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Sonny Harry Budiutomo Harmadi
"The economy of Jakarta which vastly grows has changed its area into a complex and highly dense urbanized area, indicated almost all covered by office blocks, manufacturing activities, and residential area while left relatively small for non-urban activity area. Furthermore, in the last decade, the economy of Jakarta has not only influenced in its administrative area, but also has moved across its surrounding area, such as Bogor, Depok, Tangerang and Bekasi. As a consequence, it has changed the allocation of land using in those areas, from the exertion of rice field using to office, manufacturing and residential activities in such a way that going to show a city face. This process is often called urban sprawl. According to the urban economics theory, there are 3 sectors that can change a region as a new urbanized area which are office, manufacturing, and residential activities. This research try to find how those sectors of the economy of Iakarta influence the land allocation process of its surrounding area. Furthermore, this research will show the sprawling direction from those sectors. For instance, it is found that the office sector sprawls to nowhere."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abdul Hamid
"Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis hubungan keseimbangan antar variable pembangunan ekonomi dan sosial daerah dengan menggunakan metode vector dan error correction model dan menganalisi kointegrasi serta kausalitas antar variabel dengan menggunakan metode cointegration dan causality. Metode yang digunakan ialah Error Correction Model (ECM) dan Vektor Error Correction Model (VECM). Variabel penelitian ini terdiri dari inflasi, Indeks Harga Konsumen (IHK), dan Produk Domestik Regional Bruto (PDRB) yang mewakili variabel pembangunan ekonomi serta, variabel pembangunan sosial diwakili oleh Indeks Pembangunan manusia (IPM), Kemiskinan dan Pengangguran. Penelitian ini akan menggunakan uji root dengan menggunakan metode Augmented Dickey Fuller test (ADF-test). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan antara variabel inflasi dan Produk Domestik Regional Bruto (PDRB) di Provinsi Sumatera Selatan dalam jangka panjang dan jangka pendek. Sementara itu, variabel independen lainnya (IHK, IPM, Kemiskinan dan Pengangguran) dalam jangka pendek maupun jangka panjang secara simultan berpengaruh pada PDRB. Terdapat hubungan keseimbangan Antar variable pembangunan ekonomi (PDRB, Inflasi, IHK) dan variabel sosial (IPM, Kemiskinan dan Pengangguran) di Provinsi Sumatera Selatan dengan menggunakan metode vector dan error correction model dan antar variable pembangunan ekonomi dan sosial berkointegrasi dan berkausalitas dengan menggunakan metode cointegration dan causality."
Jakarta: FEB UIN Syarif Hidayatullah, 2014
650 ESENSI 4:1 (2014)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Eddy Suratman
"Pemerintah daerah Kalimantan Barat telah membuat rencana kebijakan untuk membangun wilayah perbatasan. Rencana tersebut terfokus pada tiga hal: (1) kapasitas pembangunan wilayah perbatasan; (2) pembangunan ekonomi perbatasan; dan (3) pembangunan sosial budaya wilayah perbatasan. Studi ini bermaksud menganalisa dampak dari kebijakan pembangunan wilayah perbatasan terhadap kinerja perekonomian Kalimantan Barat dengan didasarkan atas hasil simulasi kebijakan yang menggunakan matriks Sistem Neraca Sosial Ekonomi Kalimantan Barat pada tahun 2000. Sebagai perbandingan, studi ini juga bermaksud menganalisa kinerja perekonomian Kalimantan Barat dengan skenario tanpa intervensi kebijakan di wilayah perbatasan. Temuan simulasi kebijakan ini menunjukkan bahwa kebijakan pembangunan dan wilayah perbatasan dapat meningkatkan kinerja perekonomian dari Kalimantan Barat. Dengan menerapkan kebijakan ekonomi wilayah perbatasan akan memberi dampak yang signfikan bagi pertumbuhan ekonomi, pendapatan rumah tangga dan pendapatan dan sektor produksi."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Catur Sugiyanto
"In the Indonesia democracy, the multiparty system is used as one of the canal to aggregate the public aspirations. This mechanism is supported by Law No. 25/1999 about fiscal decentralization and a series of related regulations. It is also supported by direct election for regional head (Pilkada). As such, the winning political parties may influence the local government budget allocation which finally transform into the economic growth.
