa ada 2 regime reaksi co-pyrolysis yang memiliki perbedaan trend pada yield bio-oil-nya, yaitu regime dengan komposisi plastik dalam umpan reaktor kurang dari 40 regime 1 dan regime dengan komposisi plastik dalam umpan reaktor lebih dari 40 regime 2 .Penelitian yang dilakukan saat ini berhasil membuktikan bahwa hal tersebut merupakan pengaruh perpindahan panas bahan dalam reaktor. Perpindahan panas dipelajari dengan melihat suhu yang direkam oleh termokopel pada tujuh lokasi yang berbeda di dasar reaktor. Hasil yang didapatkan adalah pada regime 1, perpindahan panas terjadi dengan dominasi oleh radiasi ke biomassa, sedangkan pada regime 2 didominasi oleh konveksi ke plastik.Variasi komposisi pada regime 1 tidak berpengaruh kepada perubahan suhu dalam campuran sedangkan pada regime 2 menunjukkan semakin kecil komposisi biomassa maka semakin tinggi suhu campuran yang dicapai. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa perpindahan panas belum terjadi dengan merata pada campuran sehingga pirolisis biomassa belum dapat mencapai pirolisis sekunder dengan baik sedangkan pirolisis plastik sudah menghasilkan distribusi produk yang merata.

The previous research shows that there are two regimes of co pyrolysis reaction which have different trend of bio oil rsquo s yield, they are the regime with plastic composition in reactor feed less than 40 regime 1 and regime with plastic composition in reactor feed more than 40 regime 2 .Current research has proved that it is the effect of heat transfer of materials in the reactor. The heat transfer was studied by looking at the temperature recorded by the thermocouple at seven different locations at the bottom of the reactor. The result is that in regime 1, heat transfer occurs dominanty by radiation to biomass, whereas in regime 2 it is dominated by convection to plastic.The variation of composition in regime 1 does not affect the temperature change in the mixture, while in regime 2 the smaller the composition of the biomass the higher the mixed temperature is achieved. This study shows that heat transfer has not occurred evenly on the mixture so that biomass pyrolysis has not been able to achieve the secondary pyrolysis well whereas plastic pyrolysis has produced an even distribution of the product."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dijan Supramono
"Previous research of thermal co-pyrolysis of biomass-plastics where plastics function as hydrogen donor to induce synergistic effect on non-oxygenated fraction of bio-oil has reached a condition that there was a difficulty of separating non-oxygenated compounds from oxygenated compounds either at low heating rate. It was suspected that the content of high molecular weight of compounds especially polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) in bio-oil retarded this separation. At low heating rate, most of co-pyrolysis until recently have been conducted in fixed bed and auger reactors. The present work proposed a stirred tank reactor as the reactor alternative to avoid formation of PAH in bio-oil. A series of experiments of co-pyrolysis of corn cobs and polypropylene at low heating rate (5oC/min) with maximum temperature of 500oC has been conducted with the ultimate goal of producing non-oxygenated fraction of bio-oil similar to diesel fuel. The qualities of the fraction targeted were its viscosity, double bond content and branching number of carbon chains. The values of these properties in diesel fuel are 2.7 cStokes, 0%, 0.4, respectively. The experiments involved 3 different reactors, i.e. the first, a stirred tank reactor with its aspect ratio (the ratio of the height to the diameter) of 2.0, the second, a stirred tank reactor with aspect ratio of 1.35 and the third, a dispecement reactor. Nitrogen gas as a sweeping gas was predicted to generate local turbulence favouring convective heat transfer. The work has resulted in some important results, i.e. the first, there was phase separation between oxygenated and non-oxygenated fractions, the second, synergistic effects in copyrolysis have been achieved both in bio-oil and non-oxygenated fraction yields, the third, non-oxygenated fraction had viscosity of 2.03 + 6.47% cStokes, the fourth, nonoxygenated fraction contained only 6-7% double bonds, which eases the hydrogenation reaction in further processing for double bond saturation, the fifth, non-oxygenated fraction had average branching number of 0.57, slightly above that of diesel fuel, which is unfavourable to reach short ignition delay time in the combustion, the sixth, the aspect ratio of the reactor significantly affected the extent of biomass pyrolysis, but not polypropylene pyrolysis."