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Rizki Kamalia
Pasien kanker payudara sering terjadi penurunan sistem imun yaitu menurunnya limfosit, yang dapat meningkatkan angka kematian. Akupunktur diharapkan dapat menjadi pilihan terapi untuk meningkatkan limfosit karena terapi farmakologi saat ini harganya sangat mahal dan mempunyai efek samping. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuktikan tindakan EA sebagai immunomodulator terhadap imunitas seluler dengan meningkatkan jumlah persentase limfosit sediaan apus darah tepi pada mencit C3H model adenokarsinoma payudara. Penelitian eksperimental laboratorik dengan post test only control group design melibatkan dua puluh sediaan apus darah tepi yang diambil dari 20 mencit C3H model adenokarsinoma payudara yang dibagi menjadi 4 kelompok yaitu Kelompok K tidak diberi perlakuan EA, kelompok P1 dilakukan EA 1 kali, kelompok P2 dilakukan EA 2 kali dan P3 dilakukan EA 3 kali. Tindakan EA dilakukan pada titik ST36 Zusanli, BL18 Ganshu, BL20 Pishu dengan frekuensi 2Hz selama 15 menit. Hasil penelitian didapatkan rata-rata persentase limfosit tertinggi terdapat pada kelompok P2 49,60 7,021 . Dengan uji ANOVA jumlah persentase limfosit antara kelompok P1, P2, P3 dan kelompok kontrol tidak terdapat perbedaan rerata yang bermakna p=0.811 . Kesimpulan yang diperoleh yaitu elektroakupunktur meningkatkan jumlah persentase limfosit sediaan apus darah tepi pada mencit C3H model adenokarsinoma payudara.

Breast Cancer Patients often decrease the immune system that is decreased lymphocytes, which can increase mortality. Acupuncture is expected to be a therapeutic option to increase lymphocytes because current pharmacological therapy is very expensive and has side effects. This study aims to prove the action of EA as an immunomodulator against cellular immunity by increasing the percentage of lymphocytes of peripheral blood smear in C3H mice of breast adenocarcinoma model. Laboratory experimental study with post test only control group design involving twenty peripheral blood smear preparations taken from 20 mice C3H breast adenocarcinoma model divided into 4 groups ie Group K not given EA treatment, group P1 performed EA 1 times, group P2 performed EA 2 times and P3 done EA 3 times. The action of EA is done at ST36 Zusanli point, BL18 Ganshu, BL20 Pishu with frequency of 2Hz for 15 minutes. The result showed that the highest percentage of lymphocyte was found in group P2 49,60 7,021 . With ANOVA test, the number of lymphocyte percentages between P1, P2, P3 and control group did not have significant mean difference p 0.811 . The conclusion obtained is that electroacupuncture increases the percentage of lymphocytes of the peripheral blood smear in C3H mice of breast adenocarcinoma model. "
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Alfin Alexander
"Ion kalsium (Ca2+) merupakan kation yang berperan dalam kondensasi kromosom. Berbagai penelitian mengenai pengaruh Ca2+ terhadap struktur kromosom telah dilaporkan. Akan tetapi, penelitian-penelitian tersebut masih terbatas pada galur sel kanker atau sel hewan mamalia dengan pendekatan analisis ultrastruktur. Pengaruh Ca2+ terhadap struktur dan pola banding kromosom pada sel manusia non-kanker belum diketahui. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh Ca2+ terhadap struktur dan pola banding kromosom dari sel darah manusia melalui teknik GTL-banding. Sel darah manusia dikultur, kemudian dilakukan pemanenan kromosom dan banding menggunakan pewarna Leishman. Pengaruh Ca2+ dievaluasi dengan menginkubasikan kromosom pada dua larutan berbeda, yaitu larutan 1 mM BAPTA sebagai chelator spesifik Ca2+ dan 1 mM EDTA sebagai chelator kation, dan dibandingkan dengan kontrol. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis secara kualitatif dengan mengamati struktur dan pola banding kromosom, serta secara kuantitatif dengan menentukan nilai kromosom berdasarkan kriteria Quality Assessment (QA) dari International System for Human Cytogenetics Nomenclature (ISCN). Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan kromosom kelompok perlakuan 1 mM BAPTA memiliki struktur tidak padat, membentuk struktur fibrous, dan berukuran lebih lebar dibandingkan kromosom kontrol dengan pola banding tidak jelas dan kabur. Kromosom kelompok perlakuan 1 mM EDTA membentuk struktur tidak padat dan berukuran lebih panjang dibandingkan kelompok kontrol. Rata-rata nilai kromosom pada kelompok kontrol, BAPTA, dan EDTA berturut-turut adalah 4,467 ± 0,78; 4,30 ± 0,75; dan 4,467 ± 0,86. Perbedaan struktur kromosom, pola banding, dan rata-rata nilai kromosom pada kromosom 1 mM BAPTA dan 1 mM EDTA menunjukkan bahwa kation Ca2+ merupakan faktor penting dalam kondensasi struktur kromosom.