This study estimates the influence of party politic concentration on the local economic growth. The data used is the local government election of 2004 and 2009 from 55 regions (cities). The concentration of political power in regional legislatives is measured by using Herfindahl Hirschman Index (HHI). The results of analysis confirm that the more concentrated political power in the regional legislative results lower economic growth.

Dalam dinamika demokrasi Indonesia, mekanisme multipartai merupakan salah satu cara untuk mengatur aspirasi. Mekanisme ini didukung Undang-Undang No. 25 Tahun 1999 mengenai desentralisasi fiskal dan dinamika perubahannya. Pemilihan Kepala Daerah (Pilkada) langsung pun turut mendukung mekanisme demokrasi di daerah. Partai politik pemenang pilkada akan memengaruhi pola alokasi anggaran daerah yang akhirnya bisa berdampak pada efektivitas pengeluaran pemerintah.
Studi ini mengestimasi seberapa besar pengaruh konsentrasi partai di daerah terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi di daerah. Analisis menggunakan data 55 kabupaten/kota tahun 2004 dan 2009. Konsentrasi partai politik di dalam parlemen di daerah diukur dari proporsi anggota dewan dari masing-masing partai politik menggunakan Herfindahl Hirschman Index (HHI). Data tahun 2004 dan 2009 mengonfirmasi bahwa semakin terkonsentrasinya anggota dewan pada satu partai politik tertentu, maka semakin rendah pertumbuhan ekonomi daerah tersebut."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jauhari Santo Rihat
Analisa perkembangan ekonomi dari sisi pengeluaran yaitu dengan mengukur variabel konsumsi, investasi, pengeluaran pemerintah dan selisih ekspor dengan impor. Ruang lingkup penelitian tesis ini selain untuk membahas perkembangan ekonomi juga untuk fokus pada variabel investasi. Dengan menggunakan data sekunder dari berbagai sumber yang relevan dan legal dari tahun 1980 sampai dengan 2012. Penelitian ini adallah penelitian kuantitatif dengan metode analisis persamaan simultan. Hasil penelitian ini yaitu terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan antara berbagai variabel dengan mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi di DKI Jakarta. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pertumbuhan ekonomi di provinsi DKI Jakarta dipengaruhi oleh faktor-faktor yaitu konsumsi RT, pembentukan PMTDB, pengeluaran pemerintah dan net eskpor, investasi fasilitas, investasi non fasilitas dan investasi pemerintah. Faktor yang mempengaruhi peningkatan Penanaman Modal Dalam Negeri (PMDN): yaitu faktor UMP dan panjang jalan, dummy variabel Pembentukan PTSP dan dummy variabel krisis ekonomi. Faktor yang mempengaruhi peningkatan Penanaman Modal Asing (PMA) adalah yaitu faktor UMP dan panjang jalan serta dummy variabel pembentukan PTSP. Faktor yang mempengaruhi peningkatan investasi non fasilitas adalah pengaruh UMP dan pertambahan panjang jalan serta periode krisis ekonomi memberikan pengaruh signifikan terhadap aliran investasi non fasilitas. Faktor yang mempengaruhi peningkatan Investasi Pemerintah yaitu faktor penerimaan pemerintah, PDRB dan periode krisis ekonomi.
