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Fitri Amalia
"Positive correlation between concentration and profitability is not always a result of collusion. Market concentration can be a proxyfor efficiency and product differentiation that have done by company. The company that can be mentioned efficient and have done product differentiation can improve market share, and industry that consist of the company has tendency to be concentrated.
This research tries to prove whether market share and concentration in Islamic and conventional banking industry as proxy to efficient. If it is proven, so there is no relationship between market share and concentration with profitability. it is appropriate with efficient structure hypothesis.
Using pool data for Islamic and conventional banking industiy at period January 2002 until November 2005. Model that had been used in this research is adjusted Smirlock model with fixed effect method From this research, is hoped that Islamic banking industry can support efficient structure hypothesis, moreover conventional banking industry can support differentiation hypothesis."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fitri Amalia
"Positive correlation between concentration and profitability is not always a result of collusion. Market concentration can be a proxy efficiency and product differentiation that have done by company. The company that can be mentioned efficient and have done product diferentiation can improve market share, and industry that consist of the company has tendency to be concentrated.
This research tries to prove whether market share and concentration in Islamic and conventional banking industry as proxy to efficiency. If it is proven, so there is no relationship between market share and concentration with profitability. It is appropriate with efficient structure hypothesis.
Using separated pooled data for Islamic and conventional banking industry at period January 2002 until November 2005. This research use adjusted Smirlock mode! with fired eject method. By this research, it is expected that Islamic banking industry support efficient structure hypothesis, and conventional banking industry support diferentiation hypothesis.
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Chajar Matari Fath Mala
Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN (MEA) industri perbankan pada tahun 2020 mendatang akan menuntut bank-bank untuk bisa melakukan efisiensi agar bisa bersaing dalam pasar perbankan. Oleh karena itu penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi jenis
hipotesis industri organisasi yang berlaku untuk melihat kesiapan MEA pada pasar
perbankan ASEAN dengan menggunakan 52 sampel bank terbesar dari masing-masing
bank di ASEAN. Untuk mengukur x-efficiency dan scale efficiency digunakan metode
nonparametrik Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), kemudian untuk mengukur
konsentrasi digunakan indeks Lerner, setelah itu penentuan hipotesis dilakukan dengan
regresi panel. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan hipotesis structure conduct performance
(SCP) berlaku pada bank-bank besar negara Indonesia, Thailand, dan Singapura.
Sementara itu hipotesis relative market power (RMP) berlaku pada bank-bank besar
negara Indonesia dan Filipina. Namun hipotesis efisiensi versi relative efficiency
structure (RES) maupun scale efficiency structure (SES) dan hipotesis quiet life (QL)
sama sekali tidak berlaku pada bank-bank negara ASEAN

ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) of the banking industry in 2020 will require
banks to be able to improve efficiency because the competition in banking market will
be going more intense. Therefore, this study aims to identify the type of hyphotesis of
industrial organization which exist in in ASEAN banks to investigate their readiness in
facing AEC. This research uses 52 samples of the largest banks of each country in
ASEAN. To measure x-efficiency and scale efficiency, this research uses Data
Envelopment Analysis (DEA). Meanwhile the concentration is measured by Lerner index. Then, the hypothesis is tested by using panel regression. The results showed that
structure conduct performance (SCP) hypothesis occurred in banking industry of
Indonesia, Thailand, and Singapore. Meanwhile relative market power (RMP)
hypotheses occurred in banking industry of Indonesia and the Philippines. However,
the efficiency structure in version relative efficiency structure (RES), scale efficiency
structure (SES), and the quiet life hypothesis (QL) did not occur in all ASEAN banks."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Firman Mochtar
"This study shows that an increase in economic funding that comes from saving fund in the banking sector doesn?t have a full impact on the slower economic growth in the subsequent period as Keynesian believes. Tests result show that a decrease in public saving in banking sector reflects an increase in the confidence of the economic agents on the future economic prospects which then drives the economic growth. This result is supported by the negative and significant relationship of economic growth and public saving in the form of individual rupiah denominated deposit (time deposits?). Using Permanent Income Hypothesis argument the result indicates that we can use individual deposit as one of the leading indicators of future economic growth based on signficant finding until 2 trimester in the future. On the other hand positive and significant relationship of economic growth and public saving which is proposed by the Keynesian only applied to rupiah denominated individual and firm demand deposit and individual saving account."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dewi Setiawati
"This research develops Industrial Performance Index and shows annual performance index among industries through all and each indicator from 2004 to 2007. There are three criteria and 19 indicators, (1) output (value added, wage, firm), (2) production factor (labor, capital, and technological progress), (3) production cost (labor and capital productivity, material and energy efficiency). The result shows the best performance industry, (1) in 2007 is transportation industry excluded four or more wheel vehicle, (2) in 2006 is recycling industry, (3) in 2005 is machinery and office equipment industry, (4) in 2004 is food and beverage industry.