Calcium ion (Ca2+) is a cation that has a major role in chromosome condensation. Studies about Ca2+ effect in chromosome structure have been reported. However, the studies are limited for cancer cell lines using the ultrastructure analysis approach. The effect of Ca2+ on chromosome structure and banding pattern of the human non-cancer cell line is still unknown. This study aims to determine the effect of Ca2+ on human blood cell chromosome structure and banding pattern using the GTL-banding technique. The blood cell was cultured and then the chromosome was harvested and banded with Leishman dye. The Ca2+ effect was evaluated by using 1 mM BAPTA as Ca2+ specific chelator and 1 mM EDTA as common cation chelator and then compared with the control. The data were then analysis both qualitatively by observing chromosome structure and banding pattern, as well as quantitatively by determining chromosome value based on Quality Assessment (QA) from International System for Human Cytogenetics Nomenclature (ISCN). The result showed that the BAPTA-treated chromosome structure was fuzzy, fibrous, and wider than the control group with a less clear banding pattern than the control. In addition, EDTA-treated chromosome structure was less condensed and longer than those of the control. The mean chromosome value of control, BAPTA-, and EDTA-treated chromosome are 4.467 ± 0.78; 4.30 ± 0.75; and 4.467 ± 0.86. Distinct characteristic of chromosome structure, banding pattern, and mean of chromosome value from BAPTA- and EDTA-treated chromosome further indicates that Ca2+ plays an important role in chromosome condensation."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Santi Setiawati Kusumaningtyas
Kanker payudara merupakan salah satu jenis kanker terbanyak di Indonesia dan lebih dari 80% kasus ditemukan berada pada stadium yang lanjut. Akupunktur sebagai salah satu alternatif terapi memiliki peran pada kasus keganasan. Dari penelitian-penelitian terdahulu diketahui bahwa mekanisme akupunktur sebagai terapi kanker dengan mengaktivasi jalur neurohormonal dan modulasi sistem imun, terutama meningkatkan aktivitas sel NK. Sel NK banyak terdapat dalam limpa sebagai organ limfoid. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian eksperimental laboratorik yang bertujuan untuk membuktikan tindakan EA dapat meningkatkan diameter pulpa alba limpa. Penelitian ini dilakukan terhadap 20 sediaan preparat tumor dari mencit C3H model adenokarsinoma mammae yang dibagi menjadi 4 kelompok. Kelompok tersebut adalah kelompok yang tidak mendapatkan EA, kelompok yang mendapatkan 1x EA, kelompok yang mendapatkan 2x EA dan kelompok yang mendapatkan 3x EA. Tindakan elektroakupunktur menggunakan gelombang kontinyu dengan frekuensi 2 Hz selama 15 menit, pada titik ST36 Zusanli, BL18 Ganshu dan BL20 Pishu. Hasil penelitian didapatkan rerata diameter terbesar terdapat pada kelompok yang mendapatkan 3x EA (497,86 ± 122,261). Namun dengan uji ANOVA tidak menunjukkan perbedaan bermakna antara kelompok penelitian, dengan nilai p = 0,094. Kesimpulan yang diperoleh yaitu elektroakupunktur dapat meningkatkan diameter pulpa alba limpa mencit C3H model adenokarsinoma mammae.

Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers in Indonesia and more than 80% of cases are found to be in an advanced stage. Acupuncture as an alternative therapy has a role in the case of malignancy. From previous studies known that the mechanism of acupuncture as cancer therapy by activating neurohormonal pathways and immune system modulation, especially increase the activity of NK cells. NK cells are widely present in the spleen as lymphoid organs. This research is a laboratory experimental study that aims to prove the action of EA can increase the diameter of the white pulp spleen. This study was conducted on 20 preparations of tumor preparations from C3H mice of mammae adenocarcinoma model divided into 4 groups. The group is a group that does not get an EA, a group that gets 1x EA, a group that gets 2x EA and a group that gets 3x EA. The electroacupuncture uses a continuous wave, frequency of 2 Hz for 15 minutes, at the point ST36 Zusanli, BL18 Ganshu and BL20 Pishu. The results showed that the largest diameter was found in the group that received 3x EA (497,86 ± 122,261). However, the ANOVA test showed no significant difference between the study groups, with p = 0,094. The conclusions obtained are that electroacupuncture can increase the diameter of the white pulp spleen in C3H mice with adenocarcinoma mammae."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Saragih, Joy Samuel
Indeks Massa Tubuh dan Rasio Platelet-Limfosit (PLR) yang tinggi menunjukkan prognosis buruk pasien kanker payudara. Peneliti menduga adanya korelasi positif antara perubahan nilai keduanya; serta nilai PLR akhir yang berbeda signifikan pada wanita dengan IMT meningkat 5%. Peneliti menggunakan desain potong-lintang dan menganalisis data rekam medis dari 2 rumah sakit di Jakarta. Perubahan IMT tidak berkorelasi dengan perubahan PLR (p>0,05); serta tidak terdapat PLR akhir yang berbeda bermakna antara kedua kelompok. Hal ini diduga disebabkan variasi regimen kemoterapi, metode pengambilan sampel dan faktor lain yang tidak diteliti.

