"[Pendahuluan: Obesitas adalah suatu permasalahan pandemik yang ditemukan di
negara maju maupun berkembang, dengan peningkatan prevalensi dalam dua
dekade terakhir. Obesitas pada anak dapat meningkatkan risiko berbagai penyakit
kronik, baik fisik maupun psikis. Gangguan psikososial yang berkaitan dengan
obesitas pada anak meliputi: depresi, cemas, rendah diri, gangguan hiperkinetik,
serta peningkatan agresivitas. Diperkirakan obesitas berhubungan dengan
gangguan perilaku dan emosional akibat ekspresi genetik rentan pada individu
obes. Metode: Penelitian potong lintang dilakukan pada anak usia sekolah dasar
di SDN 01 Menteng Jakarta untuk mengetahui hubungan tersebut. Penelitian
dilakukan dengan membandingkan status gizi anak dengan skrining gangguan
perilaku dan emosional melalui kuesioner PSC-17. Hasil: Sebaran anak obes di
SDN 01 Menteng Jakarta mencapai 23,18%. Hasil analisis obesitas pada anak
terhadap gangguan perilaku secara signifikan bermakna untuk subskala
eksternalisasi (p = 0,036). Sedangkan obesitas pada anak tidak memiliki hubungan
bermakna secara statistik untuk subskala internalisasi (p = 0,428), perhatian (p =
0,233), dan skor total PSC-17 (p = 0,824). Secara umum, obesitas tidak
berhubungan dengan gangguan perilaku dan emosional pada anak (p = 0,602).
Diskusi: Obesitas tidak berhubungan dengan gangguan perilaku dan emosional
pada anak secara general menunjukkan bahwa ada faktor-faktor lain yang
berperan dalam menimbulkan gangguan psikis pada anak. Namun, penggunaan
kuesioner PSC-17 yang singkat dapat menunjukkan adanya kemungkinan negatif
palsu, terutama untuk gangguan cemas. Obesitas berhubungan dengan gangguan
subskala eksternalisasi (agresivitas, dissosial) yang diduga berhubungan dengan
sosial stigma dari peer group;Introduction: Obesity has become a pandemic problem, which is common in
both developed and developing countries. The prevalence of obesity in children
has increased in the last two decades. Obesity in children can increase the risk of
various chronic diseases, both physically and mentally. Psychosocial disorders
associated with childhood obesity include: depression, anxiety, low self-esteem,
hyperkinetic disorder, as well as increased aggressiveness. It is estimated that
obesity is associated with behavioral and emotional disorders are due to
vulnerable genetic expression in obese individuals. Method: A cross-sectional
study conducted in primary school age children in SDN 01 Menteng Jakarta to
determine the relationship. The study was conducted by comparing the nutritional
status of children and behavioral/emotional disorders screening through PSC-17
questionnaires. Result: Distribution of obese children in SDN 01 Menteng Jakarta
reached 23.18%. Association between childhood obesity and behavioral disorders
is significant for externalizing subscale (p = 0.036). On the other side, childhood
obesity did not have a statistically significant relationship for internalization
subscale (p = 0.428), attention (p = 0.233), and PSC-17 total score (p = 0.824). In
general, obesity is not associated with behavioral and emotional disorders in
children (p = 0.602). Discussion: No associations between obesity and
behavioral/emotional disorders in children suggest that there are other factors
playing a role in causing mental disorders in children. However, the use of brief
PSC-17 questionnaires may indicate the possibility of false negatives, especially
for anxiety disorders. Association between obesity and externalizing subscale
disorders (aggresiveness, dissocial behavior) may be caused by the social stigma
of the peer group, Introduction: Obesity has become a pandemic problem, which is common in
both developed and developing countries. The prevalence of obesity in children
has increased in the last two decades. Obesity in children can increase the risk of
various chronic diseases, both physically and mentally. Psychosocial disorders
associated with childhood obesity include: depression, anxiety, low self-esteem,
hyperkinetic disorder, as well as increased aggressiveness. It is estimated that
obesity is associated with behavioral and emotional disorders are due to
vulnerable genetic expression in obese individuals. Method: A cross-sectional
study conducted in primary school age children in SDN 01 Menteng Jakarta to
determine the relationship. The study was conducted by comparing the nutritional
status of children and behavioral/emotional disorders screening through PSC-17
questionnaires. Result: Distribution of obese children in SDN 01 Menteng Jakarta
reached 23.18%. Association between childhood obesity and behavioral disorders
is significant for externalizing subscale (p = 0.036). On the other side, childhood
obesity did not have a statistically significant relationship for internalization
subscale (p = 0.428), attention (p = 0.233), and PSC-17 total score (p = 0.824). In
general, obesity is not associated with behavioral and emotional disorders in
children (p = 0.602). Discussion: No associations between obesity and
behavioral/emotional disorders in children suggest that there are other factors
playing a role in causing mental disorders in children. However, the use of brief
PSC-17 questionnaires may indicate the possibility of false negatives, especially
for anxiety disorders. Association between obesity and externalizing subscale
disorders (aggresiveness, dissocial behavior) may be caused by the social stigma
of the peer group]"