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pada penggunaan stirred tank reaktor dengan rasio Length/Diameter yang rendah, terjadi beberapa masalah dalam transfer panas, karena itu, fasa polar pada hasil pirolisis masih memiliki panjang rantai karbon yang panjang. Dengan mengubah cara feeding dari twice feeding, menjadi gradual feeding, diharapkan dapat meningkatkan jumlah fasa polar pada panjang rantai karbon rendah. Bonggol jagung dipilih sebagai biomassa karena kandungan total selulosanya yang tinggi dan ketersediaannya yang melimpah di Indonesia. Polipropilena adalah jenis plastik yang cukup banyak dihasilkan di Indonesia dan selain itu memiliki ratio Hydrogen/Carbon yang tinggi. Dengan mencampurkan keduanya, sebuah efek sinergetik akan tercipta untuk memperbaiki kuantitas dan kualitas bio-oil yang dihasilkan. Kondisi operasi dengan suhu maksimum sebesar 500oC, laju alir N2 sebesar 0,75 L/menit, holding time 10 menit dan heating rate 5oC/menit digunakan selama eksperimen berlangsung. Dari eksperimen ini terlihat bahwa proses slow co pyrolysis memiliki 2 regime yang dapat terlihat dari jumlah peningkatan yield bio-oil dan peningkatan signifikan pada volume polar. Hasil FTIR dan GC-MS menunjukan adanya fasa polar yang dominan oleh karboksilat dan fenol, pada fasa polar dominan oleh alkena. Untuk digunakan sebagai bio-fuel, bio-oil memiliki nilai TAN total acid number yang rendah pada fasa polar, dan viskositas yang mendekati dengan bahan bakar komersial.

In the use of stirred tank reactors with low Length Diameter ratios, there are some problems in heat transfer, therefore, the polar phase on the pyrolysis results still has long carbon chain length. By changing the way feeding of the two step feeds, to gradual feeding, is expected to increase the number of polar phases at low carbon chain lengths. Corncobs are selected as biomass because of their high total cellulose content and abundant availability in Indonesia. Polypropylene is a type of plastic that is widely produced in Indonesia and other than it has a high Hydrogen Carbon ratio. By mixing the two, a synergetic effect will be created to improve the quantity and quality of the resulting bio oil. Operating conditions with a maximum temperature of 500oC, N2 flow rate of 0.75 L min, holding time of 10 min and a heating rate of 5oC min were used during the experiment. From this experiment we can see that the slow co pyrolysis process has 2 regimes that can be seen from the increasing amount of bio oil yield and the significant increase in polar volume. FTIR and GC MS results show the dominant polar phase by carboxylic and phenol, in the polar phase dominant by alkene. For use as bio fuel, bio oil has a low TAN value total acid number in polar phase, and viscosity is close to commercial fuel."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sri Lusiani
Penambahan plastik pada pyrolysis tongkol jagung dapat dijadikan salah satu cara
untuk meningkatkan yield biooil dan kandungan senyawa non-oxygenate dalam
biooil. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi efek dari penambahan plastik
pada pyrolysis biomassa terhadap yield dan kualitas biooil serta pengaruh holding
time terhadap biooil hasil proses co-pyrolysis tongkol jagung dan limbah plastik
dalam reaktor unggun tetap. Temperatur maksimal yang digunakan adalah 500oC.
Kecepatan alir N2 yang digunakan 700 ml/menit dan kecepatan pemanasan rendah
5oC/menit. Kecepatan alir N2 dan kecepatan pemanasan co-pyrolysis dibuat
rendah untuk mengakomodasi yield biooil yang tinggi dari pyrolysis plastik.
