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Bambang Wibawarta
"Bushido is most often translated as the way of the warrior caste in Japan. Bushi
refers to warriors in feudal Japan while do means several things including: the correct way,
the path, or the road. Another interpretation of Bushido could be the way of preserving peace
through the use of force. Bushido comes out of Buddhism, Confucianism, and Shintoism. The
combination of these schools of thought and religions has formed the code of warrior values
known as Bushido. A key to our understanding of how the concepts of Bushido fit into Japanese
modern lives is to understand the historical and societal aspects of Bushido. Today, this meaning
can be modernized to include minimizing violent conflict. The code of Bushido, the Samurai's
code of honor, upholds loyalty, discipline, total dedication, honor and valor, and numerous
examples of these elements can be witnessed today or in recent history."
University of Indonesia, Faculty of Humanities, 2006
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bambang Wibawarta
Fakultas Ilmu Pengatahuan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 1995
UI - Laporan Penelitian  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lusiana Idawati
Disertasi ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari kelindan antara kaidah proporsi matematis, seni, dan takhingga melalui telaah irisan kencana (golden section) dalam dialektika seni. Berawal dari argumentasi ontologis seni, ditemukan bahwa keindahan seni terletak pada ketepatan hubungan-hubungan proporsional antara gagasan dan bentuk. Melalui telaah dialektis irisan kencana dalam langgam-langgam seni pada estetika Hegel ? seni simbolik, seni klasik, dan seni romantik ? dibuktikan bahwa irisan kencana adalah wujud universal konkret hubungan-hubungan proporsional antara gagasan dan bentuk sebagai keseluruhan dan bagian. Perkembangan irisan kencana dalam dialektika seni merupakan wujud dialektika kesadaran dalam memahami takhingga dalam seni. Ketika kesadaran mampu mewujudkan kesatuan antara isi rohani seni dan rupa artistiknya dengan hubungan-hubungan proporsional layaknya, ketika itulah ananta ? sebagai takhingga sejati ? dalam seni terwujud.

This dissertation studies the connection among mathematical systems of proportion, art, and the infinite through the study of the golden section in the dialectics of art. Started with an ontological perspective of art, it is found that the beauty of art lies in the precision of the proportional relationships between its idea and form. Through the dialectical study of the golden section in Hegel?s types of art ? symbolic art, classical art, and romantic art ? it is proven that the golden section is a concret universal manifestation of the proportional relationships between idea and form as the whole and the part. The development of the golden section concept in the dialectics of art also reveals the dialectics of consciousness in its effort to grasp the infinite in art. When consciousness is finally able to manifest the unity of the idea and its artistic shape in its proper proportional relationships, the true infinite in art becomes concrete."
Depok: 2011
UI - Disertasi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lita Kartika
"Skripsi ini membahas mengenai jenis-jenis elipsis dan fungsinya dalam teks iklan Jepang. Pada penelitian ini, digunakan metode penelitian deskriptif analisis karena penulis bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis jenis dan fungsi elipsis dalam teks iklan Jepang. Halliday dan Hasan membagi elipsis menjadi 3 jenis, yaitu elipsis nominal, elipsis verbal, dan elipsis klausal. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, diketahui bahwa ketiga jenis elipsis tersebut terdapat dalam teks iklan Jepang.