High Body Mass Index and Platelet-Lymphocyte Ratio (PLR) show a poor prognosis of breast cancer patients. The author hypothesized that there is a positive correlation between changes in both values; and final PLR values is significantly difference in women with 5% increase in BMI. The author used a cross-sectional design and analyzed medical record data from 2 hospitals in Jakarta. Changes in BMI were not correlated with changes in PLR (p>0,05); and there were no final PLR that was significantly different between the two groups. This can be due to variations in chemotherapy regimens, sampling methods, and other factors not examined."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kanker payudara adalah penyakit multifaktor yang mengakibatkan insiden kematian wanita tertinggi di dunia. Pengobatan kanker payudara berupa pembedahan, radioterapi, dan kemoterapi memiliki efek samping sehingga perlu pengobatan alternatif, salah satunya menggunakan bahan herbal. Daun sirsak (Annona muricata Linn) dilaporkan memiliki efek antitumor dan sitotoksik, tetapi penelitian in vivo terhadap kanker payudara masih sedikit, dibutuhkan penelitian lanjut mengenai efektivitas dan jalur penghambatan daun sirsak terhadap berbagai kanker. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui daya hambat dan dosis efektif ekstrak metanol daun sirsak (Annona muricata Linn) terhadap pertumbuhan tumor payudara mencit C3H secara in vivo. Sebanyak 30 ekor mencit galur C3H yang ditransplan dengan tumor payudara dari mencit C3H donor bertumor, dibagi dalam 5 kelompok perlakuan, yaitu kontrol negatif hanya diberi pelarut CMC 0,5%, kontrol positif diberi doksorubisin, kelompok pemberian ekstrak daun sirsak dosis 15, 30, dan 45 mg/kg BB. Setiap mencit dicekok ekstrak daun sirsak 0,2 cc per hari selama 21 hari, sedangkan kelompok kontrol positif diberikan doksorubisin secara intra vena 0,03 μg/20g BB seminggu sekali selama 21 hari. Panjang dan lebar tumor diukur di awal dan seminggu sekali selama perlakuan untuk mendapatkan data volume tumor. Pada akhir penelitian mencit dinekropsi, tumor mencit ditimbang dan dilakukan pewarnaan AgNOR untuk diukur aktivitas proliferasi sel. Hasil uji Anova menunjukkan perbedaan yang bermakna (p=0,007) antar perlakuan terhadap volume tumor akhir dan terhadap aktivitas proliferasi (p=0,001). Uji Kruskal Wallis terhadap berat tumor menunjukkan tidak ada perbedaan yang bermakna antar perlakuan (p=0,03). Hasil uji korelasi Spearman secara bermakna (p=0,03) menunjukkan ada korelasi positif antara aktivitas proliferasi sel dengan pertumbuhan volume tumor dengan kekuatan korelasi yang lemah (r=0,39). Disimpulkan bahwa ekstrak metanol daun sirsak (Annona muricata Linn) dapat menghambat laju pertumbuhan volume tumor dan aktivitas proliferasi sel kanker payudara mencit C3H dan optimum penghambatan pada dosis 30 mg/kg

BB.;Breast cancer is a multifactor disease that has been a leading cause of woman?s mortality. Treatments for breast cancer such as surgery, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy have their own side effects, so that alternative treatments such as herbal medicine are needed. Soursop leaf (Annona muricata Linn) has been reported to have antitumor and cytotoxic effects, but only few conducted in vivo, an advanced research is needed to find the effectiveness and the inhibition pathway of the soursop leaf. The purpose of this research is to find out the inhibition capacity and the effective dose of soursop leaf methanol extract (Annona muricata Linn) against the development of C3H mice?s breast cancer in vivo. There were thirty mice of C3H strain which were transplanted with breast tumor and they were divided into five groups consisting of negative control group which was given only solvent CMC 0.5%, a positive control group which was given doxorubicin, a dose group of 15 mg/kg BB, a dose group of 30 mg/kg BB, and a dose group of 45 mg/kg BB. Each mouse was given 0,2 cc soursop leaf extract every day for 21 days while the positive control group was given doxorubicin 0,03 μg/20 gram BB once a week for 21 days intravenously. The length and the width of the tumor were measured at the beginning and also measured once a week during the experiment process to gain the data of the tumor volume. At the end of the research, the tumor of the mice was lifted and weighed and it was stained by AgNOR to measure the proliferation activity of the cell. The Anova result showed that there was a significant difference (p=0,007) between treatment against the development of tumor which was marked by the decrease of the tumor volume and proliferation activity (p=0,001). The Kruskal Wallis result showed that there was no significant difference (p<0,33) in the tumor weight. Spearman correlation study significantly (p=0,03) indicated that there was a positive correlation between the cell proliferation activity and the growth of the tumor but in a weak correlation (r=0,39). Therefore, it could be concluded that the methanol extract of soursop leaf (Annona muricata Linn) can inhibit the growth rate of tumor volume as well as the proliferation activity of the breast cancer cell of C3H mice and it worked optimally at 30 mg/kg BB dose.;Breast cancer is a multifactor disease that has been a leading cause of woman?s mortality. Treatments for breast cancer such as surgery, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy have their own side effects, so that alternative treatments such as herbal medicine are needed. Soursop leaf (Annona muricata Linn) has been reported to have antitumor and cytotoxic effects, but only few conducted in vivo, an advanced research is needed to find the effectiveness and the inhibition pathway of the soursop leaf. The purpose of this research is to find out the inhibition capacity and the effective dose of soursop leaf methanol extract (Annona muricata Linn) against the development of C3H mice?s breast cancer in vivo. There were thirty mice of C3H strain which were transplanted with breast tumor and they were divided into five groups consisting of negative control group which was given only solvent CMC 0.5%, a positive control group which was given doxorubicin, a dose group of 15 mg/kg BB, a dose group of 30 mg/kg BB, and a dose group of 45 mg/kg BB. Each mouse was given 0,2 cc soursop leaf extract every day for 21 days while the positive control group was given doxorubicin 0,03 μg/20 gram BB once a week for 21 days intravenously. The length and the width of the tumor were measured at the beginning and also measured