Tongkol jagung memiliki kandungan selulosa dan hemiselulosa sebesar 81,3%
dimana sangat potensial untuk menghasilkan biooil. Variasi rasio berat plastik
dalam campuran umpan adalah 0, 25, 50, 75, dan 100% dan holding time 0, 10,
30, 50, dan 70 menit. Yield biooil yang diperoleh pada co-pyrolysis tongkol
jagung dan plastik semakin menurun dengan semakin besarnya rasio berat plastik
pada campuran umpan, High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) sebesar 20,28, 17,70,
17,95, 10,45, dan 7,66 % berat dan Polypropylene (PP) sebesar 20,28, 20,80,
18,05, 8,10, 13,98 % berat. Tidak terjadi efek sinergitas untuk meningkatkan yield
biooil. Efek sinergitas terjadi menyebabkan peningkatan senyawa non-oxygenate
biooil hasil co-pyrolysis dengan rasio berat plastik terhadap campuran umpan
yang tinggi. Penambahan holding time pada co-pyrolysis tongkol jagung dan
plastik cenderung menurunkan yield biooil dan kandungan non-oxygenate biooil.

The addition of plastic on the pyrolysis of corn cobs can be one way to increase
the yield biooil and non-oxygenate compound in biooil. This study aimed to
evaluate the effects of adding plastic on pyrolysis of biomass to yield and quality
of biooil and the effect of holding time on biooil from co-pyrolysis corncobs and
plastic waste on a fixed bed reactor. The maximum temperature used is 500oC.
The flow rate of N2 used 700 ml/min and a low heating rate of 5°C / min. The
flow rate of N2 and co-pyrolysis heating rates are set low to accommodate biooil
high yields of pyrolysis plastic. Corncob contains cellulose and hemicellulose of
81.3% which is very potential to generate biooil. Variations in the weight ratio of
plastic in the feed mixture is 0, 25, 50, 75, and 100% and a holding time of 0, 10,
30, 50 and 70 minutes. Yield biooil obtained in co-pyrolysis of corn cobs and
plastics decreases with greater weight ratio of plastic in the feed mixture, the
mixture with High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) produced 20,28, 17,70, 17,95,
10,45, and 7,66% by weight biooil and with Polypropylene (PP) produced 20,28,
20,80, 18,05, 8,10, 13,98% by weight biooil. A synergy effects was not happened
to increase yield of biooil. Synergy effects occur causing an increase in nonoxygenate
compound biooil result of co-pyrolysis with a high weight ratio of
plastic to feed mixture. Addition holding time in the co-pyrolysis of corn cobs and
plastic tends to decrease the yield biooil and non-oxygenate content biooil."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
A`Isyah Fadhillah
"Co-pirolisis termal antara bonggol jagung dan PP pada laju pemanasan rendah telah berhasil memisahkan bio-oil fasa oksigenat dan non-oksigenat secara spontan. Pada co-pirolisis, PP dapat mengambil oksigen dari bio-oil untuk mengkonversi sebagian bio-oil menjadi fasa non-oksigenat sehingga dapat berkontribusi dalam perengkahan PP. Namun, kemampuan PP untuk mengubah oksigen sangat lemah. Pada penelitian ini, zeolit digunakan sebagai katalis pada co-pirolisis bonggol jagung dan PP pada laju pemanasan rendah guna mengurangi energy aktivasi dari pirolisis PP, sehingga akan mengurangi suhu dekomposisi massa PP hingga kurang dari 400 oC. pada penelitian sebelumnya, belum pernah ada katalitik pirolisis menggunakan laju pemanasan rendah untuk meningkatkan yield fase non-oksigenat pada co-pirolisis biomass dan PP. Penelitian ini dilakukan di reaktor berpengaduk dengan laju pemanasan 5 oC/menit dan suhu pirolisis 500 oC. komposisi umpan yang digunakan adalah 0; 50 dan 100%PP. Katalis yang digunakan adalah katalis zeolit alam dan zeolit sintetik ZSM-5 dengan dua rasio Si/Al yang berbeda yaitu 38 dan 70. Penggunaan katalis menghasilkan produk senyawa alifatik seperti metil, metilen dan methin yang tingggi. Dengan penambahan tipe katalis zeolit ZSM-5 produksi dari alilik yang merupaan rantai yang berhubungan dengan alkena berkurang. Apabila dilhat dari kualitas bio-oil, sebagian besar fraksi bio-oil non-polar memiliki nilai HHV yang hampir sama atau sedikit lebih tinggi dari bahan bakar komersial yaitu diesel dan gasoline. Selain itu apabila dilihat dari nilai BI (Branching Index) bio-oil fraksi non-polar menghasilkan rantai karbon lurus dengan cabang yang lebih banyak apabila dibandingkan dengan bahan bakar komersial. Dari perbandingan HHV dan BI, nilai HHV dan BI bio-oil fraksi non-polar lebih mendekati nilai HHV dan BI dari gasoline komersial.

