ABSTRAKSifat karet alam dapat ditingkatkan melalui modifikasi kimiawi secara reaksi
kopolimerisasi cangkok emulsi karet alam terdeproteinisasi (DPNR) dengan
monomer vinil (MV) tunggal maupun paduannya menggunakan inisiator
ammonium peroksidisulfat dan surfaktan sodium dodesil sulfat menghasilkan
karet alam termoplastik (TPNR). Reaksi dijalankan secara eksitu pada suhu 65ºC
selama 5 jam dilanjutkan pada 70ºC selama 1 jam dengan teknik batch pada
berbagai komposisi DPNR terhadap MV dan rasio paduan MV (stirena (ST)
terhadap metil metakrilat (MMA)). Hasil penelitian secara umum menunjukkan
bahwa TPNR yang disintesis dari DPNR dengan paduan MV menggabungkan
sifat unggul TPNR yang diperoleh dari hasil reaksi DPNR dengan MV tunggal.
Komposisi DPNR terhadap MV sebesar 60 : 40 dengan rasio ST terhadap MMA
sebesar 2 : 1 ditetapkan sebagai kondisi teroptimum dalam reaksi kopolimerisasi
cangkok emulsi pembentukan TPNR.
ABSTRACTNatural rubber properties can be improved by chemical modification such
emulsion graft copolymerization of deproteinized natural rubber (DPNR) with
either single or combination of vinyl monomers (MV) by using ammonium
peroxydisulfate as initiator and sodium dodecyl sulfate as surfactant to produce
thermoplastic natural rubber (TPNR). The reaction was run at 65ºC for 5 hours
continued at 70ºC for an hour by exitu ? batch procedure at various proportion of
DPNR to single MV and combination of MV ratio (styrene (ST) to metyl
methacrylate (MMA)). Generally, the result showed that TPNR synthesized from
DPNR and combination of MV integrated the prior properties of TPNR
synthesized from DPNR and single MV. The proportion of DPNR to MV as 60 :
40 and ratio of ST to MMA as 2 : 1 were regarded as the best condition on
emulsion graft copolymerization in the formation of TPNR., Natural rubber properties can be improved by chemical modification such
emulsion graft copolymerization of deproteinized natural rubber (DPNR) with
either single or combination of vinyl monomers (MV) by using ammonium
peroxydisulfate as initiator and sodium dodecyl sulfate as surfactant to produce
thermoplastic natural rubber (TPNR). The reaction was run at 65ºC for 5 hours
continued at 70ºC for an hour by exitu – batch procedure at various proportion of
DPNR to single MV and combination of MV ratio (styrene (ST) to metyl
methacrylate (MMA)). Generally, the result showed that TPNR synthesized from
DPNR and combination of MV integrated the prior properties of TPNR
synthesized from DPNR and single MV. The proportion of DPNR to MV as 60 :
40 and ratio of ST to MMA as 2 : 1 were regarded as the best condition on
emulsion graft copolymerization in the formation of TPNR.]"