once a week during the experiment process to gain the data of the tumor volume. At the end of the research, the tumor of the mice was lifted and weighed and it was stained by AgNOR to measure the proliferation activity of the cell. The Anova result showed that there was a significant difference (p=0,007) between treatment against the development of tumor which was marked by the decrease of the tumor volume and proliferation activity (p=0,001). The Kruskal Wallis result showed that there was no significant difference (p<0,33) in the tumor weight. Spearman correlation study significantly (p=0,03) indicated that there was a positive correlation between the cell proliferation activity and the growth of the tumor but in a weak correlation (r=0,39). Therefore, it could be concluded that the methanol extract of soursop leaf (Annona muricata Linn) can inhibit the growth rate of tumor volume as well as the proliferation activity of the breast cancer cell of C3H mice and it worked optimally at 30 mg/kg BB dose.;Breast cancer is a multifactor disease that has been a leading cause of woman?s mortality. Treatments for breast cancer such as surgery, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy have their own side effects, so that alternative treatments such as herbal medicine are needed. Soursop leaf (Annona muricata Linn) has been reported to have antitumor and cytotoxic effects, but only few conducted in vivo, an advanced research is needed to find the effectiveness and the inhibition pathway of the soursop leaf. The purpose of this research is to find out the inhibition capacity and the effective dose of soursop leaf methanol extract (Annona muricata Linn) against the development of C3H mice?s breast cancer in vivo. There were thirty mice of C3H strain which were transplanted with breast tumor and they were divided into five groups consisting of negative control group which was given only solvent CMC 0.5%, a positive control group which was given doxorubicin, a dose group of 15 mg/kg BB, a dose group of 30 mg/kg BB, and a dose group of 45 mg/kg BB. Each mouse was given 0,2 cc soursop leaf extract every day for 21 days while the positive control group was given doxorubicin 0,03 μg/20 gram BB once a week for 21 days intravenously. The length and the width of the tumor were measured at the beginning and also measured once a week during the experiment process to gain the data of the tumor volume. At the end of the research, the tumor of the mice was lifted and weighed and it was stained by AgNOR to measure the proliferation activity of the cell. The Anova result showed that there was a significant difference (p=0,007) between treatment against the development of tumor which was marked by the decrease of the tumor volume and proliferation activity (p=0,001). The Kruskal Wallis result showed that there was no significant difference (p<0,33) in the tumor weight. Spearman correlation study significantly (p=0,03) indicated that there was a positive correlation between the cell proliferation activity and the growth of the tumor but in a weak correlation (r=0,39). Therefore, it could be concluded that the methanol extract of soursop leaf (Annona muricata Linn) can inhibit the growth rate of tumor volume as well as the proliferation activity of the breast cancer cell of C3H mice and it worked optimally at 30 mg/kg BB dose.;Breast cancer is a multifactor disease that has been a leading cause of woman?s mortality. Treatments for breast cancer such as surgery, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy have their own side effects, so that alternative treatments such as herbal medicine are needed. Soursop leaf (Annona muricata Linn) has been reported to have antitumor and cytotoxic effects, but only few conducted in vivo, an advanced research is needed to find the effectiveness and the inhibition pathway of the soursop leaf. The purpose of this research is to find out the inhibition capacity and the effective dose of soursop leaf methanol extract (Annona muricata Linn) against the development of C3H mice?s breast cancer in vivo. There were thirty mice of C3H strain which were transplanted with breast tumor and they were divided into five groups consisting of negative control group which was given only solvent CMC 0.5%, a positive control group which was given doxorubicin, a dose group of 15 mg/kg BB, a dose group of 30 mg/kg BB, and a dose group of 45 mg/kg BB. Each mouse was given 0,2 cc soursop leaf extract every day for 21 days while the positive control group was given doxorubicin 0,03 μg/20 gram BB once a week for 21 days intravenously. The length and the width of the tumor were measured at the beginning and also measured once a week during the experiment process to gain the data of the tumor volume. At the end of the research, the tumor of the mice was lifted and weighed and it was stained by AgNOR to measure the proliferation activity of the cell. The Anova result showed that there was a significant difference (p=0,007) between treatment against the development of tumor which was marked by the decrease of the tumor volume and proliferation activity (p=0,001). The Kruskal Wallis result showed that there was no significant difference (p<0,33) in the tumor weight. Spearman correlation study significantly (p=0,03) indicated that there was a positive correlation between the cell proliferation activity and the growth of the tumor but in a weak correlation (r=0,39). Therefore, it could be concluded that the methanol extract of soursop leaf (Annona muricata Linn) can inhibit the growth rate of tumor volume as well as the proliferation activity of the breast cancer cell of C3H mice and it worked optimally at 30 mg/kg BB dose.;Breast cancer is a multifactor disease that has been a leading cause of woman’s mortality. Treatments for breast cancer such as surgery, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy have their own side effects, so that alternative treatments such as herbal medicine are needed. Soursop leaf (Annona muricata Linn) has been reported to have antitumor and cytotoxic effects, but only few conducted in vivo, an advanced research is needed to find the effectiveness and the inhibition pathway of the soursop leaf. The purpose of this research is to find out the inhibition capacity and the effective dose of soursop leaf methanol extract (Annona muricata Linn) against the development of C3H mice’s breast cancer in vivo. There were thirty mice of C3H strain which were transplanted with breast tumor and they were