Thermal co-pyrolysis of corn cobs and polypropylene (PP) at low heating rate has succeeded in separating bio-oil produced between oxygenated and non-oxygenated phases spontaneously. In co-pyrolysis, PP can sequester oxygen from bio-oil to convert part of bio-oil to non-oxygenated phase and can contribute partly non-oxygenated phase by PP carbon chain cracking. However, the capability of PP pyrolates to sequester oxygen is still low. In present work, zeolite catalyst was introduced in co-pyrolysis of corn cobs and PP at low heating rate, in order to reduce activation energy of PP pyrolysis and therefore reducing the lowest temperature of PP mass decomposition to less than 400oC. There has been no research previously conducted to employ catalytic co-pyrolysis at low heating rate to improve non-oxygenated phase yield in co-pyrolysis of biomass-plastic. The present co-pyrolysis work was carried out in a stirred tank reactor at heating rate of 5oC/min and maximum temperature of 500oC. The composition of feed was varied at 0, 50 and 100%PP in the mixture of corn cob particles and PP granules. There were two types of zeolite catalysts used in this experiment, natural zeolite and ZSM-5 with two different ratio, 38 and 70. Utilization of catalyst generated high amount of aliphatic moieties, i.e. methyl, methine and methylene. With ZSM-5 catalyst utilization, production of allyl decreased. Most of non-polar bio-oil fractions have similar or slightly higher higher heating values (HHVs) compared to those of commercial fuels. Branching index (BI) values of non-polar phase of bio-oil generated traight carbon chain with higher branches compared to those commercial fuels. From the comparison of HHV and BI value, non-polar phase of bio-oil generate HHV and BI value closer to commercial gasoline."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dijan Supramono
"Bio-oil produced by biomass pyrolysis contains high oxygenates, namely, carboxylic acids, alcohols, and ketones resulting in low calorific fuel, and therefore bio-oil requires upgrading to sequester these oxygenates. By conducting the co-pyrolysis of biomass and plastic feed blend, the donation of hydrogen by plastic free radicals to the oxygen of biomass free radicals may sufficiently reduce oxygenate compounds in the bio-oil and increase its yield. Therefore, the synergetic effects are functional. Currently, co-pyrolysis reactors have high aspect ratios (ratio of height to diameter) of 4 or more and small diameters (maximum 40 mm), in which the heat transfer from the furnace to the feed blend is immaterial even though the plastic material has low thermal conductivity. However, in large-scale reactors, such a design restricts the bio-oil’s capacity due to the heat transfer constraint. To resolve the latter and to improve bio-oil quality, in the present work, the co-pyrolysis of corn cobs and polypropylene (PP) is conducted in a stirred-tank reactor with a low aspect ratio (2). PP composition in the feed blend was varied from 0-100% weight with a 12.5% weight interval, heating rate of 5oC/min, and final temperature of 500oC. The results show that by increasing the PP composition in the feed blend from 37.5% to 87.5%, the bio-oil yield increased from 25.8% to 67.2% feed weight. An analysis of bio-oil quality shows that there was a favorably abrupt increase of non-oxygenate composition in the bio-oil from less than 5% to more than 70% as the PP composition in the feed blend was increased from 37.5% to 50% and more."