Studi ini membangun indeks kinerja industri relatif subsektor industri per-indikator dan subsektor industri unggulan pada periode tertentu. Ada tiga ukuran dan sembilan belas indikator yang dipilih yaitu, output (nilai tambah, upah, jumlah perusahaan), faktor produksi (tenaga kerja, barang modal, dan kemajuan teknologi), dan biaya produksi (produktivitas tenaga kerja dan barang modal, efisiensi penggunaan material dan energi). Hasil perhitungan memperlihatkan subsektor industri unggulan pada tahun: (i) 2007 adalah industri alat angkutan, selain kendaraan bermotor roda empat atau lebih, (ii) 2006 adalah industri daur ulang, (iii) 2005 adalah industri mesin dan peralatan kantor, akuntansi dan pengolahan data, dan (iv) 2004 adalah industri makanan dan minuman."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rahmatina Awaliah Kasri
Indonesia is among the few countries that adopts dual banking system where Islamic banks run in parallel and compete with conventional banks. Although under such a system banking competition would be expected to be high, data tend to show the opposite case, as three Islamics banks acquired 65 percent of market share in Indonesia. This study, therefore, attempts to determine the degree of banking competition in Indonesia by employing the Panzar-Rosse Model for 2003-2008 period. The study also analyses the competitive behaviors of Islamic banks and compares it with those of its conventional counterparts. The estimated model suggests that monopolistic competition exists in the overall banking industry?the degree is even slightly higher for Islamic banking, where the market is characterized by aggressive competition for funding, quality human resources, and financing. Such competition occurs due to, among others, small market size, low consumer base, lack of product variations, and lack of competent human resources. These should be a major concern for all Islamics banking stakeholders for developing a better Islamic banking industry, particularly in Indonesia."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rus`an Nasrudin
"Combining regional growth model and integration of financial institution model, this paper evaluates whether intermediary development influences growth in Indonesia. Recent research has proved that not only banks development influence economic growth positively but also its exogenous components.
However, there are several different assumptions during adopt this model in Indonesia. Especially regional approach is differing than national approach in growth model. The point is the existence of intermediary integration across region whit causes the economic agent move freely within a nation.
The data show that integration of financial intermediation was not always associated with economic growth. Only four of twenty six provinces which proved strong influence of financial intermediation on economic growth. Labor condition and average annual wages are not exogenous variables which explain growth due to financial intermediation in Indonesia. At least during 1987-1998."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sonny Harry Budiutomo Harmadi
"Adanya faktor skala ekonomi dalam pemilihan lokasi menyebabkan beberapa perusahaan yang sejenis memilih berada pada lokasi yang berdekatan, sehingga membawa dampak menurunnya biaya produksi perusahaan. Aglomerasi industri ini dapat menjelaskan mengapa suatu kota memiliki perusahaan yang jenisnya sama lebih dari satu, dan adanya kecenderungan bahwa kota akan berkembang di sekitar lokasi industri. Suatu kota industri yang besar terbentuk karena adanya aglomerasi ekonomi dalam produksi, dimana terdapat dua jenis aglomerasi ekonomi, yaitu localization economies dan urbanization economies.