divided into five groups consisting of negative control group which was given only solvent CMC 0.5%, a positive control group which was given doxorubicin, a dose group of 15 mg/kg BB, a dose group of 30 mg/kg BB, and a dose group of 45 mg/kg BB. Each mouse was given 0,2 cc soursop leaf extract every day for 21 days while the positive control group was given doxorubicin 0,03 μg/20 gram BB once a week for 21 days intravenously. The length and the width of the tumor were measured at the beginning and also measured once a week during the experiment process to gain the data of the tumor volume. At the end of the research, the tumor of the mice was lifted and weighed and it was stained by AgNOR to measure the proliferation activity of the cell. The Anova result showed that there was a significant difference (p=0,007) between treatment against the development of tumor which was marked by the decrease of the tumor volume and proliferation activity (p=0,001). The Kruskal Wallis result showed that there was no significant difference (p<0,33) in the tumor weight. Spearman correlation study significantly (p=0,03) indicated that there was a positive correlation between the cell proliferation activity and the growth of the tumor but in a weak correlation (r=0,39). Therefore, it could be concluded that the methanol extract of soursop leaf (Annona muricata Linn) can inhibit the growth rate of tumor volume as well as the proliferation activity of the breast cancer cell of C3H mice and it worked optimally at 30 mg/kg BB dose.;Breast cancer is a multifactor disease that has been a leading cause of woman’s mortality. Treatments for breast cancer such as surgery, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy have their own side effects, so that alternative treatments such as herbal medicine are needed. Soursop leaf (Annona muricata Linn) has been reported to have antitumor and cytotoxic effects, but only few conducted in vivo, an advanced research is needed to find the effectiveness and the inhibition pathway of the soursop leaf. The purpose of this research is to find out the inhibition capacity and the effective dose of soursop leaf methanol extract (Annona muricata Linn) against the development of C3H mice’s breast cancer in vivo. There were thirty mice of C3H strain which were transplanted with breast tumor and they were divided into five groups consisting of negative control group which was given only solvent CMC 0.5%, a positive control group which was given doxorubicin, a dose group of 15 mg/kg BB, a dose group of 30 mg/kg BB, and a dose group of 45 mg/kg BB. Each mouse was given 0,2 cc soursop leaf extract every day for 21 days while the positive control group was given doxorubicin 0,03 μg/20 gram BB once a week for 21 days intravenously. The length and the width of the tumor were measured at the beginning and also measured once a week during the experiment process to gain the data of the tumor volume. At the end of the research, the tumor of the mice was lifted and weighed and it was stained by AgNOR to measure the proliferation activity of the cell. The Anova result showed that there was a significant difference (p=0,007) between treatment against the development of tumor which was marked by the decrease of the tumor volume and proliferation activity (p=0,001). The Kruskal Wallis result showed that there was no significant difference (p<0,33) in the tumor weight. Spearman correlation study significantly (p=0,03) indicated that there was a positive correlation between the cell proliferation activity and the growth of the tumor but in a weak correlation (r=0,39). Therefore, it could be concluded that the methanol extract of soursop leaf (Annona muricata Linn) can inhibit the growth rate of tumor volume as well as the proliferation activity of the breast cancer cell of C3H mice and it worked optimally at 30 mg/kg BB dose., Breast cancer is a multifactor disease that has been a leading cause of woman’s mortality. Treatments for breast cancer such as surgery, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy have their own side effects, so that alternative treatments such as herbal medicine are needed. Soursop leaf (Annona muricata Linn) has been reported to have antitumor and cytotoxic effects, but only few conducted in vivo, an advanced research is needed to find the effectiveness and the inhibition pathway of the soursop leaf. The purpose of this research is to find out the inhibition capacity and the effective dose of soursop leaf methanol extract (Annona muricata Linn) against the development of C3H mice’s breast cancer in vivo. There were thirty mice of C3H strain which were transplanted with breast tumor and they were divided into five groups consisting of negative control group which was given only solvent CMC 0.5%, a positive control group which was given doxorubicin, a dose group of 15 mg/kg BB, a dose group of 30 mg/kg BB, and a dose group of 45 mg/kg BB. Each mouse was given 0,2 cc soursop leaf extract every day for 21 days while the positive control group was given doxorubicin 0,03 μg/20 gram BB once a week for 21 days intravenously. The length and the width of the tumor were measured at the beginning and also measured once a week during the experiment process to gain the data of the tumor volume. At the end of the research, the tumor of the mice was lifted and weighed and it was stained by AgNOR to measure the proliferation activity of the cell. The Anova result showed that there was a significant difference (p=0,007) between treatment against the development of tumor which was marked by the decrease of the tumor volume and proliferation activity (p=0,001). The Kruskal Wallis result showed that there was no significant difference (p<0,33) in the tumor weight. Spearman correlation study significantly (p=0,03) indicated that there was a positive correlation between the cell proliferation activity and the growth of the tumor but in a weak correlation (r=0,39). Therefore, it could be concluded that the methanol extract of soursop leaf (Annona muricata Linn) can inhibit the growth rate of tumor volume as well as the proliferation activity of the breast cancer cell of C3H mice and it worked optimally at 30 mg/kg BB dose.]"
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Toding, Quinka Dwidara
"Latar Belakang: Sekitar 40% pasien kanker payudara pasca terapi mengalami rekurensi kanker payudara. Sementara itu, masih belum banyak penelitian mengenai faktor prognosis untuk memprediksi kemungkinan rekurensi pada kanker payudara.