Depok: Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI-IJTECH 7:8 (2016)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Alfinuha Nabil
Material plastik, seperti polipropilena PP , yang mengandung banyak hidrogen sangat potensial untuk digunakan sebagai sumber hidrogen pada co-pyrolysis bersama biomassa seperti bonggol jagung. Dengan mencampurkan keduanya, akan tercipta suatu efek sinergetik yang akan meningkatkan kualitas bio-oil yang dihasilkan. Investigasi yang mengarah pada fenomena efek sinergetik ini dievaluasi dengan menggunakan reaktor displacement untuk melakukan proses slow co-pyrolysis. Eksperimen yang melibatkan umpan yang didominasi biomassa, yaitu PP < 50 regime 1 , terjadi kontraksi pada reaktor kemudian diikuti dengan tidak berubahnya displacement dari silinder piston, sementara pada pirolisis umpan yang didominasi plastik, yaitu PP ge; 50 regime 2 menunjukkan adanya swelling dan contraction pada reaktor. Pada regime 1, sifat termoplastis tidak muncul pada char, sementara pada regime 2, sifat termoplastis muncul pada char. Eksperimen juga menunjukkan bahwa pada komposisi PP < 37,5 , char masih mengandung senyawa oksigenat, dan pada PP ge; 37,5 , char tidak mengandung oksigen. Sementara itu, pada komposisi PP 75 menunjukkan adanya perpindahan massa oksigen hasil pirolisis biomassa ke lelehan plastik. Hasil semua eksperimen di atas menunjukkan bahwa pirolisis umpan regime 2 mengindikasikan adanya interaksi yang kuat antara hasil pirolisis biomassa dan plastik PP yang mengarah ke efek sinergetik

Plastic material, such as polypropylene plastic PP , which has hydrogen content compared to that in biomass, is potential to be used as a hydrogen source for pyrolysis of biomass, such as corncobs. By mixing these two, certain synergistic effect will appear that will improve the quality and quantity of bio oil produced. Investigation of the phenomenon leading to the synergistic effect has been evaluated by using a displacement reactor in the form a tubular batch reactor to perform slow co pyrolysis. Feed compostion was varied at 12.5 , 25 , 37,5 , 50 , 62,5 , 75 , and 87.5 weight of PP . Experiment involving biomass dominated feeds, i.e. PP 50 regime 1 , reactor contracted followed by no displacement of reactor piston, while plastic dominated feeds, i.e. PP ge 50 regime 2 showed swelling and contraction of the reactor. Char in regime 1 showed that thermoplastic properties did not appear on char, while in regime 2, thermoplastic properties did appear on char. Experiment also showed that for PP 37,5 , char still contain oxygenated compounds, while for PP ge 37,5 , char contains no oxygen. Meanwhile, on plastic melt in PP 75 composition showed an oxygen mass transfer to the plastic melt from biomass. The results of all experiments show that co pyrolysis in regime 2 indicates a strong interaction between biomass and plastic leading to synergistic effect. "
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhamad Fandhi
"Bio-oil hasil produksi dari co-pyrolysis CPO-PP tidak dapat langsung digunakan sebagai bahan bakar untuk mesin karena masih mengandung oksigenat yang cukup banyak, korosif, dan tidak stabil. Pada penelitian ini, katalis ZrO2/α-Al2O3-TiO2 diharapkan dapat memperbaiki karakteristik bio-oil dan menciptakan bahan bakar yang memiliki karakteristik mendekati bahan bakar komersial. Katalis disintesis dengan suhu variasi suhu kalsinasi 1150oC dan laju pemanasan 7oC/menit. Pada proses catalytic co-pyrolysis dilakukan variasi komposisi polipropilena pada umpan yang digunakan (0%PP, 50%PP, dan 90%PP) dengan memasukkan katalis sebanyak 15% dari total umpan. Penelitian ini dilakukan menggunakan reaktor tangki berpengaduk dengan jumlah umpan 200 gram, kecepatan pemanasan 10oC/menit, suhu pirolisis 550oC, kecepatan pengadukan 80 rpm, dan laju alir gas nitrogen 100 ml/menit. Produk bio-oil terbaik dihasilkan pada variasi 50%PP dengan yield bio-oil sebesar 50%. Penggunaan katalis ZrO2/α-Al2O3-TiO2 dapat meningkatkan produksi alkana dan alkena dengan menurunkan kandungan asam karboksilat dan keton di dalam biofuel. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan katalis mampu memaksimalkan reaksi deoksigenasi, Berdasarkan analisis GC-MS, H-NMR, dan C-NMR senyawa yang paling dominan adalah alkana dan alkena.