This thesis is discussing about ellipsis and its function in Japanese print advertising. On this study, research method used is descriptive analysis in order to describe and analyze the types and functions of ellipsis in Japanese print advertisement. Halliday dan Hasan devide ellipsis into 3 types; nominal ellipsis, verbal ellipsis, and clausal ellipsis. According to the result of this research, there are those three types of ellipsis on Japanese print advertising selected on this study.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bambang Wibawarta
"Japan and the Netherlands have maintained a special relationship for about 300
years since the adoption of the National Seclusion policy, the so-called sakoku by
the Tokugawa shogunate (1603-1867). The Dutch began trading with Japan and
engaging with Japanese society in 1600, when a Dutch ship, De Liefde, arrived in
Kyushu. The Tokugawa government measures regarding foreign policy included
regulations on foreign access to Japan and a prohibition on Japanese going
abroad. Between the middle of the seventeenth to the early nineteenth century,
Japan was characterized by a stable political pattern in which representatives
of the VOC (Dutch East India Company), were the only Europeans with a right
to trade in Japan. In the course of this period, the Japanese evaluation of the
Dutch changed from regarding them as commercial agents to seeing them as
importers of European knowledge. This paper is especially concerned with the
influence of the so-called ?Dutch Studies? (rangaku) on the early modernization
of Japan, especially with regard to medicine and the natural sciences. This
research examines the development of rangaku and the trading between Japan
and VOC at Dejima"
University of Indonesia, Faculty of Humanities, 2008
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Imelda Yance
Kajian ini berfokus pada ritual menumbai yang dilakukan oleh Orang Petalangan, salah satu suku asli di Provinsi Riau. Kajian ini dilakukan untuk mendeskripsikan bentuk dan makna leksikon, fungsi dan sistem kognisi Orang Petalangan yang tercermin dalam ritual tersebut.Kajian ini dilakukan dengan pendekatan linguistik antropologis dan metode kualitatif deskriptif. Dari hasil analisis data terungkap bahwa ritual menumbai terekam dalam sejumlah leksikon budaya berupa kata dan kelompok kata, kata asal dan kata turunan, bersifat denotatif dan konotatif. Leksikon tersebut menjadi indeks dan simbol dalam pengungkapan realitas budaya Orang Petalangan baik dalam wujud benda, cara hidup, maupun cara berpikir. Ritual menumbai berfungsi untuk meminta petunjuk, menghormati, memberi tahu, menghipnotis, membujuk, memohon izin, meminta perlindungan, meminta berbohong, mengingatkan, menggambarkan keberadaan, memuji, mengusir, mongonsentrasikan pikiran, mengutarakan keinginan, pamit, dan menghibur. Secara umum, semua fungsi tersebut bersifat produktif dan protektif. Sistem kognisi Orang Petalangan yang tercermin dalam ritual menumbai terkait dengan religi, alam gaib, manusia, dan lingkungan."
Yogyakarta: Balai Pelestarian Sejarah dan Nilai Tradisional Yogyakarta, 2018
959 PATRA 19:3 (2018)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mutia Nurul Sabira
Skripsi ini membahas ciri dan fungsi sastra anak yang terdapat dalam tiga buah cerpen jenaka yang berjudul ?Si Bodoh Jadi Pencuri?, ?Sura Menggala?, dan ?Mencari Orang Besar? dalam kumpulan cerpen Dua Puluh Dongeng Anak-anak karya Zuber Usman. Dari penelitian ini ditemukan bahwa ciri dan fungsi sastra anak untuk cerita jenaka tidak hanya bertumpu pada kemampuan cerita tersebut dalam memberikan pesan moral dan hiburan, tetapi juga harus memberikan rasa terwakilkan pada anak ketika membacanya. Dari tiga buah cerpen yang dianalisis, terdapat dua cerita, yaitu ?Si Bodoh Jadi Pencuri? dan ?Mencari Orang Besar? yang selain dapat memberikan pesan moral dan hiburan, juga dapat membuat anak merasa teridentifikasi dengan tokoh-tokoh yang berperan di dalamnya. Sedangkan, hasil dari penelitian cerpen ?Sura Menggala? kurang dapat memberikan rasa identifikasi bagi anak-anak. Meskipun begitu, cerpen ini tetap memiliki pesan moral dan hiburan yang juga tidak kalah penting bagi bacaan anak-anak.