Tujuan: Mengetahui inter-rasio rasio limfosit-monosit (LMR) dan rasio limfosit-sel darah putih (LWR) sebagai prediktor rekurensi pada kanker payudara.
Metode: Penelitian ini dilakukan secara cohort retrospektif dengan melihat rekam medis pasien dari RSCM dan RS MRCC Siloam Jakarta. Peneliti melihat riwayat pasien sejak selesai mendapat terapi dengan rekurensi yang diikuti minimal 3 bulan dan maksimal 7 tahun. Kemudian dilakukan analisis dengan menggunakan uji Chi-square dengan program SPSS for Mac.
Hasil: Peneliti mengelompokkan pasien menjadi kelompok inter-rasio LMR/LWR rendah dan tinggi dengan cut-off berupa median senilai 19,67 103/L. Dari 106 sampel yang memenuhi kriteria, didapatkan 52 pasien kelompok rendah dan 54 pasien kelompok tinggi. Hasil yang didapatkan dari analisis kedua kelompok dengan status rekurensi adalah nilai p 0.001 dengan 26 pasien pada kelompok rendah dan 10 pasien pada kelompok tinggi mengalami rekurensi. RR yang didapat adalah 2,7 (95%CI: 3,45 – 5,029) pada inter-rasio LMR/LWR rendah.
Kesimpulan: Terdapat hubungan antara inter-rasio LMR/LWR dengan kemungkinan rekurensi pada pasien kanker payudara pasca terapi dan dapat dijadikan salah satu prediktor, dengan kelompok inter-rasio LMR/LWR dibawah cut-off penelitian memiliki resiko lebih tinggi mengalami rekurensi kanker payudara.

Background: About 40% cancer patients after they finished their first therapy having a recurrence. However, there isn’t many researches on prognostic factors to predict the possibility of recurrence in breast cancer.
Objective: This research was done to know inter-ratio of lymphocyte-monocyte ratio (LMR) and lymphocyte-white blood cells ratio (LWR) as the predictor for recurrence in breast cancer.
Methods: This study was conducted with cohort retrospective by looking at patient’s medical records at RSCM and MRCC Siloam Hospital Jakarta. Researcher followed patients record after their first therapy finished, and recurrence from 3 months until 7 years later. An analysis was conducted using the Chi-Square test with the SPSS for Mac program.
Results: The patients were grouped into patients with low and high LMR/LWR inter-ratio with median (19,67 103/L) as the cut-off. From 106 samples that met the criteria, there were 52 patients in low group and 54 patients in high group. The results obtained from the analysis between low and high LMR/LWR and patient’s recurrence status is p-value 0.001 which means significant, with 26 patients in low group and 10 patients in high group had recurrence. RR for low LMR/LWR inter-ratio is 2,7 (95% CI : 3,45-5,029) in association with breast cancer’s recurrence.
Conclusion: There is an association between LMR/LWR inter-ratio and the possibility of recurrence in post-treatment breast cancer patients and can be used as predictor. Patients with LMR/LWR inter-ratio under the study cut-off are at higher risk of getting recurrence.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mutiara Ramadhanty
"Angka kejadian kanker payudara di Indonesia dan di dunia masih tinggi begitu pula dengan angka kekambuhan kanker payudara pada pasien yang telah menjalani pengobatan, saat ini diperlukan prediktor yang dapat dijadikan dasar untuk memperkirakan apakah kanker payudara dapat kambuh kembali setelah ditata laksana. Oleh karena itu penelitian dilakukan untuk mengetahui hubungan inter-rasio NLR/PWBR terhadap rekurensi kanker payudara apakah dapat dijadikan prediktor rekurensi kanker payudara. Penelitian dilakukan menggunakan metode cohort retrospektif minimal 3 bulan sampai 7 tahun dengan melihat rekam medis pasien kanker payudara yang telah mendapatkan terapi untuk mengambil data hasil pemeriksaan darah tepi. Selanjutnya data dianalisis menggunakan uji Chi-Square dengan program SPSS. Dari 106 sampel yang memenuhi kriteria seleksi, ditemukan 53 pasien dengan NLR/PWBR rendah dengan 23 kejadian rekurensi dan dari 53 pasien dengan NLR/PWBR tinggi dengan 13 kejadian rekurensi (RR=1,77, CI 95% 1,0070 – 3,1083, p=0,065). Dari pasien dengan hormonal positif, ditemukan 21 kejadian rekurensi pada kelompok NLR/PWBR rendah, dan 9 kejadian rekurensi pada kelompok NLR/PWBR tinggi (RR=2,05, CI 95%=1,088 – 3,857, p=0,035).

Incidence rates of breast cancer are still high in Indonesia and in the World. So as the rate of recurrence breast cancer in patients who have undergone treatment. Now needed predictor that can be used as a standard for estimating whether breast cancer can recur after treatment. This research was done to investigate the association between NLR/PWBR inter-ratio to breast cancer recurrence.This research was conducted using a retrospective cohort method by looking at the peripheral blood tests in medical records with minimal 3 months until maximal 7 years observation. The data were analyzed using the Chi Square test with the SPSS software. From 106 patients there were 53 patients with lower NLR/PWBR with 23 breast cancer reccurrence, and from 53 patient with higher NLR/PWBR with 13 breast cancer recurrence (RR=1,77, CI 95%=1,0070 – 3,1083, p=0,065). From patients with hormonal potive, there were 21 breast recurrence from lower NLR/PWBR, and 9 from higher NLR/PWBR (RR=2,05, CI 95%=1,088 – 3,857, p=0,035)."