Analysis of economic development from expenditure side is by measuring the variables of consumption, investment, government spending and net exports. The scope of thesis research in addition to discuss economic development is also to focus on the variable investment. This research is using secondary data from a variety of relevant sources from 1980 to 2012 and kind a quantitative study with simultaneous quations analysis method. The result of this research is the discovery of significant influence of the various variables in driving economic growth in Jakarta. The research describe that economic growth in the province of Jakarta influenced by factors; House hold consumption, investment, Government Spending and Net Exports, Facility Investment, non Facility Investment and Government Investment. Factors affecting the increase in Domestic Investment (DI): the provincial minimum wage factor, GDP, length of roads, Dummy variables establishment of PTSP and Dummy variables of economic crisis. Factors affecting the increase in Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) is the provincial minimum wage factor, GDP, length of roads, Dummy variables establishment of PTSP. Factors affecting the increase in non facility investment is the provincial minimum wage factor, length of roads, GDP and dummy variables economic crisis. Factors affecting the increase in the Government Investment: Government revenues Factor, GDP and dummy variables economic crisis;Analysis of economic development from expenditure side is by measuring the variables of consumption, investment, government spending and net exports. The scope of thesis research in addition to discuss economic development is also to focus on the variable investment. This research is using secondary data from a variety of relevant sources from 1980 to 2012 and kind a quantitative study with simultaneous quations analysis method. The result of this research is the discovery of significant influence of the various variables in driving economic growth in Jakarta. The research describe that economic growth in the province of Jakarta influenced by factors; House hold consumption, investment, Government Spending and Net Exports, Facility Investment, non Facility Investment and Government Investment. Factors affecting the increase in Domestic Investment (DI): the provincial minimum wage factor, GDP, length of roads, Dummy variables establishment of PTSP and Dummy variables of economic crisis. Factors affecting the increase in Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) is the provincial minimum wage factor, GDP, length of roads, Dummy variables establishment of PTSP. Factors affecting the increase in non facility investment is the provincial minimum wage factor, length of roads, GDP and dummy variables economic crisis. Factors affecting the increase in the Government Investment: Government revenues Factor, GDP and dummy variables economic crisis, Analysis of economic development from expenditure side is by measuring the variables of consumption, investment, government spending and net exports. The scope of thesis research in addition to discuss economic development is also to focus on the variable investment. This research is using secondary data from a variety of relevant sources from 1980 to 2012 and kind a quantitative study with simultaneous quations analysis method. The result of this research is the discovery of significant influence of the various variables in driving economic growth in Jakarta. The research describe that economic growth in the province of Jakarta influenced by factors; House hold consumption, investment, Government Spending and Net Exports, Facility Investment, non Facility Investment and Government Investment. Factors affecting the increase in Domestic Investment (DI): the provincial minimum wage factor, GDP, length of roads, Dummy variables establishment of PTSP and Dummy variables of economic crisis. Factors affecting the increase in Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) is the provincial minimum wage factor, GDP, length of roads, Dummy variables establishment of PTSP. Factors affecting the increase in non facility investment is the provincial minimum wage factor, length of roads, GDP and dummy variables economic crisis. Factors affecting the increase in the Government Investment: Government revenues Factor, GDP and dummy variables economic crisis]"
Jakarta: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rus`an Nasrudin
"Combining regional growth model and integration of financial institution model, this paper evaluates whether intermediary development influences growth in Indonesia. Recent research has proved that not only banks development influence economic growth positively but also its exogenous components.
However, there are several different assumptions during adopt this model in Indonesia. Especially regional approach is differing than national approach in growth model. The point is the existence of intermediary integration across region whit causes the economic agent move freely within a nation.
The data show that integration of financial intermediation was not always associated with economic growth. Only four of twenty six provinces which proved strong influence of financial intermediation on economic growth. Labor condition and average annual wages are not exogenous variables which explain growth due to financial intermediation in Indonesia. At least during 1987-1998."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Teguh Dartanto
"From January 1, 2001, when new autonomy laws were implemented, lndonesia began to move toward decentralization of what had been a highly decentralized. This policy adopts two complimentary laws. Law No.22/1999, which basically the devolution policy, has been accompanied by La No.25/1999, which basically reflect that decentralization policy in Indonesia has adopted the concept of ?money follows function?.