Bio-oil produced from co-pyrolysis CPO-PP cannot be used directly as fuel for engines because it still contains a lot of oxygenate, is corrosive, and unstable. In this study, the ZrO2 / α-Al2O3-TiO2 catalyst is expected to improve the characteristics of bio-oil and create a fuel that has characteristics close to commercial fuels. The catalyst was synthesized with calcination temperature variations of 1150oC and heating rates of 7oC/minute. In the catalytic co-pyrolysis process, variations in the composition of polypropylene in the feed is used (0% PP, 50% PP, and 90% PP) and were carried out by adding a catalyst as much as 15% of the total feed. This research was conducted using a stirred tank reactor with a feed amount of 200 grams, heating rate 10oC/minute, pyrolysis temperature 550oC, stirring speed 80 rpm, and nitrogen gas flow rate of 100 ml/minute. The best bio-oil products are produced in variations of 50% PP with a bio-oil yield of 50%. The use of ZrO2/α-Al2O3-TiO2 catalysts can increase the production of alkanes and alkenes by reducing the carboxylic acid and ketone content in biofuels. This shows that the use of a catalyst is able to maximize the deoxygenation reaction. Based on the GC-MS, H-NMR, and C-NMR analysis the most dominant compounds are alkanes and alkenes."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Amanda Pramesti Dewi
"Crude Palm oil has a high potential to be developed into bio-oil because of its triglyceride content. Indonesia is the largest palm oil producing country in the world. So far, crude palm oil has not been used optimally, especially as industrial raw materials. Whereas palm oil can be utilized as a renewable energy through a catalytic co-pyrolysis process. In addition, plastic waste is also abundant in Indonesia, especially polypropylene plastic. The purpose of this study was to
determine the effect of additional catalyst to improve bio-oil quality. The catalyst used is ZrO2/!-Al2O3-TiO2. This research was carried out in a stirred tube reactor
at a temperature of 550oC, heating rate of 5oC / min, a stirring speed of 80 RPM with a nitrogen gas flow rate of 100 mL / min. Variations made in the form of an additional amount of mass% of polypropylene plastic and catalyst that will affect the yield and composition of the bio-oil produced. Biofuel is characterized using GC-MS, NMR and FTIR. According to analysis of GC MS, H NMR dan C NMR, the predominant compounds in bio-oil are alkanes and alkenes. By using catalytic co-pyrolysis, the yield of bio-oil from 19% to 50%, char from 13,2% to 13,5%, and
non-condensable gases from 10,45% to 12,8% tends to increase for all variation. Conversely, the wax shows a decline from 57,35% to 23,7%. Maximum biofuel is at 50%PP with 50% yield of bio-oil and 87% of alkanes.