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"CA 19-9 merefleksikan derajat keparahan adenokarsinoma kaput pankreas ditunjukkan oleh beberapa studi berhasil menemukan korelasi peningkatan CA 19-9 dengan resektabilitas adenokarsinoma kaput pankreas. Penelitian ini bertujuan melakukan evaluasi hubungan dan nilai diagnostik CA 19-9 dalam memprediksi resektabilitas adenokarsinoma kaput pankreas. Penelitian dilakukan secara potong lintang mengambil data dari rekam medis Rumah Sakit dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo tahun 2016–2019. Pasien terdiagnosis adenokarsinoma kaput pankreas secara histopatologis atau pencitraan abdomen, berusia ≤65 tahun, dan memiliki catatan pemeriksaan kadar CA 19-9 diikutsertakan dalam penelitian ini. Selain kadar CA 19-9, peneliti juga menilai factor terkait operabilitas. Tercatat 54 subjek dengan rerata usia 53,78±11,13 tahun. Ditemukan adanya korelasi positif (0,850) dan signifikan antara tingginya kadar CA 19-9 dengan resektabilitas tumor kaput pankreas. Untuk operabilitas, ditemukan perbedaan bermakna kadar CA 19-9, albumin, dan skor Karnofsky pada kelompok pasien tumor kaput pankreas resectable dan unresectable. Titik potong kadar CA 19-9 tercatat sebesar 140,65 U/mL, dengan sensitivitas sebesar 82,76% (64,23%–94,15%), spesifisitas sebesar 72,00% (50,61%–87,93%), dan AUC sebesar 0,784. CA 19-9 berhubungan secara signifikan dengan resektabilitas tumor kaput pankreas. CA 19-9 memiliki nilai diagnostik yang baik dalam mempredisksi resektabilitas tumor ini.

CA 19-9 reflects the degree of severity of pancreatic head adenocarcinoma shown by several studies to find a correlation of elevated CA 19-9 with resectability of pancreatic head adenocarcinoma. This study aimed to evaluate the relationship and diagnostic value of CA 19-9 in predicting resectability of pancreatic head adenocarcinoma. The study was conducted in a cross-sectional manner, taking data from the medical records of dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo 2016–2019. Patients diagnosed with adenocarcinoma of the head of the pancreas by histopathologic or abdominal imaging, aged ≤65 years, and who had a record CA level of 19-9 were included in this study. In addition to CA levels of 19-9, the investigators also assessed operability-related factors. There were 54 subjects with a mean age of 53.78 ± 11.13 years. Found a positive correlation (0, 850) and significant between high levels of CA 19-9 with resectability of head tumors of the pancreas. For operability, there were significant differences in CA 19-9 levels, albumin, and Karnofsky scores in the resectable and unresectable group of pancreatic head tumors. The cut-off point for CA 19-9 levels was recorded at 140.65 U / mL, with a sensitivity of 82.76% (64.23% -94.15%), a specificity of 72.00% (50.61% -87.93 %), and AUC of 0.784. CA 19-9 was significantly associated with pancreatic head tumor resectability. CA 19-9 has a good diagnostic value in predicting the resectability of these tumors. The cut-off point for CA 19-9 levels was 140.65 U / mL, with a sensitivity of 82.76% (64.23% -94.15%), a specificity of 72.00% (50.61% -87.93 %), and AUC of 0.784. CA 19-9 was significantly associated with pancreatic head tumor resectability. CA 19-9 has a good diagnostic value in predicting the resectability of these tumors. The cut-off point for CA 19-9 levels was 140.65 U / mL, with a sensitivity of 82.76% (64.23% -94.15%), a specificity of 72.00% (50.61% -87.93 %), and AUC of 0.784. CA 19-9 was significantly associated with pancreatic head tumor resectability. CA 19-9 has a good diagnostic value in predicting the resectability of these tumors"
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"CA 19-9 merefleksikan derajat keparahan adenokarsinoma kaput pankreas ditunjukkan oleh beberapa studi berhasil menemukan korelasi peningkatan CA 19-9 dengan resektabilitas adenokarsinoma kaput pankreas. Penelitian ini bertujuan melakukan evaluasi hubungan dan nilai diagnostik CA 19-9 dalam memprediksi resektabilitas adenokarsinoma kaput pankreas. Penelitian dilakukan secara potong lintang mengambil data dari rekam medis Rumah Sakit dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo tahun 2016–2019. Pasien terdiagnosis adenokarsinoma kaput pankreas secara histopatologis atau pencitraan abdomen, berusia ≤65 tahun, dan memiliki catatan pemeriksaan kadar CA 19-9 diikutsertakan dalam penelitian ini. Selain kadar CA 19-9, peneliti juga menilai factor terkait operabilitas. Tercatat 54 subjek dengan rerata usia 53,78±11,13 tahun. Ditemukan adanya korelasi positif (0,850) dan signifikan antara tingginya kadar CA 19-9 dengan resektabilitas tumor kaput pankreas. Untuk operabilitas, ditemukan perbedaan bermakna kadar CA 19-9, albumin, dan skor Karnofsky pada kelompok pasien tumor kaput pankreas resectable dan unresectable. Titik potong kadar CA 19-9 tercatat sebesar 140,65 U/mL, dengan sensitivitas sebesar 82,76% (64,23%–94,15%), spesifisitas sebesar 72,00% (50,61%–87,93%), dan AUC sebesar 0,784. CA 19-9 berhubungan secara signifikan dengan resektabilitas tumor kaput pankreas. CA 19-9 memiliki nilai diagnostik yang baik dalam mempredisksi resektabilitas tumor ini.