This thesis discusses the characteristics and functions of children?s literature present in three humorous short stories titled ?Si Bodoh Jadi Pencuri?, ?Sura Menggala?, and ?Mencari Orang Besar? in the short stories collection Dua Puluh Dongeng Anak-anak by Zuber Usman. This research found that characteristics and functions of children?s literature for humorous stories not only focus on the ability to entertain and give moral messages, but also gives the feel of representation for the children when read it. From the three short stories that were analized, there are two stories, which is ?Si Bodoh Jadi Pencuri? and ?Mencari Orang Besar?, give the sense of identification with the character inside the stories. Meanwhile ?Sura Menggala? not giving the same as the other two stories. Nevertheless, this short story still have moral messages and entertaining value which is also important for children?s literatur."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Balinese pop music has undergone industrialization since the decade of 1990's when the technological progress, economical system, and new musical culture massively drove to the born of recording studios, musicians, and and the products. In the hands of capital owners, Balinese pop music capitalism occurs. Behind the discourse of the preservation of Balinese culture through Balinese pop music, ideology and interests work for the purpose of capitalization. The result of the study shows that during the two and a half decades, the industrialization of Balinese pop music goes in the form of production, distribution, and consumption in the province of Bali due to the linked cultural power, the power of capital, and media power. Industrialization is influenced by a number of ideologies, capitalism, popisme, local political culture, and multiculturalism, in which capitalism became the dominant ideology. Bali pop music industrialization causes a certain impact. The economical impact related to exchange rates; social impact (use value) related to the value / benefits; cultural impact associated with the value of identity / authenticity; and political impacts associated with the value of developmentalism 1 developmentalism."
MUDRA 31:1 (2016)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Penelitian tentang nilai-nilai seni pertunjukan teater rakyat sandiwara Cirebon, Jawa Barat, sebagai penge¬tahuan lokal pembentuk karakter bangsa, bertujuan untuk mengkonservasi, merevitalisasi, dan mengkon- struksi nilai-nilai pengetahuan lokal dan karakter bangsa dalam seni pertunjukan teater rakyat Jawa Barat. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah paradigma kualitatif, melalui metode arsip-kreatif terhadap pertunjukan teater rakyat sandiwara Cirebon. Metode arsip kreatif mengutamakan dokumen pertunjukan sandiwara, yang disetiap adegan dipilih gambar dan dialognya. Melalui metodetersebut, peneli¬tian ini berhasil mendapatkan nilai-nilai pengetahuan lokal dan karakter bangsa sebagai identitas budaya melalui pertunjukan sandiwara. Nilai-nilai tersebut terdapat pada lakon/cerita dalam pertunjukan teater rakyat Jawa Barat, seperti nilai moral, etika, jujur, tanggung jawab, dan cinta damai."
Denpasar: Pusat Penerbitan LPPM Institut Seni Indonesia Denpasar, 2017
300 MUDRA 32:1 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Hindus in Bali carry out various yadnya almost every day. One of the yadnya is cremation ceremony. The ceremony was held as a tribute to the deceased family. The tribute is conducted based on the belief that the souls of those who have passed away never die, but are still alive in the other unreal world. In addition, it is believed that if his ancestors are in happiness, they will also try to help and make their offspring who are still alive happy. Cremation ceremony especially in Munggu Pakraman Village Tabanan can not be separated from various equipment of ceremony. One among the unique equipments, namely the performance of Barong Kadengkleng. This Barong is always performed in this Pakraman village when there is a cremation ceremony at intermediate levels and above. The form of Barong Kadengkleng dance in the cremation ritual is accompanied by Daeng from the family at the late. The show was held the day before the cremation ceremony started from the fron entrance of the house of the late and then proceed to the border road of Munggu Pakraman Village and ended up in front of the bale adat where the body is laid. Judging from its function, the dance of Barong Kadengkleng has two functions, namely the religious function and escorting functions. In a religious function, ie every performance of Barong Kadengkleng uses offerings and performed only with regard to cremation ritual, while in its escorting function namely helping deter and escort the return of elements of pancamahabhuta and the soul to its origin."
MUDRA 31:1 (2016)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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