Minyak kelapa sawit mentah memiliki potensi tinggi untuk dikembangkan menjadi bio-minyak karena kandungan trigliserida. Indonesia adalah negara penghasil minyak kelapa sawit terbesar di dunia. Sejauh ini, minyak sawit mentah belum digunakan secara optimal, terutama sebagai bahan baku industri. Sedangkan minyak sawit dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai energi terbarukan melalui proses copirolisis katalitik. Selain itu, sampah plastik juga melimpah di Indonesia, terutama plastik polypropylene. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh katalis tambahan untuk meningkatkan kualitas bio-minyak. Katalis yang digunakan adalah ZrO2/ ! -Al2O3-TiO2. Penelitian ini dilakukan dalam reaktor tangki berpengaduk pada suhu maksimum 550oC, laju pemanasan 10oC / menit, kecepatan pengadukan 80 RPM dengan laju aliran gas nitrogen 100 mL / menit. Sedangkan, dilakukan variasi untuk co-pirolisis dibuat dalam bentuk jumlah tambahan% massa
plastik polipropilena dan katalis yang akan mempengaruhi hasil dan komposisi biofuel yang dihasilkan. Biofuel dikarakterisasi menggunakan GC-MS, NMR, FTIR, dan Viskositas. Menurut analisis GC MS, H NMR dan C NMR, kandungan senyawa yang dominan adalah alkane dan alkena. Dengan katalitik co-pirolisis, yield bio-oil dari 19% ke 50% , char dari 13,2% ke 13,5%, dan non-condensable
gas dari 10,45% ke 12,8% cenderung naik untuk semua variasi. Sebaliknya wax menunjukkan penurunan dari 57,35% ke 23,7%. Biofuel maksimal dihasilkan pada komposisi 50% PP dengan 50% yield bio-oil dan 87% komposisi alkana
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yolla Miranda
"Bonggol jagung merupakan limbah dengan jumlah yang cukup banyak di Indonesia. Sejauh ini pemanfaatan utama untuk biomassa. Namun biomassa tersebut masih mengalami kendala karena tingginya senyawa oksigenat yang menyebabkan heating value-nya rendah. Plastik polipropilena diketahui memiliki rasio H/C yang lebih tinggi dan miskin akan oksigen sehingga slow co-pyrolysis biomassa dengan plastik dapat digunakan sebagai solusi upgrading bio-oil yang sederhana, efektif dan murah. Pencampuran biomassa dan plastik akan menghasilkan efek sinergetik dalam memperbaiki kuantitas dan kualitas bio-oil yang dihasilkan. Berbagai penelitian pada slow co-pyrolysis telah dilakukan terutama pada reaktor tubular dengan rasio tinggi terhadap diameter, lebih dari 4. Tetapi untuk skala besar, bentuk reaktor seperti ini sangat sulit dilakukan scale-up.
Pada penelitian ini reaktor dibuat dengan rasio kurang dari 2. Perpindahan panas khususnya pada plastik yang memiliki konduktivitas termal rendah dibantu dengan adanya pengaduk untuk memperbaiki persebaran perpindahan panas tersebut. Identifikasi pengaruh efek sinergetik dilakukan dengan menganalisis bio-oil menggunakan FTIR dan GC-MS. Efek sinergetik yield bio-oil terjadi pada komposisi PP terhadap bonggol jagung sebesar 50-87,5 dengan 87,5 sebagai yield tertinggi. Sementara efek sinergetik kualitas bio-oil yang berupa peningkatan senyawa non-oksigenat terjadi pada komposisi PP 37,5-87,5.

Corn cob is a waste which has considerable amount in Indonesia. So far, its utilization especially for biomass. However, biomass still having problems because the high oxygenate compound which causes low heating value. The pure polypropylene plastic has a H C ratio higher and poor in oxygen, so slow co pyrolysis of biomass with plastic can be used for bio oil upgrading solutions which is simple, effective and inexpensive. By mixing the two feedstocks, a synergetic effect would be created to improve the quantity and quality of the bio oil produced. Various studies on the slow co pyrolysis has been carried out mainly in the tubular reactor with a high ratio of the diameter, more than 4. But for large scale, that reactor design will be very difficult to scale up.
This research, reactor was made with a ratio less than 2. The heat transfer especially on the plastic that has a low thermal conductivity helped by stirrer to improve the distribution of heat transfer. Identification of the synergetic effect was done by analyzing bio oil using FTIR and GC MS. Synergetic effects of bio oil yield occurred in the composition of the PP towards corn cobs of 50 to 87.5 which 87.5 as the highest yield. While the synergetic effect of the quality in bio oil as an increase in the composition of the non oxygenate which exist in PP composition 37.5 to 87.5.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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