This study would like to evaluate the relationship and diagnostic value of CA 19-9 in predicting the resectability of pancreatic head carcinoma. The cross-sectional study took data from the medical records at dr Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital in 2015–2019. Patients diagnosed with pancreatic head carcinoma based on histopathologic or abdominal imaging, aged ≤75 years, and who had a recorded CA level of 19-9 were enrolled in the study. The investigators also assessed parameters of operability. Of 54 patients with similar characteristics were enrolled, with a mean age of 53.78 ± 11.13 years. It was found that there was a positive (0.850) and significant correlation between high levels of CA 19-9 and unresectable pancreatic head carcinoma. We found significant differences in levels of CA 19-9, albumin, and Karnofsky score in the resectable and unresectable groups of pancreatic head carcinoma. The cut-off point for CA 19-9 levels was 140.65 U / mL, with a sensitivity of 82.76% (64.23%-94.15%), specificity of 72.00% (50.61%-87.93 %), and AUC of 0.784. CA 19-9 was significantly associated with the pancreatic head carcinoma resectability. CA 19-9 has a good diagnostic value in predicting the resectability of these tumors."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kartika Widya Rukmi
Latar belakang : Insiden Adenokarsinoma di RSCM meningkat pada periode 2001-2006 dibanding periode sebelumnya 1995-2000 . Banyak penderita yang resisten terhadap pengobaan hormonal. Resistensi ini diduga akibat sel tumor mengalami transformasi Neuroendokrin. Akan dilakukan penelitian untuk melihat ekspresi Androgen Receptor AR dan Chromogranin A CgA pada adenokarsinoma prostat di RSCM tahun 2011-2015.Tujuan : Membuktikan korelasi ekspresi AR dan CgA dengan derajat keganasan.Metode : Studi potong lintang analitik terhadap 70 kasus adenokarsinoma prostat di departemen PA FKUI/RSCM tahun 2011-2015. Kasus dipulas imunohistokimia AR dan Cg A serta dilakukan interpretasi hasil. AR dinilai prosentase positivitasnya pada inti epitel dan stromal. CgA dinilai prosentase positivitasnya pada sitoplasma. Uji korelasi dilakukan untuk melihat kemaknaan dan kekuatan korelasi antar variabel terikat.Hasil : Karakteristik sampel usia 47,1 >70 tahun; diferensiasi histopatologik/skor gleason 42,9 buruk/>7, grade group 28,6 grade5 dan PSA 64,3 dalam rentang 11-100ng/ml. Ekspresi CgA berkorelasi negatif lemah dengan ekspresi AR epitel r=-0,288;p=0,016 . Ekspresi CgA tidak berkorelasi dengan ekspresi AR stromal p=0,886 . Terdapat hubungan bermakna ekspresi AR epitel dengan grade group p=0,003 . Tidak terdapat hubungan bermakna ekspresi AR epitel dengan usia, diferensiasi histopatologik/skor gleason dan PSA. Ekspresi CgA berhubungan bermakna dengan diferensiasi histopatologik/skor gleason dan grade group p=0,018;p=0,038 . Tidak terdapat hubungan bermakna ekspresi CgA dengan usia dan PSA. Ekspresi AR stromal tidak berhubungan bermakna dengan usia, diferensiasi histopatologik, grade group, skor gleason, maupun PSA.Kesimpulan : Terdapat korelasi yang lemah antara AR dan CgA sehingga pulasan AR dan CgA dapat dipakai untuk pemilihan terapi.

Background Prevalence of prostate adenocarcinoma doubled in 2001 2006 compared to 1995 2000 in RSCM. Many patients resistant to hormonal treatment. This resistance is thought to be due to tumor cells undergoing neuroendocrine transformation. Study will be conducted to analyze the expression of Androgen Receptor AR and Chromogranin A CgA in prostate adenocarcinoma at RSCM in 2011 2015. Objective To prove correlation of expression of AR and CgA with degree of malignancy. Methods A cross sectional study was carried out on 70 cases of prostate adenocarcinoma in department of Anatomic Pathology FKUI RSCM from 2011 2015. AR expressed in stromal and epithelial nuclei, CgA expressed in cytoplasm. Statistical tests used to discover significance and correlation between the dependent variables. Results Most samples are more than 70 years old 47,1 , has poor histologic gleason score 42.9 , are in clinical grade 5 28.6 , and has PSA score range between 11 100 ng ml. CgA expression negatively correlates to epithelial AR expression r 0,288 p 0.016 , while no correlation are found between CgA expression and stromal AR expression p 0.886 . There is significant difference between epithelial AR expression with grade group p 0.003 , but not with age, histopathologic differentiation Gleason score and PSA. There are significant difference between CgA expression and histopathologic differentiation grade group and Gleason score p 0.018 p 0.038 , but not with age and PSA. No significant difference observed between stromal AR expression with age, histopathologic differentiation gleason score, grade group or PSA. Conclusion There rsquo s a weak correlation between AR and CgA so that AR and CgA expression can be used for the selection of therapy. "
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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