Law No.25/1999 describe the fiscal decentralization process that will create a new intergovernmental transfer scheme between the central government and local government. Some of items in the law were really new ones such as the natural resources revenue sharing, income tax sharing, general allocation fund (OAF) and specifics allocation fund (SAF). The policies oftax and natural resource revenue sharing can result in fiscal imbalance among regions. Tax and natural resources revenue sharing will benefit only to urbanized and natural resources rich regions Because of it, Central Government created General Allocation Funds. This fund has block grant characteristic and will be given to regions by fiscal gap conception. The purpose is to equalize fiscal capacity among regions that in turn also can reduce disparity among them.
The Simultaneous Macro Econometric Model is made for analyzing the fiscal decentralization impact to economic growth and region disparity. The policy simulation in this model used transfer fund from central government such as Tax Revenue Sharing, Natural Resource Revenue Sharing and General Allocation Fund. The simulation is carried out to see the optimality of various possible existing policies. The optimality is measured by evaluating the high rate of economic growth and low disparity."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abdul Hafidz Olii
"Fishing capacity is ability of fishery input (boat) used in output production (catch), it measured by using fishing unit or other fishing gear production. In simple way, fishing capacity is an ability of fishing boat (with all aspects) to capture fish. This ability will depend on the fish stock to be captured (seasonally or yearly) and the ability of the fishing gear itself. The aims of this research are to analyze technical efficiency and capacity of capture fishery in between years, of fishing gear and of purse seine. Research location was in the northern water of Gorontalo. Data was analyzed using data envelopment analysis (DEA). The development of capture fishery in 20 years since 1986 - 2005 of the northern water of Gorontalo showed that 1995, 2003 and 2005 are the most efficient years compared to other years, therefore, these years can be used as a basic of allocating fishing effort and catch. The most efficient fishing gear was purse seine and line, whereas gill net is an inefficient fishing gear. For purse seine, there are 11 boats that have efficiency value of 1. In order to reach efficiency level of each purse seine, it needs to decrease the number of input such as reducing 27.97 percent of boat, reducing the length of fishing duration to 29.49 percent,
reducing the length of fishing trip / tonnage month to 26.87 percent and reducing fishing operation cost to 15.67 percent."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Riandy Laksono
Economic and political systems might have a great share in determining the speed of the economic growth in an economy. Majority of the researchs in the past relied on physical input accumulation in determining economic growth, without taking into account the contribution of institutional characteristics. This research is aimed to test the hypothesis that economic freedom and political system affect the economic growth. Using panel data method (pooled least square approach) in eight ASEAN countries during the period of 1997-2007 and based on a framework of Solow economic growth model, it is showed that the more free and efficient economy leads to faster economic growth, and political democracy can otherwise hinder economic growth. Economy can grow higher if public policies are directed to the creation of: a stable monetary conditions, a more efficient in intermediation of financial markets, appropriate public budget policy, straightforward and efficient regulations, corruption eradication, as well as lower taxes. Nevertheless the index of investment freedom and property rights are far away from the behaviors of existing theories and hypothesis, so further research is needed."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nurhayati Soleha
"Tujuan penelitian ini ialah untuk menganalisis pengaruh implemntasi sistem keuangan daerah dan aktivitas pengendalian terhadap akuntabilitas keuangan. MEtode yang dipergunakan ialah metode survey eksplanatori. MEtode analisis yang digunakan ialah analisis jalur. Hasil yang ada menunjukkan bahwa implementasi sistem keuangan daerah dan aktivitas pengendalian memberikan pengaruh simultan yang positif dan siginifikan yaitu mencapai 55,20% terhadap akuntabilitas keuangan. Hasil kedua menunjukkan bahwa implementasi sistem keuangan daerah memberikan pengaruh yang positif dan signifikan mencapai 20,05% atas akuntabilitas keuangan. Hasil yang ketiga menunjukkan implementasi aktivitas pengendalian memberikan pengaruh yang positif dan signifikan mencapai 35,15% atas akuntabilitas keuangan."
Jakarta: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah, 2014
330 JETIK 13:1 (2014)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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