Analisis regresi data panel menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan hasil yang mendasar antara industri dengan klasifikasi ISIC 2 digit dengan industri berdasarkan klasifikasi ISIC 3 digit. Sub-sektor industri di DKI Jakarta yang mengalami aglomerasi industri ialah subsektor Industri Tekstil, Pakaian Jadi, dan Kulit, Industri Kertas dan Barang-Barang dari Kertas, Percetakan dan Penerbitan, Industri Kimia dan Barang-Barang dari Kimia, Petroleum, Batu Bara, Karet, dan Barang dari Plastik, Industri Barang-Barang dari Logam, Mesin dan Perlengkapannya, Industri Pengolahan Lainnya. Sedangkan sub-sektor Industri Makanan, Minuman Serta Tembakau, Industri Kayu dan Barang-Barang dari Kayu, Termasuk Alat-Alat Rumah Tangga dari Kayu, Industri Barang-Barang Galian Bukan Logam, dan Industri Dasar Logam tidak mengalami aglomerasi. Pada golongan pokok industri teridentifikasi tidak terjadi aglomerasi industri."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Laela Dika Wulandari
We try to analyze the impact of Chinese Textile and Garment (T&G) imports, and the internal and external factors to the firm survival and growth of T&G industry in Indonesia, for the period study of 2002 to 2007. Probit regression model is used to analyze the impact of Chinese imports to the survival of firm, while OLS regression model is used to analyze its growth. It shows that the ability of firms' survival is influenced by the internal and external factors. The Chinese imports give positive impact to the firms' survival ability. On the other hand, firm's growth is only affected by its internal characteristics, while the impact of Chinese imports is proven not significant. The Heckman test result stated that there are no correlation between firms' ability to survive and the firm growth behavior.
Studi ini menganalisis dampak dari penetrasi impor TPT Cina, faktor internal, serta faktor eksternal terhadap kebertahanan dan pertumbuhan perusahaan dalam industri TPT Indonesia periode tahun 2002-2007. Metode probit regression digunakan untuk mengetahui dampak impor Cina terhadap kebertahanan perusahaan, sementara regresi linear sederhana (OLS) digunakan untuk menganalisis pertumbuhannya. Ditemukan bahwa kebertahanan perusahaan dipengaruhi oleh karakteristik internal dan eksternal, serta impor Cina yang memberikan dampak positif. Sementara pertumbuhan perusahaan hanya dipengaruhi oleh faktor internal, di mana impor Cina tidak memberikan dampak signikan. Hasil pengujian Heckman menyatakan tidak ada indikasi hubungan antara kebertahanan perusahaan dengan perilaku pertumbuhannya."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Beta Yulianita Gitaharie
"The economic crises attacking Asian regions in the mid of 1997 have brought depressing impacts to Indonesia?s economy. Indonesia experiences a declining share of investment? it is even the lowest amongst neighboring countries. Indonesia also ranks the first position in the issue of inefficiency which further discourages investors to invest in Indonesia. The study focuses on the issue of efficiency in the manufacturing industry whose share in the economy tends to increase during I988-2OO5 in a higher percentage than in the agriculture and services sectors. The objectives of the study are two-folds, first is to measure the score of efficiency in the manufacturing industry in order to identify which in industries are classified as efficient, moderately efficient, or less efficient. Secondly is to identify whether there is an association between input factor or output degree of protection and the score of in efficiency of a 5-digit-JSIC industry. The method employs in the study is the stochastic production frontier where efficiency is an explicit function of specifically determining factors. The study finds that wood preservative industry has the highest efficiency score, while garment and textile industry has the lowest. The study also discovers there are more industries with less and moderately efficient classification. Sources of inefficiency are from the high output tariffs, which have potential contributions to high price and less competitive products in the market. The study recommends that manufacturing industries with low scores of efficiency should improve their productivities through lower cost of production. The government has to make effort to reduce tariff for finished goods. Taxes on luxurious goods and duty charges for export oriented industries should be eliminated as an alternative to increase efficiency in the manufacturing industry. Comparative advantages, particularly for linkage industries, should be improved."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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